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Report From Paris


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I just returned last night from a week in Paris and was hoping to give you a Spring Fashion Report. Unfortunately, it was rainy and a bit chilly and winter clothes were still being worn. I did get a few afternoons of warmer weather (50ish degree's) and sunshine, though Parisian women don't rush the seasons and though some layers of heavy clothing were removed, no one was wearing their spring clothes yet.


Of course, I saw spring clothes in the stores, but until you see them worn on the street, one never knows what's going to be a hit and what's headed for the mark-down rack.


What I saw being worn on the street:


Lots of black and dark neutrals like brown and olive green. Skirts are every length depending on style of skirt. Lots of flat shoes and boots (Parisians walk walk walk). Lots of boots to the knee with flat soles. Details on the boots: Laced up the back from ankle to knee (usually a faux lacing for decorative purposes), buckles - on the instep, on the toe, across the ankle. Lots of shoe ornaments too - buckles, laces, sculpted leather, unusual "throat" shapes.


Clothes are classic cuts w/ cool details - pleats, pinched fabrics, fitted seams.


The sneakers "a la mode" are the high topped old time Converse traditional basketball type type worn on women of all ages, but most popular with the 20 - 35 set. The most popular color was chocolate brown and then saw a varity of green, navy, red - all with the white trim and laces.


Very ornate tights - heavy open crochet look and lace tights in black and dark neutrals. Striped tights - mostly horizontal stripes in tones of burgundy/grey, olive/brown and some tone-on-tone (opaque to sheer)vertically striped tights.

I did see alot of basic black opaque tights, even on business women with suits. Some some sheer hose, but that was the minority.


Jeans on everyone - all ages, men & women. Nice, well fitting "designer" jeans. Looked sexy with flat boots during the day, heeled boots at night. Many men (all ages) wore blazers over their jeans.


Fedora's - this was a surprise. I saw about 6 men wearing fedora style hats. Okay, 6 certainly doesn't make for a trend, but when was the last time you saw that many in one week?


Scarves - of course, on everyone. Transitioning from cashmere's to silks. Even the 2 year olds had chic-ly wrapped scarves around their necks. Some shots of spring color were finally showing here with creamy beiges, soft geens and peach tones which looked nice with the brown, camel and black coats. Ladies still love their Hermes silk scarves.


What I didn't see:


Not one bare leg! Here in NYC this winter I saw some women with bare legs with sling back and/or open toe'd shoes with skirts; loafers with pants and even bare legs with skirts & boots. I purposely looked for that trend in Paris and it didn't exist, even on the warmer days. I guess they feel if it's not sandal weather, then legs and feet are not bare.


Ugg boots and sandals. Actually, I did see each of them once. Both times on school age female american tourists.


The "messy" ponytail. I don't know what you call it, but many american girls put their hair in an elasticized band and then pull various parts of the ponytail halfway through the elastic and then spread it all around on the back or top of their head for a "messy bun" look. I didn't see that done even once on a french girl though I did see a fair share of ponytails on women of all ages.


Not one pair of cropped pants. But since it's generally a summer look, perhaps they'll be back in a few months?


What I saw in the stores:


Lots of variety and like here in the states, there's no one big trend. I did see some of the long knee length shorts and some regular length pants. Didn't notice many cropped pants. I did see a few pairs of pleated linen pants for women in the high end designer departments.


Color - neutrals again. But the biggest bright colors are acid green and orange (not together). I saw some great acid green sandals, jackets, sweaters and scarf prints. Didn't notice this so much for men.

But orange is big for both women and men.

The big color combo is chocolate brown paired with either acid green or dark turquoise.

Lots of gold - in leather shoes and handbags as well as in clothing.


Clothing details - as here in the US, fabric manipulation is key. Simple fabrics are cut and sewn assymetrically, or rouched, braided. Waists are nipped in on both blouses and jackets.


Polka dots - usually a white ground with black dots on blouses, handbags, cuff bracelets and other accessories.


Handbags - soft and squishy shapes in soft leathers. Nice buckles and ring details, but still "clean looking". Not so much zippers, laces as last year. Vanessa Bruno are still a very important look there that has never caught on here in the US. I see a few in NY, but most Parisian women seem to have at least one of her bags ***** canvas or leather.


Shoes - wedges and espadrilles in all heel heights. Gold leather and natural linen are big colors.


The white shirt - big item for spring/summer.


What I didn't see in the stores:


White. I expected to see alot of white accessories and was hoping to find a great white spring trench coat and/or a great white leather bag. But saw very few of either. Don't know if it something the stores will bring in later in the spring or it simply won't be as popular there. (I'd be more than happy to revisit in about 6 weeks and report back! LOL!)


The BIG bag. The stores here are showing handbags bigger than ever. I saw a few in Paris, but not enough to make a "statement". Bags are large, but not the super-sized ones I'm seeing here.

Here in the US I see lots of bags with thin leather strips tied to a buckle and left hanging - often about 4 to 8 on a bag. Saw almost none of this trend in Paris.


Broom skirts - still a few in the more "junior" departments, but not everywhere like last summer.


Celebrity Citing:


Sonia Rykiel at the recently re-opened Musee d'Art Moderne. She's a favorite of mine, so that was fun.

(I'm always on the look-out for Catherine Deneuve. I'm often in the neighborhood where she lives but only saw her once on the street)


That's about all my brain remembers right now.


Happy spring shopping!



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Very ornate tights - heavy open crochet look and lace tights in black and dark neutrals. Striped tights - mostly horizontal stripes in tones of burgundy/grey, olive/brown and some tone-on-tone (opaque to sheer)vertically striped tights.

I did see alot of basic black opaque tights, even on business women with suits. Some some sheer hose, but that was the minority.


I'd be in heaven...I LOVE tights. My legs prefer to be covered (they are a scary white!) so I always choose funky tights with patterns, textures, colors.

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Hard to describe.




Look at the green color in the 1:00 o'clock position. (called Tertiary) That's the closest I can find right now.


Acid green is a light (put not pale) green/yellow that looks like it's been plugged into an electrical socket. It's not lime, or pistacho...it's a strange color that many people don't like. Personally I love it - but then, I'm a big fan of olive. Those colors go well with my dark red hair and pale skin.




'Could you please describe acid green? Have no idea which shade it is.



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Thanks so much for the kind words. Glad you enjoyed it and felt transported for a few moments. That was my intention.






I agree! I love the great hose they sell in Paris.

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I'm glad to hear that the bare leg/winter thing is not big in Paris. I never got it when it was all the fashion in NYC. I remember seeing Katie Couric doing a segment outside in winter with bare legs. And one of the Lauder girls going out bare legged in winter in Vouge with the comment saying well she has it easy because she is in a limo in/out. I don't remember who or how it got started, maybe Calvin Klein?


I agree with the french, if it's not sandel weather, why go bare legged? I never got it. I suppose it has to do with the shoes. There are some shoes that probably just look better with "bare legs" and that's fine but then they should be worn only in warmer weather, but that's just my opinion.


I may be a slave to fashion as DH says I am, but I but I draw the line on certain things, lol bare legs in winter is one of them especially with our winters.


I wonder if the acid green will be in next season in NYC. Paris is sometimes ahead of NYC. Glad to hear there was black, I love my black like any self respecting NYer. What's the saying, you can take the girl out of NY but you can't take NY out of the girl. Black and white, my two favorite color combos as DH says.


Don't think the ladies of Paris will ever stop living their Hemes. Can't say I blame them either.


Oh BTW, did you see any emblished jeans in Paris?


Love those sneakers, although high tops are more fall/winter for me or I get too hot, but hopefully they will still be around next fall.


Flats, that's good news since that's all I wear, lol. Don't understand why it's not more popular in NYC because Nyers walk all over too!:)


Thanks for the report, was great to read and compare. Will be intersting to see if some of those things seen will make it across the atlantic.:)

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No, now that I think of it, I didn't see any emblished jeans in Paris. But again, perhaps they'll be popular in the spring with tee shirts and sandals???


As far as flats go, there's plenty of them here in NYC as well. I've seen some great ones for this Spring in the stores here.



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Thanks so much for the information. So nice to hear what's going on over there. Sounds like most of what you described is what I'd wear so that's good news! Now I'm just perplexed though as to what the weather will be in 5 weeks. I assume they'd have broken out some spring-wear by then!


Love the Chocolate with turquoise. May have to try it with the acid green as well!

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I :


The big color combo is chocolate brown paired with either acid green or dark turquoise.


Shoes - wedges and espadrilles in all heel heights. Gold leather and natural linen are big colors.



Thank for the report Jane, the chocolate brown/turquoise/green combo is one of my colour combinations right now!

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Yep, I have "white" issues as well. My solution is to not wear white unless it can be bleached or "switched over" to garden wear instead of work wear without me worrying about the cost of the item and "getting my money's worth". (I mean digging in the garden, not sipping cocktails:p ) That's just not a trend that would work for me.....

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Lots of variety and like here in the states, there's no one big trend. I did see some of the long knee length shorts and some regular length pants. Didn't notice many cropped pants. I did see a few pairs of pleated linen pants for women in the high end designer departments.

Are flats being worn with these knee-length shorts? I really like them, but I don't know if I could do the flats.



Color - neutrals again. But the biggest bright colors are acid green and orange (not together). I saw some great acid green sandals, jackets, sweaters and scarf prints. Didn't notice this so much for men.

But orange is big for both women and men.

The big color combo is chocolate brown paired with either acid green or dark turquoise.

Lots of gold - in leather shoes and handbags as well as in clothing.


Clothing details - as here in the US, fabric manipulation is key. Simple fabrics are cut and sewn assymetrically, or rouched, braided. Waists are nipped in on both blouses and jackets.

Pumpkin is a great color! I love the chocolate and tourquiose...but very excited about more greens on the spring palette.


Polka dots - usually a white ground with black dots on blouses, handbags, cuff bracelets and other accessories.
Was not expecting polka dots! They so remind me of the Kentucky Derby!


White. I expected to see alot of white accessories and was hoping to find a great white spring trench coat and/or a great white leather bag. But saw very few of either. Don't know if it something the stores will bring in later in the spring or it simply won't be as popular there. (I'd be more than happy to revisit in about 6 weeks and report back! LOL!)

Sorry you didn't get your trench coat...but I'm not looking forward to the whites all summer. I do love a crisp white shirt, so that is very good news!


Broom skirts - still a few in the more "junior" departments, but not everywhere like last summer.

You mentioned skirts in all lengths, but were the handkerchief and the asymmetrical hems still popular? I'd like to get more mileage from the pretty one's I have. How about the bubble skirts? I see them in the US, but was just curious how popular they were in Paris. I have a friend who is originally from France who says they are simply horrible and make every butt look bigger. LOL!


If you must go back, then you must ;)


Welcome home, and thanks so much for your report...enjoyed it!



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Speaking of "bubble skirts"...I already tried that in my youth ('80s). I didn't like it then and I sure don't like it now. There was just nothing flattering about those skirts!


I agree! I've seen some that are very flowy fabrics and they were on very, very thin girls...but I just had flash-backs to the 80's, and I don't want to go there again!


I don't think they would work on me anyway...I'm a *very* curvey size 7 and I could just imagine what those would emphasize! LOL!



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Polka dots! Yay! I soooooo want a polka-dotted, dress for my cruise. Dunno why, it just seems so glamorous. My best friend and I both wore polka-dotted dresses to our prom. Her's was orange w/white polka dots. Mine was electric blue with black polka-dots. I even got my date to wear a polka-dotted tie!

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Loved the report and thank you Jane!


Curious about the white trend. I am really debating on whether or not to purchase that white bag I'm thinking about.


I'm afraid I'll ruin it the first time out!


Thanks, glad you liked the report.


I'm in the same boat as you about a white bag. It's something I don't want to spend a lot of money on because I can just see it getting dirty as well as turning yellow from all the sunblock I constantly put on my hands and arms. But then, I don't like the look of a cheap bag. If I wait til a sale, it's too late because the season will be half over.


So, I'm probably going to pass on one. I love the caramel colored bag I got in Paris and I have a pastel pink leather Carlos Falchi bag that I bought last summer.


I've been looking for a white cotton trench coat but haven't seen one that I like for the price I'm willing to pay so that'll probably not happen.


No white pants until I lose 10 pounds. LOL!


I saw a pair of white sandals that I'm going to buy - similiar style to the Manolo 2" heel with the criss-cross front. I always have a fresh selection of white tee's and tanks and added a few white blouses for business meetings. So, I think that will be enough white for me. Maybe if I see a cute white straw hat I buy it.

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Thing about also-not all the european trends take off over here.


I remember my friends's daughter coming back from Europe about 6 or 7 years ago with a pair of slacks with like a mini skirt made over them. She said she saw them everywhere and thought they were so cute- so she bought a pair.


About 6 months later they showed up in the stores locally but they never "took off" at least not around here .(Atlanta, Ga area)



I do like the idea of hose coming back-hose cover all those ugly little things-my legs have a nice shape still-but I have broken veins etc. that just do not look so good. so I hope that hits over here.


Now I NEVER did stop wearing hose-except as I have always done in the summer when it is like 95 degrees out-I just make sure if I am in a dress it is one of those longer length ones so very little of my legs show. Never could get over though these young women going hoseless and really tightless in the coldest part of winter-I have seen many a pair of PURPLE legs on a young woman, as her legs were so cold.

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