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Try it, You'll like it......Not !!


Don't like the new food, order something else?  

172 members have voted

  1. 1. Don't like the new food, order something else?

    • Go for it!
    • What a waste of food, you should be embarresed
    • Who cares what others think !

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I'd like to try some new foods in the dining room, but, not being a very "gamey" eater would I be considered a "dufus" if I ordered a new food choice, took one bite, did not like it or finish it, and then asked for something else?

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Not at all! I like to try new things too and sometimes they just aren't to my liking. The nice thing about Carnival is that if you don't like it, they will gladly bring you something else. :) I had my first escargot on a cruise and now I love it. My DH on the other hand just calls it snails and won't touch it.

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I don't think you'd be a "doofus" at all. I've been on many cruises and have tried new foods and some of them I loved, some I liked and some were absolutely horrible (to me at least). The dishes I didn't like, I sent back and asked for something else. There was never a problem doing this, but one time the head chef came to our table to ask me why I didn't like the dish.:eek: I found that quite funny actually, but he wasn't angry or anything, just curious as to what I didn't like about it. So ask away and don't be shy about it, why be unhappy with something you don't like? Happy eating!!:p


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This is your chance to "TRY" those dishes you wouldn't dare try in an upscale resturaunt. Who is gonna pay $$$ for something they "might" not like? When we were on our first cruise my DH and I was trying everything (well almost everything, I do not eat seafood) on the menu. We found that we really liked alot of the dishes we would have never given a chance had we had to spend $$$$ for it. If it was really not to our liking then we would order another entree. You have got to try the Pumkin Soup, to die for:p Now we are getting ready to go on our 3rd cruise and we can hardly wait to try those dishes we fell in love with and to see what items we have still yet to try. :D :D

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Lets not fool ourselves. The wait staff would think you were! But that does not mean you shouldn't try. We all try stuff. If it ain't to our liking, don't eat it. That IS a benefit of cruising. But don't think for a second the wait staff isn't forming opinions! One the bright side, it is just more food that get fed to the fish off the back of the boat... so they benefit. Eat and taste away!

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The dishes I didn't like, I sent back and asked for something else. There was never a problem doing this, but one time the head chef came to our table to ask me why I didn't like the dish.:eek: I found that quite funny actually, but he wasn't angry or anything, just curious as to what I didn't like about it. So ask away and don't be shy about it, why be unhappy with something you don't like? Happy eating!!:p


I had a similar experience when I cruised years ago on RCCL. This was in the day when they served caviar in the dining room. I was 29 and had never tried it so thought, why not, it's paid for. Well I didn't like it. The waiter was so apologetic and took it away and "oh what is wrong" and "let me get you something else". I had to explain that there was nothing wrong with it (that I could tell) but that it was not to my taste.


I say, try something new! If you are worried about wasting food, maybe you can share with a fellow traveling companion.



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I've heard people on these boards say that they order what they like, their spouse orders what he/she likes, and then they order an additional dish of something new to try and share.


I think that's what we'll do. The odds are that my husband will like any edible thing put in front of him, and I usually only like typical American kiddie foods (chicken, mostly) so there's a good chance my "taste testing" will go unnoticed if I dislike something.

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I've heard people on these boards say that they order what they like, their spouse orders what he/she likes, and then they order an additional dish of something new to try and share.


I think that's what we'll do. The odds are that my husband will like any edible thing put in front of him, and I usually only like typical American kiddie foods (chicken, mostly) so there's a good chance my "taste testing" will go unnoticed if I dislike something.


My daughters and I do that. I dislike just tossing a ton of food-guess it comes from growing up in a large family with the "thou shalt not waste" cloud over my head, but I often think that the staff all comes from areas that are very poor-what must they think sometimes when they are so struggling to feed their families. At least by ordering something we can all taste, not so much goes to waste if it's not liked. Or-someone gets extra if they do like it and the others don't!


I guess some people would consider that tacky, but so is throwing away platefuls of food after one bite, IMHO, on a consistent basis, anyway. Everone's idea of "tacky" is different, too, I suppose. On our last cruise, there was a lady at a nearby table, always dressed very nicely, that at the end of every meal would proceed to pull out the ol' dental floss and clean her teeth right there in the restaurant, even on formal night! Eeewwww. . .:eek:

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if it weren't for cruise ship dining, I would probably never have tried pumpkin soup, escargot, lamb, and some other great stuff. I am a big cheap-o so I never order something I'm afraid I might not like if I am going to have to pay for it. I am a big chicken in that regard. But on the cruise ship, when there is no bill at the end of the meal, I feel a little better about trying new things. I also encourage the kids to try new things. Even the littlest one, at 4, ate mostly off the adult menu on her last cruise and now she loves things I would never have expected such a young one to like!


And I don't feel like there is a threat of us wasting a ton of food -- everything new I've tried I've liked!

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if it weren't for cruise ship dining, I would probably never have tried pumpkin soup, escargot, lamb, and some other great stuff. I am a big cheap-o so I never order something I'm afraid I might not like if I am going to have to pay for it. I am a big chicken in that regard. But on the cruise ship, when there is no bill at the end of the meal, I feel a little better about trying new things. I also encourage the kids to try new things. Even the littlest one, at 4, ate mostly off the adult menu on her last cruise and now she loves things I would never have expected such a young one to like!


And I don't feel like there is a threat of us wasting a ton of food -- everything new I've tried I've liked!


Not scolding! It's just that in my case, I WOULD be likely to waste a lot. I also am a big cheapo, although I will try it if I think there's a chance I'll like it. For example, the Pumpkin soup-I look forward to trying that next time around! But you won't get me near shrimp and lobster. . .I can't even stand to look at it! Just an example of how people view food-it doesn't necessarily make them a picky eater! And yes, I do think texture and smell make a big difference to some people. I can't tolerate at all the smell of fish or seafood, although I would probably be willing to try a different beef dish! Shrimp looks like giant maggots on a plate to me, whereas someone else said their DH won't eat what looks like "parts" of an animal. . . .

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My fondest cruise memory is of my very first cruise, on the Jubilee back in the late 80s. A friend and I sailed together and we were seated at a table for 10, along with 4 other couples/pairs of people, none of whom knew each other going in. We were intimidated, but we ended up having the best time with these people, ending up going to shows and on excursions together and such. We really bonded, to the point where we wandered around the ship singing songs together...and none of us drank. :) Anyway, the very first night of the cruise we all decided, at the suggestion of the big guy from Texas at the head of the table who'd cruised before, that we would have "family style" dinners, meaning that we just ordered one (sometimes two) of everything on the menu, from appetizers to desserts, and then passed it around like we were a family at the dinner table. Everyone got to try everything if they wanted to. In fact, we had such a noticeably good time trying everything that we "infected" the two surrounding tables with our idea. It was nice not having to decide what you wanted to eat, although if there was something that I really liked, I ordered a portion just of my own, too.


Now, I haven't been seated with a group quite like that on my subsequent cruises, but I do definitely try lots of things now. Which is odd because I'm usually not adventurous with food at all. I stick with what I know I like. But cruising gives me a sense of freedom, I guess; I know if I try something new and don't like it, I can try something else without having to pay more. So, if it weren't for cruising, I never would have found out that I like things like duck, quail, a bit of caviar, pumpkin soup (YUM!), and black bean soup. (Which, now that I live in the southwest, is a staple of my diet, but when I first encountered it on a cruise I was convinced I wouldn't like it.) So, I say go ahead and try stuff, and don't be afraid to ask for something else if you don't like it. Trying new foods has, in fact, become a favorite part of cruising for me.

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I'd like to try some new foods in the dining room, but, not being a very "gamey" eater would I be considered a "dufus" if I ordered a new food choice, took one bite, did not like it or finish it, and then asked for something else?


You would be a dufus no matter what you did, so you might as well try the new food.

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I'd like to try some new foods in the dining room, but, not being a very "gamey" eater would I be considered a "dufus" if I ordered a new food choice, took one bite, did not like it or finish it, and then asked for something else?


I never found anything on the menus to be 'out there' in terms of new and different. Most menu items were pretty mainstream.

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As for 'wasting' food. I believe that most of the dishes are prepared ahead of time. They seem to be pretty good at forecasting what will be ordered and what items to have ready in reserve. for the tasters, etc. Odds are, what you send back would probably be headed for the trash anyway. Or, recycled into tommorrow's buffet. LOL

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As for 'wasting' food. I believe that most of the dishes are prepared ahead of time. They seem to be pretty good at forecasting what will be ordered and what items to have ready in reserve. for the tasters, etc. Odds are, what you send back would probably be headed for the trash anyway. Or, recycled into tommorrow's buffet. LOL



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Our Miracle server seemed to get really annoyed and took it personally that I asked for something different. I only returned two things, a strip steak which was grey and inedible and he just acted really angry. Then on another night I ordered filet and it was WAY overcooked and chewy. At first he copped an attitude but then he actually looked at it (like I was lying?) and heartily agreed. We got along a lot better after that.


I love trying all the new things and they're usually something you're not going to get at home unless you go to a very fancy restaurant.


If some of you think Red Lobster is the "best seafood" as voted in Roanoke, Va when I lived there, you really haven't tasted lobster or shrimp at all!


Try it, you might like it!

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You would be a dufus no matter what you did, so you might as well try the new food.


Tutak, how many Martini's have you had today? I won't forget this comment come February. I think you owe me a drink now!:D

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Not at all! I like to try new things too and sometimes they just aren't to my liking. The nice thing about Carnival is that if you don't like it, they will gladly bring you something else. :) I had my first escargot on a cruise and now I love it. My DH on the other hand just calls it snails and won't touch it.


Oh my gosh, I totally agree! The escargot on the Conquest was fabulous!! It is a MUST TRY if you haven't tried it before! In answer to the question of trying different foods, I think you should. I mean, how often are you going to have the opportunity to try so many "fancy" dishes? And how often are these fancy dishes going to be basically free? I say go for it. Also, if there's a particular dish that you love, go ahead and order more than one serving. Make the most of your dining experience!

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LKYGSR - I don't believe you'd be considered a doofus...but I also don't believe in wasting food by ordering all kinds of things without thought.


What I would suggest is that IF you are unsure of an item on the menu, ask your waiter to explain exactly what it contains or how it is served or prepared. That way, if there is something in the entree that you really don't like - don't order it.:)

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LKYGSR - I don't believe you'd be considered a doofus...but I also don't believe in wasting food by ordering all kinds of things without thought.


What I would suggest is that IF you are unsure of an item on the menu, ask your waiter to explain exactly what it contains or how it is served or prepared. That way, if there is something in the entree that you really don't like - don't order it.:)


Cotton, Thanks for the great reply, makes perfect sense. However the whole idea here is trying things I have never tried before so I really don't know if I would like it or not and going out on that limb to try things I would normally avoid, like escargot, ewwwwww snails! Well, I'll try not to waste and will definetly put thought into my choices.

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My DH & I have a preagreed plan. Since he knows I am the worst with menus...even the small cruise menus I can take 15+minutes to decide:p

So....at some point during the day we wonder to the dining room to read the menu & decide what we will order for the evening meal.

We have agreed to order different items, so we can share & try different dishes.

I think experimenting with the food is a good opportunity...and we are lucky...we both will eat just about anything put in front of us:D


If the meal was totally gross, I guess I might ask for something else...and feel guilty. You know what mother always told you: Eat! Remember the starving children in .......(wherever...she always made up a new place)

(in fact I grew up thinking all the kids, except me were starving) sorry just had to add that little tidbit:rolleyes:

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You know what mother always told you: Eat! Remember the starving children in .......(wherever...she always made up a new place)

(in fact I grew up thinking all the kids' date=' except me were starving) sorry just had to add that little tidbit:rolleyes: [/color']


Exactly! Which is, I'm sure, the reason why I raised the question. :rolleyes:

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the whole idea here is trying things I have never tried before so I really don't know if I would like it or not and going out on that limb to try things I would normally avoid, like escargot, ewwwwww snails! Well, I'll try not to waste and will definetly put thought into my choices.

Tim, I tried those EWWWW SNAILS (which was exactly my thinking) on my last cruise and they were YUMMY!

I took my mother on my second cruise and she (the person who ruled my dinner choices until I turned 17 and went off to college) was amazed at the things I ordered - to which I replied, "Mom, if I really really don't like it, they'll bring me something else!" Cruises are indeed a great place to try new foods.

Now, I was also raised not to waste food, but as someone else posted, everything I've tried, I've liked! I think if I REALLY didn't like something I'd send it back, though (unless our waiter had been terribly surly, but I haven't encountered that yet either). But it hasn't happened yet. Just a thought, though, is that getting a second choice of whatever course may throw off the pace of your meal, depending on how long it takes the kitchen & waiter to come up with your new food.

One more thing is, between appetizer/soup/salad, main course, dessert, if I didn't like something, by the end of the meal I think I'd still be full enough to be happy. And if I wasn't, there's almost always other food somewhere on the ship!

On my last cruise, our waiter would bring extra plates of appetizers and desserts to the table (things no one had ordered) so we could try them. Our table was part of a larger group (I belong to a community chorus, and a bunch of us cruised together), but it wasn't like we were best buds or family or whatever and accustomed to sharing food from the same plate - but we did pass those things around. My roommate & I were good enough friends to offer "first taste with a clean utensil" to each other from our own dinner plates. That's why I tried the escargot -- I knew my roomie liked them, and if I didn't eat them, he would!

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