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*LIVE* from Mariner of the Seas - PROBLEMS!


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I feel sorry for people with kids on the Mariner - I mean - how do you explain it when your kid sees something like that?


Been there and had to try and explain it to my 10 & 11 yo daughters. The behavior of these 2 was rude, crude, and socially unacceptable. My uncle is gay and has lived with his partner for 22 years. They and their friends don't act this way. My uncle calls these types "Radical Gays".

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Straight,gay,black,white,whatever.The bottom line is they should not close part of the ship for anygroup and deny other passengers the right to use them.Last time i looked my money was as green as the next persons.i agree with the other op's if you need that much privacy for them to close part of the ship then hire a charter.The next cruise i'm on with my family i'll ask the captian to close the solarium for us because we may spend more than the next guy.Give me a break.

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Wow.........what a shame for the other cruisers! I'd be really pissed too if they closed a section of the ship to me for any group booking! Closing a room for seminars or meeting is no big deal, but to close a main attraction that is enjoyed by a lot of cruisers during the entire day is wrong, wrong, wrong! There are a lot of people (not me) that can't stay in the hot sun and really spend their entire cruise in the solarium so it's definitely not right! But like someone else said, they probably did it to contain them and keep them from other passengers. But, I guess my question is..........was this group allowed to use the main pool at all? If so, it's definitly unfair. The original poster posted that they couldn't even walk thru the solarium to get to the main pool - they had to walk a level up and over and then back down again. Did the bears have to do the same to get to the Windjammer? Did they have to walk up a level and over and back down again? I would have definitely been unhappy about the whole thing! I too know gay people and they don't act or flaunt themselves like that! It just sounds to me that they were rude, crude, loud and didn't respect any of the other passengers! So.......looks like RCCL made 400 people happy and pissed off about 1500+ others. Not good for business at all! And if I had little ones, I would have insisted on getting off the ship and a full refund! Sorry, but I had to add my two cents!

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I wonder which captain has to deal with this issue...Capt Kristofferson is due to report to Mariner sometime in Oct or Nov. Can you imagine! Coming back from a long break because your wife had a baby, you'll all excited and proud about that, then board your ship and WHAM, have to deal with this! Or Capt Johnny, if he's still aboard he's thinking...why me! He'll be jumping on his Harley and zoooooooooming outta there when Capt Per relieves him! I bet he can't wait.

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I agree that you should be able to find out if large groups are sailing, but if the cruiselines let you know about that ahead of time they are potentially losing out on a lot of booking$. It's all about the $$$ people, that's why RCCL kind of is turning their heads on this.


Oh and complaining to the guest relations staff onboard saying you are canceling you future cruises on RCI will mean nothing to them, they could care less, it affects them in no way.


If enough people show up at guest relations and start a mutiny they might care!


IMHO if this practice of having large organized controversial groups of people on the cruise without forewarning the other cruisers will eventually lead to a class action lawsuit.

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I guess we will get more of the story today once the OP gets home as well as the others that were on this sailing that post here at CC.


RCI was wrong for closing off that area of the ship to other guests. Everyone pays their money for this cruise and this group is no better than any of the others. I don't care how much money they spend on board. As stated above, RCI is making 4-500 folks happy and pissing off the rest of the passengers. I hope that this comes back to bite RCI square in the @ss. Again I will be interested in hearing more about this.

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I guess we will get more of the story today once the OP gets home as well as the others that were on this sailing that post here at CC.


RCI was wrong for closing off that area of the ship to other guests. Everyone pays their money for this cruise and this group is no better than any of the others. I don't care how much money they spend on board. As stated above, RCI is making 4-500 folks happy and pissing off the rest of the passengers. I hope that this comes back to bite RCI square in the @ss. Again I will be interested in hearing more about this.


I completly agree! With all of the image problems that RCI is having, I can't figure out why they would risk further problems by booking this group.

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What is wrong here is that no individual or group of individuals should be permitted to negatively effect the enjoyment of any other person or group of persons on any particular cruise. This should not be limited to Bears, Teens, Swingers or the Christian Right. I think it would be just as wrong for a Pat Robertson type group to take over the Royal Promenade for the week to do Bible sermons as it is for the Bears to take over solarium. I do believe that the Capt. is trying to contain the bears to just the solarium, basically trying to make the best of a bad situation. But the biggest question is in appeasing the Bears he has adversely effected the enjoyment of many of the rest of the passengers. So ultimately do you think that RCCL owes the rest of the passengers any monetary reimbursement from this. I would think perhaps they do but a full refund may be a bit extreme. I do think that guidelines need to be set up for large groups just as they would be for individuals found negatively effecting the enjoyment of other passengers and if that person or persons are found and refuse to conform they should be immediately escorted off the ship at the closest port and their names should be noted and they should be refused or limited to future sailings. There are themed cruises and the cruise line permits the full charters. It would be to the advantage of individuals and groups of individuals who do not want to conform to the publicly acceptable rules of decorum to limit their cruising to such themed cruises or find enough similarly interested individuals to book a full charter. Don’t bash me but this should not be limited just to Bears but also to any group of persons (Singles, Swingers, Nudists, Adult only, Rebellious Monks who take steroids, …..) who do not want to conform to a socially acceptable family cruise.

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I think some groups and individuals get a kick out of offending others. Like the 2 gUys in the pool on our last Mariner cruise, making out in front of a lot of young children. That is inappropiate behavior for anyone !:mad:


Would if had been better if it was a man and a woman?

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I hope you guys are doing ok. I would be furious too. RC need to re-think their policy about allowing large groups of people on board like this, people that they know will cause offence to others. I am going on the Navigator next June and hope that we do not have to tolerate any of this group thing. I hope you can speak with someone soon and get some of your money back. Good Luck




I will elaborate more upon our return, but after making Diamond status on this cruise, we are rethinking our loyalty to RCCL.


In the latest of a week full of surprises, we were notified upon attempting entry into the Solarium today after our Rasul treatment in the spa, the Solarium was closed for the remainder of the cruise. It was reserved for the exclusive use of the "Bears" group onboard. After calling to speak to the Guest Relations Manager, who was unavailable, I was told that the RCCL Office in Miami made the decision to close this area for the group for the remainder of the cruise due to security issues. Security was posted at each entry/exit to the Solarium to ensure compliance with this restriction. This meant that my wife and I had to walk up and over to get the the other end of the ship. It also means that we are no longer able to use the Solarium.


After I have been harassed throughout the week by the members of this group; via cat calls, splashes of water while walking through the Solarium, I have HAD ENOUGH!


There is a MUCH more noticeable presence of security on this cruise, in addition to RCCL Security, there is a contracted firm (no less than five guards) which seems to be protecting this group.


I am VERY dissapointed with RCCL and hope that others who were on this cruise make RCCL Management aware of their concerns. My wife and I are VERY tolerant people, but RCCL chose to segregate the general population from this group and has catered to their repeated misbehavior throughout the week.


While I cannot verify any of the rumors, I heard several people from this group have been escorted off at port, due to harrassment of other passengers. Regardless, the tolerance of; hands down the pants/shorts of others, and other outward sexual behavior is more appropriate for home, back in the cabin, or a full charter.


Royal Caribbean touts itself as 'family friendly' and this cruise, fellow CC'ers, has been FAR from anything remotely close to 'family' oriented.



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I Have siled on 13 cruises I have been on many cruises with large groups. from nuns to 911 call operatorws to EMT's etc... they always have there meeting in rooms that are closed off to the rest of the ship no big deal. I also Love how so many of the threads say how "I dont care if they are gay or str8".. this is like saying i am not prejudice by best friend is ______.

(fill in the blank... black gay fat short blonde etc).

while I agree sex in public is wrong I feel I have seen many str8 cruisers just about "doing" it on the deck on at dinner but nothing is ever said about them.. HUMMMM I am turned off just as much by a group of religous zealots making everything stop to say a prayer when it may offend many of the passengers but this again doesnt make it into the threads. HMMMMM... once again on the carnival page its the "swingers" group it seams unless the passenger fits into the White christian conservative profile no one else is able to enjoy themselves either.

I agree kids SHOLD NOT be forced to expierence any of these items from the sex to forced anything. we have to remember this is still a business for RCCL and all other ships and if they turn down groups they would be either out of business or be charging three times the amount they do now. the groups help keep our prices sdown for everyone. lets all be a little more caring and loving

thanks for listening to my rant:eek:




I agree with the above poster. It boils down to two things:


1. behavior in public areas

2. having access to public areas.


Let them book all the groups they want; just keep whatever it is behind closed doors so I (or my children) don't have to know about it. OR let me know beforehand that part of the ship I am paying to have access to will be off limits to me.



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Please, please, please tell me that these people aren't filming a porno flick in my cabin that I have for a future 2007 sailing.....I don't care if they are gay, straight, etc.....where is the thread about RCCL never washing the bedspreads??? Ooohhh, YUK!! This is disgusting!! :mad:

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What would bother me, is a group taking over the solarium pool, or any other spca meant for public use.


I agree that no group should be allowed to take over a large public space for their own personal use.


My question for all of you is would you feel the same way if it was a White christian conservative group taking over the Solarium Pool?

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My question for all of you is would you feel the same way if it was a White christian conservative group taking over the Solarium Pool?


You better believe I would! I pay to have access to the amenities on the ship INCLUDING the solarium pool. Closing off a section of the ship to paying guests is outrageous.

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In most cases yes, but according to the OP,they are kinda hard to ignore with their behavior...........


So are white Christian conservatives....how would RCCL handle it if they started trying to convert all the non-Christians on the ship? That, to me, would be equally offensive.


Having said that - I too don't care if they're gay or straight...and a little kissing in public or something is not offensive. Straight folks do that all the time too. Heck, in Istanbul this summer I saw a beautiful Muslim woman, almost totally covered, necking with her boyfriend in the street. It was great!


This past May, on the Brilliance, there was a fairly large contingent of gay guys travelling.....but most people didn't know it. Groups like the Bears unfortunately have a tendency to push their way of doing things in others' faces. Most of my gay friends will say that gives all gays a bad rep simply by association.


If RCCL is allowing groups to cruise which are filming porno in their staterooms, wouldn't that make RCCL complicit in the making and distribution of porn, and hence legally liable???


It sounds like perhaps the Captain decided that the best way to contain this was to confine them to the Solarium. I can't comment about not getting into the Solarium because every time I tried on the TA cruise, the same people were there early and stayed in their chairs all day, so essentially the Solarium was off limits to me in any event.:eek:


Fran in Toronto

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I think some groups and individuals get a kick out of offending others. Like the 2 gUys in the pool on our last Mariner cruise, making out in front of a lot of young children. That is inappropiate behavior for anyone !:mad:


Would if had been better if it was a man and a woman?



cvbart what is your point:confused: :confused:


I think my statement that it is inappropiate behavior for anyone is self explanatory.

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I wonder which captain has to deal with this issue...Capt Kristofferson is due to report to Mariner sometime in Oct or Nov. Can you imagine! Coming back from a long break because your wife had a baby, you'll all excited and proud about that, then board your ship and WHAM, have to deal with this! Or Capt Johnny, if he's still aboard he's thinking...why me! He'll be jumping on his Harley and zoooooooooming outta there when Capt Per relieves him! I bet he can't wait.



Do you know if Captain Johnny will be onboard for the Dec 3rd sailing? I heard so much good about him and was hoping he was captain for our sailing. I wanted to meet him.

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cvbart what is your point:confused: :confused:


I think my statement that it is inappropiate behavior for anyone is self explanatory.


You seemed to be making a point by pointing out they were two "gUys" (your spelling).


I now understand what you were trying to say.



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Ewww...that website link was SOOOOO Gross! Did anyone see the picture of the hairy heavy men pinching their own nipples....YIKES. A warning might have been nice prior to clicking on the link!!!


YES, and all I can say is OMG!!!!! :eek: It is ridiculous of RCI to allow a group like this to overrun the ship! I would also be asking for a refund! The Solarium Pool was our favorite on the ship. However, I'd be hesitant to use any pool that these "Bears" were in! :eek: :eek: I think the thing that irritates me the most is that according to their website, these Bears are booking this trip for approx $600 each.... my husband and I paid around $1,300 each for our trip and im sure there are those that paid alot more! To limit those that expected world-class service and use of the ship is unbelievable!!!! :mad: :mad:

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cvbart what is your point:confused: :confused:


I get his point:rolleyes:


What would be funny is if rccl had unknowingly booked the Tailhook club on this cruise also. A rowdy bunch of aircraft carrier fighter pilots that would have cleaned up and out the solarium in short order.


Bet they would have called it operation Bear Hunt. LOLROF:D

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It sounds like a very unenviable position to be in...for both the non-bear passengers and RCI. Can you imagine the headlines in the press: "Royal Caribbean puts 500 gay men off the ship and strands them in St. Thomas"?


This is a lose lose situation. I'll be eager to hear if they attempt to make it up to you all. Best of luck, and so sorry this has happened to you guys!!


I agree it's a lose-lose situation, but if they were able to back up their decision with specifics from the cruise: making movies in a semi-private area, harassing passengers, overtly sexual acts in public areas . . . I have to believe that most reasonable people would say, "Yeah, they deserved to be put off the ship."


In fact, if I heard that, it'd WIN my business. I'd feel sure that they weren't going to tolerate bad behavior onboard.

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I agree that no group should be allowed to take over a large public space for their own personal use.


My question for all of you is would you feel the same way if it was a White christian conservative group taking over the Solarium Pool?


The answer to this one is yes... being that I'm a bit on the liberal side and all ultra conservatives drive me a bit nuts! I don't care if you are gay or enjoy porn. Seriously, the big deal here is that balconies are only psuedo private so if they are noisy it does impact others cruise experience and the solarium pool is a favorite of many. We plan on taking advantage of that pool while our son is in babysitting so we can have precious adult time.


But politics aside, I don't spend thousands on a family vacation with an impressionable toddler to be around any group that impacts my family's simple enjoyment of the cruise. I want to be able to use the pools, walk the decks and participate with activities at the same level as I always do no matter who is aboard with no fear of what might be heard or seen. We changed our sailing from the Nov 5 sailing because of the biker's rally. If it was just my husband and I, we'd go with the flow most likely as those wanting accessible cabins can't be quite as choosey but when that group discourages kids being in attendance with "And they're probably won't be a lot of children on board, because of the type of rally it is." on the group's website, then I have to think twice about my booking,and therefore changed despite us choosing that week in particular to celebrate our son's birthday.

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I thought that the bears were some sort of sports team:D !! Well i've gotten an education this morning. Special thanks to Sleeky for the heads up @ the bears next years cruise, that's our anniversary week and i've been thinking up a way to surprise my DH with a s. carrib. cruise-could you imagine the surprise:eek: !!!! As for the OP, I would continue to be the squeaky wheel because to be denied any public area for the length of the cruise is unfair.

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