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how strict are they on age in the bars?

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I think I've done quite well as a parent, thank you. My children are also quite capable of independent thought. I won't get into their accomplishments on here, but I will say I am very proud of the men they have become. They are also taught to follow the rules.


No need to get all defensive worrying about what rules I follow and which ones I supposedly don't compared to you. I will say this - I don't have a guilty conscience nor do I need to justify raising my children to respect the rules of the places they are guests in. That's right - guests. Paid or not. It's not our ship, not our rules. So while we are onboard, we follow the rules. Should we deem they are unreasonable, then we will choose not to attend those places. And we have boycotted certain establishments based upon their rules.


I'm not really being any more "defensive" than you were, first as a matter of fact. I'm merely pointing out you cannot be 100% rule following black and white all the time. I don't care who you are or what you do. That Sir is impossible so it is again as I stated my sins are greater than yours type of theory.


This is in no way an attack on you or your children any more than I suppose your comment was to me and mine. Simply a good debate from my angle is all.

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Until Carnival puts in machines that dispense soda the kids have to go to a bar to get a soft drink. I mean you don't see the waiter coming up to the kids very often asking if they want a soft drink.




They didn't order anything. But there are open bars everyone can walk up to. I don't think they should necessarily be coming into the sports bar or the red frog pub for instance.



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Most of the bars are in open areas. They should be fine to sit there and hang out. The comedy club and karaoke activities that are 18+ have never carded or looked at sail & sign cards. I vaguely remember someone scanning sail & sign cards outside of the dance club. Maybe another person can help you with the dance club because it's been a couple of years since I went into one. The only thing that would tell your age is if they actually scan the sail & sign card. I've seen plenty of kids drink underage if the parent buys them the drink and hands it off (that wasn't your intent I'm just giving a reference). In my experience, they are not strict at all because the sail & sign card does not say an age on it unless you scan it. The only thing you should look into is the dance club if you are interested in going to that.


What happened to International waters ... no drinking age?

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Tell you what, I could go along with the Carnival only has so many seats available blah blah if they did some type of requirement in regard to occupancy based on age. They don't, it is all first come, first served. You aren't guaranteed a seat in the comedy show or serenity area even if there weren't anyone under age.




In my experience the late night comedy has less people in anyway. And you know if there isn't a seat, you can stand. I have stood before, meanwhile ppl could have scooted closer together and didn't.


Well they do - it's open to people 18 and over for the adult shows. Meaning even if 2 under aged kids are there, that's 2 adults that can't get in. The only way to make sure everyone that gets a seat is supposed to have a seat is to scan S&S cards at the entrance. Heck they should do it at both the comedy shows and Serenity.


While I do agree that no one is guaranteed a spot, I don't think people of age should be denied because someone that isn't supposed to be there is taking a up a seat. It should be because the venue is filled with the clientele it was intended for. Which brings me to another point. I wish they would put the comedy shows in the main theater like Celebrity. I know many like the small, intimate atmosphere, but it is simply too small for the amount of people that wish to attend. Get rid of the Hasbro crap and bring on the comedians.

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Until Carnival puts in machines that dispense soda the kids have to go to a bar to get a soft drink. I mean you don't see the waiter coming up to the kids very often asking if they want a soft drink.


Luv, there is a difference between walking up to the bar to get a soft drink and leaving as opposed to SITTING AT THE BAR....My opinion, no one under 21 should be at the bar. I get some "bars" have seating areas to eat, that is fine, but right at the bar, no way


Now before anyone starts going off on me, I realize kids in most bars on Carnival (and other ships) is allowed. Again, their ship, there rules and its my pet peeve to carry and these parents aren't breaking the rules. No accusation there. What bothers me is when something is over 21, you still have parents who have the selfish entitled mindset of "well I don't have to follow that rule because I don't want to and it MY vacation"....I don't blame the kid, they are getting approval from the parent to do this and that's all most kids need, their parents approval. I do blame the parent. They are the ones being selfish and entitled because the parent doesn't want to miss the show, or the parent doesn't want to miss out on the good seat in the Serenity area. Unfortunately, that mindset is out there. Some people have no issue inconveniencing others rather than themselves, even if it means breaking the rules

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When they change the wording for the adult comedy show to say 18+ or mature youngsters, then it's OK. Until then it says 18+. Period. End of discussion. Just because it's not a "law" doesn't mean it shouldn't be adhered to.

Some may argue that the 18+ rule is "arbitrary." I get where you are coming from. Both my daughters could have, without a doubt, handled "18+" material in the comedy club well before they were 18. But, until we have some way to fairly and objectively judge whether a young adult is "mature enough" then that's what we are stuck with.


And, as stated, if they say it's the rule, then it's the rule.


Plus, believe it or not, there are people who would take their 12 or 13 year old to the 18+ show, then complain that the material was "too crude." (and probably want on board credit)

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Well they do - it's open to people 18 and over for the adult shows. Meaning even if 2 under aged kids are there, that's 2 adults that can't get in. The only way to make sure everyone that gets a seat is supposed to have a seat is to scan S&S cards at the entrance. Heck they should do it at both the comedy shows and Serenity.


While I do agree that no one is guaranteed a spot, I don't think people of age should be denied because someone that isn't supposed to be there is taking a up a seat. It should be because the venue is filled with the clientele it was intended for. Which brings me to another point. I wish they would put the comedy shows in the main theater like Celebrity. I know many like the small, intimate atmosphere, but it is simply too small for the amount of people that wish to attend. Get rid of the Hasbro crap and bring on the comedians.


I'm with you...but the family friendly and usually one adult show per night conflict with something else in the theater. Maybe they could do that part in the comedy club and the later ones in the main theater...but then on Vista my understanding is the main theater becomes the night club after the shows...so then the night club couldn't open until after the last comedy show.

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I'm not really being any more "defensive" than you were, first as a matter of fact. I'm merely pointing out you cannot be 100% rule following black and white all the time. I don't care who you are or what you do. That Sir is impossible so it is again as I stated my sins are greater than yours type of theory.




This is in no way an attack on you or your children any more than I suppose your comment was to me and mine. Simply a good debate from my angle is all.

I don't see where I was defensive, but if that's the way you took it OK. I just simply stated we follow the rules on the ship. ALL of them. I practice what I preach. Like I said I hold my family to a high standard. Notice I didn't say "higher".


I'm not a Sir, but I'll take that as a compliment. I'm probably one of the most unique women you will ever come across [emoji39].

Edited by firemanbobswife
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I'm with you...but the family friendly and usually one adult show per night conflict with something else in the theater. Maybe they could do that part in the comedy club and the later ones in the main theater...but then on Vista my understanding is the main theater becomes the night club after the shows...so then the night club couldn't open until after the last comedy show.


That would be a good solution. That way everyone can get a chance. To be honest, I rarely go anymore because of the lines. All the way down the hall to the Casino Bar is ridiculous.


Don't get me started on Vista. The stupidest layout of both the Limelight Lounge and Liquid Lounge. Not sure what you could do with that mess.

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When they change the wording for the adult comedy show to say 18+ or mature youngsters, then it's OK. Until then it says 18+. Period. End of discussion. Just because it's not a "law" doesn't mean it shouldn't be adhered to.

Thank You!

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When they change the wording for the adult comedy show to say 18+ or mature youngsters, then it's OK. Until then it says 18+. Period. End of discussion. Just because it's not a "law" doesn't mean it shouldn't be adhered to.


Yes, this.


There is plenty to do on a Carnival cruise for ALL age groups. Leave the 18+ areas to the adults! It doesn't matter how well behaved your youngster is, teaching them that THEY can bend the rules is not good parenting.


If you want to do something "as a family", then do something that is family friendly for all age groups! So very simple.

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It has been my "unfortunate" life experiences, that sometimes adults don't behave like adults and when underage "princes' and princesses" are taken to areas that are supposed to be for the over 18 crowd, it can be quite embarrassing for the "near 18's" and non family members around. Of course Suzie and Sam can "handle" the situation, but why would any parent put them in that situation.



On a side note...we had a national steakhouse restaurant chain here, when it opened we went later on in the evening for a bottle of wine and sit at the bar....low and behold on the chair next to me there was a small child....4 or 5...by themself....I asked the bartender where the parents were, and he just shook his head, there was "nothing" he could do....I called over the manager and told him if children were allowed to take an "adult" seat at the bar, then they didn't need my business...never went back and the place closed up.

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I'm merely pointing out you cannot be 100% rule following black and white all the time. I don't care who you are or what you do. That Sir is impossible...


But why not? I don't understand this statement. The rules aren't that difficult to follow - why couldn't they be followed 100% of the time?

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But why not? I don't understand this statement. The rules aren't that difficult to follow - why couldn't they be followed 100% of the time?


Here it comes....someone going to call you out and ask "duhhhhh, do you follow the speed limit 100% of the time"....I just feel it coming :')....that is the typical response when you call out someone for breaking the rules

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But why not? I don't understand this statement. The rules aren't that difficult to follow - why couldn't they be followed 100% of the time?

And just because one may not be able to follow a rule 100% of the time, it can still be that the RULE is black and white. Difficulty in compliance does not create a gray area.


A young adult either is, or is not, 18 or older. S/he either is, or is not, 21 or older. Either/or. Yes/No. Black/White. On/Off. one/zero. However you want to describe it. (Unless you want to call it gray)


Are the ages of 18 and 21 arbitrary? Heaven's yes! Maybe that's the takeaway. Sometimes rules are arbitrary.

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And just because one may not be able to follow a rule 100% of the time, it can still be that the RULE is black and white. Difficulty in compliance does not create a gray area.


A young adult either is, or is not, 18 or older. S/he either is, or is not, 21 or older. Either/or. Yes/No. Black/White. On/Off. one/zero. However you want to describe it. (Unless you want to call it gray)


Are the ages of 18 and 21 arbitrary? Heaven's yes! Maybe that's the takeaway. Sometimes rules are arbitrary.


Good post....question if I may....if you deem a rule arbitrary, does that give you justification for not following it? (just looking for your opinion)

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Good post....question if I may....if you deem a rule arbitrary, does that give you justification for not following it? (yes, just looking for your opinion)



55 MPH is arbitrary, that doesn't give me the right to speed.


Limit 4 with coupon seems arbitrary, but I have no right to complain to the store manager that I deserve to get more.


"Only one drink at a time" on Cheers is seemingly arbitrary. but I have no room to complaint when the bartender says "one drink only, sir."

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But why not? I don't understand this statement. The rules aren't that difficult to follow - why couldn't they be followed 100% of the time?


You cannot be serious. You have followed all rules all the time? This is laughable at best.


Someone who claims to have never broken a "rule" is more than likely a liar. One thing I can say for certain is at least I'm being honest. Wow...

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And just because one may not be able to follow a rule 100% of the time, it can still be that the RULE is black and white. Difficulty in compliance does not create a gray area.


A young adult either is, or is not, 18 or older. S/he either is, or is not, 21 or older. Either/or. Yes/No. Black/White. On/Off. one/zero. However you want to describe it. (Unless you want to call it gray)


Are the ages of 18 and 21 arbitrary? Heaven's yes! Maybe that's the takeaway. Sometimes rules are arbitrary.


How about this...I post a picture of my daughter at 17, 18, and now 21. You tell me which picture she is old enough to go into the Serenity area. I bet you couldn't. Hints why if Carnival really wanted to ensure only 21 and up they would have a sign and sail scan like when you buy a drink. Or a wristband to identify you can go to the Havana pool. I need not say more, Carnival obviously isn't taking the "rule" too seriously themselves.

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I've never looked at 18+ as a rule for the comedians but like a rating system like at the movies. Those are not rules. Its a rating. Yes, some people perceive it as a rule but its not, its a warning that the subject matter may not be appropriate for someone under the age listed.


The dance clubs and Serenity are different. They do have ages in place to get in. And there's various reasons for that. That being said. Without carding, it can be hard to read at that older age limit. If someone whose 17 or 18 comes in there. Isn't loud. isn't causing a problem. While "breaking" the rules, 10 to 1 no one would know except the people their traveling with. So there's really no harm done. Yes, I know there's limited seating. There is everywhere. I've not actually had the opportunity to sit around the Serenity area or for that matter even the pool other than port days. The ships are crowded. Everyone is on vacation. Everyone wants to sit and relax. What I've usually come across is busy pools with families with children and young teens taking up most of the pools and chairs and enjoying themselves within a certain limited noise level. And Serenity has been full of middle aged or older people very inebriated and being anything but serene. I wouldn't want to bring someone under age there to begin with in MY experience.

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How about this...I post a picture of my daughter at 17, 18, and now 21. You tell me which picture she is old enough to go into the Serenity area. I bet you couldn't. Hints why if Carnival really wanted to ensure only 21 and up they would have a sign and sail scan like when you buy a drink. Or a wristband to identify you can go to the Havana pool. I need not say more, Carnival obviously isn't taking the "rule" too seriously themselves.

LOVE this idea. Certain color wristbands for 18 and up, and another for 21 and up. I hope Carnival does this. Except not make them as easy to get on and off like the Havana ones so they don't get put on eBay. Or maybe require they get turned back in at the end of the cruise or get billed.


Better yet they should go to color coded S&S cards like Celebrity. Minors have Blue and the loyalty tier is printed on the card.


Although when the Ocean Medallion thing comes about, they should be able to weed out the offenders at the door right off the bat. It's going to be great!

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How about this...I post a picture of my daughter at 17, 18, and now 21. You tell me which picture she is old enough to go into the Serenity area. I bet you couldn't. Hints why if Carnival really wanted to ensure only 21 and up they would have a sign and sail scan like when you buy a drink. Or a wristband to identify you can go to the Havana pool. I need not say more, Carnival obviously isn't taking the "rule" too seriously themselves.


So your expectation is Carnival put in stopgaps and checks in essence to lockdown and enforce the rules as opposed to people being mature adults and just following the rules....and if you get away with breaking the rule, its on Carnival for not "catching" you....C'monnnnnnnn, seriously?

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Well, look at the bright side. At least this topic gives us a break from the FTTF and MDR dress code arguments. :o The OP said "thanks" and got the heck out of Dodge at the top of page 2. LOL


There should be a Sticky at the top warning posters of "hot topics". They should have known better LOL. But seriously, I was growing tired of the standard smoking, tips, and dress code arguments. It's been a minute since we had this one. I enjoy a good banter every once in awhile.

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