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Well I crashed and burned last week. I haven't been on the scale to see how bad the damage was. Maybe I'll wait a bit. I've had a real bad cold for the last few days and have been drinking gallons of Neocitron. And I think it's loaded in sugar. Add the medicated throat lozenges and that spells trouble. No energy to exercise either. I suppose the only good part is that I've lost my appetite. Don't worry, I'm sure it will come back. :D

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[quote name='Jem4life']Good Sunday morning! Thought I'd be able to catch up with a few quick posts here this morning before church, but boy oh boy it was a busy evening here yesterday! So I'll have to do my reading later this afternoon and then post! [/QUOTE] I'm quoting myself! :D

:o No wonder I thought there were so many posts... this was the wrong thread! I thought, gee there are all sorts of "new" people here...
Duh! Jean
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The scales were relatively friendly this morning and it wasn't as bad as I had feared. Down .6 lb from Thursday. I still feel all fat and pudgy. And I'm over the worst of my cold. Friday was h*ll though.

Last night I made a huge pot of chili. It doesn't take a lot to fill me up and was just the right thing for a cold, rainy day. I have a container in my lunchbag. Luckily DH had eaten the frozen 1/2 loaf of Italian bread that I thought was in the freezer. He didn't know it at the time, but he saved me from myself. :D

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Uh huh, that's the way mine started. I've been living on Neocriton for most of the last week. Never fear - you will get better, eventually. :D

<--------- Beth, as she eats her homemade chili containing all things legal (except a couple of carrots). ;)

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Beth, glad you are feeling better and the scale was kind to you. I made a HUGE pot of chili on Saturday and wouldn't you know it, it's already gone. :eek: DH and DS ate a good portion of it. I didn't even have enough for me to bring to work today. I just ate a chargrilled chicken sandwich on whole wheat bread from Chick-Fil-A. I had a free coupon. It was GOOD.

Tami, I hope you get better soon. Must be hard to be sick and homeschool. I have one question. How do you get to sleep until 10:30 AM with all of those kids? They must all be old enough to fend for themselves until mom gets up. :)
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[quote name='nosnobunny']Uh huh, that's the way mine started. I've been living on Neocriton for most of the last week. Never fear - you will get better, eventually. :D

<--------- Beth, as she eats her homemade chili containing all things legal (except a couple of carrots). ;)



Don't know what Neocriton is but I'm living on theraflu cough strips. For those who haven't seen them they're like those breathstrips but with as much dextromathoraphan as Robitussin. They still taste like crap but they take effect very quickly.

Tami- Who is having a late night snack of oatmeal with atkins syrup on it. anyone got a better suggestion for sugar free syrup?
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[quote name='WeirdEyes']
Tami, I hope you get better soon. Must be hard to be sick and homeschool. I have one question. How do you get to sleep until 10:30 AM with all of those kids? They must all be old enough to fend for themselves until mom gets up. :)[/QUOTE]

My DH was home this morning. He works a 12 hour shift 7 out of 14 days. He works 3 nights, then 2 off, then 2 on then 3 off.
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[quote name='adoptmom']Beth,

Don't know what Neocriton is but I'm living on theraflu cough strips. For those who haven't seen them they're like those breathstrips but with as much dextromathoraphan as Robitussin. They still taste like crap but they take effect very quickly.

Tami- Who is having a late night snack of oatmeal with atkins syrup on it. anyone got a better suggestion for sugar free syrup?[/QUOTE]

Neocitron (sp?) is a hot medicated drink that's full of all the things you need to feel better. That stuff works wonders. Are you feeling any better yet? We have a throat lozenge here that's good too but I don't know if you have it in the US - probably not. It's call Dequadin and is both antiseptic and antifungual. Very good if you can find some.

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I've not heard of that one either. I'm still not convinced that this is a cold. It may be allergies that are hanging on since they are still taking in the fields around here. I have weather related sinus headaches too and I think the two are combining to make me miserable. I do feel better today though. I was up by 8am today.

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hi tami,
sorry to hear that you are sick,i hope you are well on the road to recovery,the weather in ireland is wet(how unusual....and cold ):mad: but im in very good mood because im buying my first home on thursday its a 2 bedroom apartment in dublin and im very excited....i wish you a speedy recovery lol paulaxxxxxxx :)
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Paula - your first home is always very exciting. I was so excited that the first day we owned the house I could not sleep so I got up at 4:00 am and started moving things. Went all day like a mad women. Next morning I couldn't sleep so I got up around 5:00 am and put my kitchen together. I went like that for at least a week and then finally crashed and burned. I still have wonderful thoughts about that house. When spring comes and there are certain smells it reminds me of my first home purchased. Enjoy the next few days.

Tami - I too have been battling allergies. I just told my DH last night that I feel like I permanently have a kleenex plastered to my face! I go through Kleenex like there was no tomorrow! I have also had the sinus headache, but in my checks. Pounding so hard that I am curled up in a puddle of tears from the pain. I finally had to take a vicodin to calm the pain down to a gentle roar. I feel for you. Take care of yourself.

Well...last night was not good. DH brought home some cake that he said was forced upon him. Instead of dumping it before he got in the house he just placed it on the island. After dinner I couldn't resist and told myself that I would have 1-2 bites. Before I knew it I had eatten the entire piece! Then my stomach didn't feel real good. I think it was the sugar. A few hours later I was wired and could not go to sleep. At 3:00 am I finally gave in and took an Ambien. Boy did I learn a lesson. I am staying away from sugar! This does put a bit of a damper on the cruise because I really enjoy the deserts. Oh well...I am better off in the long run not having the carbs or the sugar.
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Juli- Ick! At least I havent' had to resort to vicodins. I've had them a couple of times after surgery and they make me wierdly emotional. Someone can say "the sky is blue" and I'd be in tears. I picked up some homeopathic meds to take when I picked up Apis for my son so I'll let you know how they work later.

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OK... I'm posting this here since I saw the thread on the "weigh in"...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Shiela (did I spell it right? lol)
Hope you have a wonderful SB friendly day
and the year ahead be healthy, happy, sweet and low carb too.
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[quote name='WeirdEyes']Thank you, Carolyn. You are very sweet! My co-worker brought me in a cheesecake sampler for my b'day. It has 4 different flavors of cheesecake. Someone come save me!!! :eek:[/QUOTE]

You COULD share it with some of your best cyber-friends. We'll save you. It is for your own good you realize. :D

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Shelia - The job front is rather strange. I had a second interview on Wednesday. I felt like everything was going very well and then I walked out of the door. I don't know what happened, but I suddenly had the feeling that I do not want the job. It is the strangest thing. I have never felt this way.:confused: I have just been talking with my husband and trying to figure out if I should call the lady and pull my hat out of the ring. I know that they were interviewing another person. Is this strange or what? I just don't feel good about the situation.

I do have another opportunity with a close friend of ours. He has a business that he has been running for about 20 years. His right hand person is leaving mid-November and he has offered me the job. It is a position that I can make as much out of the job that I want to. I am really interested in working for him because I can work from home and he won't mind me taking two cruises next year (best reason):p So I don't know. I will keep you updated.

On the job front for my husband. He had one company email him today asking if he was interested in a job. They found his resume on monster.com He has submitted his resume and is waiting to hear back from them. In the meantime there is another position that he interviewed for last week and they are making a decision today. So I will also keep you posted on that one. Things are really looking good and I expect he will be employed soon.

In the meantime - [font=Comic Sans MS][size=5]Happy Birthday![font=Arial][size=2] May it be a day filled with many happy memories.[/size][/font][/size][/font]
[font=Arial]Thanks for asking about the job front, I appreciate your concern.[/font]
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Beth, if you want to come all the way to Montgomery, AL, you are more than welcome to have some of this cheesecake. :D

Juli, I always follow my gut instincts. I was offered another job a couple of years ago. It sounded great while I was being interviewed and they led me to believe there was a very good chance of a promotion. I accepted the job, but then a strange feeling about it. Somehow, it just didn't seem right. So I called the owner and told him I changed my mind. It was a good thing because 6 months later their business started losing business. If you feel strongly about it, don't take it. Also, you sound very excited about the job with your friend. Sounds like you'd rather take that one. A couple more weeks without a job is not going to hurt you. Good luck and keep us posted. Thanks for the happy birthday! :)
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Hi all.

Ugh my feet are dead! The Indiana State Museum, which is one of my kids' favorite, held a Geofest today and we went for 5 hours. It was pretty cool, although I could have done with less venders and more exhibits. I had a headache again and was zonked by halfway through it. Finally broke down and got some white chocolate covered pretzels which helped alot, though I'm sure not my diet.

Then we went to the zoo for ZooBoo and trick or treated around the zoo for 2 more hours until it got too cool to be outside. Then we went back to a friend's house and had an impromptu game night. fun day but I'm so tired. Right now I'm staying up just long enough to make sure all the rugrats are down for the night. DS was trashed but both girls were still cranked. :rolleyes:

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Hello Southbeachers,

Have been away for awhile but back and avidly into week 2 of phase one. (Our cruise is December 5- 15 days roundtrip from San Diego to Hawaii on Infinity). I lost 20 lbs+ last winter on South Beach and have kept it off- yet this next cruise is so long would kind of like to be down 5-10 lbs to get a leg up on things. Know I will gain and don't want to be 10# up at Christmas.

Have lots I want to say but have company coming- will try to write more tomorrow. :) Nice to be back.
Hi Shelia!!

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Really hoping that someone relates to this- have a feeling that this is very common.

My husband and I have been married for 30 years. I am 52-he's 58. He is a kind caring generally supportive man and we have few conflicts. EXCEPT when it comes to my weight- he is obsessed with it.

When we met I weighed 115# (I'm 5'6). Stayed around there until I turned 40 and since that my weight has steadily risen. For the last 10 years I have been up and down from 125 to a high of 148. These days when I am at 125 my friends say I am too thin. But 128-130 feels just about right to me.

Husband has always reminded me that my weight is extremely important to him with all those nice comments like, "you really don't need that" when I want to have dessert. Or bugging me to exercise- it's always fairly gentle criticism, but it's consistent- he MONITORS what I eat with a disapproving glance when I eat more than what he thinks is OK. When we cruise his comments are the harshest- we've gotten into some good ones a couple of times. The message is very clear- you are overweight in my eyes and I don't like it.

We had a knockdown this week after two cracks he made. I don't know if I even want to take our cruise in December anymore. The pressure of eating "the wrong thing in front of him" is making me nuts- the last several years when we cruise I let him know from the first day that I don't want any of his guidance- but THIS TIME I realize even if he doesn't comment he's still JUDGING me. I haven't eaten a meal with him in the last few days just because I feel very uncomfortable.

Have expressed to him very clearly how counterproductive his comments are and how they devastate self esteem. He feels badly about it but I don't see this ever changing. He's always been thin- will always be thin- and takes good care of himself. I understand that men have a much harder time overlooking physical defects (esp. fat) in women than we women do- he can't change the way he looks at me anymore than he can change the fact that he likes the color blue.

Now that I finally realize that even if he keeps his comments to himself, he still sees me as obese and unacceptable at 128#. I love him dearly but I know this will not change. He's got physical faults that I don't point out the so and so! But that doesn't occur to him.

This is one of the reasons women get anorexic- to fit into the society's and their partners ideal. I'm TOO OLD for this. I like being slender but I don't want to obsess about it. I could get to the ultra thin level he'd like, but I would not like it at all- and I would like him even less. I think time will cure this thing between us. I might even talk to a counselor to get some support.

This really bites! Thanks for listening.

PS. Guess there is a subtle reason I chose a pig for my avatar- I too am convinced I'm a PIG. :(
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