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BUMPED OFF MSC Baltic cruise June 3, 2006


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BUMPED OFF MSC June 3, 2006 Baltic cruise by MSC Cruises Inc., 6750 North Andrews Ave., Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 33309. Tel. 1-800-666-9333. Email: info@msccruises.com

Has this happened to you? Were you Bumped Off the June 3, 2006 MSC Baltic cruise from Copenhagen?

We’d love to hear from you.

This letter is asking for advice & give a heads up to those planning a cruise with this company.

We are incensed that MSC appears to think that they can behave in this manner with impunity.

This was a cruise we’d saved & planned for our later life. We can’t afford to try again. The whole experience has devastated us.

We booked & paid a deposit on November 1, 2005 & paid in full on March 13, 2006.

6 weeks before we were to leave for my mother’s 85th birthday prior to the cruise we were told we had been BUMPED OFF due to a group booking.

The June 3rd sailing was the pivotal point of our trip: The hours of planning a family reunion for our 85 year old mother, and trips round the rest of Scandinavia all hinged on the cruise dates. Relatives & friends were inconvenienced because dates had to be fixed to the cruise departure date. Hotels, trains, planes etc. had been booked well in advance to get the best prices & confirmed bookings.

We never got the tickets from MSC & never got a brochure so small print doesn’t come into the equation.

We are furious that this has happened. We had a contract. While we got reimbursed for the cost of the cruise, we had also:

1)spent a lot more money than we needed to in order to coordinate everything with the cruise.

2) had to spend much more money than anticipated in order to fill in the lost cruise week.

If we’d known this sort of business practice was likely to happen we would have done things very differently & saved ourselves at least $4,000.

No one cares about the extra expenses that were incurred, the immense aggravation & total disappointment, time & effort, mailings & telephone to sort out this mess etc.

Letters & phone calls to MSC have been fruitless in this regard. An offer of 25% off our next cruise is useless to us: Who would trust them again? The price would no doubt be higher & the room unavailable. We can’t afford to go through flight costs to Copenhagen again & all the planning that entails.

We need your advice on how we can get recompense. We also hope to warn others.

Thanks for your time in reading this,

Yours truly,


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We need your advice on how we can get recompense. We also hope to warn others.


Your first post and it is a complaint. I'm curious to see if you come back to see if there are responses.


Sorry it happened to you but it can happen to anyone on any cruise line. They gave you a full refund and the offer of 25% off your next cruise. I think that is all you are going to get.

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Your first post and it is a complaint. I'm curious to see if you come back to see if there are responses.


Sorry it happened to you but it can happen to anyone on any cruise line. They gave you a full refund and the offer of 25% off your next cruise. I think that is all you are going to get.


Chances are they never knew about Cruisecritic until they did research looking for a place to complain about this- so don't be so hard on them. chances are they had also booked plane tickets and hotel rooms etc. and some of this may have not been refundable.


I know we found out when we booked our hotels for London precruise-that if we cancel there is a 20% nonrefundable charge. Often with plane tickets-especially if you get the best price-they are NON-refundable-which is why we have not booked our plane fare yet. Just in case. we are just not so sure Travelguard would pay for that.


To the OP-yes if a large group comes along and charters a cruise-you can be bumped off. Usually though-when this happens -you have more then 6 weeks notice. I am very sorry.


I doubt we can help you- though- at least you have warned us.

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Your first post and it is a complaint. I'm curious to see if you come back to see if there are responses.


Sorry it happened to you but it can happen to anyone on any cruise line. They gave you a full refund and the offer of 25% off your next cruise. I think that is all you are going to get.


I'm really shocked at this response to what I think is a pretty sad account of his/her experience. I am new to this forum as well and didn't realize this type of post was frowned upon. I had no idea you could be bumped when you were paid in full...this was news to me. And I tell ya what, I would be equally upset especially given the situation the poster explained and what all was involved in the planning of this cruise. Should that happen, however, as sure as hell won't post anything about it on here because I don't want to engage in some sorta message board war with someone when all I was trying to do was garner a little sympathy and get some advice. Unbelievable. :mad:

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Sorry it happened to you but it can happen to anyone on any cruise line. They gave you a full refund and the offer of 25% off your next cruise. I think that is all you are going to get.


As described in the OP, it can't happen to anyone. It is not the norm, nor even acceptable in the industry. The salient points being that a) the cruise was paid in full, b) the cancellation was not done by mutual consent, c) the ship sailed the booked itinerary, and d) the line made the cancellation becuase it wanted to make a better deal on the already sold space.


Having my cruise cancelled after its been fully paid would be ok if the ship wasn't sailing because of problems beyond the control of the owner. Its not ok if the cruise line simply feels that they can make a better deal elsewhere. We have a contract and they have a duty to make best efforts to fulfill that contract. Doesn't matter what the fine print may or may not say.


In the situation described the cruise line, IMO, had a duty to negotiate the cancellation with the OP. Ultimately, if the OP was unwilling to accept anything but specific performance, then that is what they should have received.


Allowing a cruise line to cancel any booking at any time provided they refund any payments and offer a 25% discount on another cruise really isn't a good deal for consumers. First, cruise lines typically accept more than 25% less than published rates. (I'd go so far as to say that they rarely accept anything more than 75% of published rates, but I may be wrong on this.) Second is legal precedant. There is law in the US, at least for airlines, that heavily discourages this sort of selling. Its unfair to consumers, for that matter to any contract party. Third, why would I want to reward this sort of behavior by booking another cruise with the same line?


All this being said, we all know that there are usually at least two sides to such stories and its not possible to know how factual and complete the OP is.

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To those that responded so far. I did indeed come back - this is very important to us. It's not just a complaint.

Thanks so much for taking the time to read my piece about being Bumped off MSC. I value all your remarks & advice.

I appreciate that you have no way of knowing whether I’m telling the truth. I can assure you that I am. We were not given an option to argue our case with MSC – they told our agent to tell us that we were no longer on the cruise. That was that.

I look forward to more input

Many Thanks

Yours truly,


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They usually ask for people to be bumped ...there was a thread on the Oceania forum a few months back ...somehow people were bumped either through a miscommunication betwen the TA and the cruiseline or an over zealous cruise rep.

In anycase it ended well with CEO stepping in and getting them on the cruise & giving extra perks.

They should have offered to put you on another cruise.


When you are notified you are "bumped" tell them NO you do not want to be bumped looked for other PAX with more flexible schedules.

There are people that will take the bump & the extra perks for the priveledge.

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Dear LHT28

Your message was gratefully received.

We were in fact only informed by our agent & basically told that was that.

We phoned the Florida office a couple of times & spoke to the VP Revenue Planning: to no avail.

My registered mail to the President & CEO has garnered no reply. Perhaps he hasn’t even seen it, though I had hoped the fact that it was registered meant that it was for his eyes only.

We are still trying every avenue. I hope MSC's CEO is as understanding as the one in your Oceania forum you mentioned.


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Dear LHT28

Your message was gratefully received.


We were in fact only informed by our agent & basically told that was that.


We phoned the Florida office a couple of times & spoke to the VP Revenue Planning: to no avail.


My registered mail to the President & CEO has garnered no reply. Perhaps he hasn’t even seen it, though I had hoped the fact that it was registered meant that it was for his eyes only.


We are still trying every avenue. I hope MSC's CEO is as understanding as the one in your Oceania forum you mentioned.



I had a confirmed group of 240 under full deposit bumped 6 months before sailing. MSC handled the situation with the utmost lack of concern and professionalism I have ever experienced.


While bumping and cancelled cruises can and do happen, most lines will handle the situation with courtesy and regard for the customer and travel agent. MSC did neither. I took it all the way to the top, over the head of Sasso who never bothered to even respond. I have also filed complaints with every industry association invloved with cruising.


This company is woefully ignorant when it comes to customer service and ethical business practices. They solicited me aggresively for my business and had a clerk on his first day on the job call me with the news. When I asked about protection for myself and my clients, I was told "well, I certainly hope you sold them insurance."


Their behavior resulted in a loss to my company of tens of thousands of dollars as we fully protected our clients on another ship in the same categories, same date.


They are a joke, IME, and there is no way I would do business with them again. Very sad as I enjoyed the onboard experience.

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Hello Orienter,


I'm terribly sorry that this has happened to you.

While MSC offers wonderful ships with great intineraries and great onboard ambience, their customer service is mind-numbingly cold and apathetic.

I'm afraid that you will most likely not hear back from them, and that you have received from them all that you will.

You certainly have the sympathies of most of us here.

I believe also that your travel agent let you down...you were "basically told that was that".

A good travel agent not only would have gone to battle for you with MSC, but would have immediately offered you options. It's a shame they left you hanging out to dry.


The forums here are a good place to come and discuss all aspects of cruising, the good AND the bad. You have a valid, serious complaint, and you are doing the forum a service by bringing it to our attention.

Chastising you because it was your first post here is pointless and counterproductive. You stated your issue frankly and matter-of-fact, without hysterics or undue negativity.

It's not like you were simply whining about your cabin steward or moaning about the over-done steak you had in the dining room one night. Post number one or post number one thousand....there is no difference. Some people here like to play that game.


Welcome to the forums, and please keep us updated. I hope that you eventually do get on a good cruise, and that you'll come back and share the good news with us. No doubt it won't be on MSC, and I don't blame you.


Good luck to you.

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I had a confirmed group of 240 under full deposit bumped 6 months before sailing. MSC handled the situation with the utmost lack of concern and professionalism I have ever experienced.


While bumping and cancelled cruises can and do happen, most lines will handle the situation with courtesy and regard for the customer and travel agent. MSC did neither. I took it all the way to the top, over the head of Sasso who never bothered to even respond. I have also filed complaints with every industry association invloved with cruising.


This company is woefully ignorant when it comes to customer service and ethical business practices. They solicited me aggresively for my business and had a clerk on his first day on the job call me with the news. When I asked about protection for myself and my clients, I was told "well, I certainly hope you sold them insurance."


Their behavior resulted in a loss to my company of tens of thousands of dollars as we fully protected our clients on another ship in the same categories, same date.


They are a joke, IME, and there is no way I would do business with them again. Very sad as I enjoyed the onboard experience.


This is all most disturbing to me to say the very least. I suppose I better get on the ball and purchase the insurance, which I have been putting off doing (we don't sail until Dec. 18 -- IF we sail at all I guess). I am really shocked this is permitted...from a legal standpoint. More shocked this "Sasso" -- who I've read good things about on here -- couldn't care less. I wonder if I call Vacations to Go (booked through them) if they would offer up any info? Makes me very nervous...no way can I look forward to this vacation now if all I'm going to be doing is wondering if we'll get bumped. :mad:

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This is all most disturbing to me to say the very least. I suppose I better get on the ball and purchase the insurance, which I have been putting off doing (we don't sail until Dec. 18 -- IF we sail at all I guess). I am really shocked this is permitted...from a legal standpoint. More shocked this "Sasso" -- who I've read good things about on here -- couldn't care less. I wonder if I call Vacations to Go (booked through them) if they would offer up any info? Makes me very nervous...no way can I look forward to this vacation now if all I'm going to be doing is wondering if we'll get bumped.


ALWAYS purchase insurance. It's impossible to predict the future...illness, a flight delay, a flat tire on the taxi...

My advise is, if you have to fly to the port of departure, arrive there at least the day before.

Insurance is such a small part of the vacation budget, but many people consider it a waste of money. Then we hear from the unlucky ones on the message boards, crying about not being able to make their cruise for whatever reason and losing all their money, and imploring all of us to learn from their mistake and to buy the insurance :eek:


Although bumping off a cruise ship does happen, it's quite rare.

I personally don't know anyone it has happend to.

You WILL make it to your cruise, and you WILL have a terrific time ;)

And you WILL tell us all about it! :D :rolleyes: :)


Bon Voyage!

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Liricabound don't waste time worry over if you will get bumped or not.. thousands sail each week... how many get bumped? A handful in a year, it is rarer than the chances of anything else covered by insurance happening to you in the interim.. illness/death etc The purchase of insurance is far more important and should be required, as it is in the UK, not optional!

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Sorry to hear of your experience, but I do hope the trip you ultimately went on was a memorable and enjoylabe one that your mother will forever remember, which is most important!!!!!! Yes, we have been bumped. In fact, a couple of times. Never with MSC, thoughtwe have sailed on them a couple of times, too. I am surprised thier compensation was so minimal and more surprised your TA didn't go to bat and get them to sweeten the pot a little more. Both times we were bumped (not on same line) we got at least a 25% refund and went on the sailing one or two later. (we were flexible enougth to do that) We always book a modest cabin and in both instances ended up with one of the top 2-3 category cabins. Also, when we incurred air travel cancellation/rebooking charges, the line gave that amount to us as an onboard credit.

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Sorry to hear of your experience, but I do hope the trip you ultimately went on was a memorable and enjoylabe one that your mother will forever remember, which is most important!!!!!!


Dear Marco,

Yes, of course you are right. One must keep things in perspective. My mother was of course thrilled that we could go over & visit with her & the family reunion went extremely well - fun was had by all.


You obviously took your Bumps with grace & kept on trucking/cruising. I on the other hand will never find it quite so easy to book a cruise again, but that's me I guess.


I must say that there has been a lot of wise & valid information on this subject - thanks to everyone. I am sure it doesn't happen often & as someone said, I'm sure your cruises will be fine.


Thanks for your wise input.



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Hello all,

You have all been so kind & generous with your advice that I have some addresses that I am writing to in the hope that someone in government, watchdog agencies etc. can help solve this problem. If anyone has any more addresses, telephone #’s etc. to add it would be greatly appreciated. I’m probably wasting my time but feel that if these agencies don’t know then it is our responsibility to tell them.

I have had no replies as yet but will keep you informed if anything worthwhile comes of them.

So far I’ve written to:

CLIA (Cruise Lines Intl. Assoc.)

80 Broad St. Suite 1800

New York, N.Y.


Charlie Crist, Attorney General Florida who gave me these 2 addresses:

Federal Maritime Commission,

Consumer Affairs & Dispute Resolution, or Office of Consumer Complaints,

800 North Capilto St. N.W.

Washington, DC


Florida’s Dept of Agriculture & Consumer Services, (DACS)

2005 Apalachee Parkway,


Florida, 32399

American Society of Travel Agents

Consumer Affairs

1101 King St. Suite 200

Alexandria, VA


Florida Caribbean Cruise Assoc. (FCCA)

11200 Pembroke Pines

Florida, 33026

Tel 954-441-8881

Better Business Bureau (BBB) South East Florida

9050 Pines Blvd. Suite 358

Pembroke Pines



Tel. 954-431-4900



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Thanks for info. re Naples office. We sent off the info to them & then I found another contact in UK who has passed my email to Naples as well.


We spoke to the American Society of Travel Agents who were most helpful - best yet. So we also contacted ACTA -Canadian equivalent and they are most helpful too.


I must say though that the forms of communication with agencies is very important to getting results. I have a theory - Snail Mail is put in a 3rd "In Tray", if you email it gets put up to the 2nd "in Tray" & if you phone it moves to the "A" as a "Perhaps we'll deal with it after-all." We found that a telephone call creates personal contact that the others cannot do, & a clear explanation enlightens them to details they haven't prehaps understood.


I have also created a website on which are our letters from MSC to show how this type of issue is dealt with by the company. Now while you may not think 25% off is a bad deal just think about the individual situation. Some may be able to go for this, but our holiday was planned around the cruise to the last detail. Perhaps it is a lesson - either take a last minute cruise so you know at that point it will be sailing, or don't book anything else other than the cruise & get the flight as late as possible.




Thanks once again to all those who have given such great support & ideas.


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I filed formal complaints with CLIA and ASTA, who were both shocked at MSCs behavior in my particular situation. Also, I reported MSC to the FLL office of the BBB.


Also, I was in contact with Achille Stainao, the president of their Italy operation. He gave great lip service, kept me busy for weeks providing backup documentation and ultimately made many promises, none of which he kept. The end result was he fully supported Sasso and Henwood, the leaders of the North American management team. I was very disappointed as I put many hours and a lot of work into responding to his requests, all of which resulted in absolutely nothing.


Best of luck!

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  • 1 month later...

Thank you Orienteer for posting this thread. I have taken only seven cruises in the last 24 years, and am always interested in the performance or lack thereof by the various cruise lines regarding passenger satisfaction for the cruises I plan. When a cruise line pulls the sort of CRAP that MSC pulled on you I make a mental note that I will NEVER sail with that line even if they offer me a free trip and oodles of Perks. They can go to HEL_ if they think they can get away with that sort of treatment.


Not too many months ago Oceania had a similar situation, but Frank Del Rio, their President, intervened and made proper amends, posting his reply and apology on these boards. I was happy to sail with Oceania after that.


So far I have not noticed any response or apology on these boards by MSC management and I am sure they read them. Who the devil do they think are? If they are so concerned with making the almighty dollar at any cost, I can guarantee you that they will never see any $$$ from me. If more cruisers put them in that same category maybe they will be forced to close their doors and we won't have to deal with their sort of garbage any more. How about starting a Boycott of MSC?

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Unfortunately, this is becoming a more frequent occurrence on other lines as well. The cruise industry is not nearly as customer oriented as it once was. Today you can read the thread entitled "Cruise Cancelled by HAL" on the Holland America board by D&J. The cruise was booked a year ago and all plans had been made and paid for. Now the customer has been notified that they have been bumped and nobody will take the blame, neither HAL nor the travel agent. In some cases the cruise line is able to book a large group and then cancels the paid reservations of individuals. All one can do is keep checking and rechecking to make sure that a reservation is secure. Also look on Google and see if any groups are scheduled for your cruise. You can try putting in the date of departure and the name of the ship. Of course, none of this helps the person whose plans have been totally voided but I have a gut feeling that no organization is going to side with the individual because money talks and the bumping syndrome is becoming more commonplace.

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Usually they ask for volunteers (just like the airlines) and offer a complete refund plus extras for you next cruise.

Only this case they don't deal with the client directly they go through your TA.


Sometime TA's get it wrong and just think the client is BUMPED when they are not or they are too lazy to see if that client wants to take the bump or not.

Unless the cruise line is cancelling the whole cruise then you have choices.

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