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QE2 Fantasy Refit


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The current TVs take up a lot of space in the smaller cabins!


Yes, but as they're either mounted on a wall or on a dressing table the space they use could not be used by anything else anyway. It's not until you get to some of the higher Ps and Qs that you get floor standing TVs.

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I'm impressed that no one took up the gym refit...who needs to go to the gym when on the QE2...have you thought about all the walking one does on board a ship? For a start don't take the lifts...why do people spend so much time queueing for those lifts...use those lovely staircases! Especially "E" for everywhere.

An Obsevation Lounge would be my only refit wish.

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For a start don't take the lifts...why do people spend so much time queueing for those lifts...use those lovely staircases! Especially "E" for everywhere.


Ah, but the Grandest is the old First Class staircase - 'D', followed by Second Class 'G', then Third Class 'A' (as designed, if not completed)!



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Oh come on Ken, I know you once said you would sail in her if she was in her original condition, so my real fantasy refit should do it for you ;) !.


Doug if your fantasy was fulfilled she would be a museum piece! If you remember our discussion on putting her into some sort of world class order included gutting the cabins and starting again - including closing down the hideous Five Deck to reduce the overcrowding.


I was amused by the original 60's Queens Room furniture, very much liked the 20's style chairs in the 80's - but the hideous tub chairs of today, why????


The only fantasy refit Cunard are going to do is the least required to keep packing the punters in at a profit for the next year or two. New carpets and a lot of buckets on the floor to catch the drips from the A/C doesn't sound like much at all.




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We have just got off, I must say that we both agreed that the ships' decor is probably as good as it has ever been, my friend was on her 32 years ago and said it was hideous, orange carpets and tartan fabric everywhere!, now everything is very civilised and in wonderful condition.


We were in queens grill for the first time and I have to admit that it didn't meet with my expectations in many respects, but for the purpose of this thread I will comment on the extreme lack of space in there.

I think they desperately need more space in the restaurant and the best solution I think would be to make the queens grill bar into the smoking section of the restaurant, I personally thought that the queens grill bar was one of the saddest rooms on the ship (the seating looks like it should be in granny's front room, the wood paneling was lovely but who ever thought of having purple padded walls on one side and bluey green metallic wallpaper on the other walls then gold and terracotta settees, none of which matched the carpet) especially during the day, then the boardroom which was really nice and hardly used could become the queens grill bar.


I like the shops as they are, but the whole of the show lounge is really bizarre, I can't imagine why they ever thought that would be a good place to put on shows, it was good for us because we could wander down from our room on the boat deck and have a little peer over the balcony and see what the show was like without having to committ to sitting in an auditorium (most of the time this was a blessing as they were pretty awful)


I thought that the Caronia restaurant looked very nice and spacious when we passed it, and someone else mentioned the carpet in the mid ships lobby, the carpet there looks brand new now.

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Doug if your fantasy was fulfilled she would be a museum piece!

She would be the most hip and stylish ship in the world :) !


How about we return her public areas to their original condition, but gut all the former cabin and tourist-class cabins (Four and Five Decks)?


If you remember our discussion on putting her into some sort of world class order included gutting the cabins and starting again - including closing down the hideous Five Deck to reduce the overcrowding.

Yes, all the cabins except the original first-class ones (amidships on One, Two and Three Decks) really would have to go if they intend to keep her for another 10+ years as they amazingly claim. Certainly Five Deck's tiny cabins and rabbit warren of passageways are a bit off-putting to modern cruise passengers to say the least! OK, to people like me they are "charming" and "characterful" but let's face it, that doesn't cut it from a commercial standpoint.

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SS Norway,


I am curious to find out why the QG Rest did not meet your expectations? I have travelled every year on QE2 now since 2001 and mainly in QG Rest. and it's a lot better than many 'supposedly 1st class restaurants on land' including those in New York!!


I must admit I am not overly fond of the decor of the QG Lounge & agree the rest. is not very spacious but then it never has been even back in the 80's with tables very close one another - I much prefer, for the room & layout the Princess Grill where at least you get a proper sea view. What the QG Lounge also needs is live music such as a pianist before lunch & before & after dinner!



Kind Regards,




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She would be the most hip and stylish ship in the world :) !


In your world maybe - but what about the real one???


How about we return her public areas to their original condition, but gut all the former cabin and tourist-class cabins (Four and Five Decks)?.


At least the original public areas were a statement - but yes those cabins would have to go!


Yes, all the cabins except the original first-class ones (amidships on One, Two and Three Decks) really would have to go if they intend to keep her for another 10+ years as they amazingly claim. Certainly Five Deck's tiny cabins and rabbit warren of passageways are a bit off-putting to modern cruise passengers to say the least! OK, to people like me they are "charming" and "characterful" but let's face it, that doesn't cut it from a commercial standpoint.


Its funny really - the least attractive feature - all those hideous little cabins(especially the bunk beds!) - are the thing that probably keep making a profit for the old gal. Take away the cheap tacky cabins and replace with something stylish (and more expensive) and would she fill like she does now?? Just read some of the threads on this board talking incessantly about how cheap and basic (like you do, but calling them "charming" and "characterful"!!!) then tell me she would make her way in a different market!




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Take away the cheap tacky cabins



What do you believe is "cheap and tacky" or "hideous" about them?


Although some are smaller than average, I certainly prefer them over any pre-fab cookie-cutter standard cabin on any other ship, including QM2

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In your world maybe - but what about the real one???

No, I think she would really be stylish! "Space Age" design is really back in style. Just look at all the expensive new "design hotels" that have opened up all over the place.


Take away the cheap tacky cabins and replace with something stylish (and more expensive)

Now then, I would not call them cheap and tacky. The main problem, really, is that they are very small. But I don't see anything tacky about them, and certainly you could not call them cheap. Indeed, they have things like real tile bathrooms and wood furniture that you will not find in new ships with their pre-fabricated, 100% plastic cabins!

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.........Now then, I would not call them cheap and tacky. The main problem, really, is that they are very small. But I don't see anything tacky about them, and certainly you could not call them cheap. Indeed, they have things like real tile bathrooms and wood furniture that you will not find in new ships with their pre-fabricated, 100% plastic cabins!


Even the bathroom in our last P2 cabin was no better than a 2* rated hotel with those awful 'real tiles' and the cabin furniture was chipped, old and not the least attractive. I can't imagine sleeping in one of the Five Deck cabins (and yes we did have a look) - you couldn't swing a cat in some of the bunk bed rooms. How someone doesn't have a claustraphobic attack in one of them amazes me. I've seen more spacious prison cells! Just because they're old and very, very small doesn't make them any more attractive. And what's wrong with plastic all of a sudden??? QE2 is full of 'space age' plastic - or is plastic only OK on her and not on new ships???



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Its funny really - the least attractive feature - all those hideous little cabins(especially the bunk beds!) - are the thing that probably keep making a profit for the old gal. Take away the cheap tacky cabins and replace with something stylish (and more expensive) and would she fill like she does now?? Just read some of the threads on this board talking incessantly about how cheap and basic (like you do, but calling them "charming" and "characterful"!!!) then tell me she would make her way in a different market!Ken


Strangely enough I think I agree with Ken. While some would argue that the old Queen is a barge from another era and that the mass market traveller of today would appreciate a more modern refit, I think Ken hit the nail on the head when he stated that the quirkyness and its last surivor status is probably what is keeping the old gal going. Sure, no one will build anything representing the QE2's decks 4 and 5 anymore but its amazing the stories you hear from those stuck in tiny little broom closets or in bunk beds rave about the experience. If you remove these decks I think you would only be stuck with a rather dull first class ship. As much as we hate anything representative of a class system I think the QE2's layout is its saving grace in this day and age. Cunard can best serve the modern mass market traveller with the QM2.


Thanks Ken. I'll be one of those deck 4 passengers next year and now am really looking forward to an "interesting" experience to say the least.

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Even the bathroom in our last P2 cabin was no better than a 2* rated hotel

Yes, many of the P grade bathrooms are still old and not too nice, certainly not for the price those cabins go for. I think most of them finally got gutted and rebuilt in the last refit but there are still a few unrenovated (or under-renovated) ones around which in that price range really should not be the case!


But the ones in the cheap Four and Five Deck cabins are, paradoxically, much nicer! Certainly nicer than the horrible plastic bathrooms on the new ships.


I can't imagine sleeping in one of the Five Deck cabins (and yes we did have a look) - you couldn't swing a cat in some of the bunk bed rooms.

Well, the inside singles and upper/lowers are very tiny. Only for those (like me) who really, truly do not care about their cabin. I do not think I would book one of those upper/lowers for two people; one would be constantly bumping into the other person!


However, the larger M grade cabins, the outside doubles in particular, are not so awful. I guess the average outside M grade cabin is probably around 140 sq ft and you can find plenty of new ships with standard cabins that size.


It is those tiny inside upper/lowers that I am amazed that they can fill in this day and age as I can't think of any other large ship that even offers such accomodation these days.


Just because they're old and very, very small doesn't make them any more attractive.

No, but it doesn't make them cheap and tacky either - just old and very, very small ;) !


And what's wrong with plastic all of a sudden??? QE2 is full of 'space age' plastic - or is plastic only OK on her and not on new ships???

I would not say she is "full of" plastic. In fact the only significant plastic I can think of, aside from the very unfortunate fake wood in some areas (like the awful Caronia Restaurant), is in the Queens Room where it is used to produce an interesting architectural effect that would be impossible with another material.


Otherwise the original interiors mostly used "real" materials e.g. wood, leather, metal etc.


On the other hand all the plastic in those horrid pre-fab cabins in most new ships are not used for any architectural effect at all but simply to be cheap!

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In regards to these small and cramped cabins on Four and Five Deck, I'm glad that they're there. Mostly because they offer us single travellers a choice that is not there on other ships. Last year I ended up on 4217, which was a great cabin. It's an outside double, there was lots of room and tons of storage space. Decoration-wise it was somewhat spartan, but not at all tacky. I had booked a smaller cabin and got upgraded to that one. For April I have 5091, which seems to be about the same layout and size. There will be two of us this time, but I'm sure it will be just fine. While I'm glad to be in another nice sized outside double, I could deal with an inside single (I have stayed in 3053), but am glad to have the choice. Also, it's those rabbit warren corridors on four deck and five deck that sort of make me think of what it must've been like in the classic old liners. Anyway, what I'm saying is that it's nice to have the choices that are on QE2!

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"What the QG Lounge also needs is live music such as a pianist before lunch & before & after dinner!"





Please don't suggest this. The peace and quiet of the QG lounge after dinner is lovely, and makes a wonderful place to take coffee.


There is far too much background music in life. Let us please leave QE2 as one of the bastions of peace. What is wrong with conversation?

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I've nothing against good conversation but there's no harm in a bit of background music surely! I must admit I was not alone in thinking this as on my last Jul 05 QE2 cruise I was talking to members of the Bacardai Group family who uttered the same sentiment - they loved QE2 and their Grand suites but found the QG Lounge a bit dead & far too quiet!!!


Kind Regards,




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I personally thought that the queens grill bar was one of the saddest rooms on the ship (the seating looks like it should be in granny's front room)


We're not fond of the QG lounge either. It's not just the furniture that looks like it belongs in "granny's front room", most of the occupants look as if they've left granny's and are now waiting to take their place in the cemetery!:p

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As someone in my early 30's and a Grill passenger on QE2 I take offence at the cemetary comment!! Only joking!!! I admit some of the passengers are older in the Grill restaurants but there is always a good mix of passengers re nationalities & ages when I travel each year onboard in the QG Restaurant,


ssnorway - I am still interested in hearing your thoughts on the QG Experience on your recent QE2 cruise,


Kind Regards,




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Sorry, again but with spell-check this time!

I've travelled Grill Class three times on QE2 but only used the Grill Lounge once (a chilly afternoon in June of this year). Didn't really mind the furniture but the way it was laid out in that narrow room seemed a tad reminiscent of a railway carriage. There were no scones served with the afternoon tea:eek: and the only diversion from the conversation-free, monastic silence seemed to be to look out of those tall windows onto Boat Deck at the hoi polloi walking past. I finished my tea as quickly as poss and went out into the fresh air and joined them.

As for the fantasy refit? Loved the (Britannia) Grill. Loved the big cabin. Loved the fresh fruit. Certainly loved the priority check-in! Not so sure about the lounge - the room is such an awkward shape. But everyone has a choice, and next day I couldn't wait to bag myself a comfy chair in the bustling, friendly Queens Room for afternoon tea!

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We're not fond of the QG lounge either. It's not just the furniture that looks like it belongs in "granny's front room", most of the occupants look as if they've left granny's and are now waiting to take their place in the cemetery!:p

Hi Malcolm


As usual you gave me a good chuckle with that one!




We really enjoyed everything really, the biggest problem was, we had wound ourselves up to fever pitch before we went away, we have always had such great food in the Mauritania and Britannia on the different ships, and we have a few exceptional restaurants near home that we thought it was going to excell above all else. The first impression we got was at life boat drill where they had stripped everything down and it looked very drab, the area we were sat in had five tables, three of them for two, it was really more suitable for three tables and as it turned out we were so close to the next table we would have been much better off if they had all been for four, luckily the people on the next table were larger than life characters and were lovely, but although we were trying to respect each others' boundaries we were inevitably joining in each others conversations, if they had been frightful (as apparently the couple were at the other end of the line were) it would have been very annoying and probably a trip to the Lido would have been in order!


We were also right up against a wall and had to take it in turns to sit in the out-looking chair which was quite a work of art to get into, the head waiter had a special knack of swivelling it as you sat down as there was no room to move it backwards or sideways, however this was the one that at least had an outward view. I really would recommend to anyone travelling as a pair to go for a sharing four, although there were a few tables for two around the perimeter of the raised area which looked more comfortable but were very close to the flambee trollies, not recommended for anyone with a marge simpson beehive.


There was never a sniff of caviar, i'm not a big fan of it but have never had the good stuff so thought I would try to see what all the fuss was about.


The bread rolls on the QM2 in the Britannia were freshly baked and outstanding and responsible for about half of my weight gain at Christmas, In QG they were manufactured ones (like sainsburys wholemeal baps)


The glasses were like you get in a wine bar, not fine crystal (or un-fine crystal for that matter)


The food was fabulous, but really no better at all than the food we have had further down the ship, with none of the pzazz that the brochure promises, nothing carved or prepared at the table (although that would have been impossible anyway, it wasn't happening at the bigger tables either except for the duck a'lorange which did look lovely but we ran out of nights.


The waiter was over familiar to an extreme! we were amused when we asked him one night what was on the menu the next night and he recommended the "menage a trois" luckily this turned out to be a trio of fish.... but we didn't ask for it anyway


There were a few other issues, but in the main the service was very good as was the food.


The only other bad experience we had was the afternoon teas, on the first day in the queens lounge we sat at the only available table which was piled with dirty crockery (not a problem as they were very busy) we sat for ages and stewards sailed past on several occassions ignoring our gestures, eventually we tracked one down who bought our tea and shoved the pile of things across the table to fit it on, then walked off! then after lots of friendly waves we got someone to deliver some sandwiches, he too squeezed them into a space he had to create and was about to walk off, I asked him if he could ask someone to remove the other growing pile of debris, he was very put out and almost accussed us of creating it! definitely not the white star service we have become used to.


On the last day we decided to experience the glamour of afternoon tea in the queens grill bar lounge, an experience we had both been looking forward to. However, when we arrived, the lounge was virtually full except for one table for four, which was laid out for six. That was optimisic! Anyway, we sat and ordered tea. Fortunately this table was located in the smoking section which was ideal for us both smokers. A young couple then walked in looking for somewhere to sit and were guided into joining our table. We said we did not mind them joining us so long as they didn't mind us smoking. They recoiled in horror but agreed to join us. Then the hunt for the sandwiches began! Alas, despite several requests and an elusive tray of butties wafting past, all we were offered were cakes. This, combined with our concerns of smoking in front of non-smokers who filled the smoking area forced us to leave and order the whole thing in our room. This arrived most promptly and was lovely. Shame we couldn't have enjoyed it in the Grill. And some classical background music wouldn't have gone amiss either. As it was we supped to Dusty! Fab anyway...


Are you sorry you asked now?....


None of this stopped us having a truly memorable cruise, but just not what we were expecting


By the way the ship looks absolutely wonderful and is still the most beautiful ship on the oceans.

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Thanks SS Norway for your very interesting review & comments re QG restaurant.I myself love the restaurant and have always found food & service first class. The flambe & preparation tableside as advertised in the brochure I think is a bit of a mistake although if you order as I do most nights cherries jubilee these are cooked tableside. I have heard that the crystal glasses have now gone but then even from photos of family members in the Grill back in the 80's they did not always have crystal even back then.


Was there still the very varied a la carte menu to choose from with over 20 dishes? From memory caviar was on here as an appetiser which you could have every night or indeed order off menu. I very much agree re the close proximity of the tables but again this I think has nearly always been the case esp.the tables for 2 & 4 in the windows - alt I understand that they have added more tables re the increase in Grill capacity & cabins over the years!


I think as in any ship you can be lucky or unlucky re service alt. your exp. in the QG Lounge & Queens Room is not good & unacceptable! How was your cabin -did you have a Q3 on 1 or 2 deck?


So you would you travel again on QE2?




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Ss norway,


I should have added re flambe & tableside on menus I have from the 80s' & 90's in the Queens Grill there used to be a list of flambe desserts most nights & or main dish you could order from the menu each evening which no longer appears.


Kind Regards,




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Thanks SS Norway for your very interesting review & comments re QG restaurant.I myself love the restaurant and have always found food & service first class. The flambe & preparation tableside as advertised in the brochure I think is a bit of a mistake although if you order as I do most nights cherries jubilee these are cooked tableside. I have heard that the crystal glasses have now gone but then even from photos of family members in the Grill back in the 80's they did not always have crystal even back then.


Was there still the very varied a la carte menu to choose from with over 20 dishes? From memory caviar was on here as an appetiser which you could have every night or indeed order off menu. I very much agree re the close proximity of the tables but again this I think has nearly always been the case esp.the tables for 2 & 4 in the windows - alt I understand that they have added more tables re the increase in Grill capacity & cabins over the years!


I think as in any ship you can be lucky or unlucky re service alt. your exp. in the QG Lounge & Queens Room is not good & unacceptable! How was your cabin -did you have a Q3 on 1 or 2 deck?


So you would you travel again on QE2?




We had a fabulous cabin 8204, it was very spacious and imacculate, the first day we were just remarking that it was strange there was only one easy chair, then there was a knock on the door and a newly upholstered chair was wheeled in, unfortunately then the other one was wheeled off, back down to one! Early the next day the other one arrived, so they are obviously keeping everything as good as they can.


Of course i will go again!! I love the ship, we are booked on again next September, but I'm hoping we will get on a few times before then as well. I am quite pleased in a way that I have done queens grill and it hasn't spoilt me for the other restaurants, I can go on three or four times for the same money!!!

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