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How stupid on NCLs part


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Gosh, this is soooo depressing!!!! I know they are a huge corporation and we are just little lowly travellers, but isn't the customer always right???? Maybe I am naive about this kind of thing:confused: , but if a huge corporation like NCL cared so little about their customers, wouldn't they being doing terribly???? I'd like to think that in some small way they care about where we are spending our cruise money and would like to sway us their way???



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Gosh, this is soooo depressing!!!! I know they are a huge corporation and we are just little lowly travellers, but isn't the customer always right????
No, the customer isn't always right especially when it comes to money. We don't know...the OP may have been caught in a situation where the OBC was for new bookings only. Or it could have been any other reason. We can't know for sure why he wasn't given the credit by NCL. So NCL may have every leg to stand on in denying the $25. We don't know.
Maybe I am naive about this kind of thing:confused: , but if a huge corporation like NCL cared so little about their customers, wouldn't they being doing terribly???? I'd like to think that in some small way they care about where we are spending our cruise money and would like to sway us their way???
They do care where you spend your money. But I don't think it's fair to give emotions to a corporation. Companies care about their customers because they want them to spend money with them and be happy. If they're happy, they'll come back. So they care that much. They don't care on a personal level. NCL doesn't care about my emotions or feelings. They should care about my satisfaction as a customer.
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...the OP may have been caught in a situation where the OBC was for new bookings only. .


You are correct. I spotted it on a travel site and when I saw the rates were the same as mine,I wanted it. Why should I be penalized for booking soooo long ago.The first day bookings opened,I booked.I should be rewarded or guaranteed the best price for booking early.Not screwed over.


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Was this $25 OBC the one that says "for first time bookings only", or something like that? I asked my TA about that, and she said "No" because we had booked on a Tuesday and the OBC was only valid for first time bookings on a Wednesday. :(

Beth, I would get another TA!!


I booked 2 cruises this year with NCL and both times my TA booked the following Wed. knowing there would be the '1 day OBC sale'. We received both the great pricing and OBC.

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You are correct. I spotted it on a travel site and when I saw the rates were the same as mine,I wanted it. Why should I be penalized for booking soooo long ago.The first day bookings opened,I booked.I should be rewarded or guaranteed the best price for booking early.Not screwed over.


OK...I'll bite. You aren't being penalized for booking early and getting exactly what you want. You got the sailing date of your choice. You got the cabin of your choice. You booked far enough out to get what you want and with that sometimes you don't get the best price or the most perks. Let's say I want to book a cruise leaving in three weeks. That date might not be available. Or maybe it is but the category room I want isn't available. But I can get a great price. That's the price I pay for booking late. You can't have your cake and eat it too. Next time book late and get all the last minute deals and hope you can sail when you want and get the room you want.
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Is NCL's customer service (or lack of, depending on your experience) so very different from other cruise lines? Is there a cruise line that provided good/great customer service--not on the ship but before the cruise?


If you can find one let us all know. Threads about poor customer service can be found on every line's boards.

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If you can find one let us all know. Threads about poor customer service can be found on every line's boards.


That is sort of my point, there must be at least reasonable customer service being provided, at least sometimes, somewhere.

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That is sort of my point, there must be at least reasonable customer service being provided, at least sometimes, somewhere.


Oh, I believe the majority of people do get good customer service, or at least an answer that will satisfy them. Otherwise that would be all we would hear about.


But there is enough that the cruise lines needs to make some improvements. I believe it's mostly the various departments just don't talk to each other. Case in point. I found out a couple of days ago through Shore Excursions that the Nov 5 and Dec 10 itinerary for the Sun has had the first and last port reversed. Customer service still doesn't know about it and the web site doesn't show it so for what ever port problem necessitated the change, only shore excursions has been told so far. Some people do their own shore excursions and could have problems if the change is not made known.

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OK...I'll bite. You aren't being penalized for booking early and getting exactly what you want. You got the sailing date of your choice. You got the cabin of your choice. You booked far enough out to get what you want and with that sometimes you don't get the best price or the most perks. Let's say I want to book a cruise leaving in three weeks. That date might not be available. Or maybe it is but the category room I want isn't available. But I can get a great price. That's the price I pay for booking late. You can't have your cake and eat it too. Next time book late and get all the last minute deals and hope you can sail when you want and get the room you want.


I booked a guarantee.

I do see your reasoning,but if I am not in penalty phase,why can I not cancel and rebook?So if I booked last December and cancelled in January and booked again in this month,I do not qualify for the better rate and perks? That is what they are trying to do it seems.

I got around it sort of.By adding a room,it became a new booking as far as the new room goes.


I have booked late before,last minute actually and I did get a great rate and room.It is not fair to those who booked prior.I hate hearing what other people paid.It does not sit well when the guy at your dinner table paid $4000 for a room and you are next door and paid $2500.


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NCL - and a few other mass maket cruise lines - are all too well aware that most of the American Public will buy anything and put up with all sorts of grief if the price is low enough. Remember that most Americans have three criteria when they shop: Price, Price, and Price.


Why do they sell a cabin for $300 when there are 7 other people waiting to buy it? Because it's quick, easy, and cost effective, and because they firmly believe that the money you saved on the cabin price will be spent onboard later anyway. In most cases thay are correct. Remember those multi-million dollar computer programs and market research companies I told you about? You would be shocked at how much we know about what YOU are going to do and spend onboard - even before we know who you are. Knowing where you are from, when you are cruising, the itinerary, ship, date of cruise, date you booked, your age, marital status, accompanying passengers, and price you paid for your cabin, I can safely predict how much you will spend onboard every day, and for which items and services. I can probably even tell what you will order for dinner on the 4th night of the cruise.


You want great customer service from a cruise line?? No problem. Good service costs more money to provide. Call Oceania, Silver Sea, Crystal, or Seabourn and you will generally receive fantastic customer service from start to finish. But you will pay for it. Once again, (VERY generally speaking) if Americans have the choice between cheaper prices and great customer service, they will invariably choose cheaper prices. The cruise lines know this all too well and use it to their advantage.


Need proof?? The luxury lines mentioned above - with their stellar customer service levels, cannot even fill their small fleets of ships. NCL on the other hand, with perpetually dismal customer service and endless complaints about it (plus those attractive low fares) has full ships on every sailing and can't build ships fast enough to satisfy demand.

The American Public inevitably votes with their wallets. They have spoken.

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I booked a guarantee.

I do see your reasoning,but if I am not in penalty phase,why can I not cancel and rebook?So if I booked last December and cancelled in January and booked again in this month,I do not qualify for the better rate and perks? That is what they are trying to do it seems.

I got around it sort of.By adding a room,it became a new booking as far as the new room goes.

I totally see what you're saying and I think you should get the better price or the OBC or whatever it is. But the cruise line puts all these restrictions. I've booked early before and paid a fortune only to hear others talking about their great deal. I don't agree with how the cruise lines handle these things but I do see why they do it.
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I can safely predict how much you will spend onboard every day, and for which items and services. I can probably even tell what you will order for dinner on the 4th night of the cruise.



I doubt I fit the model,but go ahead and predict,humor me.:D


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Bruce: We, the buying public are so funny! We want, what we want, when we want it! :cool: What you're saying makes all the sense in the world. We just can't accept it!

You said it all.......YOU want SERVICE????? Pay for it!!!! It's not what we, the American public, want to hear, however it's the reality!

We book the "common carrier" and expect "uncommon service". :rolleyes:

Face reality folks....enjoy what you can, ask (with a smile), don't always expect that it will be perfect....and, move on!

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You may be right. You may not fit the model. But that computes as well. We know that on any particular cruise, there will be a small percentage of passengers who will not fit the predictions, But that's OK. The budgets and other parameters are adjusted for those small percentages.


But I can tell you this. You booked a guarantee. That tells the cruise line that you are willing to take a cabin that nobody else wants, in exchange for a lower price. They now know that lowest price will win you over any other consideration. They also know know that you will probably book whatever cruise is the best deal - regardless of other factors. And while you might complain about certain issues, so long as the price is right, they have you.

Will you be a loyal customer? No. You will book with any cruise line with the lowest price. Should they expend too much time or money on you? No. You may never come back.

After they get your passport details, with address, age, and a few other demographic details, they will have a very good idea how much they can expect to make (or lose) on you when you cruise.

I'm not using a computer to profile you. But the cruise line will. And that computer is far smarter than I will ever be.


In any case, I don't presume to make any judgements on your travelling style or preferences. But the Cruise Lines certainly do. You may possibly be in that 1 or 2% they get wrong, but they have accounted for that as well.


A note of caution that might come in handy for you: Many Cruise Line employees (in the office and onboard) generally look at people who book Guarantees in a slightly different light. These are the "bargain hunters" (in their eyes) who perhaps don't deserve quite as much serious attention as the other passengers who were willing to pay more.

Far more complaints come from people in Guarantee Cabins than those who spent a bit more. Whenever a passenger approaches the Front Desk or Management with a seemingly serious problem, the first question asked among the problem solvers is: Is it a Guarantee? The answer to that question has a lot to do with how far they are willing to go to resolve the issue.

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You may be right. You may not fit the model. But that computes as well. We know that on any particular cruise, there will be a small percentage of passengers who will not fit the predictions, But that's OK. The budgets and other parameters are adjusted for those small percentages.


But I can tell you this. You booked a guarantee. That tells the cruise line that you are willing to take a cabin that nobody else wants, in exchange for a lower price. They now know that lowest price will win you over any other consideration. They also know know that you will probably book whatever cruise is the best deal - regardless of other factors. And while you might complain about certain issues, so long as the price is right, they have you.

Will you be a loyal customer? No. You will book with any cruise line with the lowest price. Should they expend too much time or money on you? No. You may never come back.

After they get your passport details, with address, age, and a few other demographic details, they will have a very good idea how much they can expect to make (or lose) on you when you cruise.

I'm not using a computer to profile you. But the cruise line will. And that computer is far smarter than I will ever be.


In any case, I don't presume to make any judgements on your travelling style or preferences. But the Cruise Lines certainly do. You may possibly be in that 1 or 2% they get wrong, but they have accounted for that as well.


A note of caution that might come in handy for you: Many Cruise Line employees (in the office and onboard) generally look at people who book Guarantees in a slightly different light. These are the "bargain hunters" (in their eyes) who perhaps don't deserve quite as much serious attention as the other passengers who were willing to pay more.

Far more complaints come from people in Guarantee Cabins than those who spent a bit more. Whenever a passenger approaches the Front Desk or Management with a seemingly serious problem, the first question asked among the problem solvers is: Is it a Guarantee? The answer to that question has a lot to do with how far they are willing to go to resolve the issue.



I never complain about a guarantee room, as I have always been upgraded.

You are close on your assumptions.I will sail with whoever I have enough credit card points with. :D


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Don't understand why he is upset. When he booked the room he must of thought it was a good value or he wouldn't have gotten it. Personally, once I book, I'm not going to go crazy constantly looking for the better price, once it's booked and I'm happy that's it. I personally never talk price with anyone, I don't care what they paid.



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Personally, once I book, I'm not going to go crazy constantly looking for the better price, once it's booked and I'm happy that's it. I personally never talk price with anyone, I don't care what they paid.




That is not really my point.When you are not commited to anything,why should you be penalized for thinking about it? (holding a room before final payment,with a depost)


If you went into a car dealer on Friday and put a $5000 deposit down fully refundable thru Monday on a car and saw in Sundays paper that there was an extra $3000 off every new car as part of a double rebate program you would not want the $3000?

I think you would.

Then you figure you will just get your deposit back and go to a different dealer and when you get to the new dealer,they say they have your info in the system and that rebate was for new customers only and you don't qualify.


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OK...I'll bite. You aren't being penalized for booking early and getting exactly what you want. You got the sailing date of your choice. You got the cabin of your choice. You booked far enough out to get what you want and with that sometimes you don't get the best price or the most perks. Let's say I want to book a cruise leaving in three weeks. That date might not be available. Or maybe it is but the category room I want isn't available. But I can get a great price. That's the price I pay for booking late. You can't have your cake and eat it too. Next time book late and get all the last minute deals and hope you can sail when you want and get the room you want.


My turn.


Why in your opinion was I not included in the offer then? I hadn't even placed my deposit just booked it two days before the offer.


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Makes sense except in the case where they have already expended the labor to do the booking in the first place, tried to get the credit applied, and then lost the booking to a TA and 10% of the revenue. Those events go into the the average cost per booking in the big picture.


Not really. In the grand scheme of things the TA is the cheapest labor for the cruise lines even if the booking is transferred. By adding more in-house Personal Cruise Consultants they have to pay a salary plus commission. even if you did not have one with NCL they have to pay the "order takers" the same and they take up "space" that costs dollars plus benefits.


So......you have a TA that has knowledge of the product, can sell the heck out of it, take care of all of the "little and big" concerns of the booking at little cost to NCL;)


I know for a fact that the "Order Takers" the cruise lines hire have never sailed on their product or any other line. The lines would rather have a TA do their work in educating the public and they spend $$ in educating us to sell them, but this does not compare to the salary they have to pay to their personnel.

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My turn.


Why in your opinion was I not included in the offer then? I hadn't even placed my deposit just booked it two days before the offer.



I`ll give you mine;) ........even tho you did not put a deposit on it, you were holding a cabin or a guarantee.

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I`ll give you mine;) ........even tho you did not put a deposit on it, you were holding a cabin or a guarantee.


Well, I guess but if Princess has a deal for the same time slot I might be jumping ship.:D It won't cost me a thing but would be more work for my TA. Or should I just book direct next time? :rolleyes:


Vote with your feet.:cool:

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Well, I guess but if Princess has a deal for the same time slot I might be jumping ship.:D It won't cost me a thing but would be more work for my TA. Or should I just book direct next time? :rolleyes:


Vote with your feet.:cool:


You know my thoughts on that one:D Not that much more work for your TA. He/she should be happy to do it.

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Not really. In the grand scheme of things the TA is the cheapest labor .


I agree but not if they have already gone thru all the direct expense including perhaps a PCC and then transfer the booking last minute. Book onboard transfer to a TA when you get home perfect. Call 7 times change your booking 5 times and then transfer the booking the worst of both worlds.

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