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Question re:leaving sleeping kids alone in cabin?


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I am not the one miss quoting you! You said I said: All kids who get into trouble have insufficient parents!


I never once said that! EVER!


I agree - Kids make mistakes...so do adults...what is your point!


My kids watched a movie and drank hot chocolate in a deadbolted room with a walkie talkie while my husband and I went and danced and took a moonlit stroll for one hour....


They were fine...and I was less than a 5 minute walk away from them if they needed me...they could talk to me the entire time!


Kids have less supervision at McDonald's For Heaven's Sakes!


My point is you need to chill. And once you start attacking me personally you lost your case and all you do now is sound like an irrational woman. Good luck to you lady! :D

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I'm the one living in the real world. Yes, in my job if a call came in about children 11 & 6 being left alone nights and I made a visit there and found it to be true those children would be removed from the home. You don t have to like it but thats just how it is.

There are plenty like you out there who think its ok to leave them alone but if that MATURE child of 11 played with matches 20 min after I left and set the house on fire you would be screaming how I should have taken action.

Unlike you, I didn t call anyone names or roll my eyes at them.

My children are just fine, oldest works for yahoo(mis), the youngest is a cop(NYPD) . Very proud of both but at 11 i would never left them alone at night.

Like I said in my first post, they are your children so do what you want.

Just stop trying to twist my words or put your words in my mouth. I know what I wrote and told what we would do on the job. Go read it again, but please this time read MY words.

I never said anything about whether or not I agreed or liked it. I merely stated that you telling people you'd take their kids away if you could was being dramatic. Still is.

I'd like to know exactly where I said it was okay to leave kids alone. I don't believe I actually commented one way or the other. But I guess it's okay for you to put your words in other's mouths.

And I never called you any names, you did the name calling when you referred to me as being one of the "simply" group and by inferring that I couldn't read.

The rolling eyes smilie is an easy way to show how completely ridiculous we think some posts come across.

To clarify, this has nothing to do with MY child. This isn't my post and we're not discussing what I would do on MY cruise.

Lastly, there was no twisting of words. You said you'd take people's kids away and then told everyone that they don't know their kids as well as they think they do. Which in my opinion was a tad dramatic. :cool:

But whatever, you're not worth my time and effort to discuss this any farther.

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I can't fathom using a cruise ship as an avenue to work on this as there are far too many variables beyond your control and literally thousands of strangers on the other side of that cabin door.


I don't think that the people that are advocating that this is acceptable to do (leaving kids in the cabin alone), that this is the kids' first time or that they are new to staying alone. (Which is how interpreted in the part of your sentence in bold, to suggest.) I have interpreted these people as that they have children that are already experienced in being independent and able to stay home alone. And I also see that people are saying kids - plural. Kids meaning that there isn't just one 8 year old or one 6 year old. It means, to me, that they are saying that kids are in numbers, together. Isn't that what most people/teachers/parents etc. say, never 'go' alone to the bathroom etc. The buddy system.


I have also interpreted that NO one is suggesting leaving kids for ALL day or Night. Just a couple of hours at most - see a show, dance for a little bit, take a stroll. No where on here did I ever assume that anyone would be going out and getting stinkin' drunk and partying til all hours of the night and losing their wits about them. I totally believe that everyone here is simply stating for a couple of hours at most. Most everyone either said or implied that there was also frequent check-ins or a walkie talkie available. There are also phones around the ship that they can call back to the cabin to check on them.

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First off all whether we agree or disagree with people leaving thier children alone in a cabin is one thing... I personally WOULD NEVER do this....


But what I want to know is how is this woman hearing the walkie talkie while in the casino.. That was the livliest place on the Miracle a few weeks ago.... Loud and noisey !


My 8 year old....she has chores, ( ok she puts her clothes in the laundry ) she really is very responsible. She is a A+ student.... excells in athletics,

I realize she is only 8 . And therefore we do not allow her to have any more resposiblities than an 8 yr old should have, she will be an adult soon enough.... Our motto is ....Let her be a kid,

I can't imagine leaving her alone in the room while on a family vacation....

We have had balcony cabins and inside cabins, while having a balcony we make some drinks and sit out under the stars with the balcony door ajar..

We can hear her and she knows where we are...



I think the original poster's friend has more problems than gambling....

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Just my 2 cents....


On our last Carnival cruise my 2 daughters shared an interior cabin across the hall from us for the entire week, They were 14 and 12 at the time. They have been taught to be wary of strangers and we trusted them totally. They stayed together and on occasions that my husband and I wanted to eat in the dining room and they wanted to eat in the Lido, they did, no problem. They often went to the pool on their own and to breakfast if they woke much earlier (or later) than us.


The trip instilled a sense of self sufficiency in them both. Are there some risks? Yes, of course. But there are risks every day when they go off to school and we are not there. In high school and middle school our children are exposed to the influences of hundreds of other children and families. Some children are already having sex and using drugs. Thank God, my daughters tell me everything and make their own decisions about staying away from these kinds if children. We have to hope that we have raised them to make good choices for themselves. In port, they were not allowed to be on their own, but on the ship I felt comfortable with it for MY children. Much of the time they just enjoyed hanging out in their "own cabin"!


By the way, I am a social worker who works for a child welfare agency.

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Just my 2 cents....


On our last Carnival cruise my 2 daughters shared an interior cabin across the hall from us for the entire week, They were 14 and 12 at the time. They have been taught to be wary of strangers and we trusted them totally. They stayed together and on occasions that my husband and I wanted to eat in the dining room and they wanted to eat in the Lido, they did, no problem. They often went to the pool on their own and to breakfast if they woke much earlier (or later) than us.


The trip instilled a sense of self sufficiency in them both. Are there some risks? Yes, of course. But there are risks every day when they go off to school and we are not there. In high school and middle school our children are exposed to the influences of hundreds of other children and families. Some children are already having sex and using drugs. Thank God, my daughters tell me everything and make their own decisions about staying away from these kinds if children. We have to hope that we have raised them to make good choices for themselves. In port, they were not allowed to be on their own, but on the ship I felt comfortable with it for MY children. Much of the time they just enjoyed hanging out in their "own cabin"!


By the way, I am a social worker who works for a child welfare agency.


I totally agree with you .... kids can get into trouble at home or anywhere else.....it's how they learn....yes bad things CAN happen but it is not the norm..... I would trust my 14 yr old and a friend in a room across from me and allow them freedom....not in port....


I am a Girl Scout leader and we have strict rules on different levels of supervision for each age group.....by 7th grade the Girl Scouts require a 2 hour check in and the buddy system.... this will be our policy on the boat...not in port...not allowed to leave the ship without an adult. We have used this system many times on trips....water parks, amusement parks and so on.....if they break the 2 hour check in rule they are stuck with me for the rest of the day....believe me they don't break it.

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Excuse me for being obtuse but what is the difference? Either you leave the kids alone or you don't leave them alone.


What does drinking have to do with the situation?


Something just as bad can happen if you are sober or drunk.


Also, what is a suffient parent?


Less chance of problems when you are a sober parent! You might actually be aware of what was going on!


1. If you are getting dead drunk...you are probably not in full communication with your kids...

2. and more likely gone for much longer than a short time...

3. and you probably would not be very quick in your response if a problem did arise!


A suffient parent...I have no idea...what does suffient mean?


Oh you meant Sufficient(spelling?)!



In my opinion...:o

It is a parent that does everything in their power to raise responsible...independant...well informed...educated....and socially responsible children to adulthood...so they can be productive citizens, who have some moral conscience, and who than can give back to the family and the society that gave them a chance at life, & then pass it on again to the next generation!


I think parents can provide opportunities to their children, who have previously been taught and who have earned their parents trust, a chance to display their abilities....



Something like "GiVE them Roots...and WINGS"...pretty much covers it!


Does this mean all kids would turn out great...~no!


But the parents who truely do their all...would have no regrets about their efforts...and would have some peace of mind, knowing that they did their best. Which is a much better than to know you could have done more...but didn't! That would be a bad feeling!


Free Agency is everyone's gift...

I hope I teach my children to use theirs wisely!

So far they have my trust...because they have earned it!

But we shall see!

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.......this is a cruise ship not a ... ship full of criminals.



Well, that's an potential issue... you don't know if passengers have a criminal background...:eek:



The Camp Carnival Directors and staff have college degrees and years of experience... and go thru background checks. They can be trusted.

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Wow that was quick....I wondered if anyone would say that........next you will want background checks on all guests. "All sex offenders must register with cruise line" I can see it now.


All liers must state their age...


All felons must say so on the registation form before purchasing a gun...


Any other oximorons... :D

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Wow that was quick....I wondered if anyone would say that........next you will want background checks on all guests. "All sex offenders must register with cruise line" I can see it now.


Homeland security is already getting the passenger lists...with names, birthdates, and citizenship...


I believe they are already doing background checks....for terrorist security!


But that is an interesting thought...


Do registered sex offenders have to notify when they are going out of the country? Like when they move into a community!


Speaking of that..Here is a site you can look up your areas registered sexoffenders..see their pictures...their address...and their M.O. (rape..child molestation...etc)


...I think some of you would not like to know just how unsafe you are even on your own street! There is evil everywhere...you cannot however shut yourself up in a closet & piss on yourself! Your kids should know these faces too!



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Am I the only one on here that doesn't have "perfect" kids? My daughter is constantly pushing her boundries. I guess there are no "Mother of the year" awards in my future if only children of bad mothers get in trouble.


No one said that!


The people I am talking about...don't trust their children but do nothing about it!


Or worse...don't see it at all...because they don't want to see it!


Or even better...they never even tried to teach their kids in the first place!

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Homeland security is already getting the passenger lists...with names, birthdates, and citizenship...


I believe they are already doing background checks....for terrorist security!


But that is an interesting thought...


Do registered sex offenders have to notify when they are going out of the country? Like when they move into a community!


Speaking of that..Here is a site you can look up your areas registered sexoffenders..see their pictures...their address...and their M.O. (rape..child molestation...etc)


...I think some of you would not like to know just how unsafe you are even on your own street! There is evil everywhere...you cannot however shut yourself up in a closet a piss on yourself! Your kids should know these faces too!


No, background checks are not being done. If a name is flagged for whatever reason, then there might be additional checking done, but nobody is checking on every person that cruises.


And can we get just a bit more off topic.

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No, background checks are not being done. If a name is flagged for whatever reason, then there might be additional checking done, but nobody is checking on every person that cruises.


And can we get just a bit more off topic.


My TA told me that is what the new FUN PASS check in system was for...sorry if I was misinformed!

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But whatever, you're not worth my time and effort to discuss this any farther.


From one frined to another... don't forget this. It's not worth it. There are other threads to play on (of course, I don't think the F-deck has been mentioned on here yet).:D

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From one frined to another... don't forget this. It's not worth it. There are other threads to play on (of course, I don't think the F-deck has been mentioned on here yet).:D


Yes..but are the children being supervised by older siblings while we are all on the F-deck partying???:p JK

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Yes..but are the children being supervised by older siblings while we are all on the F-deck partying???:p JK
See it's okay to lighten. BTW that was quite funny! :D


And about the background checks. Just passing on info. I thought that's why they started it to, but apparently it's just the names being referenced. Atleast that what I gathered from here on the boards.

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Less chance of problems when you are a sober parent! You might actually be aware of what was going on!


1. If you are getting dead drunk...you are probably not in full communication with your kids...

2. and more likely gone for much longer than a short time...

3. and you probably would not be very quick in your response if a problem did arise!


A suffient parent...I have no idea...what does suffient mean?


Oh you meant Sufficient(spelling?)!



In my opinion...:o



Drinking and getting dead drunk are two different things.


I thought I got suffient off your post which is why I asked you.


Your point is valid however, you can discern between drinking and getting drunk.

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From one frined to another... don't forget this. It's not worth it. There are other threads to play on (of course, I don't think the F-deck has been mentioned on here yet).:D


Neither has the jeans on formal night or saving deck chairs or babies in diapers in the adult only pool!

So,(just for fun) we can ask why the parents are leaving their children unsupervised in the adult pool while saving deck chairs in their jeans on formal night!!! :eek: Will the madness ever end!?!?!?!?

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Personally, there is no way I could do this. I'm fairly confident my two daughters (10 &12) could handle just about anything. It's just too risky that something could happen.


Better than leaving them alone in the cabin: Send them to the kids club for the evening session and have all of your fun then. When you put them to bed, go to bed yourself. Wake up early with them and send them back to kids club for the entire day. If you really want a kid free vacation but still want to pay to be able to say you brought them along, that's the way to do it??????? Plus, this is free, you won't even have to pay extra for babysitting services. Reminds me of my ex-husband. That is how he is with my daughters. He doesn't really want them around, just wants to look like he does. (sorry, went off on a bit of a tangent)

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