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Willdra's Dramatic Carnival Dream October 15-22 Cruise


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After we accepted our dismal fate, we resolved to enjoy the quiet ship. Of course W, A, and Z wanted to go down to their spot on Ocean Plaza to play trivia, their games, and say lots of words. I took the opportunity to take ship pictures and since I was fresh out of excuses to ditch, I ended up at the gym. This was a really good time to complete both of those activities. The gym was pretty empty and so was the ship. This was perfect!


I took my time snapping pictures of everything that I found interesting. Here are a few of my faves:














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When I made it up to the gym , I jumped on the treadmill and dropped a quick 6.5 in the bucket. I love running in the gym on the ship because you usually get a good view of the port or the ocean while you are exercising. Today I mostly saw rain and random tender boats here and there.





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When my run was over,I took a few more pictures then went back down to 2365. I was feeling really productive for a change so I went down our hall to iron my dinner dress. I was starving as usual afterwards, so I opted for room service, because I was done with extra walking for the day. It had been a minute since I'd experienced the "box of bliss" known as the pan pizza, so I placed my order for it, and I also added an order of buffalo wings. My food came very quickly and right after it was delivered W walked in. Y'all he has a sixth sense when it comes to food. He can smell it from miles away! He helped me eat, then both of us were sleepy. He went to iron his shirt in the launderette, then we both fell asleep. I'm pretty sure I could sleep for 98 days and still wake up sleepy! Real talk, I'd kinda like to try it too!






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I set the alarm so we wouldn't oversleep, which would've taken no effort to do. We had planned to go see Flick before dinner so we needed to leave early. This was seriously cutting into my nap time. Since it was SIL's birthday I did the right thing and planned accordingly. When my alarm went off, I said 4 cuss words, then I got up. W got dressed faster than I did, so he did his usual sitting on the bed sighing loudly while I finished up. I was finally ready just in time for the 7:15 show. When we got there A and Z waved us over to where they were all sitting. We went and sat by them and enjoyed the show. It was really good. Go see it if you have the opportunity. They sing lots of your favorite movie songs very well. After the show we went to dinner. We turned up slightly and ordered Cosmos and the young'uns got Fireball shots when the bar waiter came around.


Me and the girls waiting for the restaurant to open for dinner






A and Z



AC and L






W and I



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Dinner was wonderful tonight. I had Crab Cakes, Grilled Shrimp, and Filet Mignon. I also had Key Lime Mousse for dessert. Don’t get it. Just don’t get it. Trust me. It tastes like the lady who created it worked 15 hours straight, missed her lunch, and didn't have one single cigarette break all day. A series of unfortunate events.



Shrimp Cocktail



Grilled Shrimp



Filet Mignon (I wasn't quick enough for W)



Key Lime Mousse Mistake





When we finished dinner we went out to take group pictures on Deck 5. We decided to wear all white so that we could take a couple of nice family pictures for my mother and father in law. I also really like the way pictures look when everyone coordinates colors. It was fun too. We got lots of compliments all night, and who doesn't love that? I wish they had an Electric White Night like on the Vista, that would've been lit!


The Fam All Fresh And Clean



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After all of the effort that we put into staying clean and not soiling ourselves (that's actually really difficult for W), we were extra ready to get out of those clothes. We retreated to our cabins to change and meet back at Alchemy. We sat in the area on the side of the bar because it's really nice to conversate over there. We listened to another one of BIL's stories for a minute, then gratefully 11 was upon us.


BIL talking everyone to death (please note A and Z's facial expressions)



W and SIL are not amused either



We elected W to go to check on the line at the Comedy Club. He came back saying that it was filling up and we needed to come on and get seats right then. W is a pessimist so everything is always the worst, and the world is always going to end right at that instant, to him. We jump up and run over, but we saw lots of free seats. I just shook my head at him. I think he did this so his brother would stop babbling. On second thought, I love my W! He's so thoughtful.



Much to our happiness, everyone made it in, and we all sat together. In seats. Cold seats. It felt like we were in a freezer. Brrrrrrr! The comedian that night was very funny. Everyone in our group liked him.


At the conclusion of the show, you already know it was sleepy time! I handled my hygiene with lightning speed then placed myself gently between those luxurious blankets and pillows that Carnival so generously supplies. God Bless 'em!



Before I fell asleep I thanked God for that Cosmopolitan that I had at dinner. It was so delicious, I think Jesus himself created it from phoenix feathers and dragon claws. #Iamnotworthy

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Greatly enjoying your review. Love the big hair story. Growing up in the 60's in New Jersey I saw many a big hair woman. We've been on the Dream 3 times and always enjoy her!


LOL I love how she rocked it without a care in the world!! 😉

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GREAT review! What camera do you use? pictures are beautiful! I'm on this same trip in a few weeks, can't wait!


Thanks!! 😊All of these pictures were taken with W’s little Samsung point and shoot, or my iPhone 6plus. In my limited, low budget experience, the trick to really good pictures with any camera has been the editing software that I use. Here is a link to the camera tho, in case you’re interested:



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Go shorty, it's your birthday! Go shorty, it's your birthday! We're gonna party like it's your birthday! In case you haven’t guessed, this was my birthday!


We woke up early since the fam decided that we would rendezvous and rally at 9 am. We were going to Paradise Beach and it is so much better to get there early. I didn't want to waste one minute of my born day. I pulled back the curtains and the sun was brightly shining. I felt that God was giving me my own personal birthday blessing,accompanied by a wink and a nod. I've got His permission to test the limits of my liver. Yay me!!


No matter how early I get up, or what my intentions are, on vacay for some reason, I fall helplessly into island time. No problem mon! Shabba! Meaning, I was chilling like a villain, then suddenly, I was rushing. Again. On queue I got the loud exasperated sigh from W signaling that my time was up, and my well-being may have also slightly been in danger. It was somewhat his fault that I was running late tho, because as usual, he spoiled me rotten with lots of gifts. Alternative facts.



Everyone was accounted for when we made it to breakfast. John Heald sent us a bottle of champagne, a ship on a stick, and another plate of strawberries (that we wouldn't eat and we would have to take to the Lido and drop in the bin after they grew that funky fur). It was an awesome Birthday Bounty, and I totes appreciated it! I brought the bottle of champagne to breakfast, so that we could have mimosas and wake up our livers. We are already starting this Birthday off right!


Champagne and Ship On A Stick






Omelet with extra cheese





Today's food choices were mix and match, a little of this and a lot of that! As we were eating, The Breeze pulled in, and I took some ok pictures of her. It seems like I get the best pictures of the ships that I am not on, even in port. Shady.


Carnival Breeze Pulling Up To Port



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After breakfast we all walked down to the gangway together and debarked. We told BIL and SIL to keep it pushing through the Dufry, because it will all be there when we return.After the speech, we didn't lose anyone in there, which was a huge success!! I would definitely have left the fam in there if they had fallen for the fake news. No patience.


We walked down to the taxi line and as we were walking, it started to rain. I left my umbrella in my bag from Roatan, therefor I was ready for the rain. I owned this day, and a little rain was not going to ruin it. As we were walking, and I was nice and dry, A said I looked like Mary Poppins or Winnie the Pooh, but she couldn't decide which. The truth is, I was good with either one. Mary Poppins' bag game is fierce, and WTP doesn't care what anyone thinks, he's rocking that little crop top, eating honey, and giving no cares about your feelings. #poppinspoohcrew


By the time we made it to the taxi stand, the rain got smart and quit. The taxi line moves fast and pretty soon we were in a nice air conditioned van with seat belts! I'm telling y'all today was my lucky day! Somebody get me a scratch off lottery ticket, I'm feeling fortunate! A few minutes later, in that plush automobile, we were pulling up to Paradise Beach. Since we don’t need a tour, just a bartender, we got seats around the pool and relaxed. W remembered to bring his snorkel mask this time so he was busy adjusting and readjusting that while everyone else sat on the ledge of the pool drinking and talking. A and Z ordered a "zombie killer" which had me intrigued, so I clutched one for myself.


Partaking of Paradise



SIL and I



Uncrowded Pool



W and his brother





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SIL was sleepy from walking those 13 steps from the entrance to the pool, so she went and took a nap in her lounge chair. I drank my drink, then went and took pictures of the beach area. They have these new lounge beds and I wanted to check them out in person. It was just as I thought when I saw the pictures online. Unremarkable. These things are $100/day and unless they come with unlimited food, drink, and $40 back at the end of the day, or the $100 includes 5 more free visits using the loungers on future cruises, it wouldn't be worth it for us. I'm glad that I declined once I saw the beds with my own eyes (don’t know who else’s eyes I would use, but I digress). I also noticed that my $100 would've cost me a trip to the chiropractor and a backache for the rest of the cruise. The lounges were Not recliners, and they looked slightly uncomfortable. #i'llpass


SIL Napping



Lounge Beds



Taco Truck



Open Seats




I took a few more pictures of the beach then went back up to order my shrimp quesadillas. I cannot possibly come to Paradise Beach and not have them. These babies were nice, warm blankets of soft melted cheese and shrimp, surrounded by the best guacamole that I've had at PB. The recipe has improved, if that was even possible. They are on the come up for sure. A and Z got some boring chicken tenders that they said were good. Alrighty then. SIL woke up to eat, which I don’t blame her for. She got chicken quesadillas which she loved as well.


Shrimp Quesadillas Deliciousness



Uninteresting Chicken Tenders



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We started to hear some rumbling in the distance and since the day was slightly overcast, we paid our check just in case Mother Nature was about to start tripping. She does that some time, when it's not even her day. #cheater

We got cleaned up in the bathrooms (which are as hot as fish grease), and walked back up to the front for a taxi. Again the taxi was a nice cool van with seat belts. I felt very safe for a welcome change. God is protecting my life today! W got the aux from the driver so he could play Bob Marley on the way back to the port. We all sang and did our absolute best to "feel alright".


At the pier we split up and did our shopping. I had a list of Cozumel criticals to bring back to my set. We know where everything is, so it didn't take long. After perusing the port, we met up at the ID /Ship Card check. We gave Z the side eye because he didn't have his card out. It was right in his pocket, though so he got it quick without holding anyone up. #save

He almost got kicked out of the fam for that faux pas!


Pier Pictures









Back on the ship we dropped our purchases in the cabin and went up to check our options on Lido. W kept a calendar with a daily plan of what he would eat, and today was Mongolian Wok day. Yes y'all he has graduated from the single alarm to a full calendar with built in alerts. He will not go home with remorse and regret over missed meals. It seems that his calendar is on point too because there was almost no line at Mongolian Wok. He even knows the best days to go! Needless to say, we got our food very quickly. Be careful when you go there because that food holds heat long after you get it, and it is scorching hot. You will burn your tongue and lips if you don't let it cool down. That weird reverse blowing once it's in your mouth doesn't work either. Trust me. I've personally tested this method out for you and it's trash!


My Stir Fry





We ate, then we went up to Serenity, to you know, sleep. I was done after getting up early and lounging by that pool all day. That was hard work. I'mma need a vacay after this vacay to recover.

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It was nice and cool up there and pretty empty. As soon as I laid down in the clamshell, I fell into a deep coma like sleep. It was a wrap! I missed sail away and errything. When I woke up we were out to sea with no land in sight. It was chilly out there by then so we came back to 2365. We still had a little time before dinner and I took the opportunity to catch up on my notes. We had reservations at 8:30 with our party of 8 to celebrate my birthday at the Steakhouse. I was looking forward to it because we hadn't visited the Steakhouse in a few years. W and I got ready and he was elated that I had the extra time. We wouldn't be late. We were actually really early and we were seated at the table right away. Everyone came trickling in after us, and at around 8:45 we were all there. AC and L were the last ones to arrive. #typical


Me Ready For My Birthday Dinner



Pomegranate Martini



A and Z listening to the spiel



AC and L



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The courses were all beautiful, but with each one I got sleepier and sleepier. That is a massive meal! They also brought out a birthday dessert plate for me, along with a complimentary bottle of wine for everyone at the table. I'm sure W told them it was my birthday. He's going to try to get even with me for surprising him on his birthday now. Like that was a bad thing. I'm not scared, bring it on W!!!





Lobster Bisque



We Have The Meats



Creamed Spinach



Me and My Birthday Dessert



Chocolate Sampler




We were not finished until 11, and everyone knows that I couldn't get ready for bed fast enough after all of that food. I practically skipped to bed!



Before I fell asleep, I paused, looked tenderly up to the heavens, and thanked God for Zantac. Jesus be a fence of antacid! #heartburnhater

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W kept a calendar with a daily plan of what he would eat, and today was Mongolian Wok day. Yes y'all he has graduated from the single alarm to a full calendar with built in alerts. He will not go home with remorse and regret over missed meals.

Hell yeah, winning. And that mongolian looked amazing.

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