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open letter to our fellow passengers


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Some people simply can't stand the smell of cigatettes - try looking at it this way.... would you like to stand next to someone that was continually passing gas? Again, however, if you were in a smoking area you were in the right of that situation.:)



Without smoking areas where else would I go to "Cut The Cheese".

You don't smoke and I won't fxxt;)

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I am going on the Dawn next week and although I feel for the original poster's feelings of being ostracized, I am glad that folks aren't looking highly of smoking on this ship.


I quit smoking years ago (twice, actually) and I understand the alienation--helped me to quit the 2nd time for sure! I respect a smoker's need to smoke in designated smoking areas ONLY and I think it is unfair for nonsmokers to complain. But as an ex-smoker, I am fully aware of how smoke disseminates outward...ie,. balconies, hallways,cabins, and even backyards! For those that have posted that say they don't smoke in their own house, where do you smoke? I have lovely neighbors that won't smoke in their house either, but because they think it is OK to smoke outside, I can't keep my windows open, because I will never know when the smoke will drift in. And when I am in my backyard and they decide to light up...well you get the picture.


I do respect smokers, I just wish that there could be some happy median with non-smokers...perhaps like they have in hotels...smoking floors and non smoking floors etc....there have been many a cruise that I have been on that people have no qualms about smoking in the hallways and elevators, not just their cabins.


Just my 2 cents...


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I am an ex-smoker also and like many reformed sinners I am now most adamant against it. Since smoke deadens the sense of smell, I previously didn't realize how awful the smoke smells and how rank it makes your clothes smell and how stale smoke in cabin or room lingers for days.

It took me three tries to quit. However, it was one of the smartest things that I have ever done. For current smokers that think non-smokers are out to get them, consider that in comparison to the amount of money and propaganda that cigarette companies spend in convincing people to smoke, the amount of money spent on advertising against smoking is trivial.

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I'm an ex-smoker and I quit for health reasons-I like breathing.


BUT and I say BUT, I have to agree with the smokers who are being polite and are in designated smoking areas. It really galls me to have the non-smokers be in a non-smoking area and do their phoney coughing and gaging routine.

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but if one is bothered by the cigarette smoke in a smoking lounge, get up and move.


This sounds so easy but many non-smokers seem to find it so difficult to do. Last year on the CP, DH (smoker) and I walked into the casino and sat at the blackjack table. DH began to smoke and a couple across the table gave dirty looks, coughing, hand waving, etc and JUST sat there for another half hour. If you like to gamble and don't like smoke, well you won't be happy anywhere in the casino.

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We returned yesterday from our 10 day dawn princess cruise, and we left this beautifull ship with a heavy heart, due to the treatment we received because we are smokers. We received a good dose of american fanatasism and prejudice.

We followed the rules and smoked in the designated area's as provided by the ships printed instructions, we sprayed our clothes with frebreze, so we would not offend anyone. There were just a few places to smoke as most of the ship was non-smoking.

We found people every time in the smoking sections, that did not smoke and acted offended and agressive toward us, and maybe thought that that dish was for candy and seemed to have a great time, waving the air, and covering their faces,and make nasty comments so we would hear them. And we did, and were hurt by them.

Yet those very same people go ashore in mexico, and gulp the diesel laden air without complaint.

We have seen people at the wine tasting that get stupid drunk on the free wine, load food on their plates like there is no tomorrow, and yet they would have been glad if we jumped over the rail and would have been glad to help us when we smoked outdoors next to the ashtray.

We will check back, because we know that the comments will come. Good or bad. We will however keep smoking and direct our energy toward our fellow humans that need help, like the elderly and homeless.


C.and L Akins and party.


I will say this. First I do not smoke and do not care to be around it BUT if you were in the smoking areas then you were well within your rights to light up. If others were offended by that then that is their problem not yours. You were considerate of the non smokers feelings IMHO. I wouldn't worry about it.:)

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This sounds so easy but many non-smokers seem to find it so difficult to do. Last year on the CP, DH (smoker) and I walked into the casino and sat at the blackjack table. DH began to smoke and a couple across the table gave dirty looks, coughing, hand waving, etc and JUST sat there for another half hour. If you like to gamble and don't like smoke, well you won't be happy anywhere in the casino.


Actually many casinos now have non-smoking sections (at least the land based ones do). Hopefully cruiselines will follow their example.

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I detest smoke but was really surprised to see very few smokers on our cruise on the Sun. Those we saw were in the correct areas. I am looking forward to next year when smoking will be banned in all public areeas in Scotland. I detest eating in a restaurant when people are smoking as can happen now. It is bad enough in a bar. In Europe, especially Spain, it is even worse as so many people seem to smoke and there is no consideration for those who do not.

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Thank you all for your comments, it still seems to me that there is a simple solution to this, non smokers should find out where the smoking area's are as well as the smokers. And respect for one and other should have the highest priority. This was our 17th cruise, and the one i shall long remember as the least favorite one.

c akins

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3 close friends of mine died because of smoking.

I am a non smoker myself.

The open area between The Wheelhouse and the Princess Theater on the Sun Class ships always seems to be a an area were I catch the smoke.Is this supposed to be a smoking area?

Smoking on a balcony that is not private space for your smoke because it does pass to the right or left of you onto your neighbors balcony...that is not good news.

I have nothing against a smoker personally....but I do object to the smoke that escapes into my space.

Gordy,Pat and Muriel my late good friends....Rest in Peace.


The last few years there have been fewer smokers on the cruises I have been on and there have been fewer designated smoking areas. The day is coming when cruise ships will be non-smoking.

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Thank you all for your comments, it still seems to me that there is a simple solution to this, non smokers should find out where the smoking area's are as well as the smokers. And respect for one and other should have the highest priority. This was our 17th cruise, and the one i shall long remember as the least favorite one.

c akins


The simple solution is to make all ships non smoking. There should not be second hand smoke anywhere on ships. Cruise ships will become non smoking. It is only a matter of time.

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This sounds so easy but many non-smokers seem to find it so difficult to do. Last year on the CP, DH (smoker) and I walked into the casino and sat at the blackjack table. DH began to smoke and a couple across the table gave dirty looks, coughing, hand waving, etc and JUST sat there for another half hour. If you like to gamble and don't like smoke, well you won't be happy anywhere in the casino.


Giving smokers a dirty look is a natural reaction when the smart people have given up the drug. It is a dirty habit and it is hard not to reflect what you feel when you see a smoker. Yes, smokers, it is true, when I see you smoking, disgust is going through my mind. There is no way I am going to try and hide it. If you don't like it don't smoke in public.

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I really don't care when, where or if you "fxxt", or if you do it crosswise.


That said,how about if the smoking vs nonsmoking subject is just dropped. The most rabid nonsmokers will never concede that smokers smoking in designated smoking areas are within their rights as long as they are complying the rules set down by the cruiseline, and are not infringing on the nonsmokers rights, provided the fanatical nonsmokers stay out of the designated smoking areas.

And smokers are NOT going to stop smoking just to please you. That is as personal a decision as your religion or your politics. No one should be so pompous as to think they can/should make that choice for another.

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I really don't care when, where or if you "fxxt", or if you do it crosswise.


That said,how about if the smoking vs nonsmoking subject is just dropped. The most rabid nonsmokers will never concede that smokers smoking in designated smoking areas are within their rights as long as they are complying the rules set down by the cruiseline, and are not infringing on the nonsmokers rights, provided the fanatical nonsmokers stay out of the designated smoking areas.

And smokers are NOT going to stop smoking just to please you. That is as personal a decision as your religion or your politics. No one should be so pompous as to think they can/should make that choice for another.


Finally, a post I can agree with. The OP's issue was RESPECT about their right to smoke in designated smoking areas. When they are following the rules, leave them alone and leave your passive agressive actions in your cabin. I'm not a smoker, but I support the right for someone to smoke in designated areas. I have a choice to be in those areas or not.

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The simple solution is to make all ships non smoking. There should not be second hand smoke anywhere on ships. Cruise ships will become non smoking. It is only a matter of time.


Carnival tried this and it failed miserably, some say due to uninteresting ports etc. I believe that they will never make it all non-smoking due to the large percentage of European/Asian cruisers who smoke and the bottom line is that cruise lines are in business to make a profit.


So if smokers stayed in the smoking areas and the non-smokers stayed out of those same areas, there would be no problem.

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Giving smokers a dirty look is a natural reaction when the smart people have given up the drug. It is a dirty habit and it is hard not to reflect what you feel when you see a smoker. Yes, smokers, it is true, when I see you smoking, disgust is going through my mind. There is no way I am going to try and hide it. If you don't like it don't smoke in public.
So are you saying that all smokers are dumb? Are you aware of the meaning "addiction" Lucky for you that you have never started and try to fight the battle to quit.


As far as not smoking in public or cruise ships becoming non-smoking entirely throughout the industry, I would say to keep on wishing because you may be in fantasyland.

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I too have to agree with the OP that they should have the right to smoke in the smoking area.


I am a bowler, and a die-hard non-smoker (2 family members died of lung cancer, and my dad had a heart attack from smoking - his only risk factor). When I get in mini-arguments with smokers blowing smoke in my face at bowling, their only reply is that I should just not go to bowling if I dont want to be around smoke. That is not an answer to me, while you have the right to smoke, I have the right to breathe clean air in a public area. I always fall back on my tried and true argument. ~~I will bring in a bottle of my stinkiest perfume, and every couple minutes start to squirt it directly at you. Note how the smell sinks into all of your clothes, and you hair, your eyes and your throat. Notice how it follows you home, and you have to completly wash everything to get the stink out. Do you think people would ask me/tell me/demand me to stop spraying it??? You bet your life they would! Especially if the perfume caused them physical harm, like smoking and second hand smoke.


I really liked someones post earlier about the "overweight zone" and how they fat could be transferrred! That was a great example too!

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Are you aware of the meaning "addiction" Lucky for you that you have never started and try to fight the battle to quit.


As far as not smoking in public or cruise ships becoming non-smoking entirely throughout the industry, I would say to keep on wishing because you may be in fantasyland.

I did quit, and so have millions... It can be done.


I think what is going to happen is the majority (non-smokers) will keep squeezing out the minority (smokers). It (banning smoking) has happened on airplanes, in the workplace, in restaraunts, in bars, parts of casinos, ... on and on. It started in the US on the west coast, spread east and south. It is now spreading toward Europe and the British Isles.


What I believe is ships will not become non-smoking right off... options as to where smokers can light up will become less. Many places (despite European standards) are off limits already (dining rooms / theaters / halls / etc) Hallway lounges will be the first to go. Then maybe the casinos next. The lounges off by themselves where people do not have to traverse will stay for a while. Then it will be moved to outside only.


Just my personal projection..... (should take 10-15 years) :D

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So are you saying that all smokers are dumb? Are you aware of the meaning "addiction" Lucky for you that you have never started and try to fight the battle to quit.


As far as not smoking in public or cruise ships becoming non-smoking entirely throughout the industry, I would say to keep on wishing because you may be in fantasyland.


Smoking is an addiction but it is one that can be overcome.


I am old enough to remember when there was smoking on airplanes and on trains. I remember thinking myself that it would be a fantasy that they would become non-smoking. Yet today they are non-smoking. And the county I live in, Montgomery County, MD. has banned smoking in all indoor public areas including restaurants and bars. A tipping point has been reached. Smoking has become marginalized. That is why smokers get dirty looks. It is not a fantasy that cruise ships will become non-smoking. It is only a matter of time.

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I'm sorry this happened to you. I am a non-smoker and unfortunately, am very allergic to smoke of any kind. I can't be around smokers or grills or anywhere there is smoke. I must cover my nose and mouth when I am around it, otherwise, I absolutely can't breathe. I'm not doing this to insult you or make you feel bad; I would never intentionally say or do anything to hurt your feelings regarding smoking -- especially if you are in the designated smoking area. I do try to stay away from places where smoking is heavy, but sometimes you can't. I, too, remember as a child everyone smoked everywhere. My parents and all of my grandparents, aunts and uncles smoked. Smoking was permitted on buses, elevators, stores, even in hospital rooms! I don't know how I managed to get through my childhood years breathing all that smoke! I remember working in offices before they made them non-smoking and I could barely breathe all day!


If a person is smoking in a designated non-smoking area, I do politely tell them that it is a non-smoking area. They may not have noticed the sign. I am not rude to belligerant to them about it.


Those people who made comments to you while you were in a designated smoking area are the jerks, not you. They are the inconsiderate and rude ones, not you. Don't let these people ruin your cruise/vacation.

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Those people who made comments to you while you were in a designated smoking area are the jerks, not you. They are the inconsiderate and rude ones, not you. Don't let these people ruin your cruise/vacation.


I doubt the other persons story. The non-smokers might have had a look on their face but I don't believe anyone said anything if the person was really in a designated smoking area. This is not a major problem on cruises. I think the other person is trolling. Smokers are the ones you usually find being rude and inconsiderate, the ones you find smoking in a non-smoking area are legion. Some will light up right in front of a no smoking sign. On Zenith last September on the aft outside deck almost every day at breakfast we had to remind someone nicely that the other side was the smoking side. And more than half of those reminded gave us a negative face when we reminded them. The problem is not non-smokers, it is with smokers.

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I know that smokers are in the right if they are in the designated smoking areas. My problem is that the smoke doesn't stay there. I love to go on my My phoney coughing and gaging routine is not an act. It am sorry it bothers anybody. It bothers me too. I also have the same "routine" where there is some perfumes.

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