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The reason Celebrity isn't enforcing the dress codes


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Those who are in favor of enforcing (don't you hate that word as it applies here?) the dress code on X are simply asking for a "reasonable" interpretation of acceptable attire on formal, informal and casual nights, with common sense allowing for plenty of wiggle room. Passengers who think that shorts, tee shirts, tank tops, bathing suits, baseball caps, sweatpants, and jogging suits fall into the "reasonable" category on an X cruise go far beyond the realm of "reasonableness" and should be politely denied entrance to the dining room while being redirected to an alternative dining venue. It doesn't get any easier than that!

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Keksie, I believe that on the fashion board you are a vocal proponent of jeans in the dining room at dinner. This is not what a typical Celebrity cruise would view as "appropriately dressed".


I will add that on a recent Carnival cruise I was amazed at what was permitted as attire in the dining rooms at dinner. Shorts, tanks, t shirts with slogans, ball caps. All were well represented and directly in conflict with the published dress codes.


I also saw pj's and bedroom slippers in the lido at breakfast.


I have never seen worse on a cruise on any line.




I do uphold the right to wear jeans on casual nights on Carnival and Royal Caribbean. There is no prohibition against them, however I have never said that they would be appropriate on a Celebrity cruise.


My point was that on my most recent Carnival cruise everyone was dressed according to that cruiselines guidelines for the dining room so for people complaining that Celebrity crusiers did not follow the rules Carnival cruisers were (contrary to popular belief) following the rules.


On my recent Carnival cruise I saw no shorts, tanks, t shirts with slogans, nor ball caps at anytime in the dining room. On formal night everyone I saw was appropriately dressed in suits, tuxes, gowns etc. I did not see anyone wearing pjs in the Lido. I don't really notice footwear so I guess someone could have had slippers on.


Maybe you just had the misfortune to be on a cruise where several people did not dress appropriately, but what can you do but not cruise on Carnival again (and post as often as possible about the way the people on your Glory cruise dressed) and instead cruise on Celebrity where it sounds like you will encounter the same situation.

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It is interesting how any statement can be misinterpreted here. As I write, I may have one image in mind and the reader has a totally different image.


Caviargal...I wasn't suggesting that casual should be "shlumpy"! I would probably wear linen pants and a t-shirt (what I call a t-shirt, nice fitting, solid colour)and bring a sweater or wear a sweater set...and add some fun jewellery. I would not wear a glitzy top, or a cocktail dress (as I have seen). For informal, I would choose a pant suit or a suit....but that's me. We each have our own style and there is lots of room for variations. I think what we are all referring to are the "extremes". To be "casual" doesn't mean you have to look like a dishrag.


About the P.J's and the slippers...thanks for the laugh!

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But this is why Jerry Rice (WORST DANCER EVER) is a finalist on 'Dancing with the stars'.......no one complains....or why Rubin Studdard won American Idol...nobody gets off their keysters and votes for the truly talented.


As a frequent X'r I have written and will continue to write and voice my opinion. If a cpouple shows up to dinner at our table for eight, I will ask the Maitre'd to move the two...or move us six..its that simple..and has happened.


I write letter based on my experiences whether good or bad and send them to Customer Relations after every cruise. I include names, times, and pictures for every negative comment, and the same for all the positive ones.


I get either a "thank you" response or a "we're sorry apology" with a room or cruise credit. I seem to think that if enough of us complain that they would rather follow and enforce their policies than give away additional ammenities.


You ARE paying for a particular advertised vacation. "The Celebrity treatment ", let us treat you famously...and I'm sorry, but they do include childrens services in the website, but they DO NOT advertise it like Carnival and RCCL.


I would not ask for the Maitre'd if someone showed up with a sports coat and tie for formal night, I would if they showed up in anything less.




Its REALLY NOT ABOUT THE CODE....Its about following tradition and rules. not to mention respecting others on the ship.

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In this case it's about the OP's interpretation that parachute pants and a nike t-shirt in the dining room of this particular ship was not reasonable as attire for the sailing, not sure which night was commented on in particular...


There will always be those who rise to the ocassion and those who fall below the bar.


And since I am not pursuaded to think I am among those who are penalized by those who fall below freshly laundered clothes and all, I am oh so looking forward to a fine cruise no matter what! :)

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Dave ~ Can't wait to cruise with you on Mercury in September. (Isn't ANYONE else going???)


If the staff feel they can't say anything and we're the ones offended, I have no problem muttering something under my breath...."Yeah, THAT'S what they meant by 'formal'!)...."Someone please tell him he took a wrong turn and this ISN"T Denny's!"...."Oh man, I screwed up, I thought this was FORMAL NIGHT!"...."Geez, glad I spent TWO HOURS getting ready for dinner!"..and..."Who brought the riff-raff?"


I typically find that the people that accompany such poorly dressed folk are the ones most embarrassed and will, in fact, note such comments and make sure the offender is advised for future reference.


If something bugs me I get it off my chest right away instead of waiting for someone else to take care of it.....can you tell?:cool:;):cool:

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Usha, et al....I don't really let it bother me...I do what I do, others do what they do. ..In the end the dining room food is the same food served no matter what we wear, if you know what I mean...and apprarently so goes the cruiselines theory to food service delivery and dress code ignorance.....:rolleyes:

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This is going to be a great cruise....Hope to meet ya! Are you signed up for the CC party?


This is an anniversary cruise. It will be my partner and I's 10th, my parents 43rd, his parents 50th, and my fathers retirement and birthday(65 on the 8th)...So this is the big one $$$$$ we're paying for 6...yikes concierge class, yikes...yikes...yikes!


Our first time to Alaska, we've already booked the train in Skagway, snorkeling, and the lake canoe/salmon bake. It should be fun.


I just flew out to Vegas this past weekend to visit my folks and they were concerned about what to bring and wear. My partner and I always dress accordingly, dinner jackets, tuxedos, jacket and tie...etc...


My mother got a very dark/black? suit for my dad, for formal (he would never wear a tux, don't know why?) a navy blazer and dress slacks for informal, and a couple of slacks and sweaters for casual..he just needs a new pair of shoes. My mom, well...no gown for her she's a dressy pantssuit person ( Its against my cruise values) but they are very dressy. and 'formal' looking. She did say she would think about a black dress if she went on a diet...I think she looks fine:) .


We also roped so friends of ours from California to join us. He's the more sedate one, kinda looks like phil donahue, and she is the wild texan!! Opposites attract:D


Any way....6 months!!!!!!!YEAH




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Dave ~ Can't wait to cruise with you on Mercury in September. (Isn't ANYONE else going???)


If the staff feel they can't say anything and we're the ones offended, I have no problem muttering something under my breath...."Yeah, THAT'S what they meant by 'formal'!)...."Someone please tell him he took a wrong turn and this ISN"T Denny's!"...."Oh man, I screwed up, I thought this was FORMAL NIGHT!"...."Geez, glad I spent TWO HOURS getting ready for dinner!"..and..."Who brought the riff-raff?"


Wow! That's really classy and shows the superiority of your breeding and cultural orientation. :rolleyes:



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Oh Good Lord here we go again - the damn dress code!


I personally booked the cruise for the intinerary - that is the only reason.


Although we will dress nicely and, in my opinion very well, we have no plans to rent a tux or buy an evening gown. I am sorry if anyone is offended by what we are wearing - or not wearing - but who are they to judge. I realize there is a certain ambiance to formal nights, but short of coming in straight from the pool we are all, after all, on vacations. So for those people instead of telling us to book with another cruise line, i.e. Carnival (poor Carnival) - how about they go somewhere else if they want to dress up.


Relax everyone - it is vacation:D

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No man needs to buy or rent a tux for formal night. Dark suits with a tie are perfectly acceptable. It has always been the case that dark suits with a tie are perfectly acceptable for "black tie." (Miss Manners, the book, even says so.)


Also, when people say if someone doesn't like having to dress up, then try another line, they do NOT necessarily mean "Carnival." For instance, there are no formal nights on Oceania -- which is by all reports a wonderful line with even better accomodations, service, food, amenities, etc. than Celebrity.


There really is something for everyone out there, at all price points!

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But only because of the few that choose not to attempt to even follow the rules, but simply challenge them cruise after cruise.


Its simple, we are all on vacation. The cruise line has designated a dress code for the evening in the MAIN diningroom and PUBLIC areas. We all have two choices to be civil compliant human beings.


1. Dress according for the MAIN dining room and PUBLIC areas (theatre..showlounge..etc). and enjoy your evening and your fellow cruisers.


2. Dress casually and have dinner in an alternate dining venue. The food is the same, the only difference is it is not the MAIN diningroom. This way you don't have to dress to code, you still get fed, have a great time with other fellow cruisers and enjoy your evening.


The best way to think about this is that the Informal and Formal evenings are by invitation only. The invitation is the clothing on your back. Not compliant, no invite. You will not go hungry.


It always amazes me that the cruise lines SPECIFICALLY set up casual dining venues for those who do not want to dress with the same food and service, just in an alternate location....and people find it SO HARD to comply. The cruiseline has given you a fair choice, its not unreasonable. You have to decide.


This is about TRADITION, this is about CIVILITY......., This is about the ability to follow a simple rule that the line asks of you respectfully. Unfortunately for some these two things don't matter....Its all about ME, ME, ME...to them.



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The cruiseline has given those guests who do not wish to be dressed formally the option of eating at the alternative dining venues, so as not to disturb and "ruin" the dining experience of those who decided to dress formally. I think that is a very nice gesture on the part of the cruiselines.


Now............should the guests who have taken the cruiselines option to eat at the alternative dining venue be required to return to their cabins after their meal and get dressed formally in order to venture to the lounges and casino?

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bububr - I have one question/clarification on your post. You said if you are sitting at a table for 8 and they seat another couple with you, your group of 6 will ask to have them moved or will move. Can't you get a table for 6? that seems kind of insulting and embarassing to the poor twosome who were expecting perhaps to be greeted by their tablemates? Maybe I misinterpreted.

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We will all just have to agree to disagree - everyone has their opinion and a right express it. :rolleyes:

Like I said, we will be accomdating and dress very nice, but not tux and evening gown nice. In fact we have requested a table for 2 so as not to "offend" anyone else who might be at the table, even though we hope we will be in the same room.;)


Happy vacation everyone :D

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We usually request a large table. we like to meet others. In the past we have not had any inappropriately dressed tablemates (On Celebrity....Carnival was a different story altogether). If the two of us showed up dressed accordingly and the rest of the table wasn't, we WOULD ask to be moved. If it was a couple and the rest of us were within code, I would ask that they be moved or reseat us and anyone else at the table who was unhappy with the lack of adhearance to the code.


Bottom line is you do find out your tablemates on the first night, which is casual.but you can feel them out. I once had a couple seated next to me and the guy smelled BAD, and had fingernails that needed to be clipped as well as more hair in his ears and nose than I have on my head...BUT they dressed to the nines, and were nice people...I just wanted to bring a grooming kit to the table the next couple of nights, finally I asked to be moved because IT WAS JUST GROSS to look at that while I'm eating.


Its not to be impolite, and as I said I enjoy meeting different people, but we ALL have expectations on the kind of company we keep. I prefer those who adhere to and respect the dress codes and tradition. I don't care how nice you are...If you show up on Formal night with khakis and a hawaiian shirt...it shows what kind of a person you really are....disrespectful and self serving..I would ask to have them moved if everyone else was dressed correctly and asked to go the the casual dining venue.


Part of the cruise I'm buying is the atmosphere and mystique. NOT just the beaches, pool, and mariachi band...those you can find on any vacation. Dressing IS part of the cruise experience, and for those who wish not to the cruiselines SPECIFICALLY offer casual dining alternatives so those who do not dress will not interfere in the traditional experience many enjoy as part of their cruise.


Hey, if I go to a bowling alley and don't have the correct shoes, will they let me bowl in my cowboy boots? I paid for the lane time. Or if I go to a country club to golf, can I do it in my speedo and flip flops? I am paying for green time. Bottom line is many accept the dress codes in their daily lives and even enforce them, but once they leave the safety of their home nest they want to break the rules. Its called a double standard.



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Hey, if I go to a bowling alley and don't have the correct shoes, will they let me bowl in my cowboy boots? I paid for the lane time. Or if I go to a country club to golf, can I do it in my speedo and flip flops? I am paying for green time. Bottom line is many accept the dress codes in their daily lives and even enforce them, but once they leave the safety of their home nest they want to break the rules. Its called a double standard.




I really like your analogies!

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Wow! That's really classy and shows the superiority of your breeding and cultural orientation. :rolleyes:



My breeding and cultural orientation (?) demand that I take care of what bothers me myself rather than expecting others to do so. The classy part is that I always do it with a sense of humor. Thanks for the compliment! :rolleyes:



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Oh Good Lord here we go again - the damn dress code!


So for those people instead of telling us to book with another cruise line, i.e. Carnival (poor Carnival) - how about they go somewhere else if they want to dress up.:D


Isn't it interesting that those who comply with the evening dress code are the ones being told to go somewhere else if they want to dress up? Did I miss something here? Can someone please explain that back-ended logic? Is this not a case of the inmates running the asylum?

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You go girl!!! I agree. Taking responsiblity for ones actions is admirable. And to try to help others enjoy themselves to a higher expectation is even more;)


Usha: Thanks! It makes perfect sense to me...I don't see why others find it so hard.;)


The ability to respect is learned. I guess for many they just didn't have parents that suggested they do the right thing.



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