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P&O ARCADIA ~ New Year Panama Canal Cruise Review


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Overall I have to agree with most of your comments about Arcadia, heaven knows what sort of mess P&O will make with the new Ventura! I wonder how many carrots they will need for 3100 passengers?




Going a bit off-thread but wouldn't it have been nice if Minerva II could have been re-assigned to P&O rather than Princess? I await the arrival of Ventura with intensive ambivalence!

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Hi Kindlychap


I just think that QE2 has long passed her sell by date. I found her crowded, cramped and dark compared to more modern ships. Deck space isn't exactly plentiful for the number of passengers onboard and the cabins (especially the bathrooms) are extremely 'tired'. I know a lot of people love her because she's old but that doesn't seem to work for me - perhaps its because I grew up in awe of the first Queens (I saw them in Southampton as a boy) and the pre war Cunarders, so am not overly impressed with something from the late 60's which has been 'made over' so many times. The 'magic' just isn't there for me!




Sounds like a plan - especially as Arcadia is the only ship in the fleet with a double decker dining room! The way it works now isn't going to keep P&O regulars happy for long. The Ventura will be interesting - will P&O change to suit her or will Ventura change to suit P&O???? They will probably need another deck for all the carrots!!! (Am I the only one that noticed by the way???)




You are right about Minerva II - but P&O seems to get all the 'unwanted' hand me downs such as Artemis and Arcadia!!! Have you read any of the Artemis reviews - she'll be passed off to the poor Aussie market before long!!! I would have thought P&O was much more suitable to take the 'R' class ships than Princess but I guess Princess has all the clout these days! You've experienced a few P&O cruises - where do you think Arcadia stand compared to some of the others???





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As you can see, we're off on Arcadia next month so I'll know better then. I've had a quick look round Arcadia for an afternoon and she seems to be neither one thing nor the other which is hardly surprising given her background. P&O seem to pigeonhole her alongside Oceana but I fervently hope that is for marketing purposes since Oceana is one ship that I will not travel on again. For me she hasn't made the transformation from US Caribbean to British market successfully. From my brief encounter, P&O appear to have considered things like pasenger flow and styling on Arcadia to suit a more British concept than Oceana.

As you say, poor old Artemis seems to be suffering at the hands of the reviewers which is a shame considering the loyal following she had as Royal Princess. After our trip on Tahitian Princess, I thought that she would be particularly well suited to the UK market, but I'm only a customer. Who knows what the future holds as Carnival try to turn us all into American cruisers! ;)

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After our trip on Tahitian Princess, I thought that she would be particularly well suited to the UK market, but I'm only a customer. Who knows what the future holds as Carnival try to turn us all into American cruisers! ;)


Dak, we are considering Tahitian Princess next year, what did you think of the ship and FP.



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....... P&O seem to pigeonhole her alongside Oceana but I fervently hope that is for marketing purposes since Oceana is one ship that I will not travel on again. For me she hasn't made the transformation from US Caribbean to British market successfully. From my brief encounter, P&O appear to have considered things like pasenger flow and styling on Arcadia to suit a more British concept than Oceana.

......... ;)




The rub is ..... most people I spoke to, or overheard talking, were raving about Oceana in comparison to Arcadia (rating her as much more 'luxurious') - so much for designing for the British market (such an arrogant claim anyway!!). With regard passenger flow, the layout is still 100% Holland American Vista so again is supposedly designed for the Caribbean based US market!!!


Hope you do enjoy Arcadia next month - as I have said before, the last thing I wanted to do was to put people off their cruise!!! I am sure that for the right price, for the right itinerary, at the right time of year and with 100% guarantee of second sitting we could be tempted to go on Arcadia again!!! As you can see from the variety of lines we have been on - we like to try most things at least once and so can't help making comparisons! For us QM2 and Celebrity Millenium class will take some beating.


What is it about old ships these days - it seems even when they are being extensively refurbished they are falling short of expectations. Artemis is doing some excellent itineraries over the next 12 months - but if she isn't up to scratch??? We were also tempted by the launch of Fred Olsen's Boudicca but, from what I have read this week, the maiden voyage was a bit of a disaster with unfinished areas and scruffy cabins. Oh well, perhaps Arcadia is better than a lot of ships around (apart from all those carrots!)





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We loved TP. The ambience of the ship was lovely. None of the glitzy nonsense so beloved of our colonial cousins. :rolleyes: Just a simple understated ship, with a friendly crew, in which one could be comfortable. Why, oh why could one of the R ships not now sport a buff funnel? The cruise itself was fantastic, but we had to swap Rarotonga for Raitaea to avoid a cyclone. I am advised by one of the officers that the cyclone did is a favour. I cannot comment other than to say that we thoroughly enyoyed it.



I do hope I disagree!!! I really did not like Oceana. Everything about the decor and layout appeared to me to be overstated and "in your face". She lacked the "comfortable armchair" feeling. One of my biggest gripes was the lack of a proper "observation saloon" so beloved of our maritime heritage in UK ships.

During my brief visit to Arcadia I saw hints of all sorts, but nothing that I could describe as specifically characteristic of P&O or Cunard. To me, she was exactly what she is. A Cunard ship adapted to appear as P&O. I suppose that is pandering to the homogenisation of the Carnival Corp fleet(s), both in terms of ships and crew. We always go for second seating with at leat one visit to the "pay as you go". It just seems to fit in better with our lifestyle. Being a maritime dinosaur, I bemoan the passing of Victoria/Sea Princess, but the days of proper ships are now clearly behind us. That was part of the reason for our sailing on the final voyage of Caronia as a Cunarder.


One could go on ad nauseam on such a subject, but the world moves on and with it we shall cruise on large floating shoeboxes with a pointed end!

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As you can see, we're off on Arcadia next month so I'll know better then. I've had a quick look round Arcadia for an afternoon and she seems to be neither one thing nor the other which is hardly surprising given her background. P&O seem to pigeonhole her alongside Oceana but I fervently hope that is for marketing purposes since Oceana is one ship that I will not travel on again. For me she hasn't made the transformation from US Caribbean to British market successfully. From my brief encounter, P&O appear to have considered things like pasenger flow and styling on Arcadia to suit a more British concept than Oceana.

As you say, poor old Artemis seems to be suffering at the hands of the reviewers which is a shame considering the loyal following she had as Royal Princess. After our trip on Tahitian Princess, I thought that she would be particularly well suited to the UK market, but I'm only a customer. Who knows what the future holds as Carnival try to turn us all into American cruisers! ;)




We have done 20+ cruises with P & O ranging from Canberra to Aurora (have not been on Adonia or Artemis and don't intend even considering Artemis). We too are off on Arcadia in July. After our ships visit last April we came off and booked a cabin straight away. We were very impressed from the visit. I hated the original Arcadia (now ocean village) and despite having one of the best holidays on board Oceana the ship itself was not to my taste. From my memories of the visit Arcadia struck me as classy rather than glitzy!! I've found over the years that the new ships take a long time to become popular with the P & O regulars. My favourite ship is Aurora and even after going on QM2, Aurora is still my favourite. QM2 is an ideal ship for transatlantic crossings for those that don't or can't fly.



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I would agree with you about Oceana. We too enjoyed our time aboard, but did not like the ship at all for the reasons I have mentioned. However, we did actually quite like the third Arcadia (now Ocean Village). As for the second, I cannot comment but my Uncle was quite complimentary. The 1887 original is a bit outside my era! - Takes all sorts!;)

I did not suggest that the new Arcadia was "glitzy". I actually said that she appeared as a Cunard product adapted to P&O, which is exactly what she is! I would say that classy describes her pretty well. I have to wait until next month to cruise on her (and again in November). My word glitzy was used in respect of Tahitian Princess on which I had been asked my opinion (for what that is worth). I commended my opinion that shw is not glitzy.... Try one of the R ships if you get the chance. I do believe that the homogenisation is tending toward overstatement rather than the traditional Oriana / Aurora product but I hope that commonsense will prevail and we shall perhaps see something of that style, and around 50000-65000GRT preferably, being ordered.

I heartily agree that QM2 is for transatlantic purposes or "liner voyages" where the ship is the destination.

Of course, you are absolutely correct about ships taking time to endear themselves. I believe that each ship develops a "personality" based upon the ship herself, the crew and the company ethos. That is why I abhor the Carnival tendency to shift crew between lines eg the purser (sorry we don't call them that any longer) from QM2 was on TP; the Environmental officer on Caronia was seconded from Seabourn; The Chief Eng from TP was going to Costa. The Master of Caronia was expecting to go to Princess.....and so on...


Hope I haven't upset you,



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I would agree with you about Oceana. We too enjoyed our time aboard, but did not like the ship at all for the reasons I have mentioned. However, we did actually quite like the third Arcadia (now Ocean Village). As for the second, I cannot comment but my Uncle was quite complimentary. The 1887 original is a bit outside my era! - Takes all sorts!;)

I did not suggest that the new Arcadia was "glitzy". I actually said that she appeared as a Cunard product adapted to P&O, which is exactly what she is! I would say that classy describes her pretty well. I have to wait until next month to cruise on her (and again in November). My word glitzy was used in respect of Tahitian Princess on which I had been asked my opinion (for what that is worth). I commended my opinion that shw is not glitzy.... Try one of the R ships if you get the chance. I do believe that the homogenisation is tending toward overstatement rather than the traditional Oriana / Aurora product but I hope that commonsense will prevail and we shall perhaps see something of that style, and around 50000-65000GRT preferably, being ordered.

I heartily agree that QM2 is for transatlantic purposes or "liner voyages" where the ship is the destination.

Of course, you are absolutely correct about ships taking time to endear themselves. I believe that each ship develops a "personality" based upon the ship herself, the crew and the company ethos. That is why I abhor the Carnival tendency to shift crew between lines eg the purser (sorry we don't call them that any longer) from QM2 was on TP; the Environmental officer on Caronia was seconded from Seabourn; The Chief Eng from TP was going to Costa. The Master of Caronia was expecting to go to Princess.....and so on...


Hope I haven't upset you,






Why would you have upset me :confused:


First of all I didn't realise that Arcadia (Ocean Village) was not the original (wrong wording on my part). Quite naturally I haven't been on the original only being born in 1961!!


I was not suggesting that you said the new Arcadia was Glitzy. I was just referring to a lot of the ships that generally run out of the US ports, which tend to be IMO a bit OTT!!


I hate to think what will happen if Ventura actually takes off!! When we were on QM2 we were followed around by Golden Princess and I have to say she doesn't look quite as elegant as the other ships in the P & O fleet!! I believe that this is the type of ship she will be??


What is one of the R ships ??


I don't fly at all so any cruises we do have to be from a UK port. P & O suits us very well.


It will be interesting to hear your views on Arcadia. She gets mixed reports on the P & O cruise connections website. It seems you either like her or hate her!!



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Hi Elaine.


Sounds as if we may be kindred sprits!

The R ships are those originally owned by Renaissance. Renaissance 1 to Renaissance 4 which were small ships and R1 to R8, which were virtually identical 30,277GRT ships. Upon the demise of Renaissance, P&O Princess bought R3, R4 and R8 which became Pacific Prncess, Tahitian Princess and MinervaII (Swan Hellenic). In the last week, P&O Princess have announced that Minerva II will transfer to Princess to become Royal Princess. We were on Tahitian and loved her. My thoughts were that she would have been an ideal replacement for the old Victoria. That was my off-topic moan! As for Ventura (where on earth did they get a name like that?) I can't see the Grand Class fitting well into the P&O fleet. I think we like our Auroras and Orianas too much.

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KenC wrote:

Glad you enjoyed P&O Victoria - my first cruise back in 1988 was on her when she was the original Sea Princess and I have been hooked ever since. Must be strange for you being on such a 'British' ship???


Not really since my mother is originally from London and my dad from Jersey

though I grew up in Vancouver, BC but I've lived in Texas since the early'90's.


My husband (American as apple pie) and I were talking about which cruise

we enjoyed the most and it was P&O - best overall "classic cruise" experience. The Bon Voyage party was very British with the band playing patriotic songs and we got to throw streamers! Our cabin steward asked how we would like tea brought to our cabin each morning and at what time.

There were more daily activities to choose from, than, say Royal Caribbean.

The "Port Talks" were (surprise!) actually about the ports not just stores

and shopping recommendations. I have a large box full of the "paper bits"

from that cruise including every menu (I checked and there was a variety of vegetables (ratatouille, tempura vegetables, aubergines. broccoli, etc) and

the film choices were really good, to this day "Billy Elliott" is one of my

daughter's favourites (they showed an Australian film "The Dish" based on

a true story which we would never have heard of here).


Okay, I'll stop now! It's just making me wish I was sailing on the Oriana

instead of the Grand Princess in a few weeks.

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