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ROLL CALL: 2/25/07 Caribbean Princess


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first.....lay your real names on us.....LOL.......so we don't call you lavboem

hi, welcome to cruiseworld.............

your first gay cruise?..........hmmmmm

where does one begin.......??

anyone? thoughts?




and you other guys.......say hello!!

it's a blast.....everyone.......(well, not everyone, but most) are nice.......welcoming.....partying.......relaxing......cruising.......excited.....

cruising............(did i mention that already?)........we're away....we're together.....on a gay ship......so you can kiss your husband in the dining room and the people from peoria with kids don't get upset.........

you can hold hands in the casino for luck, and the people with kids from altoona, aren't there............the entertainers are gay......or gay very friendly........the bingo is "church lady".........it's all about US!!!!.......

so in the immortal words of "bette"...........

"fasten your "life jackets".......it's going to be a bumpy night".......LOL

welcome guys........it's going to be a joy!!!!!!!!

i look forward to meeting you........


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Lavboem, Welcome! We are glad to have you. This is a lively, fun and very well informed group of guys and gals. I have gotten an education on cruising (the on a boat kind) from these guys and you will too. My partner and I are cruise virgins as well.


While I'm catching up on my manners I havent thanked you all for the info and good conversation over the last few weeks. This board has truly helped me make it through the long month of January!

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i wanna take a new pic of you on the deck......with your camera, of course...........<g>

i was a professional photographer for years...........

with the sun behind you, as it is in the pic........but with your faces illuminated........what you have is a hot pic.....but if we could see your faces as well as the sunset.....well.........a kindof 2 for 1........no?


looking forward to the trip and to meeting you both............<g>


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We had signed up for the Catamaran cruise, but my wife wants to shop in St. John and I don't know if we can make the cat cruise, then go back to St. John then back to Crown Bay before the ship leaves.


Gotta buy her some bling, cuz today is our 9 year anniversary after we lusted after each other for 19 years and I forgot that it was our anniversary.

OOPSSS, doghouse

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Have been wonderful. Mywishes for all of you are that when you all meet, the friendliness continues and adds to everyones experience on the cruise.

I will share something with you all...just a thought and memory.

During the October Mexico cruise I ventured into the lobby one day at sea with nothing planned, not quite borred, but not quite lazy...just in neutral. I sat down and watched people going here, going there....up the stairs, down the stairs. Just another cruise like all the rest. Yet, come to think of it...it was guys with guys, girls with girls....the same as on any other cruise...yet it wasn't. There were more smiles, more politeness on the stairways.....more laughter, more energy. I sat and watched and thought...what a wonderful thing...a world where there was no care of what other people think....how strange, yet how over powering.

Then along came a 4 man Mexican singing group with guitars. They began their work...strumming, singing like they did everyweek on that LA to Mexico run. Their energy low knowing they were there to do their time and did not expect an audiance or even anyone to pay attention. Well, all of a sudden the gay bunch from Spain entered the lobby 2 decks up puffing the smokes and drinking their champagne..their afternoon ritual. Well being Spainish they started singing the songs the group was doing...the group looked up. The next thing the Spaniards were down the stairs...2 flights dropping as fast as ...well you know to ones knees. They joined the group singing and then startied dancing. I sat and watched the band come alive....fellow pasengers lined the deck above....instant floor show. It was one of those moments......would this happen on a mainstream cruise....I do not think so. Unless it was a cruise out of texas and the music was about Texas...that was on the Rhapsody out of Galveston.

Point of this story.....beyond the parties, and the scheduled entertainment...stop look and listen for the little special things. Things that only happen on a gay cruise. Some of us do not live gay intensive lives...and the freedom these cruises offer is so so special. For those that this freedom poses nothing special, observe the joy in others.....it will make you feel special...as the 4 man Mexican singing group did when they were joined by the Spaniards. Me I will sip my drink and watch you all...if you are not having a fabulous time.....Aunt Bertha here will put you over her knee and.....again and again and again......

Nighty night....time to dream of casting off and sailing out to sea.

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Phil. . .yeah, I grew up in Saratoga, so I'm familiar with the Bay Area.

On my first two RSVP cruises--Enchanted Isle out of San Diego to Mexico and Enchanted Seas out of New Orleans to Western Caribbean, there were fireworks from the aft deck. Although they were old ships from the late 50's, I have fond memories of those cruises (I was still dealing with coming out and all that). I was terrified going on those cruises alone. It was also much easier to meet people, as there were only 700 or 800 passengers, and I liked the camaraderie. In some ways I liked it more: it was more personal and RSVP did give away more stuff (including lube and condoms), which I still have--the other stuff that is. There was also more of a "floating bathouse" environment, something RSVP is trying to get away from these days. I remember one of the staff hugging and kissing passengers as we disembarked.





yes... the "old days" of RSVP were quite different in many ways. It was all so new and unique. I remember Danny Williams crying the last night of the Alaska and Greek Isle cruises, as did many of us. The ships were old and less a destination in themselves as they are now, that's for sure, and the food was pretty incredible. I feel bad complaining when I get on a princess ship that their food is not that great, but compared to 10 - 15 years ago, there really is a huge difference.


I had forgotten about RSVP giving out lube and condoms in your room. That's funny actually.


Even with all the changes since my first cruise, I still love these cruises so much... obviously as I head on my 11th or so RSVP this month :)

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Point of this story.....beyond the parties, and the scheduled entertainment...stop look and listen for the little special things. Things that only happen on a gay cruise. Some of us do not live gay intensive lives...and the freedom these cruises offer is so so special. For those that this freedom poses nothing special, observe the joy in others.....it will make you feel special...



RMS... I caught just a bit of the spaniards singing on the Mexico cruise, it was very cool indeed. And you are so right about watching for the little things. So many things, big and small (hahaha get yer heads outta the gutters) happen on these cruises. I always go into a post cruise depression when I wake up in the real world (aka the hetero world) after a cruise. The people, the freedom, the love, the play... watching couples holding hands walking down the deck, or a trio of bears cuddling on way to small deck chairs, or just being in a place where *we* are the majority and rule the world and everyone caters to us. No shame, no hate, just living and loving each other and life. I'm so glad for everyone who gets to experience these cruises, there is nothing like them, and those who have never been... prepare yourselves for a week unlike any other, it's going to be incredible :)

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The people, the freedom, the love, the play... watching couples holding hands walking down the deck, or a trio of bears cuddling on way to small deck chairs, or just being in a place where *we* are the majority and rule the world and everyone caters to us. No shame, no hate, just living and loving each other and life. I'm so glad for everyone who gets to experience these cruises, there is nothing like them, and those who have never been... prepare yourselves for a week unlike any other, it's going to be incredible :)


Aww guys don't make us tear up and get all emotional BEFORE the cruise! We can save that for after! :)


We have never been on a gay cruise and for all the reasons you guys mentioned is why we are doing TWO this year!


I am looking forward to meeting everyone and being US! Not the 'fake' us when on a regular cruise- we kiss and cuddle but behind closed doors. We don't hold hands around others. I can't wait to be FREE for a week and just be us.

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Welcome lavboem! ... it might take a while, but if you read this thread from page 1, there's a lot of info here about the ship, about the destinations, about gay cruising (on the water), and about all of us... if you have never cruised before, then get ready for the double pleasures of being on the water and a gay cruise... if you've cruised straight before, then this will be a real eye opener :)


J&M - since your anniversary is within 30 days of the cruise, you can go onto cruise personalizer and I think under special requests - one of those tabs - you can tell them and they send balloons, etc, on the day you choose.

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Unbelievable-another 5 pages! We didn't have nearly this many posts for RSVP Panama last year! Thanks for your best wishes Bob and Max, Matt and others. Bill is doing well but still in ICU-he's off antibiotics. Possible surgery Monday. Hoping to get that out of the way so he has time to recuperate before getting on board. I haven't had a chance to get in here, so I have to concur with Tom and others that it is AWESOME to see so many cool posts/posters. Welcome to all the virgins!


Phil-Another consideration on the aft pool. When we were on the Grand (same Skywalker's configuration) they covered the aft pool two nights with a dance floor and ran criss-cross string overhead from the upper deck rails to catch streamers for a Calypso party. Very cool atmosphere. So don't rule out the aft deck for an additional party venue.


And yes-the tuxes are coming. As long as they still fit, they will continue to to be packed.


Also-thanks to the posters with the calling card web sites-Matt, I think you had one of them. Those are great.


One last word from me on St. Thomas-it's only 26 square miles. Rent a car-take a towel and explore. It's not hard to get around and you can hit some great quiet beaches, including Morningstar, Smith Bay, Carrot Bay and Hull Bay, Secret Cove and Vessup Bay. Bolongo Beach is another one. St. Peter Great House and Botanical Garden is beautiful. The property was originally part of a 150 acre estate. At some point it was a corporate retreat. (I think for Johnson and Johnson, not sure.) The house is relatively modern (mid-century) but has been blown out by several hurricanes including Hugo and Marilyn. They have a lovely garden and some of the best views of Jost van Dyke, Hans Lollick, St. John and Megan's Bay. Mountaintop is another great view spot but has the tourist type retail stuff. Either place is worth it just for the views. Awesome photo ops. I attached a pic so you can get an idea. The two guys in the pic are us about 25 lbs ago :-) (Megan's Bay in the background.)


Anyway-we're okay here-just taking it a day at a time.

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I know you are following this board....why are you not on this cruise? Even though you have a March cruise....look at the prices 2 for 1. I know your less than favorable experience with a gay vacation with Atlantis...but look at the nice people on this board.....I'm the only stinker.

Jim and Bill Pa.........you guys look pretty angelic to me.......nice picture!

By the way...I'm down on Plaza deck...anyone else?

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hey rms, i'm with you on the "little things" as well.

lying on a deck chair, watching two people, obviously newly in love, hanging on each other's words........a stranger approaching a "not so lovely" single guy, and offering to rub sunscreen on his back. and my favorite part is the "word of mouth" on the ship. when something is terrific (like amy the cabaret star, on the last cruise) and a lot of us didn't know that, the "buzz" went through the ship......."don't miss amy's act"......and it was so true, she's fantastic. (she's with us again this cruise.....and for you newbies, DON'T MISS HER!!).

just stuff like that makes the getaway even more special. although the stuff they plan for us is way gay too!!!.........gonna be a blast.........


like many of you, i don't take much sun. shady kind of guy. so we'll sit in the shade with our cocktails and visit...........can't wait.......24 days and counting.........


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I know you are following this board....why are you not on this cruise? Even though you have a March cruise....look at the prices 2 for 1. I know your less than favorable experience with a gay vacation with Atlantis...but look at the nice people on this board.....I'm the only stinker.


Hey Tom:


The price is certainly right (by now!)...but 2 months' of consecutive cruises throws my business for a loop...unfortunately! This group of folks certainly has the earmarks of a fun-filled, entertaining time...and I hope everyone has a blast...you Stinker, you! :) ;)




Note to guys: Bertha cleans up very nicely...and I have pix to prove it! :eek:

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Aww guys don't make us tear up and get all emotional BEFORE the cruise! We can save that for after! :)


We have never been on a gay cruise and for all the reasons you guys mentioned is why we are doing TWO this year!


I am looking forward to meeting everyone and being US! Not the 'fake' us when on a regular cruise- we kiss and cuddle but behind closed doors. We don't hold hands around others. I can't wait to be FREE for a week and just be us.


Too late. . what Phil said was so right!



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Good morning everyone,


WOW, we were gone for 4 days and came back to all these posts. What a great group this is with alot of great information. We can hardly wait until we meet everyone.

We were going to do the 9:15 catamaran but seeing that everyone on here is doing 8:15 may reconsider. As for St. Maarten we would definately be interested in sharing a ride to Orient beach and prefer to get there early also.

Hope that everyone has a great day,

Kent & Andy

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Bob just called RSVP to see why the activity schedule wasn't posted yet on the website (it was supposed to be up by Feb. 1). He was told they were running a little behind and that the schedule would be posted NEXT TUESDAY!

:eek:(Ricky....get your head out of the oven!) So everyone can stop refreshing the RSVP website every 10 minutes (or is that just me?) I was still wrong, though, when I predicted that the groundhog would see his shadow before we saw the schedule, because Phil DIDN'T see his shadow this morning. So that means spring...and the cruise...are just around the corner.

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Hey Kent & Andy,

Yes, please join us on the 8:15 St. John's catamaran. That is going to be THE party boat! It also gives us an extra hour in the afternoon to do more exploring and shopping on our own. And I feel Orient Beach at St. Martin will never be the same after we're done with it!

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I will not do it....I will not do it! I will not eat that chocolate out of frustration and desperation of what the actvity schedule is. (How many of us are not too surprised abou the further delay?)


But anyway....I will be bringing a bunch of Swiss Chocolate for all the friends and ''family'' from this board. SO I am taking requests as to the kinds of chocolate people like. I will bring an assortment but need to know who prefers dark, milk, white, with nuts, without nuts (remember I am talking about chocolate here guys and gals;) )

And I think i have figured a way to get the hard alcohol on board. There are a lot of chocolates here that are hollow and filled with liquer.:D and for those of you on Weight Watchers ( I know not for that week) I will bring some of the WW chocolate from here...wow it is a nice treat to have when you need tha chocolate fix and you want to stay OP.



And extra chocolate available to a Fort Luderdale local who might be willing to let me have some costume things shipped to their home address. Most of the things I am finding on line would ship from the USA and I risk not getting them in time over here. I could of course arrange to get them from you on Saturday and them squeeze them in my bags. Let me know if anyone is able to help me out with that. You can send me a message at olegrad95@yahoo.com


So chocolate desires requested.....



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I can't take it anymore I'm going to leap from a bridge! Seriously, I'm not blaming them because I know they are busy with the "merger" but as a first time cruiser it looks a little on the scramble to throw things together kind of thing. Is this common? In the end it doesn't matter, I can already tell we will use RSVP again but I am curious if this happens every cruise? :confused:


I hope Planet Out isn't mucking up a good thing.

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I can't take it anymore I'm going to leap from a bridge! Seriously, I'm not blaming them because I know they are busy with the "merger" but as a first time cruiser it looks a little on the scramble to throw things together kind of thing. Is this common? In the end it doesn't matter, I can already tell we will use RSVP again but I am curious if this happens every cruise? :confused:


I hope Planet Out isn't mucking up a good thing.


This is the latest I've seen the daily schedule come out, except for back in the "old" days when we didnt' get the daily schedule until we were actually on the ship.


I'm hoping that the reasoning is that they have so much going on it's hard to fit it all in, or that they have something big they are working on that they are trying to finalize but still haven't.


Last year they were scrambling on the cruise to announce the 2007 cruises they even ended up announcing one to China, started taking bookings, and then canceling the whole thing a day or two later. I think there are lots of contracts and stuff they are working on until the last minute.

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Christopher I think you have discovered how to make this cruise even better... ADD CHOCOLATE!


Phil, I hope you are right! I'm just chomping at the bit to get every last drop of information I can get to get me through the next 22 days.


I'm even looking forward to the drive down so I can get to re-discover my husband. He's working night shifts at his new job so I haven't seen him much since November.


Someone pass me the tequlia.:)

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I'm even looking forward to the drive down so I can get to re-discover my husband. He's working night shifts at his new job so I haven't seen him much since November.


this is so wonderfully sweet and romantic. My hubby doesn't go on the cruises with me any longer due to health issues and such but I really really miss going on cruises with him by my side. It's so cool that you will get this time with your hubby. Be sure to take time out for just the two of you on the ship too, it's incredibly romantic and wonderful :)

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hey guys, if i understand what you're talking about, we got the schedule.

i have a day-by-day itinerary of the goings on aboard the ship.

you mean like "3:30 church lady bingo"

7:00 pm main stage, who's on what night?

that sort of thing?

who's in which lounge at what time each night?

what is the nightly entertainment?

which night is tuxedo?

which movie plays at what time?

that stuff?



i have all that.....email me me and i'll forward it to you.......



not a problem......


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