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Let's take a Dog Cruise !!!


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How would a neurotic 8 yr. old border collie named Maddie do on a cruise ship trying to herd up 1400+ passengers for the life boat muster????/quote]


OHMIGOSH, CruisinCanucks! How do you stand the staring? My sister has two border collies and every time I visit, they just stare and stare and stare. It's unnerving! I call them 'stalker doggies'. Heh.


The herding the passengers to the lifeboats just cracked me up! How about herding them to dinner? LOL!



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Hey Robin7

The only thing about herdin everyone to dinner would be if the gym staff would let her use the running machines to work off all those extra pounds she'd put on givin those sad,sad eyes that no one on board ever feeds me.

To get rid of the staring I just take my glasses off and then I can't see her or better yet just play some thunderstorm music on the stereo....problem solved

Warmest regards


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I remember last fall when we cruised, it took me almost 3mos. to talk Karen into letting me put Charlie into a kennel. I even ordered up the "suite" pkg!! He had a raised platform bed, TV, night light, 2 pool swims/day, a daily hike in the country...Jeez! thought of staying there myself!! Anyhoo...finally she relented and agreed to put Charlie in boarding.


Well needless to say, when we got back Charlie was a total mess! He was so upset, he literally licked the fur off his butt! About double the size of a silver dollar. It took almost a month of weekly visits to the vet for needles and creams to finally get it under control. And to add insult to injury, when we brought Charlie home, he stayed in the closet for close to week! So much for kenneling the dog. This year he's (hopefully) staying with his sister....our 17 yr/old dghtr.



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Hi...I'm Bear...a Golden Retriever ....I'm a Certified Therapy Dog just in case someone has problems....I could make cabin calls. I do great kissing and snuggling therapy. I go everywhere with my folks except someplace they're calling the QM2...I overheard them talking about Bear going to "doggie camp". I know I'm Bear...what the heck is doggie camp??? I heard her tell my Grandma Mary that Dr Joe will probably spoil me but I'd be willing to bet that doesn't include sleeping at the foot of his nice soft bed every night! And now there's a HAL brochure on the coffee table...I peeked...it looks kind of like the QM2 brochure did. I peeked at that too. Hey, a guy's gotta know what's happening...Lots of pictures of lots of water...I LOVE water..I'm a retriever...it's what we do! So how come I can't come?


Too bad my Mom is such a computer dufus or I'd have her post a picture of me too...I'm pretty handsome. Cheers, Bear (and his Mom Penny)




Hi Bear, My name is "Brandy & I'm a "wire-haired dachshund"..I always traveled with my parents on the sailboat, but they say dog's aren't allowed on a cruise!:( My Mom & Dad just came home Sunday from a 26 day cruise on the Prinsendam..I was so happy to see them & when my doggie sitter brought me home she had to hold me tight from jumping out of the car window when I saw Mommy...Mommy thought I would not remember her but she was wrong.. I still had a good time while they were away as stayed with my friend "Fritz" a long-haired dachshund and my Aunt Libby..Everyone makes a big fuss over us when Aunt Libby takes us out on our walks together...Aunt Libby wants me to stay longer, but Mom always comes back for me..


I've never seen a cat, but a baby squirrel got into our screened in fish pond while we were away & he keeps jumping on the window sill to get me out to play..I don't understand why I can't play with him? :confused: Daddy says we have to get him out of there, but Mom & Dad keep feeding him...Do you think they are serious?;) So far they haven't named the squirrel..

BoomerSexyK I would love to go on a cruise so please count me in!


Love Brandy


P.S. I'm also a Certified Therapy Dog & would be happy to help you Bear with the Cabin Visits..Tomorrow we go to the Hospital & I'm also in the Puppy Pals (Reading with Rover) program at school so I have lots of kissing experience..:)

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Here's an interesting idea, although I wouldn't qualify it as cruising with my dog!! from www.petsonthego.com ;



The only cruise line that accepts pets is Cunard's QE2; however, they do so on a very limited basis. Before you leap at the chance to cruise with your pet, you might want to read the fine print. This following is the official word from the cruise line: "The QE2 will continue to accept pets in the kennel onboard for any transatlantic crossing it may have with the exception of the first or last leg of the world cruise."


We have checked into the pet situation on the QM2. While the QM2 will not have a kennel onboard for the inaugural year 2004, there are strong indications that pets will be accepted onboard for 2005. Stay tuned.1. The kennel is located mid-ship on the Sun Deck.

2. There are 12 kennels (two levels of six).

3. Kennels can be used for cats, dogs and other small animals. It is NOT normal procedure to put more than one animal in a kennel, but it would be the responsibility of the owner if they insisted.

4. Food is provided and the kennel attendant can prepare any special requirements.

5. The shielded open-deck area, fitted with a lamppost and a fire hydrant, is available to exercise pets. Animals are not permitted on any other open deck, public area or stateroom.

6. Prior to sailing, necessary documentation must be presented to the ship before livestock can travel.

7. Passengers may provide own bed/bedding for their pets.

8. Pets are kept in the kennel during the crossing and regularly exercised.


Visiting Hours: The kennel's visiting hours is as follows, however with prior arrangement it is possible for the attendant to be in the kennels outside of these hours to open the cage:

7:30 AM - 9:30 a.m.

11:00 AM - 12:00 p.m.

3:30 PM - 6:30 p.m.


With the interest this thread is getting, let's vote for a change in cruise policy :D

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Oooooooooooooooooh NOooooooooooooo ...;) . No way our little princess will accept kennel accommodations! She has to be with us:) ! She's very well trained. Maybe I could even teach her to pee over the side of the ship:D LOL!!


All of these dogs are so wonderful! Lisa, Ruffles absolutely must join us and Brian you should certainly bring your niece-dog, Callie.


Boomer, your "suite-kennel" story upset me so much! We have a few of those fancy dancy places and I've wondered how they would be. Luckily we have alternatives. Even if our friends couldn't take Molly, we also have friends that are willing to have a Florida vacation while we're gone. So hopefully a kennel isn't in Molly's future:) !


But maybe on that Rrrrrrrrotterdam Brian suggested!

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Well, with all of these girl and boy dogs on board, I hope you are thinking of having a BC clinic for them! Otherwise there are gonna be some hefty child support bills later.... you know, moonlight and all that........jean:cool: :cool:

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What a great idea!

We have to board our baby in order to go on vacation and have not gone for more than 8 days because I can't stand the thought of leaving her for longer.:(


I don't know how to add her picture for you to see. :(

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My black shar pei (named Raisin, of course!) would LOVE to come along! Oh, and the name gets even better/worse, depending on your opinion: our last name is Brand!

Raisin Brand attended a pet adoption a few years back and picked out a dog...had him by his ear and wouldn't take no for an answer...my dh swore he was the ugliest dog at the adoption so we named him Mud Ugly. Well, he just needed to "grow into" his looks and now he's quite handsome and known simply as Mugly. He's absolutely stolen my heart, and leaving either one of them hurts!

Our cabin stewards think wer'e a bit strange, as most passengers don't decorate their cabins with framed pictures, or, if they do, it's usually of their children, not their DOGS!;)

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Oooops Dog Mommie....I knew I'd forgotten something on my cruise packing list....pictures of Bear!! Thanks for reminding me! This will be his first boarding experience...I am obsessing...and I have 6 months to go!!!

Cheers, Penny

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Dog Mommie....Shar Pei's are such adorable dogs!! We used to have a Chow Chow, sort of the same idea with more hair


It is nice to see and hear how these 4-legged creatures capture our hearts. (no offense to the feline lovers)

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When we go out of town our yorkie, Max, stays with my husbands parents, who live next door to us. I know, I live next to my in-laws. The less said about that the better. Uh, anyway, Max lived there for the first 1.5 years of his life and it's like his second home. They tell us that in the evenings Max will sit on the sofa and just stare at the door waiting for us to come in.


During our 11 days on the Maasdam, he gave up staring at the door after the third day or so. :) When we got home...well, I have never seen an animal so happy. He went to my husband, wiggling all over (Max, not my husband) and yipping, TOTALLY forgetting about me. I just stood there. After a bit, he actually noticed me. You could see it on his face. "Oh! You're here TOO?!" and he came running over. Very funny.


I'm not sure how he would take a boat. He IS a yorkie, I'd be afraid he'd try to chase flying fish.

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...............It is nice to see and hear how these 4-legged creatures capture our hearts. (no offense to the feline lovers)


Actually, I love both. But then I love all animals ... even the little lizards on our patio. We lost our kitty, Sammie, 2 weeks ago so now we have a lot more lizards on our patio!:D


With Sammie gone, I'm loving cats a lot these days as I miss her. But I have to admit that dogs are my favorite because Molly needs me so much more.

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Our cabin stewards think wer'e a bit strange, as most passengers don't decorate their cabins with framed pictures, or, if they do, it's usually of their children, not their DOGS!;)


Ours probably thought we were crazy, too. We brought a framed picture of Max (we don't have kids). In fact, one of the Crows Nest bartenders was telling us about his kids, and the next day we brought our baby's picture to show him. He got a good laugh out of it. :D

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Since CC is going to the Dogs! ;)this book is suggested reading for dog lovers: "Marley & Me, The Life & Love of the Worlds Worst Dog" by John Grogan..This is one dog that probably would not be allowed on a cruise.. You will laugh & cry throughout the book.. :)

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Abby is my Border Terrier (ever see the film Something About Mary, same dog as Puffer). She thinks she's a Rottweiler & doesn't realize she only weighs about 15lbs. It is her mission in life to protect me from everything. Oh, it's OK if John tags along, too.


She's fairly low maintenance - cold food out of a can, Iams cookies, carrots, anything really. As long as it is constant & plentiful.


Towards people she's quite friendly. Other dogs, hmmmmm. In our neighborhood, forget it. That's her turf that she must protect. Get away get away or I will tear you apart. But at the beach or in a park if she meets another dog, especially a big dog or a puppy, she will want to play. So, I would think maybe don't bring the others to the cabin for a visit, but up on deck she could make some new friends.


We are very fortunate in that when we travel, Abby goes to camp - John's folks live about 2 hrs away. They have a fenced yard with lots of trees. She loves to run around there chasing squirrels & bunnies, just like at home (she's never caught anything). She's whiny when we leave & is thrilled when we return, but I'm SO very thankful I've never had to board her.


If I knew how, I'd include her pic. :)

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Actually there was a dog cruise in the mid-1980s. It was a 4 day cruise on the SS Dolphin to the Bahamas to the dog shows there. My husband and I took it with our Samoyed Dr. Pepper. It was the first cruise we ever took. We boarded the ship with about 60 other people with their dogs. The dogs stayed in the cabins with us (iin crates). We cruised over to Nassau, went to the shows Saturday and Sunday at the Botanical Gardens, and cruised back. They DID have a Poop Deck up on the upper deck which they hosed off every few hours. The dogs were only allowed there and in the cabins. The show was wonderful - they arranged transport to and from the Gardens for us and the dogs. Dr. Pepper got his Bahamian Championship, as did many of the other dogs. The judges were well know American judges Michele Billings and Bob Wills, for any of you who do show dogs. Some very well known professional handlers of dogs also had a number of dogs with them.

On the cruise, there was a group of senior citizens going to Nassau also. When they found out we had dogs, they were concerned at first, but concern turned to fun when they asked all of us to do a "parade of the show dogs." So, on the way back, the ballroom was turned into a "show" and we all walked the dogs around once while an announcer told what kind they were and about the breed.

It was a REALLY fun cruise and we met people we still keep in touch with. I have a photo of Dr. Pepper with an SS Dolphin life ring buoy around his neck. It's a nice memory.


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Hi Sunshine91,

I had to laugh when I read your description of Abby. We have a Border Terrier too. His name is Snickers (officially, Crispin Skyline Rhinochaser.) He too, likes his meals constant and plentiful but is weighs a bit more than your svelte Abby. Just like Abby, he loves people but other dogs not so much. He too, turns Rottweiler whenever another dog invades “his turf”. As far as Snicks is concerned the bigger the dog the better. He doesn’t just draw the line at dogs either; the deer, wild turkeys, turkey vultures, and horses in the area all are on notice. He does however like cats. It’s a good thing too, as three cats from the neighborhood drop by each day to visit. When we cruise, Snicks vacations next door with two cats. He has however, never encountered another Border Terrier. I wonder how he and Abby would hit it off on a cruise?

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