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Beach break on Stone island $68..horseback riding $5.....learning to fly ...FREE!


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OR...How I spent my 10 night Mexican riviera cruise:D


Preface: I had the WORST eventful week prior to my highly anticipated cruise upon the March 17th sailing on the Mercury.


First; I was thrown for a loop by one of my suppliers that had made an error, and I was unable to correct it, or get in touch with the client prior to leaving .


Second; The day before departure I recieved a NEW credit card and upon inquiry, was told that the one I had planned to bring was cancelled due to a breach in the security system of the bank. ( I'm just glad I'm still in Mexico washing dishes at some restaurant ). The process now begins to notify all my accounts of the change.


March 16th, couldn't wait to leave. Everything was packed and ready to go. Snow was forcasted here in Chicago, and I was nervous after all the 'stuff' that was happening to me this week. I called a cab and headed to the airport. Upon arrival I found out my flight to San Diego was delayed for about two hours. No sweat, I was on vacation.


We, My partner of 10 years, John...or 'George as I call him affectionately, arrived Late in to the San Diego airport as expected, and my SIL and her husband were there to greet us at baggage claim. They had flown in from Baltimore and just arrived shortly before us. We made our way across the terminal and hailed a cab ( actually a mini van...I was surprised at the amount of combined luggage we had accumulated) and headed to the hotel we booked on a website.


I now have learned NOT to trust this site as the hotel was nothing like what we were expecting, AND it was under renovation. But, it was inexpensive, clean, and within walking distance to the breakfast restaurant that was recommended by a fellow CC member, and close to the pier.


March 17. Embarkation day. (Pt. 1)


We awoke early to a beautiful day:) . After misplacing the name of the restaurant, AND blaming eachother...The hotel knew exactly wher it was. I would highly recommend 'Hob Nob Hill' as a place to start your morning.


Back at the hotel we waited anxiosly with a number of other CELEBRITY guests to start our journey. The shuttle finally arrived, and after a 15 or 20 minute game of TETRIS with the luggage...we were on our way. YEAH!!


It was less than a ten minute drive to the pier...It was a half hour before we were allowed to enter and unload...we would later find out why.



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March 17


We arrived at the peir in plenty of time and had expected to be wisked on board as we have come to expect. But this time it was different.


The gathering area was full of expectact passengers, and we made our way though the crowd and down the 'Concierge Class' corridors that were divided by ropes. Check-in was easy...we had done the Speed Pass online and simply presented our credit card ( never mind washing those dishes, I could have missed the boat because of a cancelled card without my knowledge), and our photo id's and we were given our cards. ALONG, with check-in we were asked to fill out a questionaire similar to that we did a number of years ago when SARS was an issue. This one was for a G. I. virus, or "Norwalk" as frequent travellers have come to know an love to hate. We filled out the info, cabin #, Names, etc.. "Have we had..." , "Do we know...?" " Any symptoms..?"...etc. Typical questionaire. We though nothing of it.


About a half hour later we heard someone say there was an outbreak on board during the previous cruise and 200 people had gotten ill. We were waiting for the ship to be sterilized so we could board. This didn't distress or bother us in the least. "Norwalk" is simply a pain-in-the-neck 24 to 48 hour virus that mysteriously resembles "Montezumas Revenge", Not deadly, but can severely dehydrate the victim if they do not drink a LOT of fluids. We have learned the BEST prevention is to wash you hands as much as possible, and try not to touch your eyes or nose. It's much harder to contact this orally as the saliva kills the virus, and if it doesn't the stomach acids do.


We entered the gangway, and boarded the ship AFTER sanitizing our hands ( CELEBRITY has always done this ) and had our glass of champagne. We were told that our rooms would not be ready till after 3 pm due to the extensive cleaning and disinfection of the cabins...THis was totally OKAY with us, as the cleaner the better the fewer chance to come in contact with something "bad".

Upon entering the buffet area we encountered a number of people RESISTING using the hand sanitizer, and one gentleman ( using the term LOOSELY) even almost caused a scuffle. Apparently the ship had no 'right' to tell him what to do...It was his vacation. We noticed this defiance for the first couple of days on the cruise along with folks NOT washing their hands after using the public bathrooms, not covering their mouths when coughing or sneezing, and touching and grabbing at food and utensils instead of waiting a couple of seconds for the crew to assist them.


The 'Beast' was growing.


At around 3:45 we went to our cabin to drop off our carry-ons. they had just finished cleaning. We returned to the deck to begin our pre-sailaway tradition of the shot of tequila toast, and then a cocktail. We did the drill, again lots of coughing and sneezing without covering mouths, returned to the cabin to find our luggage, sat on the veranda and watched the ship depart, then unpacked.


Now my big issue is with the TSA. EVERYTHING I packed had to be sent out for pressing, this happens on EVERY cruise, no matter how careful I am, the morons in security at the airport rifle threw my bags and never repack it the way it should. I called the cabin steward for a large garbage bag and sent everything out to be pressed. I was not happy, though I did expect it.


We made our way to dinner that evening only to find ourselves at a table for 8 with only 4 of us there. At first I thought...Oh no! I must have said something offensive in one of my posts and no-one wants to sit with us. Later I was reassured that was not the case.


ONCE AGAIN. people NOT using the hand sanitizers and many NOT washing their hands in the restrooms.


The 'Beast' was feeding.


(BTW the reviews of the days are not as drawn out as this, I am just setting the correct mood for the review.)




After dinner the casino TOOK my money.


We retired around 11:30 or so that evening.

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March 18


We got up early and went to breakfast in the main diningroom. On the way we began to hear rumors of 'some' passengers being ill. 'Norwalk' takes 2 to 4 days to incubate, which means the 'beast' had been brought onboard by either unaware or simply disrespectfull passengers. Could these have been the people at the buffet yesterday? the guys who didn't wash his hands after using the mens room? it really didn't matter now. It was here.


Breakfast was really nice and we met some really great people.


Although it was a bit chilly it was poolside for us, then to the shopping seminar. BINGO was next to be followed by a SPA appointment with Melissa, then lunch at the buffet.


At this time news was speading of the new outbreak and people were getting upset less than two days into the trip. The smell of bleach was everywhere, and crew members could be seen spraying and wiping down surfaces everywhere.


Unfortunately we missed the Cruise Critic party. Our invitation was stuck in the inside of the box on our cabin door, when I enquired about the time of the party at guest relations (prior to finding the invitein my box) they informed me that it had already taken place. Sorry guys.


It was a relaxing day although shipboard tensions were growing.


For the first time we not only saw, but attended a 'friends of Dorothy' meeting. Had a GREAT time met many wonderful people whom we hope to keep in touch with.


Tonight was Formal, and I do have to say I think this was the most well dressed group of people I have ever encountered. Dressed in our dinner jackets and bow ties we made our way into the diningroom. Our previously invisible tablemates were now visible. We sat and made our introductions. At first we thought this somewhat looking conservative family from Oklahoma was going to be a drag...But we were wrong, they were completely the opposite. Dinner was wonderful and our waiter and assistant waiter were just as enjoyable. Subtle, yet with great sense of humor. The captains party was AFTER dinner tonight as weel as the first show. We are really NOT 'late' people so we did have to skip. Instead we went to the casino for a bit. Roulette turned out to be slightly profitable.


March 19..Cabo


Once again breakfast in the Main diningroom then off to our excursion. The sail and land tour.....my opinion...never again.


Yes, the weather was a bit windy and chilly, but the crew on this excursion were silent and frigid. After the quick boat trip, which WAS quite scenic ( actually it was the exact view from our veranda ) we were wisked by bus to a closed restaurant across the bay to stand on their terrace ( which was well landscaped) for a half a beer, and 45 minutes of the most boring time.


After we returned from this horrible excursion, we walked in town to shop. Shopping was okay and we tried the Shrimp Factory for lunch. My experience...Food is okay, but overpriced, service is not only slow but almost extinct. After a little more shopping we returned to the ship. More sick passengers now reported. ( REMEMBER this is our third day, and the virus takes 2 - 4 days to show its ugly head. The new sick passengers as weel as the first ones HAD to be ill before they boarded the ship. They were on different decks, eating in different venues on the ship and doing different things. If indeed the virus was ship born, any and almost all of those exposed would have had a common denominator onboard, any many, many more passengers would have been directly affected.)


Once again we sunned some more, and drank and attended the Captains club party and dinner.


No casino for me that night.

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March 20 ...Mazatlan


" Beach break on Stone Island..$68...horseback riding $5....learning to fly...FREE!!"


The Day started as normal, I had booked this excursion last minute, and without anyone in my party. I was glad to see our tablemates on this trip.


The weather was wonderful, the boat ride tour was wonderful...we saw many..many dolphins along the way. We docked the tour boat and headed to the island. It is a poor island, and that was evident upon docking. We boarded a make shift wagon for our transportation to the area and headed off to the restaurant and resort.


The beach was warm and friendly, the water just a little chiilier than I was used to, but really nice.


horseback riding was available for an additional $5.00 and the son of our tablemates and I decided to go for a ride. We mounted our steeds and walked and galloped on the beach, wove through the jungle and headed back to the restaurant for lunch. About 300 feet or so from the stable are my horse, 'Napolean' BOLTED. I pulled the reins only to have him veer off into the coconut trees. I my left leg slammed into a tree, and I pulled hard on the reins........I remember lying on the ground, mouth full of dirt and in PAIN. my riding mate ( I will call him by his nick-name as given to him by the previous fishing excursion in Cabo) "Bait", came up a few minutes later and exclaimed " WOW!!!.....That was the COOLEST thing I ever saw, can you do it again?" I groaned, he then asked if I was "okay". Hunched over, limping, dazed and HURTING I walked over to the stable area. The ride tour guide asked me if I was okay and checked me over quickly, asked me if I needed help, and apologized. He then pointed me to the showers where I rinsed the grit from my body. Walking back to the beach "Bait" still amazed by my 'Cool" experience blurted out " You were like 20 feet in the air!", I groaned again and painfully but steadily weaved my way to the bar where I prescibed myself ...Tequila, and lots of it. It made the pain dissipate. I then walked ALL THE WAY BACK to where the horses were stabled and found 'Napolean', ( I know this is not propper riding etiquette, but...) I gave the old horse a kiss on the nose and a hug. I forgave him.. By the look on the guides face I know he thought I had hit my head or just been totally 'Loco', I shook his hand, paid him against his wishes, smiled and make a Spanish explactive...He smiled. I went back to the bar for some more medication, then to the beach. Before we left, I was given a 'goody' bag from the horses guide. Tears came to my eyes...not from the sentiment...but the tequila was wearing off. I only remember waking up in bed. Apparently I was poured into my room by my tablemates. I later thanked them.


It was room service whern I awoke, and lots of advil. I should have gone to the infirmary, but talk was more people were getting ill and I wasn't going to put myself in the middle of a war zone down there.


As I lay in bed I kept thinking what a great time I had that day , regardless....AND I was going to try to get back on a horse again in Puerto Vallarta....


The smell of bleach drifted in my room as I dozed off.


March 21


Pain overtook my body as I hobbled to the hot tubs that morning. I soaked and soaked and eventually felt a little better. I booked another massage, and prepared myself to do nothing but lay by the pool. I was determined to attend the second formal night if it killed me.


As I lay by the pool I was barraged by angry people complaining about the bleach, the lack of services, CELEBRITY putting their lives at risk, and so on...and so on. As the spasms attacked my back and my leg and hip swelled with pain all I could think was "What a bunch of morons". "So what if the sushi bar would never open? you are on a cruise ...make the best of it."


Talk of lawsuits and complaint letters floted in and our of my hearing range. Once again I thought, these people would sue the cruise line if it rained. I truly have NEVER been on a cruise with as many rude, angry and unhappy healthy people. These were not the quaranteened ( although a few of them were caught outside their rooms, and one couple was thrown off the ship for disobeying captains orders of their cabin restrictions.).


For lunch I went SLOWLY and CAUSIOUSLY to the buffet, where My tray was carried back to the pool by a staff member. Apparently I had a look on my face and 'Geoge" asked "Whats the matter?" I looked deep within myself and exclaimed " The 'old' people were passing me by with their walkers and pushing me out of the way" He laughed, but it was true. While I can't be angry for a 80 year old speeding past me with his walker, I won't stand for rudeness, and I line at the buffet I HAD to turn around to an older woman who was pushing at me and tell her " Being OLD IS NO EXCUSE, for being RUDE". ( I won't post the words that she shot back at me, but her mouth was worthy of a washing out with soap).


Thanks to hot tubs, massage, and advil, I made it through the evening. The coctail party was nice, and so was dinner. Once again Best dressed crowd!


I tried my luck at the roulette table and was winning like a big dog, until the advil wore off.. I cashed out and left abrupty.


after waddling down the corridors, afraid to touch anything with my black tux o...I grabbed the door handle to my cabin. BLEACH ran down the side of my hand. A really bad feeling filled my body. I entered the room and wiped my hands on the bathrobes hanging from the door.


For the first ime in my life I felt like I would return home from this vacation lighter (tan wise not weight...thats for sure) than I started.

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March 22 Acapulco


Sore, but determined...I made my way on an excursion. La Roqetta Island.

Beautiful place, nice weather, good food, best snorkeling water so far. The guides were excellent. I found that I could swim a bit without TOO much discomfort...this was a great find.


Our group; Myself, 'George', Mike, and Jo ( who would later be serenaded by potential 'king of the Mercury' contestants, then totally destroy the contenders in the pillow pole jousting, including the winning male contender after a direct challenge) then met up to go shopping. Well, we walked the wrong way. As I dragged along three paces behind we turned right instead of left and made our way to the 'interesting' section of town to meet up with a 'government' guide who took us to his families flea market. Okay, it wasn't the best, but it was an adventure. We did by a few items and overpaid...but the experience was gritty, fun and adventurous. We stopped and ate dinner at a local restaurant on the pier. Food was okay but it was that lingering whiff of raw sewage every now and then that made the difference. After getting back to the pier we waited for our next excursion...night cliff divers. I had seen them before and always though it would be fun to try...fortunately I'm a little TOO old now...or I just might.


We returned to the ship and went to our rooms early.


March 23rd..Zihuatanejo


Did the DANCER CATAMARAN with 'George' and Jo ( BTW Mike had been spending most of his time on fishing excusions). Had a GREAT time. nothing more to say. Lots of fish while snorkeling. I did have a bit of a challenge trying to get back up on from the water but I enjoyed it thoroughly.


Back at the pier we had just a few minutes to shop and look around. I REALLY wish we were in this port a little longer. It is beautiful, great shopping, and just a NEAT little town.


We attended the late seating show " And the winner is.." my opinion is that it needs a little work, especially the country section. Had dinner and hit the casino again.


I broke even and went to bed early.


March 23 Puerto Vallarta.


Okay, I was supposed to go riverbed horseback riding at this port, I had to cancel. Still not quite well enough to get back on. I had met a woman on board who thought what had happened to me was terrible... I told her what was really terrible was struggling to get my undershorts on in the morning. Without being able to bend over far or raise my leg up it was like a self inflicted game of twister. The pity left her eyes and she busted out laughing. " you can barely get around, it looks like it hurts, and your only complaint is that you cant get your underdrawers on in the morning? I only wish I knew more people like you who enjoy life" she said she'd see me around and left chuckling.


While Jo went on the horse trip, and 'George" and Mike went on the pirate boat, I spent time packing up a little and then wandered into town.


What a beautiful town this is. Celebrity would be doing folks a favor by taking Cabo San Lucas OFF the itinerary, and shorting the stop in Acapulco so that they could spend more time in Mazatlan, Zihuatanejo, and Puerto Vallarta. I wanderer around town. shopped stopped for a beer then went back to the ship tired, worn, and feeling satisfied. I had a great day in town. Nothing planned , nothing scheduled, nothing structured.


That night it was Don Sherman who was HYSTERICAL, Ilia and Valerie were AMAZING , and of course Celebrity Idol. Dinner was nice. Casual that night.


March 25 at sea


Nice and relaxing pool day. More complainers and whiners, and contemplators. More rumors. The CDC was now onboard to assess the situation. Tonight was formal for the last time. prime rib and lobster abound. I actually had 2 lobster tails and the quails; my version of surf and turf. Our tablemates who had been missing again the previous night were again missing. We began to speculate...were they or weren't they?


They weren't...saw them in the casino. they ordered room service instead.


Now this put a bit of a damper on my master plan. Carlos was always making fun of the singing waiters..he would burst out into the song at the end of the movie "a Christmas story" when they sang ( you know, in the chinese restaurant...Fa..Ra..Ra .Ra...Ra.....Ra Ra RA RA!!!) So I had told our waiter Kristoff that it was his Birthday, just to get him. Hopefully tomorrow night they would be a the table.

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March 26 at sea


Last and final full day of our trip. Cold and windy. but the hot tubs were warm and cozy.


Not much to do but shop, walk around and reflect. I had a caricature drawn of me and the horse incident to the joy of onlookers. Lost at final BINGO.


Dinner was fun, and to Carlos' surprise it was his birthday:D


I went to the casino to cash in my chips I had accumulated during the cruise and ended up feeling sorry for a couple of the machines.


I donated $25 to their cause.


Bags were put outside out door and soon dissapeared. I sat on the veranda making notes and reminicing of the things I did and saw, and the people I met, both cheerful and gloomy.


I went to bed.


March 27 San Diego


We disembarked about a half hour later than scheduled. went to the airport and checked our bags. then we walked around seaport village before returning. Flights were on time and we returned home 4 hours later to a barrage of excited dogs, cats and birds.


Since the sushi bar had been closed due to the turmoils of the ship, we decided to order sushi delivery and unpack.


Ya know....things just never change. When opening one of the bags, apparently TSA decided to go through AGAIN....they not only opened or zipped shaving kits, but neglected to replace both the shaving cream and talc....What a mess.



Overall: We had a nice cruise. the ship was in good condition...and very clean:D


No real problems during embarkation or debarkation.


Food quality was just not what have come to expect, but the problems on board may have had a lot to do with it.


Cabin stewards and waiters were excellent as usually.


Personally I don't like children, or condone letting them miss school time for a vacation..But I have to say the kids on board this cruise were not only well behaved but courteous. I also only witnessed a parent putting a toddler in the hot tubs once. ( I did not use that tub afterwards, diapers and hot tubs are a no-no in my book).


Ports of call. I could do with out Cabo, and a shorter time in Acapulco. The other ports could use longer stays in my opinion.


Spa personnel were excellent.


Drinks were EXPENSIVE, but no more than a mid priced restarant or bar in a metro area.


Shows were just okay


I'd give it a 3 1/2 out of 5 stars.


About 1/2 of the passengers were the pits not to mention drama queens, the other 1/2 were the nicest people you could hope for.


Will I sail the Mercury again...Yes in September to Alaska.


Will I do a Mex riviera again, most likely no. But I will consider a land based vacation to P.V. , Mazatlan, or Zihuatenejo.


I don't know how many of you watch " My name is Earl", but I truly believe in karma of sorts. If you treat people the way you would like to be treated and act appropriately; karma will smile upon you.


I'd be happy to answer any questions you might have regarding my review.



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Dave...love, love, love your review! Talk about a glass is half full person...you certainly are that man. I really enjoyed reading your post. We are booked for the April 28th sailing and are hoping the big, bad virus problem is gone by then. After reading what you wrote, I am trying to keep my sense of humor about the whole situation first and foremost. I only wish you were going to be our tablemate! We actually booked this trip as a "last minute get-away" as we definitely prefer the Caribbean, but could only do a Mexican Riviera due to circumstances and airfare being ridiculous this close to our needed sail date. With all that's been going on, I think I will just try to use you as an example of keeping an open mind and have a good time no matter what...except in the case of an underwear hang-up!!!! Linda

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I appreciate the nice comments, and I hope you have a virus free cruise!


Remember Forrest Gump?


Moma always said life is like a box of chocolates...you never know what your gonna get. :D


But at least its chocolate...so enjoy it! my quote



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Hi Dave,


great trip review. I've been on at least one cruise with the "beast" and had the same observation of poor hygiene practices from my fellow guests.


Anyway, it was nice to see such a great attitude after your "freefall" adventure, that's the kind of thing that can ruin someone's vacation.



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While I had a great time...I am still feeling the effects. Had I gotten a case of the 'beast'...it would have been miserable for two days and then over and I would be back to normal. Diarrhea and a little vomiting is nothing compared to a bruised hip joint, bruised calf, bruised ribs, and muscle spasms in the back. However, it IS way cooler to be thrown off a horse while galloping than to say I didn't wash my hands and got the 'trots' for two days. To be honest...I truthfully had a great time, and would do it all over again.( next time I might wear a seat belt:D )



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Just wanted to say thanks for the laughs. We leave for Miami in the morning to sail on the Zenith on Thursday. You made my night!!!! I think I might be able to sleep now after such a wonderful story.... You must be a really nice person. I hope your feeling better. No horseback riding in September.

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I loved reading your posts! They were wonderful.


My husband and I will be on the Mercury for the cruise departing on April 17th. It will be our first cruise. We were starting to get very nervous about going because of all the illness we'd been reading about. Your posts and great attitude have helped me to feel much more positive and happy about going on our cruise. Thank you for that.


I hope that your back, hip, ribs, and calf will heal quickly. I also hope that you will keep writing.

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for the best wishes and your kind words.


PLEASE don't let all the hype scare you. If you remember to wash your hands and use the hand sanitizers around the ship...you wil be fine.


( I would however recommend that you pack lots of white or light colored clothes in your wardrobe.......If they do need to spray with bleach I wouldn't want you to end up with a bleached racing stripe across your butts like I did on one pair of shorts. Racing stripe , galloping horse....I should have seen it coming:D . Where was Ms. Cleo ( psychic hotline ) when I needed her most:rolleyes: )



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( I would however recommend that you pack lots of white or light colored clothes in your wardrobe.......If they do need to spray with bleach I wouldn't want you to end up with a bleached racing stripe across your butts like I did on one pair of shorts. Racing stripe , galloping horse....I should have seen it coming:D . Where was Ms. Cleo ( psychic hotline ) when I needed her most:rolleyes: )







Thanks for the advice.

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I'm already getting excited for my next cruise on the ......dare I say it....MERCURY, in September to Alaska. Dropped off our clothes at the cleaners yesterday. The woman there was funny. She looked at all of the dried shaving cream and talc and exclaimed.."Oh my!!! what happened?!". I still haven't been able to get the powder out of the lids of our CELEBRITY coffee mug tops.


Hey, its Alaska. Whats the worse thing that could happen? I'll be attacked by a group of wandering penguins? ( Just kidding, I know penquins don't live in Alaska......... they just vacation there. ).


I'm glad to see this March 17th sailing slowing cooling down on these boards. If anything it was the negative attitude of some of the guests that put a bit of a damper on my experience, not the cruise line.


'Keep on sailin';)



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Saw the doc yesterday, he thinks I am truly insane.


Had lots of X-rays taken, may need an MRI and an appointment with a ortheopedic guy ( did I spell that correctly?).


All said my Blood pressure was only 116 / 78 so I guess I'ma gonna live.:D


Given a RX for Codeine......makes me a little loopy ( more than usual )


Will update you if I broke anything.



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Okay, its gonna sound worse than I think you might think it is or going to be...or something like that.....this codeine is creepy..


moderately strained muscles and a possible torn thing in my hip, and a compression fracture in my lower vertebre ( vertibra?). :(


Doc referred me to another doc, but said these kinds of fractures often heal themselves and do not need a brace or further treatment...just lots of R&R.


Next step....I wonder if I can apply for one of those funny little scooter things to zip around town like the old folks have:D


Thanks for all your well wishes....I'm sure I'll be fine. Just as long as I can go snorkeling in Alaska in September.:rolleyes:


"just what makes that little ole ant, think he can move that rubber tree plant..........."



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Dave ~ what a terrific review. Thanks for taking the time to write it and share it with us. You have a wonderful attitude and like previous posters said, if all passengers were like you, what happy cruises we'd all have.


I especially appreciated your take on the virus situation. It's so sad that so many ignore the basic, common sense ways to prevent the spread (washing your hands). I just don't get it. My only issue with Celebrity in all of this (if we were ready to get on the ship) would have been that they offered you a refund/future credit once you got to San Diego if you didn't want to go. If they are going to do this, they should have notified passengers long before they made the trip to San Diego and airfare had already been expended. I doubt that anyone (or very few) would decide not to go once they were at the ship.


I did want to share a couple of thoughts (we did this same cruise on Feb. 3). You mentioned you wouldn't trust this site (I'm assuming you meant Cruise Critic) when you referred to your hotel. I checked but couldn't find the name of your hotel in your review. Can you tell us what hotel? Here's my take on recommendations from any site (I use tripadvisor for hotel reviews all the time) -- read as many reviews as you can to get a general feel, factoring in that people's opinions in what they like and don't like vary widely. Even from ship to ship, an experience can be different from one sailing to the next. I find when I take account of all opinions/reviews here on Cruise Critic (for a hotel, ship, shore excursion) and use the average of all, it's usually pretty accurate. Not always but usually.


The same things go for ports of call and shore excursions. You didn't care for Cabo and it was not only one of our best ports but one of our all time (we've been on 26 cruises) best shore excursions. We booked Rissalena for a whale watching tour. The boat itself was hand-built by it's owner and captain, Eduardo. We were served fresh squeezed margaritas and a full, fabulous lunch. There were 22 of us from Mercury on this excursion and everyone was in agreement that it was terrific.


Our least favorite stop was Mazatlan. Had we done what you did, we probably would have enjoyed the day a lot more. My point is that sometimes it depends on what you end up doing in a port that can make or break that day, rather than the stop itself. :)


I hope you are healing quickly and certainly that you'll feel good enough to do everything you want on your Alaskan cruise. Thanks again for sharing your experiences. Hope to see you onboard some day!

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You're right, it is all up to personal opinion and experience.


The website I was actually talking about was hotels.com. I've used it twice now and both times the hotel was not quite what I expected, or how it was advertised.


I think tours have a lot to do with your impression of a destination. I guess I just picked a bad chioce that didn't enhance my experience.


The issue with Celebrity. I don't think they thought the virus would be brought on board again. It doesn't usually happen twice in a row. To be honest even if they did tell us, and like you said, I doubt anyone would turn away and leave. I wouldn't have.


I love Celebrity over all the others I've sailed. If anything I would like them to make an offer of possibly a $100 future cruise credit or cabin credit. It really isn't their fault for the events that occurred, however we did lose out on some of the things we looked forward to. I'm mixed on this one.


I just don't want this to turn into a gripe thread. I'd like to keep it a "I'm happy even if I fell off my horse thread":D



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Loved your review.....and sorry we missed you at the cruisecritic party! I was looking for the "speedo" guy! We also went on the ship with you in Cabo and felt quite chilled but loved the scenery. The closed restaurant and beautiful, cold, and windy terrace was a surprise. We went and expected to have a great lunch and maybe a few drinks, even though we knew that wasn't part of the excursion price. A closed restaurant? What were they thinking?:confused:


Nevertheless, we ended up at "Margaritavilla" and had a great drink with nachos! Spent the rest of that day wandering around town and took one of those "rickshaws" back to the ship!


We stayed at the Holiday Inn on the Bay, right across from the pier where the ship docked and enjoyed it very much. Not fancy, but the staff were very nice and we had a balcony that overlooked the bay! Wonderful view! We watched the Mercury dock that morning. Breakfast there was quite good, too. Having flown in the night before, we ate just down the pier at the Fish Market, which I would recommend to anyone!!! Fantastic seafood!


The day we came back we also had several hours before our flight left, so we did the direct luggage thing to the airport to be free of baggage. Also went to Seaport Village and wandered around. It's a very interesting place. Anyone into great art should check out the art store in that Village. Many good shops with unusual items. Had breakfast there at the Edgewater Grill. Excellent! They opened at 8:00 a.m., and having been put off the ship so early, we were lucky to find it open. Wish we had met you at the party, we would have seen you often!


We loved San Diego and plan to return for a long weeked there. Good luck to you all on future sailings! We love the cruising life!

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Dave ~ I so agree with you about keeping the tone of the thread upbeat. It's fine to discuss things that didn't go right, it's even fine for people to get angry at the way some things are handled. But in the long run, keeping a positive outlook and focusing on the things you enjoyed makes for a much happier person.


I didn't understand that you were referring to hotels.com....did I miss that? Sorry if I did. I highly recommend trying Rissalena if you ever return to Cabo. It was a day to remember :)


I do hope you are back to normal soon and have no long term affects from your fall. With your great attitude, I'm positive you'll do just fine in no time!

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