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Carnival bashing??? Why???


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Personally, if someone made a negative comment about my Carnival cruise, I would simply ask them..."Well, how many Carnival cruises have you been on?"


And when they say none (which is generally the case of heresay), I would then calmly ask "Why on earth would you try to put a damper on my honeymoon plans when you have never even cruised on Carnival? I have done my research and feel this is the cruise for us."


If they said one...I would reply "Surely you are not one of those narrow minded people who judge an entire cruiseline of some 22+ ships by one cruise?"


Either way, they get the point.

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When I went to AAA a few months ago to get the newest Carnival Brochure, I


I had just finished reading the "I am ...... and I cruise on Carnival" statement, and misread Elaine's opening sentence as saying:


"When I went to AA a few months ago to get the newest Carnival Brochure...:D

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Couldn't resist weighing in on why people bash Carnival. In fact, go to some of the other boards (Cunard, for instance) and you'll see Carnival referred to as "Carnivore." I think there are many reasons why people "bash" Carnival.


As another poster noted, Carnival's reputation years ago had it at the "bottom of the heap". Their ships were considered "glitzy" rather than traditional (e.g., lots of glass and chrome vs. wood and brass). In recent years, though, I think that Carnival's reputation has come up in the world. Remember that someone always has to "at the bottom"...right now, I think it's Norwegian Cruise Line.


Another possible reason is that Carnival now owns Cunard. In the minds of loyal Cunarders, this was similar to when Ford Motor Company bought Jaguar. Personally, I've been on only 1 Carnival cruise...it wasn't to my taste and DH and I agreed that we'll probably not go on another one. We like more traditional cruises (Holland America, Cunard) but I wouldn't bash Carnival or the people who choose to cruise on it. There are many cruise lines and styles out there...it's your money and your trip. If the price and itinerary fit the bill, go for it. If you ever cruise again, you might want to choose another line just to experience something different as each line definitely has a different "flavor." Don't let the cruise line snobs get to you (and they are out there...just go to the other boards and see some of the stuff that's posted).


Good luck with the wedding (and marriage), and enjoy your honeymoon!

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What does bubbah mean? Carnival is a party ship. Always has been, always will be. Sailing on carnival since 1974. But I do other lines also.


Bubba is a term of endearment here in the South. It carries the connotation of a Southern young adult male who is learning from the older Southern gentlemen about life.


There is difference between a "bubba" and a "bubba that doesn't know how to act". Sadly the latter are making the term bubba look bad. A "bubba that doesn't know how to act" is the loud, drunk insecure moron that lacks the character or disipline to learn from anyone (much less a older Southern gentleman). The other term that is used incorrectly is "redneck". It is also a term of endearment here in the South which denotes a hard working, honest

man of character who happens to farm (or do some other outdoor type of work where the sun blisters the back of his neck) for a living. A true redneck may not know the proper order of the silverware in the formal dining room or what calamari is, but he is the man you want to be your next door neighbor when your barn burns down. Because he will be there to help without having to be asked.


In all honesty, there is a reason why you won't see a heated debate about "jeans in the dining room" on the Celebrity or Cunard board. And Carnival is still having to deal with their "past". They made a ton of money in the early years of being a "booze and booty" cruise, but now that reputation is costing them. Trying to alter that reputation is not helped by "BWDKHOA"

(bubbas who don't know how to act) that do flock to Carnival because of their 3/4 day inexpensive cruises.


That is why responsible reviews are so important to help newbies make an informed decision on not only which ship, but which cruise length is right for them.

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I think those that bash Carnival do so because once upon a time, the cruising lifestyle was the bastion of the rich and they resent the fact that "commoners" can now indulge in the SAME LIFESTYLE they once held onto exclusively. That nasty attitude is a thowback to Colonial times! What these folks have to remember is that those times are long gone in America! That's why you'll never find a "high society" Brit on a Carnival cruise!

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I've never sailed on Carnival' date=' but have been curious about it. I am proud to say I am now booked on the S &S II October 15 trip on the Conquest. I have met a wonderful group of people who have convinced me that I will love the ship. I KNOW I will love being with these intelligent, classy, and witty people. That's a no-brainer!:)



Awe Allen!!! We feel the same way about you! I can't wait either!! You know what... when you are on a cruise, with good friends (and good drinks :D), what more could you really want???


In the end, would you rather have gone on a good cruise for a decent price, with great friends and family, and had a great time... or are you going to be upset because you didn't have a butler or a bidet?? :p

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Awe Allen!!! We feel the same way about you! I can't wait either!! You know what... when you are on a cruise, with good friends (and good drinks :D), what more could you really want???


In the end, would you rather have gone on a good cruise for a decent price, with great friends and family, and had a great time... or are you going to be upset because you didn't have a butler or a bidet?? :p

Bidet ?? You mean that was not a water fountain in the bathroom ???:eek:

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Couldn't resist weighing in on why people bash Carnival. In fact, go to some of the other boards (Cunard, for instance) and you'll see Carnival referred to as "Carnivore." I think there are many reasons why people "bash" Carnival.


As another poster noted, Carnival's reputation years ago had it at the "bottom of the heap". Their ships were considered "glitzy" rather than traditional (e.g., lots of glass and chrome vs. wood and brass). In recent years, though, I think that Carnival's reputation has come up in the world. Remember that someone always has to "at the bottom"...right now, I think it's Norwegian Cruise Line.


Another possible reason is that Carnival now owns Cunard. In the minds of loyal Cunarders, this was similar to when Ford Motor Company bought Jaguar. Personally, I've been on only 1 Carnival cruise...it wasn't to my taste and DH and I agreed that we'll probably not go on another one. We like more traditional cruises (Holland America, Cunard) but I wouldn't bash Carnival or the people who choose to cruise on it. There are many cruise lines and styles out there...it's your money and your trip. If the price and itinerary fit the bill, go for it. If you ever cruise again, you might want to choose another line just to experience something different as each line definitely has a different "flavor." Don't let the cruise line snobs get to you (and they are out there...just go to the other boards and see some of the stuff that's posted).


Good luck with the wedding (and marriage), and enjoy your honeymoon!


Well said! One day folks will figure out what boring world this would be if there was only one product out there to choose from where cruising is concerned. To me what you said is the best way to put it. All cruise lines (and even some ships within the same cruise line) are "different". Not better or worse, but different. And different is good because it gives folks a wonderful variety to choose from.

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I think those that bash Carnival do so because once upon a time, the cruising lifestyle was the bastion of the rich and they resent the fact that "commoners" can now indulge in the SAME LIFESTYLE they once held onto exclusively. That nasty attitude is a thowback to Colonial times! What these folks have to remember is that those times are long gone in America! That's why you'll never find a "high society" Brit on a Carnival cruise!



Absolutely correct. And the funny thing is that no one wants to be around arrogant "uppity" cruisers, who are so insecure that they have to condemn others to make themselves feel superior, any more than we want to be about 'bubbas who don't know how to act".


Arrogant insecure snobs vs drunk, loud, misbehaving bubbas ~~~

both are to be avoided at all costs!

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Bidet ?? You mean that was not a water fountain in the bathroom ???:eek:


I was just trying to figure out how to mix bourbon in there for a nice fountain :D You know how us bubbas are :eek: LMAO!!!!


Okay seriously... for years I heard that RCL was a cut above Carnival... and when we recently planned a corporate cruise, everyone wanted RCL... they said "no way Carnival, RCL is so much nicer"... well, we chose the SOS... those of us that had been on Carnival before about a day into the cruise turned to each other and said "WHUT??? :confused: )... It was on RCL that I saw a person wearing cut off jean shorts for the first time on any cruise. It was the first time where I saw a large portion of people without teeth, wearing wife beaters and jeans with holes in them. WE STILL HAD A BLAST!!! But what shocked me was that there were singing waiters at dinner, LOL! The very thing many of these RCL supporters complained that Carnival had, RCL had!!!! I had a great time, but this ship didn't win me over. NOW, I have enough SENSE not to judge the entire line by ONE CRUISE or ONE SHIP. I think there are people out there that think Carnival uses a cookie cutter and all their ships and sailings are the same. WRONG. Different times of the year, different itineraries, different ports of embarkation, etc. You could go on the same cruise back to back to back and likely have a different experience each time. One cruise on one ship is not representative of the entire line. And even me, a measily Carnivore, knows that :D I'll go back on RCL some day... when the price and itinerary is right.

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Sorry to deviate from the original topic but I can't resist.


On a church trip to Italy a few years ago, one night after a day filled with walking, I saw one of our groups gentlemen walking into the hotel carrying a bag of ice. "It's for Joyce to soak her tired feet in" he said. "Where did you find a bucket" I asked. "No bucket" he replied, "she using that thing beside the toilet!" :D :D :D

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Hi all,

First time poster and 2 time cruiser. About 22 of my family members and I cruised the Valor over Thanksgiving the ship was awsome the service was above and beyond. My two kids 13 and 15 had the best time of any vacation we have ever been on. The activities were endless for them and us as well. The food was just ok though, very repetitive, whatever you had for dinner was the lunch buffet next day. But no big deal I didnt go for the food. Just go and have a fabulos time!!

My only complaint was my son took the "clean my stateroom" sign home and it is hanging on his bedroom door and nobody has come by to clean it yet!!:D They spoiled us and we cant wait to cruise again.

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If Carnival is being compared to WalMart, then the cruise line and its customers are in good company.


WalMart is one of the worlds great companies. If you checked the holdings of your mutual funds, you may be surprised to find that you probably indirectly own shares in WalMart. If you don't, you should. It's doubful any other company you hold shares in is as well managed.


One of the reasons we can afford to cruise is because we save at WalMart.


Enjoy your cruise!


I hope Carnival treats its employees better than Wal-Mart does theirs. :mad:

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I hope Carnival treats its employees better than Wal-Mart does theirs. :mad:

My son moved down near Houston about 6 years ago. He has worked for Wal-Mart for the past 5 years. He started out in maintenance. You know, cleaning up spills etc... He moved to the meat department. Worked there a while and learned the department. Apply for the lead position. Didn't get it. Transfered to the produce department. Learned the area and applied for the lead position. Got it. No longer needed a room mate to help pay rent on his house. Bought a brand new car. Applied for the assistant management program. Was denied. Applied again. Denied. Applied again. Accepted! Went through the program and is now making more money than I would have thought, and MUCH more than he expected. They revamped the pay scale and it was a lot more than he had been expecting. He can now afford to go with us on our next cruise in September. Not bad for 25 years old. :D


How does Wal-Mart treat their employees badly?

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All retailers offer opportunitys if you have the dedication to stick out the first couple of years and show promise. Congrats to your son. I wonder how intimately the other poster knows Walmart or is it the media they are relying on.

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I wonder how intimately the other poster knows Walmart or is it the media they are relying on.
I know that we have all "heard" about various "practices" of Wal*Mart (in particular, since that is the one mentioned) but WHO KNOWS how it really goes down...? My personal issues with WM is that all the ones around my house have the most 'miserable' and unfriendly employees. I suffer thru it cuz the TP (etc) is cheaper...and heck, you're just tossing it out anyway! I don't need to pay more for something like that!


But as far as 'relying' on how intimitely the other poster knows Wal*Mart...we have a (female) family member that won't even step FOOT in to it cuz of how they treat their female employees...HUH?! :confused: Last time I checked, no one working there was being 'forced' to.

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Hi all,

First time poster and 2 time cruiser. About 22 of my family members and I cruised the Valor over Thanksgiving the ship was awsome the service was above and beyond. My two kids 13 and 15 had the best time of any vacation we have ever been on. The activities were endless for them and us as well. The food was just ok though, very repetitive, whatever you had for dinner was the lunch buffet next day. But no big deal I didnt go for the food. Just go and have a fabulos time!!

My only complaint was my son took the "clean my stateroom" sign home and it is hanging on his bedroom door and nobody has come by to clean it yet!!:D They spoiled us and we cant wait to cruise again.



Welcome to Cruise Critic. So glad to hear that things with well and that your children liked it. At the 13 -15 age, it is kinda hard to get them plugged in sometimes if they are not outgoing. They feel like they are to old for the "Camp Carnival" but of course are not old enough for other things.

Welcome to the world of addicted to cruising!!

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To the OP: I've learned long ago that everyone has their favorite cruise lines and there's no way to persuade them that your's is the best. At work, there are two other women who are cruise-a-holics: one is in her mid-50s and loves NCL; the other is in her late-30s and loves RCCL. I'm 22 and I LOVE Carnival!


I think it really does depend on the person and what they're looking to get out of the cruise. Also, it depends on their lifestyle going into their vacation. The woman in her 50s has cruised Carnival before and says the entertainment (shows) were the best but the food was lacking. Now, when she goes out it's probably expensive places but when I go out it's to Chili's or a local Italian place, so Carnival's food is the highest class stuff I've ever eaten! lol


The woman in her 30s loves RCCL because of all the amenities, like rock climbing or ice skating for her kids, but I say, since I'll more than likely never use those, it's not worth the price difference.


For me, I love Carnival because it's cheap (yes, that is pretty much the most important thing to me when I'm booking a cruise), it's got a very fun, "party" atmosphere (not fall-down drunk party, but havin'-a-good-time party), and the food and entertainment is good. :)


The point of all this is that you need to look at what YOU want in your vacation (HM!). Certain people that bash Carnival do so because it doesn't offer what THEY want in a cruise. You'll never change their minds about which company they prefer but it doesn't mean you wont have a great time on your HM.


Congratulations! Enjoy your wedding, and your cruise!


- Jess


Very Well said!


We Love Carnival and think it is one of the best vacations for the money!

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All retailers offer opportunitys if you have the dedication to stick out the first couple of years and show promise. Congrats to your son. I wonder how intimately the other poster knows Walmart or is it the media they are relying on.


OT: but I always laugh at the teenagers who swear they will never "flip burgers" at McDonalds. (like it is beneath them) I tell them about my niece who started working at McDonalds at 15 to pay for her own class ring. The business seemed to suit her and after she graduated from high school, she went through the McDonald's training program. When she met her husband (a regional supervisor) she was a regional sup and they married. To make a long story short, they now own 33 McDonalds. They live in a 6,000 sq foot house and vacation in a Prevost. They fly to Nascar races everywhere.


Yes, it was a lot of hard work (still is). She has been robbed at gunpoint 3 times that I know of. ( But fortunately has never been hurt. ) But both she and her husband love that kind of business and it has provided well for them.

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My first three cruises were on Carnival and I enjoyed them all. My next one will be on NCL, not because I thought my Carnival experience was bad but because they only have one ship that goes to Alaska and I have already sailed on the Spirit to Barbados. I like to always be on a different ship. NCls price was also cheaper. I was afraid to try another line at first because I really like Carnival, we will see after my trip in June.

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:confused: Why do I always get such negative comments from people when I tell them we booked our HM on the Carnival Pride????


Carnival????? Why would you book with Carnival???? Why didn't you book with one of the *nicer* cruise lines?!


I've never been on Carnival (or any other cruise for that matter) so I dont have any answers to these not-so-friendly questions :mad:


Tell the ignorant fools this is why:


MIAMI (March 23, 2006) -- In the just-released first edition of Fodor’s The Complete Guide to Caribbean Cruises, Carnival Cruise Lines earned eight “Best Of Cruising” awards – more than any other cruise line.


Fodor’s The Complete Guide to Caribbean Cruises is to be an annual publication that provides detailed information on all major North American cruise operators, along with travel tips and other information to help consumers select the cruise that matches their background, budget and lifestyle.


Carnival’s eight “Best Of Cruising” awards included:


Best Family Cruise Line


Best Specialty Restaurants


Best Dining Room Cuisine


Best Entertainment


Best Sports and Fitness Centers


Best On-Board Activities


Best Regular Cabins


Best Duty-Free Shops

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we could afford a balcony on our budget, it was out of the hurricane risk area (for the most part!) and the ports were appealing! plus, it's our HM....how can we go wrong on our HM?!?!?!?!


There's your answer! My bet is that the people asking these questions have, for the most part, never been on a Carnival ship. Probably not even on a cruise! Their opinions are based on hearsay and what used to be, not on the actual Carnival experience.


Carnival is almost always the most affordable. You didn't go wrong!

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:confused: Why do I always get such negative comments from people when I tell them we booked our HM on the Carnival Pride????


Carnival????? Why would you book with Carnival???? Why didn't you book with one of the *nicer* cruise lines?!


I've never been on Carnival (or any other cruise for that matter) so I dont have any answers to these not-so-friendly questions :mad:


Their response and concern is legitimate. Afterall, they want you to have a good time on your honeymoon. Perhaps out of common courtesy, they could have simply said "Hmmmmmm" and wished you well. But they didn't, so consider it fair warning.


Carnival delivers an different kind of cruising experience than what you will find on many other lines. They have the lowest passenger return rate in the industry, meaning that once people sail with Carnival, most (not all)choose another cruiseline for their next cruise, if they decide they want to cruise again.


Carnival's reputation was earned, and not only are they fully aware of it, some will say they encourage it.


Have a good time, and just keep in mind that there are other cruiselines out there that do things differently.

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