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The reason Celebrity isn't enforcing the dress codes


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From my school years English classes both "requested" and "may" indicate an option to comply or not.



From my many years of teaching English, I tried to get my students to realize that words have many different types of meaning... literal, connotative, denotative and nuances of sarcasm, facetiousness, and humor. You obviously would have failed my class. :p


In polite society when a "host" (which despite the fact that its' YOUR vacation and you paid good money for it and you can do anything you like, regardless of the rules) "requests", "suggests", or "encourages" its guests to maintain a specified level of decorum and attire, anyone who disregards that "request", "suggestion", "encouragement" et al is an inconsiderate rude boorish crass no-class cretin who in any other social context would never be invited again.


It's amazing how far you "me, me, me" people take your selfishness.


Just my as always humble opinion. :)



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Thanks for the English lesson, I only got a B.

To my way of thinking requested is still not required.


Yes, grade inflation is indeed a despicable thing. :D


And the majority of people here are trying to get through to you that your "way of thinking" is rude and inconsiderate to both the cruise line and your fellow passengers.

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And if X is saying, one may wear formal wear, that's what they're saying - one is 'allowed' to or may even choose to, wear formal wear. If they wanted to say, one must, then that's what they would say.



Not really. What Celebrity is saying is a socially-polite implicational expectation. They are assuming that their passengers will have enough couth and class to realize that disregarding the requested dress code is a social gaffe and shows a lack of class.

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The REAL reason Celebrity is not enforcing the dress code: COMPETITION.


Is it possible that if Celebrity started strictly enforcing its dress code, that once word got around about it other cruisers from lines such as HAL, RCCL. Carnival, NCL, etc. who are also upset about the Dumbing of America would switch to Celebrity with the assurance that the dress codes would be enforced?



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Wow! Polite society, lack of class, boorish , me, me, me selfishness....these are harsh put-downs.


On our most recent cruise, I was amazed at the senior citizens who had tatoos, pierced ears (men) and multi-pierced ears (women). The vocabulary of many passengers consisted of double negatives, ain'ts and sawed-off words. It was refreshing to hear someone speak English! You, as an educator, would have had a field day.


Did this ruin my cruise? I may not become friends with these people, but they were friendly and polite to me. They obviously don't come from "polite society". How many people do? Not being a southerner, I don't even know exactly what it means


I'll tell you what I know about "lack of class" and "boorishness"....those who possess "class" don't put down others who come from a different walk of life.


The selfishness...me, me me....can go both ways.


I don't know you and I am sure that you are, at heart a very nice, kind person. So..when you choose to cruise on a ship with 2000 + pax, it is easier to accept all at face value. Sometimes, people who look or act differently to what you know, can turn out to be a big surprise.


Allan, my opinion is equally humble!

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All I can really say is that cruising in today's world is nothing like what I experienced as a young (19 yo) woman accompanying my recently widowed aunt on my 1st cruise ever. While there is a group of people that try to uphold the glamor and the prestige of cruising, there is a larger group that checks into a cruise ship like they are checking into Disney World for a week.


I would never disrespect my fellow passengers by showing up at a formal event in something less that formal, which is why I don't attend them because that is not what I am all about. But I do respect the environment. And I do know what each utensil is used for :)


Let's face it, we are living in an "It's all about me" society. Unfortunately in this game, the lowest common denominator wins.


Dinner at 6 on the dining room. Strap your feedbag on. I saw way too much of this mentaility on my last trip.



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Is it possible that if Celebrity started strictly enforcing its dress code' date=' that once word got around about it other cruisers from lines such as HAL, RCCL. Carnival, NCL, etc. who are also upset about the Dumbing of America would switch to Celebrity with the assurance that the dress codes would be enforced?




Allen, one would think that Celebrity would welcome that position...I for one, hope that it happens.



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I, too, think X would welcome the opportunity to set itself apart from the rest of the herd, especially when the much of the rest of the herd has already watered down traditional cruising to something akin to a Larry Lunchbucket bus trip. After all, didn't the line try to distinguish itself two years ago when it introduced all those little extras (iced towels at the pier, Concierge Class cabins, welcome glass of champagne, poolside sorbet, sushi, etc.) of which it's so proud?

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Wow! Polite society, lack of class, boorish , me, me, me selfishness....these are harsh put-downs.

I'll tell you what I know about "lack of class" and "boorishness"....those who possess "class" don't put down others who come from a different walk of life.



You're missing the point. One: it's time for more and more of us to stand up to the "me, me, me" people and stop letting their 2% minority steamroll these boards. Two: nowhere did I mention "different walks of life" or social strata. I mentioned attitudes and behaviors which can transcend all social levels. The Dumbing of America is reflected in all levels of our society, not just the lowest. :)



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As this devolves into another attack session on wearing what is "requested" I dare to say that most people are simply asking for good judgement in the dining room. If someone does not want to dress up, there are lovely evening pantsuits for women (hey - I have a tuxedo suit with an elastic waistband and believe it or not, I wore it to the Oscars). Men could wear black pants with a silk tee shirt and a jacket and still look very nice. The point is that some people are completely dismissive of the rules - whether they are required or requested blah blah blah. Personally, I love wearing the beaded gown. And after dinner if I am so full from the wonderful meal that I can't breathe, I head to the room, throw on a pair of black pants and a dressy top and go to the casino so I can play three card poker and not feel out of place. I'm still semi dressy but I experienced the fun of dressing for dinner.

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As this devolves into another attack session on wearing what is "requested" I dare to say that most people are simply asking for good judgement in the dining room. If someone does not want to dress up, there are lovely evening pantsuits for women (hey - I have a tuxedo suit with an elastic waistband and believe it or not, I wore it to the Oscars). Men could wear black pants with a silk tee shirt and a jacket and still look very nice. The point is that some people are completely dismissive of the rules - whether they are required or requested blah blah blah. Personally, I love wearing the beaded gown. And after dinner if I am so full from the wonderful meal that I can't breathe, I head to the room, throw on a pair of black pants and a dressy top and go to the casino so I can play three card poker and not feel out of place. I'm still semi dressy but I experienced the fun of dressing for dinner.



And I bet that you always look terrific:)




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I guess I am missing the point.


To me, it appears that the people advocating fashion police are "steamrolling" the board. I haven't noticed anyone posting that they wish to eat in the dining room in "rags".


As for the reference to Me,me,me.....today it's all about me,me,me...in every aspect of life,even the best dressed people ( probably, especially the best dressed people).


By "polite society", I thought you meant some sort of social strata. I am not familiar with the term.


I am not an American...yet I find the tag "Dumbing of America" somehow offensive. By and large Americans are warm, friendly and fun-loving people. Some of the best brains in the world are in your country. (Although...please forgive me...I cannot resist...one well-known brain could use a few more cells!)


Unlike you and the other posters, who refer to selfish, me, me, me , lack of respect attitude, I think those who dress shabbily have no Self-respect. That is a serious problem. I cannot see how anyone in cut-offs,etc can feel good about themselves while sitting amongst others who are all dressed up. Conversely, on casual nights, I can't see how anyone dressed to the nines can feel comfortable. In both cases, they are making a statement and looking for attention. So? It doesn't bother me...don't let it bother you. Relax, have fun...life is too short.

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Once again, as so often happens on the discussions of Celebrity's inability to enforce its dress code, the complainers are ruling the roost. And that's a shame, because the whining is getting repetitive. And it has always been (as evidenced by the proliferation of "dress code" threads) unproductive.

I am so sorry to be the one to burst your collective bubbles, but.....

and please listen carefully......

it is VERY, VERY UNLIKELY that Celebrity will elect to ENFORCE a dress code onboard its ships.

Please read, or re-read, my post from 2/21 at 10:54PM.


And Allen, if by some extraordinary circumstances, Celebrity did choose to strictly enforce the formal night dress codes, then yes, there would be converts from other cruise lines that would say Hurray! and would quickly move over to Celebrity. But for Celebrity to risk that move, the bean counters would ask, "But how many will we lose?". And that is not a risk that Celebrity would willingly take.

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Celebrity Cruisers.... don't feel bad! You're not alone!


If it's any consolation over on the Holland America forum, there have been at least 2 or 3 of these "proper dress code" threads in the last few weeks alone ;)


It seems to run the same path here as it does over there. It starts off nice, then one person says something nasty, and then the fur flies. Then you get the mediator, that doesn't seem to help and sooner or later everyone just lets the thread drop off, until it pops up again a few weeks later.

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Celebrity Cruisers.... don't feel bad! You're not alone!


If it's any consolation over on the Holland America forum, there have been at least 2 or 3 of these "proper dress code" threads in the last few weeks alone ;)


It seems to run the same path here as it does over there. It starts off nice, then one person says something nasty, and then the fur flies. Then you get the mediator, that doesn't seem to help and sooner or later everyone just lets the thread drop off, until it pops up again a few weeks later.


LOL, ain't it the truth:D In my view, its all pretty silly.:)




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Celebrity Cruisers.... don't feel bad! You're not alone!


If it's any consolation over on the Holland America forum, there have been at least 2 or 3 of these "proper dress code" threads in the last few weeks alone ;)


It seems to run the same path here as it does over there. It starts off nice, then one person says something nasty, and then the fur flies. Then you get the mediator, that doesn't seem to help and sooner or later everyone just lets the thread drop off, until it pops up again a few weeks later.


I second herb. HAL won't enforce the dresscode for the same reason as X, $$$, plain and simple.

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Complaining on these boards does little if anything.


If you want to have an impact start contactin corporate. Start leaving remarks in the surveys at the end of the cruise. If employees are afraid to get fired for being written up for telling someone the are not in proper attire. Shouldn't they have the same fear for not dong their job and enfocing the rules.


The Matre' De's should be at the door as people enter to ensure the dress code is followed.


Complain where it matters as opposed to another thread on these boards that goes on and on.

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If a dollar is a dollar is a dollar, why do the various lines all practice market segmentation by offering "different experiences" across their lines while they grow by acquiring smaller or perhaps distinctive lines?


If RCL wants Celebrity to be viewed as "special, distinctive, superior..(fill in the blanks here)" then one would think certain actions would take place to reinforce the franchise.

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I just want to throw in this thought: if you are going to have "rules" then those "rules" should mean something. I think that the irritation that seems to be one of the currents in this and similar threads is that the "rules" don't seem to applied equitably to everyone and I do think that people resent that ( I know I do).


A rule is just that, a regulation that is intended to be followed. A request is something different, there probably are reasonable exceptions to requests, but not to rules.


I think that Celebrity might need to clarify some things a bit more: i.e, shorts and jeans are not permitted in the Dining Room at any time, is not the wording of a request, it's a rule in my interpretation. Enforce it with neither exception nor discussion. Formal wear is requested for tonights dinner and activities (formal wear is defined as X,Y, or Z) is something different, and some discretion is implied in that statement.


Rules that are enforced consistantly and impartially don't create problems; It's when the rule is applied inconsistantly and inequally, that issues arise. Any two year old knows that ( or should unless he or she has ineffective parents).


Celebrity has an obligation to define the rules clearly, make certain that the "rules" and the "requests" are distinct and not blurred, and then do what needs to be done. I think that more people will be pleased with that scenario than with the present situation.


Not much is more usless than a poorly designed and poorly enforced rule.


If Celebrity truly wants to cater to the Carnival and free-style cruisers, then that's a managment decision. The idea, in my humble opinion, would be to raise them to Celebrity's traditional standards and not drive those of us who like those things which make up Celebrity's Brand Identify go out and look for them elsewhere.

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But for Celebrity to risk that move, the bean counters would ask, "But how many will we lose?". And that is not a risk that Celebrity would willingly take.
Judging by the existing level of compliance, it's quite easy to project that the losses would be minimal.
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I understand that on an invitation one could see "Black tie optional" I have never seen the words "black tie requested" but I could be wrong.


However, X is "big business" for contractual purposes which are what the tickets are your contract with the cruise line in essence they are going to say what they mean. If they had any intention of enforcing the rules they would clearly state on the tickets or documents that accompany them that you are required to dress formally. Now they are getting the best of both worlds the few people who want to be a bit less formal feel welcome on the ship and the majority of people who follow the suggested dress feel welcome - which equals $$$ for X which is all they care about.

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Maybe you should try Carnival since I have just returned from a cruise on the Conquest and everyone I saw in the dining room was appropriately dressed.


Keksie, I believe that on the fashion board you are a vocal proponent of jeans in the dining room at dinner. This is not what a typical Celebrity cruise would view as "appropriately dressed".


I will add that on a recent Carnival cruise I was amazed at what was permitted as attire in the dining rooms at dinner. Shorts, tanks, t shirts with slogans, ball caps. All were well represented and directly in conflict with the published dress codes.


I also saw pj's and bedroom slippers in the lido at breakfast.


I have never seen worse on a cruise on any line.



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Conversely, on casual nights, I can't see how anyone dressed to the nines can feel comfortable. In both cases, they are making a statement and looking for attention. So? It doesn't bother me...don't let it bother you. Relax, have fun...life is too short.


For me, casual dinner on a cruise ship in the main dining room means silk dress and heels or a dressy pants and top. I am not "making a statement", I am being me and dressing in a way that is appropriate to the venue and the occasion. And that is how I am comfortable, not dressing down to a minimum standard.


Wearing a pair of casual slacks or cotton capris is something I reserve for the grocery store or running errands, or perhaps a visit to the local pizzeria.

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I also saw pj's and bedroom slippers in the lido at breakfast.



LOL. I saw this more than once on HAL, but at least they had robes on. :eek:


Looks like Hal people needed a dress code fix today. It has been a couple of days since I saw a live thread on the Hal board. (unless proper bathing suite counts) :D

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