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Roll Call: Caribbean Princess 9/9/06


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Hello Everyone,


Hope all is well. I took a long nap this afternoon and so will most likely be up late tonight. I know I should be doing something constructive but don't know what it would be at this hour. Have taken a couple days off from the sorting and such. Have to get back at it tomorrow and work like mad.


Don-Having someone come stay and take care of your cats is a great idea. I have stayed at one of my friends homes when they travel for many years now. It works out great. If I could find someone I trusted to do it for me I would. Cat is easy but now that we have the dog will be a little more tricky. My brother has a fenced yard and a dog too so hoping he can go there and stay for most of the time.

I think they do the lobster on the 2nd formal night. I have looked at the menus once but have forgotten. The seafood buffet the first night sounds good to me but think they have prime rib in the diningroom which Scott loves. Going to do Sterlings on Tuesday night for his birthday and want to do Sabotini's too and was thinking early on so maybe on Sunday or Monday night for that.


Jake-Sounds like you are all ready for tomorrow night!!!! Happy viewing!!!! Spending a lot of time with the ex huh?!?!?!?


Hope Scott is feeling better tomorrow.


Have a good week everyone. Probably won't hear from me again till next weekend!!!!



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Hello Amigos!


Don - Very long posting, thanks for the introduction! I agree on the cat sitter being licensed. No one is honest in the world any more and your story just chalks another mark up in that column. I get lied to all the time at my job so people can either get paid or denied or get their way, which ever way they are leaning. It sickens me to know that no one keeps their word any more. I was raised a lot differently and people in my generation and the younger ones behind me don't get that concept and lie through their teeth! :(


The formal nights usually get the grandios food like lobster tails and Filet Mignon. The first formal night is the first sea day and the second is the night of Cozumel. My guess is they'll have it the first sea day but you could ask someone on the general Princess thread about it. :)


I bet your happy the air show is over now! :D


Scott - Wow, sounds like your back was definitely messed up. My left knee was killing me. That must have been because I spent an HOUR on the elliptical machine. Even that will get anyone's knees going. I seriously am trying to get in really good shape for the cruise!


As for the ex and I, we went to Legal Seafoods at the Burlington Mall. It was a very swanky seafood restaurant and it was high priced. I could go to Weathervane and get the same food for about $10 cheaper! It was a nice dinner with wine though. We talked about things. He wants to go away to DC but doesn't know who to invite, I think that was a hint at me. We'll see....


I so can't wait for tonight! Prison Break is on and it's only 9AM. This day is seriously dragging! Grr!! I want to make sure that I'm all ready for it. I'll probably be on the Prison Break forum like mad tonight and may not be on here as much!


Have a good day folks, may be back later!


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OH YEah, I think EX wants you back!!! why did you split anyway, if you don't mind me asking?


3 hours till PB!!!!


Don, Thanks for the intro. I does sound like you guys have very busy lives! Congrats to Mark on finishing School!! He'll have to study real hard for his CPA exam! but will be worth it in the long run. My Ex sister in law is a CPA, she studied her butt off for the exam, and failed, but got it the 2nd time. Now she's the CFO of an Insurance company in Shreveport.


OK I'm off to lay on the couch, so I can go back to work tomorrow! I'm not one just to lay around, have to keep moving, even with severe back pain!:mad:


Later all


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Hey Scott,


It's less than 3 hours until Prison Break now! The countdown on the official FOX forum is updated by new messages almost every minute! LOL


Sorry to hear that your back is bugging you. Get it back into shape by the cruise! It's no fun going on vacation in pain.


As for the ex, well he was the one to break it off for reasons unknown. I didn't ask. I just loved him a lot and got along with him much better than most queens my way so I took him up on his offer to remain friends and we have.


I could use a new job after today. It was sheer madness. I wanted to leave by noon. I was so high strung that I thought I was going to have an ulcer right then and there. I need this vacation PRONTO!


Hopefully your back is all taken care of by tomorrow so that you can resume work. Lying around, unless watching eye pleasing TV such as Prison Break can be tortorous!




P.S. I'm giving my sister up for adoption, do you want an annoying "DONKEY" as Gordon Ramsey (Chef from Hell's Kitchen) would call her? I'm giving her away for free. You could stick her out in the corn fields and hope for an alien abduction! :eek: :D

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You can keep your donkey of a sister, we don't need anymore of her kind here in Hamburg, we have enough crazies!! Throw out to sea!!!! Or we can only hope that the Karr guy who claims to have killed Jonbenet ramsey will escape and get your sis!!:eek:




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OMG! I didn't say send a pedophile after her! :eek:


I just want her gone for a while. See... according to the X-Files, the little green men abduct people and do all those funky tests and then return them! :D However, I'm just hoping they return her to your neck of the woods. You could use her out there! :)


Prison Break is on in 45 minutes! Wentworth will be on Access Hollywood on the NBC affiliate in just a few minutes.



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I watched PB, I really sort of liked it! it will take some getting use too, and had I watched season 1 it would have helped. but anyway, I have a few questions. 1. who was the lady in the hospital in a coma? just a guard who had a fling with Michael?

2. who are/were the 2 people in the big house in Montana? and who shot the lady and why?

3. they said 8 escaped, well there were 5 running plus the one handed guy in the vets office, where are the other 2, and why aren't we seeing them? Maybe you don't know all the anwers, but any help would be appreciated!


Well ok, maybe we really shouldn't wish such bad things for your sis! But I'm pretty sure we don't want her in Iowa, there are much worse places, let's say........Western Nebraska!!!


damn that Wentworth is hot!!!!!



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Hey Scott,


"There are answers to your questions" - Michael Scofield


He always has the best lines! :) Anyway, your questions were...


1. who was the lady in the hospital in a coma? just a guard who had a fling with Michael?


>>> She is not a guard, she's the prison doctor and over the course of Season 1 Michael and Sara fall in love. At first Michael was using her to get to the infirmary since it was a key part of the plan. She ended up changing the locks on him and so he had to ask her directly for help in the escape by leaving the door unlocked. She did that and then proceeded to take morphine and do an overdose. That's why we saw her in a coma at the beginning of this season and why she had the crane from Michael.


2. who are/were the 2 people in the big house in Montana? and who shot the lady and why?


>>> Terrance Steadman was the guy, he's supposed to be dead. Lincoln Burrow's (Michaels bro) was framed for killing him and sentenced to death but as you can see, Terrance is very much alive and under house arrest. Veronica Donovan is was an ex-girlfriend of Linc who threw away her marriage to another guy to try and free Linc after she became convinced of his innoncence. She's been on the run herself from the 'company' since mid-Season 1 when she got involved. The company is the one who wanted her shot. There is a lot about the company that we don't know but we get the idea that they have strong political influence and deep pockets. This season we're supposed to learn more about them. They are funding the current President (who poisoned the other President last season) bid for the White House. This dynamic story is hard to explain in the short time I have.


3. they said 8 escaped, well there were 5 running plus the one handed guy in the vets office, where are the other 2, and why aren't we seeing them?


>>>> The two who are missing, they did mention at the very beginning when they introduced the new FBI guy. T-Bag, Charles T Bagwell is the one with the hand severed in the vets office. The other two who we did not see was David Apostikis ("TWEENER") and Charles Patoschik ("HAYWIRE"). I'm sure both will pop up in next week's episode.


I was SHOCKED when they off'd Veronica. I never saw that coming! :eek: She was a regular in Season 1!!


If anything, re-watch it on Wednesday at 8PM Central, to get the introduction of the characters who escaped again, it's at the very beginning and watch the synopsis right at the beginning very clearly. That should give you a rought idea of the show.

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Now that you mention it, I think I do remember hearing about those ther 2 guys, it was hard to hear the TV, had it turned up real loud, plus the windows were open so heard all kinds of traffic and trains. if I remember I will try ti watch it again tomorrow.



PS how was work today, pure hell? I know stupid question!:D

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Well, I'm not Prison Break Junkie for nothing you know! ;) (Fox Forum Name).


Give the show another looksy tomorrow night. I plan on watching it. I wouldn't miss it for the world. I love Prison Break and last year when they encored it, I watched every single time. They encored the pilot and the first episode THREE times the first week and I watched it all three times. This year it's just twice but it will be available online for streaming purposes. That'll be intense! :D Must resist temptation to watch PB all the time... MUST RESIST TEMPTATION! :eek:


Actually, now that I have a big "I don't care" anymore attitude. Work didn't get to me as much today. I just said to heck with the whole stupid thing. I am in vacation shut down mode. Today was the first day I got to see the work that would be left behind in my absence the week I'm gone. It will grow with each day this week because anything setup this week is added to that weeks list. I can't wait. I hope there are a ton of issues. I might just set up a whole slew of them for the hell of it! LOL... I'm so bad! :D


How's life in the corn fields? You seriously live by trains or was that meant as a joke about PB train scene?


How could you sleep?


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well if we live in a corn crib, they have to unload that corn into something, to get across this united states, don't you know?:D


Joking, actually the train tracks are about a mile outside of town, but you can hear them from the house. actaully we hear them so much, that

after a while you just sort of tune them out! but we've had the windows open, so it's much easier to hear.


Good for you on your bad attitude!:D


I told Paul today this cruise can't get here fast enough, it's the stress of this damn city crap that caused me to get this pinched nerve! had I not been so tense and made the slightest move that was wrong, I wouldn't be

in the "pinch" I'm in now!! but while out walking the dog last night, I did

run into the nut job who created this whole mess, and told him what i thought of him!!! I felt better, but I tensed up again, but now I want to tell him more! I just have to have the last word!!! LOL


have a good one, we'll chat at you tomorrow!



Don and Mark, where are you? you can't be

that busy to ignore us! LOL Check in when you have time!

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Don & Mark - Where are you?! Hopefully you gave Prison Break a chance! :D


Scott -


Prince Macaroni used to be made close to where I live so I'm accustomed or used to be accustomed to trains coming by delivering the wheat to make the pasta. Now that I've been gone on for a while, I'm hyper sensitive to noise when I'm trying to sleep and if it's noisy then I can't fall asleep and wake up easily! :(


Just make sure that train doesn't come here with cream of corn, or as I call it baby puke! NASTY! :eek:


I think we are all in line for a vacation and all agree that this cruise isn't coming fast enough. I think the only people who would disagree is the retired folks doing B2B or the folks who aren't working for one reason or another. :cool: I just hope that it get's here soon!


All your talk about snack products and Little Debby food went and jinxed us! Now look at what we've got! LOL :D


Don't forget to re-watch PB tonight. I'll be glued to the TV at 9PM EDT again. I LOVE PRISON BREAK!!!!



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have you seen my post on the other side? if not stop reading this, and go looky!


Sorry I just had to say those things!!!


So have you heard from Tiffany lately at Princess?


Not much new here, over worked myself yesterday so needless to say, I could hardly move this AM, Won't be doing that again!!! at one time this morning I wanted something real strong, I was thinking of going out and seeing if I could score some meth! but I worked on, and felt a little better.

I hate not being 100% UGGGGG


later friend!


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Hey Scott,


Tiffany has been quiet for a while now. I'm less inclined to push her for these things, knowing that she has her plate full. I mean she's already been so kind to us thus far... pushing her will only piss her off, even though she can't really convey that. We'll have to deal with what we've got and if we get more, act VERY surprised! :D


I did see your shameless plug on the other side. It was amusing. I've been on the Prison Break forum trying to protect my #1 poster title with 11,400 plus posts on the forum since Sept 30th of last year. Hopefully I will keep it, someone is closing in on me who's been sick from work most of this week.


Speaking of ailments... you better take it easy as much as you can or else that back is going to mess you up for the cruise!! We don't need that to happen!!!! :eek:


As for the little debbie comment over there... well stop snacking and maybe she'll leave us alone! :p I was just joshing you guys over there. I plan on eating as much chocolate as my stomach will take on this cruise. It's the only time I do eat chocolate and those LOVE BOAT DREAM desserts are to die for! I can't wait for my b-day and graduation cakes, they're good too (I'm not really celebrating either of them but I like the cakes so I have an occassion set up in phantom)!!! I know bad, huh?


Get better!


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Mumms the word on Tiffany! I know you were only joshing about the little debbies! I couldn't help but throw in my 2 cents!!


hopefully after I have the MRI on Saturday and the DR gets the report we can do something, right now if I don't over do it, I will be fine, but trying to keep a good man down is hard LOL:D


11,400 posts! My God man, you need a life!! LOL outside of PB!!! if you get back with ex, you won't have all that time! LOL:eek: (couldn't help myself!)


take care,


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Hey Scott,


Ironically, that's why I'm not at 20,000 posts is because I got a life outside of Prison Break. It's strange how in this area in order to meet someone you basically don't go outside to do it any more, it's all done online! :( So, in the meantime I may as well do things I enjoy like post on the Prison Break forum and upcoming cruises forums like ours.


I slowed down my posting during the spring when the show returned and was only poking in once or twice a week to the forum during the summer. Now that the show is back for the fall and we're heading into cabin fever season, I'm on there EVERY night! :eek: By the end of the year I guarantee I'll have 20,000 posts on that forum... especially after the first snow fall!


I hope your MRI solves your problem. There's no fun in having to watch what you're doing on vacation so that the problem re-surfaces. Does that make sense?


Don & Mark - Have we scared you off?


Talk to you later!



P.S. Scott, you posted during the time when PB was on, guessing you didn't watch the re-air! :p I caught a bunch of boo boos in the show, not just the storyline. (When I re-watch it I turn on my production side of the brain and pick it apart... takes the fun out of it but it's nice to see things from that vantage point with a trained eye!)

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I started to watch it, and for some reason I really couldn't get into it, watched a little bit more thinking I could get into it, but it didn't happen,

so I came on here.


actaully the back is feeling better today, when I first get up in the morning it's rather sore and stiff, (now get your mind out of the gutter!)

but after moving around and taking a hot shower it feels somewhat better, if I'm on my feet too long, I start getting aches and I can feel the muscles knotting up, so I sit my butt down> believe me, I will be on that

ship, nothing stopping me, and I will be better!!!


All the crazies were out in true form today!!! UGGGG was getting gas, and you would have swore, today was the last day to ever buy gas!!! so many nut jobs trying to fill up there cars! all because gas went down in price.

I paid 2.59 a gallon!! wow compared to 3.00 about a month ago!! or maybe a little longer.




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That's really cheap for gas. Here in MA, we're paying $2.89 on average for a gallon. Up my way here there's a Hess that has it for $2.83 and that's where I filled up this morning. My car is about to hit 45,000 miles tomorrow on the way to work! For a five year old car, that's not bad at all! :)


I'm giving up my sister for adoption. She gets on the friggin bandwagon about take mom and dad out for their 30th wedding anniversary and then she shafts me with the whole friggin bill tonight. "I don't have enough money." My thought is, then why is your sorry *** even going? What a stupid b*****. I can't wait to get away from her for a week. She annoys me to no end! :mad:


Good to hear the back is getting in better shape!


You'd better not abandon Prison Break... I need to call up Princess and bug them about getting the show onboard for our cruise! :D


Back to the PB forum


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just wanted to say hi me and my bf are thinking about going on a cruise either princess or royal i think we want to go on the freedom of the seas or the carib prinesses by the way bad speller here but you get the jist lol no spell check for me lol any input would be wellcomed

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Hello Omaha,


Well Princess is much better than Royal Caribbean in my book. It depends, are you an adventurous active person or prefer the lazy days at sea? If you're adventurous, go Royal Caribbean, if not go Princess. I'm a Princess cheerleader so asking me would is like asking someone that works for Princess. GO FOR PRINCESS! :D



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hey Omaha,

Well my partner and I have been on RC, it was nice, neither one of us has been on Princess, but am told will love it!! we listen to Jake, he's our expert!!


So are you in Omaha, NE? we live an hour south of you In Hamburg, IA!

small world!! should think about joining us on Sept 9th for this cruise!!



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how many friggin times do I have to tell you, we don't want your lazy A** B**** of a sis!!! keep her there!!! :D


So where did you take your parents for their 30th? how nice of you to foot the bill! better than asking your parents too!! LOL


2.83! Yikes see yet another reason to move to Iowa!! cheap Gas, must I go on with the reasons??? plus you'd be away from your sis!!LOL just because you want some gay culture!?!?! you'd adapt to limited exposure

to the GC!!:eek:


I'm not giving up on PB, I think I really wasn't in the mood to watch tv, I think my Attention Deficit disorder was working overtime!! actually I think it was because I came home early and laid on the couch and watched TV and feel asleep, needed to get by butt in gear.


Well have a good friday!


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Hey gang!


Sorry about that. Things are just nuts around here. It would help if Mark logged on once in awhile and helped keep up:) I have been running constantly. I have been going to a lot of White Sox games and now it is Bears season as well. I can't believe I am actually going to be gone for the home opener. Yes, I am totally glad the air show is over with. I keep wishing that they would move it out to the suburbs so they would all stay out there and not come into the city and screw everything up. I also had a client that the group administrator passes away last week so I got stuck going to the wake. I hate those things and still can't stand that they call it awake. If I knew you all better, I would go off on one of my rants. I'll spare you:D


Jake, you will probably want to beat me, but I have never seen Prison Break. Not sure why other than I just didn't want to get caught up with another show that I got addicted to. With everything I have heard about it I suppose that I am just going to have to rent Season one and watch it. One of the guys at work is obsessed with it. I already have so many shows that I Tivo that it's hard to even keep up.


Just got home from work a bit ago and it looks like my pond in the backyard has decided to leak. I have no idea what started that, but Mark filled it this morning and it was down by a third when I got home. Wonderful!!!! We were going to go out and get something to eat but he decided he wanted to just go get a couple movies and order a pizza. Fine with me as he took me out the other night for my birthday and spent way too much. Great Italian dinner though.


Scott, sorry to hear about your back. Hopefully you will get everything worked out before the cruise. Good thing you aren't doing a Disney/Universal thing before the cruise like we are. That would not be good! Just tell Paul you need lot's of massages ;)


Oh well, will get off here for now. Talk to you all more later!!



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Wow, I would love to fill the tank up at those prices. The Shell, BP Amoco and the Mobil in our neighborhood is $3.55 for regular. I tend to always fill the tank if I am out in the burbs on client calls or shopping. It's a low, low $3.22 out there! I have a way to solve two of our contries biggest problems (you've probably already heard this as it made the rounds). I am going to hire the illegal aliens and hire them to push my vehicle around! Ha, Ha.....I am in stitches:D

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We did Disney last year, had a wonderful time!! it was talked about doing Disney again this year a a "family vaction" with all of Paul's family, but didn't work out (a huge sigh of relief!)


So you have a pond uhhh? so do I, mines only 90 gallon, nothing too big or fancy, just enough for 7 goldfish, that I've had for about 3 years now,

bought them at a bait shop for little or nothing, and now have grown so attached to the darn things!! I enjoy it when the weather is really nice,

can sit out by it, or when we have the windows open can hear the water from the spitter from the living room, so relaxing!!


It sounds as though we will be ready for a much needed break!


happy Belated Birthday!


Take care and talk to you later,



***poke Mark***:D

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