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Project Runway?


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As far as how the clothes looked, I thought this was one of the most solid runways in ages. Even the worst looks weren't completely horrible. Why, oh why, didn't Sean have his model reveal the back of his dress?


And, what's with all this hating on turtlenecks?


As far as the challenge went, I felt like only Cristine and Sandhya were on it. I really thought Cristine (my favorite of the lot) would win since Heidi flat out said she didn't give Sanyhya's a good score. Guess Nina's super-strong endorsement trumped Heidi?


Poor Angela. Tim was absolutely right to say it was the wrong venue for her.


Something about Amanda sets my teeth on edge.


Didn't spot any cruise clothes for the future.

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Amanda is not my favorite this season or the other one she was on.


Most of the outfits were not bad but did not look too futuristic. Angela's looked poorly constructed and that detail at the hem looked like a mistake even though she said it was planned.

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Their second-place would have been my first. Totally agreed with the loser.


From the previews it looks like two are going home next week.


100% with you on this ... the second place was lovely (although the designer drives me crazy in his/her on-camera "insights")

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Their second-place would have been my first. Totally agreed with the loser.


From the previews it looks like two are going home next week.


I honestly thought Amanda would be in the bottom. I really hated her look. Actually, the nasty fabric she was "given" was the least objectionable part to me. haha.


Her win convinces me how bored the judges are with this group. Either that, or they've consciously decided to move far away from their usual "interesting but also marketable" position.


Kini's look was very nice. I always love it when a designer does it right and has time to kill. Fade's outfit was really sharp looking, too.

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This season is turning into the "Amanda and Sandhya Show"!


Samantha does not get much air time. In fact, as I type this I cannot even remember what she looks like!


hahaha! I thought I knew who you meant but had to look her up to be sure.


Agree about all.


I looked at Lorenzo and Tom's blog today. I, too, get affirmation from these guys I do not know. Obviously they have excellenet taste, intlligence, and great insights. ;) Maybe they should guest judge?

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Wow ... talk about spoilers. Next Thursday, they will design a dress for Heidi to wear to the Emmy's (the Technical awards) which were last night with pictures all over the place today. So no mystery to the winner .. but of course we can still second guess the judges.


What were they thinking ??



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Wow ... talk about spoilers. Next Thursday, they will design a dress for Heidi to wear to the Emmy's (the Technical awards) which were last night with pictures all over the place today. So no mystery to the winner .. but of course we can still second guess the judges.


What were they thinking ??




That was rather poor planning but at least I like the designer!

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I have been out of town for a couple of weeks so had to catch up on two shows when I got back...


Honestly -- Sandhya's dress the winner for the "future inspired by the past" challenge? We have a plumbing company here in Atlanta (maybe they are elsewhere, too?) called the "Pink Plumber" (their trucks are pink.) I could see this company adopting Sandhya's metallic-embellished dress as their uniform -- the tubing looked like plumbing pipes to me. I really hated it. And there is no way that was made out of "recycled industrial waste" as she claimed...


As for the Red Robin "make a dress out of a suit" challenge -- I, too, much preferred Kini's dress to Amanda's. I just do not that share her hippie esthetic. I do understand the judges reasoning that she made "lemonade" out of her lemon, whereas Kini just made a fabulous dress out of a fabric he loved. But I am totally confused and a bit annoyed by this season's judging so far -- I am astonished at how much success Sandhya is having with her "crafty home-ec project" vibe. Not high fashion (or really fashion at all) to me. I didn't like her separates made out of a suit, either, and I can't understand why, even though she was safe, the judges didn't criticize her for having "too much going on," as they have criticized so many other designers over the years. If she doesn't have "too much going on" in her designs, I don't know who does...


That being said, I did appreciate Sandhya's getting after Hernan when he called her out during the runway show (although I didn't appreciate her hand gesture to him.) But she was absolutely right to tell him, "Don't you ever speak to me that way again," when he was nasty to her. And I guess he won't be nasty to anyone again on this show!


I am waiting for Sean to get himself booted out. He talks big but can't seem to produce. He has lots of self-confidence and every week I have been a total believer in what he says he's going to produce, but I have been sorely disappointed with the final product every time. I was sure someone was going to remark on the "prison-warden chic" style of his futuristic outfit.


I also thought it was interesting that Alexander actually received some sympathy (and apparently saved himself) during the futuristic cahllenge by saying that the horse-blanket dress he produced was not what he had originally intended. I seem to remember so many times when the judges would come down hard on contestants for those kinds of comments, saying things like, "This shows you can't manage your time," or "You have no understanding of fabrics," or some such criticism. And I was particularly surprised that during the judging he never mentioned the "mother wrapping us in afghans" inspiration, which I thought would have tugged at some hearts.


I think Kini and Fade are the ones to watch in this competition... I like Fade's Berlin-street-hip esthetic, though he may struggle producing truly high fashion.


Amanda as a personality is just too pompous for me, but her style seems to please the judges...


My $.02.

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Wow ... talk about spoilers. Next Thursday, they will design a dress for Heidi to wear to the Emmy's (the Technical awards) which were last night with pictures all over the place today. So no mystery to the winner .. but of course we can still second guess the judges.


What were they thinking ??




Didn't watch so can avoid Heidi pics and still be surprised. :D


I never watch the previews for next week, so even if I had seen the outfit I might not have remembered it by Thursday night. Not watching previews has paid off more than once.

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I was watching Entertainment Tonight and they showed Heidi in the dress. They also said Allison Janney was wearing a dress from a PR 9th season contestant. I googled it and found it was Bert Keeter.


I actually remember him. I rather liked him but no one else did as I recall (on the show, that is). I seem to remember he had recently lost his long-time partner? Or something like that.

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I was watching Entertainment Tonight and they showed Heidi in the dress. They also said Allison Janney was wearing a dress from a PR 9th season contestant. I googled it and found it was Bert Keeter.


I googled Heidi's dress - I just looked at the picture and didn't read about who made it. I assumed I knew based on the design - you know what they say about assuming. After watching the designers get their fabric I now know I was wrong in my assumption. :(

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I actually liked almost all of the designs this week but the consruction on some of them was dreadful. I think the winner's dress definitely was more eye catching than the other top picks. I would not have kept the one of the bottom three they did.

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Well, I am just happy that my "big-talk-no-results" Sean has redeemed himself! I was ready for him to be thrown off the show for raising then dashing my hopes every week :mad:. I didn't absolutely love his dress, but I can see why the judges did, and except for it being too bare around the side at the bust line, and for me, too bare in the back, it looks pretty good on Heidi. (What I think is funny is seeing Heidi on Tim Gunn's arm at the awards show! :rolleyes:)


I am very disappointed for Kini that he makes fabulous garments that the judges all love, but hasn't yet been given a win! He is a great tailor, of course (though he has thankfully not been criticized for being "only" a tailor, as some have been in past seasons.) Everyone seems to agree that he is also a great designer -- but I think he is not innovative enough for the judges. I actually get that. What he designs is too "wearable," which, on this show, is not necessarily a good thing. The judges (especially this season) seem to want to reward innovation over practicality or even beauty (IMO), hence the wins by Sandhya and Amanda. But I guess it is "Project Runway," after all, not "Project Bergdorf Goodman" -- except when it is "Project Belk!" :rolleyes: I really hope Kini can stretch himself beyond what he has shown so far -- he certainly has the time!


And I am surprised no one is getting after Amanda for being a one-trick pony (well, I guess Nina was heading in that direction this week...) Yes, Amanda stays "true to her aesthetic," which is valued on this show, but her aesthetic gets boring for me. Really -- that brown (or was it black?) dress for Heidi -- did Amanda really think anyone would wear that to a red carpet event? Or to any event besides an American Indian wedding or a sixties-themed pool party? And her model could barely walk in it because it was so fitted!


What surprised me very much about this weeks's competition is how few designers went short (which Heidi loves) and how few played to her love of a low-cut neckline. Then again, a few tried -- they just failed. And wasn't it interesting -- the three dismal failures were all ones who had gone back to Mood to start over. This showed me that the whole rescue operation Heidi thought up was a waste of time and money.The winning look -- and the two other top looks -- were all done with original fabrics in original designs (right?). I don't think anyone who went back to Mood really improved their designs much. And Sandhya, with all her money, created a pretty basic dress, even if with pretty fabric.

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SeagoingMom, agree with pretty much everything you said. Plus...


Fade belonged in the top 3, not Amanda. His dress was stunning, unique. He's had several nice things. Are they hiding him? Or is Heidi treating him like she did Gordana?


Hated to see Katrine go. Would have rather seen Korinna go. They both lost their way, but Katrine's "future" dress was so exceptional -- one of the best looks of the season -- I would have given her a pass.


Kini shows how much you can get done in the time allowed. After the critique, he pretty much had to remake his dress (get rid of front seams, etc.) and he still had more than enough time.


Also, what's with the shiny satins? They look bad on the red carpet and in photos -- all that reflection highlights flaws in the person and the outfit.


Where Fade's dress on formal night and you would win "best dressed."

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I am very disappointed for Kini that he makes fabulous garments that the judges all love, but hasn't yet been given a win! He is a great tailor, of course (though he has thankfully not been criticized for being "only" a tailor, as some have been in past seasons.) Everyone seems to agree that he is also a great designer -- but I think he is not innovative enough for the judges. I actually get that. What he designs is too "wearable," which, on this show, is not necessarily a good thing. The judges (especially this season) seem to want to reward innovation over practicality or even beauty (IMO), hence the wins by Sandhya and Amanda. But I guess it is "Project Runway," after all, not "Project Bergdorf Goodman" -- except when it is "Project Belk!" :rolleyes: I really hope Kini can stretch himself beyond what he has shown so far -- he certainly has the time!


And I am surprised no one is getting after Amanda for being a one-trick pony (well, I guess Nina was heading in that direction this week...) Yes, Amanda stays "true to her aesthetic," which is valued on this show, but her aesthetic gets boring for me. Really -- that brown (or was it black?) dress for Heidi -- did Amanda really think anyone would wear that to a red carpet event? Or to any event besides an American Indian wedding or a sixties-themed pool party? And her model could barely walk in it because it was so fitted!



I can't believe Kini got shafted twice....the whole idea of clothes being too "wearable" strikes me as bizarre. Like food being too edible LOL


The only explanation I can think of for all the fawning over Amanda is the judges wanting to justify her return. I didn't find her all that memorable in the season she was in and there were other past designers I'd rather have seen come back.

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This was the first dress for Sandhya that I did not consider bizarre. The fabric was beautiful but it did not really stand out as needed at a red carpet event. I thought Fade's was an amazing dress (loved the way it flowed as the model walked) but wonder if the color was not snazzy enough.


I know some of you skip everything but the runway but for those who watch the whole show, did you catch Heidi's comment about the print? I forget which designer was using a print as an accent and Heidi said something to the effect of "be careful with the print, I'm not going on a cruise". Prints are only for cruises?:confused:


Korina's first dress was an amazingly boring one but she really didn't get a much more exciting color for the second one (not even going into the design and the construction). And she stayed because???

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I know some of you skip everything but the runway but for those who watch the whole show, did you catch Heidi's comment about the print? I forget which designer was using a print as an accent and Heidi said something to the effect of "be careful with the print, I'm not going on a cruise". Prints are only for cruises?:confused:


I think it was the type of print, not so much meaning all prints are for cruises. I want to say it was a green and white pattern and palm leaves come to mind for some reason. I didn't find it cruisy but the brief glimpse I got did suggest vacation wear.

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After seeing the way this dress moved and how really well it was made, I was not surprised that this was the winner. I don't think I have ever seen anyone having as much FUN in a dress as Heidi did in this one.. She apparently couldn't resist twirling!


I hated the material that Fade used .. it was too drab a contrast to the black in it..it just didn't have any life too it. I loved the color of Char's dress but you could never see the design because the model never slowed down enough. Even the pictures on the website doesn't show it well.

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SeagoingMom, agree with pretty much everything you said. Plus...


Fade belonged in the top 3, not Amanda. His dress was stunning, unique. He's had several nice things. Are they hiding him? Or is Heidi treating him like she did Gordana?


Hated to see Katrine go. Would have rather seen Korinna go. They both lost their way, but Katrine's "future" dress was so exceptional -- one of the best looks of the season -- I would have given her a pass.


Kini shows how much you can get done in the time allowed. After the critique, he pretty much had to remake his dress (get rid of front seams, etc.) and he still had more than enough time.


Also, what's with the shiny satins? They look bad on the red carpet and in photos -- all that reflection highlights flaws in the person and the outfit.


Where Fade's dress on formal night and you would win "best dressed."

Regarding Fade, I just hope that Heidi is not being standoffish in order not to seem prejudiced toward him because he's German! :eek: But as for this particular challenge, I think Fade was destined not to win because Heidi didn't like his print. She said it was "sad" -- anathema to Heidi. And even though Fade did "wake up" (or was it "sex up?") his dress, it was still made out of that fateful print, which, I, too, found not quite "the thing" for the red carpet, though I really like the style of the dress. Still hoping that Fade's sporty aesthetic won't ultimately sink him.

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This was the first dress for Sandhya that I did not consider bizarre. The fabric was beautiful but it did not really stand out as needed at a red carpet event. I thought Fade's was an amazing dress (loved the way it flowed as the model walked) but wonder if the color was not snazzy enough.


I know some of you skip everything but the runway but for those who watch the whole show, did you catch Heidi's comment about the print? I forget which designer was using a print as an accent and Heidi said something to the effect of "be careful with the print, I'm not going on a cruise". Prints are only for cruises?:confused:


Korina's first dress was an amazingly boring one but she really didn't get a much more exciting color for the second one (not even going into the design and the construction). And she stayed because???

As vjmatty pointed out, I think it was the fact that the print was in turquoises and greens and had a large floral look to it that the "cruise" comment came out -- it really was not something one would expect to see on a red carpet. Most women are not seen wearing patterned fabrics for these occasions at all -- don't know why... something about patterns just seems less formal, I guess...

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