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Alaska Review: Aug. 26 - Sept 2 ~ NB on Star Princess


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Is It Really Time To Go Home?

We awoke on this, the dreaded ‘going home’ day. Thankfully, bags were ‘ready’ for the flight (weighing in UNDER 50#....) as long as we could keep it straight what things needed to go back into what suitcase this morning. :confused:


After a breakfast of items left from our ample supplies at Denali Lakeview Inn (yes…the card in the room said “Take it all with you…it’s yours”) and coffee provided by Select Inn (We had a full kitchen, toaster, coffee maker, etc…), we got loaded up and headed toward Anchorage – about an hour’s drive away.


Our original plan was to stop at Chugach State Park as it boasts some of the top trailheads in Alaska. I particularly wanted to hike to Thunderbird Falls. However, when we arrived there, it was raining –lightly…but still raining. Typically that wouldn’t have been an issue (You can’t let rain stop you in Alaska…) but today, we wouldn’t have the opportunity to get ‘cleaned up’ before our flight (8:40 pm this evening) so we had to be a little more cognizant of how ‘dirty’ we got. We drove away. :( Sad…someday we’ll return and do that.


We headed on to Anchorage.


Our plans in Anchorage were to walk a little bit of the Tony Knowles Trail….along Cook Inlet. The entire trail is 11 miles…but we were going to access it at various points, walk a bit, then drive to another access point, etc… (again…not wanting to get too sweaty or dirty before our flight) I had researched this very carefully...printed maps not only of the trail, but where the various access points were, where to park, etc…. Implementing all of that, however, proved to be more challenging than I thought. :eek: We spent about an hour trying to find where these places were…and the parking lots that had been so clearly marked by Google…. We got a little frustrated with all the one-way streets that weren’t marked on my map…and kept us driving in circles, knowing where we wanted to be, but unable to ‘get’ there… We finally just gave up.


I will say…looking back (and actually looking back later that evening) we realized that we ‘gave up’ too easily. I think that was partly because our sites were now set on ‘home’…and we were just a little ‘weary’…not tired…but ‘weary’ from 13 days of non-stop traveling…..going..…doing..…rushing….. But yes…I admit we ‘gave up’ too soon…. :o


After an hour of that driving and searching, we just headed back in to town.


Now….I will neither confirm nor deny reports that we might have gone to Costco…not only to fill up with gas at a “Costco” price…but to explore Costco in Alaska. I wouldn’t want anyone to laugh at us… So…this is ‘me’ NOT saying it. :rolleyes: However… If we HAD gone in there (and I’m NOT saying that we did…) we would have found their inventory to be very interesting…in an “Alaska” sort of way…an interesting way to spend 15 minutes. But again….I’m NOT saying we did that…. :D


Then….we spotted a McDonalds and decided to stop in for a Diet Coke and wi-fi. I had some business that typically needs to be done on Tuesdays…and this was Wed. One day late would be fine… but 2-3 days late? Not so much. We ended up staying there for a couple of hours…taking care of business…and drinking our weight in Diet Coke….. Perhaps this was just time we needed to ‘wind down’. Hmmm…..


A little before 5:00, we decided to head on to the airport. Our flight wasn’t until 8:40, but I knew there were some interesting exhibits at ANC that could occupy an hour or so....so going early would be fine.


OK...Yeah...I realize this post is so very "Un-Alaska". I mean seriously...Costco and McD...and two people who can't seem to find their way out of a paper bag? bwahaha! But...I promise...it gets better.....not as good as 'seeing Denali' was.....but there was one more siting that gave us a nice 'ending' to our Alaska vacation....

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After all the struggles we had driving in Anchorage a few days ago…and of course, this morning, you’d think we’d get it ‘down’, right? Between the fact that 5:00 was rush hour and we made some futile attempts to ‘avoid’ congestion by finagling this way and that…and the fact that Google wasn't that reliable…and I didn’t have a AAA Citymap detailing one-way streets…we were in a mess!! Ha!! We’ve never had this problem before…driving all over the country in so many metro areas…. But today….. Whew!!! :eek:


However….the bright spot about it all was that in all our ‘mess’, we FOUND THE TONY KNOWLES TRAIL!!!! :') (Bwahaha) AND BECAUSE we’d allowed so much time, we were able to make some stops. We didn’t hike any of it…but we did pause andenjoy. Then…again, in an attempt to avoid rush hour congestion, somehow drove around to the BACKSIDE of the airport (Oh Good Grief! This was NOT OUR DAY!!!!) …on a road posted with ‘restricted area’ signs. We’ve laughed at ourselves over and over about this…at how much of a fiasco this evening was… the hilarity of it all. With maps and DH's 'sniffing' ability when driving, it NEVER should have been this difficult!! :D


All that being said….as we were getting ready to turn around at the “restricted area” sign, THERE WAS A BULL MOOSE….RIGHT THERE ON THE SIDE OF THE ROAD!!! Not 10 ft. away….


So maybe this ‘fiasco’ wasn’t so bad after all!!!! J

After that, we did FINALLY find our way to the entrance to the airport, (Yeah...after stopping for a THIRD time to top off the gas tank…EEK!!!)


Our flight was a red eye (so many of the departures from ANC to the lower 48 are....) but it was uneventful…DH slept….I did not (never do on red eye flights ugh!) When we arrived at DFW, it was 6 am…but our body clock said it was 3am. We were walking zombies!!!!


The ‘Story of our Flight” is an interesting one…when I purchased that flight several months ago, I selected (clicked) a flight with a 4 hr layover at DFW (To allow for possible delays from ANC). However, in the middle of the purchasing process the flight got changed to a 6½ hr layover (Something I did NOT want after an overnight flight….) By the time we noticed what had happened, the flight was purchased…there was no going back. :eek:


I wasn’t happy…but decided I really had no other choice but to make the best of it. Well….here’s where the story get’s REALLY REALLY interesting.


Remember our family emergency from way back in Ketchikan? Well…we’d stayed in contact with family whenever we could throughout this trip. (I haven’t talked too much about it in this review after those first few days because I didn't think it would be that interesting to those planning THEIR trips to Alaska…) But…we HAD been getting constant updates…knew how recovery was progressing, et al. My sister had flown in and been doing quite a bit of the care taking during this time…and was flying home the same day we were…THROUGH DFW….arriving about 45 min. before we boarded to leave there! Amazing, right? :D


OF COURSE….we made plans to meet up!!! I haven’t seen her in almost a year. (We live FAR from each other.) If THAT wasn’t wonderful enough…the gate she was arriving at was C15…our departing gate was…. C17. DFW is quite large! Had we been at distant gates…or different terminals, seeing each other would have been almost impossible with our departure time!! Had our flight gone through as we had originally chosen…we would have left DFW an hour before she arrived there. What I ‘thought’ was a bad thing…a ‘mess up’ with the website… making our trip home incredibly hard…was actually God ‘working all things for my good’.


It was SOOO good to see her…not only because I hadn’t seen her in almost a year…but because of the emotional roller coaster we’d all been on, it was just nice to see her beautiful face…and hug her!!! :')


Long story short….We got home that afternoon…I threw clothes in the washing machine…repacked and was heading out of town within 24 hrs (I HAD to sleep a little bit…hadn’t slept in 36 hrs.)


As an Update: Recovery is going well…speedy and without complications…I’m actually back home now…only returning every 7-8 days…as others are able to take care of things now….THAT'S how well recovery has gone. J (That’s also why it’s taken me so long to write this review… and post on my blog...J ) Yeah, I'm working on that and will post a link soon...



Now….before I leave this, I’ve put together a 'fun' list of the Best and Worst - actually because a friend asked for it… It’s a ‘thing’ I often do…and is now ‘expected’. Haha!

I thought I’d go ahead and share it here…. just for fun! : )

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Thanks for a great review! Can't wait to hear what your last siting was........



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It was the bull moose on the back side of the airport. ;)

It's not as wonderful as whales....or bears....or Denali...but it DID make us feel a little less stupid for being on the "backside of the airport" in the first place. :D:D (a purpose to the madness???)

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Thank you for sharing your trip with us, and your story regarding your loved one. (God is indeed wonderful. Glad things are going well. So many things you described, I have told my husband - this is not going to be like we have cruised before, we aren't going to....it will be fun seeing your pics when you share your blog.

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I've put a link to my blog in my signature...thought it would be better there than in the thread....

I've only completed to Juneau so far, but am working on Skagway as we speak. There is far less daily commentary there..... What I've written here is FAR more wordy and informative... (or maybe it's just WORDY....;)) but what the blog DOES have (in addition to some photos) is an emphasis on budget (as that's my focus there - frugal travel.....)


I LOVE my photos.....but when I compare them to those from cruises in July, there is a definite 'difference'. We didn't see "Spring" colors... or deep blue "Spring" skies.... Our photos carry the "August/Sept" look.... :D That being said...there were incredible colors in Denali (will post soon) and I got some fantastic sunrises...and a few whales, et al. :hearteyes: (BTW, Can anyone tell me if it's possible to see sunrises in July with the extended days...would LOVE to get an answer on that!)


I think that those things...and what we were able to see warrants a cruise at this time of year...definitely!!!

But I also want to someday go in late-May (Summer is out of the question for us with DH's job...) to get THAT perspective.


So...anyway....link is down below. :) (starting in Sept 2017)

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Best and Worst:


Best Decisions We Made on This Vacation:

  1. Cruising with Princess (their on-board programs and Naturalist MADE our cruise what it was!!!) If I were talking to a ‘family member or friend' I would say GO To ALASKA ON PRINCESS! Now…talking to complete strangers…or mere acquaintances, I’ll be more guarded with my words… OK…to be honest, I have a friend who ONLY sails with RCCL…and I ‘think’ she may actually be offended when I mention any other cruise line…so to her, I’ll probably say “I think RCCL would be Great for Alaska! You should go!!!” but to everyone else….
  2. Buying Alaska Cruise Companion…and reading every word in it haha!!!
  3. Going BACK into Denali Nat’l Park on our way back to Anchorage. It was a totally DIFFERENT park that day!!!
  4. Strangely enough...cruising late Aug/early Sept. That was a gamble as the weather COULD have been awful…but it wasn’t!! That time of year also made it possible for us to see beautiful sunrises/sunsets. I wonder if cruisers in July see those things with the extended daylight hours??? (still hoping someone can answer that question for me cause I’d really like to know…)

Bad Decisions We Made on This Vacation:

  1. Going to Denali Nat’l Park on Labor Day (Now…we cruised when we could….and our dates at Denali NP fell when they fell… I will say though...buying our tickets ahead of time SAVED us!!! Just sayin’)
  2. Not putting on Transderm scop patches IN ANTICIPATION of the Gulf of Alaska. Putting them on AFTER you realize you need them doesn’t work!!!
  3. Not trying harder to find the access points to Tony Knowles Trail in Anchorage.

Best over-all experience: Seeing the grizzly in Denali Nat’l Park. You’d have to understand my ‘history’ to fully grasp why this would take precedence over seeing FULL Denali…but….


2nd place DEFINITELY goes to: Seeing full views of Denali!!!




Best Food: Uhm…..THE OATMEAL COOKIES……….though I don’t know… the crab legs were pretty wonderful…. Nope…It’s the oatmeal cookies!!!


Worst Food: The worst thing I've ever had on a PCL cruise was on our LAST cruise –the Potato Flan in the dining room. I didn't order that this time... I'm a quick learner. ;p Probably the thing we liked least on this cruise was the chocolate chip cookies....but that's surely because of the fierce ‘competition’ in the cookie department. I mean seriously…the poor things didn’t stand a chance up against the oatmeal….




Worst Horizon Court Experience: The lady who took a bite of a cheese ‘stick’…said "I don’t like that” and threw the remainder back in the bowl. Yep…it really happened… When her husband gave her a 'look', she just looked back and him and said "I didn’t like it”.


Voila...her actions were justified... Ugh ugh ugh !!!!




Greatest Joy! Seeing that grizzly


Greatest Frustration: Those who don’t understand proper etiquette and respect when viewing beautiful scenery… on buses…or on their balconies.


My soapbox: Sled Dogs… If running and pulling makes them ‘happy’, then why not?? :confused:




Most Beautiful: Sunrises over the water in the Inside Passage…or Sunsets at Denali Lakeview Inn …or perhaps “Autumn in Denali”.

Honestly Folks...cruising late Aug./early Sept is NOT such a bad idea!!!! :hearteyes:




Favorite Person: Ship Naturalist Sandra Schempp


2nd Favorite Person: Capt Tuvo



Funny Things we overheard on board:

  • On Glacier Bay Day: “It’s cold…I’m not going outside”

  • On Ketchikan Day : “Oh…I didn’t know we were in port today”

  • As we were leaving Ketchikan – the salmon capital of the world: ”There are fish jumping in the water….I wonder what kind of fish they are.”

  • After we got back on board in Ketchikan – with the LONG lines: "I’ve never stood in so many lines in my life. I’m not getting back off the ship in port again.”

Yeah…Ketchikan was a red-letter day for “funny things people say”




My Three Best Pieces of Advice for Someone Going to Alaska


1. Go to at least ONE Naturalist presentation…even if you think you won’t like it. Do yourself the favor of giving it a try. At the very least, that’s where you'll find out when and where the Naturalist will be out on deck – spotting wildlife.


2. If cruising at a time when you CAN see a sunrise, get up for at least one.


3. Take a raincoat (or buy one of the fantastic ones at Ketchikan) and get out in the rain….Don’t let Alaska pass you by (or you sail past it….;)) because of weather. Weather happens everywhere… See Alaska anyway!


4 …and THIS one is ‘free’ since I only promised 3. Try the oatmeal cookies!!


You’re welcome!! ;)

One more thing before I go....


Because of how much I struggled with packing for Aug/Sept (every list I found online or on YouTube addressed packing for a July cruise) I’m going to post a packing list suited specifically to that time of year on my blog. It will be later…like after I get all the other posts written…but I WILL get it on there. Now that we’re home (and no longer NEED to pack huh...) I think I have a pretty good handle on what I'd do next time… ;)



....and that concludes this review...

I'm happy to answer questions -- though I don't for one minute think I know as much as some people on here who have been to Alaska 47 million times...but if you ask, I'll try to answer.

Happy Sailing All !!!

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What a great wrap up! I've checked out the blog already and will keep following. I second the raincoat and would add rain paints also--having proper raingear meant I was comfortable at all times and made a huge difference. I can't believe we missed the oatmeal cookies!


Thanks so much for sharing.

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What a great wrap up! I've checked out the blog already and will keep following. I second the raincoat and would add rain paints also--having proper raingear meant I was comfortable at all times and made a huge difference. I can't believe we missed the oatmeal cookies!


Thanks so much for sharing.


Thank you Beachiekeen


Missing the oatmeal cookies is not so bad....it just means you (and I) need to book another cruise... QUICK!!! :D:D

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Awesome review! Loved reading it! You are so detailed, organized and well spoken! You have taken us all on a wonderful and amazing adventure with your writings.


Thank you!:D


Thank you....I've really enjoyed doing this... :D

Can't wait to go back to Alaska...but it will be a couple of year, I think.... *sigh*

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Totally agree about their oatmeal cookies...whenever they have them I stock up! And my teens know to always grab them for me on their chocolate chip cookie runs. They don't have the oatmeal ones every day, so they are definitely a treat!


Yes...they were 'missing' one day (I think Day 3?? ) and I asked the person at the bakery (yeah...I might have asked more than once...like several times........ok...many times.... ;p) ....requesting them. They were there every day for the rest of the cruise.... I don't know if that's just their normal schedule or if my requests had anything to do with that....... :D :D

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  • 6 months later...
  • 10 months later...

I know it's a little late to reply to your review, but loved it.  What a great way to do it.  'All things Alaska'

We too just got the upsell and have the same cabin.  A couple of questions.  Can you sneak in that door right by your room and go up stairs to deck 12 or do you have to walk down the hall and up the regular stairs to get up to the pool.  And secondly do you have any pics of the balcony?  I went to your blog but couldn't seem to find any.  Did you find the balcony  to be windier than a regular balcony as it would catch the wind coming down the side of the ship?



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  • 2 months later...
On 3/16/2019 at 11:17 AM, Dreamer115 said:

Can you sneak in that door right by your room and go up stairs to deck 12 or do you have to walk down the hall and up the regular stairs to get up to the pool.  And secondly do you have any pics of the balcony?  I went to your blog but couldn't seem to find any.  Did you find the balcony  to be windier than a regular balcony as it would catch the wind coming down the side of the ship?




Sorry it's taken so long to respond....I haven't been on CC for a while as life has been really BUSY !!!!!!   I just saw your post. 🙂

Anyway...to your questions:  If I remember correctly, that door was opened for Muster, but never again... we just went to Deck 12 and out that door.  It really wasn't far. 🙂  

The pics that I took of that balcony aren't as 'telling'.  I DID, get some from someone here...can't remember who, but they're on my other computer.  I don't have access to it right now, but will have it set up in a few days.  I am happy to send them to you if you're willing to give me an email address.  I may also be able to find the person here on CC who sent them to me and give you that name...  I"m just pulling a blank right now on who that was...  

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  • 2 months later...

Thanks for the review! I hope I can write that much (even if it is only for my own journal) after our AK cruise. I took lots of notes even though you were on a different ship going the other direction. 


We are heading "north to Alaska" the first part of September for land first and our first AK cruise on the 7th on the Royal, SB. I hope we have some good days! We also had to go then because of work schedule, but have heard the colors are wonderful. I like your positive attitude and hope I can keep positive on rainy days!


My biggest challenge will be the packing. I ALWAYS over pack for everything! I have always been of the mindset to be prepared for anything. AK cruising is just challenging because of having to take a variety of clothes for different weather conditions. At least we won't be hot! 😉 


Thanks again and I will have to go over to your blog for any more tips!

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