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Escaping to the Caribbean with walking difficulties

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Several years ago I started a series of blogs relating our adventures[and misadventures] of cruising with someone who has walking difficulties ie my husband.

For anonymity I call him 6.

You may remember the 70s series about Steve Austin an astronaut who was severely injured and rebuilt with bionics to the tune of 6 million dollars.

Well as a result of Rheumatoid arthritis hitting him in his 40s he has had replacement hip surgeries totalling nearer £6000.[although rising]

We took to cruising around 2008 as a low mobility option to travel and were hooked ,cruising at least once a year and making some great friends along the way.

A brain haemorrhage in 2019 added insult to injury but we still managed a round UK and Ireland cruise that year.

That turned out to be our last cruise for a while for obvious reasons.

We both have a quirky sense of humour so this review is light hearted but focusing on issues relating to walking difficulties.


There always has to be some drama pre holiday and this time it was our 2 year old granddaughter tripping over another child in nursery and gashing her head necessitating a trip to A and E

No real harm done and she scoffed a couple of bags of crisps on the way home.

Our daughter and son in law with our 2 grandaughters live very near Heathrow airport but now no spare bedroom as each girl now has her own room.

We live a 5 hour drive away so decided to stay overnight at hotel just outside M25  the motorway which circles around 30 miles from centre of London.

This is obviously handy for Harry Potter studio tour as next morning several children dressed up in Hogwarts robes.

We arrived at our daughters being able to spend a couple of hours with them before heading to the airport.

A was sporting her cut forehead but neat glue line and no bruising.

B however at 10 months had a case of hand foot and mouth disease so her poor face was a mess-hopefully will clear up when we return in 2 weeks as her christening is planned for then.


We had an airport park booked at terminal 3 a 20 minute drive.eyes peeled for signs to correct garage where dropped off car then the fun begins.

To get to terminal building there are 2 lifts/elevators to contend with and lots of luggage around-this is the beginning of Easter holidays in UK and lots of families heading to Orlando.

We had checked in online but note that boarding pass would be issued at gate.

Wheelchair assistance desk said would need sight of boarding pass so trying to find checkin desks for Virgin Atlantic -board said area B but those were closed.Eventually a member of staff informed us they switch to A for the evening flights.

We had booked premium economy so line was short and was able to get boarding passes and drop off our bags.

Back to wheelchair assistance where we were escorted through security

Its still a torturous experience where 6 had to remove his boots for patdown-always a struggle getting them back on.

Our flight was 3.40pm and we were dropped off at wheelchair assistance area by 2

Told to expect to be collected when gate opens at 2.40

That time came and went and we could see our gate was open

2.50 I approached desk and was told guy was on his way

By 3pm nothing so I said would push him myself if could borrow wheelchair-hey presto 2 minutes later a guy in golf cart arrives and whisks us along to the gate.

However we had missed the pre boarding and his escorting us on foot to the plane meant pushing past people waiting to board.

The assistance guy was forging on ahead clearing the way but 6 was lagging behind as he was unable to keep up.the expression on guys face as he realised his mistake that should have used wheelchair up to plane.


This was our first experience of turning left on the plane but I was surprised how many children were in premium economy-we certainly couldn’t afford it when travelling to Orlando with our kids!

We were seating together at front of premium economy with 2 4 2 seat configuration

Being in 2 meant had more room and foot rest

However I had to sit in aisle to assist 6 with getting his flight socks on [usually with pre boarding can do this without people milling around

One of the flight crew heading to cockpit quipped that there are seats!

We were 40 minutes late to take off complicated by an incoming aircraft blocking our reversing exit

Eventually we were in the air being plied with prosecco and alcohol with meals-surprisingly ok


We arrived Orlando 8 hours later but there was obviously a learner driver connecting the airbridge-it took 6 attempts to get it into place.

An hour after landing we exiting the plane to find wheelchair assistance waiting.

Usually there is fast track through immigration but for some reason they were only allowing sunflower lanyard wearers to do so

We had never applied as in UK is for hidden disabilities such as autism or anxiety

So at least 3 wheelchair pushers had to navigate the snaking lines which delayed their time getting back to help other passengers

We did however have a good conversation with our assistance guy

Fortunately immigration was quick-just a quick photo and passport check-no retinal scan or fingerprints-must be still valid from last entrance to USA

We collected our 2 cases one of which was stored under the wheelchair and I pulled the other

Our wheelchair guy travelled with us on the monorail and right up to the hotel foyer-Hyatt Regency right within airport terminal

A well deserved tip as we were handed over to the hotel bus boy

He showed us into our room and how everything worked before leaving 6 in wheelchair in room

This was 9.30pm but 2.30am by our body clocks so feeling wrecked

6 then asked-wheres the other case?

I ran back to foyer where check in lady rang bus boy

He replied that was still under wheelchair!!!

Feeling a fool and blaming jet lag I returned to room to discover6 has figured out suitcase location!

With this burst of adrenaline we realised couldn’t sleep so headed to hotel bar for a nightcap

We crashed out 10.30pm/3.30am   






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Friday 31 March

We woke around 7am and looked out our windows to the runway -great for plane spotters!

Rooms on the other side of the corridor overlook the atrium between terminals A and B which is attractively laid out with fountains and seating areas.


I recommend the Hyatt Regency,it’s pricey at $350 room only but extremely convenient.

I had a wander round the hotel-it reminded me of a ship with a maze of corridors.


Breakfast at hotel started at $15 so I found Mc Donalds at nearby food court and bought breakfast there and put into rucksack to take back to room.


There is a rooftop pool so I headed there for a spot of sun.There were several families there enjoying the area but no reserving of chairs!


This was the first time our UK Easter holidays co incided with friends Spring break so we planned this cruise on Escape to the Caribbean.

They were flying in to Orlando from Indianapolis this morning and arranged to meet in hotel foyer.

We packed up and went to check out of hotel

The receptionist quipped “you can check out but you can never leave”

To which I replied Yes but this is Florida not California.


We people watched in foyer until arrival of K and D 12.30 Then found shuttle for our second hotel-Wyndham by Wingate-classed as airport hotel but a couple of miles away.

This was cheaper at $240 and included breakfast.

Rooms were ready so we dumped cases and got round to some serious catching up.


6 went for his afternoon nap[since his brain haemorrhage he has termed this a neurofatigue alleviation period] which is a necessary rest

The 3 of us explored area and found a place selling snacks and drinks.

We also identified the Rock and Brew house where we headed 5pm for al fresco burgers and drinks in the warm sunshine.


We were meeting up with other friends L and I post cruise to spend another week at their Florida timeshare so had a messenger video session that evening to confirm plans.

Then it was off to bed as cruising tomorrow.      






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Saturday 1 Apil

Breakfast included at hotel but very busy-6 had to retire from the noise


We met up with Kand D in foyer 9.45 for the pre arranged shuttle to Port Canaveral

It was an easy drive and arrived 10.30 including a detour back to airport to pick up another family.


Our check in time was 11.30 but we dropped off our luggage,up escalator and joined priority queue for sapphire -easy check in and key cards given

Heading through security 6 was directed to short line when they noticed his walking stick

He still needed pat down to check his metal hips but not too bad

Wheelchair assistance was supposed to be there but dint see anything so headed up ramp and was onboard by 11.15


Wewere directed to muster stations where name was checked off and then met up at O Sheehans for first try out of beverage package


6 and I were on Escape for its inaugural voyage from Hamburg to Southampton and then an extra couple of days sailing round the Solent with travel agents

This was a completely full ship and problems with dealing with crowds became apparent throughout cruise.


D and I went to make restaurant reservations for our 2 free speciality restaurants

Line looked short but of course those in front were trying to make reservations for every night and hadn’t pre thought out what they wanted-grrrrr

Eventually we got our slots and headed back to the guys in O Sheehans


6 decided to stay and find his new best friends amongst the barwaiters whilst the rest of us headed for fresh air and sunshine

We found 6 in district Brew house where muster drill over tannoy took place.


3pm they started announcing cabins ready-alternate floors

When our floor was announced I went to drop off carry on-no luggage-in fact it didn’t arrive till late evening


An informal sailaway party had been arranged 4pm in Spice H20 so headed there dressed in our mardi gras beads to identify

A meal in buffet followed by couple of drinks in a bar before crashing out for the evening




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Great Stirrup Cay is NCL private island

6 decided to stay on ship but the rest of us decided to go ashore

Being Saphire we could go ashore anytime so collected beach towels at Supper club and fast tracked to tenders

Having seen the tender ramp bouncing up and down in calm weather conditions I can understand why the success rate of accessing the island is only around 50%!!!

It was a 10 minute tender ride and we were ashore by 10.45


I bought a $7 carton of water from vendor-if had walked a bit further free water was available via dispensers

We walked away from the initial area which was crowded and loud music playing and found lots of loungers underneath zip line area-lots of fun watching!

We had a couple of hours relaxing and working on our tans

6 of course would have hated this as he is[greying ]blond with very fair skin which burns but never tans


Lunch was provided and I got burger and corn on cob

We headed back to tenders to ship just after 1

Lines were long but moved quickly and dropped my stuff off in cabin before finding 6


Process is fairly easy-investigate every bar and sure enough found him in atrium bar where he had been since 10.30

As ship was very quiet he was on first name terms with bar waiters

I joined up for general knowledge quiz and we scored a lousy 6/20

2.30 atrium was filling up with returners from island so headed to cabin for shower to get rid of sand


Sitting on balcony wrapped in bathrobe and listening to waves-ahh heaven


We had booked our first speciality restaurant at Cagneys for 5.45 with K and D

It was such a pleasant evening we decided to eat on the waterfront outside area

Meal was okay but very slow service so D and I skipped dessert to claim seats for Sid Normans pour house leaving guys to finish dessert and join us


The show started 8pm and full capacity

It was good but very staged-we prefer more spontaneous entertainment so didn’t return

9.30 they were very quick to clear out the area for karaoke-I can agree that this form of “entertainment” is predominant rather than band/musicians

We found a 4 piece band Starbridge with a female vocalist in atrium which was more to our taste but by 10.30 we were ready for bed!



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   Monday 3rd April at sea


6 went for breakfast 7.30

He reported  Garden Café to be quiet but all loungers reserved by towels on pool deck despite notices in freestyle daily that they would be removed after 60 minutes unaccompanied by a person


The meet and greet organised via cruise critic and facebook was 11am in District Brew House

14 people turned up and were outnumbered by the officers.

I have organised several in the past and many people forget or find other priorities on the day

However I ask for peoples cabin numbers in weeks leading up so can deliver reminder notes the day before.

This doesn’t help though if the ship decides to change the time and venue last minute as has happened on a couple of occasions.


The staff did circulate before taking to the microphone and introducing themselves

The ever useful card with head of departments telephone numbers was distributed.

They laid on entertainment in form of guitarist who unfortunately was too loud to allow people to chat.

Will the CD with his colourful array of shirts informed us he was going to Europe for a month and starting off with 5 days of Disneyland Paris-guess he’s not into churches and ancient history.


Most of us had brought a gift from home representing our home-I had fridge magnet and Keyring of Durham cathedral

We stood in a circle whilst the organiser read out a story-if left was mentioned you passed your gift to left   and similarly with word right-simple so at end of story you kept the gift in your hand

Unfortunately she hadn’t worked it through and we started laughing when realised there should have been more consecutive left left  left as we ended up with our own gifts again and again

Eventually we did end up with a different gift from the one we brought by virtue that the final direction ended up with us getting the gift from person on our right.


We headed afterwards to the atrium for the always interesting talk on how to run a floating hotel

Will showed photos and description of the crew areas


I went to O Sheehans for fish and chips then joined 6 Kand D for the lattitudes party in Supper club

This is effectively the cruise next directors chance to sell you cruise next certificates

There were 2 choices-buy 1 and get OBC or buy 1 and get another free

As didn’t intend needing much OBC on this cruise we went BOGO free

We also signed up for the platinum and above party on Friday


I believe in growing old disgracefully and during lockdown signed up for an online fan dance/burlesque class-kept it going and invested in some beautiful feather fans

The end of course performance was today at 7pm GMT

6 set up laptop so could join in at local time 2pm

My instructor was delighted I could join in along with my daughter after she had got both granddaughters to bed

My son in law is happy his wife is getting her figure back but think he’s a bit bemused by his mother in law!


Today was 6 weekly injection to keep arthritis at bay so was a bit wiped out

I joined K and D for a meal at Taste 5.30-good service but a very large raucous group nearby so just  as well he didn’t join us

We left to find a quitter location and found it at District Brew house where 6 later joined us

We left around 9 and had a balcony nightcap listening to the waves before crashing out   

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Day 3 St Thomas 12 till 7


6 woke early and went to breakfast 7am to avoid crowds-I slept in


I saw Canvas4 U was at 10am so went down on spec and there were loads of spaces-only 3 of us with capacity for 20

For $35 you get to follow a step by step teaching of a painting-in this case Northern lights which was pine trees against a lake sunset-another one for the gallery ie the downstairs toilet.


11.20 announcement of clear to go ashore and I found myself swimming against the tide of people heading downstairs whilst I was trying to get to cabin

It’s time for a rebellious fish!

I found 6 on deck 8 waterfront in comfy chairs and close proximity to Pour house outside bar-more new friends with bar waiters


There was a good view of St Thomas-I had decided to stay on board today

The ship was very quiet with most people ashore so suncreened up and found a spot to work on my tan.


We had dinner early at Taste 5.30 and relaxing and peaceful meal

Back to room for shower and invited K and D to our balcony for sailaway 7pm


They had an inside cabin and it was very small with a supporting pillar just outside door adding to claustrophobia

They usually sail in insides unless get upgrade to balcony but commented this was unusually small


We headed for the Brewhouse for most of the evening

Entertainment was a guitarist who initially sounded a bit loud but as alcohol took effect he became better!

He also had his lady wife in the audience


10.30 the ship musicians were due to play together in Spice H2O at 10.30

That was past my bedtime but 6  went and said they were good.

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Day 4 Tortola 6-1


This was a ridiculous port timing,arrival 6am and leaving 1pm so beach breaks waste of time

We were awoken 6.15 by announcement could go ashore but slept in till 8


I drew back the curtains to find TUI ship docked opposite

Mein Schiff 2-imaginatively called My Ship 2

Guess what the other ships in fleet are called?

Docked along side each other they were similar sizes but the TUI passengers were taking photos of ours with the waterpark on top

There were lots of bicycles alongside labelled Mein Schiff so guess their passengers are more into fitness


I had suncreamed up and went ashore with K and D but guess what it started to rain

Well it is the British Virgin Islands but rain 16 degrees centigrade warmer than back home.

Ashore lots of taxis touting for beach trips[really!]

And round island tours for $30-not much fun in rain in open sided vehicle.


We wandered around port area which was literally a giant car park with wild hens and their chicks-we cringed to think of their life expectancy with all those cars

At least they were driving on the correct side of the road!!!


We headed back to the ship and found 6 in comfy chairs outside pour house

Just in time as heavens opened but at least we were under shelter.


Sailaway was 1pm but also time of next Canvas 4U-This time no chance as fully booked and at least 6 waiting on standby for no shows

Advised to go to box office but booked out for rest of cruise

So headed back to balcony for sailaway and quiet afternoon reading


We had booked our 2nd speciality restaurant with K and D at La Cucina for 5.30

Service faster than Cagneys but couldn’t manage 3 courses!


We went to Brew house for a while and finished evening off with guitarist in Atrium


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Dy 5 Puerto Plata 9-4


We woke to rain and thunderstorms!!!!

Fortunately sun came out by time left ship at 9.30


We were docked alongside Norwegian Sky was looked tiny in comparison


K D and I chose to do a ship excursion to Ocean world waterpark

We normally avoid ships excursions but we had £50 shore excursion credit per cabin and with 6 staying ashore it only cost me $35 instead of $85

As it was effectively a coach transfer there wasn’t the hassle of waiting for late comers at each stop which is what we particularly hate


The area around the port was pretty dire-full of motorcycle and car repair shops and pretty dodgy looking shacks

However during the 20 minute drive to Ocean World the area improved and high end luxury resorts surrounding it


The water park has a beach area and water park with dolphins sea lions shark and bird shows

Our guide John gave us a quick tour of the park with dance show at entry

The dolphin show was about to start so claimed a spot by the lagoon

It was very entertaining

We then headed for beach area

All loungers were taken but we found a grassy area near the hammocks and enjoyed the sunshine for a couple of hours


Lunch was included so 1.30 so joined for decent buffet

Our table was overlooking the sea lions show so enjoyed that

Storm clouds were setting in with gusting winds

We just managed to do the bird exhibition with photo ops of birds feeding out of your hand before the heavens opened and everyone ran for cover.

It did dry up but sun had gone for the day


Coaches back were 3pm

The resort was at base of steep hill and narrow roads

Unfortunately this was the time locals were heading to public beaches on mopeds which were whizzing in and out of traffic

A coach was heading in opposite direction and not enough room for 2 to pass

Complicated by a local bus stopped in middle of road-our driver got out and several heated words were exchanged before he moved on and traffic could flow again


All aboard was 3.30 but it was 3.35 by time coach dropped us off

We were picked up at end of pier but obviously to appease merchants at Taino Bay we were dropped off at entrance to this complex so had to negotiate a 10-15 minute walk through this area to get back to the ship

It was still drizzling so used beach towels to try to keep dry and not stopping for shopping as we were already delayed

There was a long queue to get back on board which we did at 4pm


Captains announcement that 4pm departure would not be possible as 300 people on a ships excursion had encountered flooded roads so would be delayed.


I found 6 in room so showered and sat out on balcony

He had enjoyed the empty ship and found more friends amongst the bar waiters


He suggested we go to Manhattan dining room as Lorenzo the guitarist was playing

However there was a queue to get in and the noise level was disturbing him

Since his brain haemorrhage he experiences what he calls “brain fuzz” when in certain environments where noise is all around and he cant tune it out

Therefore we headed to Taste and had a quiet dinner


Afterwards there was easy listening music in atrium but 6.45 was battle of the sexes so beat a hasty retreat

6 was still suffering brain fuzz do laid out on bed whilst I sat out on balcony

As it got dark I went inside but was disturbing him with light on so went for a wander


I usually treat myself to a massage on board but had not spotted many specials except $149 in Puerto Plata for 4 treatments when was out all day

Cheapest massage available in spa next day was $199 plus additional 20% gratuity and no discount for Saphire-I’ll pass!


Walking around the ship I heard my name called -Kand D had been to comedy club

The comedian had been talking about lengthy marriages and was impressedby one couple lasting 12 years

He called out any longer?

K admitted to nearly 50 years and when asked the secret he said “I worked nights she worked days|”


We had a few drinks at Mixx bar between Taste and Savoruntil it became too rowdy when we retired to Brew house

Even so we called it a night 9pm[6 was still asleep]      

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Day 6 sea day


There were some rough seas overnight but woke to calm seas and blue sky


9.30 I went down to canvas 4U to see if any places on standby for 10am

Several people turned up after me but as there were only 2 no shows myself and another lady who arrived just after me were the only ones to get in

At least half the class were children with their parents supervising so would probably have a better chance on a more child free week

Another masterpiece for downstairs toilet


I had lunch at O Sheehans and some time on the balcony before the wines around the world tasting at Modernos 2pm

This was only for Platinum and above and you had to sign up

There were around 30 of us and split into 4 groups

Wines from





A description and 2 wine tastings at each


6 then needed to cleanse his palete  with a beer so headed to outside bar at waterfront

Whiled away the afternoon in pleasant warm temperatures before heading to cabin to pack and leave suitcases outside door for collection


I had bought cruise next certificates so went to desk to price out a cruise as cabin upgrade available if you booked on board

I was looking at a round UK trip in August 2024 which would not involve flying for us

However with supposedly 50% off it came out at over $8000 for 2 of us in a balcony cabin in one of the smaller ships

Even the cruise consultant was taken aback at the price

Incidentaly when we got home I booked a transatlantic QM2 Southampton to New York followed by 7 day NCL Breakaway to New England and Canada with return flight for less than that.


We met K and d at Mixx bar before having a relaxing meal at Taste

We then went to atrium where a duo were performing but there were too many young children racing around with parents oblivious to the antics of their offspring so we retired to our balcony to finish off our drinks listening to the waves on our final evening.

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Disembarkation Port Canaveral


We were woken by cruise director announcing walk off disembarkation could begin

Our view from balcony was facing ferry terminal building and we  were high enough to see beyond to lagoon and car park

Disembarkation looked easy at this stage as could see people heading down ramps and collecting cars from car park

Unfortunately this didn’t last!


Our friends L and I sent a message that they were on the road and due to arrive 9.30 to pick us up

We had put our luggage out night before and could collect at any time

We decided against wheelchair assistance which proved to be a big mistake


Breakfast at Garden café with K and D and 9.10 we headed downstairs to disembark to find the lines snaking all way round O Sheehans and halfway back towards atrium

We did exit the ship 9.30 but that was only the first of the obstacles


The ramp down to baggage hall was shoulder to shoulder with people

Then all the colour coded baggage areas were crammed with people trying to collect luggage and join line for immigration

We found a staff member and asked where yellow[priority] luggage was

He directed around to left where we saw our cases sitting in splendid isolation


Unfortunately we then had to double back on ourselves and try to find end of immigration line

A member of staff was trying to direct those with birth certificates to left and passport holders to right

Unfortunately again was a bottle neck and everyone was just trying to push their way forward

A complete contrast to our embarkation experience


Fortunately immigration itself was easy-step up to a camera which checked id against the photo when embarked so through there and outside terminal by 10


We were then hailed by I who spotted us and said L was waiting to the right with the car

Fond farewells/greetings and then loaded up the car ready for trip to Palm Beach/Daytona beach area

Or at least once could get out of the bottleneck at Port Entrance!


There followed a week of sightseeing /relaxation at L and I timeshare before they returned us to Orlando airport for return home and to reality  

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