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I saw a man steal a bathroom!

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This thread is hilarious! What kind of loser would steal tiny bars of soap or packets of artificial sweetner? Of course, I do understand someone trying to steal a lamp. Those "new fangled" double-wides just don't let enough light in!


Sovereign of the Seas 6/2002

Voyager of the Seas 4/2003

Mariner of the Seas 5/2004

Radiance of the Seas 4/2006

Up Next -- Sovereign of the Seas 1/2007

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I don't know about cruise ships, but my grandparents on my dad's side (may they both rest in peace) used to take home everything that wasn't nailed down whenever either of them were hospitalized. Toilet paper, soap, tissues, lotion, mouthwash, you name it.


Dad wasn't as bad, but he did once bring home metal meal trays from one of the jails where he worked as a corrections officer. If we kids stepped out of line, he threatened to serve us dinner on the trays. Great guy, huh?

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I must admit, I do take the little pre-packaged toiletries and soaps from hotels and ships. I save them up for awhile and then take a box to a place here that is for teenagers who have no place else to go. It gives them an opportunity to have a shower and wash their hair. I don't see anything wrong with what I'm doing.

I take the small toiletries from hotels & the cruise ships; I have 7 of everything by the time the ship docks. I give them all to my boss who, when she gets a good amount, takes them to Maryhill School. This is a grade school for children who are homeless. It's affiliated with a local charity for the homeless, here in Sacramento, Loaves & Fishes.

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I take the small toiletries from hotels & the cruise ships; I have 7 of everything by the time the ship docks. I give them all to my boss who, when she gets a good amount, takes them to Maryhill School. This is a grade school for children who are homeless. It's affiliated with a local charity for the homeless, here in Sacramento, Loaves & Fishes.


I think that is very nice of you to do that.

Those are put in your rooms for you to take and keep if you want. Most of that stuff comes with a seal on it for that reason. They are not going to leave a half empty bottle of shampoo for the next person. Germs on the bottle alone would make you toss it if you found it in your room or cabin.

They do not mind the guests taking the extra soap bars and little bottled things with them. It is their way of advertising.

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I was on the Celebrity Century February 2000, and got to witness the most hilarious thing ever!


On the third night out, leaving San Juan, we had our Island Night celebration. It's also the night they have melon displays, sherbet, and all kinds of fruit. On this particular night there was a large group of people carrying around their canvas totes that are placed in the rooms as sounviners, taking all the mangoes they could find.....not any other fruit! These bags were BULGING!! Now, this group was going CRAZY grabbing the mangoes...who cared if any of the rest of the 1800 passengers wanted any.....tough!


After much looking, and tearing all of the displays apart that were by the pool, the 20 or so people were about to give up when they spotted a display of 2 smaller tables in a roped off area by the hot tub area. There were 3 tables set up between the 3 covered hot tubs....one with a volcano on it (for decoration), and two more tables covered in the assorted beautiful fruit, with ice scupltures. Once the group spotted these roped off tables, they made a running for the mangoes! One lady in her excitement forgot the hot tubs....and ran right into the middle of a canvas covered tub!!!! I can tell you, the ropes will hold a human body above the water, but not enough so it doesn't slosh over you. She was BEACHED, with her companions STILL grabbing at the mangoes!!!!


We were actaully above the mele' filming, and had it on video for quite some time. When we went to watch it last year (got to discussing it at dinner, and just had to watch it again!), the tape started skipping:( !)


By the way, one of the ladies friends finally put down her own bag, and helped her off the canvas covered hot tub!


Now.....with only 4 days left of the cruise, we still wonder to this day....what were they going to do with all of that fruit!!???


Take Care,


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I took towels once out of embarrassment. I was super busy before going on holiday so I didn't have a chance to color my hair. I brought a couple of boxes with me and did my hair on the ship, but for some reason it didn't wash out properly and when I was towel drying my hair it was all over the towel. (actually a few!)


So I smuggled them off the ship during a shore excursion and ditched them :eek:

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Not on a cruise, but whenever we were lucky enough to get to fly in first class when we were growing up, my brother used to steal the little mini salt and pepper shakers they would give you. Our family now has quite the collection.

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My mother of blessed memory thought Sweet and Low came from Resturants Never dreamed you could buy it in a grocery store - we all got a good laugh out of that.


My dad also of blessed memory used to swipe hotel towels and bath mats - Why I have no idea - but every time we use one at the beach ( and Dad is gone almost 30 years) it brings tears to our eyes when we see his handi work.


As far as the shampoos and soaps - we too take what we can and donate them to our temple who has a collection for a battered woman's shelter. Periodically the women will make up toiletry packets and distribute them - I have been tempted to write to a couple of the local hotels soliciting donations for that purpose - anyone ever done that???

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On this particular night there was a large group of people carrying around their canvas totes that are placed in the rooms as sounviners, taking all the mangoes they could find.....not any other fruit!




we still wonder to this day....what were they going to do with all of that fruit!!???



I think some consider mangos an aphrodisiac! That must have been a heckuva party!!!:D :D :D

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As far as the shampoos and soaps - we too take what we can and donate them to our temple who has a collection for a battered woman's shelter. Periodically the women will make up toiletry packets and distribute them - I have been tempted to write to a couple of the local hotels soliciting donations for that purpose - anyone ever done that???


I've heard of it being done... why not give it a shot? The worst they could say is "no".

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I figure it's the least I can do for the less fortunate people in the area. I know that I'm one pay check away from joining them.


There's another organization here in Sacramento that puts on an local annual soup luncheon; it's called Empty Bowls. This is a national luncheon that has been going on for a few years now, as I understand it. Sacramento has done it three years now.


A ticket is $25. For that you get a small bowl of soup, some bread, water or coffee and a cookie. Local restaurants donate everything. In addition, local potters donate hand made soup bowls that you get to keep. I have two bowls so far and I plan on getting a good collection of these bowls. My supervisor has been quite gracious in allowing me time off to attend these luncheons.

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Treven, I'm glad you mentioned Empty Bowls. A friend of mine is one of the organizers. It's really a wonderful, worthwhile cause. Also, FYI, Sacramento Area Emergency Housing Center does accept the small hotel toiletries. DH and I travel so much, it's a pleasure to bring these items for an organization that helps transition homeless people into "mainstream" society.


I hope everyone had a great Memorial Day holiday! ~ Lorna

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As far as the shampoos and soaps - we too take what we can and donate them to our temple who has a collection for a battered woman's shelter. Periodically the women will make up toiletry packets and distribute them - I have been tempted to write to a couple of the local hotels soliciting donations for that purpose - anyone ever done that???


When my stepfather worked for a hotel, they would sometimes change toiletries brands and then would have cases left over - and we would end up with them. It can't hurt to ask.


Our ladies ministry at our church makes up toiletry baskets for a local women's shelter as well. We try and do it several times a year.

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As far as the shampoos and soaps - we too take what we can and donate them to our temple who has a collection for a battered woman's shelter. Periodically the women will make up toiletry packets and distribute them - I have been tempted to write to a couple of the local hotels soliciting donations for that purpose - anyone ever done that???

Last year we asked two local chain hotel and recieved a case from each to sent to Mississippi for victims of katrina.:)

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The worst I have seen was a couple who shared a table with us they were shoving flatware glasses and anything not glued down from the dining table. We were disturbed and asked to be moved the next day.


The 3 foot gator is great, I just cant believe it was on cunnard and not carnival.

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The worst I have seen was a couple who shared a table with us they were shoving flatware glasses and anything not glued down from the dining table. We were disturbed and asked to be moved the next day.


The 3 foot gator is great, I just cant believe it was on cunnard and not carnival.


Nope, it was the Cunard Countess. :D A Very British ship, with a very proper group of passengers and crew. We had the High Tea every afternoon and things like that. We sailed her at least 5+ straight times doing B2B's and that little old lady playing tug of war caused the only disturbance I ever saw on that ship. :eek: The ship still sails somewhere in the Med I believe. All 17,500 tons of her. Wish she would return here. I'd sail her in a second.

I never saw drunks, or arguments until I sailed Carnival. :) (no flames please, I loved Carnival and sailed her more than once.) But, after going from Cunard to Carnival, I learned it was a whole different world out there on cruise lines. ;)

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Alexis, I sailed on the Countess in 1988 on a family reunion cruise in the Caribbean. All my family are seasoned travelers and we got quite a kick out of the entire purser's lounge being painted a bright royal blue. Carpet, walls, sofas, and I think the Purser was a bright blue - ooops! scratch that last one.


Back in the day, they let us have a private family party in the only "lounge" - remember the "Closed for Private Party" signs? There would be mutiny if we did it nowadays. That was in the days when we believed in mutual cooperation amongst the passengers! No chair hogs.


You're the only person I've ever heard talk about the Countess. What a great memory.


Thanks to all for the funny stories and true confessions about the five-finger discount. And a tip of the hat to Zotzer (Tracy) for putting the little old lady, the alligator, and Priceless together! ;)




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Love this thread. My Dad in his later years had quite the collection of McDonalds' napkins and sugar packets - embarrassed us greatly as he could afford to buy them himself, but he was a child of the depression and it stuck.


Personally, I do take the extra small bottles of shampoo/conditioner/lotion since when I travel with the cats, we usually have to stay in Motel 6 type places that don't supply any amenities. I even bring my own towels there to bathe the kitties with.

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Alexis, I sailed on the Countess in 1988 on a family reunion cruise in the Caribbean. All my family are seasoned travelers and we got quite a kick out of the entire purser's lounge being painted a bright royal blue. Carpet, walls, sofas, and I think the Purser was a bright blue - ooops! scratch that last one.


Back in the day, they let us have a private family party in the only "lounge" - remember the "Closed for Private Party" signs? There would be mutiny if we did it nowadays. That was in the days when we believed in mutual cooperation amongst the passengers! No chair hogs.


You're the only person I've ever heard talk about the Countess. What a great memory.


Thanks to all for the funny stories and true confessions about the five-finger discount. And a tip of the hat to Zotzer (Tracy) for putting the little old lady, the alligator, and Priceless together! ;)





Our first cruise was on the Countess.. :o

We sailed her in September of 1989 out of San Juan, Puerto Rico.. Right smack into Hurricane Hugo. My husband is an ex Navy man and even he thought she would crack in half and sink during the night. It was so bad out there. I was so sick, at that point I didn't know my name. The next day most of the ship and crew were also sick. There were no ports to stop at, they were all destroyed. No one got mad, no one wanted their money back, no one wanted free drinks and everyone tried to go with the flow.

We survived and loved her so much that we did numerous trips on her after that, twice a year. Where else could you do 7 ports in 7 days? And a B2B, 7 new ports in the next 7 days. It was 14 days of bliss.

It was a whole different cruise experience in those days. At times, I do believe it was a also a nicer experience. ;)

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If you don't want your unused complmenary bottles save them and give them to your local fire dept. I alway ask for extras and keep a bag full. When working an evacuation center or some ones house burns these bottles and small soap bars are wonderful. Homeless shelters love them also.


To you and the others that have made similar posts to this effect, a BIG kudos for you. I hope that this enlightenment knocks many off of thier soapboxes that want to speak of morals & values or rather the lack of. If you open your eyes and see that good can come from what others judge as wrong or distasteful you would be able to see reality outside of your bubble of rightiousness. May the many beautiful benefits of karma bless you and yours!! :)

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It was a whole different cruise experience in those days. At times, I do believe it was a also a nicer experience. ;)


Hold that thought, Alexis. You are correct - it was a nicer experience in those days. I seek out exotic itineraries and longer cruises which, I find, does still offer a sheen of civility to the experience.


Happy sails,


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As a follow-up, please take the toiletries from your cabin and donate them to the charity of your choice when you get home. HOWEVER, leave the varnished bread alone!!!

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Hold that thought, Alexis. You are correct - it was a nicer experience in those days. I seek out exotic itineraries and longer cruises which, I find, does still offer a sheen of civility to the experience.


Happy sails,



Very well said. Other people may think we are being snobs, but not at all. I am very down to earth.

It was just a whole different atmosphere on ships in those days. Everyone was polite and cordial to one another and always said a hello, a goodbye, a thank you, an excuse me. Now, I get pushed from pillar to post on some of these ships by some of the passengers who are always in a hurry. They are not going anywhere that the rest of us aren't going. We are all out to sea and in the same boat.:) I know, ship.

Nice "chatting with you".

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