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First day of Weight Watchers


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Hey Everyone!


Today was my weigh-in day...Down 3.2 lbs!!! I am so excited!!!

Last week I was only down .4 lbs! My first month on ww and I have lost a total of 7.2 lbs. my goal was/is 4 lbs per week!


Jen, I'm with you...last week I stuck to my points every day...IF I used any flex points I was not aware of it....now this week....I ate and ate and used EVERY single flex point plus 2 or 3! the week I lost .4 lbs I walked...last week did nothing! What gives?


I'm with you Kelz66. I think that your body has to wake up and it takes it time. I'm like a yo-yo with this; every other week I seem to loose a substantial amount...So, hang in there everyone!


It WILL come off; has to as we are eating much less...right?


Drink that water and add that Crystal Lite to it! YUM!!!



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Belldeb~Awesome! See all your hard work paid off. :) Your right we just need to keep at it, at least that's what I keep telling myself. I go to WW tomorrow so we will see what happen's.


Jean~I know age is an issue because it used to fly off my bod, now it's crawling.:( But we can do it!!



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I am new to this web site. I am a ww leader in NY. Remember your goals! Nothing tastes as good as thin feels. Go to your meetings even if you can't face the scale. You don't have to weigh in but maybe something will hit you during the meeting. This weeks topic is keeping the motivation going. You guys are doing great. I will be on my 4th cruise this summer and it is so easy to stay on program if you set your mind to it... a little mental rehearsing. Do something different. Nothing changes if nothing changes.



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....Nothing changes if nothing changes.

Such a simple statement... but I love it!!! We expect to see change in our bodies, but for that WE have to change! The change is WORK, but once you get in to a routine... it really is so simple! When you start seeig those results, it makes it all that much easier to stick with it!


Have a GREAT weekend everyone! So many summer BBQ's, graduation parties, picnics coming up... We can DO it and stick to plan and still enjoy these festivities! Plan ahead and be good!



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Robin~ Thanks for the boost I needed that. I need to go to my meeting today and was thinking of skipping. Just so much to do. But I will be there.


Have a great weekend all, stay strong!



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Jean- it becomes more of a new lifestyle than rountine


Diane- bravo to you for going to your meeting.


I ended my meetings this week with this quote:


If you don't scale the mountain, you can't see the view!


Have a great weekend everyone and remember...

If you bite it, write it!



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"If you bite it, write it"


I love it. Okay I went to WW and lost 1 1/2 pounds certainly won't complain over that.


And remember "If you Lapse, don't collapse".


See Robin I've been listening.:)



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Hi everyone,


My name is Teri and I just returned to WW this morning. I will be going on a 16 night Panama Canal cruise on December 23/06. That gives me 29 weeks to lose 30 lbs. I do have more to lose but I plan on setting the other goals when I return from this cruise :)


I look forward to getting to know everyone,



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Hi everyone,

I did not do well at all this week. I am back on the saddle tomorrow though. It can be so hard. I know it is a planning issue for me though. I am planning my meals very well.


Week 1 :)

Week 2 :(


I want to have a double smile this week. Lots of water!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Wishing you all a great week!



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Hi Everyone,


I am glad to see that there is a ww thread on this board. I have been a ww member since 5/05(round 2) This time I am staying. It has been said at my meetings, "you don't have to come back if you don't leave." That has kept me going to my meetings every week!

Ok, I am concerned. I am sailing the Carnival Victory 10/21/06 to the exoctic western and I am afraid I will gain everything back. I have 6 more pounds til I reach goal. Also, I went on the Carnival Conquest 1/06 and weighed in the day before I set sail. I was 2 pounds away from goal. I got back from the cruise and had gained 10 pounds while on the Conquest. I was so discouraged and now that I am so close again, I am afraid the same thing will happen. I don't want to come back from the Victory 10 pounds heavier:( I guess what I am asking, does anyone have suggestions for staying on track while cruising? Please let me know:)

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Drink lots of water, minimize alcohol, leave at least one third of every course on your plate, use the stairs, visit the exercise facility. Don't get in the habit of ordering snacks from room service just because you can. We did this a couple of times and then I put a stop to it. I told my husband if we kept it up they'd have to roll us off the ship! I think I only gained two pounds which is good for me as I can gain that much in a 10 min nap!


Walk when you go ashore as much as possible. Last year in Barcelona we walked from the ship to Gaudi's La Segrada Familia and back to the ship. We figured about 6 K. When we told the staff we had walked they were amazed. They had taken a cab and couldn't believe we had walked. It was one of our favourite days.


If drinking wine, I often cut it with club soda. At the shows where they expect you to order drinks, we would get a large bottle of fizzante and share it. Only $3 for both of us as opposed to $7-10 for each drink, and no calories.


When ordering your meals try to stay within your points as close as you can and stay away from fried foods and cream sauces. Choose fish rather than beef.


Just try to make good choices and have fun. This is what I hope to do on our transatlantic in Nov from Lisbon to Rio. Alas, very few ports and all those days of unlimited food. I can't wait for all those difficult decisions!



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Wlecome Teri, We are doing a 16 night Panama Canal in April of 07, sounds like we have the same motivator. I had about 40 to lose and WW is the only thing working for me. Keep going to your meetings the accountability really helps.


Jersey Dolphin~ I am also on round 2 and determined, I have lost 17 pound since March so plugging away at it. Mo gave you great suggestions not much to add except take the stairs, you don't have to eat all of a desert just a bite will do it. Eat slow, drink lot's of water. Sounds like you have the right mind set stay with it.


Mo~ Great advice, I didn't walk as far as you but wasn't La Segrada Familia amazing. I became a real Gaudi fan.

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Hi Mo,

Thanks so much for your tips. I always enjoy a glass of wine with my dinner, but I never thought to add club soda and make it a wine spritzer. I am very determined to walk a lot more this time. A few laps around the track in the morning. I hope I can stick to it. Your advice about the stairs was great. Also leaving some food on my plate, yeah even though I am on a cruise, I can do that! I will think of you on my next cruise...Tuesday! I just booked last minute from NYC to Nova Scotia on the Carnival Victory!

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That's funny- I am from Nova Scotia! We will be going back this summer to visit family and to attend a wedding. When we lived in Halifax I remember the first cruise ship that docked there. It was a huge thing. Now they go there all the time.


You might think from all my "good advice" that I am at goal weight. Far from it! But I do follow a lot of these things and if not for all the little things I do, I know I would weigh 300 lbs or more! In an ideal world I would lose 70 lbs, but in truth, I would be thrilled with 50.


I am determined to change the way we eat everyday so that it will become a way of life, not a diet. That way I know when I lose it that I will maintain it. Just have to stop buying whipping cream by the quart because it is cheaper!


Have a wonderful cruise. Halifax is a lovely city. I know you will enjoy it. Try to see the Public Gardens on Spring Garden Road. They are Victorian gardens that are truly lovely although they lost a lot of mature trees to Hurricane Juan a few years ago.



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Hey Everyone!!


Well, today was my weigh in day!

HELP; tell me what I did wrong this week???

I started walking and have walked 30 minutes in the AM and 30 minutes in the PM...haven't missed a day!

I have eaten to my 24 points every day and only used 10 of my flex points.

When I weighed today I was the same as last week.

This is starting my fifth week and the first week that I have not lost something! And the FIRST week that I have added about a 2 mile walk per day. Water...I drink about 12 glasses a day; that is not a problem at all now that I have found Crystal Light!


Where did I goof up????

Any suggestions or comments are most welcome!!!

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Weighed in today. Stayed the same. Not surprised as I lost 3.8 last week. Out of four weeks I have stayed the same twice and lost twice. Since I am currently on some hormones that contribute to weight gain, I am happy with this. As long as I keep heading down or staying the same, I consider it a success.



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Debbie~I think your doing everything right just keep it up, next week you should see a loss. I have found that even though I do everything right sometimes the weight just sits there. Are you eating the same things all the time? They told me you need to change your food routine and try adding a different excercise for one of the walks. do you have any exercise videos? Sometimes our bodies just settle into our routines; they need a little shake up.

Bet it's better next week.



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I am so glad I found this thread. I had lost 15 lbs with the online WW 4 years ago, but even though I lost the weight, I was flabby. So I joined Curves and did the workout on my lunch hour from work for 1 1/2 years. I firmed up but since I was no longer tracking, having met my goal, I didn't lose any more weight. My husband then had health problems where I had to use my lunch hour to take him to the doctor, so had to quit Curves. At 10 lbs heavier, I then retired from work 1 1/2 years ago and indulged my love of cruising by going on 3 cruises last year and just returned from a transatlantic last month. By now I was 23 lbs heavier and returned to WW online. I have been online 1 1/2 weeks and lost 2 lbs. as of my weighin this morning.


I love the convenience of the online experience and tracking is so easy. I also have used the daily menus for lunchtime. I find that at night, if I am busy, it is just easier to pop a Lean Cuisine in the microwave. So far, my husband hasn't complained and he can stand to lose a few lbs too. My only disappointment with online rather than the meetings is the lack of accountability. The only motivation I have had is that after all the trouble of tracking, I just don't want to look up points for anything else. But, hopefully, this thread will help me with encouragement and motivation.


I have a question on my exercise points, though. Are those available for eating? Do they work the same as flex points where they disappear after the week? I wasn't exercising the last time I was online so these questions never came up.


Thanks for sharing this thread,



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Weighed in today. Down 1.4 lbs. Then we went out to lunch....


Took my Mom and oldest daughter to WW. Granny is a lapsed lifetime member, aged 82. She has been visiting for a week and I think she has lost a bit. There isn't much in the house to eat except for salad and fruit!!!! She'll be here until July 2 . Son graduates grade 8 the end of the month. She's also here for my birthday on Sunday. I was actually born on Fathers Day. Only girl. Tried to get Dad to come but he wouldn't budge. Stubborn ol' codger! Probably be the last one we share as he's 83, although his Dad lived to be 93.


Daughter has quite a lot to lose. She has depression and has gained a lot while in university. Just moved home last week so big changes for all of us. She needs to get her meds sorted out and figure out what she wants to be when she grows up. After all, she's only 23....Meanwhile we have to rearrange rooms and try to figure out how/where to store her stuff and accommodate her TWO cats. They are long haired and DH is allergic so they have to be isolated in a room that is not on the hot air furnace. Fortunately we have a few rooms that have baseboard heating so the air doesn't circulate through the whole house.


Major headache in the works.


Just put corn in the oven to roast along with some apples to bake so we can have a treat later. I love baked apples with vanilla yogurt. Grilled lemon garlic chicken and salad from our CSA. Late dinner tonight I guess as it's already 7:30!



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First off Welcome Barb, glad you found us. I was surprised at how many good sites there are in the "Lose before you cruise" area. It's amazing how we can put it on from those cruises, just too much fun. Getting back into the WW habit can be a problem. I have done it a couple of times and now I have been back since February and have lost 20 pounds.


You know i'm not sure about the exercise points but I think it's the same as the extra 35 you have to use them that week and they can't carry over. I will find out for sure and let you know. You have got to count those points or you will go over it's just to easy.


Mo`Sounds like alot of upheaval in your house, right now. That always tends to stress me out, take care of yourself. If I don't have a chance to tell you Sunday have a Happy Birthday!! My daughter is also allergic to cats it can be a real hassel, good luck with it. your dinner sounds good! Making me hungry.



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Oh boy here goes....can I join you all?? I have been lurking for weeks now.:eek: I guess this is my official commitment & my need for support. Every one here is so nice....help:o


Prior to last years Miracle cruise I did S. Beach & lost 35 #'s. Switched to WW, lost 40 #'s. Never made it to goal, but I was very happy with my weight .


Since last Sept. I have gained 25 back. Obviously, none of my cruise clothes fit:( I need help! I will not buy more clothes in larger sizes any more. so there I made my official statement:D

I am now committed, or maybe I should be committed....

I have to look at it this way...I did it last year, I can do it again:D


How is that for jumping in with both feet??


I am tired of typical breakfasts, don't do cereal well...so this morning I am having a hot dog sandwich....all worth 4 pts.

Sounds weird but 4pts for a filling meal..... ok it is weird....



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Went to the doctor Friday and discovered my scale was over by 9 lbs. I reset the scale, but don't know what to do about my goals, etc. I'm happy to be 9 lbs lighter and have lost another lb since resetting the scale, but I think I will just put down 2 lbs each week until I reach the weight I really am.


Lucy's Mom.......I don't think anything that's balanced and equals the points you want can be bad. Your hot dog was less points than my granola & skim milk and fruit. I eat the same thing each morning because I am lazy and I need the roughage. It varies with the fruit, but that's about it. I have been having fun at lunch going thru the online menus and trying different lunch items. At night, I get lazy again because I am tired and we are eating a lot of Lean Cuisine meals because the points are already set.


My great temptation has been BBQ potlucks - 2 last week and one today. I pigged out on the one on Friday night and used 20 of my flex points. I switched to salads and fruit with only a taste of steak on Saturday and was able to stay within my point range (of course, I had eaten all the good stuff on Friday). My contribution for today will be a veggie tray. If I have time, I found a recipe for a buttermilk type dressing made from tofu that I would like to try.


Hope everyone else's scales are working better than mine,



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