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First day of Weight Watchers


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Hi, thought I'd jump in. I love WW.


I've been doing WW for years on my own. I've gone back to regular meetings maybe 4-5 times. It's always managed to help me stay at a decent weight.


My weight right now is a little on the high side. I really need to lose at least 10 lbs. Somehow it seems like a daunting task and as I get older, 40+, it seems to get harder to keep the weight off.


Good luck to all of you. I've only lost a couple of lbs. so far but at least it's a start.

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Hey Everyone


I've been dodging the food mines this week. 2 birthday cakes at work one being cheesecake and they've ordered pizza twice:( . I just keep on eating my leanpockets and my triskets and watch the weight go down while they complain about theres after the 4th slice:eek: .

Anyways i stumbled onto this website for popcornseasonings. I've ordered some and plan on buying plain popcorn no salt no butter. http://www.popcornseasoning.com/Hopefully its a s good as it sounds.


Keep up the fight


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I just started WW this week - it's my first time going to the actual meetings. I've done WW online in the past, and it's worked for me, but I think I need the accountability of the weekly meetings - and I'm hoping some accountability here as well!!


I have 50 lbs to lose - blech.


Tonight is my first real challenge - out to dinner at a local Italian restaurant. I haven't used any flex points this week, so I am figuring I'll use some flex points, and should still be good for staying on the plan!!

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Hi everyone,

Joined WW on Saturday. Well here I go again. My biggest hurdle is, not to quit the program when the going gets tough, and to keep lots of variety in my meals so I don't get bored. Hope you're all having a great week!!


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Hello Everyone!

Welcome to another fun filled week!


Judy and Dorothy welcome!

We are glad that you have found us and have rejoined WW! Doesn't matter how many times you join as long as one time it sticks! I did the same thing...I joined two years ago and went to 4 meetings. After that I thought how dumb the meetings were and how stupid I was to "pay to weigh". Now, 2 years later I'm 20 lbs heavier and paying to weigh isn't that bad and the meetings aren't such a waste of my time! So, this just might be the right time for you too!



Jeff, how was your week after the food mines?

Did you order the popcorn? Let us know how it is...I might need some too! Hang in there, those food mines are just traps! After awhile it is fun just to challenge myself not to eat it! That was me last week too. Two folks leaving so of course we had a "feed" at work. I opted to have the fruit only! Tough with all the brownies and cakes but I just told myself "no" and stuck to it! First time for everything! Hope this week isn't full of "traps"!


Way to Go Sam73!!!! Don't you feel great when you leave and you have lost over a lb??!! Makes me want to stay on track! Weigh to go! Keep it up!!


I weigh in tonight...i think that i have been okay this week; we shall see. Last week was only .2 lbs...but a loss is a loss...sure better than tipping the scales the other direction!


Keep up the counting everyone! We can do this!

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Hey Debbie


Yes i avoided all the landmines:D but i am having trouble staying filled up until lunch. My breakfast is at 5am and lunch is at 12 .I've been snacking on quaker low sugar granola bars and they just dont quite get me through. I'm up for suggestions if anyone has any.

Haven't got the popcorn stuff ordered yet but hope to this week.

On a positive note i was at 232 on july 25th now I'm at 212. I've only went over my points a couple of times but even then they were healthy choices. I've also been drinking 100oz of water plus a day. I'm begining to love this new lifestyle my body is responding to it wondrefully. I'm also feeling a lot better than when i was living on fastfood.

Does anyone else eat a Applebees?? I love there french onion soup and confetti chicken.


Have a great week


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I feel the need to publically cheer myself on through this lovely board. This week I stayed the same...which doesnt sound great but for me and this past week, I was soooo excited! I figure staying the same is much better than the scales going up and going up is what I expected.


Welcome to the group Judy and Dorothy! The support here is invaluable!


Jeff - Are you getting enough protein in the morning? It helps to satiate cravings. Another option is to think about eating more points in the morning to help you get through. The last thing you want is to end up binging bc you were hungry.


Good luck to everyone!

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Wow, all the new people Welcome. It's been a couple of weeks since I have been here and it's not good news. Why is it I equate vacation with eat what ever I want. Anyway, 5 pounds heavier and back at it now. WW meeting Friday so I had better get at it.


Jeff those popcorn seasonings look good, thanks for posting them.


Hang in there everyone!!


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This looks like a nice group of WW people. I joined WW in May, which I am really glad I did. I lost 17lbs, but spent the last two weeks on vacation and gained two pounds back, oh well, now it is time to take it back off. I would really like to take off another 20lbs before our Dec. cruise.

It is nice to know that I am not the only one having a hard time controling myself. I have already eaten 4 points of snacks this morning and it is only 9:00. I need to get on the treadmill.

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Hey Dancerot


I might not be getting enough protein but for me it seems like the protein items are really high inpoints. My normal breakfast is a glass of juice and a leanpocket breakfast sandwich 5pts .Then i eat my snackbars 4pts then lunch 7pts. So at the end of lunch i'm at 16pts my allowance is max 29pts i usaully fall between 26-28pts buy the end of the day because i add stuff to my evening salad to enjoy it more. I've gotta figure out where to move my points around to to satisfy my body.




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Hi everyone. I weighed in today and I stayed the same. Iam ok with that, better than gaining. It was a hard weekend with food,parties and festivals.

Jeff , I love applebees. I like the sante fe salad,and the confetti chicken. The kabobs are good to. Have you tried eating more fiber for breakfast,it digest slower so you don't get hungry as fast,also protein helps to. I usually eat shredded wheat for break fast every day,and i am ok until lunch,of course I eat at 8 and lunch at 12. Also quaker weight smart oatmeal is really good it has extra proteinh so it fills you up,I think it is 2 or 3 points a package so with a cup of fat free milk you are looking at 5 points. everyone have a great day:)

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Hi Madelyn, I think you did pretty well on'y gaining 2 pounds in two weeks, I just gained 4.5 in a week and a half and it wasn't even on a cruise:eek: 17 pounds is great for only joining last May. I joined the end of Feb and was almost 23 pounds down till vacation. I'm back at it now really have to plan out my meals! Glad your here!!:)



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Hi Jeff- I pulled out my book just for you and I found the following:

Your weight right now: 225 - 249 is 28 points

Your weight right now: 250 - 274 is 30 points

With this information in mind, you should hit your daily points target everyday and then you have 35 flex points to use or not use at your own discretion. If you arent hitting your target level of points you may feel hungry. Dont skimp on points - it is what your body needs to fuel itself.


As for some ideas for eating:

- try switching your glass of juice for a piece of fruit - you get more nutrients, feels like you are eating something, and is often lower in points

- Add a glass of skim milk or skim milk latte in the morning - one cup of skim milk is 2 points, a tall skim latte from Starbucks is 2 points, and a grande skim latte is 3 points (unless you get iced than it is 1 point and 2 points respectively)

- vary up what you eat - it helps to curb cravings for trigger foods and keeps your metabolism always on the go

- try to eat more "natural" foods - what I mean is foods in their most whole form - this is the basis for the core plan, but it also keeps you feeling fuller longer. For example, I keep frozen lean cuisines or ww meals around, but I have found that I get hungry much quicker than when I eat a meal I made from scratch


I will keep thinking of things. Good luck!

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Ok well ..this is hard for me. Being a nurse for 20 years finally did a number on me. I herniated 4 of the discs in my back, 4 years ago. I live in contstant pain. I also happen to weigh 300 lbs. But, last week i weighed 308. Im moving. Gonna get there when I get there...but anywhere has to be better then where I am, I was in WW a few years back and lost 17 lbs in 6 weeks. Then I just stopped. MY will power is toast. I must say Ive been reading this thread for a while now..and its finally got me to accept what and who I am. Im not losing weight to look good in a dress. I could care less about that. I wear shorts over my bathing suit, even did that when I was thin. I dont care if people look at me and whisper things..that is their issues..not mine. I do care about being able to do the things I havent been able to for a long time. And let me tell you this. Im 39, and 4 years ago i could walk 4 miles, even being 300 lbs. To thiss day I work 60-72 hours a week and look after two teens and a husband. Im far from lazy like most ppl *assume* big people to be. And I dont eat enormous amounts like most ppl think. I wanted weight loss surgery..hubby wont allow it. He wants me alive. he loves me the way I am.. I dont..When a woman gets to the point of not feeling pretty any more. (at any weight) we gotta do something. My problem is. with the chronic pain in my back, its hard to walk very far..(even without the weight most wouldnt be able to take this) without leaning on something or sitting for a few..but i keep on trucking with thepain..I refuse wheelchairs etc. I just wont have it. Having 150 lbs to lose is overwhelming most here have only 30 or 40....How am I supposed to not get overhelmed..? cuz my goal is so far off in the distance I cant even think about it. I broke my WW books back out and lost 8 lbs last week, im sure its just water..but its a start. Im also doing water aerobics 3 times a week. That stuff is hard! We are taking our first cruise in 2 weeks. I am hoping its not gonna be 4 days of everyone staring at me and pointing. (i would hope people arent that hateful) we are going to have a good time! Do ppl really obsess this much over a few pounds? Im scared now to cruise...my excitement is now replaced with dread..Im very opinionated and would hate to be tellingeveryone off who looks at me odd...:) I wonder if everyone in this thread put your weightloss totals together..how much combined has been lost?!!..Well im gonna go...tommorrows another day to work to stay on track! wish me luck!

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You know, You are a Fiesty Lass and thank goodness for that! your right I don't have as much to loose as you but in some way's it's the same issues 10 pounds at a time! And you have already taken the first steps! Wow, the herniated disc's must be so painful, I admire the fact the you keep on going and the water areobics are a great way to go. I just took my first class a couple of weeks ago. Now I need to start on a regular basis.


Sounds like you have a wonderful supportive husband, that's half the battle. One of my best friends is dealing with the same weight you are and she's slowly taking it off. I have learned alot through her experiences. She has chosen to live and enjoy her life and to heck with what other people think. You need to just enjoy the hell out of your cruise, that's what everyone else is doing. If they look at you smile right back at them your taking control of your life, you don't need their approval. I am sure you will meet and enjoy some wonderful people on this cruise. Trust me, there are alot of differnt sizes on the ship with you, all looking for a good time. You will be fine!!!


Where are you going???



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Thanks Dianne that was really sweet of you. I ve been big my whole life. and ive never cared what ppl thought, but then again im NOT shy!. hehee. I am a sweet compassionate women and depise shallow people even those that look at a persons weight.. I am not a dress size! I can say ive never heard whispers as I walk by or seen the stares that some claim to see...but if I Did...theyd certainly be dealth with (with a smile of course) ha! Im a living testament. I married a gorgeous law enforcement officer.. 12 years my junior..(whew! lol) who still after 8 years holds my hand and showers me with attention. I know alot of thin georgeous woman that dont have that. Yes a good support is very important..family friends etc. How much have you lost so far? How much to go?


We are going on a 4 day get away to nassau and coco cay on RCCL. We will be working out every morning, but just relaxing most. we both keep very hectic work schedules..just toasting in the sun and relaxing will be bliss!


I do have a favorite weight loss tip that is working for me. We all know and love crystal light right? Well Wally World (wal-mart) has their own version..both to go and the quart size. Im not cheap but I am frugal. Ilike quality and great deals...Crystal light $3.99 Walmart brands..$1.76...less than half..tastes identical..:)

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Thanks for the info Dancerot. The wife and i are going to a meeting 7:30am sat morning. She's a lifetime member and right this minute we are running off of the old plan. At 213 it gives me 24-29pts a day to use and i can bank the rest. No flex points in her old books so i guess we'll have to learn the new way or just use her old books if it works out better for us in some way. I tried 2eggs with a piece of toast and juice. I made it to 9:30 before i had to go after a granola bar. I'll get it figuredout. Tommorrow i'm thinkingof a onion bagel with egg ,cheese and morning star sausage.Buy my count thats 6pts. Maybe being in a sandwich with the sausage will help.


Feisty Lass

Welcome aboard and i think if you have as much spunk as you seem to you should be able to do this. Remeber its a change of lifestyle not really a diet.


Good luck


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Fiesty Lass, welcome and good luck to you. Your post bought tears to my eyes,it reminded me of myself a year and a half ago. Only difference is I care what people think,i wish I was more secure with myself. I joined weight watchers in may 2005, I have lost 49 pound. I feel sooo much better,but I stilll have 40 to go. It was overwelming when i started, but like Dianne said look at it 10 pounds at a time. Water exercise is great,and so refreshing.These boards are a great help. I wish I had found them sooner. Lots of support. Just take it one day at a time, enjoy your cruise,and relaxxxxx.:o

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Fiesty Lass - Have you spoken with your neurologist about forms of exercise that wont exacerbate the pain or cause further herniation? I hate the idea of you injuring yourself further while trying to be a healthier person. A patient of mine (Im an occupational therapist) had one of the surgeries to correct a bulged disc due to a herniation and the neurologist said no water aerobics but wanted her to just swim laps in the pool. So just be safe and make sure you double check! Alos, congrats on taking the first step! I have to say I am jealous of your viewpoint on life! Even when I am at my ideal weight, I wish I could be thinner and feel that people are judging me. It is truly inspiring to me that there are people out there who are comfortable with their bodies! I aim to have enough self esteem and confidence to have your viewpoint on life.

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well we went to our first meeting almost. We walked in to a way to overcrowded room with not enough seats and the receptionist who was talking to my wife (a lifetime member )was almsot to the point of rude. We left after not feeling very welcomed. I guess we'll have to try and find a meeting elsewhere that will fit our schedule. Very frustrating to say the least but I'm still on plan either way.




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I haven't posted for quite a while and on returning saw something that caught my eye as I was reading the old posts. Someone mentioned Crystal Lite and it reminded me about something I just have learned about aspertame. I don't know what kind of artifical sweetener that drink uses, but I am really leary about all of them. The president of our garden club had a serious nuerological problem because of aspertame poisoning from diet Coke. She is a video editor and would stay up all night to meet a deadline, swigging diet Coke to keep her awake. She still has the narcolepsy that resulted from the poisoning and can no longer drive a car.


A cousin had sent me an email saying that aspertame is a safe ant poison. She editorialized by saying, "Finally - a good use for aspertame". I bought some Equal and sprinkled it around my dog's outside feed dish because the ants had discovered it. I sprayed a little water on it to make it sticky and overnight every ant in the long trail of the previous day were gone.


I have trouble drinking the amount of water I should because our well water doesn't taste that good. I really like the taste of Costco's Kirkland brand of bottled water. I also drink a lot of decaffinated iced tea. I like the Paradise blend, but just plain unsweetened tea is great, too.


I have gained two pounds since I was here last, but after my Alaskan cruise & a visit with my gourmet sister-inlaw, I feel good about only that small gain. What has been really hard though, is having my grandkids here for a week. I couldn't keep sweets and snacks out of the house to keep temptation away with them here.


But everyone has gone home and it's time to get serious.



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well we went to our first meeting almost. We walked in to a way to overcrowded room with not enough seats and the receptionist who was talking to my wife (a lifetime member )was almsot to the point of rude. We left after not feeling very welcomed. I guess we'll have to try and find a meeting elsewhere that will fit our schedule. Very frustrating to say the least but I'm still on plan either way.




Jeff, that is so frustrating to hear but I had one bad experience in the past so changed and all is good now. When you get the feeling your only a $ sign to someone I'm outta there. Even where I go now there are certain times I won't attend just to crowded. Friday night is a good time for me and it seems to work out. Since your wife is lifetime she knows it's a good thing! Hang in there.


Barb~I know what you mean about the aspartine alot of bad press, splenda is also getting it's share it's so hard to know where to turn. I love water and herbal tea so that has been my drink of choice (if I can't have wine:D ) Sounds like you did great on your cruise! I know how it is when grandkids are around we try to limit the junk food BUT it's grandkids:) Oh those potato chips yummmm!!

Sam, Dancerot, Fiestylass and everyone else, Have a great weekend!



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