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Top Chef

Curt Jerome Wild

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Weighing in on last week's episode before tonight's airs...

I'm really disgusted with most of them at this point.

What Cliff did was literally assault and battery, and enough said about that.

Ilan has proven himself to be an even bigger snake and bully in my opinion, and I just want him off my TV screen now.

I do think that it is Sam's to lose at this point (but for me it's almost like choosing the lesser of two evil's here, rather than someone I really like and respect and want to win). But, I still think he's an instigator.

He's one of those guys who instigates other people to get into trouble, then stands back while they take the fall.

First of all he instigated the entire Frank/Marcel debacle, then stepped back while Frank then looked like the bully. Then he's instigated other people on Marcel. Then during the headshaving incident, he sat by, watched and laughed while Cliff (easily twice Marcel's body weight) held Marcel down by the neck. He was the only guy that was big enough to stop or pull Cliff off...

Elia, I'm a fan, but also torn by I'm not sure of her part in last week's episode. I've watched it a few times, and it sounds like Ilan calls for Elia to help Cliff and get in there and shave Marcel's head, and she says "I can't" - meaning she can't help them out. But at the same token, (I realize they were all drunk, but I never feel that is an excuse for anyone's behavior) why didn't she yell for someone to step in, or yell for someone to stop Cliff?

Also, even though I do like her, I'm concerned in the fact that there have been a few times including last week, where she has essentially gotten exhasperated and given up in the middle of cooking. That's one factor I get concerned about lacking in Top Chef qualities.

Marcel, Marcel. I still think he's getting damage by a bad/villain edit. And I think it's bad because they didn't have enough to follow through to make the edit work. So, they've just kind of made everyone look bad now. Believe me if they had Marcel on tape reacting, or yelling back, or instigating any of the fights, they would show it, because it would be "better TV" for them. They don't have it, because he never acted that way. I also got a little insider info, that he literally did not tell the producers what happened. He dealt with it himself, and kept it inside. It was only the camera crew that showed the producers the tape later the next day, and the producers had to confront Marcel with the tape before he would tell them what happened.

I do also notice over and over again, that he is the one when people start name calling at judges table, he always says "Can we just get back to judging the food?"

He still may not have quite enough in him to win, I still think it's Sam's to win or lose. I just think it's all interesting.

At any rate, let's hope that they all step up (after they've had a little time between last week's episode and getting to Hawaii) and act more professional from here on out.

I want to be able to like the winner, so let's hope they all redeem themselves.

Just my two cents...


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Curt, you are right. I saw Sam just standing there while Elia and Ilan complained about Marcel. The timing of this was all wrong. If they were that upset then it should have been said in the beginning not when the judges were about to tell them their decision. I could see in their faces that they were over it. I could tell Padma was having a hard time telling Sam and Elia to "pack their knives and go"'. I look forward to next week's episode.

I don't know about you but I always feel hungry when watching the show. Tonight I ate real good before the show so I wouldn't have the munchies!

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i neverthought i would say this ....Marcels food was the best, he folowed the instructions exactly! i did like Elia the best but her behavior last night was very imature . i think Marcel may actualy win.:eek: he is the only one whow only focased on the compatition the whole tie

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I am so annoyed with this turn of events. I so wanted that squiggling little piece of hairball known as Marcel to be hitting the bricks. I hate his food and OMG if he does another foam I am going to lose it. I think he probably experiments with different types of foams and gook and stuff that doesn't end up on a plate he will slather in that dorko hair style of his. Sorry just had to vent.

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Elia disappointed me..I thought she was above all that stuff..Food wise she did not step up to the plate and execute the challange...Sam did not cook a single thing...played it safe like hes done most of the competition..Elan...Boy he sure has it bad for Marcel..If he wants to win he needs to forget about him...Hands off to him for using the tarro leaves..His food wasnt presented well..only hawaiian was his leaf he cooked in..


Marcel..he may make unappropriate comments and he may be socially retarded but...he does know his food and has kept focused this whole competition..He was spot on last night and innovative..He should win..

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II hate his food and OMG if he does another foam I am going to lose it. I think he probably experiments with different types of foams and gook and stuff that doesn't end up on a plate he will slather in that dorko hair style of his. Sorry just had to vent.


Could not remember what Marcel's hair style reminded me of until just last night. Anyone see the movie' date=' ]Something About Mary?, remember the infamous hair gel scene where Ben Stiller meets Cameron Diaz at the door with "gel" in his hair. EEEEWWWWW, I shudder to think what concoctions Marcel is passing off as his foams and gels foodwise.:eek:


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Well, it was Sam's to lose and he lost it. I was impressed that he spent his two months working on his baking skills, as they were his weak point. He does strike me as the calmest in the kitchen adn the most serious about his food. So what it he didn't actually cook anything in this challenge? A lot of Hawaiian food is not about actual cooking.


I'm not surprised to see Elia go. I was seldom impressed with the way her dishes sounded.She was smart to research Hawaiian food before the challenge. Too bad she didn't incorproate it jsut a bit more, but she often seems to miss the mark.


Ilan seemed to just go about his merry way during the two month break. They didn't seem to show him working at anything in particular. But, it didn't seem to hurt him.


The way Marcel spent the two months in between was quite impressive. But, I'm not so sure how I feel about food as a chemistry experiment. Yes, I realize that it is chemical reactions that cause everything to taste a certain way. But what he did reminds me too much of industrialized cooking. I've done ad work for the people who make things like a powder concoction that really does make food taste like it was grilled. It's rather amazing, but do you really want to injest that stuff?


If Ilan wins it's because he just wants to beat Marel. If Marcel wins, its just the luck of the moment.


The deciding factor may be if they have to work with previous contestants on the final challenge. It's happened before. And I don't think anyone will really work that hard for Marcel, do you?


Kurt, I know you think everyone is picking on Marcel, but it appears he has been guilty of doing things in the kitchen that interfer with other's dishes. And would everyone be so against him if he weren't a pain? A giveaway is the wolfman hair. Only someone very pretentious would have hair like that. That is not chef style.

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I think this may go to Marcel. The reason Chef C who had to kick out Cliff for the assault on Marcel, also had reasons to kick out every other of the gang. And on BRAVO he says so on his blog. He wanted to close the contest down at that point.

Marcel drives me nuts, but that is no

excuse to what has happened in this competition that has turned more into a joke than anything else.

Personally my thought on the judges in this last episode, where Elia said Marcel after a meeting with the others in the competion was cheated when she had no evidence to back it up. The judges were can you idiots just get over yourselves?

Yes Marcel moved Elia's dish, think back to the week before where they pretty much blocked all the burners but one from him and then possibly one of his pans got dumped?

This show has some serious non adults in the mix. I am not a Marcel fan, but I am less of a fan of what has happened to him.

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I think this may go to Marcel. The reason Chef C who had to kick out Cliff for the assault on Marcel, also had reasons to kick out every other of the gang. And on BRAVO he says so on his blog. He wanted to close the contest down at that point.

Marcel drives me nuts, but that is no

excuse to what has happened in this competition that has turned more into a joke than anything else.

Personally my thought on the judges in this last episode, where Elia said Marcel after a meeting with the others in the competion was cheated when she had no evidence to back it up. The judges were can you idiots just get over yourselves?

Yes Marcel moved Elia's dish, think back to the week before where they pretty much blocked all the burners but one from him and then possibly one of his pans got dumped?

This show has some serious non adults in the mix. I am not a Marcel fan, but I am less of a fan of what has happened to him.

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Finale tonight, and I'm not sure how I feel.

I kind of feel like the editors and producers of this show are the true villains.

Again, like I said before, unlike Project Runway and upcoming Top Design...

This is about food, I can't taste what they are doing, so you can only go by editing and guessing.

I feel like the producers have just gone SO over the top to manipulate and mislead the audience this season it's ridiculous.

And to have polls like "Who hates Marcel the most"?...

Is just stringing easily manipulated audience into buying what they are trying to manipulate...

Hey Top Chef producers! Who is the worst at "presentation" this season?

You are!

A few things:

#1 I now know from behind the scenes and am hearing that they edited the attack incident out of order.

First they attacked Marcel and tried to shave his head.

When that didn't work, Ilan and Elia shaved their heads afterward, in order to look like they had shaved their heads first and everyone was doing it! That way they were trying to cover up their tracks and plans.

I don't know how I feel about this, maybe even worse.

#2 Marcel was actually attacked by a "fan" of the show and hit over the head with a beer bottle, requiring 30 (mind you THIRTY) stitches.

Do you realize how major that had to be to require 30 stitches.

Hopefully it wasn't IzzBizz's Gran, although comments and reactions like this scare me. Hey Top Chef producer's, you've just basically ruined someone's life, I hope you sleep well at night.

(link to the article):


#3 I am now concerned if Marcel does win. Is he going to have to get presidential level security guards? I think he might be safe and do better if he gets second; although I'm disgusted with Ilan.

#4 Sam was the closest to a Top Chef, and he blew it. I also still think he's an instigator.

#5 After a couple of weeks ago, I think they just should have ended the season, and invited Marcel back for Season 3.

After their immature and bullying behavior, none of the remaining are Top Chefs to me.

#6 I always watch and pay attention to several little and nuanced things a few times before I decide how I feel about any episode. I know that they are trying to manipulate, and pay close attention.

So, I wonder half the time if the main audience is seeing the same show I am? For example Sam clearly says to Elia last week (in a small quiet voice) you should say something about "cheating" - regarding their behavior at last Judge's Table. Then when Elia starts talking and looks like an idiot, and Ilan weakly tries to back her up, Sam backs out on defending them. So, he addsd to the ideas, then backs out (and happened over and over during the show) in front of the judges. YOu don't notice these things unless you watch closely.

Anyway, I'm going to be mad that a wimpy bully won if Ilan wins; and I'm going to be scared for Marcel's safety if he wins.

I just think that the producers have made a royal mess out of this entire season.

We shall see what happens...

Not happy - CJW

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Jerome you really called it right on the way the shows been edited...But I wouldnt worry about Marcel..He will do just fine..:)..People will go and eat his food and his career will flourish..He will garner respect in the kitchen from his empolyees..Marcel handled himself very well .. Unlike Elan who acted immature..No leadership qualities there....I hope Marcel wins tonight..I have been in the boys corner throughout most of the show...

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I did not watch the first season. But this one was like watching a car accident. The editing and problems you mentioned are true. The beer bottle incident was awful.

I was speaking with mom today on the phone, some how this show came up. She has never watched it, but told me Rosie on the View brought it up this morning.

Mom flipped the channel to BRAVO, and they were having a marathon. I was at work. The few minutes she watched, she said wow these adults are acting like children. She caught the tail end of one show, because she loved when she heard Pack Your Knives and Leave.

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#2 Marcel was actually attacked by a "fan" of the show and hit over the head with a beer bottle, requiring 30 (mind you THIRTY) stitches.

Do you realize how major that had to be to require 30 stitches.

Hopefully it wasn't IzzBizz's Gran, although comments and reactions like this scare me. Hey Top Chef producer's, you've just basically ruined someone's life, I hope you sleep well at night.

(link to the article):



That's awful that someone would physically attack Marcel. I certainly hope he is okay. That sounds like some of the rather overzealous soap opera fans who slap and pummel whomever is the designated baddie for the season.

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Why are people defending Marcel? Don't you think there was a reason he was disliked from the beginning? Over and over you've heard people say he talks down to them. He's pretentious. He comes across as the baby even though he's a couple of years older than Ilan (26 over 24).


That aside, he's obviously a very dedicated chef. I don't pay attention to the polls and things. Overall, I felt like the producers made him look picked on more than a villain. And, he was picked on. Because he was obnoxious. You can certainly be talented and obnoxious. A lot of people are. Often it seems to help their careers. All Marcel has to do to protect his safety is get a haircut. No one will know him then.


Sam should have won. Heck, he saved Marcel's butt when the fish was missing in action. It was Marcel's best dish. What does that say?


Ilan is lucky to be where he is.


Elia turned out to be more interested in hurting Marcel than her own future and reputation. Bad move.


Maybe Sam was an instigator. I saw that little whisper, too. Or, maybe the editors put that in to make him look more deserving to lose. I think there was a lot of trash talk going down.


Now that the show is over, I'm going to ask my friend who's Frank's cousin for some info on Marcel. Will report back!

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In Canada on the Food Network we have a version of "Top Chef". Funny how they can have the same name. It's ok so far nothing to write home about just you guys.


The Canadian Food Network broadcasts Top Chef. Its the same show as that shown on the US Food Network.


There is also "The Next Great Chef" which is broadcast on CH and sponsored, I think, by Knorr. A lot less drama and concentrates more on the food and its preparation, typically Canadian, eh :D .

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hey broberts eh?

my mums a Canadian , From Barrie and i have reletives in Mississauga (ok so i can't spell today, too many labatts:p )and Burlington and various othe ports. anyway.....

top chef was on Bravo tv not the food channel, they had "who wants to be the next network star?" how about Hell's kitchen? anybody watch that?:cool:

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hey broberts eh?

my mums a Canadian , From Barrie and i have reletives in Mississauga (ok so i can't spell today, too many labatts:p )and Burlington and various othe ports. anyway.....

top chef was on Bravo tv not the food channel, they had "who wants to be the next network star?" how about Hell's kitchen? anybody watch that?:cool:


Lots of cross border families. I have paternal relatives in NY and other states.


Top Chef is on both Bravo and FoodNetwork.ca. But I don't think fn.ca is showing the second season yet.


I watch Hell's kitchen. Its entertaining, but I often wonder about the editing and how our attention is being directed to particular contestants.

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I'm hoping to get more details, but basically none of the other contestants liked Marcel because he was so arrogant in his manner. Condescending. Acted like he was smarter than they were.


Maybe he was, but no one likes a person who acts that way.


This from contestant Frank, BTW.



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  • 3 months later...

Top Chef returns!!!


This season is in Miami, and there's something goin on with Marcel (season 2) and LeeAnn (season 1) in the first episode but I can't find out what. Haven't looked too hard, though.


Another season of yum fun.

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