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Playa Uvas


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We were at Playa Uvas on November 24th. We got off the Freedom and walked to the taxi area. It was $3 one way. A very short 10 minutes ride and we were there. There were 14 of us and Carmen quickly had us all checked in by 9:30 – 9:45. We were one of the first groups there. Raul was our waiter and he did a fair job taking care of us. I asked about the snorkeling because 6 of us were snorkeling and the rest were staying at the beach. I was told our snorkel leader would be there soon. More people show, more time goes by. Keep in my mind, no alcohol until snorkeling is done which makes perfect sense and the included lunch doesn’t get served until everyone has done their snorkeling or kayaking for your party. Now people are taking off in the clear kayaks. We’re still waiting. Kayaks come back so we think it is time to snorkel. A group of about 6 – 8 snorkelers start their trek down the beach. We’re still waiting. Finally we leave around 11:45 in a group of at least 25 people. Snorkeling was fun. I’m not sure if this is correct or not but the water is so salty that it makes people extra buoyant. I didn’t wear a vest and I never had to try to float. That was nice. We finish snorkeling around 1 and it’s time to eat. Fish or fajitas. I had fajitas and they were great. I tried the beef and chicken and both tasted good. Open bar was okay. It’s beer or frozen drinks they pour some rum into. I had 5-6 daiquiris or pina coladas.

I liked Playa Uvas and if we ever go back I won’t try to snorkel. We were mainly looking for a beach area with a bar and thought we found exactly what we wanted until the no drinking until done snorkeling happened. That policy does make sense but it was almost 1 by the time we got done snorkeling. Everyone was very friendly. Raul could have been better. I waited for him to come get my next drink order three times only to have to go get it myself. I also think we paid too much for what we actually received.

Would I go back? Yes I would but I think next time we’re in Cozumel we’ll go a bit further up the road and try Paradise Beach. Going to the beach is not a big deal to us. We live 20 minutes from Cocoa Beach.

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We were at Playa Uvas this past Saturday, November 29. It was just as everyone here has posted - fabulous. It was very easy to get to. We were docked at the International pier so the hardest part was figuring out how to get out of the shopping area and to the taxi stand. There was 3 of us, me, my DH, and DS 9. We boarded a taxi van which already had a couple. I thought they were going to Playa Uvas as well but they were headed downtown to do some shopping. We were taken to Playa Uvas first, I guess because it was closer. It only took 5 minutes or so to arrive at Playa Uvas. Taxi was $10 for all 3 of us.


When we arrived at Playa Uvas Carmen checked us in quickly and we decided to rent a locker. It was $4 with a $5 deposit that we got back at the end of the day. We had forgotten our towels from the ship so we had to rent towels too. They were $3 each with a $5 deposit each as well but they were nice large towels that easily covered the loungers. If you don't feel like lugging the towels from the ship, this is not a bad way to go. Raul was our waiter and he settled us onto our loungers under a nice umbrella and brought us some bottled water (no alcohol until after the snorkeling is allowed). We then had time to get our sun screen on before our snorkel tour.


Our group for the snorkel tour had 3 other families who had come together with parents and kids of varying ages but all under 12. I think the youngest was 5 or so. We were outfitted with masks and fins and then set out for a walk up the beach for about a half mile. It was a very rocky beach but we were told to keep our shoes on. Once we arrived at our starting point all our shoes were put in a large garbage bag and put in a kayak that one of the guides was in. We had another guide, Roberto, in the water with us the entire time. We entered the water from the beach on a pathway of sand bags and then we were off. I have to say I was truly amazed at how great the snorkeling was. We have only done snorkeling before from boats that go out a ways so I was worried that we wouldn't see that much right from the beach. I was so wrong. We saw an incredible amount of fish and even a mooray eel. It was really great. I think the tour was supposed to be for 45 minutes but we were out there for around 90 minutes. Some of the smaller kids got tired and were allowed in the kayak with the non snorkeling guide. Everyone seemed to really enjoy the snorkeling.


Once back, it was time for lunch and we were quite hungry after all that snorkeling. DH and I had the fajitas and DS had a hamburger. The hamburger was nothing to write home about and DS ended up eating some of my fajitas. The guacomole served with the fajitas was fantastic so we asked if we could have an order of that as well. Raul told us it wasn't included in our package so it was $10 extra. Raul kept our pina coladas coming for DH and I and the sodas for DS. Margaritas and beer were also being offered as well as a lot of other drinks. After lunch we enjoyed lounging in the sun for an hour or so and then decided it was time to go and do some shopping. A taxi pulled up as soon as we asked for one and we were off.


All in all we had a wonderful time at Playa Uvas for much less money than we would've spent on a shore excursion from the ship. I highly recommend Playa Uvas :).

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Three of us visited Uvas on 12/4, myself, my DH and DS.

Getting out thru the shopping area to the taxi queue was the hardest part. Once in the taxi, the trip to Uvas is quick and cost for the 3 of us $10.

Carmen welcomed us, explained everything to us and we were lounging on beach chairs within 10 minutes of arriving. We got the all-inclusive package, which I consider to be a great value. We got bottled water from our waiter as soon as we sat down on our lounge chairs. He also took our food order then so he could be sure to have it ready for us when we were done kayaking and snorkeling.

We did have to wait a little while, an hour, until we could get started with our water fun. This did not bother me a bit, as exploring the shoreline was awesome. My DS was chomping at the bit to get started. We enjoyed the kayaking, but the snorkeling was wonderful. Our guide pointed out so many things, lobster, octopus, fish, stingray, eel, cave, etc. He took my camera down to take pictures of some things that were hiding in the coral (lobster and octopus). He brought a starfish to the surface for us to see up close and hold if we wanted to.

When we got back to shore, our waiter had our table set and our food ready for us. Chicken fajitas-wonderful!!! Margaritas were good and they served our son non-alcoholic daqairies which made him feel like big stuff. The whole experience was wonderful. We did not take advantage of the massages that I read were so great. We wanted to spend our time in the water.

Taxis were waiting to take us back and it was another quick $10 ride back to the pier.

I have to say that since our return Eduardo has been very helpful and responsive to a request that I had. We got in our taxi to go back to the pier without purchasing the pictures they had taken. I emailed Eduardo and he took care of figuring out which ones were ours and is in the process of getting them emailed to me and setting up easy payment directly thru paypal.


Thanks to all at Uvas for making our day great!!


I also apologize for not mentioning the names of our waiter and snorkel guide, as I am horrible at remembering names

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Great review cruisin bird!! Will you be posting any underwater pics??


Sorry for my delay guys! I uploaded the underwater pics onto my computer but tonight I plan on uploading my other pics of Playa Uvas. I'm hoping I can get my review posted at least by saturday or on saturday.

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Does anyone know the pricing of the drinks? We have our own equipment, so just wondering if paying the 17 for the open bar will be worth it, or if we should just pay the 15 admisssion, and then pay as we go for drinks and food. Also, are there other things to order besides the fajitas? The website appears to have other food, but there is no real menu there.


Thank you!

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We arrived in Cozumel on Dec. 4th on the Carnival Conquest. I’m 24 and my dh is 27. Since this was our 4th time visiting Cozumel, we decided to explore the island and then stop at Playa Uvas for snorkeling and lunch. This was our fourth time visiting Playa Uvas and to me it always feels like it's my first time.


We docked at 10am and we were out of the Puerto Maya by 10:25am. There were 4 ships that day in Cozumel. We rented a jeep and went through town to San Gervasio. We were only there for a little bit. We got eaten by mosquitoes!! We didn’t realize that we would need repellant!! After visiting the ruins we decided to do some shopping since we were planning on driving the other side of the island. We bought some shirts and some bags in a store and off we went on the road again. We stopped at a bar and got some drinks and off we went to Punta Sur and the mirador. OMG, these places are cool! After visiting these places we finally made our way to Playa Uvas. I believe we arrived at Playa Uvas at 1pm. Upon our arrival I was greeted by Carmen! Oh, she is such a wonderful person. I love her!!




We also saw Eduardo!! He's also a very kind and loving person.




Playa Uvas has changed a little since I last visited. They put up a fence and they moved the massage stand into a room by the entrance area, but it looks very inviting. I took pictures of the area.










The picture above is where you would check in when you arrive at playa Uvas. The white board is where they write your name.

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We did snorkeling on our own, since I’m soo familiar with the area. LOL


We geared up and got in the water and began snorkeling. This is my favorite thing to do!!


Off we went into the ocean with my new camera. We saw several fish, parrot fish, other types of fish that I have no idea what they are called! LOL. We also saw 2 stingrays. I saw 4 barracudas!! I guess I attracted them! My DH is not a really good swimmer and I went off to where some coral is at to take some pictures of fish. Well I leave my husband behind and go off to the deep and I’m happy with my camera and I’m just taking pictures. Well, I get a feeling that something is watching me and I look to the right and I see a barracuda. I gasp for air. (those things scare the piss out of me!!) I put my head back in the water and I still see it there, just watching me. Well I look the left and OMG, OMG, OMG!! There are 3 more!!! I wasn’t brave enough to take a picture of them. They look really mean. So I start swimming towards the shore where my husband is at and basically stuck by his side the entire time we were snorkeling. That’s when we saw 2 stingray’s. I believe that the snorkeling has gotten better since my last time and I just can’t wait to go back!! I absolutely love snorkeling! It's a whole new world to me. I'm really amazed how clear the water is in Cozumel. If your hesitant to snorkel, I would highly recommend Playa Uvas. They offer guided tours or if you would like to do it on your own you can do that as well.




The coral/reef. This is where I saw the 4 barracudas.








PC050210.jpg<-- This a pic of the sting ray. It is right here........

Look up. it was white with black spots. I didn't see it at first. But my Dh had to point him out to me.



Parrot fish



The bigger fish was white with some spots on it. I could barely see it in the water because it's complexion was like the sand at the bottom of the water.




I have to say that during our trip to Jamaica, Grand Cayman, and Cozumel the weather was very windy and made snorkeling a little hard. (our sting ray excursion was canceled due to the winds in Grand Cayman...so you get my drift.) I had to keep fighting with the waves and my camera. LOL I still don't know how to remove the blue tint to my pictures but if i learn how to these pictures would come out even clearer. For the life of me, I can't dive down to get closer to the fish so I have to take my pictures far away. However, I am very happy with my new camera. It takes better pictures than the disposable kind!

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After snorkeling, our lunch was served. YUM FAJITAS!! I think they are the best here!!




After eating lunch, we downed a big glass of the Hawaiian coconut (i think that's what it's called), we relaxed and enjoy our view and I remembered our wedding day that took place there a year ago.




We took a couple of pictures and we said goodbye to Playa Uvas and to everyone else. I made sure that we tipped the bartender and our waiter. They always work hard to keep us happy!!





The service, food, and snorkeling was great!! We always enjoy our day while we are there, even if it's just for a couple of hours. Next time we go, I plan on spending the entire day there so that I can snorkel more. Maybe one day I can be brave enough to do the scuba diving class! :cool:

I highly recommend Playa Uvas, there service is always superb!! It's always quiet, peaceful and relaxing..... oh, I wish I was there again!!

If anyone has any questions just ask and hopefully I can answer them. :D

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Does anyone know the pricing of the drinks? We have our own equipment, so just wondering if paying the 17 for the open bar will be worth it, or if we should just pay the 15 admisssion, and then pay as we go for drinks and food. Also, are there other things to order besides the fajitas? The website appears to have other food, but there is no real menu there.


Thank you!


Let me see if I can answer your questions correctly.


The admission fee is $7.00 and it includes one drink.


The AUV-6 Package is $15.00 and it includes snorkel equipment, entrance fee and 2 drinks are included.


The link below is a list of all of their All inclusive packages as well as other packages that they offer. It will also describe what each package includes:



The link below will direct you to their A LA Carte Menu:




As far as the drinks, I am not sure how much they cost. I have always gotten the packages with the open bar. I would send an email to Eduardo.


I hope this helps you out some. If you have any questions feel free to ask or email Eduardo.:D

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After snorkeling, our lunch was served. YUM FAJITAS!! I think they are the best here!!




After eating lunch, we downed a big glass of the Hawaiian coconut (i think that's what it's called), we relaxed and enjoy our view and I remembered our wedding day that took place there a year ago.




We took a couple of pictures and we said goodbye to Playa Uvas and to everyone else. I made sure that we tipped the bartender and our waiter. They always work hard to keep us happy!!





The service, food, and snorkeling was great!! We always enjoy our day while we are there, even if it's just for a couple of hours. Next time we go, I plan on spending the entire day there so that I can snorkel more. Maybe one day I can be brave enough to do the scuba diving class! :cool:


I highly recommend Playa Uvas, there service is always superb!! It's always quiet, peaceful and relaxing..... oh, I wish I was there again!!


If anyone has any questions just ask and hopefully I can answer them. :D

DH and I are thinking about going there. What I was wanting to know is since he would be the only one snorkling would it be wiser just to pay as we go or should he purchase a snorkle package just for himself. I just don't see paying for myself for snorkling when I won't be snorkling. In other words can we purchase one package for him and do the entrance only package for me? Any info would help.


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The last 4 times that I have been there I have reserved ahead of time. I have also told several ppl here on these boards for them to reserve with Playa Uvas online too. The reason is because they limit the # of ppl that can enter Playa Uvas.


The question about your 4 yr. old. I'm not sure. I don't have any children so I could not tell you about it. I would send an email over to Eduardo if I were you.

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DH and I are thinking about going there. What I was wanting to know is since he would be the only one snorkling would it be wiser just to pay as we go or should he purchase a snorkle package just for himself. I just don't see paying for myself for snorkling when I won't be snorkling. In other words can we purchase one package for him and do the entrance only package for me? Any info would help.





I would suggest that your dh get the snorkeling package. That way he can take the guided tour and get an idea where everything is at. After the tour if he decides to go snorkeling later on he can. Just remind him to keep his equipment with him. I'm not sure if your planning on eating or drinking there as well but they also offer those packages too. Remember if you just want to pay the entrance it comes with a drink too. : )


I posted a pdf form of their packages a couple of threads back. Let me know if you have any other questions. I hope this helps you out.

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