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Just back from Conquest 3/12 -3/19


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This was our 3rd Carnival Cruise.


Embarkation: We arrived at EZCruise at 11am and it was packed. We had to wait about 20 minutes in order to park our truck. They told us it would be about 30-45 minutes before a shuttle could take us to the pier. We decided to walk, as the pier is about a 5 minute walk. We weren’t too impressed with EZCruise and we probably will not use them in the future. We dropped off our bags (no porter help us, so no tip required) and inside to stand in line. We met a nice couple on their honeymoon (so cute) and talked to them while waiting in line. It took about 30 minutes to get through the line, take the boarding picture (which turned out terrible BTW) and get onto the ship. We dropped off our carry ons and off to the Lido deck to eat.


Dining : We specifically asked for Main seating in the front dining room as our DD simply refuses to eat in the aft dining room after becoming ill on our previous cruise on the Victory in her aft dining room. Well guess what we were assigned…..you got it, late seating in the aft dining room. While my family was dropping off the luggage, I immediately went to the Maitre’d to see if we could get it changed. I was 4th in line. 2 people ahead of me had their requests honored on the spot, but I was not so lucky. Freddie, the maitre’d told me the ship was completely full (no kidding, it’s Spring Break) and he would let me know by tomorrow at 2pm if he could get us changed. I told him I understood, but to keep in mind that if we didn’t get moved to the front dining room, my DD would not be joining us for dinner. (I told him my sad story of her getting sick.) He wrote down a note next to my request and said he would try to accommodate us. I’m happy to report that Freddie came through! Not only did he get us changed to the main seating in the front dining room, but our table was almost in the center of the whole dining room. Needless to say, we gave Freddie a big tip!


As others have said, the food was good; sometimes great and sometimes not so great. I love lobster bisque, but I didn’t care for it on the ship. Our servers were Margareta and Renes. They were WONDERFUL! Our tablemates were great. We enjoyed dining with them each night. We did eat at The Point on Wednesday to celebrate our 20th anniversary and it was great. I thought it was definitely worth the extra charge. We all enjoyed the pizza and ice cream. We had breakfast in the dining room twice and on the Lido deck the other days. The omelets were great! I wish I had one now. We had lunch in the dining room a couple of times as well and it was good. We managed to get to Sur Mer on Friday and it was ok. We found out that the some of the crew like to eat and hang out there. Other than crew members, we were the only ones up there.


CC Get togethers: We had 2 of them; one on Sunday and one on Monday. It was so good to put faces with names.


The Ship: This was our 3rd Carnival cruise and we have chosen a bigger ship each time. The décor is very colorful. The Conquest is big, but I must admit that I didn’t feel crowded at any time. We did not lay out by the pools (I can do that at home at my own pool) so chair hogs were not a problem for us. We always found chairs on deck 3 (we like to read there and it’s quiet) and up on deck 10 (it was quiet there, too.) The casino was fun. I really believe the first night out is the best night to play. The slots seemed to be looser that night compared to all the others. We played video poker and over the course of the week broke even. We would win, lose, win, lose, win, win, lose, etc…We had fun. We didn’t see any of the shows (we’re not show people) but heard they were pretty good for the most part. My DH did watch part of the Legends show (they choose guests to sing like famous singers) and he said it was “interesting.” Don’t forget to go to the front of the ship. It’s usually very quiet and it’s a great view.


Our Cabins: We had booked a 1A and 4A guarantees. We were given adjoining cabins on the Riviera deck, cabins 1393 and 1395. If you have booked these rooms I would highly suggest changing them. I’m not sure what is below these cabins, but whatever it is it is very NOISY! I’m talking about wake you up at 4am loud! It sounded like they were dragging metal shelves all over the place, we would hear loud beeping noises, as well as lots of water! It sounded like they were dumping water and I don’t know what else outside the ship, but we never saw this happen. It is what it sounded like, though. We made the best of it and laughed about it. We were pleased to have the adjoining cabins. That part was great! One of our DS got ill on Friday (flu was going around his school and it finally caught up to him. Our other DS{twin brother} and DD had already had it prior to boarding. We spent Friday night and all day Saturday in the cabin and the noises happened during the day too. DS would wake up and ask what the noise was……oh well…we had fun anyway.


Montego Bay, Jamaica: We choose to go to Sunset Beach with other CC members. We got a van together and Lambert was our driver. He did try to talk us into going to Negril, but we said, no we want to go to Sunset Beach. No problem, mon. He took us and said he would come back for us at whatever time we wanted. We asked him to come get us at 3pm and he was on time. He was great. Sunset Beach was great. The drinks were good (take your big travel mugs if you have them) and the food was ok. We spent most of our time in the pools and water park area. We did do the kayaks and paddleboats. They were fun, too. We never encountered a rude or pushy local. We didn’t encounter any, really, other than Lambert and he was very kind. I would highly recommend Sunset Beach to anyone, especially families.


Grand Cayman: We choose to go with Nativeway to do the Stingray/Island tour. It was a lot of fun. The island tour is first part. We went by the Governor’s mansion, the turtle farm, rum cakes, and finally Hell. This was what our kids wanted to see and of course buy t shirts. Then it was off to see Stingrays. It took about 25 minutes to get there (by boat of course) and there were a lot of other tours there! Wow! I was so glad we booked through Nativeway, as there were 23 on our boat compared to way way more on the others! We all got to hold, feed and kiss a stingray! I also got a massage from one. This was a great excursion and I hope to do it again soon! We were cutting it close on time to get back to the ship. I must admit I was worried. The last tender was to leave at 3pm. We were still on the van heading back to the ship stuck in traffic at 3!!!! We were worried, but our driver called someone to tell them we were close. When we finally got there, (I think it was about 3:07) the line to get back on the Conquest was LONG! We need not have worried. Personally I think Carnival tells you that you need to be back at 3, knowing that they don’t plan to leave until 4:30 or 5.


Cozumel: We have been here before (who hasn’t right?) and had originally planned to go to Paradise Beach, but DS was starting to feel bad. We went shopping for a couple of hours (to the pharmacy to get meds for DS) and other stores to get souvenirs. Sorry PB Tom, maybe next time.


Miscellaneous: It’s interesting to hear all the different versions of the Cuban Refugee story. All we really know is that 28 Cubans were picked up from a small boat/raft that really couldn’t hold all of them. I asked our waitress, Magareta about the refugees and she said they keep them in the crew bar. They bring in mattresses for them to sleep on. She said these people all looked healthy. (This was not the case on the last group the picked up.) She said they would try to Cozumel to take them, but we all know that that didn’t happen. I heard on the news this morning that they would be turned over in Florida.


Friday night we stopped due to a medical emergency. Rumors were rampant regarding this. I heard it was a heart attack and I also heard it was a young person who had alcohol poisoning. Whatever the reason was, we watched from our window as they moved the patient into the small boat along with family members and luggage. This did cause us to return to Galveston later than originally planned.


DS spent considerable time in the Arcade. The Conquest has a large arcade, which is nice for the kids. One of our sons loves to play the Star Wars Trilogy game (he’s pretty good.) It was only one token until Friday when it jumped to 4 tokens. Weird…..


Debarkation: We waited in our cabin until the last possible moment because we knew we would be the last deck called. Our steward asked us if we wouldn’t mind waiting somewhere else so he could get the cabins ready for the next passengers. We told him no problem, so we headed up to the casino to wait. We didn’t get off the ship until 12:30 or so. We had no problem finding our luggage and going through customs was a joke. He asked if we were all citizens, looked at our passports and said, welcome home. That was it. DH, DD, and DS (who wasn’t sick) took off to get the truck. Sick DS and I waited while they got the truck. By 1:10 we were on our way home. Thankfully we live just 30 miles north of Houston, so no long drive for us.


Overall: We all had a wonderful, restful vacation. We never felt crowded at any time, even though the ship was full. The kids were all well behaved and we weren’t bothered by any of them, even our own! We would definitely cruise on the Conquest again. Is it my favorite ship? No, I liked the Victory better, but that’s just personal choice. I wish

Carnival would move a Spirit class ship to replace the Conquest when it goes back to New Orleans. That’s the only class we haven’t sailed yet.


I’d be happy to answer any questions.


Happy cruising,



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Thank you so much for the review. We are all anxiously waiting for April 23rd to get here!

I have a few questions.

My DD & her friends are absolutely CRAZY about the dance game that's in some arcades. Is there one on the Conquest?

We had read a few months ago that they were experimenting with doing The Rocky Horror Picture Show thing. Did that stick or did they quit doing it?

My DD & friends have been decorating their clothing for Mardi Gras night...I hope that's still an event.

The excursions we have picked through Carnival are:




Did you happene to hear any news at all about any of these excursions?

I'm sory to hear about EZ CRUISE PARKING..we have pre-paid them Used them last year & loved it...hmm..wonder why it was so unorganized this time?

Once again, THANKS for the great review & I'm glad your cruise wasa wondeful one.


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Thank you so much for the review. We are all anxiously waiting for April 23rd to get here!

I have a few questions.

My DD & her friends are absolutely CRAZY about the dance game that's in some arcades. Is there one on the Conquest?

We had read a few months ago that they were experimenting with doing The Rocky Horror Picture Show thing. Did that stick or did they quit doing it?

My DD & friends have been decorating their clothing for Mardi Gras night...I hope that's still an event.

The excursions we have picked through Carnival are:




Did you happene to hear any news at all about any of these excursions?

I'm sory to hear about EZ CRUISE PARKING..we have pre-paid them Used them last year & loved it...hmm..wonder why it was so unorganized this time?

Once again, THANKS for the great review & I'm glad your cruise wasa wondeful one.




Yes we had a great time. Let me see if I can answer some of your questions.

Dance game in the arcade...Sorry to say no there isn't. My DD was sad.

Rocky Horror...Didn't see it in the Capers. I look again when I get home tonight.

Mardi Gras....yes they do still have it. It's on Tuesday!

Excursions.....Our tablemates did the Stingray tour through Carnival. They paid almost twice as much as we did and had over 75 people with them. They did enjoy it, though. Didn't hear anything about the others you listed.

EZCruise....I think it was just a bad week for them as I've read many good things about them. We used Dolphin when we sailed on the Celebration back in '03 and had no problems with them. I'm sure it was just an off week.

Hope you have a great cruise!


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Gayle...Thanks for the review. I have one question. What did you pay at Sunset Beach? Did you tell them you were a cruise passenger or show them your sail & sign card? Just wondering because I called SB and they told me that it was $70 for adults and $40 for kids. Some of the other posters said that if you show your card that SB will give you a discount of $40 for adults and $20 for kids.


Thanks again for the review!:)

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Hi Gayle, How was the tendering in GC? We have also booked Native Way in May (sounds like the same tour you did) and have read lots on this board about delays tendering in GC. I assume you were able to meet Native Way's departure time OK?

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Okiemom, We paid $40 per person. They will ask for your S&S cards when you pay so that you can get towels. After you use it, you can trade it for a dry one. When you leave, your S&S cards will be at the security window when you leave.


Joepeka, We had booked the 10:30am tour, which meant we met at 10:15. There was a guy from Nativeway holding a sign, so he was easy to spot. We got tender tickets at about 8am and went to breakfast. Our tender # had already been called when we finished, so they told us to go with the next group. We waited 5 minutes, and away to the tenders we went. It was no problem what so ever. We had time to go shopping before it was time to meet, so we hit a few shops. It was great.

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wanman--Big kev could run the Rocky Horror PC


I forgot about him, I thought I would need therapy after seeing him in costume that night:eek:


I heard that Todd made him go to the Disco that night while wearing his costume... That must have been a sight (don't know if it was fact or a rumor)

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What day was the past guest party? We never received our invitation. Of course, there were many things that were not produced from our room steward until a day or two after requested (but no problem mon).

On the other hand - of the four cruises we have been on - our wait staff was THE BEST EVER! After the first night, Anil & Dwi knew we always wanted water and iced tea with lemon wedges and sweet and low. They also knew how we liked our steaks cooked and alwalys served our many requests in a timely manner. I rarely contact a company on outstanding service, but I will be contacting Carnival on the positive dining expeience our family had! Our last dining staff on the elation almost turned us away from Carnival, but Anil & Dwi restored our hope that every cruise has an exceptional surprise. We had late Aft as I had requested.

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The past guest party was on Thurs around 4 p.m., Teepee. They had better drinks than the Captain's party. I had white wine and my husband had rum punch. Our steward left the invitations and Carnival Conquest pins with our Capers the night before.

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Gayle - sorry I missed meeting you and all the other CCers - I was sick and stuck in my cabin Monday during the meet&greet. Sounds like our paths may have crossed several times though. What time did you eat at The Point on Wed? We were there from 6:30-8:30. Probably saw you.


we also went to Sunset Beach and would definately recommend it. We are considering going for a week vacation sometime.

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What day was the past guest party? We never received our invitation. Of course, there were many things that were not produced from our room steward until a day or two after requested (but no problem mon).

On the other hand - of the four cruises we have been on - our wait staff was THE BEST EVER! After the first night, Anil & Dwi knew we always wanted water and iced tea with lemon wedges and sweet and low. They also knew how we liked our steaks cooked and alwalys served our many requests in a timely manner. I rarely contact a company on outstanding service, but I will be contacting Carnival on the positive dining expeience our family had! Our last dining staff on the elation almost turned us away from Carnival, but Anil & Dwi restored our hope that every cruise has an exceptional surprise. We had late Aft as I had requested.


Hey teepee! We received our invitations Wed. night just like albean said. It was strange that my kids and I received one by DH did not. We didn't go due to having main seating and with 5 of us to get ready, it just wasn't possible. We attended the one on our Victory cruise, and the drinks were great. You could go right up to the bar and ask for whatever you wanted. Overall, we had a great time and now I'm in the process of deciding on which cruise to book for next summer.

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The past guest party was on Thurs around 4 p.m., Teepee. They had better drinks than the Captain's party. I had white wine and my husband had rum punch. Our steward left the invitations and Carnival Conquest pins with our Capers the night before.




I have to ask.....your log in name is albean99....what does that mean?

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Gayle - sorry I missed meeting you and all the other CCers - I was sick and stuck in my cabin Monday during the meet&greet. Sounds like our paths may have crossed several times though. What time did you eat at The Point on Wed? We were there from 6:30-8:30. Probably saw you.


we also went to Sunset Beach and would definately recommend it. We are considering going for a week vacation sometime.




1st time cruisin's DH was sick on Monday, too. One of my DS got sick on Friday.


The Point....we had reservations for 8pm, but showed up 10 minutes early and the hostess took us to our table. We had a table for two right in front of where the chefs were.


Sunset Beach....we really liked it. Did you know they have min. golf there? We didn't realize it until it was time to go. We'll get it next time. My family really liked this itinerary. We enjoyed every port.

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Gayle - I spoke to several people who had the stomach virus on this cruise. Fortunately mine only lasted a day.


No, I didn't know Sunset beach had mini golf. all the more reason to go back. We did mini golf in cozumel and the kids loved it

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Hi Gayle,

Thanks for the great informative review.

I have a question regarding the parking at EZ Cruise. We used them last year without a problem.

Just wondering why it took so long topark. Was there a long line to enter the parking lot? Also why so long for them to take you to the pier?


Now i am skeptical and worried about booking with them again this year. We were planning on booking with them next week...


Were they waiting for you at the pier to pick you up after the cruise or did you have to wait???



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Cars were backed up waiting to enter into EZCruise's parking lot. Once we got in, had to wait again, not sure why, before we checked in. There was a lot, and I mean a lot of people standing around waiting for the shuttle to pick them up. Not sure what the hold up was.


As far as when we got back.....we waited a few minutes and looked for the shuttle. Never did see it until after DH, DD, DS went to go get the truck. It was then that I saw EZCruise's shuttle....it was completely full as it drove by. Not sure if they have a place where we were supposed to go to (maybe this info is giving on the ride TO the pier.) Anyway, it just wasn't what I thought it would be as I've only read good things about them on this board.

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