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Anyone have their traveling companion cancel when final payment is due????


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Linda: I am surprised you have no posting since early last weeks resolution. I must say it is disappointing that the same efforts in discussing the situation are not done discussing the outcome.


For Others Following This Situation: I was able to accomplish the following:

1. Linda is now able to go as a single. Carnival would not do a 1A single in our group. However, they allowed the Category 4D (here original category) as a single. Carnival waived the cancellation penalty and applied her monies to the reinstated booking.

2. The single supplement for the cruise and hotel stay was just $500 (approximately 25%).

3. This works out for Linda because the insurance claim for companion who cancelled (as Linda suspected) was denied by the insurance company. So Linda's loss would have been total.


We have 1000 guests on this cruise and I look forward to meeting Linda as I will be the lead manager of the trip.




Al Ferguson

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Since Linda was quick to come on and post numerous times complaining of her situation, it's too bad she couldn't make the time to let everyone know how it was resolved. Thanks, Al, for giving us the update that should have come from Linda.....

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Linda: I am surprised you have no posting since early last weeks resolution. I must say it is disappointing that the same efforts in discussing the situation are not done discussing the outcome.


For Others Following This Situation: I was able to accomplish the following:

1. Linda is now able to go as a single. Carnival would not do a 1A single in our group. However, they allowed the Category 4D (here original category) as a single. Carnival waived the cancellation penalty and applied her monies to the reinstated booking.

2. The single supplement for the cruise and hotel stay was just $500 (approximately 25%).

3. This works out for Linda because the insurance claim for companion who cancelled (as Linda suspected) was denied by the insurance company. So Linda's loss would have been total.


We have 1000 guests on this cruise and I look forward to meeting Linda as I will be the lead manager of the trip.




Al Ferguson


To All and everyone else,


I do apologize for not getting back on the boards sooner, but I am still working out the fine details of this situation and I have been training a new person in my office to take over my role as I assume a new position.


I would like to state that the claim has not yet been denied by the insurance company; in fact I received a letter on Tuesday advising that they had asked my traveling companion to complete additional paperwork and that the claim was still pending. Al, myself and others thought that the claim may not hold up with the insurance company, but a final decision has not been reached. I also contacted the insurance company myself since Al's agency contacted them and I must fax them a letter advising that I am revoking my claim and that I intend to travel.


I have faxed the travel agency authorization to charge my credit card for the final payment and the $500 single supplement.


I also need to contact a tour operator who I had booked an excursion with in Italy to advise that we may have to cancel as we had less individuals who wanted to share in the cost now. This whole situation has been a nightmare and is apparently not over yet. The two sisters apparently have not spoken since their explosion over the telephone regarding her cancellation in December and now the sister who is still traveling and who I used to work with and got me involved in this trip to begin with apparently is mad at me and advising that this has caused her "great stress". Apparently she does not know what "stress" is as she was not the one to stand to lose any money and whose cabinmate did not want to add a third person to their room. So, instead of her being happy that a resolution has been worked out and that we can move forward and still travel together she has apparently shut me out...so it looks like I will be onboard looking for others to perhaps join me on excursions....as the expression goes..."you never know people". I could see if it was a total stranger, but having known her for over 10 yrs I would not expect such an attitude.


Also, I did not know that I would have an opportunity to personally meet Al; in fact I had asked him over the telephone last week if he was sailing with us. Wow, what a large group his agency has scheduled to go. I guess I just need to wait on the flight information and to find out what hotel we are booked at.


Once again, thank you for everything Al and for all of those that took the time to post and offer support.




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I think everyone knows and appreciates craziness at work - I really am sorry about all the tension this is causing you. And how "funny" that your friend thinks this is causing her stress! Good Lord!


I hope you keep checking in as time allows, and I definitely want to hear all about your trip when it is over - it sounds wonderful! :)

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ihhk2 and al are good guys to work this so hard. I am truely impressed that you cared so much. what goes around comes around, I'm sure you too will receive a random act of kindness.


Linda, there will be lots of great folks on the ship - the bad memories will fade and you should enjoy a great cruise.


I hope all the details fall in place, all things are possible.



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Linda, I'm so happy all (with a few mintor details) has worked out for you. Don't let your "friend" ruin your trip for you . . . to many other folks will be on that cruise for you to meet and hangout with :D Happy cruzin' and you know we can't wait for your review when you return!!!

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Glad Al worked thing outs for you, now put all the "negative crap" on the dock when you board and have a "goose and juice" for a Sail-Away drink and enjoy your cruise. We look forward to a sizzling review when you return.



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Just a little update....I was getting nervous because I had not been charged for my final payment or the additional $500 single supplement since the resolution was posted on these boards. I called the agency and left a couple of messages and when I got home from work tonight there was a message from the Concierge department advising that my faxes authorizing the charge had been received, and if I had any additional questions to please feel free to call them. I believe that Al said that I would not have my flight information until about 1 month before departure, but I am anxious to know what hotel we are booked at for pre and post cruise nights in Rome. I see others on the boards discussing their hotel location in Rome and how convenient the location might be to places of interest.


Once again thanks to Al and everyone else for their support.




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  • 3 weeks later...

You answered your own question...lol....absolutely take the gamble since you want to go anyway. They WILL charge her card, and by the time the dispute arises between THEM, you will be home...lol!

They cannot charge YOUR card more than you authorize, the dispute will remain between those 2 parties.

Just make sure the amount is correct for YOU, when you give final authorization.

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You answered your own question...lol....absolutely take the gamble since you want to go anyway. They WILL charge her card, and by the time the dispute arises between THEM, you will be home...lol!

They cannot charge YOUR card more than you authorize, the dispute will remain between those 2 parties.

Just make sure the amount is correct for YOU, when you give final authorization.


The countdown is really getting close now...I leave on 3/12. Just to give you an update my cabinmate did file a claim with the travel insurance company and they asked her for additional paperwork. She canceled with the travel agency and apparently they just kept her $1000 deposit and insurance costs. If her claim for some reason is approved I do feel that the insurance company should have to pick up my $500 single supplement, but that remains to be seen...at least I have made the decision to still travel.


I wound up canceling my old Amex number so they would not automatically charge any remaining balance due to the credit card authorization form that I had filled out when I booked with them. I was issued a new Amex number and to date my credit card has not been charged for the original remaining balance and now the additional $500 single supplement. I have spoken to them about it and they assure me that all is in order. They advised that I might not receive my flight information and hotel information for Rome until 2 wks prior to departure.


I have connected with others on the Carnival Roll call for my 3/14 cruise and have booked private excursions with 2 groups for Rome and Naples.

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I have been following this, and I am so happy all has worked out for you, Linda. Have a wonderful cruise. :)


Thank you for your good wishes; I will be on the phone with the agency early tomorrow morning to see if they have any more information for me yet on the flight times and the hotel in Rome. I will keep everyone posted.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Can you believe that the time has come for me to sail??? I will be flying out in the morning and will be on the 3/14 sailing of the Carnival Freedom. When I get back I will be sure to report back....time to finish packing....

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am back from a wonderful time on the Carnival Freedom...there were a few bumps along the road, but a good time was had by all. There was no Tour Manager onboard from the agency as promised which resulted in a lot of confusion and delays in leaving on daily excursions. We also encountered a problem on 3/13 when the air traffic controllers in Italy pulled a 4 hr strike!!! My flight from Munich to Rome was due to depart at 9 am and was xcld as a result of the strike...I was rebooked on a 3:30pm flight. Then on 3/27 the agency had me booked on a Lufthansa flight with only a 30 minute connection time in Munich which was a nightmare.....nothing like running through an airport...luckily the pilot held the plane for about 12 of us that needed to make the connection. It was a very strange situation as most of our group left on a 11 am flight out of Rome to Munich and myself and around a dozen others were not booked until 1pm, but we were to meet up with the rest of the group in Munich and fly on to Washington DC...so they sat for almost 3 hrs waiting for us??? I had called the airline to confirm the 30 minute connection time and they advised that it was legal and that they do it all the time...one of their agents even went so far as to say that the flight would be at the next gate over...not so...I had to ride a bus from the tarmac to the terminal...go on a couple of escalators...go through security...have my passport stamped...etc...etc...


I met a lot of wonderful cruisers on the trip and they made me feel very comfortable...I had a dinner table for 8 and really enjoyed everyone's company...I was in cabin 7310 (category 4D inside)...the bed was soooo comfortable...but the room was freezing...average temperature was 63 degrees...I could not seem to regulate the temperature...thank goodness for the heavy comforters on the bed to keep me warm.


It was hard coming back to work after being away for 16 days...hopefully I can have my pictures printed this weekend.


Thanks again to everyone on the these boards who had a sympathetic heart.....




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I am back from a wonderful time on the Carnival Freedom...there were a few bumps along the road, but a good time was had by all. There was no Tour Manager onboard from the agency as promised which resulted in a lot of confusion and delays in leaving on daily excursions. We also encountered a problem on 3/13 when the air traffic controllers in Italy pulled a 4 hr strike!!! My flight from Munich to Rome was due to depart at 9 am and was xcld as a result of the strike...I was rebooked on a 3:30pm flight. Then on 3/27 the agency had me booked on a Lufthansa flight with only a 30 minute connection time in Munich which was a nightmare.....nothing like running through an airport...luckily the pilot held the plane for about 12 of us that needed to make the connection. It was a very strange situation as most of our group left on a 11 am flight out of Rome to Munich and myself and around a dozen others were not booked until 1pm, but we were to meet up with the rest of the group in Munich and fly on to Washington DC...so they sat for almost 3 hrs waiting for us??? I had called the airline to confirm the 30 minute connection time and they advised that it was legal and that they do it all the time...one of their agents even went so far as to say that the flight would be at the next gate over...not so...I had to ride a bus from the tarmac to the terminal...go on a couple of escalators...go through security...have my passport stamped...etc...etc...


I met a lot of wonderful cruisers on the trip and they made me feel very comfortable...I had a dinner table for 8 and really enjoyed everyone's company...I was in cabin 7310 (category 4D inside)...the bed was soooo comfortable...but the room was freezing...average temperature was 63 degrees...I could not seem to regulate the temperature...thank goodness for the heavy comforters on the bed to keep me warm.


It was hard coming back to work after being away for 16 days...hopefully I can have my pictures printed this weekend.


Thanks again to everyone on the these boards who had a sympathetic heart.....





Welcome back. Sorry to hear about the flight delays but happy to hear you had a great time. When you get a chance, I would love to hear about the ship and see photos.

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I am back from a wonderful time on the Carnival Freedom...there were a few bumps along the road, but a good time was had by all. There was no Tour Manager onboard from the agency as promised which resulted in a lot of confusion and delays in leaving on daily excursions. We also encountered a problem on 3/13 when the air traffic controllers in Italy pulled a 4 hr strike!!! My flight from Munich to Rome was due to depart at 9 am and was xcld as a result of the strike...I was rebooked on a 3:30pm flight. Then on 3/27 the agency had me booked on a Lufthansa flight with only a 30 minute connection time in Munich which was a nightmare.....nothing like running through an airport...luckily the pilot held the plane for about 12 of us that needed to make the connection. It was a very strange situation as most of our group left on a 11 am flight out of Rome to Munich and myself and around a dozen others were not booked until 1pm, but we were to meet up with the rest of the group in Munich and fly on to Washington DC...so they sat for almost 3 hrs waiting for us??? I had called the airline to confirm the 30 minute connection time and they advised that it was legal and that they do it all the time...one of their agents even went so far as to say that the flight would be at the next gate over...not so...I had to ride a bus from the tarmac to the terminal...go on a couple of escalators...go through security...have my passport stamped...etc...etc...


I met a lot of wonderful cruisers on the trip and they made me feel very comfortable...I had a dinner table for 8 and really enjoyed everyone's company...I was in cabin 7310 (category 4D inside)...the bed was soooo comfortable...but the room was freezing...average temperature was 63 degrees...I could not seem to regulate the temperature...thank goodness for the heavy comforters on the bed to keep me warm.


It was hard coming back to work after being away for 16 days...hopefully I can have my pictures printed this weekend.


Thanks again to everyone on the these boards who had a sympathetic heart.....





Welcome home! Love to read your review and see your pics:)

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I am back from a wonderful time on the Carnival Freedom...there were a few bumps along the road, but a good time was had by all. There was no Tour Manager onboard from the agency as promised which resulted in a lot of confusion and delays in leaving on daily excursions. We also encountered a problem on 3/13 when the air traffic controllers in Italy pulled a 4 hr strike!!! My flight from Munich to Rome was due to depart at 9 am and was xcld as a result of the strike...I was rebooked on a 3:30pm flight. Then on 3/27 the agency had me booked on a Lufthansa flight with only a 30 minute connection time in Munich which was a nightmare.....nothing like running through an airport...luckily the pilot held the plane for about 12 of us that needed to make the connection. It was a very strange situation as most of our group left on a 11 am flight out of Rome to Munich and myself and around a dozen others were not booked until 1pm, but we were to meet up with the rest of the group in Munich and fly on to Washington DC...so they sat for almost 3 hrs waiting for us??? I had called the airline to confirm the 30 minute connection time and they advised that it was legal and that they do it all the time...one of their agents even went so far as to say that the flight would be at the next gate over...not so...I had to ride a bus from the tarmac to the terminal...go on a couple of escalators...go through security...have my passport stamped...etc...etc...


I met a lot of wonderful cruisers on the trip and they made me feel very comfortable...I had a dinner table for 8 and really enjoyed everyone's company...I was in cabin 7310 (category 4D inside)...the bed was soooo comfortable...but the room was freezing...average temperature was 63 degrees...I could not seem to regulate the temperature...thank goodness for the heavy comforters on the bed to keep me warm.


It was hard coming back to work after being away for 16 days...hopefully I can have my pictures printed this weekend.


Thanks again to everyone on the these boards who had a sympathetic heart.....




Welcome back Linda!


Glad to hear you made the trip and everything worked out.


Thanks for getting back to us. Love a story that ends well:).

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I am glad things worked out and you had a nice time, now if I could provide you a remedy for the PCB's (post cruise blues) you would not spend the next week dragging. LOL, anyways the best cure is to book another Cruise as soon as possible. Look forward to seeing your pics.



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I have followed this and am so pleased you had a wonderful cruise. Flights can sometimes be a pain even when we book our own (changes at the last min by the airlines). I am anxious to see your pics and read your review. Again, welcome home.

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