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Freedom of the Seas 12/2 Semi Live, Maybe, Sort of, Kind of Trip Report


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1 hour ago, EeyoreRN said:

Loving your report and pics so far! Can't wait for my first pina colada in San Juan!  The Marriott looks gorgeous, what a view.


How is the internet working on the ship?

We got the voom and stream package. Internet has been okay so far. We have experienced some minor interruptions, but nothing major. Most importantly I can get my cruise report done.

Edited by 43mpd902
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6 hours ago, Wrunkles said:

Thanks for the review!  If you make it up by the spa, can you let me know if they have showers you can use?  (without having a class or appointment booked)

There are showers in the restroom area that you can use by the spa and gym.

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Following!! FOTS is on my to-sail list from San Juan, which happens to be my home port! I've already done three Carnival Ships and just this past week one NCL (with the Epic booked from SJ on 2020) so I think a RCCL ship is overdue. Calm seas and happy sailing!!

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Sea Day- Formal Night


Well after a busy yet relaxing embarkment day, Day 2 saw us sailing the beautiful Caribbean Sea with depths over 14,000 feet. While I wish I could say that it was time to sleep in, no way, I can do that when I get back to work. I made it up by 7 and enjoyed a relaxing hour on our balcony writing my update. Then it was off to more adventures.


Headed down to the Promenade alittle after 8 and found it very peaceful. Crowd was light and had no problem getting the DW a Hot Chocolate from the Cafe Espresso. After delivering room service for my DW it was up to Windjammer for breakfast around 9ish. Windjammer was busy, but I took my food back the stateroom so no big deal. The selection of food was fantastic. There was something for everyone waffles, pancakes, eggs, and all sorts of stuff that do not look like breakfast to me. But if you cant find something you like with the selection then you are most likely against breakfast.


After breakfast we go together with my brother and his wife and discussed the game plan.we decided to wonder up to the flowrider to witness some wicked wideouts. While many did well some certainly should have stayed in bed. I know my limits, for now, and like staying in the stands. After some time baking in the sun there it was off to the sun deck to bake some more. Being from Minnesota this was not going to take long. From bright white to bright red in no time. So while the other burnt, I took a stroll around the ship. 



I found the interior of the ship was mostly quiet and most of the people were on deck at the pools. After watching part of the sexiest man in the world competition (which my DW said I did not need to watch as I already owned the title. I think she was being sarcastic), we headed for lunch at Sorrentos. Got there around 130 and the line was pretty long. Took 10 to 15 min to get a few slices. Little disappointed with the coke machine in this area. One did not work and the other had a very limited selection. Oh well.



We went back to the rooms for a little rest before the ladies got ready for formal night. My brother and I went the Schooner bar for the week long Scavenger Hunt but no one showed🤔. Was this the Scavenger Hunt?


So it was off to a cutthroat game of mini golf. I clearly had the advantage. Putt with the ships roll. I hit a hole in one on the first two holes and that was it. He never had a chance. We the scurried back to the stateroom and got ready ourselves.


We had dinner in the MDR for formal night. As has been the case so far, Dennis has been a character. He made animal noise towards my food this evening. And since I ordered the Beef Tenderloin and Duck it was quite comical. Had the Seafood Vol-au-vent for an appetizer, Beef Tenderlion and Duck A l Orange for main course. I did not order dessert as I am still watching my figure. If you like steak and don't try the Tenderloin you will regret it. It was fantastic. This was my first go around with duck. For the first time around, not too bad.20181203_181631.thumb.jpg.e6591f0beb9281549862e4d0af452510.jpg



After supper, we stoped for a few photo ops and then to the Arcadia Theater for Marquee. The production was well performed and entertaining. But by the end, I was ready for bed. So back to the room to turn in early before a big day in Curacao.


Upon arriving at the room, this guy way waiting for us.


Also side note. Hotel in San Juan was great. Still paying for the bug bites days later. Not sure what the deal is but no fun.

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Thx for another great post! 


Are you doing any specialty restaurants this week? 


Dont miss the ice show. Get there early if you go to the first show that is offered. It was packed! We went twice and at the last show of the cruise there were several empty seats. 

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49 minutes ago, SeeingTheWorldBySea said:

Following along as we will be on Freedon Jan 6th. We too are staying at the Marriott Isla Verde. These bug bites you speak of, were they sand fleas? That's concerning as I have 2 sand loving toddlers. 


Search Cactus Juice 6 oz eco spray for sand fleas on eBay. We have used it with great success. 

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19 hours ago, SeeingTheWorldBySea said:

Following along as we will be on Freedon Jan 6th. We too are staying at the Marriott Isla Verde. These bug bites you speak of, were they sand fleas? That's concerning as I have 2 sand loving toddlers. 

You will definately want to spray them down with something or keep them in the pool. I believe they are sand fleas but not sure. But it could make for a long vacation if you dont.

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Curacao- Part 1


I realized today I forgot the Pina Colada count so far. So here it is:


Pina Colada- 12

Mango Daiquiri- 1

Strawberry Daiquiri- 1


Good morning from Curacao! Was such a peaceful morning pulling into port in Curacao this morning. Spent sometime on deck watching the sunrise and the ship pull into port before I headed for some breakfast.


Headed to Windjammer around 730ish. Selection of food was about the same as yesterday. Windammer was not that busy. Seems like lots of late risers on this ship.


Got into port around 730-745 and by 815 or so it was time to get off the ship. The plan for today- Explorer. I had a reservation at Budget rental car for 830. The location was at the Renaissance Hotel right by port. After the many photo ops in front of the Freedom we made our way to the hotel.



Got there on time to find no attendant only another couple waiting to rent a car. While waiting and after speaking with the couple that was there, I realized there was on attendant to do everything. Sign you in, check out the car and get you on the way. So after wasting an hour trying to get our car rented. We were finally off. Only to discover the car was left with less then a quarter of a tank if gas. Yippie!

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Curacao- Part 1


Good morning from Curacao! Was such a peaceful morning pulling into port in Curacao this morning. Spent sometime on deck watching the sunrise and the ship pull into port before I headed for some breakfast.


Headed to Windjammer around 730ish. Selection of food was about the same as yesterday. Windammer was not that busy. Seems like lots of late risers on this ship.


Got into port around 730-745 and by 815 or so it was time to get off the ship. The plan for today- Explorer. I had a reservation at Budget rental car for 830. The location was at the Renaissance Hotel right by port. After the many photo ops in front of the Freedom we made our way to the hotel.


Got there on time to find no attendant only another couple waiting to rent a car. After some discussion with the couple about where the attendant was, I realized that only one attendant was responsible for checking people in, checking the car out, and getting us on our way. After an hour we were finally on our way. 1 hr down of time on the island and had not even got out of the port yet.Then once we got into the car I realized we had less then a quarter tank of gas. YIPPIE!!!!


1st stop after getting the car- Hato Caves.



More to come later. 

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Curacao- Part 2


So after having to deal with super slow service at Budget Rental Car. I would not recommend them if you have limited time on the island. This was the beginning of a whole lot of learning experiences and what were we thinking moments. This was also the beginning of the first disappointing moment with RCCL that we have had, but I will explain that later.


So we headed out on our journey. I had upgraded my cellphone to an international data plan for work. But it also came in handy to have GPS, if I had turned it on. It only took until the Hato Caves for me to realize this. But we made it there no problem. We paid for our tickets $18 for two and were provided a guided tour of the caves. This was definalety worth it. Had about a 45 minute tour of the caves and learned a little on the way. Like the keep components to stalagmites and stalagtights are water, limestone, CO2 and time. If you go there remember this there is a quiz. Had a great time going through the caves and seeing the wildlife around there.


After the caves, it was off to the Northshore and Shete Boka. If you noticed, I never mentioned getting gas. Well that was because I missed the gas station.......twice. So now that GPS worked thanks to turning on the data. I could find a gas station. Problem was...I already was heading to Shete Boka and the closest gas station was behind us. So backwards we go. After a 15 minute detour we found the gas station and low and behold there was an open spot. Woohoo an open spot. Lots of other cars lined up though. So like any smart American driver, I pulled up to the pumps, got out and stood there with a dumb look on my face trying to figure the pump out. So after pushing some random buttons, I realized I needed to prepay. So I dropped a $20 and away I went. So as I pumped the gas, my brother stood by and watched. Apparently my big bro didn't think I was capable of fueling my car without him. So as the pump quickly went past 20 he stops the pump and points out we went over the amount. I start it back up and explain the pump will automatically stop and the pump is in Curacao's currency, the Antillian Guilder. So once the pump stopped. We were set. Go back into the car and got heckled by my DW and sister in law for pulling into the pumps backwards. Apparently there is a right and wrong way to fuel a car. Who knew. So off the Shete Boka. 


Time for supper back later.



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Curacao- Part 3


The journey to Shete Boka was pretty easy. Not a lot of traffic and very few roads. But also not a lot of signs either. Had my brother google speed limits since signs for them were pretty scarce. Then just travel with the flow of the few cars that were there.


Arrived at Shete Boka and up to the entrance gate. It cost $10 to get in person and we purchased the map for a $1. Although that was quite the adventure. So as my brother attempted to speak with the lady about the park. She told him the map cost a coin and held up the coin and asked if he had one. He said no. She said it would be $1 then. He tried to confirm that he could by the coin for $1, but wanted to know where to get the map. After a minute or so, we finally got him to realize he was holding the map and needed to give her a dollar. We paid and were finally in the park.


We visited 3 of the four locations in the park. Words cannot describe the views so here are some photos.




ALso found this sign rather funny:


So after leaving Shete Boka it was off to the beach. The plan was to go to Playa Knip. As we got into the car, my brother and I both realized we had less the 20% battery on our phone and GPS was eating a lot of it. Lesson #2- bring a battery pack or car charger so you don't run out of battery life on your phone. So off we went to find the beach. If I haven't mentioned, the street signs are not very good. So after a few wrong turns, a dying GPS, I started to get lots of laughter and do you know where you are going and stop for directions from the back seat. I assured everyone it was under control. A short time later, there it was Playa Knip or was it. The sign said Playa Kenepa Grandi beach. Well who cares, it was a beach. Beggars cant be chosers.


Spend the next hour or so swimming, relaxing and snorkeling. Realized everything at the beach cost money including the bathroom. But it was worth it. Grabbed a bite to eat from the snack shack there. Had a burger and fries with two waters that the wife and I share for $10. Not bad at all.IMG-20181205-WA0003.thumb.jpg.47aff29752a6e2e44c398aa04b41d0ca.jpgIMG-20181205-WA0002.thumb.jpg.67c57ffc16c0409a04f12a331416c2a9.jpg


After the beach it was off to find the Flamingos. By this time GPS was almost completely nonexistent so I had to use my keen sense of direction to get there and after a few more wrong turns there we were the flamingos. Everybody say Ohhhh Ahhhhh.IMG-20181205-WA0004.thumb.jpg.58609f76c3fb63f5d1ce12edf3f32577.jpg


Then it was time to head back into Otrabanda for some shopping and to return the car by 5 pm. I had already got into the car and everyone else tried to pile in. Not once, not twice, but three times they set the alarm off. To make matters worse the local police were sitting just up the road. After finally getting the alarm to shut off, a local walks by and says "Ahh the sounds of Curacao."



So after everyone loaded back up, we took off for Otrabanda. A few minor navagational errors again and some traffic got us back into Otrabanda before 430. So after dropping the car off at Budget we were off to do some shopping. Thus is where some frustration comes in with RCCL. Prior to the sailing we booked the Mystery Dinner. Rather then putting it on a night or at a time allowed you full opportunity to enjoy the island, it was on this night at 615. We had 1hr and 45 minutes to shop, get ready, and get to the On Air Lounge. While we could have skipped some of the stuff to give our self more, it would have been nice to have the extra 1hr in the port area versus having to rush.


So we walked the port are to Queen Emma's Bridge, saw it open up and Coast Guard ship come through and then headed back to the ship. The area was nicely decorated for Christmas, I just wish we had been able to see the other side of the port.



So after quickly getting back on the ship and cleaning up we made it to the Mystery Dinner. So the dinner started in the On Air Lounge with the introduction of the characters. We were then whisked away for supper at Giovanni's Table. Menu options were limited but did not disappoint. Was worth the money just for the food. Had the Filet and the soup of the day.20181204_190325.thumb.jpg.502349eb3752fe0f1b12548f77126781.jpg20181204_203704.thumb.jpg.a95b6a48cf22aaaa09dcc5f6801b3a03.jpg


So as the evening went on, the characters tried to rationalize what happened to their classmate or should I say our classmate. We listened, took mental notes, and enjoyed the company of the people around us. But by the end of supper, I had an excruciatingly pain headache and just wanted it over. After all it had been 4 hrs by the time it was all said and done. So as the night went on our table asked the waiter who he thought did it. He gave his opinion on the killer, which turned out to be correct. Made some at the table upset when the killer was revealed. For those wondering, I did get it correct so at least I can save some face there. I also told our group why before the revealed it which was also correct. Enough bragging. 


Biggest disappointment with this dinner was it was way to long. It did not need to last 4 hrs and would be nice to be on a different night beside one when were are in port until 8 pm.


Due to the headache, it was straight to bed to prepare for Aruba.


Lessons learned from Curacao

#1- Make sure GPS is working

#2- Drive the correct way through the gas pumps

#3- Don't get lost

#4- Bring an extra battery pack with or charger

#5- Avoid renting from Budget. They operate on island time and live slow.

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Good morning from Aruba. On tap for today the Island Ultimate tour through ABC tours. Booked this ahead of time for around $115 a person. We were met at the pier by a representative from ABC Tours. We some how managed to beat him out of the port area and miss him.


Headed out to ABC tours main office once we connected to start the advanture. I will tell you right now, this tour is not for the faint of heart. It will move you, it will shack you and it with thoroughly entertain you. But you may need a steady dose of Advil and a Chircopractor the next day. This tour was worth every penny and then some. Our guides Andrew, Abraham, and Hugo were great.



We started out heading north towards the lighthouse. We traveled the coast stopping at various sites along the way. First stop was the Ayo Rock formation. Had a great time climbing in and out of the rocks, sliding down then and jumping on them. Well trying to jump on them had a little mishap the first stop. But I got it cleaned up and away we went.


This is the shot from the rock I tango with. Worth it.


Then it was off to the Gold Mill Ruins. Very interesting place. The story behind the ruins was amazing.



After the ruins we stopped at the Baby Natural Bridge for a photo op and then continued up the coast. I should have mentioned we were traveling in an open aired Range Rover over very sketchy ground. Definately needed a 4 wheel off road vehicle.


The tour then took us to the Alto Vista Chapel and the Lighthouse. After that our driver, Abraham, advised what we had experienced was just a warm up. Not sure what that meant, but we were ready to see. 


We headed back to their home base for lunch before heading back out in the trail. Lunch was goo. BBQ chicken, rice, beans, and coleslaw. You could upgrade for an additional price.


Our next stop was the Natural Pool. After the heat and the drive, the Natural Pool hit the spot. Took a dip in the pool and did some rock jumping into the pool before we headed to Baby Beach.


Once at Baby Beach did some snorkeling and had a great time. Plenty of fish to see and things to experience. Spent about an hour or so there before we headed out. Then it was back to the port for some shopping.


The tour lasted over 8 1/2 hours. Was well worth it. Spent sometime shopping around the port before we headed back to the ship. Once back on the boat I headed to our balcony for a view of the sunset.


We ate in the MDR again tonight for Caribbean Night. Food was good, but not quite like it had been. I ordered the crab cakes and New York Strip. 



We then headed to Studio B for the Freedom-ice.com show. Show was decent but I was way to tired to enjoy it. I have realized I am clearly not a young as I used to be.


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14 minutes ago, 43mpd902 said:

Missed the Pina Colada count


Curacao- 15 Pina Coladas, 1 mango and 1 strawberry daiquiri 


Aruba- 18 Pina Coladas, 1 mango and 1 strawberry Daiquiri

Maybe this is where the headache came from...LOL


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On ‎12‎/‎5‎/‎2018 at 5:52 AM, 43mpd902 said:

You will definately want to spray them down with something or keep them in the pool. I believe they are sand fleas but not sure. But it could make for a long vacation if you dont.

Does anyone know if they are more prevalent certain times of year?  Or just there all the time?

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On ‎12‎/‎5‎/‎2018 at 5:52 AM, 43mpd902 said:

You will definately want to spray them down with something or keep them in the pool. I believe they are sand fleas but not sure. But it could make for a long vacation if you dont.

Does anyone know if they are more prevalent certain times of year?  Or just there all the time?

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