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My first voyage, Princendam, Circle of the Sun, 2006


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Hello, I got back from my first voyage on the Princendam, Circle of the sun 2006. I tried to start posting what I was writing on the ship but I had trouble getting into this site so I let it go. I ended up spending $1200 on internet minutes as it is so I am glad I quit trying back then.

I am ready to post it all now here, I hope you all enjoy it. This was my first cruise ever, anywhere. My father had bought this cruise for himself and my mom as the crown jewel of all their cruises and then passed away 6 weeks later. It took me a whole year to be ready for this cruise as it meant leaving my home and hubby "stick in the mudd", my animals and life as I knew it. I had no idea at the time what 3 1/2 months of cruising was going to be like or what things I would see. I have always enjoyed traveling so how hard could a cruise be?


My dad reserved a wonderful cruise for my mom and himself a few weeks before he died. Unfortunately, he can no longer go, so my mom is taking me along with her.


The cruise is called "Circle of the Sun", and we will be sailing for 105 days and will be going to 35 different destinations. We will be traveling more than 30,000 nautical miles altogether. As I love traveling, this is going to be a trip of a life time for me.

We leave on Jan 5th from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and will have days to settle into the rhythm of the sea. This ship only holds 793 people plus crew, so it will be wonderful. I bet I speak to most of the people aboard, too. Anyone want to bet with me?

Barbados will be our first port of call. Doesn't that sound romantic? Port of Call...... Barbados is a sunny, upbeat capital with a decidedly British air. Next a brief call on Devils Island, once home to an infamously cruel political prison to day a peaceful isle off French Guiana.

The center piece of this fascinating segment is the Amazon experience. For 3 days the ship will sail this immense river thru the heart of the Brazilian rain forest, past river towns and jungles that are home to 1/5 of the planet's pant and animal species.

In Santarem, we will discover a busy river port and the remains of a rich rubber legacy. Interesting shore excursion options here include a scenic boat trip up the clear Tapajos River or a forest walk thru tropical hardwoods.

The amazon experience continues, followed by a hop below the equator and a maiden call at Natal, Brazil whole miles of sand beaches make this City of the Sun a popular holiday destination for Brazilians. Recife, the following day, promises colonial churches, excellent woodcuts, and one of brazil's best museums.

Finally Rio De Janeiro and 2 full days to soak up the sights of this exuberant city: the signature obelisk of Sugarloaf Mountain: the huge statue of Christ, arms outstretched; famed beaches like Ipanema and Copacabana; (Aren't there songs about these beaches?) and streets filled with carnival joy.

This is only the first leg of the journey, of which there are 4 altogether. I will write about the rest on another day. I plan to take you all along with me, by email. I will have my dad's laptop with me for the trip.

In order to do this I will need one contact person to fax my reports to. They will have to have a working scanner and know how to use it to put my posts in when received, as to send email by satellite phone is frightfully expensive.

I have made the cities and ports of call in bold, as I will be posting more about these cities in the future. Oh man, I wonder if I will sleep tonight?????? mrssusie


Since I can't sleep, I may as well add another part to this post. My stomach is hurting me to badly to sleep. I gave myself pancreatitis again by having a bit of wine every night for 4 weeks. I realized it last Sunday night and haven't had any more since then. I wonder if my med's are too much for me to handle right now. I may have to stop them until I can get this under control again.

Ok, part two of the cruise: it is called: The Southern Sun.

The journey continues. From the energy and ebullience of Rio De Janeiro, the ms Prinsendam heads for South American cities with decidedly sophisticated European flair. Stroll down the streets of Montevideo under a canopy of jacaranda trees, or tour into the countryside to the vineyards of Juanico for a taste of Uruguay's best wines.

Coolly elegant Buenos Aires is so rich in sights that we'll extent our stay here, giving you 2 full days to explore fashionable districts like La Rocoleta or, perhaps, to take a side trip to a working estancia to marvel at the horsemanship of gauchos and feast on famed Argentine beef. Tango in the city where the dance was born? Not to be missed!

South, ever onward, bound for the ends of the earth. As we enter the Beagle Channel near Ushuaia, be on the lookout for seabirds, seals and penguins.

Next, one of the highlights of the world travel: the chance to cruise close up to Antarctica's ice spires and through it's shimmering waterways. Expect to see hundreds of penguins waddling to the sea, eerie peaks sculpted by ice and time, pods of killer whales and colossal floating icebergs.

And on our passage through the South Atlantic to Cape Horn, 2 rare prizes for destination collectors await: South Georgia Island, where penguins outnumber humans, and the island group of Tristan da Cunha, among the most remote isles in the world.

Part 3 of the voyage: Indian Ocean Odyssey

Your two days in Cape town will pass quickly, so many options abound. Take a cable car up flat topped Table Mountain for stellar views. Head out to the famed Stellenbosch vineyards, or watch the surf break at Camps Bay Beach.

The Addo Elephant Park outside Port Elizabeth is your chance to see huge African elephants as they come to drink at the park's water holes. Then for a taste of under-discovered South Africa, venture into Zululand (Richards Bay), a vast tract of land dominated by the proud warrior nation.

Nosy Be, an island just off the mainland, is blessed with the best of Madagascar: an almost perfect climate, fragrant vanilla and ylang-yland trees, wonderful beaches and troops of beguiling black lemurs.

Next, mystery, spice, romance and history, found in the sounds of the mwadhini calling the faithful to prayer in Moroni's old Arab quarter. In the aromatic markets and sultan's palaces of Zanzibar, and in Mombasa, where an extended stay offers opportunities to visit the farmhouse of Isak Dinesen or the Maasai Mara National Reserve where the "big five" roam.

A passage to India includes a call upon the impossibly chic Seychelles Islands, promising idyllic shell-strewn beaches fringed by palms. Next, spend a fascinating day in Cochin to discover the astonishing murals in the rajas' coronation hall of Mattancherry Palace .

Mumbai, formerly called Bombay, is an exhilarating city, offering the glamour of India's huge film industry (bollywood), cricket mania, hectic bazaars and your jumping off place for Agra and the Taj Mahal.

Part 4 is called: European Eclipse

From Mumbai the ms Prinsendam sails for days through the Arabian and Red Seas and the Gulf of Aden en route to Egypt.

Sinai, as old as time, is a region of stark and awesome beauty. The glittering resort of Sharm el-Sheikh, set on it's southern tip, offers access to the crystalline waters of the Red Sea.

A full day's transit of the Suez Canal is next, taking you to Alexandria on the northern coast of Egypt. Founded by Alexander the great and ruled by Cleopatra, Alexandria once rivaled Rome for glory. It's grand tower, the Pharos, was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.

On to Turkey and a maiden call on the gorgeous Antalya, founded in the second century B.C. An archeological highlight here: the triple-arched marble gate built to honor Roman emperor Hadrian.

March 29th finds the ms Prinsendam in the ideal spot on earth from which to observe a total solar eclipse, sailing the dark seas between Greece and Turkey, with an Astronomer on board to interpret events.

And to round out our Mediterranean adventure, two maiden calls in Libya, followed by the most romantic ports of the Rivera. Sip marsala in the shadow of the Duomo on Sicily...wander the rooms of the great renaissance art in the Vatican in Rome. Marvel at the sleek yachts that line the marina on Corsica...experience the twisted genius of Antonio Gaudi's architecture in Barcelona, Spain...Cap it all off with tawny sherry in Cadiz near Jerez de la Fontera and sweet Madeira wine on the lush, lovely island of the same name. Then on your way back to Fort Lauderdale.

Days at sea. It's wonderful to have the time to prepare for re-entry to the "real world" and to reflect on these past months of discovery, exploration and friendship. How do you begin to describe all that you have seen and experienced? Perhaps in a word, UNFORGETABLE.

The cruise will end April 20th and we will probably spend time with my brother Peter and Elizabeth, his new wife and family. Then back to Madison for the next to last leg of the journey for me, before returning home to my beloved stick and my home in southern Missouri.



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First off, I am very sorry for your mom and your loss.:o I can imagine this might have been a bittersweet cruise for you both.

I am curious, how did you like the ship??? Do you plan to cruise again??

Would love to hear what you thought of my favorite lil ship!!:cool:

Thanks for posting!!:D

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Yes it was very sad my father passed away so soon after picking this cruise. The cruise was kind of bitter sweet for both of us, but we took him along with us on our shore excursions. He had booked one of the large verandah suites, cabin 31, so you know we had plenty of space for our journey.

I had no idea what to expect when we boarded the ship and as my mom is 77 years old I went along to help her and to be her companion as she did not want to give up the last thing my stepfather had planned for the 2 of them to do together. Mom ended up saying the cruise was better than both of her marriages as she really blossomed on this cruise.

The ship is absolutely beautiful in everyway but the thing I loved the best was the crew. I miss them already and not just for the service they give. Being on the ship for such a long time, it gave us time to become life long friends with a few of them and to be friends with many of them while on the ship.



Dec. 14,2005

I just can't believe this but I am actually having my luggage picked up at my home in the wilderness here in southern missouri. I am sending it out on dec 23rd so I can just relax and have a nice Christmas with my friend Jeanne and hubby stick.

I have been worrying about how to get everything in just 2 suitcases. I mean we are going for almost 4 months and so many different climates are involved. How does one get everything in just 2 suitcases. So I called the cruise company again and they gave me the name of a shipping company that will guarantee that our things will be in our room on the ship when we get there. The fellow on the phone said, "the only thing we don't do is unpack for you!"

When I asked the cost of this wonderful service he told me the rate for 100 pounds and under is $175. Now I almost choked at his answer. But because of the category my dad picked, this service will be provided for us for free. Both on the way there and on the way home. Yippee skippee!!!!!!

So this has taken a huge load off my mind, let me tell you.


I ended up sending 2 large suitcases and a huge box. I didn't save the tags on the bags but I think I sent somewhere around 200 pounds. I had carried another 2 suitcases on the plane and my mandolin, computer packpack, camera case, mom's medications and I can't remember what else. susiesails

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We're looking forward to the rest of your posts, Susie. It is sad that your father did not realize his dream, but I'm pleased that your mother still wanted to go and take you along. Even more pleased that you both were able to view the cruise as a tribute to him. We were just a couple of doors down the hall, cabin 35, on last years World cruise. (Nice neighborhood:D )


My family were all from SE Missouri, south of Poplar Bluff, but we are now in Florida. We didn't use the free luggage shipping service as we drove to the port. It sure makes it easier for those that are flying.

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So glad to hear that you enjoyed the ship and most of all, the staff. We were only on her for 2 weeks...and felt she was the best cruise and had the friendliest staff we have had to date!

How wonderful that your Mom enjoyed the cruise and all the new experiences. I was terrified to travel without a spouse when I was single, but soon learned that I could do it, and even enjoy myself!!:eek: ;)

Looking forward to your postings!:D

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Hello all, I am now up at my mom's in Madison,WI with Stick, my hubby. We left last Monday to come up here to finish mom's computer room. I am very happy to say that we have finished all the papers. Those damn papers had many babies while I was gone, but they are finished now and all the computers and parts packed up in 5 boxes to donate to the University Computer Dept. My gosh, it really looks like a spacious room now, not the pack rat room I started working on last February.

There are still so many things to do to get ready for the cruise, all those last minute details I had put off till I had time. If you would like to see the ship we will be traveling on, please click on the link. http://www.hollandamerica.com/fleet/virtualTour.do?ship=pr

Oh la, la. Very fancy indeed. We will be staying in a superior verandah room, so you can check it out.

Our luggage was picked up last week at our homes and will arrive in our bedrooms on board. I can't tell you what a blessing that was. It helped me stay on track and to get more things done than if I had waited untill the last day to pack. Gosh, I was totally brain dead after the guy came and picked them up. It to me 8 hours to feel normal again after the bags left. I just rested the rest of the day after that. I sent 2 huge suitcases and a big box and mom sent 3 big suitcases. After all, this trip is lasting 105 days, so we had to be prepared!

Wow, do we ever have the clothes! Four of my friends contributed to the formal clothes, and we are all set. We are going to be some of the best dressed ladies on the ship! I had so much fun shopping at my discount stores and hitting the big sales. I showed mom a top that I call "the butterfly" and she was thrilled with it. It is covered with silver sequins in the shape of butterflies and it just beautiful. Thanks to my friends, Jeanne, Susan, Liz and Ester for the use of their beautiful clothes. I think I have 20 formal outfits with me! This is kind of like being a little kid playing dress up and fairy princess all put together, but this is real life. I just can't imagine what it is going to be like.

I have left my home neat and tidy, so hopefully I won't come home to a mess like last time I left home and came home months later. If I do, well I will clean it up again. Such is life.

I have set up my life at home to run by itself, making plans for this and that. When I leave on Thursday, I don't want to be worrying about my home life, other than to get phone cards to check in with stick. I won't have any control over what happens at home, so I have done the best I can to get everything arranged. I can do no more in that department.

I am still losing weight and now have lost more than 52 pounds! Yippee skippee!!!! It has taken alot to lose this weight, so I don't want to be gaining it back. I plan on being good on the ship on normal days, but when we have formal nights, I plan on eating everything!!!! Also when we get to shore,.....anything goes as far as food. I want to taste my way across the world. I may never have a chance again.

All my plans to meet with different internet friends have gone through, except for meeting Carlos's family in Buenos Aries. My friend Carlos moved and didn't call me to give me his new phone number. Naughty boy. I would have liked to meet his family.

So we will be meeting a friend in Barbados, a sister and spouse of a friend in Capetown, South Africa, and my cousin in Italy.

I have to go to Chicago on Tuesday to go to Customs, so we don't have to pay duty on the things we brought on the ship when we return. I will see my daughter and fiancé Marcus, again on Tuesday.

My son is no longer working at the job he had, and is doing badly. I now have no way to get ahold of him, but that seems to be his choice. I have no control over that either. He gets off parole in march if he lasts that long. But I have to let that go while I am gone for my own sake.

Stick and Marcus met over the last two days and really like each other. Marcus asked Stick point blank at the end of a meal, "so, do you approve of me?" and Stick replied, "yes." They will get married in St Thomas over spring break, and have a formal reception in Oct. in Chicago so the 2 families can meet. Once again stick says he isn't going to Chicago for the reception so keep this in your prayers, will you? Stick just likes to stay home, as many of you know.

My mom keeps saying with all the clothes we have, men are going to be interested in us. Well, no thanks for me, and I told mom if she has any men sniffing after her, I just have to say "pre-nup" and that will get rid of them. Hahahahhaha.

We fly out at 6:30 am on Thursday morning. I can't believe this voyage is finally here.

I have so many unanswered questions: What will the people be like in the different countries, what will we see, or what will the food be like, I just can't imagine all these things and many more. I know I plan to have a great time with my mom.



I am so glad I have come here and I feel just like a naughty little girl right now. I had such a nice day reading here and I am a happy girl right now. I spent much of the day greedily reading grumpy's thread and am now on page 15. This is in between unpacking one of my last 2 suitcases, making lunch and dinner and so forth. I am hooked on cruise critic for sure.

Good thing I couldn't get the pages to work for me on the ship or I don't know what our internet bill would have been. I did get the hang of getting on and off quickly at the end, but spent a great deal on time trying to get my laptop to send the mail into outlook express and other problems that will come up in the posts later on.

I live in central southern missouri in the wilderness. I am not kidding here. We retired in 2002 from the Chicago area and moved down there to water-hill country here in the Ozarks. I think I am about 3 hours west of poplar bluff or 76 miles east of Branson, Missouri. We bought a river that came with a nice house and a small vineyard. When they told us all the alcohol brought to the ship would be collected until the end of the trip in the brochure, I took them seriously and left all my homemade wine at home. I could have been really, really popular on this cruise if I had brought my wine.

When I started on the cruise and even during the cruise when people would ask me if I would cruise again, I said "no, as stick and I live on social insecurity". My wonderful mom, Renee, allowed me to go along and even treated me to the whole thing. What a doll she is. Now today I find myself looking at the bargain page of this site. There is just something about the sea that makes you yearn for more. I am so amazed I feel like this. I am and always have been a river kind of gal, but there is something about the vastness and the ever-changing faces of the sea that calls a person back, am I right? This is what I seem to be feeling right now as I read abut grumpy's and slinky's cruise. I just got off the ship 22 days ago and already I am trying to find my way back there. Is there a withdrawal period people go thru, please tell me this feeling will lessen over time.

I have been traveling by myself for a long time. Sometimes I get a bit shaky when I think of all the bad things that could happen but I grew up in Chicago and have pretty good street sense. I am a pretty friendly person so that usually helps me along.

My hubby hates to travel now as he traveled for business for 25 years including many international trips. I always thought he was not doing it right, as he told me he went to the job, then out for something to eat and then to the hotel. I would have been spending 25 hour days seeing what was there and then making it into the job. So that is why stick stays home, he would have just hated it all, the dressing up, all the people to talk to, the walking, the side trips. That is how he got his puter name, stick in the mudd. There is nothing much that gets him away from his home. susiesails


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Hi Susie:


Something tells me that the journey with you is going to be very interesting.:) I don't mean that in a snide or sarcastic way at all; I am already fascinated by your story, and I've only read three of your posts. I marvel at how differently each one of us experiences life!


If you would like to read another perspective on your 2006 Grand World Voyage on Prinsendam, taken by another poster here known as Ides of March, please go here.


Thanks for sharing your life with us.

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Thanks for sharing. I am eagerly looking forward to more of your posts and more details of your trip. Last fall I cruised 10 days with two friends. One of them had never cruised before and people kept telling her she was nuts to go for 10 days before testing out her like of cruising. I cannot even imagine what it must be like for your first cruise to be a 105 day Grand Voyage!

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As I have never been away from my home for more than 21 days in the past, 18-19 days was the longest time I liked to be away from home, I had some reservations as to how I would do being away from home for 105 days. And that was in addition to being away from home for a total of 5 1/2 months last year after my father died. I enjoyed helping my mom and watching our relationship grow, but I still missed my home. But still 105 days.........

I knew there were going to be shore excursions and things to keep us busy, but not exactly what. I knew there were going to be lots of people, yikes, people! I have been a city girl all my life, and always went to nature to refill my soul. What was it going to be like with all those people, (only 632 people in my present town 15 miles from my house). I can only see one house from my home. What was it going to be like with over 900 people and 450 crew members???

Now don't get me wrong, I have been a city girl all my life. I love people, any people, anywhere. I worked as a nurse for 21 years. Yes, I love people but have gotten used to being alone much of the day or having stick in front of the TV. I have plenty of friends, and am very active in our community, but would I have time for myself on this long cruise? I sure didn't have the answer for that.


Even if I had found this site before I left and had posted questions, I would not have asked that question. After all, I was here to accompany mom, and make sure she had a good time, (how could she, not going with me!), but would I be able to find some little corner of the ship to call my own to contemplate life and the curves life throws you and the other unanswered questions of the universe? I had no clue.

I am just not used to being around people. Living as far out of town as I do and living in a neighborhood, (I say that lightly, where folks Do NOt visit each other) what was I going to do with all these people to talk to. I am a chatty cathy, but I talk to people when I choose, which is all the time but I always had a choice to move away and find my own space where I am alone. Would I on the ship? Anyway, I am tired and I am rambling.

Tomorrow is another day. I am glad I am here as it will help salitify my incredible adventure with Mom. Susiesails

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Thursday Jan 5th, 10 AM

Hello all, well we are on our way to Florida! Now I am excited, for sure. We had plans to meet my brother, Peter and wife Elizabeth, but his new baby is ill with a virus so he will catch us on the flip trip to show off his new, long awaited daughterwho was born on Thanksgiving day. I haven't seen any photos of her yet, but one day I will. Oh man, so much planning has gone into getting ready for this trip, I can't begin to imagine what the cruise company has gone through to get ready for all of us.

Thursday 11am

I read something from the cruise company last night that said more than 650 people are booked all the way through the end of the trip. So we will have plenty of fellow passengers to make friends with and hang with for the whole time we are gone as we are cruising to 35 countries and beyond. I have my dad on my shoulder so he can see everything.

We are now on the second airplane, mom has had 2 ½ rum and cokes so far and she is now cut off. I am cut off too; (9:30 am is a bit early to start drinking but what the heck, we are on the start of a long trip so who is counting.) We still have to make it to the ship sometime today. All our traveling has been without mishap so far, except for the first airport confiscating 4 of my good lighters.

Thursday 7pm

Oh, my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, this ship is everything I had hoped for and much more. We just had the best dinner; I can't believe the menus they have here. Mom and I just enjoyed shrimp cocktail, I had the chilled blueberry soup and mom had Caesar's salad, and we both had king crab legs and julienne mixed veggies for supper. Wow, what a meal! It was followed by about a choice of 15 desserts. I ordered bananas foster, but that wasn't available tonight so I just skipped dessert.

We have such nice tablemates; we really enjoyed speaking with them thru the meal. They are all experienced cruisers; I am the only one who has not cruised before. They told me they would see things on the ship thru my eyes now as I am bringing back enthusiasm for them. Some of them have cruised so often, they had become jaded. I forgot to say we were picked up in a limo when we got to Florida, a long stretch that seats 12 people but there were only 4 riders. It was fun. Mom says it was her first limo ride but I have been in a limo many times before. I am very tired. We got up at 3:00 am and it is now 8 pm. Mom is getting ready for bed as I type this to send out in the morning. So, good night for now.


Friday Jan. 6, 2006 3 pm


I am unbelievably tired and weary, and enjoying myself in spite of my tiredness. It took me a very long time to go to sleep last night. Every time I got myself comfortable in bed, I realized the ship was moving and couldn't relax. I got up finally and took 2 Tylenol PM and finally after about 1½ hour I fell asleep and slept till 8 AM. I am consuming way too much caffeine on board, but I just realized it. I will ask for caffeine free things from now on. Maybe that was why I couldn't sleep last night.

I love cruise life. I saw some flying fish this morning and at lunch I saw a huge fin come out of the water, like a sharks or other big fish and many islands passing as we went by. I thought we were passing the Florida Keys when I got up at 8 am this morning but we are already passing Cuba. Wow, traveling at 20 knots can really put some distance behind you.

At breakfast this morning mom had been waiting to enjoy eggs benedict again, and I joined her, as I had never tasted it before. It was good but I don't need to eat it again. Then for lunch, we both had the Weiner Snitzel. It too was ok, but more calorie's than I needed. I ordered our low carb meals last night for tonight so they can be salt free for us. After lunch we walked just short of 1 mile, which was pretty easy to do. Each turn around the ship is ¼ mile and the time and walking went fast. Mom thought we only went around twice but it was almost 4 times. Shhhhh!

We spent a good part of the time on the ship so far unpacking our clothes. Our walk in closet is full. Mom is amazed at the beautiful clothes I brought, but I have been studying fashion all year by watching TV. My girlfriend, Jeanne kept telling me, "Susie, you can't pack your whole house to take with you!" and my reply to her is, "why not, everyone else did!!!!! There seems to be some kind of contest on board as to who could bring the most clothes. We did ok with our 8 bags, but there are many people here with 14 and 15 suitcases. I have no idea where they are going to put all the clothes. One lady here actually brought a different outfit to wear everyday. That comes to 105 outfits!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I didn't know if I was going to be seasick and as long as I don't look at anything that sways with the movement of the ship, like a plant or a curtain I am fine. But if I look at anything swaying, my tummy doesn't feel very good. I am teaching myself to not look at things and succeeding! I am getting my sea legs now and it is easy to sway with the ship as it goes along.


Friday 9 PM


What a great day today! We have had 5 wonderful meals so far and only 3,477 more to go before we leave the ship to go home! Hahaha, that was a fact given to us in the Queens lounge tonight before the live show of dancing and singing by 6 very talented performers from LA. For supper today we had fresh sushi, a very good spring roll over a bed of seasoned bean thread noodles, chilled cantaloupe soup, and for our entree grilled salmon and some kind of cooked green veggie with the biggest baked sweet potato I have ever seen. Mom and I had the same thing, and we passed baked sweet potato out to many of the people at the table. They actually had 8 different entrees for supper tonight, from prime rib to grilled salmon, venison, oh I can't remember what else they had but any of them was to die for. I did have my bananas foster tonight and it was as mom says, "yuck!" I didn't finish it. Gosh, I can make a better bananas foster than that.

Tomorrow for supper, we ordered shrimp cocktail again, with surf and turf, but I told them to skip the turf! Because I cannot tolerate much salt and we are on low carb meals, they bring us the menu to choose from the day before so they can have our dinner prepared before hand.

We have had casual night or informal clothes at supper for the last two nights. Tomorrow, we have our captain's cocktail party, so it is finally formal night. Oh my, I can't decide what to where. We have so many beautiful clothes with us and it will be difficult to decide. I am sure everyone who has them will be dripping with diamonds tomorrow. This is going to be so much fun.

Mom is already sleeping. I am not tired because I am so over tired. Does that make any sense? I skipped the coffee after supper tonight, and I am more used to the motion of the ship so maybe I will sleep better. I sure hope so. Night all.


Saturday AM

I finally got to sleep after 2 am when I looked at the clock last because of the rocking ship. It was very humid last night and we have definitely left winter behind. We are cruising next to the island of Cabo San Lucas now. I am having all kinds of trouble connecting with my server and this wireless network. At 25 cents a minute I have to get this under control. I can type in my room but have to go downstairs to connect to the wireless. Mom and I walked another ¾ mile today. I am having her walk up and down the stairs as she gets winded now and has to keep up with the tours when we finally do get to go, so I am drastically increasing her activity. She's very good about it and knows she has to pick up her pace. I was going to put her in a wheel chair to make it easier for her and boy she got indignant with me. Ok mom, just trying to help. I saw a grandson with his grandma sitting in a wheelchair and boy did he ever look bored and the woman was badly taken care of. NO! Not for my mom, she's being coddled and cherished!

She's telling herself to smile and does a fair bit of talking at the meal tables and when we meet other people which is very different for her. We found out one of our dear friends had an auto accident in WI and broke her neck. She will have a 6-month recovery period with the halo brace and everything. Mom got visibly upset when I told her this news. She still wants to hear the bad news though. I was hoping 2006 would be easier than 2005. I still hope for it, but have heard of 2 tragedies already this year from my friends so far. Please pray for Barb for an easy recovery, if long. We have our first formal night tonight. We have been invited to a cocktail party with the captain. I plan on wearing a long beaded skirt and blouse and the paste diamond choker. I am really enjoying myself and mom is too. I have to get ready for the Captains cocktail party now. Bye


Saturday 9 pm

I had just the best time and mom so enjoyed herself too. First there were photo's and just before it was time to go and have ours done witht he captain, I told mom to just think "organism". she started laughing and took a very nice photo! Grin!

We both dressed up and had just plain old good fun. We had cocktails, actually champagne and appetizers with the captain and crew and dancing and later a formal dinner. I have to say we went out to the lobby to get the elevator and saw two of our tablemates; the couple from Vancouver and her mouth fell open when she looked at us. We were truly stunning tonight. We had photos taken and of course they were with someone else's camera that we couldn't download the pics to the computer. Sorry folks. But them we went to dinner and oh everyone looked so nice in their tuxes and ball gowns. I did expect to see many more formal type dresses; some of the clothes worn tonight were pretty casual. For supper we had shrimp cocktail, will I ever get tired of it, no I don't think so. Then I had the cold soup from Spain and didn't like it at all. It was way too spicy. I like hot but this didn't taste good. Now I ate some veggies with it but can't remember what. After supper was finished I remembered that I had promised myself that I could eat what I wanted on formal nights. So I allowed myself to have Grand Marnier soufflé for dessert with a vanilla sauce, and it was still very warm when I ate it. Oh, it was just delicious. I so enjoyed it; it was so light and fluffy. It is truly one of the best desserts I have ever eaten. Can you tell how much I love food????????

After super we went into the lounge and met a dance host who danced with mom and came back saying I could just call him stepfather from now on, and I said that was ok but mentioned a pre-nup. He later asked me to dance and man am I ever out of practice. Since stick has had his bad foot we just have not danced at all. But this fellow was a retired nurse anesthetist and so we had things to talk about.

After the dance, we went to see the show for the night and it was just amazing. Justin Miller, the famous classical guitarist played for us and wow, he has been playing for 48 years and wow. He plays one song he arranged on the computer and he plays 1400 notes in just under 3 minutes. That comes out to about 7 notes a second. I don't think I should ever play my mandolin for him.!!!!!!!! I am such a beginner.

We have had 3 time changes already or will when I change the clocks again tonight. We dock at Barbados on Monday. It is raining now and earlier I tried to go outside and I couldn't even push open the door with the wind blowing so hard. I was amazed; as I am pretty strong but there was no way I could open that door. Mom thought I was the belle of the ball with my friend's necklace on. Thanks Liz, it was fun wearing your jewels. Ok, mom has been asleep for along time now so I will go post all this to you. Please remember to pray for my friend barb, she will need your prayers for a long time.

Pastor Mike; please print this out for frank, thanks.


Sunday 8:30 PM

We are getting used to being on board and still exploring the ship. We ordered coffee in the room and a melon fruit plate and 4 hard-boiled eggs to keep in our refrigerator for breakfast in our room. I want coffee when I get up! I was surprised there is no coffee maker in each room, but room service goes 24 hours a day and it is all free. Can you imagine that? The coffee on the ship is excellent. I have no idea what kind it is but it is good. Today I had a lesson on how to use the video camera from Doug, our Canadian friend. I forgot how to use it even though Brian showed me how to do it at home. Then we had a Photo lesson from an expert onboard gee, the room was packed. I finally understand mega pixels and what they are and what you want to look for in a camera. Then I ran around and took some pictures on the ship. I also took a few minutes of video. I am usually pretty good with a point and shot camera but my dad's camera is a lot more complex than that.

Mom is doing well but seems to have memory lapses at times. She can't seem to retain how to turn on or off the lights in the room. I am getting lots of complements on how well I am taking care of mom. It just comes natural to me after working so many years as a nurse, but she's easy to take care of. Not all moms on board are so lucky, it is very apparent to see when you watch different moms and their daughters.

We go on land for the first time tomorrow, Barbados. We are supposed to be met by a cyber friend from my woman's computer site, mykypoo. I am eager to meet her. She's going to take us around the island and we are taking her out for lunch. I want to taste the food! The ship is really rocking with swells and my thumb keeps hitting the pad that puts the curser in a different place. I have to watch my typing big time. My high school typing teacher would not be pleased. Anyone who chats with me by messenger knows how many typos' I make, so this is a real challenge for me.

When I read the travel logs from my friend Billie/Xangus I couldn't understand why she couldn't remember what she ate at times. Now I understand. I have read enough menus now that I am also forgetting what was on them. This is after just 4 days on board. Every meal is an experience and should be unforgettable. Imagine going to the best restaurant you know, what a memorable experience it is. Every meal is like that here, so they kind of blur together. The service is definitely 5 stars for sure. The staff makes such an effort to remember your name. It nice being greeted so often by name, by so many different people. They call me Mam Susie.

I fell asleep some time after 3 am last night. Everytime I think I am about to fall asleep, I realize the ship is rocking again and can't let go. When the wake up call came at 8 am, I was not prepared to get out of bed. Anyone who knows me knows if it is at all possible I don't miss church, but I did today. Mom and I just lay in bed for a long time and talked. There was no way I could get myself dressed and out by 9 am. I am soooo tired, weary and exhausted. I refuse to take naps though. I will never sleep at night if I take naps.

I have been choosing low carb meals for mom and I and I think I have actually lost some weight! I can feel more of my hips than I could before. How is that possible I don't know with all the food we are eating but I think I have lost some? I mentioned I was going to find a scale and I was told by a tablemate that she weighted somewhere between 140 and 150. I felt kind of confused by that but then she told me, it has to do with the swells and how they rocked the boat, oh excuse me, ship! I guess you can't really tell what you weigh when the ship is rocking so much.

I mentioned last night that I couldn't open the outside door because of the wind. Well, I had an almost mishap today after coming in from taking some photo's of the sunset. The wind whipped my long skirt under my foot as I was crossing a high threshold to enter and I tripped and almost fell in front of everyone waiting to go in to supper. That was a close call let me tell you. I really would have gone down hard right on my face but recovered in time. It was embarrassing to say the least.

I am really having a devil of a time with the Internet here. At 25 cents a minute, you naturally want to hurry when you are connected to the wifi. But this computer is very slow (6 year old laptop) and I am having trouble I have never had before connecting with my server. It is just not me either, many people are having problems too. I guess the ship has to make its money somehow. I think I have given up the idea of sending out emails to everyone and will set up a blog somewhere. Then I will email the link to everyone, because there is no way I can send all the emails to everyone. It would cost a fortune and I don't want that.

I have noticed a neat thing when you go in the elevators. The rug on the floor is changed everyday to reflect the name of the day on it. I guess it helps keep everyone oriented as to what day it is. The beds are turned down every night and they leave little gifts for you. One night it will be a piece of chocolate, another night it is a Holland America cloth carry bag and well, there is something there every night. 3 out of 4 nights it was chocolates. I usually keep it for the middle of the night.

10 pm and I am wide awake! Darn.


I will be setting up a blog to wrtite my things on because it is way to expensive to send out regular eamils. I will send a link to you when I have it set up. susiesails


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I am and always have been a river kind of gal, but there is something about the vastness and the ever-changing faces of the sea that calls a person back, am I right?

I think the sea has beckoned to man since the beginning of time. Yes, it does keep calling us back.

This is what I seem to be feeling right now as I read abut grumpy's and slinky's cruise. I just got off the ship 22 days ago and already I am trying to find my way back there. Is there a withdrawal period people go thru, please tell me this feeling will lessen over time.

Well... we usually say that what you are feeling is Post Cruise Depression Syndrome... and the only known cure is.. drum roll please... BOOK ANOTHER CRUISE!!:D


I know, that's sometimes easier said than done, but we hope you do find a way to get back on the ocean again.

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I have some medical problems to attend to as a result of being on the ship, so right now i can't drive or take my new kayak out. Once i get on my river again, I think my need for the sea will be handled.

I keep telling myself as I look at the hillsides of grass rippling, I am looking at a sea of green. I sure hope that will be enough, as there will be no more cruises for me unless I hit the lottery. susielails

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Gosh, thanks for all the compliments on my writing. I realized later in the cruise that I was writing so I could have a journal for myself, to bring my brothers with me (and not have to pay so much for my mom taking me and not them if you get my drift) and so some of my friends who will never be able to make a cruise could know what it was like and last but not least, to make a book for my mom so she could remember all the things she did and saw.

I have been lazy and not gotten out the laptop to download the pictures but will soon. I still have one bag to unpack and different things to put away while I am picking up my life again. So I guess you really couldn't call me lazy.

One good thing, I went and picked up my kayak today, it is a nice shiny red, wooo hooo everyone will see me coming down the river, that is for sure. I can't wait. susiesails

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A friend told me to read your posts and I have become addicted. I cannot wait for the next instalment. You have a wonderful, entertaining writing style.



I can picture everything you mention about the ship as we were on the Prinsendam in 2004, in a mini suite too, and loved the ship and particularly enjoyed sailing with Captain Gunderson. In fact my sister and brother in law are on her at the moment doing the Amazon cruise.



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I have been trying to figure out why I was so tired those first days. Yes, I was not sleeping well because of the rocking of the ship and we were getting used to the routine of the daily program. But I am a high energy person and just these 2 things should not have gotten me to the point of exhaustion that I was feeling so quickly. I worked nights or PM's for more than 20 years. I know how to go without sleep and how to keep my cheery attitude in spite of it.

Last night as I was pondering the cause of my exhaustion, I remembered all the complaining of so many people. Now remember, I worked as a nurse for all those years. I am a professional trained to listen to people, especially older people because it helps them feel better. I will not go into the dynamics of geriatrics here! Hahaha

So for days and days, I listened to all the people on the ship complain about well, it just seemed to be everything. The food, the beds, the schedule, the itinerary, just EVERYTHING. It started to suck me dry of all my energy, that's for sure.

I think the hardest thing for me to learn during those first terrible days, yes I said terrible, because I had no ability to change anything for anyone, i.e. it took me many days to figure out these people who were complaining so bitterly about many things didn't want to stop. That is what I finally concluded. My solution, to high tail it out of there when I saw the worst complainers coming.

The other thing that was affecting both mom and I those first days were that I noticed mom had been given free shore excursions by Holland America and I had not. I went down to shore excursions and pointed out their error and they told me the free shore excursions were only for people who had booked early and I was not in that category. When I took this to the front desk, I was told I had booked one day late and so was not entitled to the free excursions and the many other perks that come with booking early, including free gratuties. Both mom and I started to cry when we heard that. It brought back all the memories of my dad's death. I shared this with many of the passengers asking for guidance from the more seasoned travelers with Holland America and they told me to not let this go. One fellow told me if it was him he would call Seattle himself and tell them he was not being treated correctly.

I explained to the front desk I had been caring first for my dad as he was dying in the hospital for 7 days and then I had been taking care of my mom helping her to get her affairs in order and that is why I had not booked earlier. I felt so guilty for not booking earler, as this was going to cost my mom lots of money. The front desk told us that the decision had to be made by Seattle and it took days and days for their decision to go thru but we were finally given our early booking status for both of us.

My dad had booked this dream vacation in November of 04 and had passed away January 25 2005. I finally had space in my brain to book on the 21st or 22nd of February. I didn't know I had to book early, I was taking care of my mom. Remember, I didn't know the first thing about cruising. They had not returned any of the early deposit when I had called them to notify them of his death early in Feb. and as I had many thing to do that day I told them I would book later. I figured I was entitled to the early booking and felt so happy when they finally gave it to us. susiesails

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I'm so glad to hear that you were able to get the early booking credit. I guess someone "higher up" finally figured out that what was involved was really nothing more than a name change and shouldn't, under the circumstances, be treated as a cancellation/new booking. Yes, the contract fine print gives them the right to do just that, and at the lower levels all they can do is follow the rules. Congratulations on having the courage to follow up and keep pushing the issue.

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I have been reading your blog, I am up to page 22 now, not bad for a few days huh? Anyway, I keep reading you say what "happens on the ship, stays on the ship". Caould you please or anyone say more about that. I don't want to be telling tales that are not wanted. I really don't have anything juicy to report anyway!

I have to leave my home today to go to the top of missouri to go and see a neurologist as a result of an injury I recieved on a shore excursion in Kenya. I also have to go for more appointmants on thursday and friday. So if I am not here writing, you know where I am, I will be back with more. susiesails

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I have been reading your blog, I am up to page 22 now, not bad for a few days huh? Anyway, I keep reading you say what "happens on the ship, stays on the ship". Caould you please or anyone say more about that. I don't want to be telling tales that are not wanted. I really don't have anything juicy to report anyway!

I have to leave my home today to go to the top of missouri to go and see a neurologist as a result of an injury I recieved on a shore excursion in Kenya. I also have to go for more appointmants on thursday and friday. So if I am not here writing, you know where I am, I will be back with more. susiesails


That was just a bit of humor, Susie. At least three of the Assistant Cruise Directors (ACD's) had family that were reading my posts. So by saying that I couldn't write about the things they were doing, I was saying "if your daughter wants you to know, she will tell you." Sort of giving the impression that they were really a wild and crazy bunch, but neither confirming or denying it. Just my way of having some fun with them...


Reporting on the board should be bound by the same rules we live by in our day to day lives. If it has the potential to embarass or hurt someone, it is better left unsaid. If it was humorous to the person involved, then it will probably be humorous here.

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Susie, I so enjoy some of your insights and way of looking at things. I hope your injury isn't too big a problem for you and I hope when you get some time you'll tell us more about your journey.


It is always better when we can distance ourselves from negative thinking. Like you, I believe it can really bring you down. But with your positive outlook on life I hope you were able to put it all aside for the rest of your cruise.


And I'm so glad that HAL came through for you and treated your booking like your Mom's. That's as it should be, but as Grumpy said, they really did have to go to Seattle for approval on something like that.


Look forward to more of your experiences!

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May 16, 2006

I just took out my first video tape and loaded it in the camera. I was so surprised to see that it actually starts on the ship and not in Fort Lauderdale as I thought. I remember having my camera in my hand during the sail away, I guess I was just taking photo’s and not video. I should say I have never used a video camera in my life but I was setting out to bring back our whole experience with us, so mom could have a visual memory as well as the few memories she can usually retain.

So I think it is time for us to introduce ourselves to all of you, so you know who we are. I am 55 years old and have traveled all my life. I have been to 47 of our United States, Puerto Rico twice, Canada for 2 weeks camping, Hawaii twice, once for 3 weeks and once for a week, and Ireland for 3 weeks twice. I am only missing one southern state, Montana and Alaska to have traveled in all of our beautiful country, America. I had always said people don’t need to leave our country to go traveling as there are so many things to see in our united states.

I grew up in Milwaukee, Wisconsin until I was 12, then we moved to New Jersey, 7 miles form the George Washington bridge. When I was 15 we moved to a suburb of Chicago where I lived until I was 51. I retired with my husband, Stick, to Southern Missouri in the wilderness 4 years ago.

I enjoy cooking and love to eat; I come from a restaurant family but was never dumb enough to open my own restaurant because I knew you loose your family life when you run a restaurant. I inherited the cooking genes in the family (mom did not!) My specialty is oriental food, but I can cook food from many different nations.

My husband is Japanese from Hawaii; we met in Chicago when I was in nursing school in Chicago. We have been married 36 years in a few months. I have 3 children with a boy in the middle. They live in Chicago and Seattle.

My mom is 77 years old and has traveled around the world quite a few times. She loves to travel but can’t seem to remember but a few memories of her travels. When she met and married my stepfather 23 years ago, he took her to live in Saudi Arabia while he worked teaching computer languages to the Saudi’s. They spent almost 7 years there. They did a lot of their traveling on their way back and forth from Saudi. My stepfather grew up in Maryland and California.

I have 4 brothers, 3 are still living. They reside in Chicago, Orlando, Florida and in Pennsylvania. They all have families and I think we counted 13 grandchildren for my mom on the ship, the last one being born on Thanksgiving Day. I do not have any grandchildren; my children are not cooperating with me on this. I tell people I am a grandma wanna be!

When my dad died last year, I went and helped my mom for a total of 5 1/2 months. This truly was a blessing for me in many ways. As I look back now, I think every child should go and live with their parent again for an extended time; you get to know each other so well. My mom kept saying she was amazed at all the things I knew how to do. I told her, I learned it from her. When I was small, there wasn’t anything I didn’t think my mom could do. We were pretty poor growing up, while there were things we wanted, there was never anything we needed. My real father worked for the Boy Scouts of America as a professional, so I was raised as close to being a boy as a girl could get.

We couldn’t afford big vacations in hotels, so we camped every year. That is how I got to learn to love to travel. We traveled to New Mexico when I was 10 so my dad could attend school at the Philmount Scout Ranch. After those 2 weeks of living in the foothills of New Mexico we traveled to many of our national parks in the west. What a vacation that was. It was wonderful and a trip I have already recreated with a girlfriend a few years back.

I lost my profession of nursing in ’92 after a simple foot surgery that turned into a nightmare. I ended up spending 2 years in bed as an invalid and 2 more years as a semi valid. Then I started taking some natural supplements and well, just watch me go now. I will never be an invalid again; I worked hard to get my life back. I tell people now that I am a healthy person with some limitations. It is amazing what yucan do when you have a positive attitude. I was not a pleasant person to live with when I was so ill. I have learned how to live I the positive and not the negatie as I did back then.

I have been canoeing for about 9 years, I just love canoeing and kayaking And camping. I have some limitations as to how far I can walk, but put me in a boat and just watch me fly over the water. I have always gone to nature refill my soul. That is why I just love living where I do in the Ozarks. I tell people it is river-hill country. Since we always had drive to get away from the city, what better place to retire than away from the cities where you can only see a few houses at a time. I lived in cities all my life, and was always happy, but now I am finally home.

When I was helping my mom last year in Madison, Wisconsin, I very easily moved back into city life. The part I did not enjoy was once again living in winter in a northern climate. Gosh, I remember it was 9 degrees F last year and standing outside smoking. That is darn cold let me tell you. What was it going to be like going to Antarctica, I had no idea? Not my cup of tea, I had been thinking. I had had enough of frigid temperatures growing up in Chicago.

We, the family, made it very easy for my mom last year. We got her brother to come and live with her so she didn’t have to go and live with any of her children. He was a chef, so he did all the cooking. My step father was something of a pack rat, and I had years of mail (from 1988 on) that he had opened and never thrown away to deal with. In a way that was helpful as we didn’t know his financial situation and this helped us find all his net worth.

Now anyone who is reading this is a computer person in some way. Please, please write down your passwords and put them in your safety deposit box. How much easier everything would have been if we just had his passwords. It would have saved months of work for us!!!!! My father was a genious and there was no way I could figure out his passwords.

We found we had made life too easy for mom. She spent much of the year, cleaning the house and the rest of the time, sitting in a chair watching TV. This seriously was not good for my mom; she was drawing an invisible shroud around herself. I am so glad my father booked this trip for my mom and himself, it has helped her come back to the land of the living. susiesails

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