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Trip Report: 12-night Holiday Cruise in the Caribbean on the SILHOUETTE (2018)


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Day 11 – Sea Day (cont.)


The pool deck was very busy that day.  The weather was gorgeous so everyone wanted to take advantage of the sun and warmth before we had to deal with the polar vortex back home for the rest of the winter. 



Our middle child, who was with her friends for most of the day, was much more active than we were.  (Then again, a piece of lint would have been much more active than we were.)  She was in the pool for a good amount of the day, and even participated in the teens’ water volleyball game.



Well, I guess we were awake for lunch, which we got from the Mast Grill.  Since our first sea day, we had fallen in love with the burgers from there, and we all fell in lust with the French fries.  They were insanely delicious and we all highly recommend.  You can see that a burger and fries weren't enough for us; we had to get a whole plate of fries separately as well.  #carbsoverload




The little one actually ventured into the pool quite a few times that day.  She absolutely loves the water!  She probably ended up meeting more little friends by just hanging out in the pool, than she did at the Fun Factory (aka, child labor camp).  



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Day 11 – Sea Day (cont.)


By around 4.30 pm or so, we got off our lazy butts and went back to the cabins to get ready for the last evening chic night, and for the New Year’s Eve festivities. 



We had a 6.30 pm appointment that night at the photo studio on Deck 15 for a sitting, but the photographer was running late, so the kids found other things to do before we headed to the 7 pm show.  We would go back for our sitting after dinner later that night.



Dh, meanwhile, took the time to take some photos from Deck 15 of the sunset.



We then went to see that night’s production show, “Life.”  Can I just say right here that we all thought it was pretty horrible.  The choreography was questionable at times, and some of the dancers and singers really should not be performing anywhere but in their own bedrooms.  But, again, a few of the entertainers really stood out with their wonderful talent, and Sue was fun and lively as usual; she is probably the ship’s best entertainer and a real asset for Celebrity.  Especially when she has such good taste in shoes.  After all, she came up to me after the show and raved about my heels.  Ah, great minds …



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Day 11 – Sea Day (cont.)


After the show was finished, we slowly walked over to the MDR for dinner, stopping to take some pictures along the way.  There were quite a few folks dressed up to the nines – with one woman in some huge dress with a long train – but I was surprised at how many people WEREN’T dressed up.  Not even a smidgen.  For instance, in the middle of dinner, a loud and boisterous group entered well after seating time, with the men and teenage boys in t-shirts and jeans and hoodies.  I was surprised they were allowed into the MDR, and was a bit disappointed with that.  I mean, aren’t rules meant to be followed?  Anyway, that certainly didn’t take away from our enjoyment of our evening, but it was just surprising to see.


Anyway, here’s proof that, at least, we tried our best to fit in with the night’s theme …



Dinner that night featured lobster, which I think we all got.  The lobsters were pretty small, IMO, but they were fresh and yummy.  We got just one each – although we saw other tables were able to order more than one lobster per person – but that was OK with us.  If we really had wanted to be pampered with fine dining, we would have gone to a specialty restaurant so this was fine by us.  Besides, Joseph brought out plates of the other entrees on the menu for us to all share, so that was a nice sit-down buffet option for us, haha.



After dinner, we went back up to Deck 15 to the photo studio for our sitting.  The photographer was super nice and very energetic; he totally reminded me of that crazy squirrel Scratch from those Ice Age movies.  Anyway, he took @ 50 pictures with the whole family together in different poses, then a bunch with just the girls, and then some with just dh and me.  The whole thing took about 20 minutes, so it was not too bad.  Honestly, I thought the sitting was part of the photo package that we had bought but I was wrong.  When we went back the next day to see the proofs and he gave us the pricing options, dh about fell out of his chair or wanted to punch the guy in the face.  Of course, we still ended up getting a few proofs (because I am an idiot that way and they can smell idiots coming from a mile away), but mostly because we knew we had plenty of OBC left over to use for the purchase.  Otherwise, I’m not sure we would have bought any. 


After our paparazzi photo shoot, we went back to the room so I could change out of my heels into flip-flops (#screwfashion).  Dh, being the nutso that he is, had already started packing earlier that day, as you can see ...



We also grabbed our free, cheap bottle of champagne that had been left in our room since the first day.   



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Day 11 – Sea Day (cont.)


We got to the pool deck a little after 11 pm.  The place was already pretty packed, but we were able to find a good spot by one of the pools, right behind the 2018 ice blocks. 



We actually had gotten there early enough to see they wheel out the blocks of ice and set them up on the tables, with one number almost falling over because the table wasn’t strong enough.  You’d think they would have tested this out beforehand, but – perhaps similar to the tender operation – this was the first time they were trying this out.  And, yes, that is indeed sarcasm you hear dripping from my snarky words.


They started carting out the numbers at around 11.15 pm.




At 11.35 pm, they were still struggling to make sure the blocks of ice all stayed upright and didn't topple over.  Secretly, I was hoping one would just fall over.  I mean, really, how funny (and memorable) would that have been?



Finally, at almost 11.50 pm, they were satisfied with their work and we were all ready for the countdown!  BTW, in front of the ice blocks was the real party - a band was playing, and Sue and Kate (CLA director) and other ship personnel were all up on the upper deck.  Our middle child was there with her friends, but the group of kids all scattered to find their respective families with plenty of time to spare before midnight.


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Day 11 – Sea Day (cont.)


At midnight, champagne bottles were popped open and the number "8" was thrown into the pool and the number "9" was hoisted up to take its place.  Again, more "behind the scenes" pictures ...



A few kids jumped into the pool as well at midnight, as you can see. 



We left around 12.30 am because the little one was exhausted.  As we were walking out, we were finally able to get a picture of the "2019" ice blocks the correct way.



We got to the room and the little one crashed right away, she was so tired.  The middle child went back out with her friends for another hour or so (#screwcurfew) and dh, the oldest and I went to the casino to check things out . I ended up getting this on the penny slots, playing with just $10, so thought it was a nice way to start 2019. 



We went back to the room around 1.30 am or so and went straight to bed.  Here's to a fantastic 2019 to everyone and - funnily enough - today is Chinese New Year's Eve, so hoping all have a healthy and prosperous Year of the Pig as well!


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Day 12 – Last Day / Sea Day


Well, it’s our last full day on the ship.  Yes, very bittersweet but we are also ready to go home.  For some reason, I can’t find today’s copy of the Celebrity Today, so sorry about not being able to provide any pictures of that for you today.  But we did get yet one more view of the sun rising over the ocean ...



The time was set back one hour overnight and, when we woke up, we thought the time on our cell phones would have automatically reset.  But, no, they had not, and would not do so until much later in the day actually.  We didn’t find that out until later, though, so we were one hour early for everything that morning, from breakfast to scoping out loungers for the day.  Guess that worked in our favor, since it was not crowded at all at the Oceanview Café at 7 am. 




Dh's last breakfast (with a view) in the Oceanview Cafe for this trip ...



Because our cell phones had not reset, we thought it was 8 am when we got to the buffet for breakfast and 9 am when we went to grab loungers for the day.  They were just setting out chairs and loungers when we wandered out to the pool deck, and I was thinking that everyone must have stayed up late to party because even the employees were a bit late in getting things started.  No, it was just us, being idiots.   


This was the spot we camped out at for pretty much the entire day, from 8 am (not 9 am) to about 5.30 pm.  See how the ship's clock in the background shows a time of 8.10 am.  We were obviously too blind / stupid / still drunk / all of the above to have noticed that.



These loungers were super comfy and the view was so peaceful and relaxing, and we were far enough away from the “stage” area on the pool deck so that we didn’t go deaf from all the loud music blaring from there throughout the day.  We were just a skip, hop and jump away from the Mast Grill, which was right above us, so we could easily go and grab some delicious fries anytime we wanted – which was often.


Not much really to report about today. We literally just lounged around, napped and ate the entire day.  Dh did do some packing in the morning (he’s kind of OCD like that), and he and I also went to the photo studio to check out our proofs from our sitting last night.  The photos turned out incredibly well, but like I mentioned earlier, the pricing was out of this world (and not in a good way).  If we wanted all @ 50 shots on USB, it would have been @ $2500.  Yes – two thousand, five hundred US dollars.  We decided to get five digital prints on USB for $550, and the photographer threw in one extra pose for free, since we had to reschedule both the sitting and the appointment to review the proofs.  We ended up using most of our remaining OBC, so it worked out well for us, although dh was quite shell-shocked at the pricing.  I have to admit, I was too!

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Day 12 – Last Day / Sea Day (cont.)


Some more scenes from our lazy, last sea day.  This was my view for most of the day ...



For lunch that day, the Oceanview Café was hosting the final grand lunch buffet.  We decided to go check it out around 1 pm and – holy cow! – was the place packed.  Totally different from what we saw at breakfast that morning.  Honestly, I didn’t see that many different, interesting things to try.  They did have a carving station with roast turkey, prime rib and roast pork, and they had some special desserts, but nothing that really wowed us for a final “grand” buffet.  Maybe we were just buffet-ed out by this time. 



After lunch, it was more lounging and lazing around.  That boisterous group of underdressed people at dinner the previous night?  They were in the pool that afternoon.  This was also the group that had the kids vaping in the hot tub earlier in the cruise.  They were throwing each other in the pool, which I guess is a no-no, until security started to stand there and watch them to make sure they didn’t do it.  When the security personnel saw that they had calmed down and started to walk away, they would start doing the same things all over again.  So then there ended up being three security people, just standing there, watching this group.  When they all moved to a hot tub, security followed them. They seemed to get a kick out of the attention, whereas if that had been my group, I would have been mortified.  It’s just too bad that Celebrity was not firmer with people who blatantly disregard the rules and ruin the fun for everyone else – when they were in the pool, the rest of us stayed to the other side just to avoid being with them.  Seems to send the wrong message to your rule-abiding passengers on who is more important, IMO.


Anyway, no big deal.  We still managed to have an enjoyable and relaxing afternoon, filled with drinks and French fries.


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19 minutes ago, SleepingUgly said:

The photos turned out incredibly well, but like I mentioned earlier, the pricing was out of this world (and not in a good way).  If we wanted all @ 50 shots on USB, it would have been @ $2500.  Yes – two thousand, five hundred US dollars.  We decided to get five digital prints on USB for $550, and the photographer threw in one extra pose for free, since we had to reschedule both the sitting and the appointment to review the proofs.  We ended up using most of our remaining OBC, so it worked out well for us, although dh was quite shell-shocked at the pricing.  I have to admit, I was too!


I can't believe the photo pricing!  Totally outrageous, but I guess some people must make the purchase.  Anyway, seems like you all had a perfect last day on board.

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Day 12 – Last Day / Sea Day (cont.)


We walked back to the room around 5-5.30 pm to get ready for the show and dinner that night.  We stopped at the Hideaway to conduct some surveillance on our middle child, who was hanging out with some other teens there because, you know, nothing wraps up your vacation better than your entire family showing up and embarrassing you in front of newly made friends.



We had to set out our luggage before we headed out to the show.


We caught our room attendant Joaquim on our way out and gave him a little extra to thank him for all his hard work these past 12 days.  He really took good care of us and made sure our rooms were always neat, clean and comfortable.  He was a super hard worker, always friendly and with a big smile whenever we saw him, and we really appreciated all his efforts.



The show that evening were three talented, young performers in a band called Uptown.  They sang mostly songs from Motown’s 1960s and 1970s era.  They were extremely entertaining and had tons of energy.  Their dancing and singing and choreography were much better than the ship’s own production company for the most part, albeit their jokes at times fell a bit flat.  Still, we loved their show and even got the chance to chat with them briefly afterwards; they were super personable and loved that the little one knew most of the songs.  I recommend that you check out their show if they happen to be performing on your cruise.




After the show, we began our last walk to the MDR for dinner.  The Captain and some of his officers were hanging out in the Entertainment Court, right outside the theatre, greeting guests and taking pictures with them.  Of course, the girls couldn’t pass up that opportunity.  Sue Denning was also there; she was the little one’s favorite and, as usual, she was super obliging to having her picture taken with the kids. 



Before we got to the MDR, we were also able to get pics with two of our favorite photographers on the ship.  They were always happy to see us and always spent time to chat with the girls.



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Day 12 – Last Day / Sea Day (cont.)


Before we headed to dinner, dh stopped at the Martini bar of his last Old Fashioned.  He loved how they made it at that bar and would have one every evening before dinner.  Meanwhile, I stopped downstairs at the Martini Bar before heading into the MDR for my own drink, natch. 




It was our last dinner on the ship.  The girls will miss the different types of butters and dips that Dexter brought to the table every evening.  I may have mentioned this before but, every night, they were determined to guess the name of each butter and dip before Dexter could tell us.  They turned it into a little game, with Dexter quizzing them and giving them hints.  Here they are, trying to figure things out for one last time ...



Here's the menu for the last dinner, along with some food pictures.  I also included the dessert menu and a picture of my very small souffle (which was not on the menu but pretty much everyone ordered it, from what I could see around us).  I am used to bigger souffles at this incredible restaurant in the DC area that we like to frequent, so that was kind of disappointing to see.  However, it was extremely yummy so definitely still order it if you can.





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Day 12 – Last Day / Sea Day (cont.)


We thanked our waiter Joseph, our assistant waiter Dexter, our sommelier Juan Pablo and our drinks server Cyn for all their hard work and especially their friendliness and excellent service.  These are really amazing folks who represent the Celebrity brand well, and we really appreciate their helping us out during the entire cruise with so much professionalism.  Joseph and Dexter were definitely our favorites, and we will miss them greatly.


The wait and kitchen staff came out that night to rousing, lively music, in what appeared to be a thanks and farewell to the guests, but it also just looked like everyone was having a good time.  The comradery was great to see among all staff members, who really looked like they were having a great time.  Maybe they were just thrilled to be kicking us off the ship the next day, who knows, but it was a festive sendoff that was very entertaining.  No silly singing or performances by the staff; just impromptu partying.





After dinner, the middle child ditched us again to go hang out with her friends for one last time.  The rest of us went to the Sky Lounge for silent disco, which was super lame and not very well-attended at all.  I am guessing this is the norm for the last night of a cruise.  We left after just a few minutes.




We dropped the two girls off in the cabin, and then dh and I went to the casino for one last round.  Again, the place was pretty much empty and the slots were super tight.  It was just no fun so we cashed out not even having spent 30 minutes there.  I think we broke even on the trip, thanks to our winnings early on, so that in our book is a win.  We walked through an eerily empty ship and back to our rooms. It would be an early morning and a long day for us tomorrow, so off to bed we went!  But, first, one last (not-so-great) shot of the wake at night from our balcony ... a sight we won't see for quite a while ...


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Day 13 – Disembarkation / Debarkation & Miami, FL


So is it disembarkation or debarkation?  I’ve seen it used both ways, with some folks getting really upset if you don’t use the term they consider to be correct.  So, to make things easier, I’ll just say that today was the day we got off the ship and returned to the real world – the world where I have to whip out cash or a credit card to pay for stuff, where no one makes my bed and cleans up my room whenever I leave it, and where my meals do not come with various flavors of butter.  Rats.


Dh and I got up a little before 7 pm. The Silhouette had already entered the canals in Fort Lauderdale and we were slowly approaching Terminal 25.  We docked a little after 7 am.  Time to get up and get outta there!



We woke the girls up, got everything packed up and left the room @ 7.40 am.



We went straight to the MDR on Deck 4 as concierge guests could have a light breakfast and wait to disembark there.  I guess we could have gone to the Oceanview Café again, but we didn’t feel like fighting the crowds.  We could have also opted to go to the MDR one deck below us for a sit-down breakfast.  But we opted for just something light that morning.  Pastries including small croissants, chocolate croissants, danishes were offered, along with coffee and orange juice.  That was about it but It was enough for us.  If you prefer something more substantial, then you should definitely go to the buffet or Deck 3 of the MDR.


We found a table for the five of us and sat down to eat and wait for our number (12) to be called.



Look - they're getting ready to set the tables for the next group, coming aboard in less than two hours.



The announcement that the ship had been cleared by customs did not come until @ 7.45 am or so.  Our number, according to the debarkation documents, was supposed to have been called around 8.30 am, but in reality, it wasn’t called until almost 9 am. 


As we exited the ship, Kate (the CLA director) was standing near the gangway, saying goodbye to guests.  Of course, the little one wanted one more picture with her and, of course, Kate was happy to oblige (and probably thinking to herself, "Get out of here already, you little brat.").



Then it was time to exit the ship, use our SeaPass card for one last time, and say goodbye to the Silhouette!




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Day 13 – Disembarkation / Debarkation & Miami, FL (cont.)


We walked down a long hallway to customs / immigration.  It was quite chaotic, with no ropes to break us into lines so lots of people pushing and shoving.  We then went down an escalator to find all luggage sitting there waiting for us, divided into respective sections. 



We found our bags pretty quickly, and then again, there were no lines to be formed to go to the next room for customs / immigration, so there were just “clumps” of people gathered near the doorway to the next room, and people forming their own “lines” and people cutting in front of others.  We weren’t rushing to catch a flight so wasn’t too concerned, but it was still annoying to see.



We then got to the next room and finally, people were there to help us form into lines.  Only three customs officers were working, although two were sitting at their podiums but not working.  Not sure if it’s b/c of the government shutdown because one of the porters said they will usually have a lot more people working.  We got to the front and sped through.  The officer was upset they weren’t directing people with Global Entry (like us) to a shorter, separate line in the other room, but he also didn’t look like he was going to do anything about it.


We exited the building and walked by the Silhouette for one last time.



We checked to see what Uber XL would be like.  It was @ 9.40 am and must have been peak time because it was quoting me $173 for an Uber XL to take us to downtown Miami.  No, thanks.  So we went to the taxi queue and found a company van from, I think, Ultimate Florida Shuttle, and he quoted us $25 per person to go downtown in a shared ride.  Fine with us.  We shared the ride with two others couples, so we stopped at the airport first and we were the next stop. Worked perfectly well for us.



Edited by SleepingUgly
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Day 13 – Disembarkation / Debarkation & Miami, FL (cont.)


Saying good-bye to Port Everglades and the Silhouette for one last time.  Man, this farewell is really dragging on, isn’t it?





The drive to downtown Miami went very smoothly.  Even though it was a Wednesday, it was also January 2, so don’t think everyone had gone back to work yet.  We arrived at the downtown Hilton around 10.40 am, which meant the drive probably took only about 40 minutes or so.  And that included a stop at the airport first too.  Not too bad at all.


Check-in at the Hilton was super-quick, and even though it was not yet 11 am, our room was already ready for us.  Yay!  I mentioned this early on, but it’s worth mentioning again – I had used my Hilton Honors points to book this room, which turned out to be a huge suite with an incredible view of the bay.  Definitely plenty of room for all of us and especially all of our luggage.



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Day 13 – Disembarkation / Debarkation & Miami, FL (cont.) 


These pictures of the hotel room were taken later that night, and the next morning - after dh and I slept on the huge pull-out sofa - so excuse the mess.  You can still get an idea of the size of the main living area, the separate bedroom with two queen beds, the full bath, and the half bath off the foyer.  And also the view, which was incredible!




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Day 13 – Disembarkation / Debarkation & Miami, FL (cont.) 


After we checked in and freshened up in our room, we headed out.  The plan was to take the free Metro Mover to Bayside Marketplace and grab some lunch, and then head to the Frost Science Museum for the afternoon.  The Metro Mover is a great little option for getting around downtown Miami.  It is reliable, seems to be quite safe and clean, and - best of all - it is FREE!


The stop was very close to our hotel - just a few minutes' walk away, one block over.  Maps are easy to read, and when you are riding on it and the little train stops, you aren't violently thrown off your feet as if you've just been hit by a nuclear blast (I'm looking at you, DC Metro system).



Bayside Marketplace was only a few stops away from our hotel.  We got off at the respective stop and walked a few blocks there.  It was ridiculously touristy and not at all what I expected.  I mean, Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco is touristy.  The Peak in Hong Kong is touristy.  Times Square in New York City is touristy.  But this place was touristy and boring.  Sorry if you like it there, but we didn't care for it much.  We grabbed lunch at a Five Guys, walked around for a bit to get a couple of souvenirs for the girls, and skedaddled out of there real quick.  Next stop - the science museum!



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Day 13 – Disembarkation / Debarkation & Miami, FL (cont.) 


I won't post too many pictures of the science museum, don't worry.  Believe me, I know how badly you want this review to end, if you are even still reading this! 


The museum is not cheap - entrance fee is $29.95 for anyone over 12 and $20.95 for kids under 11.  It was a fun, interactive museum that really focused more on natural sciences, rather than physical sciences (which was the focus of the Exploratorium in San Francisco, which was super--interactive and the standard to which my children hold all science museums).  It was a great way to spend the afternoon and, my kids, being the nerds that they are (#chinesegenes), they loved it and could have stayed longer.  We didn't leave until closing time around 6 pm.  Dh and I didn't mind the place too much, and we especially enjoyed the nap we took in the planetarium.  I think our oldest took a picture of us, when the lights came on once the show was done (something about asteroids), and there are her mom and dad, heads back, mouths open, snoring away.  Dude, I took enough science classes in high school and college; I don't need no more of that in my life.


Anyway, here are some pictures of the museum ...


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Day 13 – Disembarkation / Debarkation & Miami, FL (cont.)


And just a few more. The museum was host to a traveling Leonardo da Vinci exhibit that included replicas / productions of some of his most famous works of art and inventions.



At one of the upper levels, you could stand outside on the terrace and enjoy the view of the Bay of Miami.  A Disney ship was in port, along with another cruise ship.



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Day 13 – Disembarkation / Debarkation & Miami, FL (cont.)


We left the science museum and took the Metro Mover back to the stop closest to our hotel.  Our little one was very happy with her gift shop purchases.  My wallet?  Not so much.



For dinner, we decided to head to the Publix grocery store near the hotel to grab some stuff to take back to our room to eat.  We were exhausted and didn't feel like eating out, and the room had plenty of space for all of us to spread out.  We ended up getting some super delicious sandwiches from the deli, along with some chips and drinks, and made a nice meal out of it.  We relaxed in the room for the rest of the night and went to bed around midnight.  Tomorrow - we finally fly home!



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Hello Linda

I have been waiting for the end of your review to let you know how much I have enjoyed it.

Your photos and commentary have been excellent!

My DH andI have been taking cruise vacations since 1984 and enjoy that type of vacation very much. We have sailed with family and by ourselves over the years and I often found that I was smiling or nodding my head in agreement with some of your experiences as a family sharing a vacation.

I had to chuckle at some of the photos of your little one when she was having a bit of a trying time at  some of the ports. My father took photos of me as a child having an occasional meltdown. He had a sense of humor and wanted to document as much of my childhood as possible. Not funny to me then, but I can laugh at those photos now as I have  been  on the parental and grandparental  side of such happenings!

It was a pleasure to see your daughters dressed for dinner and making those times a happy shared experience with you and your DH.. No wonder the waitstaff took such good care of you. I am certain they were most pleased to be assigned to your family’s table.

I wish you, your DH and daughters many blessings for 2019 and the Year of the Pig.





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Day 14 – HOME!


Finally - the day has arrived!  Our vacation would officially end today!  Our flight home was not until noon, so we slept in a bit and had some breakfast in the room.  Just some fruit and pastries we had bought at Publix the night before.  Then, it was time to head out!



The Uber XL was not so extra-large, what with all our luggage.



We were able to wait for our flight in the American Airlines lounge.  When we got there a little before 11 am, they were just starting to serve lunch so that helped us out a lot.  Once we were done with lunch, it was time to get to our gate and board our flight.



Bye-bye, Miami and South Florida!!



These two were obviously bored on the flight home ...


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