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Warning about Princess Cruises


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[quote name='LunaMoon']And I still ask, why? Why do some here act as if they have a vested interest?[/QUOTE]
It is your interpretation of the comments that result in the perception of vested interest on the part of some of the respondents. Think about your accusation for a moment - would those who truly have a vested interest be here trying to sort out the vagaries of the Upgrade Fairy, share advice on how to save a few dollars when booking, or the myriad of other minutiea that we discuss daily?

I think many of us, while being sympathetic to tragic circumstances, are not willing to allow an irrational and inflammatory post go unanswered. Neither Princess, Cruise Critic, nor all the king's horses and all the king's men have the ability to correct the father's health issues. Many of us have been there and understand the emotional torment. It is from experience that we suggest taking the mature approach of dealing with the insurance issue, rather than castigating a service provider who is following a policy that is clearly and precisely stated in their contract.

Tragedy is not an excuse for childish behavior. If there were more who were critical of such tactics, we'd see less of it and more mature reasoning used when dealing with contentious issues.

You question the motives of [some] of those who have responded. I question your motives in posting your response. The only time you contribute is to jump in on threads like this and make ad hominem attacks on other board members. What is your interest in this, other than to reinforce the bad behavior exhibited by the OP?
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[quote name='LunaMoon']"Why, Who, etc. does not offset the reasoned positions on the other side..." (srphnx).

With all due respect, what reasoned positions? And whose reasoned positions?

The word "reasoned" is indeed the operative word here, and it is the exact point of my first post. The OP was not approaching his/her predicament with reason, but with angst.

Yet, all the cool headed "reasoners" who gave a litany of scoldings and smug, I would have done it better than thou, retorts, answered with technically reasonable posts.

There are no "reasoned positions on the other side" to be offset, because the other side missed the point of the OP.

And I still ask, why? Why do some here act as if they have a vested interest?[/QUOTE]
[b][color=black]Here is a question. Why do you seek so strenuoulsly to defend someone who has posted at the very least irrationally and at the worst defamatorily? What is more appealing and worthy about misguided angst than the statements of support, correction and direction? IF and I am not sure I believe it, they had insurance, why was there NO mention of that in the warning post? [/color][/b]
[b][color=black]Nearly all of the comments would have been very different if they had come out and said. " I have insurance and just feel the process is too bothersome". Why do you champion this cause, what drives you rub so vigoursly against the grain to help the admittedly lazy and proven incorrect, some sense of do-gooding? [/color][/b]
[b][color=black]How does excusing the actions of the incapable facilitate their learning to be capable?[/color][/b] [b][color=black]Let me guess, feeling good is all that matters, doing good is secondary. Helping this person feel justified is a mistake as they are mistaken. There is such a thing as right and wrong and in this case blaming Princess is wrong.[/color][/b]
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If I remember correctly the OP stated that this cruise was for some type of celebration. Now I am not an insurance expert by any means but I think that the cruise insurance would only cover the cruise costs of the sick dad and anyone in his cabin. The other family members, I think maybe three other couples and their children, have no valid reason (according to cruise insurance) to NOT go. The fact that the OP wants to reschedule for next year indicates dad will recover but is just not fit to travel at this time. I believe that the other family members do not have an acceptable excuse (again from the insurance companys point of view) to back out of this cruise. Unless the OP and all of his family members bought the very very expensive "I just changed my mind and don't want to go" insurance I do not believe they can make a claim. Given the popularity of cruises these days I would hope that Princess could make some type of offer contingent on Princess' ability to resell the cabins.
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[quote name='dosi']I believe that the other family members do not have an acceptable excuse (again from the insurance companys point of view) to back out of this cruise.[/QUOTE]All the travel insurance I have ever bought includes cancellation cover if I, or anyone travelling with me, has a qualifying medical condition that requires cancellation. If you're travelling as a family group on a cruise ship, that would certainly be covered - IMHO.

In any event, I have a suspicion that there is some truth in this post:-[quote name='TWA4Ever']Know what it sounds like to me? There was no insurance purchased. He just said that in a later posting so he would not appear even more foolish. This does so appear to be one of those I-don't-need-insurance people who has learned his lesson, and now expects the big company to just give him his money back.[/QUOTE]
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[quote name='spongerob']It is your interpretation of the comments that result in the perception of vested interest on the part of some of the respondents. Think about your accusation for a moment - would those who truly have a vested interest be here trying to sort out the vagaries of the Upgrade Fairy, share advice on how to save a few dollars when booking, or the myriad of other minutiea that we discuss daily?

I think many of us, while being sympathetic to tragic circumstances, are not willing to allow an irrational and inflammatory post go unanswered. Neither Princess, Cruise Critic, nor all the king's horses and all the king's men have the ability to correct the father's health issues. Many of us have been there and understand the emotional torment. It is from experience that we suggest taking the mature approach of dealing with the insurance issue, rather than castigating a service provider who is following a policy that is clearly and precisely stated in their contract.

Tragedy is not an excuse for childish behavior. If there were more who were critical of such tactics, we'd see less of it and more mature reasoning used when dealing with contentious issues.

You question the motives of [some] of those who have responded. I question your motives in posting your response. The only time you contribute is to jump in on threads like this and make ad hominem attacks on other board members. What is your interest in this, other than to reinforce the bad behavior exhibited by the OP?[/QUOTE]
[b][color=black]Spongerob, as usual you are one step ahead of me. I just looked at this persons pervious posts and you are correct, aside from roll call contributions the only time posts are produced it is to take "the apologists" to task. I can see a clear agenda here and a lack of community involvment otherwise. So I am exercising my board given right to add another name to my ignore list and will no longer will waste keystrokes on the unteachable or foul dispositioned. The list isn't long as I value nearly every point of view is but some people have proven themselves to be more trouble than the value they offer.[/color][/b]
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[quote name='karen_cpa']northender - in other post, the OP states he [b]did [/b]buy travel insurance. he seems to have a problem with not wanting to deal with the paperwork.[/QUOTE]

I guess I did not read that post. The OP did not mention that they bought insurance on this post. I dunno, if my Dad (God rest his soul) was lying in a hospital, I would think the last thing I would worry about was the insurance coverage on my cruise. Now I have to assume they have it. Have a friend or close relative contact princess, get everything that needs to be done and do it. This is not rocket science. Read the policy and make the claim. The OP mentioned that the Princess rep practically dictated the letter the Dr. needed to write. Hey, I think that is a positive thing.
So, whoever has the insurance should be getting some compensation, those that did not buy, well you buys your ticket, you takes your chances. :D
I am sympthetic to the OP as far as his/her father's health is concerned. I do hope he is well on the road to recovery and to me - that is all that would be important right now. :)
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The fact that the original poster created a screenname "verydisappointed" in order to post this thread indicates to me that they were not looking for sympathy but rather a place to vent.

We're really not apologists for Princess but I agree with the above comments that if the poster did have insurance, then besides the fact that the cruiseline has very clear guidelines about refunds, they're asking Princess to give them a refund instead of using their insurance. Yet, they took the time to write letters and post here. They should contact whomever they purchased the insurance from for assistance, get the forms in and move on so they can focus on their family.
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Where is everybody coming up with the information that the OP DID, in fact, purchase trip insurance? I don't see it mentioned anywhere in her post. She hasn't responded since the original post, so I'm perplexed as to how anybody knew she purchased insurance. My take on it was that she did not purchase insurance, but just expected Princess to let them rebook at another time. While I am sympathetic to her plight, why should any of us shell out money for insurance for the peace of mind, and she doesn't have to. But she still expects Princess to allow them to rebook. If that were the case, nobody would purchase insurance. We frequently cruise with our four kids...insurance sure gets expensive, but I wouldn't take a chance traveling without it.

Not only was the OP traveling with elderly parents, but there were a group of them traveling. When we got married on a cruise, we had 52 family/friends sailing with us. We advised each and everyone of them to purchase insurance. Many of them were leaving young children at home, and as parents we all know that the best laid plans can get cast aside if a little one gets sick and you don't feel comfortable leaving them.

Again, I do feel sorry for what happened to the OP and her family. But I don't feel Princess owes them anything. Their cancellation policy is very clear. They could have puchased insurance and apparently opted not to. Now they have to live with the consequences.
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[quote name='Jacqueline']after three pages I am wondering where the orginal poster is ?[/QUOTE]

Hopefully, she is tending to more important issues. Given the circumstances and resultant replies here, IMO it's doubtful she will return, although I hope she does. I sure would have a hard time returning, and recent events have helped me develop a much thicker skin.

I hope that people will take the OP's submissions at face value, until proven otherwise. If she genuinely wants help, she came to the right place :)

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[quote name='dosi']and said twice that they purchased cruise insurance.[/QUOTE]As I keep saying - search works beautifully now. For everyone who missed the link on the first page of this thread, the two posts are [URL=http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?p=1667899#post1667899]here[/URL] and [URL=http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?p=1667967#post1667967]here[/URL] (both in the same thread on Family Cruising).

The language used in those two posts - "we have a [U]new[/U] set of hoops to jump through" (emphasis added) - is what gives [B]TWA4Ever[/B]'s theory some bite. There was nothing new about these hoops when the OP first posted - [U]if[/U] the OP did actually have insurance. And increasingly I am coming to believe that they did not, hence the total silence since those two "insurance" posts.
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I hope that the rest of the family will still go on the cruise so that you don't all lose the money. Perhaps Princess could transfer your parent's credit to a cruise next year as they would still have time to re=sell their cabin.
I would never cruise without insurance.
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You state in your original post that: "We've already written a letter to Princess' President and CFO but have recieved no response (nor do we expect to)." Why don't you expect to? May I respectfully suggest that you could be jumping to conclusions here.

I think everyone on this board knows that you're upset and that you are venting, but this is not the way to accomplish your goal. You didn't say how long ago you sent those letters. Was it a long time ago or just a week or two? If it hasn't been that long, give them some time. These are very busy people, but they are business people. Remember that they want happy customers. They know that their best advertisement is a happy passenger. They are keenly aware of the damage that even one unhappy consumer can do in the day and age of the Internet. It is in their own financial self-interest to help you out so that you will go around saying that even though they didn't have to do it, they cut you a break and saved the day! They want you singing their praises, not cursing them to high heaven. I don't know whether you bought insurance or not. I don't care. If you did buy it, then fill out and submit the necessary documents if you haven't already done so and see what happens. If you didn't buy the insurance, I suggest the following:

If it has been more than a couple of weeks since you wrote the President and CFO, write them again. Send your letter certified mail, return receipt requested. Those letters get attention, believe me. Don't vent at them. Be nice. Lay out the facts. Provide plenty of documentation so that they know this health situation is for real. Ask them for their help, very nicely. After all, they didn't do anything wrong. They didn't cause this situation. Calm down, focus on your goal, and try again. Good Luck!

The Monk
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I have found these boards very interesting and often very helpful. I am on these boards because I am a happy Princess consumer and I enjoy hearing about people's experiences, particularly just before my own cruise.

Yet, there is a very simple reason I am compelled to jump in and defend some of the negative posters when they are buried by vitriolic retorts.

To inquire about the OP's insurance is of course reasonable and obvious. To suggest that adults take responsibility is once again a reasonable thought. To wonder why the OP is blaming Princess and not "taking care of business" is logical.

However, the consistently rigid, insufferable and self-righteous comments piled one on top of the other in response to negative posters makes one wonder if this board is incapable of truly being a consumer community.

My motives for tempering logic and loyalty with a measure of humility and understanding is because we are all human, and sometimes we do misdirect frustration and anger, and sometimes we do muddle reasonable responses with pure emotion.

Turn your viewing bottom off for my posts. Think what you will.

No, Princess is not to blame for this OP's predicament; so what!? A member should be allowed to make a not-so-perfect and logical posting without having the woes of Job befall them.
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It seems every year, someone posts to the Princess board with a cancellation indicating how difficult it is to work with Princess and how other lines are much better. In the other posts I remember, the poster has been a new poster also.

I think it is a fake post.
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[quote name='Coral']It seems every year, someone posts to the Princess board with a cancellation indicating how difficult it is to work with Princess and how other lines are much better. In the other posts I remember, the poster has been a new poster also.

I think it is a fake post.[/QUOTE]
[b][color=black]If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and walks like a duck, it is probably a duck. The OP is at the VERY LEAST off track, perhaps even deliberately.[/color][/b]
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Coral, i believe you hit the nail on the head. After reading all these posts i can only believe this was posted just to see how people react to certain situations. I hate taking insurance but be sure that i will as this is a necessary evil. Good cruising.
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If the OP did, in fact, purchase insurance, why then is she even dealing with Princess?

My friend had a cruise booked. It was herself, her husband, their 3 kids, and 2 friends of the kids. Their daughter was involved in a car accident two weeks before the cruise, which necessitated them cancelling everything...cruise, air, precruise hotel, etc.

They (thankfully) all had insurance through Travel Guard. Within weeks, she received a check fully reimbursing all of them for every penny they put out.

I still don't understand why the OP is having such problems. She should be taking up this issue with her insurance company, not Princess.
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Are we still hashing this one out tonite???? ...there's got to be something better on TV than discussing this one still....I am highly suspect now of this new poster and the contradictions that were advanced on this post.:cool: :eek: :cool:
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[b][color=black]Yes, still hacking, and frankly I am fine with us coming together to do a post mortem on this "post". I am sure we can all learn from this and be prepared for the next one that seems to come about every 4 to 5 weeks.[/color][/b]
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[QUOTE][i]We're new to cruising[/i] and are a bit naive yet.

I posted this story in part to warn others who aren't as cruise savvy..since [i]there are other cruise lines that are more accommodating[/i] in matters such as this.
[/QUOTE] Italics added by s'rob.

If that's not a contradiction, I don't know what is.
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