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Feel Guilty about leaving the Family Pet home?


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I hope this info will be of help




Helpful advice from the American Kennel Club

What do you do when you have to leave your dogs at home for an extended period of time? You could ask a friend to watch them or you could board them in a kennel. Many dog owners strongly oppose boarding their pets, but with some research, you can find reputable kennels.

· You must visit the kennels you are considering. If you are not permitted to visit the facilities, do not leave your dogs there. Your visit should be unannounced to prevent the kennel operator from making special preparations for your visit. You want to see the kennel as it really is. Once you are there, tour the entire facility. Look for the following.

· How big are the cages and how many dogs occupy a cage? Find out if they will board only one dog to a cage and ask to see those cages. You may also want to ask if they will allow your dog to have special reminders of home, like a favorite blanket or toy in the cage.

· Check to make sure the kennel has runs so your dogs are not kept in a cage all day long. If you have 2 or more dogs, a kennel with large runs may allow you to board the dogs together. Inspect the runs. If they are outside, there should be shading.

· Ask if there are grooming facilities at the kennel or if the dogs are picked up and taken somewhere else for grooming. If they are picked up dogs could get loose and run away.

· Ask how long the kennel has been in business and how many dogs they board.

· Make sure the premises are will staffed even during off hours.

· Ask about veterinary services.

· Ask for a written confirmation of prices quoted, and ask for the prices of “extras” “like dog walking or special diets.

· The kennel operator should also be interested in your dog.

· Reputable kennels will also require proof of vaccinations to protect all dogs boarding there from disease.

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I think it is funny that this is a subject for topic, I haven't seen one on "who feels guilty leaving the kids behind?" Our friend owns a kennel and some of the things people ask and bring for their animals is so hilarious, such as special diet/snacks goodies feeding times toys pillows blankets playtime baths ect (price is last on list)...she used to own a daycare and she told us that people only wanted to know the bottomline price to care for thier children (all other questions would be afterthoughts) but for animals people will take the time to investigate weather little fido will be happy and have his needs taken care of. Will we feel guilty leaving our 3 pampered spoiled kitties home? No not really, we are leaving our son home to care for them, which does make me feel guilty but fortunately that was his choice. :)

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When I was growing up I had this aunt that we always felt was very eccentric, she bought a VW campstyle vehicle because she would never ever leave her "Precious" at home (left children many times for various lengths). At the time she was the only one I knew that did that but now living where we do everyone takes their dogs with them everywhere, the banks and coffee houses even stock dog biscuits for little fido. Too funny!

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We're very fortunate to have a dogsitter who is a family member. Of course we feel guilty when we leave her, but she's well taken care of. Yes, we do miss our Maddie and she's frequently the topic of discussion while we're away.


All of our land vacations are pet-friendly...problem solved there. ;)

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Wow! When I reluctanly started this thread, I was sure I would catch lots of flack about being such a softie when it comes to concern for my mutt. I am glad to hear that so many people have some of the same concerns and put so much thought and consideration into the well-being of their beloved pets. I enjoyed all the good ideas from everyone here and hope this thread will continue on for all of us that have suffered from "pet seperation anxiety."LOL


Kenelmom...It is great to hear from you, a professional in the field, to give us all advise and guidelines to follow when we leave our pets behind. We have a great country Vet/kennel facility in our area and they are good about inviting us into the kennel area when we drop off or pick up our pet, but I still have a twinge of guilt. We have left Ramsey there on short trips, but never for 17 nights.

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This is a cute thread! We used to kennel or mini Dachschund when he was younger, but he got sick the last time we did it, about 5 years ago. He lost a lot of weight and it took about a month to get well. I don't know if it was a doggie virus or if he was so despondent he made himself sick.


Our nephew is in his 20s now and housesits for us. Now Oscar is fat and happy when we get home, plus our pool is tended, mail brought in, plants watered, etc. We usually pay him $100 for a week, plus all the food, drink, movies (Netflix), swimming, he wants. Works very well for us.

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Last August we left our Maltese with my inlaws for 8 days while we cruised. When we returned she seemed extremely happy to be home for about 30 minutes and then became very spiteful for almost a week. She punished us for leaving her and eventually returned back to her adorable self. I know everyone says that dogs have no concept of time but she certainly doesnt do this when I return from work!


This year we have a 10 day cruise booked with the same babysitting arrangements in place. I sure hope she doesn't decide to punish us even longer...it breaks my heart.

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Put them in a kennel....they will be treated fine. And no, is not ok to take your dog into public area like banks, malls etc...


Drumbum, I don't know why you might think a general statment like yours is true? All kennels don't treat their charges fine, that's why it is so important to check out a kennel. I say this after 40 years in the pet care field. And I see NO reason that a well behaved dog shouldn't be in public areas. Your statement makes me feel that you don't like dogs, I hope that I'm wrong. You have every right to your opinion but I hope others will look into their options for their pets.

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We have two cats that we rescued 7 years ago (Jackson and Jillian - brother and sister)- I feel terrible about leaving them, but I have a neighbor who is a cat lover and comes in daily to feed, water and clean litter daily. I feel they are more comfortable at home and they have each other to snuggle with - I think they would be freaked in a kennel. Of course, I pay my neighbor the going house sitting rate and always bring back a nice souveneir. I'm glad to know there are others who care as much as we do. I have to keep reminding myself that we have given them a good home for several years and the alternative would not have been a good one if we didn't pull them out of that pillowcase and bring them home.



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I don't think I've ever felt particularly guilty about leaving the pets or the kids. We make arrangements for both to be well cared for, and we relax and enjoy our trip. Of course, we've only left the kids for 2 days at a time until now.


Our critters stay at the house and we have a neighbor that feeds/waters/plays with the dogs daily and checks on the cats food and water a few times during the week and sprinkles a few flakes in the fish tank when they come in. The neighbor uses the same vet we do, so things are pretty simple if there is a problem, which there never has been. They know our dogs and our dogs know them, so it works out well.


My cats would asolutely freak to spend the week at a kennel -- they are perfectly fine in the house for the week. I also think my dogs would be quite unhappy at a kennel, especially my 12-year-old lab. Last time we took her to a kennel was 1998 for 2 days and the people said she just yelped and cried the whole time. She likes her yard where everything is "right". And now her mobility is limited and it's hard to transport her. And no amount of scheduled exercise could possibly meet the needs of our brittany - at least running laps around the yard and stalking birds and lizards gives her something to do.


And we just told our 6-year-old that we're going to go and be gone a week. He thinks it's not fair that mommy and daddy are going on a cruise when we've never gone as a family. But he's busy figuring out what he wants to take to Grandma's for the week. And planning our family cruise in the future, which apparently has to be on "Carnival - the fun ships".

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Our two cats usually stay at my mother's (in a house she shares with my sister). Mom has two cats also but there's plenty of love to go around. They get a couple of weeks of overfeeding but are always happy to come home. When we're on shorter trips, a friend comes in and feeds them here at home - we reciprocate when she travels.

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My four spoiled mutts get to stay at home. I have automatic feeders and waterers, and neighbor or family member checks on dogs daily. They have a doggie door so they can go into the back yard any time they want.


I even set up webcams in my house so I can spy on my canine kids using the ship's internet cafe.

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Don't be surprised if your little one comes home with no voice.

When we left our little girl in the kennel for 3 days a few months ago,

we noticed she had no voice. After calling our vet she informed me that this was normal, that there's alot of talking going on there.;)

I'm glad to see i'm not the only one that worries about their pet.

Have a great vacation.

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Just wondering what everyone does with their spoiled dog or cat while they cruise. We will be leaving our very spoiled dog at the kennel this next cruise and feel a bit guilty about him being there for 17 nights. We were just curious what most of you do with your animals while you are cruising.


I don't feel guilty at leaving my baby girl Minnie the cat home while we are away. My son checks on her daily and feeds her. I do worry that one of these days we'll come home to find she passed away while we were gone. She is 15 years old now. She does get a bit vocal when she sees the suitcases coming out, I really believes she knows we are going away.


Her being home waiting for us makes it bearable to come home after a cruise. I really look forward to seeing her...and my son too of course.:D

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Guest CHIEB2812

Ha ha ha, get me started on this, we have a very spoiled dog and a very spoiled cat who are best friends. We feel AWFUL when we have to leave them. Our dog Raja has seperation anxiety and becomes nervous and destructive so she has to go to a kennel unless someone stays home with her. Our cat Boo boo, is 21 pounds and barely fits in the small kennels they provide for our kitty friends. With careful consideration we scoped out a nice kennel on farm land that will put the cat and the dog together for the majority of each day. Its very hard to find a kennel who will do this. They have heated indoor outdoor runs and the cats stay in a heated/airconditioned carpeted room with larger cat kennels. He needs it with his large frame!:p

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Im lucky that my mum & dad see my dog as the granddaughter they will never have and are happy to look after her and spoil when I go on holiday.


I still feel guilty as she cries when the suitcases come out, spends all her time huffing and sighing whilst Im packing. Her new trick last holiday was to jump on the bed several times and put hairs all over everything. Then she cries when you go out the door its heart wrenching.


Most owners come home to a big happy greeting, my dog ignores me, gives me sly looks and make sure she sits and gets a stroke of everyone except me. It takes her almost a week to get back to her normal clingy self, the vet says she has attachment issues :rolleyes:


Mum and Dad say when Im away she sits on people leaning into them and lets out a big sigh, she jumps up at the window everytime a blue car goes past - yeah just make it easier to go on holiday mum and dad thanks!!


My sister is 30 this year and wanted to do a Med Cruise with all the family, we booked it and Kevin (my partner) agreed to look after my dog. When I told mum and dad this they said no that wont do he is not responsible enough and he finishes work too late she has to eat at 5pm, and she cant sit alone for 12 hours a day. A Kennel was just not an option for us so dad cancelled his place on the cruise and is now taking two weeks off work to sit with the dog. I did offer but I have a sneaky feeling he is looking forward to 2weeks at home with no women nagging at him. I doubt he will get much peace though mum and I will probably text, phone, email him throughout the whole 2 weeks to make sure he has remembered to give her her medication and feed her!


If I didnt have such a wonderful family who give up their time for my dog and so I can go away - I wouldnt go on holiday at all - I realise there are good Kennels but I just couldnt leave her there.


Wouldnt it be funny if we could all take our dogs cruising and walk them on the deck like the do in the film Shall We Dance :p



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Until recently, we had a daughter living at home to take care of our spoiled pets (2 dogs & a cat). We've decided against using a perfectly fine boarding facility in the area, because they can't/won't put all 3 together, the cost, & nobody for them to sleep with at night. Getting a house-sitter has been our answer. Knowing the cost of boarding all three, we "pay" accordingly with food, gifts, cash or a combination of things. Like somebody else said, then you get plants watered, etc. with a house-sitter. Good thing our daughter's boyfriend still lives at home & doesn't mind a week away, once in awhile. We live close enough for his college & work, so it's not inconvinient. And he loves his new IPOD, "Payment" for his last week of work! Think he'll do it again?? I bet!~

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Sorry to say(and I hope my spoiled rotten Chihuahua doesn't read this), but when it comes to vacations I don't feel the least bit guilty about leaving her behind. Of course, I make sure she is well cared for, but once I'm gone, I'm gone. I don't think about work, bills, Iraq, the price of gas, the NFL, whether Nick & Jessica split for good, who got voted off the island or even about Christmas(we always cruise in December) and sorry Millie, I really don't think much about you either.


Besides....I'm the one who works like a dog(what a misnomer) all year.

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As I stated before I have been in the pet care field for over 40 years so I can say this with a smile on my face. The best thing about cruising is NO DOGS and NO PHONES !!!! I do laugh when I say this because few think about the kennel business being a 24/7 job so the last thing I want to see on vacation is a dog.

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amapola, It sounds like you need to sit down and have a heart to heart talk with your vet. If this is an old kid, he needs to tell you what he/she is going to have to go thru. Ask your self what is fair to put this dog thru. I have my fingers crossed for you that this is a young dog that's liver will come back to full function.


This dog is the center of our lives. Rest assured we will do the right thing for her. We've had "the talk" with the vet and with each other and are prepared to do, as I said, what is best for her. Thanks for your concern! I appreciate it.

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