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Our Plan to Pay off our honeymoon curise.


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Ok, spending $500 on a freaking video game system is insane enough... but the people that are (legitimately, not the fake bids) paying $3K and more on eBay, are out of their minds. The sad thing is, many of these people are parents and going nuts to spend $3K on junior because he HAS to have one:rolleyes: They did an interview with a local parent who said she was paying an outrageous amount because her "child would be devastated if he didn't get one for Christmas"... are you SERIOUS????? I wanted to jump through the screen and shake her, and ask her just who was the boss around her house? LOL. I don't care HOW much money you have... spending $3K on a video game system (or even $500), certainly isn't showing that child where his priorities should be.


That being said... if I had managed to get one (if I thought about it! LOL!) I would have bought one for $500 in a heartbeat and sold it for $2K... not a question in my mind... I am not a fool!!! LOL!!


I agree !

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I haven't looked on e-bay, so I don't know for sure...


but maybe some of the people that are purchasing the systems on e-bay for outrageous amounts are from Europe? Europe will not get the PS3 for another 10 months to a year. This is what was happening with the XBox system. So, This is just my guess. Maybe it's not ALL the greedy Americans... :)

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I haven't looked on e-bay, so I don't know for sure...


but maybe some of the people that are purchasing the systems on e-bay for outrageous amounts are from Europe? Europe will not get the PS3 for another 10 months to a year. This is what was happening with the XBox system. So, This is just my guess. Maybe it's not ALL the greedy Americans... :)


The 2 largest ones I saw today were from the US... however, after the auction they were "no longer registered"... So I would imagine those 2 are going back on the block.

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PS, by the way, I take offense to the "hellion" comment. Just because a child plays video games doesn't make them bad, rude kids. That's all I have to say. The horses are getting way to high on this thread!


I don't think astros fan meant that kids who play video games are hellions. I think they meant that if a parent is going to stand in line for X amount of days for a friggin video game that costs $600+ their kids are probably the ones with out manners because they are SPOILED rotten brats. There's no WAY on this green earth I am going to spend that kind of money on my son for a video game. It's ridiculous! It teaches kids all about Gimme Gimme Gimme instead of what they should be learning - give to the less fortunate. And if my son ever does want something as silly as a PS3, he will learn to earn it. JMHO:rolleyes:


Pulling on the flame suit!

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I don't think astros fan meant that kids who play video games are hellions. I think they meant that if a parent is going to stand in line for X amount of days for a friggin video game that costs $600+ their kids are probably the ones with out manners because they are SPOILED rotten brats. There's no WAY on this green earth I am going to spend that kind of money on my son for a video game. It's ridiculous! It teaches kids all about Gimme Gimme Gimme instead of what they should be learning - give to the less fortunate. And if my son ever does want something as silly as a PS3, he will learn to earn it. JMHO:rolleyes:


LOL!!!! So true! And, if he's going to pay for it he'll learn quick that if he waits a year, he will be able to get it for a fraction of the cost on eBay :D Probably from the SAME people that are paying thousands for it this week... when their kids get bored with it and move onto something else :p

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I don't think astros fan meant that kids who play video games are hellions. I think they meant that if a parent is going to stand in line for X amount of days for a friggin video game that costs $600+ their kids are probably the ones with out manners because they are SPOILED rotten brats. There's no WAY on this green earth I am going to spend that kind of money on my son for a video game. It's ridiculous! It teaches kids all about Gimme Gimme Gimme instead of what they should be learning - give to the less fortunate. And if my son ever does want something as silly as a PS3, he will learn to earn it. JMHO:rolleyes:


Pulling on the flame suit!


I agree with you 100%

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I don't think astros fan meant that kids who play video games are hellions. I think they meant that if a parent is going to stand in line for X amount of days for a friggin video game that costs $600+ their kids are probably the ones with out manners because they are SPOILED rotten brats. There's no WAY on this green earth I am going to spend that kind of money on my son for a video game. It's ridiculous! It teaches kids all about Gimme Gimme Gimme instead of what they should be learning - give to the less fortunate. And if my son ever does want something as silly as a PS3, he will learn to earn it. JMHO:rolleyes:


Pulling on the flame suit!


Thank you. That's exactly what I meant!!

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LOL!!!! So true! And, if he's going to pay for it he'll learn quick that if he waits a year, he will be able to get it for a fraction of the cost on eBay :D Probably from the SAME people that are paying thousands for it this week... when their kids get bored with it and move onto something else :p



Probably when the next "gotta have it" item comes out. I wonder as well, who is running that household? When my kids were small, I told them I was not here to be their best friend, I am their MOM, and my responsibility is to raise them to be mature and respectful adults.

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All this is why we are able to live the lives we so much enjoy. Free enterprise is what makes this country strong, powerful, and economically stable. You don't have to like it or even participate in it (I certainly won't pay more than retail for an item!), but it's what makes us lucky to live in a country like this. Plus, it's good entertainment. :)

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Probably when the next "gotta have it" item comes out. I wonder as well, who is running that household? When my kids were small, I told them I was not here to be their best friend, I am their MOM, and my responsibility is to raise them to be mature and respectful adults.


I agree with you about the "Friends versus Parent" thing. When my kids where teenagers I had a friend that told me about being her child's friend & I said I was my child's mom & at this time in the child's life that was what was important. I can become their friend when they grow up & don't need parenting any longer. Also I asked her when her child went out with her/his friends to a movie or just to hang out was she included ? She said "no" Hmmm, do you wonder why. Well that is because teenagers usually hang out with their friends not their parents. Guess she wasn't really their friend. Enough said. ;)

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When my kids were small, I told them I was not here to be their best friend, I am their MOM, and my responsibility is to raise them to be mature and respectful adults.



THANK YOU! :) That is exactly what I told my daughter too.

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I heard a little news blurb on our local channel that a Senator ??? tried to get one of the store chains to hold a PS3 for him. The store refused. Perhaps he was the high bidder on Ebay. :rolleyes:


Oh yes, that was our very own John Edwards :rolleyes: What a prize he is... sadly, some want this person for President :rolleyes: He slams and criticizes Wal Mart... and then asks for them to hold a PS3 for him...

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JMHO - I don't understand why people would want to pay so much for a game (and go through all the hassle of getting one - even getting shot over,:( ) but I really think it stinks when the games (or any other items) are purchased just for quick profitable re-sale.


:cool: Hope you meet the following guidelines!



I agree with you!! The OP is no better then a ticket scalper.

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A few years back when The first Tickle Me Elmo was the rage for Christmas , A guy I know got his hands on like 20 of them (legally !!!he bought them in a store very early in the season before the full media hype kicked in )


On Christmas Eve he hung around the parking lot of a toy store just around closing time. He made a killing


While he was standing there a police car pulls into the parking lot and approaches him. This guy figures he's screwed now. Someone ratted him out.


Officer pulls up to the guy, rolls down the window , and before the guy can even gulp, the cop offers him $200 for the Elmo doll . The cop got his doll, the guy got his $200 MERRY CHRISTMAS


Thats one of the extents these media "Must Have Christmas Items " go to.

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I don't think astros fan meant that kids who play video games are hellions. I think they meant that if a parent is going to stand in line for X amount of days for a friggin video game that costs $600+ their kids are probably the ones with out manners because they are SPOILED rotten brats. There's no WAY on this green earth I am going to spend that kind of money on my son for a video game. It's ridiculous! It teaches kids all about Gimme Gimme Gimme instead of what they should be learning - give to the less fortunate. And if my son ever does want something as silly as a PS3, he will learn to earn it. JMHO:rolleyes:


Pulling on the flame suit!


I don't think that buying them an expensive video game makes kids SPOILED. As our 16 year son pointed out; "you are only spoiled if you don't appreciate what you have". I think a lot depends on how that particular child contributes to his family. Lots of people think our son is SPOILED because we take him on cruises.....it's all relative.

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I got my hands on two Playstation Threes and when we put them on ebay we will most likley have enough money to pay off our cruise as well aspay for a second one maybe!



OP....3rd post and already flamed.... I will probably get flamed too but, oh well, here goes...


I totally agree with what you're doing.... If you want to stand on line for hours on end, and in most places, cold weather to boot, and then sell them on eBay or do whatever the hell you want to do with them... THEN GO FOR IT....Enjoy your cruise, maybe even 2....


Don't really know how this thread got into a "Who's the parent here thread" but then again, this is Cruise Critic!!!




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Lets get a few facts straight so that there are no misunderstandings:


We got reserves on the systems in two small towns where he literally showed up even an hour after reserves for 6 systems were available. That should tell you just how small these towns are. We are from the Philadelphia area where people were camping out for the opportunity to just reserve the system. Our intent was to reserve 1, but since no one reserved all of them at the other store, we reserved 1 more. These parents had the opportunity to just WALK UP to these stores and reserve a system without even waiting in line.


We are just two college students looking to make money for a good Honeymoon. We aren't ripping anyone off. We are just putting these systems up for sale. Whatever they get, they get. As long as we break even, I am happy.


Tickle Me Elmos were going for 10,000.00 when they came out. All they did was giggle and shake.


If people weren't willing to pay 3000.00, then they wouldn't sell for that much. If you don't think the prices should soar that high then don't buy one.


Just my 2 cents,



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I think it is sad! Has anyone seen the news. How about all the people in NC homeless now because of a tornado. Wish that $$ was going to someone or someplace like that. Sad to think people are worrying about games when there is so much Bigger things to worry about and try to fix. JMO!!


Yeah or all these people spending hours reading about CRUISING. Ever looked in the mirror?

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Lets get a few facts straight so that there are no misunderstandings:


We got reserves on the systems in two small towns where he literally showed up even an hour after reserves for 6 systems were available. That should tell you just how small these towns are. We are from the Philadelphia area where people were camping out for the opportunity to just reserve the system. Our intent was to reserve 1, but since no one reserved all of them at the other store, we reserved 1 more. These parents had the opportunity to just WALK UP to these stores and reserve a system without even waiting in line.


We are just two college students looking to make money for a good Honeymoon. We aren't ripping anyone off. We are just putting these systems up for sale. Whatever they get, they get. As long as we break even, I am happy.


Tickle Me Elmos were going for 10,000.00 when they came out. All they did was giggle and shake.


If people weren't willing to pay 3000.00, then they wouldn't sell for that much. If you don't think the prices should soar that high then don't buy one.


Just my 2 cents,





I understand exactly what you are saying.


To me , a Playstation 3 doesn't mean a hill of beans , but if some people want it so much they will pay an exorbitant amount for it, Hey what is the old saying about a fool and his money?


No one NEEDS a Playstation 3


If you were buying up water or medicine or food supplies and selling them to the higest bidder to effected people the day after Hurricane Katrina. I would say you were a scumbag and I would be the first person to cast stones at you. But if you can make a buck off people dumb enough to pay a small fortune just to have bragging rights that "I got a Playstation 3" , more power to you.


You are not putting a gun to peoples heads demanding money. You posted an ad on E Bay. People saw the ad and started bidding $600, $700, $1000, and so on. They were very free to not bid at all and turn off their computers.

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I don't think astros fan meant that kids who play video games are hellions. I think they meant that if a parent is going to stand in line for X amount of days for a friggin video game that costs $600+ their kids are probably the ones with out manners because they are SPOILED rotten brats. There's no WAY on this green earth I am going to spend that kind of money on my son for a video game. It's ridiculous! It teaches kids all about Gimme Gimme Gimme instead of what they should be learning - give to the less fortunate. And if my son ever does want something as silly as a PS3, he will learn to earn it. JMHO:rolleyes:


Pulling on the flame suit!


I'll stand next to you on that one!! I CAN'T believe people are such dingbats sometimes, falling for these marketing ploys like a bunch of brainless zombies! These things will be $150 by next year, and something else will come along! Make the kids wait a couple months, and give it as a birthday present! You're right-when they have to help pay for it, it doesn't become so important any more. OR at least they are more willing to take care of it! No wonder some kids are such brats-they run the household by making their parents jump at their every whim!

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I don't think that buying them an expensive video game makes kids SPOILED. As our 16 year son pointed out; "you are only spoiled if you don't appreciate what you have". I think a lot depends on how that particular child contributes to his family. Lots of people think our son is SPOILED because we take him on cruises.....it's all relative.


I agree with Gail; it is all relative. I'm 26 now, but I clearly remember when Cabbage Patch Kid came out in 1983/4. Our local K-Mart made a big to-do about receving a shipment of about 100; first come, first serve.


My dad was, and still is, a construction worker in TX, and for those of you in TX, you're pretty well aware of how little they are paid; let me just leave it at the fact that we lived paycheck to paycheck, robbing Peter to pay Paul, etc.


Well, my mom collected cans, rolled pennies, made tamales and sold them in the neighborhood, and probably various other things I don't even know about! :) She earned $30 in about two weeks; the day it came out, we went to K-Mart and waited outside with the other parents/kids. We waited about thirty minutes and the doors opened...and when I walked in the store, right there in the front of the lobby, was a pyramid, a huge pyramid, to the ceiling, of Cabbage Patch Babies and Preemies. I was in awe.


My mom ran to the front (now, at the time I'm 3 and she's 23, so it was quite a while back!) and pushed her way to the front to pick/grab me a baby. She returned to me, waiting in the shopping cart, triumphant with her win. That baby doll was named Angelita Carmel, and to this day she is my most special childhood gift.


Now for those who want to argue that this is not a credible analogy b/c the doll was not $500, my mom didn't camp outside the store for two days, nor did she run to E-Bay to sell it for a marked up price: I'm not saying it was a toe-to-toe analogy.


I just wanted to offer a sentimental perspective on what mothers go through to please their kids; no harsh thoughts or feelings to other postors; just wanted to remind the world about kids: we aren't all spoiled, and we don't necessarily forget and move on to the next new thing :D That memory will always stand out to me...

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Lets get a few facts straight so that there are no misunderstandings:


We got reserves on the systems in two small towns where he literally showed up even an hour after reserves for 6 systems were available. That should tell you just how small these towns are. We are from the Philadelphia area where people were camping out for the opportunity to just reserve the system. Our intent was to reserve 1, but since no one reserved all of them at the other store, we reserved 1 more. These parents had the opportunity to just WALK UP to these stores and reserve a system without even waiting in line.


We are just two college students looking to make money for a good Honeymoon. We aren't ripping anyone off. We are just putting these systems up for sale. Whatever they get, they get. As long as we break even, I am happy.


Tickle Me Elmos were going for 10,000.00 when they came out. All they did was giggle and shake.


If people weren't willing to pay 3000.00, then they wouldn't sell for that much. If you don't think the prices should soar that high then don't buy one.


Just my 2 cents,




I wouldn't think twice about it. Who is to say that the only people paying 3K for these playstations are parents of spoiled brats? I would think moreso people like my geeky 25 year old brother who has a fabulous high paying job and doesn't have time to stand in line.


Enjoy your honeymoon money. You aren't hurting anyone.


If anyone deserves a slap on the the hand it would be Sony for creating this frenzy. They knew exactly what they were doing when they only released a limited amount of playstations.


I think it is called good marketing.

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The sad and stupid thing IMHO is that people are crazy for paying the high amt, just wait a few months and you'll be able to buy them at regular prices everywhere, it's just a dang game system.. LOL


So true

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