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I'm RUNNING to the ship!

Cruise Cat

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Back at it again this week. Lots of car issues and other things this weekend (Excuses, I know:rolleyes:). Did 3.1 miles in 45:08 at a 1.0 incline tonight. No blister issues as feet had time to heal and harden this weekend and I kept it short. Getting new shows on Friday. Hope they have my shoe inserts in stock or will have to mail order again.

I will probably alternate between doing 3.1 miles on some days in intervals and the 90 minute fast walks for distance on other days. I'll work on eliminating the walk breaks from the 3.1 and add some weights and sit-ups on those days. :)

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Congratulations on running again. One of the best motivators is to sign up for a race. For me, it keeps me focused and motivated. One of my favorite parts of cruising is to run laps VERY early in the morning on the ships track. It is the perfect time to watch the ship "come alive" and watch the sun rise on a new port or over the water. Keep up the great work.

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This sounds like a fun thread. I am in if there is still that "challenge" and mileage goal.


I actually just signed up to do a half marathon :eek:. I am NOT a runner but trying to get there. I walked a half marathon in November and my goal for the one I am doing in March, Dallas Rock and Roll, is to beat my time from the San Antonio Rock and Roll last November. I've been a slug since November so this is NOT going to be easy. But I figure even a minute less beats my time and I have achieved my goal. Although, I really would like to cut at least 30 minutes off my time.


Cruise Cat, when you do your times on the tread mill what speed are you going? Seems to me that 99 minutes and 6.4 miles is AWESOME! That's a 10k!

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  • 1 month later...
This sounds like a fun thread. I am in if there is still that "challenge" and mileage goal.


I actually just signed up to do a half marathon :eek:. I am NOT a runner but trying to get there. I walked a half marathon in November and my goal for the one I am doing in March, Dallas Rock and Roll, is to beat my time from the San Antonio Rock and Roll last November. I've been a slug since November so this is NOT going to be easy. But I figure even a minute less beats my time and I have achieved my goal. Although, I really would like to cut at least 30 minutes off my time.


Cruise Cat, when you do your times on the tread mill what speed are you going? Seems to me that 99 minutes and 6.4 miles is AWESOME! That's a 10k!


It averages around 4.0 I don't keep the same speed all the time.

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I have been a slug also! Just got back onto the treadmill again today after almost 2 months. No excuses. I did 5.25 miles in 81:30. (3.87 mph average) Stopped when I started to feel rubbing on the feet. I don't want blisters again.

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Had a good couple of days:) Yesterday, I did weights (upper body) and tonight I did treadmill again. 5 miles even in 77:05. I did the first 4 miles right at 1 hour, so I had a good pace going. Dropped the pace down a bit to finish the last mile.


Tomorrow is complete rest and dealing with the soreness from lifting yesterday (takes about 30 hours for the pain o set in after lifting weights again after a long layoff).


Two months till next cruise!!!

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Had a good couple of days:) Yesterday, I did weights (upper body) and tonight I did treadmill again. 5 miles even in 77:05. I did the first 4 miles right at 1 hour, so I had a good pace going. Dropped the pace down a bit to finish the last mile.


Tomorrow is complete rest and dealing with the soreness from lifting yesterday (takes about 30 hours for the pain o set in after lifting weights again after a long layoff).


Two months till next cruise!!!

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Hi all!


As much as I'd love to read the entire thread, I'm on my lunch break and need to hurry so I don't miss out on all the other threads I try to follow. You know, if someone would just invent a time turner like Granger used in Harry Potter, my life would be a lot easier.


This is a GREAT idea. I'm 100 miles from the port and have 262 days until my cruise, so I should be able to make it back and forth to the port a few times before then.... I hope. I've recently taken up walking and have discovered that I do best with music (preferably the band Bond) blaring in my ears. Time is the problem I have. I sure don't feel like walking when I get home from work and it's not safe to go walking pre-dawn. So I try to fit it in when I can. I thought about joining a gym and may still do so (because even the evenings in Florida aren't cool enough to go walking), but it kind of irks me to pay a fee to go walking, you know?


Anyway... thanks for this thread. I'm going to thoroughly enjoy reading it. And I hope I'm able to contribute something now and again. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi there Cruise Cat (and others!)! Thanks for resurrecting this thread...mind if I join you? :) I'm trying to get myself in shape, not for weight loss reasons, but general health. Unfortunately, I'm not very good at motivating myself unless I'm somehow accountable!


I've got a couple of goals along the way, and I'm thinking my personal routines will change accordingly for this.


My first goal is getting in shape for my spring vacation...heading to Yosemite end of May/early June and will be doing a fair amount of hiking that trip (and ending with San Francisco's hills :rolleyes:). One of those days, I'll be hiking Half Dome, a grueling, steep 16-mile hike. So for spring my goal is definitely cardio and building up those leg muscles. Hoping for 3x per week cardio workouts, probably once a week of walking at intense inclines (10%+), with the other cardio workouts varied to keep things interesting, probably some mix of running, spin class, swimming, ellipticals, etc. My other 2x per week workouts will be strength-training, with a big push for my lower body! Strong legs will be necessary! ;)


My second goal is getting in shape for a race on July 24th. It is an "aquathon" - 1500 meter swim & 10K run. I'm not big on races (I'm not very competitive in spirit), but DH is racing that same day (as a full triathlon) and convinced me it would be fun. I'm a strong swimmer, and have done a 10K race before, but now I need to put both of them together. I figure this should be about 90 minutes of racing altogether, which doesn't seem so scary. So once I'm home from California, I'll have to make sure I get in a weekly swim, a weekly run, and again, one more varied cardio workout to mix things up (key for me, or else I get bored). Running outside is a whole different animal than on a treadmill, at least here in Richmond in the summer, when it is frequently 90-100 degree days! So I will have to get myself outside and start to adjust my body for that. Strength training will also require more focus on upper body for my swim and especially core exercises.


Third goal, quite frankly, is to look good in a bathing suit for my cruise!! I'm not going til December, but still VERY excited about it and really want to keep up my fitness so that I don't feel too bad about indulging a little on vacation!! Hopefully by the time this rolls around, working out will be part of my daily routine and easier to keep up. More of a maintenance and toning goal at this point, but obviously subject to change. December still seems very far away...


Saturday was on the incline treadmill for 45 minutes, speed always between 4-5mph and incline between 3-15%. I was sweating at the end of it, but didn't have a clear pattern on the machine, just changed the incline and/or speed whenever I needed a breather. A good start, for sure.


Sunday I did strength training, and today I am sore! Really feel it in my quads and inner/outer thighs. I am going to start writing down my weight & reps to track some progress, but for this weekend, I was pleased with what I accomplished.


Monday is usually a day off from the gym (it's always SUPER crowded from everyone who didn't make it over the weekend :rolleyes:), which works out great since I'm feeling it from yesterday. But it is supposed to be beautiful outside, sunny and 80 degrees, so hopefully I will get a nice walk in after work, mostly to enjoy the weather. I'll report in sometime tonight and tomorrow the real work will continue! :)

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I haven't posted in a week, so thought I'd check in with everyone to post my progress and see if anyone else is "running" to the ship!


I did strength training once last week, jogging on the treadmill once (speed 5-6mph; incline 0-6%), and spin class yesterday (wow my legs burn). So only three workouts instead of the 5 I had set a goal for :cool:. I definitely worked hard when I was at the gym, just didn't actually get there as frequently as I had hoped! I'll have to do better this week.


It's 766 miles from my home to Port Canaveral...and I had about 4 miles in running and 20 on the bike, so in a hypothetical world, if I could just put those miles from the gym as miles on the road, well...it'll still be a while before I hypothetically "run to the ship". Good thing I have until December!


Miles Completed: 24

Miles to go: 742

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Yesterday I did an hour of intense strength-training (free weights rather than circuit machines :eek:), but managed to fit in a quick warm-up jog beforehand. All on a treadmill, speed between 4-6mph, incline 0-3%, for 1.6 miles.


Miles Completedd: 25.6

Miles to go: 740.4

Edited by bqkali
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  • 1 month later...

this is a cool thread! I am glad I stumbled upon it!


I am a swimmer who became a runner last year as a way to get back in shape. I was 260 lbs on April 18th 2010. On April 18th 2011 I ran the Boston Marathon and weighed in at 184 lbs! I started as a walker, then jogger, then got my pace up a bit. I also got back in the pool and I am competing as a master's swimmer again too!


Next Sunday I will do my 3rd half-marathon since November. I hope to break 2 hours as I was just barely over that mark for the first 2 which was a huge surprise to me. I have a Fall marathon planned and I will do Boston again next year. I have discovered that I love running as much as swimming.


On my cruise to Alaska I was able to run every day. There was nothing like jogging around the deck as we were leaving Glacier Bay. This year I hope to do some running while I am in Bermuda. I am in the best shape of my life and have reached my wedding weight in time for my 20th anniversary!


Good luck to all on your fitness goals! Get out there and have fun!

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This is a great idea! I have never been a runner but started on the treadmill about 7 months ago. When I started I could only run for about a min at a time before I had to walk. I am still by no means a runner but now I run about 3.75 miles a day in 30 mins 5 times a week. I have conditioned myself to feel guilty if I don't do it 5 times a week so I even do it on vacation. I am cruising in Aug and will try to do it on the ship for the first time ever I will visit the gym on a cruise!

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This is such a great idea. I was doing something similar a while back, tracking my walking along a route to the cruise ship, but I think I will do just a milage tracker as that's a bit easier. We'll see how far I can walk/run from Ontario, Canada to Fort Lauderdale, FL as we are thinking of taking a cruise from there in January 2012!


Total Mileage: 1459 miles

Miles Logged: 44.16 miles

Miles to Go: 1414.4 miles


I know that I'm not going to come close to running to the cruise ship as it is quite far from my house, but it will be fun to see how far I get! I've been tracking my mileage from the start of 2011, so we'll see how far I can go in a year!

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I'm not going to make it for my next cruise, but I made it half way. I started running in March. I had never run a mile before starting Couch to 5K on 3/17/11. I started tracking my mileage in April. I'm currently running 4 or 5 times per week for a total of 15 - 20 miles.


Mileage from my house to the Cape Liberty, Bayonne, NJ: 209

Nike+ mileage since 4/6/11: 106.27

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I absolutely LOVE running in the gym on a cruise. It is a magnificent feeling. I have run on the outdoor tracks also. Watching the sun rise and the peaceful water all around you is breathtaking. And just so you know... you ARE a runner. Run walk sessions are great for beginners. Remember that every step you take, you CHOOSE to continue, rather than to stop and that is a wonderful thing. Enjoy and stay motivated!






Spyder 209 wrote:

This is a great idea! I have never been a runner but started on the treadmill about 7 months ago. When I started I could only run for about a min at a time before I had to walk. I am still by no means a runner but now I run about 3.75 miles a day in 30 mins 5 times a week. I have conditioned myself to feel guilty if I don't do it 5 times a week so I even do it on vacation. I am cruising in Aug and will try to do it on the ship for the first time ever I will visit the gym on a cruise!

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I was so excited to see this thread. I had a couple of goals when I started in March this year running again. I originally thought about running to where my hubby is deployed while he was gone, but that would be roughly 40 miles a day. lol So, I started tracking to run the 228 miles to NOLA port. I am excited others had the same idea and love seeing your progress. So, I'll try and join in and maybe this will inspire me to be more consistent. I took the last two weeks off and with kids home for the summer I see the challenge coming. Oh, Cruise Cat, what do you do for those long runs on the treadmill to keep your mind going?


Total Mileage: 228 miles

Miles Logged: 29.6 miles

Miles to Go: 198.4 miles


Cruising in February 2012

Edited by Karmarose
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I absolutely LOVE running in the gym on a cruise. It is a magnificent feeling. I have run on the outdoor tracks also. Watching the sun rise and the peaceful water all around you is breathtaking. And just so you know... you ARE a runner. Run walk sessions are great for beginners. Remember that every step you take, you CHOOSE to continue, rather than to stop and that is a wonderful thing. Enjoy and stay motivated!





I am so glad to hear you say that it is fun to run on the treadmill while looking out the window on a ship. I am actually excited to do that. I just got back from a resort vacation in Mexico and ran while looking at a beautiful pool with palm trees and an ocean behind it. It really does help you be inspired to run harder and look better in a bathing suit!

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This is a great idea! I have never been a runner but started on the treadmill about 7 months ago. When I started I could only run for about a min at a time before I had to walk. I am still by no means a runner but now I run about 3.75 miles a day in 30 mins 5 times a week. I have conditioned myself to feel guilty if I don't do it 5 times a week so I even do it on vacation. I am cruising in Aug and will try to do it on the ship for the first time ever I will visit the gym on a cruise!



I meant 2.75 miles a day in 30 min., not as impressive, huh? Maybe I can work my way up to 3.75 though!

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  • 3 months later...
For those of you who have done couch to 5k, or were basically out of shape before starting a walking/jogging/running regimen.. did you lose weight successfully alongside it? I think I'm going to try to walk/jog/run to the ship!


I started Weight Watchers last September. I lost about 35 pounds before starting C25K in March. Once I started regular exercise, my weight pretty much stayed the same for the first six to eight weeks, though I dropped another pants size. It was rather discouraging to have the scale not move for so long while I was working so hard, but it did start moving again. I've lost another 25 since then. I now run 3 or 4 days per week averaging 4.5 miles each run.


Mileage since Apr 11: 239.3

Miles to next departure port: 1,100

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For those of you who have done couch to 5k, or were basically out of shape before starting a walking/jogging/running regimen.. did you lose weight successfully alongside it? I think I'm going to try to walk/jog/run to the ship!


I did lose some weight in the beginning when I started running/jogging. However, I've hit a plateau with weight loss, but I am increasing mileage training for a half marathon. So, I would say set realistic goals and be proud of every mile you log. No matter the speed, distance or weight loss. It's important to maintain a healthy diet alongside your fitness. You have to fuel your runs and the rest of your activities or you won't lose weight because your body will go into starvation mode.


BTW I already made my distance, but I made a new reachable goal. So, like I said I think reachable goals that you can be proud of are important. Good luck with your runs. Oh and keep a journal if you can because it can be so insightful if you write how you felt about your run right afterwards.

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  • 1 month later...

I began running early April. Now in New England it is cold and soon will be dark before and after work. I tired a run on the treadmill and is no where near the same as outside. It is harder to adjust your pace, LOL boring!!


This week-end I am going to by cold gear to see if I can extend the running season outside. I am absolutely hooked on running, for me no other form of exercise comes close in terms of enjoyment and accomplishment....


For thoes in the colder climiates, do you run outside in the winter?

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Smoothdancer, I'm with you on loving running. Cold weather running is one of my favorites. I live in the Chicago area and the only thing that keeps me in is ice or lightening. For cold weather ...layer as needed wearing wicking material close to your skin.

For snow check out any online store like roadrunner and take a look at yaktrax. I wear the spike kind in snow and they work great for me. There is nothing like hearing your feet crunching and making the first set of prints in the snow or coming in on those bitter cold mornings with icicles on your eyelashes and hair.


These online stores also sell many different kinds of reflective wear and lamps. I run EARLY morning and wear both lights and reflective wear.


While in Cancun go ahead and try running on the beach. I love to do this in St Petes Beach FL. I run close to the water where the sand is a bit firmer. I see some people run on dry sand but for me this is a different kind of run.

Actually one year I injured my knee and couldn't run on pavement but the sand did the trick and seemed to take care of the pain and have been pain free since. It could be coincidental but I do enjoy running on firm sand.

Good luck with your running.

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