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Review of First Cruise: 7 Day Western Caribbean on Caribbean Princess


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Scurvydog: You definitely have a career as a travel writer. Your detailed descriptions make the words come to life! I have thoroughly enjoyed your writing, and look forward to it each day. Please hurry and continue, as we are on this same cruise sailing on Sat. Must hear about the ports. We sailed her last year on the Eastern itinery, so the ports will be new to us. Thank you so much for bringing your cruise alive to everyone, and let me know when your (first??) book is in publication.......


Louise 34, Here is continuation of review and info on the first port. I will review the others tomorrow. Thank you for the kind words.

Day Two- At Sea and 1st Formal Night:


DW rose early for her appointed 8:00am pedicure. I went to Coral Dining Room at 8:45 to meet her for breakfast and a delightful start to the day. Leisurely visit for just the two of us (kids were racked out); attentive service, delicious food- and, believe it or not, Wine!!- I surprised DW with one of her favorite White Burgundies for an especially decadent breakfast. The coffee, by the way, was OK for us. I was not put off by the taste which I would characterize as nutty and mild rather than strong and rich like Starbucks. DW liked it less than I. We tried the Patisserie which charges for brewed coffee, espresso, latte’s, etc. but I liked the black coffee I ordered at Patisserie less than the syrup-based coffee served elsewhere on the ship. DW was also disappointed in her Latte.


Since the next three days would all be very active ports of call, I decided this day would be all about relaxation. To that end I spent the next 4.5 hours on our balcony reading a book. Keeping me company were a breeze and the sound of an ocean being parted by 112,894 tons traveling at 23 knots. Soothing. Lost in the book. Not a care in the world. Where were the kids? What kids?:)


DW was more industrious than I and attended a shopping seminar. (I can’t imagine what she could possibly need to know about an activity in which she is so obviously accomplished, but she indicated that it was very helpful in giving her the “lay of the land” in our three ports of call:eek: ). She also did three loads of laundry- in the empty Laundromat conveniently placed right down the hall from our room. The roll of quarters we packed came in handy but there was a bill changer in the Laundromat. $1.00 per wash and $1.00 per dry. Then she spent her afternoon relaxing by the pool reading The DaVinci Code. I briefly interrupted my reading to take lunch at Café Caribe which today featured an Oriental buffet. Sushi was delicious and the other items were well prepared and fresh but selection limited to about 5 items, not the 15 or so like the oriental buffets I frequent at home.


I attended my first ever afternoon tea at 3:30- alone:eek: - DW was still at the pool and the kids… what kids? Tea is offered every afternoon in the Coral dining room. White gloved servers bring silver platters of sweets (about 7 different choices- fruit tarts, macaroons, Amaretto cookies, etc.), small sandwiches (5 different choices- cucumber, ham on small croissants, turkey on de-crusted bread, etc.) and, of course, scones- warm scones which are offered a dollop of whipped cream and/or jelly by a dedicated server who follows the scones. If you accept his offer, he dips a small serving spoon into a silver bowl of hot water first so that the dollop slides gracefully off the serving spoon onto your scone. Meticulous, unhurried and elegant. Never had a scone before and not sure what I expected but these were delicious. A small area of the dining room is used for seating and a pianist is playing audibly but unobtrusively somewhere in the dining room. Seating is communal at round tables which seat 7 to encourage visiting with your shipmates so don’t come expecting a table for 2 or 4. A very elegant and enjoyable ritual. I enjoyed this so much I attended another one later in the week with DW. Oh yes, they serve tea too. It is already brewed in teapots which match the cups and saucers- not a tea bag in sight.


Back to the room to read some more and get dressed for formal night and a 6:30 dinner at Sabatini’s. We decided to rent Tuxes for DS and myself and it worked out great. Got measured weeks before the cruise and e-mailed the order to Princess. $85 for a Tux and two shirts (we brought our own black shoes which could have also been rented) which were waiting for us when we arrived saved a lot of space and wrinkles in the suitcase. DS’ shirt sleeves were too long but hidden under his coat and my coat sleeves were longer than I like but not noticeable to anyone but me. An observation I made on the formal nights were that about 70% of the passengers dressed formal, 25% dressed smart casual and 5% were in shorts.


I noticed in the Princess Patter that tonight was the Seafood Extravaganza that I had read so much about on these boards- and I had already made a reservation for Sabatini’s. Decisions, decisions. Decided to keep Sabatini’s. The menu at Sabatini’s consisted of 5 different cold appetizers, 6 different hot appetizers, 3 different pastas (gnocchi, seafood spaghetti and cannelloni) seafood soup, salad and 6 or 7 different entrees. The waiter greeted us and to our amazement explained that all we had to do was decide on our entrée because we would each be receiving a small portion of all, I repeat, ALL of the other items on the menu. I again brought one red and one white wine from my collection to dinner. I can’t remember all the appetizers (Prosciutto ham & melon, Prosciutto beef, caviar, cheese pizza, artichoke hearts & shrimp, etc., etc.) All of the pastas were delicious- especially the cannelloni. Seafood pasta had shrimp, mussels, & scallops- wonderful. Seafood soup was a spicy, tomato-based soup with shrimp, mussels, scallops and calamari. DW and I selected twin cold-water lobster tails for our entree (looks like we got a bit of a seafood extravaganza afterall!!) The only dessert I remember was my own which was this diabolical temptress called the loveboat. Rich, dense chocolate mousse in the shape of a heart on a thin, crispy chocolate cookie covered with, you guessed it- chocolate. This was an astounding meal with impeccable service, great atmosphere and presentation which was artistic. The very best meal on a cruise filled with truly delicious meals. In fact, one of the best meals I’ve ever had- It took about 3 hours. Well worth the extra $20 per person.


DS and I retired to Churchill’s Lounge (Cigar & Cognac bar) to watch the NBA finals and sip cordials. Had to get to bed because we were all getting up early for a tour of Ocho Rios with Orville Taylor. We agreed to meet for breakfast at the Horizon Court Buffet at 6:45am.


Day Three- Ocho Rios, Jamaica

Based on my research of these Cruise Critic boards I decided to approach the ports of call with two primary strategies: 1) book excursions independently rather than through the cruise line whenever possible and 2) try to stay ahead of the crowd. Both of these strategies served us very well. Breakfast in the buffet was just what was needed- whatever you wanted fast! No tendering in at Ocho Rios so I had arranged for a private tour with Orville Taylor to begin at 7:30 am and wanted to climb Dunn’s River Falls first, then Fern Gully, then lunch, then shopping, & whatever else we had time & energy for. Although I never received a written confirmation back (causing a little anxiety), a representative from OT Tours was waiting for us as we made our way down the pier. They were expecting us-- whew! The four of us were ushered into a late model, air-conditioned touring van (big enough for 20 comfortably) and off we went to the Falls, ahead of the crowd with Orville singing and the spacious van to ourselves. Near the park, Orville asked me if I would mind if he had another vehicle pick us up after the Falls. Since this tour bus was way more than we needed, I told him I didn’t mind. I should have asked him about this "other vehicle" he had in mind. We arrived at the Falls National Park as it opened at 8:00, paid our $15 per adult entrance fee, rented one 15x15x18 locker for $8 (you get $3 back when you return the lock and key, so net cost =$5) and, having worn our swimsuits, slathered on the sunscreen and stowed the backpacks in the locker. We were joined by about 12 or so others and were the first group up the falls that day. The Falls are beautiful. You are given a choice at the beginning of whether you want to take the wet route or the dry route. The dry route is walking up along the side of the falls on dry land, some of it paved. The wet route is walking up the path down which is rushing a torrent of water. We opted for the wet route- the only way to go. You get completely immersed several times during the process. Deluged. The wet climb is exhilarating and physically challenging. I lost my footing once, DS lost his twice and DW once but no injuries. I made the mistake of wearing TEVA type sandals which gripped fine but were susceptible to small rocks getting into them. DW wore sneakers which got water-logged and were heavy. I strongly recommend aqua socks for this climb which can be rented or purchased at the entrance to the park. By ¾ of the way up I was spent and had to finish by using the dry route. DW, DS & DD all made it. The guide and videographer are helpful with the climb and they make the experience an even bigger blast with their antics. We purchased the $40 DVD chronicling our humiliat.., er, I mean exhilarating endeavor. We were then led into a marketplace of vendors where we awaited the burning of our DVD. I did not care for this as I felt we were trapped, waiting inside this marketplace with the Jamaican vendors who were aggressive. Were I to do it again I would say, “I would like to purchase the DVD and I will wait right here for you to go burn it and bring it back to me. At that time I will gladly pay the $40.” We bought an overpriced Red Stripe Beer when we got back to the park entrance and then were greeted by Orville’s nephew in a new but small Toyota station wagon to complete the rest of the tour. It was crowded in the station wagon. He took us through Fern Gulley and we elected to take a brief hike with a free guide who pointed out the indigenous plants and busted open a coconut for us to sip coconut milk and gnaw the raw coconut. I tipped the guide. Then off to lunch at about 11:15am still way ahead of the crowd at a place which served Jamaican Jerk Chicken, Pork & Ribs and of course Red Stripe Beer. Outstanding and very reasonable- $28 for 4 Jerk Chicken meals, 4 beers and 2 bottled waters. Yet another driver (I think it was Melvin Taylor) met us after lunch (back in the tour bus) and off we went to the market by the pier. More aggressive market tactics about which I was warned but it still diminished our enjoyment of this beautiful area and these friendly, laid back people. DD put it best when she said, “It’s like you always have to have your guard up”. I decided to get back aboard ship and DW & kids wanted to shop some and then go back so we settled up with Melvin ($20 each as agreed) plus a tip. DW got some Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee and some other odds and ends. Late afternoon naps for everyone followed by a delicious dinner in the Palm Dining Room. Tomorrow is Grand Cayman and another full day of activities.

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we'll be sailing on the Western CB this Saturday. Do tell us--what other movies were playing on your ship? Pride and Prejudice under the stars sounds marvelous!!!


On our last cruise on the CB my parents attended every art auction. I believe they're now addicted to them, and I'm afraid to see what artwork they might bring home this trip!


Please post more! We leave on Friday!


Here are the other movies that were shown after dark. There were 3 to 4 times as many shown during the days which I will skip unless you specifically request:

Rocky Horror Picture Show

Good Night & Good Luck

Tom Jones in Concert

Tina Turner in Concert


Walk the Line



Into the Blue -billed as a late night (12:15am) Teen Movie


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I agree you should have been a writer. Excellent review. I can't wait for the next part. We will be on the CB going to the Eastern Caribbean. I was in Jamaica years ago and you brought back some wonderful memories and not so wonderful. I had hives and it took 4 days for me to realize that they were from the coffee.

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Scurveydog, I am so enjoying your review! I will be on the CB next week, so all of this information is getting me very excited. This is the best review I have read so far, and I am happy to see a good western route review. There seem to be many more eastern route reviews.


Thank you!

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Thank you, thank you Scurveydog for continuing your review. How talented you are, giving a fair and clever scope of your experience. It pictures the reader directly into the environment. Am anxiously waiting for your next post, as Saturday is right around the corner. Hooray!! Please, tell us.. are you a writer by profession???? If not, you have a pure gift that needs to be shared. Joan

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Your review captures the essence of cruising. For us, that essence is the hour by hour deliciousness of the total experience of sailing and visiting, exploring and learning, and of course, wining and dining. You catch the 'wows' of cruising with humor. Thanks.

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I truly enjoyed your review of your trip aboard the CB. Myself and DH cruised the CB in March of this year, and too have nothing but wonderful memories of the cruise. We were very unsure whether we would find the ship too crowded, we have sailed on the Sun class before and enjoyed their size a lot. But wow did we love the CB; the only time we you really realized there were 3000 people was at sailaways, and that was just pure fun and excitment. Thanks again for your descriptive (really descriptive) time on the ship. It was really nice to read someone who appreciated this ship as much as we did.

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Scurveydog- DH and I will be on a B2B in September and I was wondering if they sell soap in the laundry? If so, do they have an unscented option?


DW informs me that they do sell detergent (and softener) in the Laundromat for $1.00 per box and each box does 1 load. However, they did NOT have an unscented option.

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Here are the other movies that were shown after dark. There were 3 to 4 times as many shown during the days which I will skip unless you specifically request:

Rocky Horror Picture Show

Good Night & Good Luck

Tom Jones in Concert

Tina Turner in Concert


Walk the Line



Into the Blue -billed as a late night (12:15am) Teen Movie



It just amazes me that Titantic is shown on a ship. I am sure Posidian will also be shown... Jaws is another one.... This is the first that I have heard of Rocky Horror Picture shown on MUTS. I can just imagine this one and the whole audience is dressed up in wedding gowns....

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I truly enjoyed your review of your trip aboard the CB. Myself and DH cruised the CB in March of this year, and too have nothing but wonderful memories of the cruise. We were very unsure whether we would find the ship too crowded, we have sailed on the Sun class before and enjoyed their size a lot. But wow did we love the CB; the only time we you really realized there were 3000 people was at sailaways, and that was just pure fun and excitment. Thanks again for your descriptive (really descriptive) time on the ship. It was really nice to read someone who appreciated this ship as much as we did.


letsboard, I couldn't agree more about the ship seeming uncrowded. In retrospect it was one of the more surprising (pleasantly surprising!) observations I have as a first time cruiser.

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Thank you, thank you Scurveydog for continuing your review. How talented you are, giving a fair and clever scope of your experience. It pictures the reader directly into the environment. Am anxiously waiting for your next post, as Saturday is right around the corner. Hooray!! Please, tell us.. are you a writer by profession???? If not, you have a pure gift that needs to be shared. Joan


Louise34, Please know how glad I am that you are enjoying the review of our trip. I was a beneficiary of such wisdom for the months that I lurked on these boards, soaking up experience, recommendations, warnings and joy. Your affirming words give me some sense that I have been able to make a contribution back to this community- that feels good!:) No, I am not a writer by profession-- nor in any other way except perhaps for the e-mails I send when at work-- I like writing about the cruise better;) .

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Scurveydog...Maybe you should write some cruise novels in the future. I would buy one!

Can't wait to hear about the rest of your trip. Sounds like you and your family are having a great time. Makes us anxious for our cruise on the Caribbean Princess in Dec.

Thanks so much for your very detailed reivew for the rest of us to enjoy.

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Scurveydog, I am so enjoying your review! I will be on the CB next week, so all of this information is getting me very excited. This is the best review I have read so far, and I am happy to see a good western route review. There seem to be many more eastern route reviews.


Thank you!


suzanne911, You are welcome. Here is review of another port of call on the Western Route.


Day Four- Grand Cayman and 2nd Formal Night:


I am smiling as I conjure the memories needed to fuel a review of my favorite port of call and a really great day:) . It began, as always, with a phone call from the British woman. “Telephone waking service, telephone waking service,” was all she ever said to me. I concluded that the British were not terribly friendly but they were very punctual about calling you when you needed to wake up. By the time I was back in bed this night I would have experienced several activities for the first time in my life.


We arrived at Grand Cayman at 7:00am and there were already 2 other cruise ships anchored and conveying their sun-screen doused human cargo. All ships were still tendering in at Grand Cayman. Breakfast was again in the Horizon Court Buffet- fast and good and we never had to wait for seating. We finished breakfast and headed for the room to pick up our stuff. At 7:12 we closed our stateroom door and by 7:45 we were on shore looking for the sign that said Nativeway Tours. DS saw it first. Nativeway was excellent in their pre-cruise correspondence with me. 5 or 6 weeks prior, I had arranged their Rays, Reef and Rum Point Tour for all four of us at $60 each. I had the hardcopy e-mail confirm from them in my pocket if it was needed. It wasn’t. They were expecting us said the man with the Nativeway sign and he suggested we cross the street and sit down by a fountain of water splashing on a bronze sculpture of stingrays. We were to have left at 8:15 for the marina but waited 20 extra minutes for someone to come who never made it. A slight delay but now our party of 8 was walking to a parking lot to board the 20 passenger air-conditioned tour bus. To the marina where the eight of us spilled out of the tour bus and were helped aboard a 16 passenger boat by Chris, the Skipper, who was from Honduras. After a few rules, we were off. Mostly sunny with a few clouds today. Warm and humid so the moving air was welcome. Not much talking but plenty of gawking at the beautiful homes as we pulled out of the marina and onto the open water. After 20 or so minutes at full throttle we reached a point where Chris slowed the engine; slower; slower; then shut it off, walked down from the captain’s loft, stepped to the back of the boat and, without a word, dove into the water. We were all standing there with this ????! look on our faces:eek: . He emerged to our relief and delight with a 14” starfish he had spotted through the crystal clear water. He let us hold it and feel it-- stiff, as though it were a fake starfish made of concrete. Difficult to believe it was even alive until he dove back into the water placed it on the sea floor and we watched it come to life and crawl away. He showed us several more starfish this way, whetting our appetite for what else we might see when we started snorkeling around this huge reef--which snorkeling commenced now. All gear was provided at no extra charge- fins, masks, snorkels and inflatable vests for those who were comforted by the thought of extra buoyancy- like me. I immediately became a big fan of Skipper Chris when I saw the way he interacted with DD who was struggling with the awkward equipment and getting frustrated:( . He graciously and skillfully helped her as someone might who had been doing this for the 14 years he had. Throughout the day he would shout encouragement to her, ask her how it was going and help her search for beautiful shells. The only bigger fan of Skipper Chris was, of course, DD;) ! The reef was magnificent. Like an underwater “Where’s Waldo”, the more carefully you looked, the more treasures your eyes discerned. Gliding, floating, seeing, breathing- Snorkeling was so cool! And we were enjoying it as it should be: relaxed, unhurried and uncrowded- the eight of us were the only folks inspecting this enormous reef. As if to preface the next destination on the tour, two small Stingrays swam leisurely by the reef in the general direction of Stingray City. We all re-boarded the boat and we were off to feed and pet the Stingrays. These are magnificent animals and Chris took us to the outskirts of the armada of boats surrounding the rays. Back in the water (barefoot so as not to inadvertently injure a ray), we went and as Chris rinsed the gallon jug of squid with the sea water, it didn’t take long for these graceful creatures to become as interested in us as we were in them. For probably 40 minutes we were inspected, caressed and entertained by rays ranging in wingspan from 12 inches to 5 feet. Feeding them the squid was remarkable. They swam over our hands which held the length of squid like a bouquet of flowers and sucked it right out of our hands- incredible! The last point on our tour was the shady white sand beach at Rum Point. As we departed the Rays, we were handed a menu featuring grilled Mahi Mahi sandwiches, Wraps, Chicken Breast sandwiches, Burgers, Jerk Pork with corn on the Cob, really good French fries and on and on. Chris called in our orders from the boat so that when we arrived on Rum Point we were greeted with lunch, fresh and hot, and ushered to our reserved picnic tables under the trees. Paradise! This lunch was included in the tour price- no extra charges unless you wanted alcohol. Almost 2 hours of leisure, more snorkeling, sun worshipping or, for DS and I... WAVERUNNERS which I arranged online to rent from Red Sail Sports at $65 per half hour (which was actually $75 per half hour I learned because the prices in the brochure were in Cayman Dollars not US dollars). Neither of us had ridden these powerful and FAST machines before. We had an absolute blast. As we departed from Rum Point, DD informed me she thought she would go sit in the upper deck with Skipper Chris. Something about the look on my face elicited, “Shut up Dad”. This tour concluded with us being dropped off right where we were picked up at 2:30 pm, 1 hour before the last tender back. I headed back immediately, exhausted and in a walking reverie from all that my senses had experienced in this 6 hours.


We all pretty much agreed that formal night on a relaxing sea day is great fun, but having formal night on a busy port day was more difficult. After all the activity of the day, fatigue was really setting in just when it was time to begin dressing in our formal attire. To be honest, we were all, especially the kids, wishing we could stay casual. We thought about it, but got dressed up and hoped for our second wind. Dinner tonight would again be in the Palm Dining room but we would have to go without a reservation because I was a zombie after our big day and missed the 4:00 reservation deadline. The concierge suggested we show up around 7:00. A good suggestion as we were seated without a wait. Before going to dinner however, I had some time to kill and went to the casino- another first for me (StingRay petting and Wave Runner Riding being the others) to play some Blackjack. The challenge was that I did not know how to play. Oh I understood the basic concepts and had even memorized the general strategy of play but I did not know the etiquette of how to actually play this game in the social setting of a casino and bet and double and split and tip the dealer, etc. So I walked up to a dealer with no one at his table and asked him to teach me. For 45 minutes I was tutored in all the elements of play by a Romanian man who seemed to genuinely enjoy having a pupil to instruct. Before I knew it, it was time for dinner and I had broken even at the $5 minimum blackjack table. I would be back for more of this. The second wind we hoped for never really materialized. Our server even commented, “You all look tired tonight. Big day?” And how! I can’t even remember for sure what we had for dinner this evening though I vaguely recall Rack of Lamb and a garlic and eggplant appetizer that were out of this world. Back to the room and pretty quickly into bed after dinner. Tomorrow is Cozumel and kids and I are doing the All-Terrain Vehicle tour. Can’t wait.

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Fanstastic day for you all and even more what a wonderful read for us. Are you sure you are not a writer. I was so sorry to see your day end. I cannot wait to read some more. Your review is like a good book that you just cannot put down.


Hurry, Hurry, more, please!!!:)

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Thanks for the wonderful read. Even tho we are not planning the tour you did in Grand Cayman...I was there and enjoyed it with you and your family. Will continue your reviews when we return next Sat. from the same cruise you were on. Tomorrow comes early with sugarplums dancing in our heads as we anticipate walking the gangplank onto the CB once again. Isnt life great???? Thanks again for sharing. Joan

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Scurveydog - Thank you for your wonderful review. I am also considering doing the Rays, Reef and Rum tour on our own with Nativeways, but was concerned about getting back to the ship to be tendered early enough. It sounds like it worked out perfectly. I was wondering how you paid for this excursion - was it prepaid by credit card or cash, at time of tour, and what if weather is uncooperative and the Caribbean Princess cannot tender that day, do they not actually charge you until you show up? I've never done a excursion on my own, just through the ship. Last time I was in the Cayman's I did the ship excursion and it was so crowded and more money. This time I'm taking my daughters (2l & 23), DH is staying home so we can do mother daughter bonding and they have never been and I know they would love this tour by Nativeways. Also did Nativeways ask you to be at the pier by 8:00 a.m.or earlier and how did you get such a earlier tender? Thanks for any help. P.S. I can't wait for you next installment of this cruise. My sister is a cruise only TA and she'll be using your review for anyone looking to do the western itinerary on the Caribbean Princess. It's Great!!! Poppycat

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Thanks to your tip early on in the review, I was set to book Amerisuites at $152 per night - great increase from last year. Read about your using Value Trips and got a room for $75.


Queenmum, Just one of the great things about these boards! Glad it was useful.

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Thanks for the entertainment! My last cruise was cut short by fire,:eek: and I enjoyed reading about Jamaica and Princess Cays since we missed those. Your trip to Grand Cayman sounds similar to ours---weren't those stingrays great! I loved your description of the sunrise off the balcony. I plan on setting my alarm next cruise to enjoy that as well.:)

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Scurveydog - Thank you for your wonderful review. I am also considering doing the Rays, Reef and Rum tour on our own with Nativeways, but was concerned about getting back to the ship to be tendered early enough. It sounds like it worked out perfectly. I was wondering how you paid for this excursion - was it prepaid by credit card or cash, at time of tour, and what if weather is uncooperative and the Caribbean Princess cannot tender that day, do they not actually charge you until you show up? I've never done a excursion on my own, just through the ship. Last time I was in the Cayman's I did the ship excursion and it was so crowded and more money. This time I'm taking my daughters (2l & 23), DH is staying home so we can do mother daughter bonding and they have never been and I know they would love this tour by Nativeways. Also did Nativeways ask you to be at the pier by 8:00 a.m.or earlier and how did you get such a earlier tender? Thanks for any help. P.S. I can't wait for you next installment of this cruise. My sister is a cruise only TA and she'll be using your review for anyone looking to do the western itinerary on the Caribbean Princess. It's Great!!! Poppycat


Poppycat, After seeing the crowds of people on the popular ship-sponsored tours I am so glad, I booked direct. And, in the case of this excursion, the ship's cost for a shorter tour (3.5 hrs vs 5 to 6 hrs) was $89 each vs $60 each through Nativeway. The tendering commenced right at 7:00am. Pre-cruise documents indicated 7:00am as the start of the Grand Cayman schedule. I believed I would be able to get onshore by 8:00 or at the worst 8:15 which is when Nativeway said the tour would depart. Based on that belief I secured the reservation weeks in advance. Then I just made sure we got up early enough to get one of the first tenders off the ship. I am cutting and pasting the e-mail confirmation info I received from Nativeway directly below. I beleive it answers many of your questions plus a few more.


I have reserved 4 spaces for you on our May 24, "Rays, Reef, and Rum Point" excursion. The reservation # is XXXX. The price is $60 USD per person. Please fax your credit card number to guarantee your arrival (typed or handwritten). Our secure fax number is 1-345-946-8660. Your credit card will not be charged for the tour, just used to insure that you will show up. You will pay on our tour boat. We accept cash, Traveler's Checks, MasterCard, Visa and Discover only. We do NOT accept American Express credit cards.


The tour departs the pier at 8:15 AM Central Time and completes around 1:30 PM Central Time. We ask that you check in no later than 8 AM Central Time. When you come ashore, look for the person carrying the sign that says Native Way Watersports. You may also ask for us at the information booth at the cruise ship terminal.


We provide free use of all snorkeling gear and vests, food for the Rays, and complimentary punch and bottled water. At Rum Point, you will be provided with a nice grilled lunch. After the tour, you will have two options for drop off: back to the pier, or, at 7-mile beach (where you can taxi back to the pier at any time for $4 per person).


We ask that you provide at least 72 hours advance notice to cancel. If your ship is unable to dock in Grand Cayman, we will automatically cancel your reservation, at no cost to you.


Chris stopped the boat just before we got back to the docks and settled up with us. Then, after money was in hand, he delivered us to the docks where we could get off the boat.

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Thanks for the entertainment! My last cruise was cut short by fire,:eek: and I enjoyed reading about Jamaica and Princess Cays since we missed those. Your trip to Grand Cayman sounds similar to ours---weren't those stingrays great! I loved your description of the sunrise off the balcony. I plan on setting my alarm next cruise to enjoy that as well.:)


Sunshine426, Yes the Stingrays were great. I still marvel at having their gentle, graceful but strong bodies all around us. Chris held a few of them for us to feel including one very large female that was pregnant. You could definitely feel the offspring inside. One time he picked up a small male (15" in diameter) and held it vertically so that the mouth on its underside was out of the water. He "aimed" the mouth at DS and the stingray suddenly shot this jet of water 5 feet hitting DS right in the kisser. We all erupted into spontaneous laughter at the shock- especially DS. What a blast- literally!

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