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NCL Escape 3/25-4/1 Family Trip Report


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Thank you so much for posting your review. Very informative and great read. We go on the Escape in August with two 17 y.o. They are so excited. Was originally planning to do the ship excursions but now second guessing. I will have to look into things a little more. The boys did Atlantis last year and have begged to do that again, so we will mostly likely do that. I want to zip line but can't get any takers

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Great review! Were going on the breakaway in November but love hearing about how you managed things with the kids, ours will be 5 and 7. Also looking forward to hearing about Nassau as we will be stopping there on our cruise as well and are still up in the air as to what we want to do!

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Day 6 @ sea

Also the day of the "incident" In my earlier posts you may recall I foreshadowed the "incident" and now here we almost are.


Well...I guess after two mornings of getting up before 7 and then going to bed at a relatively decent hour meant that our kids were not going to let us sleep in.


We were up to watch the sunrise, which I have to say was quite beautiful. We got them some breakfast at the buffet and walked around/explored until Splash opened at 9 and then DH and I went for a nice breakfast at Savor-Savor was full so we walked across to Taste which still had some tables. This is my kind of breakfast.


I love lox and cream cheese bagels. I noticed in the buffet they had all the fixings for one of these but no lox. I also ordered corned beef hash which was fresh and delicious! Next time we will do more breakfasts in the restaurant!


After breakfast we went up to Spice H2O. There were chairs available in the center, but I wanted to stare out to the big blue sea. We brought over two upright chairs and that worked out great. Got our pina coladas with rum floaters and ahhhhh....time to relax. Hot tub and view and relaxation-we loved Spice.


11:50 made our way to get the kids for lunch. I wasn't all that hungry because I snacked in the buffet and then had a big breakfast at Taste and I suppose those pina coladas are filling too! The kids wanted to go to the pool/slides so we went to the buffet. I wish there was another complimentary option near the pool. Some people were eating at Margaritaville, but the burgers at the buffet were very good so it seemed like a waste to pay for the same kind of food. It is just that I was getting tired of the buffet mostly because DD5 always picked me to get her food which meant I needed to manage two plates but also because there were too many options and she wanted to see ALL OF THEM before choosing and of course she inevitably went back to the first choice. [emoji849] [emoji38] We could have gone to the restaurant or O'Sheehans but the kids wanted to be in the circus show which meant dropping them back off at 2:00-we wanted to make the most of our pool time SO buffet it was!


We sat in what seemed to be our "usual" spot. We really liked eating out here at this area and we never had trouble finding a table as you can see. This lady was always sitting in this section with her book too! I have to say we did not encounter very many people in her age group-most of the people on the ship seemed to be in their late 20s through 50s. We didn't really see college spring breakers, mostly teens with their families. When we did encounter people in the 60 plus age group we heard comments like "I've never had to book shows before" and I could picture them saying "This is a ship for young people."


Sitting in our usual spot also meant we got to see Estela again so that was sweet. DD5 took her picture with Estela. Boy, I was starting to feel the end of the trip sadness. I really felt like we could use one additional sea day after Nassau to ease the blow. I also wasn't all that excited for Nassau. I love the Eastern Caribbean and would much rather have had another island there with a Sea Day or two on our way to Miami.


After lunch it was time for the water slides. We found one chair near the kiddie pool and put our stuff there. One of DS9's friends from Splash found him and we met his mom and she took them to the tube slide. DD5 loved the yellow slide and went on it again and again. Oh boy, a woman walking by the chairs near the bottom of the yellow slide caught her leg on the edge of a chair and sustained a large gash on her leg-blood was everywhere. Very quickly there were officers with bandages by her side and she was taken for medical attention. Poor lady!


We used the yellow slide a few more times and then when DS's friend left the pool he rejoined us and the four of us headed up to use the tube slide.


Thus begins the story of the "incident." I don't know why-maybe because the emotions from the incident are still raw and so very personal-I can't seem to share the incident in its entirety. I will share only what I think is helpful for people to understand.


We are used to big name water parks with life guards as attendants. It did not occur to me that NCL Escape would follow different standards than your typical water park...


To be continued...



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Why do I get the feeling that the story we're about to hear is a large part of the reason that NCL recently announced life guards on their ships. If it's not the reason for it, it sure sounds like the final nail that created the mandate. Yikes!!

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Why do I get the feeling that the story we're about to hear is a large part of the reason that NCL recently announced life guards on their ships. If it's not the reason for it, it sure sounds like the final nail that created the mandate. Yikes!!



Oh my goodness I had not seen this! This makes me SO happy. We did end up filing a full security report-sharing the details with 3 security officers so it very well could have been the last straw. I just looked up the announcement:




I'll get back to the story soon I promise!



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This tube slide is rather unique in that it has two tubes that go down at the same time, hence the name Aqua Racer. I had done it with my son and it was super fun and was looking forward to going down with DD5. She loves water slides and I was surprised it had taken her until now to ask to ride.


The thing is, although DD5 had been on several much larger water slides in the past, it was her first time on THIS slide, and it had been several months since we had been to a water park and I needed assistance to manage two tubes and help get us both in together at the same time. First of all, the attended paid no attention to us whatsoever, in fact he was sitting in a chair with his BACK to the slide. I called to him and asked for help.


Our daughter was well above the height requirement for the slide (not that he checked) so she should have been able to sit in the tube properly, but for some reason the slide attendant placed our daughter in the tube incorrectly-he turned the tube so the handles were in the back and not the front and sat her on the edge instead of in the center-before I could say anything about her not being safely positioned in the tube and before I was even IN my OWN adjacent tube, he gave her a HUGE SHOVE down the slide. I was speechless. I saw he had a look of horror on his face and he shouted to DD5 "Get in he middle!" and as I jumped in my tube and pushed off she turned the corner and I heard a LOUD THUD followed by crying screams of terror.


I could go into great detail about what happened next as I myself turned the corner and saw her sweet little body out of the tube-this felt like the longest water slide of my life in that moment-but it is just too personal and fraught with emotion to share the details. You will have to use your imagination. All I will say is it was AWFUL to watch.


At the bottom of the slide when she was safely in my arms, I told the other attendant at the base "He put her in the tube the wrong way and she fell out of her tube!" And the attendant replied "I know, I heard" and he tried to cheer her up but she was holding her head in pain and cried "I fell backwards and bumped my head." I was furious at the attendant at the top of the slide, but my immediate concern was my daughter and her head and it was clear the base attendant wasn't going to do anything or call for help. I was in shock we were getting zero assistance for a child who was not only traumatized, but had bumped the back of her head and the attendants acted like nothing had happened.


I had no faith in the waterslide attendants at this point. All I could do was go into full on Mama Bear mode and find ice for my daughter's head. We left the slide and headed towards the Garden Cafe to get ice. I stopped the first person I saw, who was a bus boy in a pink shirt, and I asked if he knew where I could get an ice pack for her head. He didn't seem to know what I was talking about so I pointed to her head and said "ice, bump head" and he had a look of understanding and hustled off into the cafe and came back with ice wrapped in a cloth napkin. We sat on the nearest chair with the ice on her head. DH and DS found us, went to get our things and and we all sat together on somebody's reserved chairs.


She was miserable and shaken at first, but after only a minute or two she was more like herself and then expressed her anger over what happened. I was in full agreement with her anger, but so relieved to hear her talking normally and acting like herself. We felt her head and felt no bump, but kept icing nonetheless. We sat there with the ice for a good 15-20 minutes. Her anger shifted to laughter as her brother did what he could to change her mood and we all started to feel better. I was still surprised nobody approached us during that time to check on her-we were only steps away from the slide stairs.


After icing for about 15-20 minutes it was about 1:45 and DD5 jumped up and started dancing and jumping and said her head didn't hurt anymore and could we please please please leave the pool and go to Splash Academy because she won the hula hoop contest and she wants to be in the circus. I didn't know what a hula hoop contest had to do with a circus, I was just so relieved she was feeling better and acting completely like herself. We both felt her head again and still there was no bump and she and DS starting singing the Circus song from the movie Madagascar 3.


DH and I looked at each other, stepped to the side to discuss and ultimately decided she seemed to be totally fine, so maybe the fall from

the tube wasn't as bad as it had first seemed and we got the kids ready for Splash.


I thought about what JW had said at the meet and greet about making sure to tell someone when something didn't go right. I told the other slide attendant what had happened but that didn't get us anywhere. So we decided to let them know at Splash. For one thing, we wanted someone to keep an eye on her since she had bumped her head, but we also felt like we needed to make it known that the slide attendant hadn't done his job correctly. The Splash Academy staff was excellent. They also could see that DD5 was acting like herself and they said they would keep an eye on her and we were not to worry. They said the circus act would be a good distraction for her. They also said they would share the incident with the appropriate people and see what could be done.


At this point we didn't know we would end up filing a full security report-that comes later in the story...


We had about 45 minutes before the Splash Academy Splashtacular Extravaganza Circus. Our daughter was not hurt, she had completely bounced back, and we decided we should do the same. We headed to our favorite place to chill out-Spice H2O. The chairs along the water were all taken but we had no trouble getting two chairs together in the center area.


DH got us our pina coladas and we sat back and started to breathe again. We talked about our shock over the situation and how grateful we felt towards Splash and the wonderful care they provided for the children. Your kids are in excellent hands with the Splash Academy staff. They are really amazing at what they do.


Spice H2O definitely helped take the edge off-we were still in shock over what had happened, but felt relaxed in no time and even used the nearly empty grotto to cool off. After drying off in the sun we got pina coladas to go and headed to the main theater at about 2:45 to see the big circus act!


Up next: Step right up, step right up, the greatest show on Earth, The Splashtacular Extravaganza!!!




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Our daughter was well above the height requirement for the slide (not that he checked) so she should have been able to sit in the tube properly, but for some reason the slide attendant placed our daughter in the tube incorrectly-he turned the tube so the handles were in the back and not the front and sat her on the edge instead of in the center-before I could say anything about her not being safely positioned in the tube and before I was even IN my OWN adjacent tube, he gave her a HUGE SHOVE down the slide. I was speechless. I saw he had a look of horror on his face and he shouted to DD5 "Get in he middle!" and as I jumped in my tube and pushed off she turned the corner and I heard a LOUD THUD followed by crying screams of terror.


Yikes indeed! I'm an insurance claims adjuster by day, so hearing stories like these are all too familiar. The behavior of the attendant at the top, and the brush off by the attendant at the bottom make me cringe. So sorry you went through the ordeal! Concussions are no joke. Mama Bear took great care of her DD5 :)

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Yikes indeed! I'm an insurance claims adjuster by day, so hearing stories like these are all too familiar. The behavior of the attendant at the top, and the brush off by the attendant at the bottom make me cringe. So sorry you went through the ordeal! Concussions are no joke. Mama Bear took great care of her DD5 :)



Thank you for your thoughtful response! We are close with someone who needed emergency brain surgery after a concussion from falling backwards at a pool so we were extra cautious.



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Day 6 @ Sea-circus



Pina Colada in hand (boy I miss those!) we entered the theater and chose seats in the center a few rows up.


I had no idea what to expect but from beginning to end we never stopped smiling. This show was AHHHH-MAY-ZING! We were in awe of just how organized and professional the show was with the kids all going right along with everything as if they themselves have performed this circus week after week.


The clowns were hysterical, the skilled activities like devils sticks and spinning plates were done so well, and


OH MY the 3-5 year old tigers (full tiger face paint) with their big jumps through the ring of fire were just too adorable! I don't want to ruin the surprise, but I finally understood what a hula hoop contest had to do with the show when it was our daughter's turn on stage-"WOOOOWWWW" said the audience. She was the star tiger! She was so cute up there on stage. I was so happy that she was doing well and having a blast after her bump on the slide.



Then everyone back on stage for a few more acts and the finale. DS9 was cracking us up with some of his antics. Our cheeks were hurting from smiling so much.


The staff at Splash Academy are truly amazing. They told us they would bring the kids back to Splash and we should pick them up at 5:00. They also reminded us that tonight there would be a Family Glow Parry at 8:00. Splash Academy would be open as usual, but they definitely wanted people to attend the Family Glow Party. This was in our plans for tonight and the kids were really excited.


The circus show was over at 4:00 and people were streaming in like mad for the big Bingo game. When we left our seats to go up to to the exit many of the rows were already filling in and the line to get bingo cards went on and on. I mean the way people were packing in you would think they were giving away a free cruise or something-[emoji38] that is because YES, that is exactly what was going on. Free cruise and decent cash prizes. I am pretty sure half the ship was going to play bingo.


Not our thing though-we had 45 minutes before picking up the kids so we decided to check out the forward Sundeck which we hadn't really seen yet. Forward Sundeck looked to be a popular place to hang out. Hot tub was full of teenagers and what looked to be the parents were in the chairs. The bar here was fairly busy, but nothing like the pool bar. We saw the Vibe door and I wondered if JW and Jerome might be over there-"hey guys!" If you didn't know Vibe existed you might never realize it was there-the entrance is very subtle.


DH went to go pick up the kids right at 5 and I went back to the room to shower and get ready for the evening. BUT...oh NOOOOOOO!!!!


Up next...a trip to the medical center related to DD5's bump on her head. [emoji26]





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So amazing to read your report. I am so sorry about your daughter's head. The pools at hotels and cruises scare me to death. People cannot rely on the "lifeguards" it is scary. Thank you so much for writing this. We are going on the Escape on July 8th. We have 7, 10 and 12 all boys. We have been on two Disney cruises and the keep talking about those. I have been worried that they would not like this as much but it sounds like this is going to be an amazing experience for them. I still worry about DS12 not loving Splash but we will see.


You mentioned that the bars gave your kiddos sodas even though you didn't have the beverage plan for them. I think that is how I read it. We are signed up for the UBP but the comp one for cruise not actually paying for it. Did this happen a lot? Just thinking ahead and with our kids on what to do.


Thank you again.

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So amazing to read your report. I am so sorry about your daughter's head. The pools at hotels and cruises scare me to death. People cannot rely on the "lifeguards" it is scary. Thank you so much for writing this. We are going on the Escape on July 8th. We have 7, 10 and 12 all boys. We have been on two Disney cruises and the keep talking about those. I have been worried that they would not like this as much but it sounds like this is going to be an amazing experience for them. I still worry about DS12 not loving Splash but we will see.


You mentioned that the bars gave your kiddos sodas even though you didn't have the beverage plan for them. I think that is how I read it. We are signed up for the UBP but the comp one for cruise not actually paying for it. Did this happen a lot? Just thinking ahead and with our kids on what to do.


Thank you again.



Looks like NCL will have trained lifeguards and a response team on deck at all times this summer-so that is a good thing.


We also had UBP as a perk. We ordered the kids whatever drinks they wanted and never had a charge on our account for drinks. We started off by not ordering for them but they asked us each time what they wanted which was so nice. As kids get older and have some freedom on the ship they would need their own plan I am sure.



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I just realized I left a part out!

I forgot to mention that after the Splashtacular Extravaganza, when we went for our walk to the forward sundeck, we stopped back at the slides and went on the tube slide ourselves! I wanted to see if they switched attendants and also if there had been any changes. I honestly couldn't tell if the slide attendant was the same or different by looks, he was sitting in the chair but at least facing the opening of the slide this time. He then said "Oh, the girl isn't coming? She needs to go again and she won't want to stop and will go again and again." I bit my tongue-it was definitely him-and we went down the slide. We went again and this time the attendant was standing. He clearly recognized us. I do tend to follow the "if you fall off the horse get right back on" philosophy, and in this case I was doing it for ME. I didn't want my last memory of the slide being the one with DD struggling to reach me.


In my own way I also needed to forgive the slide attendant and going on the slide with DH 3 times and seeing the attendant standing softened my heart and I was able to silently forgive.



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Back to where we were. I was getting ready for dinner when DH came back with the kids and DD had just thrown up before he got there. Ugggghhhhh...my baby!!! They knew she had bumped her head earlier so they suggested we might want to take her to the medical facilities on deck 13.


They gave her a clean big kid NCL shirt (they couldn't find the little kid shirts and gave her one the next day which was so sweet of them) and sent the shirt she was wearing to the laundry. My poor sweet girl. When I heard she vomited all the color drained from my face-I knew from experience that this could mean concussion after all. Like I said, we are close to someone whose 4yo child fell a short distance and bumped the back of his head at a pool, seemed Ok but then started vomiting a few hours later and needed emergency brain surgery. Of course all sorts of crazy thoughts entered my mind while at the same time hoping that perhaps her vomiting was entirely coincidence. I mean she did have a pretty exciting day with the slide trauma and then being star of the show. Maybe it was just a result of so much excitement? Or maybe she had picked something up? We had seen the special clean up crew at the elevators and maybe something was going around?


I did what I usually do when I am feeling uncertain about a medical issue-I asked Google. We didn't have an internet plan but I turned off airplane mode and turned on data, saw the ATT @SEA and "zip zip zip zip" something like 50 texts came through as I entered my search terms. Found the site I wanted and quickly turned off data and back on airplane mode and I read the page. Yep-basically it said we should see the doc. Vomiting post head bump could be sign of concussion.


Off to the 13th deck. WOW-it is just right there off the elevators. I think off the forward elevators? I just remember seeing it and thinking oh! I don't know if I would want my room to be so close to that entrance where all the sick people go? You step in and it looks like what you would expect a clinic to look like.


When we arrived they asked what brought us in-we told the woman about the fall and the subsequent vomiting and that we were concerned about concussion. She said we would need to complete an accident report with security. GOOD! I wanted this on record. We knew the slide attendant didn't mean any harm, but there would be a better chance for change if we completed a full report.


All four of us went because DH and I were equally freaked out, but looking back one of us should have taken DS9 for dinner because we waited a FULL HOUR to see the doctor.


We were clearly concerned about DD and I do wish someone there in the medical facility would have suggested escorting DS to Splash Academy or giving us an idea of the wait time, or checking to see if DS needed anything. We had so many scary thoughts of a heli-vac, making a trip to a hospital the next day in Nassau, all of these worst case scenarios swirled around, and it didn't occur to us to ask if we had time to help DS get some food or if there was someone who could help us so he didn't have to wait there. He was a trooper and had one of his Harry Potter books to read, but he was super paranoid about catching something in the waiting area.


While waiting, one guy came in with questions about his $400 bill and said the medications they gave his wife never even worked. Yikes.


I completed the security form, writing with great detail what had happened on the slide. DD saw the nurse to collect vitals and then back to waiting. At some point during our wait 3 security officers came and they read my report and they asked me to tell the story again which I did. They asked some questions about witnesses and if I knew names and then we were called in to see the doctor.


The doctor was wonderful-we felt he did a thorough examination and had some of the best bedside manner we have ever seen in an emergency room doctor. The bottom line was she did not have a concussion. If she had severe head trauma the vomiting would be persistent. We should let her rest but there was nothing to worry about. Oh thank GOD! We were so relieved. Since then I have looked up further information and found that some kids throw up after a head bump and there is no significance and they are unsure why some kids do this and others don't. While it can be a sign of concussion sometimes it just happens.


Security asked me to accompany them to the slides to show them exactly where she fell out of the tube etc. so DH brought DD to the room and DS and I went to the pool and then back to the room.


At this point it was 8:00. DS was starving and wanted to go to the glow party. DD was desperate to join us but we told her she needed to rest. Poor thing.


DS and I headed to the buffet and he chose a huge Nutella and banana crepe. Even though I hadn't eaten dinner either I had lost my appetite. This whole ordeal took a lot out of me, and it was that hour of waiting to see the doctor that really zapped my energy and enthusiasm. We really shouldn't have had DS waiting with us, because he had gone too long without eating and was feeling pretty drained himself, poor kid.


We checked out the Glow Party which was really cute and very well done. We had brought our own glow accessories, which I highly recommend doing because they don't pass much out. There was a funny pie in the face contest on stage. The family glow party is run by the Splash Academy staff and it was very well done. Unfortunately DS9 missed his sister and I think he may have been just as scared as the rest of us in that waiting room. He asked if we could get some more food and go back to the room.


We stopped back at the buffet. I thought it would be nice for DD to have some bananas so I stopped at the ice cream station to ask if there were fresh bananas anywhere nearby. At first she thought I wanted a scoop of banana ice cream-whoops! Then she got the chef and he went into the kitchen and came back with a bunch of bananas-such great service! This made me so happy!


Then I saw Nancy from our CC M&G and I practically flew to her "Nancy!!!!!" It felt so good to share the story of what had happened. The words came tumbling out of my mouth and sweet, kind Nancy was so awesome and such a great listener. I felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders after sharing with her. So thank you Nancy for being there and taking the time to listen and share kind words. I could hug you!


Back at the room DD was back to looking like herself and she loved her banana. We nibbled a bit and then got everyone settled for bed. Boy, this evening did not go as planned at all, but we were so relieved that DD didn't have a concussion or worse.


In the end, we were not charged for the doctor visit. I received a $67 phone bill from AT&T for the @SEA data usage-all I did was look up ONE website and a bazillion texts came through, a total of 8MB. Wow-$67 for that is steep! I called AT&T and explained why I used the data and they gave me a full refund which was really great of them.


All in all I thought the medical facility was very professional-I would have appreciated assistance with DS9 and I am sure if I had asked we would have been given options, but we were so beside ourselves with worry we just couldn't think straight.


Up next: Nassau and Blue Lagoon Island-will DD be fully recovered by morning? The plan was to take things one step at a time!



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Enjoyed your thoughts so much on the Escape. Read the whole thing today. Already to book, but you made a comment about the ages of the cruisers. We are in our 60's and travel with a 40 year old son. I am on a scooter part of the time. Will I feel out of place on this ship?



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Enjoyed your thoughts so much on the Escape. Read the whole thing today. Already to book, but you made a comment about the ages of the cruisers. We are in our 60's and travel with a 40 year old son. I am on a scooter part of the time. Will I feel out of place on this ship?



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Please take my comments on age lightly-I don't think there is any reason for you to feel out of place. We saw people on scooters and plenty of people in their 60s-70s having the TIME of their LIVES. I think the Escape has activities geared towards ALL ages, which is really amazing for one ship. What I was getting at is some people have the same enthusiasm as when they were younger and some people have a changed outlook.



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Enjoyed your thoughts so much on the Escape. Read the whole thing today. Already to book, but you made a comment about the ages of the cruisers. We are in our 60's and travel with a 40 year old son. I am on a scooter part of the time. Will I feel out of place on this ship?



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Kathie13, we were two couples about 70 years old. We were on the same cruise as Cookie. We had a great time. There was so much to keep us busy. We personally didn't hit the pool area much but stayed very busy elsewhere on the ship.


It was great seeing people our age as well as families enjoying the ship.


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