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Willdra's Paramount Carnival Panorama October 15-21 Cruise


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My first alarm was set for 1:45 and it sounded way too soon. We could’ve eaten again, but we were full from breakfast. After we got out of the pool, W turned in our towels to get the cards back. We had to turn the cards in and let them cut off our wristbands at the front desk before we left. We went there, checked out, and they also got a taxi for us to go back to the ship. For us the price was very worth it, and we would go back in a heartbeat. It would’ve been nice to have more time there, but that was out of our control.















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I was glad that we gave ourselves an hour and a half to get back to the ship. It took almost 30 minutes to get to the pier. Traffic was longer than the last hour of work on a Friday. The instructions from Resort For A Day said to leave 2 hours early. I was good with 90 minutes tho.


We got right on a tender boat as soon as we walked up. Perfect timing. We sat there waiting for the boat to fill up. After we pushed off, it took a few minutes to get back to the ship. 


On the way, a lady on the boat said that they spent the night in a hotel instead of going back to the ship. She also said that they were charged a fee by Carnival for staying in port overnight. I remember seeing something on the innanets about that. It was not advisable to stay off on this overnight port cuz the ship leaves, then comes back the next day, weather permitting. If the ship doesn't come back to Cabo, you have to get yourself to the next port. No bueno. If any of my cruise cousins are considering spending the night in Cabo, please research it first, so there are no surprises. Govern yourselves accordingly.















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We were hungry again by that time. I got GBJ, and W got some miscellaneous buffet items. My burger was excellent. That cheese was cheesing, and the burger was burgering. If my cholesterol is high at my next exam, please don’t tell my doctor I ate that burger. Trust me, she will not be amused. 


After we ate, there wasn’t anything that we wanted to do. But take a nap. This time I set my alarm so I wouldn't oversleep. Fool me once..... We snatched those curtains closed, and climbed in. W told me later that I was asleep before my head hit the pillow. I was out like a light (in my Drake voice). It wasn't a mystery tho, I was still sleepy from Disneyland. We did A LOT in a little bit of time. I wouldn’t change a thing. It was a great day, and so far a magnificent cruise. No regrets. 


















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We got up at 6:30 and got ready for dinner. W checked us in and there was a 10 minute wait. I didn’t know what I wanted to eat yet. I had to peruse the new menu some more.


I finally decided on Shrimp Cocktail, Ceviche Crudo, Fried Mississippi Catfish, and Tiramisu. The Ceviche was good but that Catfish was everything! It was hot and fresh. This had to be what that fish tasted like when Jesus fed the multitude with 5 loaves and 2 fish. Those 2 fish had to be this fish's ancestors. W got it also and both of us raved about it. Well played Carnival. Well played.


























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We ate as fast as we could cuz we wanted to go to the Comedy Show at 9. We got down there at 8:30. The line from the Limelight Lounge was all the way back to the casino. Yes that far. We were slightly concerned that maybe we wouldn’t get in. We know the Limelight holds a lot of people, we just didn’t know where the cutoff point was. When they let us in, we got good seats and there were still lots of seats open. Now we know if we are in line all the way down to the casino, we will be good to go. The comedian that night was Lenny Schmidt. He was very funny and we laughed a good bit. Go see him. 





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At the conclusion of the Comedy Show we ran upstairs to get to the Mega Deck Halloween Party. The pre-party started at 10:15. It was fun to watch the costumes start coming out. I loved those two sharks. They were adorbs. I was sad they didn’t make it in the competition. Some of the costumes that made it were very well done. Some were ?????


The contest was a little rigged, cuz there was a group of pre teens in the front who pretty much determined the winners. They yelled the loudest for all of their friends/family. All in all it was fun to watch, and I applaud everyone who has the courage to get out there. That takes a courage that I do not possess, and it does not possess me. 

























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W and I went back to the cabin after the party. I changed clothes while he got ready to go to the casino. He asked me to go with him, but I was in for the night. Plus we’d been together all day long. Not that I mind it, but this would be some 'me" time that I was looking forward to. When W left, I turned on the TV and my dude Jeff Corwin was on, so I was golden. I love watching his adventures while I'm on a cruise. You couldn’t pay me to watch something like that at home, but when I’m on a cruise I don’t feel right until I watch his show and Vacation Creation(the ones with Tommy Davidson).


I finished up my notes from the day since I was very behind. I try to balance taking notes with having fun and hanging with W. I’m not always the best at it, but I think I’m getting better at enjoying the journey and being in the moment, while also remembering key points of the day to write about. I also use my pictures and time stamps as reminders, which helps a lot.








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After I was all caught up for the day, I watched a little more TV, read my book, then turned in. Sometime later W stopped by to dip into his gambling cash cuz he blew thru the free play that we got. Not a good sign.


Before I fell asleep I said a prayer thanking God that I read and followed the directions that Resort For A Day sent with the reservation. That was not just an afterthought or suggestion. It was mandatory.  We had to use the printout a couple of times before we even got there. Failing to follow those instructions would've left us stuck like Chuck with no bucks. Aw shucks.








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5 hours ago, MRVEGAS711 said:

Absolutely sick review!! Possibly the best I have ever seen on these boards!!!



Whoa 🤯 Thank you so much!!! I appreciate the ♥️♥️♥️!! 😃😃😃

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2 hours ago, Essiesmom said:

You should search out some of her previous reviews…. EM

LOL! 😂 This has me smiling at my desk like a mental patient! 😜 If I could do a cartwheel without breaking something that I need, I would!! 🤸🏾‍♀️🤸🏾‍♀️🤸🏾‍♀️🤸🏾‍♀️

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If anyone is interested in reading about my past indiscretions 😉, all of my reviews are linked in my signature below. ⬇️ 

Edited by willdra
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2nd Sea Day


We took our time getting up. It was around 10 when we were officially of this world. The VIFP Party was at 12:30 that day so we would just eat and hang out until it was time. This would be our last shot for Sea Day brunch so that was the move. When I was almost ready, W checked us in. There was no wait. Hmmm. We were assigned Table 393. I double checked it after W said it cuz y’all know he will say it wrong for no reason. It was in fact 393. He got it right. Color me impressed. For now. 


We walked down to the dining room and told the hostess our table number. W even showed it to her. No problem. Until, oh what do we have here? A problem. We walked around looking for that table for longer than I was comfortable with. The hostess even had someone else look with us. There was no Table 393. Anywhere.


So the hostess gets tired of looking, then suddenly stops at a random table full of people, and was like “You can just sit here”. Pardon? Everyone at the table had their food already, and they froze with forks midair when she said that. All talking ceased and all eyes were on us. Uh uh. No ma’am Pam. We were not sitting there. I managed a “No thank you. We would like a table for 2” as politely as possible. She agreed, but with a tone of sadness, and a hint of confusion, then took us back to the hostess station.


Cousins. We're family, so I know that I can be honest with y'all here. There was no tea no shade no pink lemonade. At all. I didn’t have any issues with the people at the table, the location, the placement of the fake sugar, the one lady's brown bird nest-ish hairdo, or the table itself. It just would’ve been strange for us to sit there after they were all almost done. I could picture us sitting down and saying "Oh I know y'all have all introduced yourselves, and are firmly planted in conversation, but will you kindly start over from the beginning and fill us in on everything we missed?"

Ew. Nein, danke. 







The Green Eggs and Ham Breakfast was earlier that morning. I think it has to be reserved ahead of time, but I'm not 100% sure. 






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When we got back to the front, they assigned us another table right away. This time it was 409. Earth returned to its proper axis as we sat down. All order and decorum was restored. We figured the tables must've gotten switched around during dinner or some other time. Either way, I’ve learned to speak up when I don’t want to do something. I used to just go with the flow even when it was uncomfortable, unnecessary, and aggravating. I still go with the flow, but I’m not paying these inflated cruise prices for discomfort. I can get that for free.


For brunch I ordered the Skillet Cake with Bacon and Cheese Grits. We also ordered our free brunch drinks. I got a Blue Margarita and W got a Rum Punch. It was all very appetizing. Even tho I couldn’t see the cheese in the grits, they tasted very cheesy. Win win.


For the remainder of brunch, we ate slow and talked about our trip thus far. We had successfully accomplished lots of things, and for that we were extremely grateful. For us, cruising is a privilege, not a right. God is good.


Eventually we started talking about how good the catfish was the night before, and yes it deserved another mention. Carnival really put their foot in that one! W said his Shrimp Cocktail was like eating crunchy water tho (but isn't that ice?), and I’m sorry to the tables around us for the hee that I hawed. I laughed so hard, I almost choked. He said it was frozen solid and the cocktail sauce didn’t help it at all. Mine was perfect, so he just got a bad batch. Which he continued to eat. Choices.

















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When we finished eating we just went out and looked in a few shops. I found my second duck outside of the casino. I have been duck lucky on this cruise, and I love every one of them! 


I saw a couple of shirts that I liked in the shops, but I didn’t get them. I would go back later. That was another good thing about Sea Days. The shops stayed open all day until late. After our short window shopping trip, I sat on Deck 4 and waited for W to go down to the cabin to get our cups for the Diamond Platinum Party. It was only noon but people were lining up, cuz that's what people do. We got in line too(when in Rome) and they let us in at 12:27.





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As soon as they opened the doors, we filed into the Liquid Lounge and started collecting drinks. We took our cups with us, so we could fill those up first. Then we would drink 1 or 2 there. When W starts tipping the servers, they come back regularly. We found a friendly server we liked and she took great care of us. Soon we had more drinks than we could carry. Once I started “feeling” the alcohol, I cut myself off. I know my limits, which is such an underrated skill. 


The party was fun. Gerry with a G brought the good energy. I liked how adaptable to the crowd he was. He isn’t rigid and stuck in his ways yet. He’s good now as a new CD, and he will only get better. At the Diamond Brunch, he told us that he really loves interacting with people, and I can totes see that. I would love to sail with him again in a year or so to see how he's transitioned and transformed.










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When they were done with the official presentation part, W and I skedaddled. It was breezy and cold on our balcony earlier, so we were curious to see what that weather was doing in Serenity. First we went back to the cabin to drop off all of those drinks. Then we went up. We found a clamshell right away. That couldn't possibly be a good sign. It was in a windy spot but we turned the clamshell around, and it was bearable. Just. Barely. Bearable.


I agreed to stay out there and give it a chance, so W went to get his back pack. When he returned, I went. I took my time going back to Serenity, cuz it was nice and cozy in the cabin.


When I returned to Antarctica, we sat out and talked about our time in California, which was 1994-1998. We were living on W's small Army salary back then, but we made the most of it, and we have some wonderful memories that are priceless. Cali will always hold a special place in our hearts. Now that walk down memory lane was much needed, and it helped us remember from whence we came.  Started from the bottom, now we're here. Or however the song goes. 




Roarie and his new pal Pup Pup didn't want me to go back to Serenity either. 




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Ok enough of that. W went to get us salads from the Serenity Fresh Creations Bar after we were out there awhile. Mine was delicious. W pretended not to know what I like, cuz he secretly didn't want to make my salad, but as usual he got it right. Y'all already know W has 99 problems, but food a'int one. 


We ate, and sat out, but it kept getting colder and colder. The wind was blowing hard all day, like it had something to prove or some sort of vendetta against our comfort. Relax wind. We don't want those problems with you.


Our only available option was to move to one of the clamshells in the forward area behind those glass partitions. We hoped that would shield us from some of the wind. It was ok at first, but soon it got cold up there too. Now the cold is stalking us?  


We called it quits around 5. Using 4 towels as blankets defeated the purpose of being outside. That cold arctic wind folded our clothes, with us still in them. Victory was not an option, especially in that thin resort wear that we were sporting.


Incidentally, this is the same experience that we had on our last West Coast cruise. I seem to remember it was too cold to go to Serenity on the return trip then as well. It would’ve been fine if it wasn’t so windy. It's partly our fault too, for being remedial, very slow learners. How did both of us forget this important detail? It takes a village I guess. Does anyone have a spare village that W and I can borrow? 






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It was still too early for dinner when we returned to the cabin, so we read our books until we started getting ready around 6:30. Since it was getting late fast, I told W I could finish everything in an hour. I was 10 minutes over. Fight me. When I called time, he checked us in and it was yet again, less than a 10 minute wait. That has been lovely. I could for real get used to these short YTD Wait Times. Especially on Elegant Evenings.


For some reason, I wasn’t feeling my normal 100% tiptop chipper self. I was at around 85%. Idk what it was, I just felt "off". Before we left the cabin, I popped a Dramamine just in case that was it. As soon as we sat down, I was so thirsty, I drank as much water as I could. I drank all of my water and all of W’s water after they refilled it about 3 times. I started to feel much better after that. Must've been some powerful water. 


I went light(ish) for dinner. I ordered Calamari and Lobster Tail no dessert. The ship was rocking and rolling something fierce. El Capitano was piloting that ship like somebody was chasing him. This is behavior that I generally condone, cuz we got places to be, but please let us know when we need to sit down, before down sits us. Thanks. 

















Of course my favorite pic of us that night was taken in front of the amazing background of our cabin door.

Le sigh. 







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