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Age Limit for Portofinos?

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There's an age limit, it's thirteen. I am constantly appalled by the people that post on the boards that everyone should just go with their own rules and ignore the ones the line puts out. I'm not picking on any one poster, it's just an overall attitude.


I'm sure Mrpete's daughter is great. He's a charming poster who is considerate of others and consistantly has good information. I sincerely enjoy your posts MrPete and I mean that.


The problem is never the one well behaved child. It's the others whose family sees the one child who is an exception and believes they too should be an exception. Just like kids in the adults only pools.


The line has set a minimum age, thirteen. Perhaps the good people who cruise RCI should accept that as the rule and not encourage others to break it or worse say that they got away with it because a kindly Maitre D was placed in an awkward position and did not wish to make a scene by asking them to leave.


I know that sounds harsh and I am sorry, but there are people who go to Chops and Portofino for a dining experience, which can be compromised with the addition of children in a thirteen and up restaurant.


This is not a dig at Mrpete by any means. Just something to think about.


I just want to, one more time, note that Mrpete did not in anyway indicate he or his daughter are interested in breaking the rules. This post is in responce to other posts.

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Last year we cruised with 11 yr. old boys (twins), we made special arrangements to ask our parents to take our kids to the main dining area, so we could follow the rules. To our surprise there was a well dressed 4 yr. old girl.....sitting upside down in her chair, being rambunctious during the meal. It did anger me that we followed the rules (nowhere did it say before 8pm!) and others didn't. I know my boys have dined in some of the finest restaurants in America and would've been fine - that wasn't the point. The rules said 13, and 13 it is. Next year they will be 13, and it will be a pleasure to take them to the restaurant. Why is it so complicated to simply follow the rules? I don't get it, and am not going to get it. My kids are special to me, not special to the world. It's my responsibility that they learn to respect the rules.


The parents certainly aren't the ones in charge in that family!!

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My kids are special to me, not special to the world.


I think that one line says it all.(I appreciate her honesty).......some people think :cool: we would all enjoy the company of their children.

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What's the minimum? :confused:


It states 13, but just last week on our Explorer cruise there was a boy about 10 at one table and a baby about 6 mos. old at another. Guess it's the mood of the maitre de on any given night.

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This is not a dig at Mrpete by any means. Just something to think about.


None taken, by the way.


I'm one that follows the rules. I didn't know when I asked, and now am advised it's 13. (Or not) :confused: Something's not consistant.


But if I see "they" are letting others there, no way would I allow mine to be excluded. Or find they relax it around 6, I wouldn't NOT go when others are.


Again, or not. I still haven't even asked what they even serve!

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I think that what I am posting has already been said but....everyone knows that Portofinos is a very nice dining option. Many families have children that are very comfortable in these restaurants and many families are not. It really is up to the parents to know what is best for their families. I have been in restaurants with out-of-control children as well as out-of-control adults. Everyone should do what they are comfortable with. Hopefully you will be able to enjoy a memorable dinner at Portofinos.



If only life really worked that way, please :) .


How many times have we been in restaurants (land or sea) with children as old as 8 or 12 not knowing how to behave and their parents do ....absolutely nothing. Or, babies, toddlers, young children acting up, crying, running around, climbing on the back of the booth, turning and staring at us and their parents do ....absolutely nothing.


We were in a restaurant recently where a young girl was fussing and whining, she was probably around 3 years old. To our astonishment, her father took her outside and returned a few minutes later with a very well behaved little girl. It's just what we did with our kids when they were young, by the time they were 2 years old, they knew how to behave, or we left.


Children would be far more welcome if parents were not so into their own conversations and took a bit of time for admonishment and discipline. We did not spank our kids, we did not yell at our kids, we just removed them until they could behave. Unfortunately, the parents with the unruly children don't have a clue what to do, or can't be bothered with it. And, more importantly, they don't recognize it and take any comments as rudeness towards them.


Personally, I'm delighted with well behaved children and love to see them wherever I am. They (to me) are more than welcome in any restaurant.

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It states 13, but just last week on our Explorer cruise there was a boy about 10 at one table and a baby about 6 mos. old at another. Guess it's the mood of the maitre de on any given night.


Kim--you really did have it bad at Portofinos...............what night did you go?? We went Tuesday at 7......

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If the written rules are "13 and above" then that should be the rule. I really don't understand why anyone should think that they can be the exception to the RULE. I don't care how well behaved the kids are. It's all about the atmosphere and just the presence of children changes the atmosphere. I have 3 children I adore and you will not see them in any areas labled Adult Only. Just because I love my children does not mean that everyone else wants to be around them, and if they do they can visit them in the main dining room or any of the other family friendly places on the big ship:) (there are so many) As a parent with no immediate family around to keep the kids I really appreciate the adult time when available and if I have made arrangements for my own children then I really don't want to dine next to someone elses.

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go when others are.


Again, or not. I still haven't even asked what they even serve!


The foods pretty good, the service is outstanding. The goat cheese souffle is beyond amazing. The Tiramisu is good, but I have a better recipe and would be more than happy to share (I make a killer tiramisu).


I had the steak. I'm not a huge pasta fan unless I'm in the mood. It was far better than the dining room.

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I'll get you the alcoholic and non boose versions tomorrow (too pooped to pop tonight). I make the non booze with my 7 year old, future pastry chef all the time. It's a great family activity.

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I'll get you the alcoholic and non boose versions tomorrow (too pooped to pop tonight). I make the non booze with my 7 year old, future pastry chef all the time. It's a great family activity.


Thanks alot!!

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Last year we cruised with 11 yr. old boys (twins), we made special arrangements to ask our parents to take our kids to the main dining area, so we could follow the rules. To our surprise there was a well dressed 4 yr. old girl.....sitting upside down in her chair, being rambunctious during the meal. It did anger me that we followed the rules (nowhere did it say before 8pm!) and others didn't. I know my boys have dined in some of the finest restaurants in America and would've been fine - that wasn't the point. The rules said 13, and 13 it is. Next year they will be 13, and it will be a pleasure to take them to the restaurant. Why is it so complicated to simply follow the rules? I don't get it, and am not going to get it. My kids are special to me, not special to the world. It's my responsibility that they learn to respect the rules.



First, thank you for following the rules and teaching your sons by example.


Second, I'm sorry that you had to deal with an unruly 4 y/o in an environment that's supposed to be romantic and quiet. I have to confess, I would have complained and insisted not on having the child removed, but on not paying the surcharge and having the opportunity to come back another night. Portofinos and Chops are advertised as essentially upscale and more adult dining choices. If I'm going to pay for that privilege, then I expect it to be honored.


I think bringing kids on cruises is wonderful; I think allowing them to behave improperly with no guidance and no rules because they're "just kids" is not okay. I enjoy seeing children enjoy themselves in venues that are either specifically for them or that are "for everyone." I don't enjoy seeing them in "adults only" venues or activities, or at any place where they are restricted because of age.


Third, I am absolutely certain that your boys will have a wonderful time in Chops or Portofinos or in any other refined dining restaurant because you have obviously taught them to be "young gentlemen" when the ocassion calls for it. I'm sure they can be rambunctious too, and that you encourage that when it's appropriate. That is as it should be: a time and a place for everything. Raising twin boys is no doubt a challenge, which you seem to have embraced fully. What a lovely family you must have. Congratulations and have a lovely time.:)



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There's an age limit, it's thirteen. I am constantly appalled by the people that post on the boards that everyone should just go with their own rules and ignore the ones the line puts out. I'm not picking on any one poster, it's just an overall attitude.


I'm sure Mrpete's daughter is great. He's a charming poster who is considerate of others and consistantly has good information. I sincerely enjoy your posts MrPete and I mean that.


The problem is never the one well behaved child. It's the others whose family sees the one child who is an exception and believes they too should be an exception. Just like kids in the adults only pools.


The line has set a minimum age, thirteen. Perhaps the good people who cruise RCI should accept that as the rule and not encourage others to break it or worse say that they got away with it because a kindly Maitre D was placed in an awkward position and did not wish to make a scene by asking them to leave.


I know that sounds harsh and I am sorry, but there are people who go to Chops and Portofino for a dining experience, which can be compromised with the addition of children in a thirteen and up restaurant.


This is not a dig at Mrpete by any means. Just something to think about.


I just want to, one more time, note that Mrpete did not in anyway indicate he or his daughter are interested in breaking the rules. This post is in responce to other posts.


Not always on all ships- as I posted previously- on the Radiance in April it was 13 AFTER 8pm- BEFORE 8 pm ANY AGE could eat there- and people took that to mean as long as their young ones had their butt in the door before 8pm then it was ok-

SO there seems to be no consistant rule- I suspect- due to the different ships filling or not filling the room- that means lost tips for the servers- so maybe they relax it more on some ships that they are having trouble getting people in??

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I'm sure the supply and demand will factor in as well. We are sailing in the summer. There is also a dance troup on board that week.


But that could work against me, as well, as with more kids on board, I'm sure some would want to escape all the kiddies.


I know I would/did pre child. :eek:

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If the written rules are "13 and above" then that should be the rule. I really don't understand why anyone should think that they can be the exception to the RULE. I don't care how well behaved the kids are. It's all about the atmosphere and just the presence of children changes the atmosphere. I have 3 children I adore and you will not see them in any areas labled Adult Only. Just because I love my children does not mean that everyone else wants to be around them, and if they do they can visit them in the main dining room or any of the other family friendly places on the big ship:) (there are so many) As a parent with no immediate family around to keep the kids I really appreciate the adult time when available and if I have made arrangements for my own children then I really don't want to dine next to someone elses.


I totally agree with you. Nleideil also has some good points. We babysit for our 11 month old granddaughter. We are with her weekdays and when we go on a cruise, we want to have adult time and that includes going to specialty restaurants. On Brilliance last month, when I called to make reservations for Portofino and Chops for 6 people, I was asked how many were under 13 . I said none and asked why and was told children under 13 aren't allowed.


If that's the rule, then RCI should enforce it. But there are parents who believe their child is special, and probably to you he/she is. Just because your child is well-behaved doesn't mean the next person's is and who can decide in advance which child to admit or not. It's better to stick to the rules and allow no child under 13. Do these parents take their young kids to X rated movies? To bars? To Casinos?


There are many areas on the ship for kids and fewer for adults. I think the adult areas are there for those of us to enjoy without kids. I think as silly as this sounds to some people, changing the rules to suit your children starts them down the road where I don't need to follow the rules becomes a way of life. There are rule for reasons, even though the ME generation doesn't understand or agree with them. Off my soapbox for now.

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My son is 10 and loves a filet mignon more than anyone I know. He also is quite mature for his age as he is an only child, around adults more than not, and well-traveled. But he also knew the rule for Chops was "no one under 13". So while 5 adults dined in Chops, my son received his Chops filet mignon in the cabin where he could eat it and then return to Adventure Ocean for the evening. Everyone was happy!

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My son is 10 and loves a filet mignon more than anyone I know. He also is quite mature for his age as he is an only child, around adults more than not, and well-traveled. But he also knew the rule for Chops was "no one under 13". So while 5 adults dined in Chops, my son received his Chops filet mignon in the cabin where he could eat it and then return to Adventure Ocean for the evening. Everyone was happy!


I've got a foodie kid too. He wants to be a chef. This is an excellent idea until he's old enough to go.

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We have booked the entire Chops resturant for a night, for our wedding reception in the fall. We have one, 11 year old, joining us for the wedding cruise. I would think since we have the whole resturant to ourselves for the night, there wouldn't be a problem with her there.

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We have booked the entire Chops resturant for a night, for our wedding reception in the fall. We have one, 11 year old, joining us for the wedding cruise. I would think since we have the whole resturant to ourselves for the night, there wouldn't be a problem with her there.



This is a special corcumstance. Within reason you could have anyone there you want. Sort of akin to chartering a ship. You get to call the shots.

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Thank you Jaci!


She's also in love with your home town! We went to see Celine and stayed at the Belagio. She never stopped talking about going back!


You are very welcome! If you ever make it back let me know!! :D We could take the kids to Picasso or LeCirque!! My daughter is 16 and has enjoyed fine dining for the past 5 years.

As an FYI for others not aware familiar with Las Vegas. The Bellagio is one, if not the most upscale resorts here in Vegas. The economy here has absolutely boomed since they decided to cater to families as a whole. The only restrictions that are in place are those governed by an actual institution of law that dictates the age limits on alcohol, gaming and curfews. Not by what the general public or select judgmental individuals see as acceptable.

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I think that what I am posting has already been said but....everyone knows that Portofinos is a very nice dining option. Many families have children that are very comfortable in these restaurants and many families are not. It really is up to the parents to know what is best for their families. I have been in restaurants with out-of-control children as well as out-of-control adults. Everyone should do what they are comfortable with. Hopefully you will be able to enjoy a memorable dinner at Portofinos.


It is not up to the parents/ families to make these decisions.


It is up to RCI to enforce their policies so that those of us willing to pay for the pleasure of child free dining - as advertised - get what we pay for.

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It is not up to the parents/ families to make these decisions.


It is up to RCI to enforce their policies so that those of us willing to pay for the pleasure of child free dining - as advertised - get what we pay for.


So you only go there for the child-free dining? Seems silly to pay $20/head for this when you could simply eat for free in your room.


I would venture to say that you also go there for food, service, etc.

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