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  1. as long as they taste good I would not care how they were plated LOL JMO
  2. they are small so not sure how they would plate them otherwise
  3. Not that I can recall but they will bring you a glass of water in the theater if requested
  4. Book Ember prior to boarding We enjoyed it but had trouble getting a 2nd reservation Contrary to some opinions it IS a popular restaurant No need to ask the waiter to slow down they will server each course to match your tablemates If you orfer less you may just be waiting for the next course to arrive Enjoy
  5. You caan order as many as you like sometimes I order 2 appitzers instead of the main or a smaller portion of the main course JUST ASK the waiters do not read minds
  6. Well I needed some humour in my sad little life so decided to check out CC 😉 Nothing has changed in 9 mths 🙄 Back to the OP We are always in the 45 day window What I do if I cannot get the earlier time slot is book something then check back every few days to see if something more suitable opens up Be flexible on the day you may have to juggle restaurants around to get the earlier seating If all else fails go to the reservations desk (deck 5) on embarkation day & ask if they can get you a more suitable to you time slot JMO Enjoy Lyn
  7. Reaction?? I had special menu ..you get the menu a day or so before check off what you want they adapt the item to suit your needs like sodium free gluten free etc When you give your room number at the reservations desk you are flagged that you have a special meal they bring out the pre filled in menu & give it to the waiter that escorts you to the table your meal is served along with other tablemates course by course No one needs to know you have a special menu Some waiters will confirm with you that items are what you ordered to be sure that is no issue
  8. I pack mix n match / wash n wear type clothing even for a month we manage with 1 -26 " case each Pack for a week then do laundry or use the sink in the cabin for what you can hand wash I have washed DH Columbia shirts in the sink they dry overnight Enjoy
  9. You could probably just be in the last group off the 1st cruise then go to the 2nd berth & drop your bags You can check here to see what berth the ship will be at https://www.southamptonvts.co.uk/Live_Information/Shipping_Movements_and_Cruise_Ship_Schedule/Cruise_Ship_Schedule/
  10. Did you get the wine/beer with meals or you just did not imbibe?
  11. How do you know they were not paging you as well ? You were supposedly ashore watching your watch to be last on board 🙄
  12. Thanks for that info So other reports by some were incorrect then the speculation that everyone even if they did not switch to SM got 2 accounts was incorrect
  13. Did you not have 2 wifi accounts on this cruise??
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