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Mutany on the Mary


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Hello Everyone:

I was thinking about this all day. I would be thrilled to be on QM2 and getting half my money back for missing out on a few ports. They should take the worst complainers and put them off in a lifeboat with hardtack/ salt fish and a few days worth of water.

I am booked on the 3 day "West Coast Break" and the 11 day "Royal Hawaiin Liner" And am really looking forward to it. I have been planning this for over a year and really hope that it all works out "going around the horn" So that the QUEEN MARYs get to meet and my

family and I get our cruise to HaWaii.

All for now, Tom in Long Beach



SS Rotterdam circle Hawaii 1993

SS Rotterdam Rome to New York World Cruise Segement 1995

MV Holiday 3 day Mexico 1995?

SS Rembrant Rotterdam to New York 1998

SS Norway 7 day Carib 1999

MV Monarch of the Seas 4 Day Mexico 2004

QM2 8 day Carib, round trip from NY (June 11) 2004

Regal Empress 2005

QE2 Tran-Atlantic Jan 3 2006 (booked last minute had a blast)


future cruises

QM2 West Coast Break Feb 22 2006

Qm2 Royal Hawaiin Liner Feb 25 2006

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I have just found Cruise Critic recently--so please don't flame me!


My family was aboard Celebrity's Infinity in January 2003, when the ship lost a propulsion pod in the middle of a cruise from FL to San Diego through the Panama Canal. The decision was made by Celebrity to cancel the cruise in Acapulco. All passengers returned to the ship from their day in ACA and were told to have their baggage outside the room by 11:00 pm, and all passengers would be disembarked at 7:00 am the following morning. After a chaotic disembarkation, we were brought to a hotel for a couple of days, then boarded a charter flight to SD (which was diverted to LA). The way the trip ended, the chaos, the lack of information, the constantly-changing third-hand stories from the Celebrity reps that were sent to control the mess...it was just HORRIBLE!


We were given a 25% refund, and 50% off a future cruise, to be used within 1 yr, same class of cabin, holidays blacked out, on voyages of less than 14 days--ie, so many restrictions that we personally were unable to use the coupon. There was, as I remember, similar talk of lawsuits, boycotts, lynchings, etc. What ended up hapening? Zip.


Here's the point: On 2/1/2003 as we wearily woke up in the LA Airport Hilton, after our "nightmarish" and "traumatic" ordeal was almost over, my wife flipped on the news on CNN while I was getting out of the shower. I still remember the sound of her voice saying "OH MY GOD!," as the wreckage of the Space Shuttle Columbia fell back to earth over Texas.


I remember what I said to her: "Those people had a bad trip. We had an adventure."


So get some perspective--time will heal these wounds, you will go on other cruises, and 99.9% of the people in the world would love to trade places with you as you endure the unendurable.


Best Wishes,



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born complainers and whiners

obnoxious loud mouths

whine and moan



This is indeed a well thought out and considered argument from the prolific eroller.

Some of those complaining may have saved all their lives for this trip and while their anger may be misdirected, it is at least, understandable.

Might I suggest that any future venting be done in the toilette (sic) (unless you’re french of course).



Misdirected? ........Mutiny.......Refusing to get off the ship.......sounds criminal to me.....and it is not understanable.


The Captain / Master should arrest the trouble makers. Believe it or not, a ship at sea is not a mob ruled vessel.

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Today we are crossing the equator at noon. Spoke with the pursers office. She told me that 1500 people have taken away their tips from the crew. What a shame and the poor staff who are getting cheated. They are now letting people buy booze and take it to their rooms and half price phone calls and internet. This cruise keeps getting cheaper all the time. Still very grumpy people. One Brit yelled at my 81 year old mom yesterday and said she was a stupid American. She was the one going the wrong way in the buffet line.


They meet in small groups throughout the ship and try to get people more angry.


Anyway Having a lovely time. Food is actually quite good and the service is exceptional.Can't wait to see what happens in Rio. They will have security all over the ship the pursers office told me.



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1500 people have taken away their tips from the crew. What a shame and the poor staff who are getting cheated.




Thanks for taking the time to post - and if what the Purser's Office said is true its disgraceful - I'm sure the ship will be a much happier place once these people disembark. Do they have the remotest concept of the draconian powers a ships Captain has if faced by 'Mutiny'?



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So, these people are punishing a cruise company by taking it out on the very people who are providing them the only pleasure they may be getting while being stuck on the ship? Why in the world would they think that will have any impression on the bottom line for the company, they are only taking food off the table for the servers/cabin attendants children. They are not punishing a corporation that way, it will have no affect on Cunard or the massive Carnival Corporation.


My sympathy has dwindled for these passengers. Shame on them for taking away the income of the employees. I felt badly for them up until now and I do hope that jiminycricket can let these people know that many think they should be ashamed of themselves.


If our 3 day cruise comes about, I'll remember to put a bit extra in for the servers and the attendants, to try to let them know that not all passengers are so mean spirited.

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....Spoke with the pursers office. She told me that 1500 people have taken away their tips from the crew. What a shame and the poor staff who are getting cheated.....


The caliber of passengers is plunging so low I fear that the ship is becoming a "greyhound bus" on the seas!

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Oh come on... These old grumpy snobs really need to get a hold on things. So what an accident happened and they have to miss a few ports WITH COMPENSATION.


Grow up, things happen, problems arise and not everything goes your way. So what you missed a few ports, this happenes every week in the cruising industry! Stupid rich snobs- please I have no sympathy!

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Now that this matter has been taken up by the BBC, CNN, the Associated Press and the Daily Telegraph, and is on every newswire feed around the world, Cunard may consider whether they might have been more generous with their compensation offer.


I think they are being pretty generous right now. I totally missed out on my 10/24/05 sailing due to Hurricane Wilma and received 25% off a future cruise. I would have been thrilled with 50%.

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This situation is just getting out of hand. Maybe its time for Cunard to start launching lawsuits against the passengers. I hope that there is a media outlet that can send the outside world's disgust at their behaviour to the ones leading the revolt inside.


I know it would be a public relations disaster but if they brought in the military (after the cooperating passengers disembark in Rio) to remove those who plan to sit-in then I'd be the first to cheer on the military.


Well I like to think things will be somewhat back to normal by December when I am on the ship myself but I am sure I will really ensure that I tip those hard working employees who still perform their duties and are getting the brunt of the mob mentality. Withholding their tips mean absolutely nothing other than hurting someone who works long hours to make a living. Stupid move by a few for a very stupid reason.


We always joke about letting the insane run the asylum but in this case I am beginning to thing its really happening.

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I just feel sad for the crew and for Commodore Warwick ,who retires this year, for having to put up with this rubbish. The actions of the ( it seems ) a majority of the passengers are taking will hurt the crew and not Carnival.


Regards, Mark

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Seems like some adults need to grow up.


This week at Framingham State College we are remembering Christa Corrigan McAuliffe, the first teacher in space and a graduate of the College, who died in the explosion of the Space Shuttle Challenger 20 years ago January 28.


She and her colleagues didn't need to be there, no refunds were offered, no half price services, they just died.




Many time large coporations make errors and their customers want to go after them. This is a time for the corporation to go after the customers.

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Second, they have all signed their passage contract which basically means that legally Cunard owes them NOTHING for missing a few ports. Any compensation that Cunard provides is out of the goodness of their heart and for PR purposes only.


Fifth, I say let them go ahead and file their class-action lawsuit. I'm sure Cunard is truly laughing about that one. First off they have no legal standing as they all agreed to the passage contract when they boarded the ship. Secondly if they do get it filed, maybe in 3-4 years they will all end up with a grand total of $25 after attorneys are paid and the left over money has been distributed. Class-action lawsuits rarely benefit anyone but the attorneys working the case.



I would agree that if the incident was cause by an accident (i.e. computer miscalculation, power surge, etc.) or mother nature, with no fault caused by the staff, the contract would absolve any damages sought from Cunard.


The contract, however, does not absolve Cunard of all potential liability if there is reason to believe that the harm to the passengers was caused by gross negligence by the Captain or his bridge staff. If Cunard is found to be liable, the passengers could claim monetary damages from loss of privileges to mental anguish.


The main issue Cunard should be worried about is being forced to publicly state and defend the actions of the Captain and crew, including the publishing of detailed accounts as to what happened, in court. The news generated by the story could be quite damaging to the company, even if Cunard should win the case.


As a law student, I personally would advise Cunard to not take a call for a possible lawsuit so lightheartedly.

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On grounds of principle I hope the cruise line does not bend to the tactics of these passengers. Doing so would only send the message that people unhappy with a cruise can get it for free, just as you might expect not to pay for a bad meal in a restaurant.


I hope these sour souls will be bright enough to disembark properly when the time comes, but if not, I hope the security efficiently removes them with a swift kick in the rear as they leave the gangway.


Another thing for the cruise line to consider: who are they marketing to? These grumpy passengers seem to be acting like, as we say in the South, "trailer trash"... does the cruise line really expect to make a profit selling to this type of people? If the motor did not break, would they not have found other things to complain about and withhold tips for?

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I really hope the figure of 1500 people taking back tips is grossly exaggerated, this is appalling behaviour. Outright ignorance in my book.


On the subject of compo, the 50% offered is only for the passengers who went fron NY / FL to Rio. Those on the 24 / 38 day voyage received 6 days refund at 100%, based on 9 days of interuption thus equating to a 66% refund - most generous when you look at comparisons already made on this thread. Also, they have been informed that they are missing out Montevideo altogether and 4 hours at Acapulco, for which they are receiving an extra $600 ship credit. My bro is certainly happy with the package and i'm sure he will tip extra to help restore the balance.

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2 weeks ago i recieved a $ 5.00usd check representing my award in a class action suit against auto dealers in the state of New jersey usa. Initial award I beliveve was several million dollars but most went to court and attorney fees!!!! THE JUSTICE SYSTEM SYSTEM IS REALLY ' THE JUST US' SYSTEM which mostly applies to attorneys and judges and not the public!!

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Another thing for the cruise line to consider: who are they marketing to? These grumpy passengers seem to be acting like, as we say in the South, "trailer trash"... does the cruise line really expect to make a profit selling to this type of people? If the motor did not break, would they not have found other things to complain about and withhold tips for?


To turn a saying on its head "if you sell for peanuts you get monkeys" Maybe the staff could give these passengers the appropriate level of service to match their tip deductions.


There are lessons for Cunard to learn here though. They are giving away concessions now that they could have given at the start. They could have smothered this "rebellion" before it started. And they could and should have given any passengers who wished to leave in Florida the oppertunity to do so and reimbursed them for any fees. You cannot answer a complaint that you caused a passenger to miss her grandmother's funeral. Though in the past I employed quite a few people who seemed to have multiple grandparents.



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To withhold tips from the very people who are probably bending over backwards to serve them during all this unrest is beyond petty and mean-spirited!! Did the cabin steward cause the problem....the waiter....the bartender?? Any sympathy I had for their understandable disappointment at missing ports just evaporated....I'm reserving it for these poor staff members who have no alternative but to continue to cater to these rabble rousers knowing they intend to cheat them out of their due. I feel sorry for those pax who are rolling with the punches and trying to have a good time. Being subjected to these whiners wherever they go onboard must be getting very tedious for them.


Thank you jimneycrkit and jackatsea for keeping us all informed in such a responsible, objective manner. I hope you will continue to find enjoyment and be able to ignore the childish people you are being subjected to.


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Hi Melissa.


Good to hear that you are having a great time nonetheless.

Continue to keep us posted. I was traveling back to the US this past weekend and had no idea about all of this until now.



Hopefully, our cruise will not be affected too much and we will still see you guys in Valparaiso.


Happy Sailing


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And they could and should have given any passengers who wished to leave in Florida the oppertunity to do so and reimbursed them for any fees. You cannot answer a complaint that you caused a passenger to miss her grandmother's funeral.




According to Marlow they did not know how fast QM2 could go until they were in open water, so they may not have been in a position to tell pax about itinerary changes. I sort of believe this as they probably have never sailed her with a bladeless pod before.....As to deceased Grandmothers - if the voyage had been on schedule, the passenger might well have been at sea anyway.....And when they come down the gangplank in Rio, voluntarily or not, bawling that they are "NEVER GOING TO SAIL ON CUNARD AGAIN". I have but one answer. Good!



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I'm one of the passengers who is getting on in Rio in a few days, and I cannot wait to give the hard-working crew lots of smiles, cheerful conversation, and appreciation for all their hard work, to make up for all of the nonsense that's going on with some of the current passengers. I'm sure the crew is totally drained from being mistreated by the ridiculous demands of these passengers. And as for the passengers who currently occupy my cabin, I hope they're not one of those who are planning a sit-in, because I'm going to want my cabin!! :)

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I can understand the frustration of the passengers, but they signed a contract and Cunard has agreed to a 50% refund. Assuming the value of the missed ports to be greater than 50% of the price paid is just not realistic, IMO.


Commodore Warwick should do a symbolic keel-hauling of the mutinous passengers before they get to Rio. ;)

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Funny, I heard just the opposite complaints from people onboard QE2 earlier this month. The Captain (who is from Princess Cruises) came on the PA a couples times to mention that the seas may be rough and extra caution is advise. The seas never did get very rough, and some I spoke with felt it was "Princess Cruises legal dept talking" and that on Cunard those type of PA's are not really necessary (being that the passengers are more experienced I presume). I guess you never can please everyone.


Considering that Captain Warwick has now held two (I believe) bitch sessions (or whatever you want to call them), I would say that communication is probably pretty good now. Anyone that wants to vent has the chance to do so. I do agree that communication probably could have been better in the beginning, but the fact is that Cunard really may have not had a clue what the problem was, or how long the remedy would take to fix it.





My comments were directed towards Capt Wright specifically. I've had many great Captains......but the TIMING of Capt Wrights comments fall under the old saying of "too little too late". If Capt Wright conducted himself in the same manner regarding this recent incident I could understand the passengers discontent.


As far as compensation...sounds like the crew should be compensated for putting up with the passengers crap. Legally Cunard will prevail, on a customer relations point Carnivore should see that there is a fair deal presented to the passengers.


Going back a few years ago there was a bit of the old Cruise Industry custom of compensating passengers with free cruises for various reasons due to service problems....people got a taste of that & today these cheapskates want the same because there was a storm at sea.


Those days are gone.....back then women were ladies, men were gentlemen now for $699 a week people want to be treated like a king & queen.


Recently a couple at my dinner table boasted how they paid $999 for a 14 day HAL cruise....they took a commuter train to the ship & were the biggest pain in the you know what to the wait staff...."where is the cherries jubilee. bananas foster tableside etc...this is what most cruise lines have come to.

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Just heard on WABC news that the "mutiny" is still going on. I am not excusing anything that is happening on the ship but it is not a few ports they are missing, it is all of the ports between FLL & RIO. SO in essence they are on a 12 nt cruise to nowhere. I would not complain, as a crossing with no sea days is my fav. cruise. BUT, I guess they feel they want to complain.


Withholding tips from the staff is just WRONG. These poor ladies and gentlemen had nothing to do with the situation that they too were thrown into also.


Also, I am very sorry that Cmdr. Warwick is having to deal with this. Not a great memory of his final 6 months as Cmdr.


Bon voyage

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