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Celebrity Constellation


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We just returned from a Baltic cruise on the Celebrity Constellation. This was our seventh cruise and our first on Celebrity. We thought we would try out a cruise with a gay group so we booked our trip through Pied Piper. We did have a nice time and we met some very nice people; however, we were disappointed with some aspects of Celebrity and our tour company Pied Piper.


The commercials say that Celebrity treats people "Famously". I suppose we expected to be treated with more decorum and formality. We paid quiet a bit more to travel with Celebrity than with competing cruise lines so we thought the product would be of superior quality.


The ship was beautiful but Celebrity proved to be the greediest cruise line that I have traveled on thus far. Not only did we pay about $1,000 more to travel with them but everything on the ship cost significantly more (usually almost double) what other cruise lines charged us. This included just about everything such as drinks and charges for activities on the ship.


At dinner the waiter would give us advice about each port of call. He was very specific that we wait to make purchases in Tallin, Estonia because Saint Petersburg, Russia was more expensive and the identical merchandise could be found and purchased in Tallin at much more reasonable prices. Further, the daily newsletter on the ship stated that tourists needed to obtain documents from vendors in Russia in order to bring purchased items back on to the ship.


This was a direct deception. I believe Celebrity does this to discourage passengers from making purchases in Saint Petersburg so that they will end up having to buy those same items on the ship at three times the price.


First, I made only a couple of purchases from vendors in Russia. I found out while I was there that you do not need to have any documents to bring purchased items back on to the ship. Second, the waiter gave us false information. Tallin was not inexpensive nor did Tallin have all the merchandise offered in Russia.


In reality, Saint Petersburg offered great prices for American tourists. Vendors are will to negotiate prices and the quality of the merchandise is equal to that offered on the ship.


After we left Tallin and realized we had been made fools of by the cruise line, there was an announcement and promotion of the Grand Russian Bazaar in the shops on the ship. This was a frenzy of people packed into the shopping area trying to grab any "deals" they could get. All I can say is that I did not feel that I was being treated "Famously". What a line of bull! Like I said, this was our seventh cruise. Never had I seen such tactics used to deceive the customer. I did mention my dissatisfaction to several staff members. In the most patronizing manner I have ever encountered, I was encouraged to "Just have fun" and my concerns were ignored.


Unfortunately, the travel company that we used furnished us with two guides who knew absolutely nothing about the countries that we were going to visit. When Pied Piper sold us the cruise package, we were told that the guides would take us on private tours of some of the cities and would be there to help us. How can you help people, when you have no knowledge of the region being visited?


I realize all the cruise lines are in business to make money. However, is it really necessary to deceive customers to make a profit. We were very upset by the way in which we were treated by Celebrity. We cruise every Christmas holiday and were prepared to book our Christmas cruise on the ship before departure. After our experience and the "Famous" treatment we received, we will probably never cruise with them again.


:mad: icon13.gif

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Dear Shsunseeker,


So sorry to hear that your cruise did not meet your expectations.


We really enjoy Celebrity and just returned in June from a 12 night Med. cruise Barcelona to Venice. We had a terrific time and the itinerary is fantastic.


It's funny that you mention the "schemes" that Celebrity uses to purchase on the ship. I, unfortunately, fell victim as I would have never expected them to out and out lie about making purchases onboard.


The last night of our cruise, prior to disembarking in Venice, the shops were stocked with alot of Murano glass items. (bracelets, earrings, watches, decorative boxes, etc.) I was specifically told by several people at the shops that it is much much cheaper to buy the Murano glass on the ship than in Venice. I thought that sounded a little odd, but never thought that they would purposely try and deceive. As a result, I purchased several Murano glass items onboard.


We spent two nights post cruise in Venice and after shopping around found the exact same items for much much less money. I was shocked that Celebrity would engage in such out and out deception.


Now we have sailed Celebrity exclusively for the past several years, so I can't comment on other cruise lines. It is possible the same type of schemes are conducted by other lines as well.


The one other thing that really bothers me on Celebrity (it probably happens on other lines as well) is the very very hard sell of products after a spa treatment. It bothered me so much last cruise that I cancelled my next scheduled spa treatment because I didn't want to be pressured into buying some very very expensive products. It is a splurge for me to have a spa treatment and I am not really in a position to buy $75 worth of products having just paid $150 for a treatment.


Anyway, all of that being said, we still enjoy Celebrity and will sail with them again.


Hope you were ultimately able to enjoy all of the wonderful ports on the Baltics cruise despite some of the of the disappointments with Celebrity.


We really do love the Constellation and feel that overall Celebrity offers a good product.


Happy future Sailings,



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I don't see what X did wrong. You booked a chartered cruise. Pied Piper chartered the ship, they set the pricing and arrange much of the entertainment.


Yes, a waiter gave you some bad advice, but that's not the cruiseline or their tactic.


Try X on a non chartered cruise. The pricing will be more reasonable and the experience will be more Celebrity.


I'm sorry things did not work out how you expected, but that blame falls to Pied Piper and not X, at least from what I'm reading

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The one other thing that really bothers me on Celebrity (it probably happens on other lines as well) is the very very hard sell of products after a spa treatment. It bothered me so much last cruise that I cancelled my next scheduled spa treatment because I didn't want to be pressured into buying some very very expensive products. It is a splurge for me to have a spa treatment and I am not really in a position to buy $75 worth of products having just paid $150 for a treatment.




You have to keep in mind Celebrity doesn't run their spa. It's run by Elemis and that's how they make their money.


So to blame X for the hard sell by people that don't work for them is a little harsh. It would be like blaming X for the pushy sellers in Jamaica.

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The cruise we took was not a charter - it was a group on a regular Celebrity cruise - pricing was the same - I checked many times before booking.


As to the "waiter's" advice: We were told the same thing by numerous employees, not just the waiter. Also there was misleading info in the Constellation Today. That can't be blamed on anyone but the cruise line - they publish it. This indicates to me, combined with the other poster's info about Murano glass that this is a tactic used by the cruise line. Princess did not do this when I cruised the Med. and went to Venice where I bought quite a bit of Murano glass at a much lower price. I "get it" that the ships prices are higher than those ashore but to be lied to about ports of call to the point that the only chance to buy certain items unique to an area is on the ship after the rfact is wrong.


As for saying Celebrity isn't responsible for tactics used in the spa - bunk. They contract with a company but it is their ship. This would be like blaming a food supplier if Celebrity fed you spoiled food.


I did think the ship was very nice and most of the staff were as well. Entertainment was top notch. That doesn't mean problems that I (or others) had didn't exist or that Celebrity or any cruise line isn't responsible for everything that happens on their ships. Since some get so defensive about Celebrity I don't mean uncontrollable things - weather, acts of God, etc. but employees and procedures are their responsibility

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we are going on the same cruise 26th august,thanks for the tips but as a frequent customer you must know how cruise lines make their money,on the extras which are usually much more expensive ,you shouldnt be surprised as this is a business,we never book the cruise line tours as you get the same in each port for less ,as they say buyer beware!

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Shsunseeker, so sorry you experienced what you did. We just came back from the Connie's June 17 cruise and we did not have the same experience. Our waiters never told us what to buy where, and we wouldn't have listened either ourselves, as we like to get items from the country/city we visited. Not that it ensures authenticity, but seeing the item would remind us of where we went on our trip.


I was told that the prices in Tallin weren't the best, but wanted to see for myself (bottled liquor prices were awesome!). I would have to say the prices for Russian items were best in Moscow and St. Petersburg, particularly in the open air markets right outside Catherine's palace. At Pushkin, I found that buying the guide book from the guy hawking the books outside the entrance into the Palace was best. Amber is available for purchase everywhere in the Baltics, but I didn't really pay attention to which country had the best price as I'm not a fan of silver, which is all they set amber on.


In the end, it's all about trial and error. I have learned in my travels that I must purchase when I see something I like as I might not find it later on again. Especially if it's at a price I feel is reasonable. If not, I've learned only once, and remember my lesson. I've not been given an expensive lesson yet.


I hope your waiter made better dining suggestions for you.

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Dear Chessbrair,


With all due respect, I don't feel I was at all harsh regarding Celebrity. I wasn't blaming them, I was making a simple observation that I don't care for the hard sell regarding products after a spa appointment. They certainly have the right to push products and I certainly have the right not to book spa appointments because I don't like being pressured to buy products. I go to the spa to relax and rejuvenate and I think it takes away from the whole spa experience ...juust my personal opinion. I am sure others feel differently and they are entitled to their opinion.


As far as who runs the spa really doesn't make any difference. I am sure Celebrity gets a cut from the profits.


I also said very nice things about Celebrity. It is our cruise line of choice and we have sailed to Alaska, the Caribbean, British Isles and Norweign Fjords, the Mediterreanan, and next year a Baltics cruise ...all on Celebrity.


They do many many many things well and I always have positive things to say regarding our experiences.


However, that does not mean that there are not areas they can improve upon.


As far as shsunseeker's experience regarding the deception regarding buying onboard, I experienced it as well so I can understand shsunseeker's concern. It did not at all take away from my cruise experience, but it was a little disheartening.



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Yikes, and to be told this by numerous employees? Wow...I didn't know this happened. I made my purchases on shore and was happy, regardless of pricing, but I always did better buying ashore. I do remember a few pieces of amber being of comparable price (even slightly better) to those on shore, now that I'm thinking back. This is not to say I didn't make any purchases on the ship stores, I did. But it was for little trinkets, and a beautiful gold bracelet.


I thank you for posting your experience, it is something to watch for and beware of, especially since we have another cruise booked. And I agree that no one should get defensive about others' experiences and opinions. Not everything will be perfect for all, everyone has a different experience.

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I agree wholeheartedly about the deception and games used to get people to purchase items on board and/or through port vendors who have arrangements with the cruise line. I really dislike these practices. I also feel that some of the purchases on board are near scams - for example the wine auctions.


At the same time I've run into these on all the cruise lines I've been on, and feel that they are pushed less on Celebrity than on other lines. At least on Celebrity the PA announcement hawking these products, events, and "shore lectures". Are not very frequent, and don't generally burst into your stateroom as they do on other lines.


I've come to take any marketing of products on-board with a grain of salt and to trust my own judgement.


As for drink prices, yes they are expensive, but not out of line either for cruise lines in general or in comparison to land based vacations. True you don't have the option of finding an inexpensive bar down the street, but the prices are far lower than at a nice hotel or restaurant in Chicago or most other major cities. And I find similar places in resort destinations are often more pricey.


And as for spa sales - read about spas on the forum for any of the cruise lines here on Cruise Critic - you'll find the same comment. I make it a point to gently, but firmly, let the massage therapist know I'm not interested in any products and I'd appreciate them not taking the time to present them to me. I've done this the past three or four cruises we've been on and have not had any issues once I make this request. And while the spa treatments are very expensive they are also in line with resort locations - and I do find they are consistently among the best massages I've had.

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I love my cruises, but despite all my efforts the Spa staff have continued to pressurise me re sales of products. Last cruise, I had no problem...............for the first time ever I booked no treatments. In my mind their obsession to sell $50 of products cost them $300+ of bookings. However, I ma happy with the result, but hope one day Elemis will learn

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Re: Spa pushing- Gee, I think of myself as TOTALLY susceptible to this kind of pressure, and yet, I've only had this exact same experience on Cunard, but not on Celebrity...:confused: But maybe they don't push the men so much...or finally, I've developed that withering stare of my Grandmother's;)


To the original poster, good experiences vs. bad is sometimes, unfortunately, the luck of the draw.:( We were on the Constellation a month prior to you, and had none of your unfortunate experiences. Not that my experience helps yours...


I've never used Pied Piper, but have met many of the folks that do on Cunard crossings. The "guides" were warm, affable people, but, I guess, on a crossing, knowing the ports wouldn't be a prerequisite!:D


If you're willing, give both the line and the group thing another try, but if not, I'm sure there's a product out there that will more closely match your expectations. Happy cruising.:)



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Dear Uktog,


I agree with what you are saying. My husband and I always book two or three spa services per cruise. However, on our most recent cruise in June Barcelona to Venice I ended up cancelling my next scheduled spa appointment due to a particularly assertive therapist at my initial appointment.


I was having a facial and the therapist spent the first 10 minutes or so questioning me in depth regarding my home skin care program and then tried to sell me about $250.00 in product after the massage. I am not a particularly assertive person so I listened to everything she had to say.


In the end, I decided it is not worth indulging in another spa treatment only to be questioned in depth about home care issues and then a high pressure sale at the end. I just want to go to the spa and enjoy my treatment and be done.


My husband is more assertive and has no problem telling them upfront he is not interested. (same approach as lsimon).


From now on, I think I will reserve my spa treatments for pre and post cruise hotel stays.


Before others comment that I am blaming or bashing Celebrity ...I am not. It is my personal observation ...others may not mind the selling of products after appointments ...and as I stated in an earlier post, I am sure other lines do the same thing. However, to indicate that Celebrity has no control over this issue, is simply not true. They contract Elemis and can certainly outline in their contract with them the rules of conducting business.


As far as prices for drinks on Celebrity, I will say that are very good about letting you bring wine onboard to enjoy in your stateroom. We have always brought on several bottles of local wine to enjoy in our staterroom on all of our cruises with Celebrity. We have never experienced any problem at all. (we put it all through the x-ray machines during embarkation). You may even bring it to the dining room for a $15.00 corkage fee.


Happy Sailings.



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Hi Nancy! I just found and answered your post over on Crystal! Welcome home to you too! I can't express how AWFUL our transfer in Charles De Gaul was!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I dont' have time now, but will write a good one for the CC airline link! The flights were really very nice, but the ground....OMG!


Let me know how the Century pricing comes out for the Baltic, if you would. It sounds quite temptiing (once we are over the jet lag and flight trauma!). I wish they hadn't reduced her to 5 and 4 night cruises in the Caribbean this coming season.:(

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Dear Blazerboy,


Good to see you posting on this thread. I really hate to divert from the original posters post, but do have a question for you regarding the Constellation. (after all it really is all about me!!!) Ha! Ha!


Anyway, we sailed on the Constellation on a 14 night British Isles and Norweign Fjords cruise in July 0f 2003. The Constellation had only been sailing 10 months and the ship was beautiful. All of the staterooms were so fresh and clean (just the way I like them). The itinerary was outstanding and we really did have a magical time.


We are holding space on both the Century and Constellation for a Baltics cruise next summer. We have only sailed on the "M" class ships but are intrigued with Century due to the refurbishment. Normally, we probably would not normally consider the Century but was a little disappointed with our recent experience on the Millennium. It did not in anyway impact the enjoyment of our cruise but just made us think about some other options for future cruises.


We were on the Millennium in June on a 12 night Med. cruise which was absolutely terrific. The itinerary can't be beat and the cruise itself was very good. However, I must admit, that I was a little disappointed with the overall condition of the Millennium. We were in a Royal Suite and my parents were in a connecting CC class stateroom. Both staterooms were in need of updating and refurbishment. This is the first time I have felt this way on a Celebrity ship. We sailed on Infinity last summer and thought she was in great shape.


I will say that public rooms on the Millennium were in fine shape.


Anyway, my question is ...how is the Constellation holding up? I assume you were on a Baltics cruise ...how did you enjoy it?


Any comments would be appreciated.





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Dear Blazerboy,


Good to see you posting on this thread. I really hate to divert from the original posters post, but do have a question for you regarding the Constellation. (after all it really is all about me!!!) Ha! Ha!


Anyway, we sailed on the Constellation on a 14 night British Isles and Norweign Fjords cruise in July 0f 2003. The Constellation had only been sailing 10 months and the ship was beautiful. All of the staterooms were so fresh and clean (just the way I like them). The itinerary was outstanding and we really did have a magical time.


We are holding space on both the Century and Constellation for a Baltics cruise next summer. We have only sailed on the "M" class ships but are intrigued with Century due to the refurbishment. Normally, we probably would not normally consider the Century but was a little disappointed with our recent experience on the Millennium. It did not in anyway impact the enjoyment of our cruise but just made us think about some other options for future cruises.


We were on the Millennium in June on a 12 night Med. cruise which was absolutely terrific. The itinerary can't be beat and the cruise itself was very good. However, I must admit, that I was a little disappointed with the overall condition of the Millennium. We were in a Royal Suite and my parents were in a connecting CC class stateroom. Both staterooms were in need of updating and refurbishment. This is the first time I have felt this way on a Celebrity ship. We sailed on Infinity last summer and thought she was in great shape.


I will say that public rooms on the Millennium were in fine shape.


Anyway, my question is ...how is the Constellation holding up? I assume you were on a Baltics cruise ...how did you enjoy it?


Any comments would be appreciated.






I just got off the Constellation on Saturday, and the ship looks like new :)

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we are going on the same cruise 26th august,thanks for the tips


So are we, and I also thank you for the tips. I have read on other threads that passengers (not the employees or the line) found that, for example, Tallinn was better for Russian merchandise than St. Petersburg! Now you have given another viewpoint; we will be more aware in any case. We have not felt pressured by the cruiseline on other cruises, and would not be happy if we had been. But we are also diehard Celebrity fans, so far, as we love their ambience and general product. We do not purchase much merchandise on board though. That said, I am sorry that you did not have a really rewarding cruise with them. As has been noted already on this thread, I am sure there is another line that will treat you famously, if you do not wish to give Celebrity another go.

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Hey, KatieBeth,


We did the crossing, and then got off in Dover, so immediately before the Baltic season. The ship was in fine shape, and I believe they did some 'refreshing' since we sailed on her in '03 on a Fall TA. New uphostery on the sofas, new curtains, new bedspreads since then in our stateroom. I certainly didn't notice any wear and tear- Coincidently, I was just on the Infinity last Fall- and did notice some- buttons missing from the dining room chairs, frayed welting, etc. My in-laws just got off the Infinity last month, and they had a Celebrity Suite with some soft goods "issues" But in any of these cases, it didn't detract from the cruise, and we're happily sailing on Infinity again in three months! But we, too, have been lured by the refurb of the Century, and have two cruises booked for next year on her. My honest opinion is that both are good (and, besides, if you can stand the art on Constellation, how could the soft goods bother you?;) :D ) No, seriously, whatever the conditions of the soft goods, we found everything to be clean, but give the edge to Constellation in terms of carpet/fabric/upholstery condition- both are fine (just consider how YOUR dining room chairs would look if used three times a day, 365 days a year!:eek: )


At any rate, you'll have fun deciding, and have fun either way. If I remember, I'll try to post about the Century next April- but by then, you'll be committed, anyway.



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Blazerboy and Sky Sweet ....Thank you both so much for taking the time to reply. Glad to hear our favorite ship the Constellation is still in fine shape.

I am not sure why the Millennium seems to have more wear and tear than the other "M" class ships. Obviously, the Millennium is the oldest of the "M" class ships, but not by much. Our soft goods were definitely in need of updating. I did read that Celebrity is planning on replacing on the beds and bedding on their ships over the next year or so. I believe that the Galaxy and Millennium are scheduled for the updated beds and bedding this year and the remainder of the fleet sometime in 2007. I am very excited about this enhancement!!


Again, I appreciate your comments.



Nanette ....so good to hear from you. Glad you are back safe and sound. As I recall you flew Delta, but I didn't realize you had to transfer through CDG. We were originally scheduled to fly Air France through CDG to Barcelona and then back from Venice. However, we booked almost a year in advance and Air France made so many changes to our schedule that we ended up on Delta. It is the airline we fly almost exclusively anyway because we live in Tallahassee, Fl. and it is the only game in town. It actually worked out beautifully as we only had one connection through Atlanta. Our flights were non-stop from Atlanta to Barcelona and then back from Venice. We were fortunate in that we flew business class and were very very pleased with the product Delta is now offering. We really could not have asked for better service. They have made enhancements to their Business class product and we were very very comfortable and well-fed!! It is a huge step up from their domestic product. I just read also on the Delta website that they are making enhancements in coach on all international flights as of July 1st. I was so glad to hear this as it is sorely needed. They must have realized that they are having a difficult time competing with International carriers in the area of service. It really is good news indeed.


Anyway, I had read that tranferring through CDG can be an absolute and complete nightmare. I am so sorry you had such a bad experience.


As far as the Baltics, we are holding space on the Constellation and Century for next summer. We sailed on the Constellation in July of 2003 and had a fantastic time and thought the ship was absolutely beautiful. However, we are intrigued by the recent refurbishment of the Century and thought if we are ever going to try a smaller ship this may be the time. I actually like the Constellation itinerary a little better (it's 14 nights vs. 12) and we could embark in Dover, England which would give us some time in London pre-cruise. Our family really enjoys London and the kids would love to go back.

Century is round trip from Rotterdam to Rotterdam (we would fly in and out of Amsterdam).


As far as price, the Century for 12 nights is $7,399.00 per person for a Royal Suite and $2,949.00 per person for a conceirge class stateroom (which my parents would stay in). The charge for the children in the Royal Suite as 3rd and 4th guests is significantly less (more in the $1200.00 range).


The Constellation for the 14 night Baltics cruise is $9,599.00 per person (with the 3rd and 4th guest significantly less as well) and 3,499.00 for a CC class room.


I don't know if you have sailed Celebrity before but their our two other suite categories between the Royal Suite and CC class staterooms. There is a Celebrity suite around 400 and some square feet (has no balcony) and a Sky Suite which is around 250 square feet with a nice size balcony. Both the Celebrity Suite and Sky Suite can accomodate up to 3 persons. There is also a Family View Stateroom which is around 230 or 240 square feet located Aft but includes none of the extra amenities offered in a suite or cc class cabin. These sell out very very quickly and I believe there are none available on any of the June Baltic sailings next year.


Thanks for answering my questions on the Crystal board. We would love to try one of the luxury lines. However, I agree with you regarding the staterooms and not really having a connecting room. It really is so much more convenient. (not to mention price paying almost full price (as I understand it) for children.


I also really like Celebriy's Baltic itinerary even more so than Crystals.


Anyway, thanks for posting and I am sure our paths will cross again in the very near future.



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Dear Nanette,


As far as Century and the 4 and 5 night Caribbean cruises when not in Europe ...I agree it is a bit of a concern in terms of alot of turnover and more overall wear and tear.


Not a deal breaker ...but just something to take into consideration.



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I always try to check prices onboard then go ashore and look to see if I can get a better deal. As for the spa girls, I feel bad for them because I have gotten to know some of them as a result of my cruising addiction and they have some unpleasant meetings regarding quotas like any sales department. I usually say no thanks I just bought some on my last trip. Of course I have also said I would rather give them a better tip than buy some oils I don't need and they usually are very ok with that as well!


Can someone tell me who the CD, CC Hostess and Captain might be on the Connie right now? Thanks!

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I always try to check prices onboard then go ashore and look to see if I can get a better deal. As for the spa girls, I feel bad for them because I have gotten to know some of them as a result of my cruising addiction and they have some unpleasant meetings regarding quotas like any sales department. I usually say no thanks I just bought some on my last trip. Of course I have also said I would rather give them a better tip than buy some oils I don't need and they usually are very ok with that as well!


Can someone tell me who the CD, CC Hostess and Captain might be on the Connie right now? Thanks!


During our recent June 17th Baltic Cruise, the CD was Don Fluke, the Captain was Apostolos Bouzakis, and the Captain's Club Hostess was Jennifer.

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On the one hand, I think we all sympathize with the frustration of dealing with hard-sell tactics, low-ball tactics, deceptive selling tactings, you name it. It does suck. Can't we all be nice to one another? I hope the OP's cruise was otherwise enjoyable except for the issues related to purchases.


On the other hand, welcome to the free world. I don't mean to sound overly jaded (or maybe I do :D ) but this is how it is in America, Europe, and most of the rest of the world. You are free, within certain limits, to try to rip off your neighbor, and your neighbor, within certain limits, is free to try to rip you off too. Cruise lines, airlines, hotels, motels, bars, restaurants, tourist traps, TV shows, TV commercials, magazine ads, car dealers, card dealers, you name it. Everybody wants to separate you from your money. Not everybody follows the golden rule in the methods they employ.


Is Celebrity especially vicious? I guess that's a matter of opinion/experience/perception. Cruise lines can in general be annoyingly sales-oriented. The best advice has been uttered countless times since ancient times - caveat emptor. Let the buyer beware.

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I think you need to take a close look at anything that a cruise line is selling. They are in business to make money. I am sure there are all kinds of lost masterpieces you can pick up in the "art auctions"

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Nancy, I would have to say go with the Constellation for your Baltic cruise, if you can afford that much time away. My experience on the Constellation was stellar, and I look forward to being on the beautifully kept ship again. In fact, we were so disappointed when booking our next cruise that our ship was going to be the Galaxy and not a Millenium type ship.


As for prices being better in Tallin, maybe I wasn't doing much serious scoping for products, but we hit Tallin after St. Petersburg, and I seriously would have hated to have missed an opportunity to purchase something I desired just because I heard another port had better prices. But that's just me. Of course, I wasn't given info like OP was given and was therefore not colored by extra information.


Shsunseeker, I hope that you do take Celebrity into consideration again in your quest for a future cruise. We like arranging our own travels and cruises with minimal help, and it's been a wonderful experience each time. In fact, that's how we book all of our Celebrity cruises. The last time we took a group cruise, it was the most miserable experience compounded with lost luggage. After we get over the unresponsiveness of that other cruise line, perhaps we may try them again to give them another shot (but not if you hear my dad talk about it!).

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