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Need to lose 50 by Oct 2006 anyone else??

Guest hockeychic

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I have been out of the loop for the last couple weeks. But I have not forgotten about you all.


Last weeks weigh in did not go in the direction I intended --up 1/2 pound. That is two weeks in a row trending in the wrong direction. I am going to stop that trend this week. I will post my weight Thursday.


I'll try to catch up in the next few days.


Welcome everyone.




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Hi, guys -


Thursday weigh-in day. Despite the holidays, I managed to get down to 177 this morning, so it wasn't so bad. I did have a cannoli on Easter, but watched what else I ate. The weather is nice enough that I started walking after work (although the weekend is going to be in the 40's and raining - ugh).


I know what you mean, Lisa, about the Girl Scout cookies. We sent DGD a check and told her we didn't want cookies, but use this as a donation. Alas, I did get suckered in at work and bought four boxes. On Friday, we took a ride to a dear friend's house - she had delivered a litter of kittens for me and we needed to pick them up. She was depressed because her DH had recently had knee surgery and was out of work and his pay had been long delayed - she said they couldn't even afford Easter baskets. So, I found a big basket and filled it with tons of candy, stuffed bunnies AND the GS cookies! They found a good home, I didn't have to eat them and everyone was happy.


Things have been busy at work and at home - we've got 9 kittens now and another mom expecting in two weeks (I breed and show Himalayan Persians as a hobby) - one litter is 5 weeks and just started eating solids - messy but cute.


Welcome to the group, Patty - you'll get a lot of good tips and encouragement from everyone.

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would like to loose poundage! Yes, you heard me right poundage! Going to Bermuda in July and Eastern Caribbean in October. Trying portion control and cutting back on sweets and all the stuff that tastes good. Starting walking a few weeks back, about 1-2 miles a day. My goal would be un-realistic at 50, but trying 10 at a time...Need all the encouragement I can receive.

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would like to loose poundage! Yes, you heard me right poundage! Going to Bermuda in July and Eastern Caribbean in October. Trying portion control and cutting back on sweets and all the stuff that tastes good. Starting walking a few weeks back, about 1-2 miles a day. My goal would be un-realistic at 50, but trying 10 at a time...Need all the encouragement I can receive.


You're off to a good start! Walking is very good - I just started myself after a long miserable winter. I find that writing down everything I eat works really well - shows where you need to improve. Don't think in terms of 50 lbs. - think 5 at a time and celebrate each victory - maybe a new lipstick or something like that! Keep us posted. Oh, and I did that Bermuda cruise last summer - ate what I wanted (including 2 desserts at lunch and dinner) but walked everywhere, including taking the stairs instead of the elevator - didn't gain an ounce!

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Another upward trend +2.5 :(


Going to keep posting because when I am on a road trip and I get lost I do not give up and go home. I keep going. I ask for directions. Or I follow others that are going my way. And when I am not alone I do not panic. I am getting the map back out and following the prescribed route. :)


Thanks for listening

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Hi, Natalie -


OK, just get back on the horse and continue from here. Remember, those newly added pounds don't seem to hang on as tightly as the ones that have been around for several years (don't know why, but it seems to be true). Try keeping a log of what you are eating (yes, yes, it's a pain, but really helpful). It's good not only for the bad weeks to see where you went wrong, but also for the good weeks so you can repeat menus.


Hope to hear those pounds are gone for next weigh-in!



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New weight is 147. I am surprised that it didn't go up. I am now allowed to est sweets and fast food now that Lent is over but I have controlled myself. On Easter morning I had 3 cookeis (that's self control) but my Darling sister (who has to try to keep weight on) made dessert. Creap puff cake. Oh my it is deelish. I was the lucke recipient of the leftover cake as she was traveling back home to St. Louis. I didn't eat all the leftovers but I did have some. I tried to only have 1 piece a day. I also made sure that I didn't overdo it at meal time.

Best wishes for a great week for all!


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Hi everyone, I have never been to a place like this before. You sound like a determined bunch. I need to lose 60 lbs. I was in bed for 6 months with an injury and it just piled on. Now, I can't seem to lose it.


I am retired, and due to a mild disability not able to do much exercise. I also take thyroid medication for a thyroid problem. Aside from these issues I want to lose weight.


I am so ashamed of the way I look I try to hide from everyone. Everytime I get on the scale it seems to always inch upwards! I am in despair and hope I can find some support and tips here.


Don't pay any attention to the pix on the avatar, it was taken before I was hurt.

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Hi Everyone:


Just wanted to check in and report, I had a good weekend and Monday, today was my downfall. But back on track again! Wanted to walk this PM but the rain came. Did 1.8 miles on Sunday in 1 walk, for me thats a milestone.

OK lets everyone keep a stiff upper lip, and keep the body moving...Bye for now..


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Hey Everyone!

Ok I'm going on a cruise on Oct. 28th. I'm at 440 lBS :eek: . My goal is to be able to walk for 2 miles and be down by 50 lbs by then. I'll post every week on monday and let you know the progress. Right now it's hard to walk to the car, so my goal this week is just to get out and walk around the block in the morning and at night after dinner. I still don't know if I'm going to do a calarie type diet or that Atkins diet.


I hope we call all loose the weight together. Of course once I get on the ship and hit the all you can eat pizza and ice cream bar, this may be pointless.




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Hey Everyone!

Ok I'm going on a cruise on Oct. 28th. I'm at 440 lBS :eek: . My goal is to be able to walk for 2 miles and be down by 50 lbs by then. I'll post every week on monday and let you know the progress. Right now it's hard to walk to the car, so my goal this week is just to get out and walk around the block in the morning and at night after dinner. I still don't know if I'm going to do a calarie type diet or that Atkins diet.


I hope we call all loose the weight together. Of course once I get on the ship and hit the all you can eat pizza and ice cream bar, this may be pointless.






Whatever you choose to do to modify your food intake, consider it a Way Of Eating (WOE) change in lifestyle. Obviously you are determined to make a change. You also realize you need to exercise to further your ability to loss weight. Some of us on these boards refer to this as a Way Of Exercise (WOEX). You mentioned diet and I read here on one of these boards that DIET stands for "Did You Exercise Today?" Continue with your new WOE and WOEX, and realize the these need to be for a lifetime not just while you are trying to lose weight. Please join us on the ***Welcome To Cruise Diet Countdown Club***. There are several on there that exchange messages daily, but you do not have to answer all messages. There are also a lot of people who scam the messages and just post how they are doing that day and juse it for motivation. I think I am the only guy who posts regularly over there, but I would think there may be others that read the messages.


Good Grace on your new journey and please do continue to feed us updates.

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David - our cruise is also Oct 28th on the Radiance - are you on that ship too?


I have been reading this thread for awhile, but have not been posting lately as I have gained back some of the weight I lost - I'm an emotional eater and had a few things small things that I decided to get through by eating (I'm learning though) - anyway I am down 10 1/2 pounds from where I started originally and now need to lose the 6 pounds that I gained (had been down 16 1/2) - but will take it one day at a time and little by little I will start losing again.


Thanks to all for keeping this post alive - it really does help. Jan

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I'm the same way, a bad day at work and it's so much easier to stop at BK or order a pizza. Of course my real downfall is Ice Cream! I'm on day three and sick of salad already. But I'm getting used to drinking water. I only had one diet coke yesterday (ussually it's like 8 or nine). I'm drinking water instead. I haven't been able to exercise yet but am going to try and work it in soon. Thanks for all the encouragment, and when you get upset or anything, eat a carrot. That's what they have been telling me for years. Never worked for me but it might for you :)



PS I'm on the Carnival Glory 10/28/06 177 day's left!

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I'm on day three and sick of salad already. But I'm getting used to drinking water. I only had one diet coke yesterday (ussually it's like 8 or nine). I'm drinking water instead. I haven't been able to exercise yet but am going to try and work it in soon.


David - As for the salads, I try to put differeent things in every salad to change the taste. I use romaine, green leaf, red leaf, and boston lettuce sometimes only one of the above sometimes a mixture of two or more. Then I add from the following list: celery, carrots, tomatoes, radishes, broccoli, cauliflower, green onions, peppers (green, red, yellow, orange), cucumber, mushrooms, and other things you get the idea. Sometimes I add cheese (lowfat part skim mozzorella). I also have three different low fat or fat free dressings that I switch back and forth between, all for variety. Having said all that, I really like salads sp I do not have the same problem.


Also CONGRATS on the water intake instead of the diet cokes.

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Is it really that important to drink lots of water. I don't like water. I drink about 6 or 8 diet sodas a day and hot tea in the morning.


I have a very light breakfast about 7am and then an evening meal. What type diets do most of you follow?

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I skip breakfast, Have to take a thyroid pill in the morning can't eat for two hours. So I have a salad for lunch, with ham or some type of meat choped into it. For Dinner just some type of meat, hamburgers (no bread or anything on it) or steak or pork. I'm thinking of breaking my lunch in 1/2 and having it at like 11:00 AM and then the other 1/2 at 2:00 PM. I don't know they say you should eat smaller portions but more offten to keep up your metabolism. But no matter what, I'm going to keep on drinking the water. I'm down 10 LBS allready ( I know water weight) and I'm thinking that it has a lot to do with all the water I'm drinking.


Keep up the good work everyone!


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Is it really that important to drink lots of water. I don't like water. I drink about 6 or 8 diet sodas a day and hot tea in the morning.


I have a very light breakfast about 7am and then an evening meal. What type diets do most of you follow?


I am no expert, but as you can see from my signature, I have lost 70+ pounds over the last almost three years.


Drinking the water helps to flush the system of some of the unneeded extras. 6 or 8 diet drinks sounds like a olt to me, but that is my opinion.


I skip breakfast, Have to take a thyroid pill in the morning can't eat for two hours. So I have a salad for lunch, with ham or some type of meat choped into it. For Dinner just some type of meat, hamburgers (no bread or anything on it) or steak or pork. I'm thinking of breaking my lunch in 1/2 and having it at like 11:00 AM and then the other 1/2 at 2:00 PM. I don't know they say you should eat smaller portions but more offten to keep up your metabolism. But no matter what, I'm going to keep on drinking the water. I'm down 10 LBS allready ( I know water weight) and I'm thinking that it has a lot to do with all the water I'm drinking.


Is there any way to take your meds as soon as you get up. Then eat breakfast two hours later? I eat two hard boiled eggs and a small slice of cheese for breatfast as I drive to work. I start at 7 am and don't want to get out of bed any earlier. I try to have a salad for lunch also, but if I do not prepare it the day before I know I will not prepare it in the morning (see breakfast excuse.) I try to have a morning and afternoon snack. One os usually fresh veggies (celery, broccoli, radishes, turnip) and the other is normally a cheese stick. For dinner I eat a chicken breast or piece of fish, usually grilled, steamed veggies or a salad, fat free pudding or suger free jello, and also a fruit of some sort. I like lots of different fresh fruits and veggies so those are the easy part for me. I put the weight on, not from not knowing what to eat, but from not doing it. Lots of sandwiches most from fast food stops, lots of candies (hard habit to break), and eating way to much at every meal. I very seldom start to feel full. I could eat for a very long time. Bad combination.


I wish the best to all, keep up with the boards they are a great encouragement and if used correctly can offer a bunch of accountability.

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Hi everyone!

I have been a very bad girl. I have gained a few pounds.:( I know I know. Don't beat myself up over it. I have had a very busy couple a weeks lately. I have eaten too many sweets, not enough veggies. etc. (ok now that that's out of my system I can go back to doing things right)

But last night I did go on my 1st bike ride of the season. just under 10miles:) . I got on a rode not knowing how far I was wanting to go. I was amazed when I looked at the odometer I have on my bike and I saw that I rode that far. I was almost sure that I wouldn't be able to walk today, but I didn't have any problems. I wasn't able to ride tonight though since I had a Girl Scout meeting ( I'm the leader so I have to be there)

I do plan on going for a ride tomorrow night and again on Saturday. I'll let you know how it went.

I am going to have better news to post next week. I promise.


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Hi all - OK, last weekend was really bad. Went to MA for a wedding (Fri., Sat. & Sun.) of a dear friend's son. We all stayed in a hotel that had a hot breakfast buffet. Since there was nothing else to do in the morning, we all just hung out and munched - not good! then there was the rehearsal dinner AND the wedding (with chocolate fountain). Add a couple of cosmos and my weight was up 2.5 lbs. by Monday morning (oh, yeah - and my DS and BIL chose this weekend to visit from NC, so as soon as we got home Sunday, they came over and we went to a Portuguese restaurant for dinner, including sangria).


I was so in repentant mode all week - stuck with the lowest calorie selections and managed to drop the 2.5 plus another 0.5 lb. Didn't get a lot of exercise in as work has been really busy but I try to walk around the office as much as possible (rather than use interoffice mail, I just walk and deliver things, etc.). We've also got three litters of kittens at home with another expected any time now, so I've been cleaning a lot more than usual. Will definitely try to get out and walk at lunchtime today.


Dave - you are starting out just great! Don't think about how much you have to lose in total, but rather think in small (10 lb. maybe) sections. Treat each as a victory and maybe buy yourself something (a CD, a book, etc.) After maybe a 20-30 lb. loss, get a new piece of clothing. Since you need to change your eating "style" for a lifetime, I'd suggest the Weight Watchers approach. This is something you can live with pretty much forever, including eating out and cruising. Keep us posted on your progress.

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  • 3 weeks later...

anyone out there???..... Buehler? ... Buehler?


A bad couple of weeks for me. Lots of stress with the end of year events with kids. New vow to avoid all sweets. They are ruining all the good results I've worked so hard for.

Crappy weather recently 50's & rain so no bike riding. Next week looks like it's going to be much nicer outside so I will ride.

Hope everyone is having more success.

Please post for motivational support for all.

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Hi all, found this forum yesterday- having fun so far, and found this discussion topic, and it fits me perfectly!


I would like to lose 40-50 lbs by the time our Cruise comes along. I had lost nearly 70lbs from 2004-2005, and then have gained back around

20. That is frustrating because I was feeling so good, had a lot of new clothes etc. and now they don't fit or feel tight.


But i'm determined, and water is my new best friend. I am a diet coke-aholic, and iv'e really limited myself drinking it. I still have some, but a fraction of what I was drinking.


Good luck to everyone - i'm sure you'll have a great time on your cruises!!

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I'm new here on CC and found this thread while checking things out. I'm in the same boat (no pun intended) as the other folks here. I would love to lose 45 - 55 pounds in the next 10 1/2 months. I know that will take a lot of work and committment on my part.


I wish you all success in your goals. Weight loss is a physical, mental and emotional journey. Good luck, and good health.



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Hi All,

I hope everyone had a great Memorial Weekend. I have been very good:)

On Saturday I walked for 2 miles. On Sunday I rode my bike for 11 miles, and Today I went biking for 12 miles and then I went rollerblading for 2 miles. It really does feel great to exercise again. I like the rush I get when it's done. I also like that I don't feel hungry for a couple hours afterwards.

I hope the weather cooperates this week as I'd like to bike ride every night (time for me to be me and not mommy for a little while)


Post 1 good thing you have done to help reach your goal. It'll do you good.

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Hi All....I've really been working on the water intake....it's not a habit YET but it will be...I bought a big water container and keep it right on the kitchen counter and drink at room temperature...I'm up to about 6 glasses a day and my goal is to double that over the next month....haven't lost any weight yet but there is a difference in my skin..lemon slices really jazz it up when I find the water getting boring...:) cheers Mim

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