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Live review Pride of Aloha 6/9/2006 sailing


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Aloha to all: Over the next 7 days, I will post daily reviews from "our new home on water".

We boarded our boat on Friday June 9. The boarding was disorganized, to say the least. We were given a slip of paper to read that stated " the ship had a flu like attack on the 6/4/2006 sailing where 10% of the passengers and staff had come down ill. Isnt it wonderful that NCL didn't advise us of the situation on say 6/5/2006 via the internet. They have e.mail address and phone numbers. They could have at least given the option of a latter cruise if desired.

Once aboard, we were whisked off to the stardust theatre for a orientation talk about the islands, and what all the poa has to offer. We were then advised that the cabins were not ready for us yet and that in a few minutes, we would be released to enjoy a lunch buffet. The word finally came that lunch was ready for us and to listen for the announcement that the cabins were ready. We had a leisurly lunch and after lunch was over, we were finally advised that deck 10 cabins were ready to be occupied. As our cabin was on deck 10 and our dtr's cabin is on deck 4, we elected to go to our cabin and get unpacked. Our dtr waited with us until her cabin was ready. This took almost a additional hour. To put it mildly, this is totally unacceptable. When I questioned a staff person on why this occured, his excuse was that over 1000 passengers had just left the ship and it takes awhile to get everything ready for the next load of passengers. Again, I cant buy this excuse Having cruised extensively, some of which were on larger ships,where every week they turn all the cabins, we have never waited. When it was time to board, everything was ready for us.

We had a rude shock when we didn't receive our bags by 6:00 P.M. We were advised that the initial security w-ray had picked up something in our bags and we would have to claim them in secuirty. While walking down to security, I saw several of these notices on peoples doors. Once on deck 3 at security, I encountered a long line of people waiting for their bags. Once it was discover that I had rum and vodka onboard, they gave me a form letter stating that without written permission of the carrier, any intoxicating liquors or beverages, firearms, weapons of any kind, ammunition, explosive substance or any goods of a dangerous nature can not be brought onboard. It seems that I had forgotten about the 2 bottles of booze that I tryed to smugle aboard. Oh well, guilty as charged. I tryed to pull something over them and got caught. What makes me mad is that I enjoyed a beginning of vacation drink while at the condo and there for the vodka was opened. They informed me that they would have to pour it out. A half gallon down the drain. They would return the rum on the last day of the cruise as it was unopened. A second thing that makes me mad is that the cruise line hides under the guise of alcohol being a " security threat" very much like a firearm, ammunition, or possibly even a bomb. I feel that the carrier should be honest and state that dangerous items which pose a threat to passengers and ship, or alcohol which limits it ability to leverage outragous prices, and make obsene profits will not be allowed on board.


I advised the security officer that I was going to purcers desk to remove any and all gratuities assigned to both my cabin and my dtrs cabin. His answer was " go ahead, it doesn't heart me". The sad thing is he is right, it doesn't affect him in the least. However it does affect all who would have other wise received my tips and gratuities. Needless to say, I did go to the pursers office and request all gratuities be removed. I was advised that this could not happen until Tuesday, for what ever reason.I know that a lot of you will come down on me and say that I was in the wrong for bringing on the liquor, and why make the poor people who work for a living suffer. In principle, I agree with you, but can you imagine what a profound impact it would have if everyone who got a similar letter took the same action as me. I would guess that on the low side 25-30 percent of the cabins got the letter. If they all with held tips, that would result in a 25-30 percent reduction of tips. I am sure that a great many of the staff who rely on tips would not sign on for the next cruise commitment. Where would that leave poor old NCL. I am sure that NCL would have to encrease compensation to make up for the lost tips. Once they decided that their strict endorcement of the liquor rules would cost them more in the long run then they could possibley make up in increased revenue, they would probably change their policy to be more like the other carriers. Dont flaunt the liquor you bring on board, and behave yourself and they wont confiscate it.


Sorry for my rotten attitude, but after 10 cruises, being busted by NCL....

needless to say this will also be my last NCL cruise. I wonder if they will take back their bronze lattitude membership, lol.


Till tomorrow

chris neville

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NCL should be honest, but you shouldn't? Is that how it works? You're upset because you tried to smuggle booze and got caught, therefore withhold the gratuities from those folks who had nothing to do with your getting caught for smuggling. Hmmmmm... :rolleyes:

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The only thing that I have learned from reading your post so far is that you did something against the rules, and you want to punish others for your bad behaviour. Thanks for your constructive review of your cruise to date. Please post again when you are through with your temper tantrum.....LOL



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I am the first to respond to your posting, but can assure you I will not be the last and I can also assure you no one will agree with you about any of your worthless complaints. Advise you of the problem with the virus on the 5th: they didn't even know about it then> You were given a chance to get a full refund and you made a dicision to continue with your cruise. You had to report cause you choose to bring booze on when you knew it was not allowed: Shame on you< you got caught and that is NCLs fault. You had to report to the showroom< good for NCL, they are doing all they can to control the spread of the virus. If you check, you will learn NCL has about, if not the best cleanliness record of all mass marketed lines. I am sure they want to continue with this policy and hopefully keep as many cruisers as possible healthy. You are not going to pay your gratutites, I bet you would have found some way to accomplish this if everything had been perfect. Just because you choose to overlook the cruiseline's policy you took the gratuities away from those who have no control over your poor judgement. If you have cruised extensively which I find hard to believe you should know cabins are normally not ready til mid afternoon. NCL is one of the lines handles turn over the best. In this case it probably had to do with a virus. What would be better? waiting to get into your cabin or spending 7 days in isolation or deathly sick? Your probably wouldn't bother with seeing the doctor, it might interfere with your cruise; to heck with who is exposed? Either you had little concern for others or you are our monthly troll? NMNita

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Aloha to all: Over the next 7 days, I will post daily reviews from "our new home on water".
I gotta tell you...with this sentence I thought your review would be of your trip so far and not just things that bother you. But to each his own. Everyone does their review different.
Isnt it wonderful that NCL didn't advise us of the situation on say 6/5/2006 via the internet. They have e.mail address and phone numbers. They could have at least given the option of a latter cruise if desired.
Yeah...it's instantaneous to contact a few thousand people in just a few hours. :rolleyes:
We had a leisurly lunch and after lunch was over, we were finally advised that deck 10 cabins were ready to be occupied. As our cabin was on deck 10 and our dtr's cabin is on deck 4, we elected to go to our cabin and get unpacked. Our dtr waited with us until her cabin was ready. This took almost a additional hour. To put it mildly, this is totally unacceptable. When I questioned a staff person on why this occured, his excuse was that over 1000 passengers had just left the ship and it takes awhile to get everything ready for the next load of passengers. Again, I cant buy this excuse Having cruised extensively, some of which were on larger ships,where every week they turn all the cabins, we have never waited. When it was time to board, everything was ready for us.
To put it mildly this is totally unacceptable? What exactly is unacceptable? It's unacceptable that it takes time to clean dozens of cabins? At least you had a place to go and your dtr had a place to go while waiting. It does take time to clean all those rooms. Would you rather NCL make you wait on the dock until the embarkation time listed on your documents? That would have been better right? I'm sorry but I think you're totally overreacting and if this is how you react to something so small...I can only imagine how you react when you have a real problem or emergency.
We had a rude shock when we didn't receive our bags by 6:00 P.M. We were advised that the initial security w-ray had picked up something in our bags and we would have to claim them in secuirty.
NCL is CLEAR on their policy about bringing alcohol onboard. How in any way can you blame them or punish them for making their own policies and sticking to them?
I advised the security officer that I was going to purcers desk to remove any and all gratuities assigned to both my cabin and my dtrs cabin. His answer was " go ahead, it doesn't heart me". The sad thing is he is right, it doesn't affect him in the least. However it does affect all who would have other wise received my tips and gratuities. Needless to say, I did go to the pursers office and request all gratuities be removed. I was advised that this could not happen until Tuesday, for what ever reason.I know that a lot of you will come down on me and say that I was in the wrong for bringing on the liquor, and why make the poor people who work for a living suffer. In principle, I agree with you, but can you imagine what a profound impact it would have if everyone who got a similar letter took the same action as me. I would guess that on the low side 25-30 percent of the cabins got the letter. If they all with held tips, that would result in a 25-30 percent reduction of tips. I am sure that a great many of the staff who rely on tips would not sign on for the next cruise commitment. Where would that leave poor old NCL. I am sure that NCL would have to encrease compensation to make up for the lost tips. Once they decided that their strict endorcement of the liquor rules would cost them more in the long run then they could possibley make up in increased revenue, they would probably change their policy to be more like the other carriers. Dont flaunt the liquor you bring on board, and behave yourself and they wont confiscate it.
Your logic makes absolutely no sense. Your confiscated booze caused you to remove the tips? One thing has nothing to do with the other. I personally believe that you wanted to remove the tips no matter what and used this as an excuse. Because there's no way to rationalize why you're doing this. In your "stiff the staff" plan you have no basis for your actions. Poor poor behavior in my opinion. You've said here openly that you're trying to punish NCL by punishing hard working Americans. That's just mean.
Sorry for my rotten attitude, but after 10 cruises, being busted by NCL....

needless to say this will also be my last NCL cruise. I wonder if they will take back their bronze lattitude membership, lol.

I don't believe you're sorry at all for your attitude. You've been onboard for 24 hours and found nothing but negativity and sworn off NCL. I hope your trip is fast so you can get off the ship as soon as possible. I also hope you don't spend your whole cruise telling people how unhappy you are.


My post is not an attack on you. I've followed the board guidelines by only responding to your own words and not attacking you personally.

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Your arguement about "hitting them in the pocket book" is obsurd. The only thing you prove by your actions is that you are unreasonable. You broke the rules no matter what you say. You paid for your action by being embarrassed with all of the other people who broke the rules.


The real reason they are enforcing the alcohol rule is probably because the American crewed vessels have a higher overhead cost. Hence they need to try and make more profits with the ship. If forcing people to BUY their alcohol on board as they are supposed to, makes them more profitable, more power to them.


You need to learn to obey the rules like the 75% of passengers did, who did not have a notice on their doors. I have yet to cruise on NCL, but I am going to in July. If you never cruise on NCL again, Oh Well. While you are at it, stay off of RCCL also.....


Just wondering, did you vote for Clinton?



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Hey Kevin, while we can agree to disagree on hitting NCL in the pocket book, why can't you agree that NCL should be honest in its motive behind inforcing their rules. instead of saying that it is for the safety of the vessel, why cant they simply come out and say that they don't want any competion to their unjustly high drink prices and unreasonable profits they get from the bar. What would that hurt. Shame on any company that tries to reap their fortune off off 9/11.


As far as slick willy is concerned, I am a registered republican as I am sure that you are. For the record though, after 4 yrs of bush, I will be changing my registeration to DEMOCRAT. I feel that even Hillary will do a better job than the Bush Chaney ticket.


Chris Neville

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I'm sorry to say, but I don't think you're going to find any sympathy here. You did wrong by bringing the alcohol onboard. Yes, lots of people try it, and most get caught. That doesn't mean that you have to remove gratuities to punish NCL. You're really punishing the people who depend on their tips, and send money home to their families. I don't think NCL, the corporation, is going to be hurt by you removing your $10 pp per day. And I don't think it will cause a chain reaction onboard either.


As for the delay in rooms being ready. I would much rather wait for my room, knowing that it is getting an extensive cleaning after the Noro virus has been present on the ship. I think anyone would agree with me on this.


You started out sounding like you were having a wonderful time, and you would be posting info about your cruise. I do hope that something positive comes out of this.

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Sounds to me like you are more upset over your smuggling of booze which is against policy, you got caught and paid the price.


As already posted, kudos to NCL for making some decks not available for occupancy...they are cleaning and disinfecting it...getting rid of the germs! I'm sure you'll appreciate that! But maybe not.


Embarkation, OK so it wasn't flawless, not many are....most never go smoothly and always encounter one thing or another. Maybe your disembarkation will be better....remember its freestyle and you can leave later....oh wait....that would be making your cabin unavailable right away for the next passenger.


I hope you enjoyed taking away all the gratuities, I'm sure your service will be worthy of something.


Get over it and enjoy your cruise. ;)

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Hey Kevin, while we can agree to disagree on hitting NCL in the pocket book, why can't you agree that NCL should be honest in its motive behind inforcing their rules. instead of saying that it is for the safety of the vessel, why cant they simply come out and say that they don't want any competion to their unjustly high drink prices and unreasonable profits they get from the bar. What would that hurt. Shame on any company that tries to reap their fortune off off 9/11.


As far as slick willy is concerned, I am a registered republican as I am sure that you are. For the record though, after 4 yrs of bush, I will be changing my registeration to DEMOCRAT. I feel that even Hillary will do a better job than the Bush Chaney ticket.


Chris Neville

Chris, what does your political views have to do with your being upset cause you can't get your own way. The unreasonable drink prices are the same as most lines unreasonable prices. I know for a fact RCI, and Celebrity charge about the same: Celebrity a bit more in some cases. If you have sailed NCL in the past you would have known you might get busted: we got it for trying to bring wine on last April. We paid the corkage fee and that was the end: we got busted on Celebrity about 3 years ago: they took the booze, we got it back at the end of the cruise, end of story. I doubt one person will agree with anything you have to say, but this is is,at least keeping us reading.NMNita ps; has anyone told you, about voting? you don't have to change your party registration; you can vote for any candidate regardless of how you are registered: Bush/Chaney have been in office now,closer to 6 years than 4. .
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Hey Kevin, while we can agree to disagree on hitting NCL in the pocket book, why can't you agree that NCL should be honest in its motive behind inforcing their rules. instead of saying that it is for the safety of the vessel, why cant they simply come out and say that they don't want any competion to their unjustly high drink prices and unreasonable profits they get from the bar. What would that hurt. Shame on any company that tries to reap their fortune off off 9/11.


As far as slick willy is concerned, I am a registered republican as I am sure that you are. For the record though, after 4 yrs of bush, I will be changing my registeration to DEMOCRAT. I feel that even Hillary will do a better job than the Bush Chaney ticket.


Chris Neville



"unjustly high drink prices and unreasonable profits"


How much is reasonable? You have no idea how much it costs them to operate the ship. I'm sure the costs are much higher now that they have to employ only american workers and obey the US minimum wage rules. I have no problem with the cost of drinks on the ships, as you go on the cruise expecting the high prices. I also do not object to any of their rules that they impose. In my line of work I see reasons for rules that other people could not grasp.


As far as their reason for enforcing the Alcohol rule, you were speaking to a security officer. His job is to enforce the security rules. He does not have to explain the reason for the rules. You know exactly why the alcohol rule exists and by paying the fare for the cruise, you have agreed to obey the rules set down by the cruise line. By posting the type of comment that you did, it makes you appear to be strictly whining about the rule. I'm sure that you are more intelligent than that.


Also I hope you are kidding about Hillary. Have fun for the rest of your cruise and let us know about the good stuff that happens.....LOL



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As I understand it...


You are upset because you did not get to your cabin when you boarded when, obviously, they had to sanitize the cabins!

Would you have preferred they did not do the sanitization?


Deck 10 paid more to cruise than deck 4. Would you have preferred deck 4 cabins were released to passengers first? You could have sat in your daughters cabin.


You smuggled liquor on-board when you knew it was against policy.

Great "example" for you daughter:rolleyes:

Did you expect to have your luggage delivered "first"???


You stiffed the crew for their tips???

When you had NO idea how the crew would perform their duties???

Is your salary based on "customers mad at your boss/corp.," or on your job performance?? Shame on you!


By the way...liquor "smuggled" on an airline is "dumped"... opened bottle or not! Boy! Were you lucky!


Good luck w/Hillary:eek:

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I'm glad I'm not on a cruise with such an unreasonable and unhappy person. Oh, and if you are mad about alcohol being confiscated, don't cruise RCCL. They've started confiscating because too many people smuggled alcohol onboard, got too drunk, and ended up over the side of the ship. Did you ever think that maybe NCL was thinking about YOUR safety with that little rule?

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Re-reading your 'old' posts, it seems there is a pattern to your post. To allow your 16 year old daughter alone in a cabin (another broken rule) 6 decks below you is an invite for trouble in my opinion. I wonder if you will complain and blame NCL and the staff if your daughter has problems. :mad:

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I also looked at your old posts from other strings. It appears that you have a problem with a company trying to make a profit. I read where you posted that you have smuggled Booze onto the ships in the past and will continue to do so. It seems that you may have to stop this practice now that you have been busted for this. And you will fly "first Class", but will not pay for drinks?


When you were to have drinks with the Jersey Girls, were you going to go to a bar, or give away some of your smuggled booze to other passengers in your room?


What other rules do you not agree with?



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Re-reading your 'old' posts, it seems there is a pattern to your post. To allow your 16 year old daughter alone in a cabin (another broken rule) 6 decks below you is an invite for trouble in my opinion. I wonder if you will complain and blame NCL and the staff if your daughter has problems. :mad:



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This person was on my recent cruise. When the show at the Stardust began, this person had a video phone held up to film the show. Even after all those announced and printed warnings about "no audio or video or recording of any type".


This person was outraged that the restaurant would not accept shorts, flip flops, and that they were made to wait a few minutes for a table during the busiest of times. Afterall, they paid a lot of money for their cruise.


At every encounter, I could hear this person being unhappy about whatever they wanted too, at the time.


I can only say that I thank this person for paying high prices and taking so little that the cost of my cruise was a little less.


I also thank this person for providing me with an example for my children of how "not" to act and how "not" behave.


I would swear that this person has been on many of your cruises too.



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If I were planning to break a rule like that, I sure wouldn't be posting my room number on the roll call - we know NCL reads these boards...:rolleyes:


Are you kidding me:rolleyes: They did not even have to xray the bag.


The intersting thing pulling the "service charge" as stated does not "affect all who would have other wise received my tips and gratuities."


Since the only way a tip gets to those onboard is if you give it to them in cash. The Service Charge on NCLA is not a tip pool. It is not distrubed to the crew except in the fact it helps NCL offset the high salarys of US labor compared to an international crew.


I hope OP did at least tip those that made the extra effort.


Some how I don't think so. Getting caught with a little something to enjoy in the cabin is fustrating but the rules. Somehow I don't see a half gallon of vodka and who knows how much rum as just for night cap in the cabin.


Let me see - posted room number, posted intent to smuggle, booked a 16 yo six decks below. Wonders why in addition to $ the cruise lines have these rules. Could it be the number of teenages that manage to get drunk onboard with smuggled booze. :eek:


"Hey guys I don't drink but I know where I can get some for you":eek:

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Honestly I am amazed.

This person broke the rules, got caught and so he stiffs the uninvolved.

This person thinks a cruiseline can PERSONALLY inform 2000 people of what will essentially be a minor inconvenience (delay getting into cabins).

This person considers the delay getting into his cabin 'unacceptable' - even though the delay is caused by the cabins getting a thorough,sanitizing cleaning for his protection.

This person objects to cruiselines making a profit. I guess they should be a charitable organization providing services for cruise-deprived middle class people.

I think Mel31 is correct, we have all seen this person on cruises.

I am relieved he has decided not to cruise with NCL again.

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Honestly I am amazed.

This person broke the rules, got caught and so he stiffs the uninvolved.

This person thinks a cruiseline can PERSONALLY inform 2000 people of what will essentially be a minor inconvenience (delay getting into cabins).

This person considers the delay getting into his cabin 'unacceptable' - even though the delay is caused by the cabins getting a thorough,sanitizing cleaning for his protection.

This person objects to cruiselines making a profit. I guess they should be a charitable organization providing services for cruise-deprived middle class people.

I think Mel31 is correct, we have all seen this person on cruises.

I am relieved he has decided not to cruise with NCL again.

and let's hope he means it. How many other lines will he not cruise on when they take his precious $10 vodka (I don't know how much it costs, but bet it isn't Gray Goose) We wonder why the tag "ugly Americans"? Now we know.



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I have to believe you have no sense of the reality of the INTERNET.


The fact you shared cabin information is one thing. Do you realize posting your first and last name, hometown, daughter name, can put your family at risk. Not everyone out here is nice.


At first I had to believe it was an alias . I figured wrong. Quick click on AnyWho street address and phone number:eek:


I would ask the moderator to edit the post above as I did. Name calling is not something that should be done here but in this case calling you a fool is in order.

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