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Tell Us About Your Negative Experiences With Table Mates


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Only problem in 20 cruises was with RCI Matrie'd one time. As for table mates we are always at a table for 8 to 10 so if anybody gets funky the rest of us vote them off the island and no more problems.:D I must say sometimes I am amazed at what little things some people complaine about and usually it their own fault.

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  • 2 years later...

I was on a Russian riverboat cruise, and came in to breakfast one morning to find that most of the seats were taken, but there was a seat available at a table where several of the crew were seated.


These were people who spoke english, and had escorted us on several tours.


I sat down, and after saying "good morning" realized that I had committed some terribel social faux pas, because they glared at me, and did not say a word.


They spoke to each other in Russian and would not acknowledge my presence. Very uncomfortable; I was very glad when they finished their breakfast and left.

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Last time we were on the Imagination (Me, DH, sister and son) we sat at a table for 10 the other 6 were 3 couples who sailed together, they spoke between themselves in Spanish every night not one word to us not one , we thought initially they did not speak much English but when they started ordering their food they spoke perfectly, They would laugh amongst themselves and speak Spanish the whole time and there was one of them that spoke and laughed so loud it was really annoying and rude. They usually came in a little late never did they say Hello when they sat down, we usually left the table before them and always said goodbye on the last night they left before us and did not say goodbye, it was so rude on their part I mean really where are the manners? I just don’t get it you are eating at the same table with others at least have the decency to say hello and goodbye

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the most annoying thing i've ever had happen at my table is having service interrupted by the singing and dancing by the staff :mad:



Your kidding right? Thats makes it a fun experience my whole family loves it and would hate to see it disappear...

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On our Fantasy Anniversary cruise' date=' my husband and I were able to have a table just for the two of us during the entire cruise! How wonderful! Last year on the Sensation we were at a table for six, and the two couples were nice for the most part. One couple was very nice, did not put on any airs and felt very comfortable to be around. The other couple was also nice, but acted rather snobbish and they were also the kind to talk about money (which in my opinion, people that usually have a lot of money don't have to talk about it:D ) (they were also travel agents so I know they got a good deal on the trip, nothing wrong with that, we use our military rate on every trip. That is the only way we cruise is when we get a good deal. But the thing about this woman, was she wwas so rude about the flowers that had been sent to our table for Our Anniversary. She insisted that they be taken off the table! My husaband told her real quick that the flowers would be staying right where they were![/quote']


Ok, sorry, have to throw this one out! We were just on the Pride and had a table for eight--but there were just 3 couples. We had so much fun with all of them. HOWEVER, our table was so crowded with water glasses, wine glasses, etc----there would have been NO EXTRA room for someone's flowers! I can't even imagine why someone would send flowers to a table in the DR. Why not just to your cabin? Of course, if you were sitting at a table for two, that would have been perfect.

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Our first cruise DH and I had the worst waiter, now I would change tables but didnt know then, very condescending. We had read about the order how many you want and told our table mates a newly married couple. The young mans eyes lit up. He is a good eater and was worried he would be hungry each night . Was fun watching him eat.


On one of my last cruises, my sister (52),her first, and I (50)my eighth , we were at a table of 10. 8 women and 2 men. 3 of the women(60ish all of them) were together, from some EST seminar, (wanted to find themselves) met the other one somehow(she was alone her boyfriend cancelled at the last minute). Two other sisters, and the two men were married to others but friends.


Of the 3 women one was soooo drunk, the others were pretty "happy" . The drunk one proceeded to proposition the one man, she said " I have an empty bed in my cabin you should come over" I burst out laughing. She asked me why I was laughing, I told her you just asked him to sleep with you in front of all of us over dinner, and I thought that was funny. She looked at me funny, like she couldnt see the problem with that. Then the lady left the table, to go pass out, come to find out that one of the gentlemen was a Pastor and the other was one of his parishioners. They never came back to the table.


Then 2 young ladies (20's) joined us the next night they never returned.


The drunk lady showed up for one more meal (on a 4 day cruise) but had to leave early due to her drunkeness.


Told my sister this is not normal, and was a good reason for anytime dining.



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on my last cruise on the pride, there was a lady who kept going on about how wonderful her husband was, how he would take her on great trips and just had the best guy in the world. I finally told her that we were never getting a table for two again, as my head was getting too big;)



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I have been lucky and had good experiences in the dining room, uhm, HAD....I just got off the Freedom and I was sat at a table with a couple that looked like they were in their early 60's and two women who were in their 50's or close to 60. The other three people at our table were in there 50's as well (this I noted when the Maitre'd pulled the info up for our table). I am 30 going on 40. I do not mind sitting t a table with older people, but FRIENDLY older people would be nice. The married couple managed a hello and perhaps two mintues of light conversation (and it had to be draged out of them). The two women were a bit grumpy and were into chatting with each other as well, I think I got around 5 minutes of conversation out of them over at least a 60 minute time.


I went to change my table and and asked why me, someone who is under 40 was put at a table with people who so much older than me. I also asked why they don't put solo travellers together at tables instead of plopping us wherever. I got no reply. Their best option for me was the table behind the one I was at and it had one person under 50 and six over the age of 55 (and one couple in their 70's). As much as I wanted to have a nice lobster dinner, I passed on the dining room after the first night and opted for the Lido instead.


I am set to sail on the Splendor for September, so to avoid disappointment for that cruise, I will go to the restaurant and find out who is at the table I am at and see if I want to be there or not. I am not going to be chased away from the dining room because they can't find a table to seat me at with people closer to my age, single, or solo travellers. I am turning 40 on the Splendor and I want to enjoy my dining experience. If I have to I'll eat in the supper club most of the nights if the maitre'd can't get it right and put me at a decent table.

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At breakfast in the dining room once when I was traveling solo I had the misfortune of being seated at a table of 7 folks over the age of 75. Each in turn talked about the medical procedure (and the prep for each procedure) they'd had within the past 6 months! I was so grossed out and more than once said, "Too much information!"

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our first cruise dh and i had the worst waiter, now i would change tables but didnt know then, very condescending. We had read about the order how many you want and told our table mates a newly married couple. The young mans eyes lit up. He is a good eater and was worried he would be hungry each night . Was fun watching him eat.


On one of my last cruises, my sister (52),her first, and i (50)my eighth , we were at a table of 10. 8 women and 2 men. 3 of the women(60ish all of them) were together, from some est seminar, (wanted to find themselves) met the other one somehow(she was alone her boyfriend cancelled at the last minute). Two other sisters, and the two men were married to others but friends.


Of the 3 women one was soooo drunk, the others were pretty "happy" . The drunk one proceeded to proposition the one man, she said " i have an empty bed in my cabin you should come over" i burst out laughing. She asked me why i was laughing, i told her you just asked him to sleep with you in front of all of us over dinner, and i thought that was funny. She looked at me funny, like she couldnt see the problem with that. Then the lady left the table, to go pass out, come to find out that one of the gentlemen was a pastor and the other was one of his parishioners. They never came back to the table.


Then 2 young ladies (20's) joined us the next night they never returned.


The drunk lady showed up for one more meal (on a 4 day cruise) but had to leave early due to her drunkeness.


Told my sister this is not normal, and was a good reason for anytime dining.






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There was a table of 8 people who clapped and stomped and cheered and chanted their waitress' name for like 5 solid minutes when the Maitre d' asked the room at large who had the best waiter. They were really, really loud and kind of obnoxious about it all.


Oh yeah, that was my table with my 7 cousins. :D ;)


This was my first cruise and I did not have to experience any difficult table mates because our family of 8 was at one table. It takes me awhile to warm up to strangers, so in the future if I am ever at a table with strangers it will probably take me until the last night to get friendly with them, lol. And they will think I am a snob, when really, I am just shy with people until I get to know them. :)


Meanwhile after reading this great thread, I have made some mental notes not to talk about the following subjects: mailboxes, how much money I have or don't have, how much I paid for my cruise, where I work, my travel mishaps, foods I dislike, or any medical procedures. And don't order too many courses, or have flowers delivered to my table. Oh, and share my wine if I order some. Got it!


That all sounds facetious, but I seriously made mental notes and agree those things would bother me, too, if I had to listen to them from strangers at a dinner table. Thanks for a great, long lasting thread.

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At breakfast in the dining room once when I was traveling solo I had the misfortune of being seated at a table of 7 folks over the age of 75. Each in turn talked about the medical procedure (and the prep for each procedure) they'd had within the past 6 months! I was so grossed out and more than once said, "Too much information!"


I see you've met my MIL and the group she cruises with.


I promise when I read this I had to look at your siggy to see if you had cruised anytime my MIL and her friends did.

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I would like to wholeheartedly apologize for taking the bait to begin with. If I had realized rwilymz's history of blowing things out of proportion, I likely would not have answered him in the first place. Since this is a thread about something that is perceived as negative, and I thought that perhaps the responses were a way to possibly have fun with a negative topic, my inital reply was a bit tongue in cheek. I apparently hit a button with rwilymz, and I will make sure his username is on my radar next time to not contradict with in any way, even if it's mean to be in good fun.


Until then, have a few appetizers. They're on me. ;)


You still don't get it. rwilymz just answered the post like everyone else with something that bothers him at the dining table. You didn't make a snobby comment to the others who answered this post. You responded to his post because you disagreed. We all disagree at times; that is no reason to jump on someone. He is allowed his opinion too. Ignore his opinion if you don't like it. If you just ignored something you disagreed with, this whole stupid brow beating wouldn't be happening on an otherwise funny thread. rwilymz then tried to explain himself, which many of you won't let him do; you just keep banging on him for the same thing over and over when he keeps explaining that you are missing his main point which is that 'The people' ordered MASSES of appetizers, main entrees, etc. ALL OVER the table, all at ONE TIME, squeezing out his space and this happened EVERY night. Now, if that is true....It is really rude of someone to do that. It is not rude, however, to order a couple appetizers, a couple entrees, etc... NOT MASSES of them. That is his point and you will not accept that he is not complaining about the same thing you (and others) are intent on beating him up for. Get it???? MASSES of plates ALL OVER the table, not a couple. OK, one more time just to make sure you got it. MASSES of plates ALL OVER the table is his complaint, not a just a couple. If you think his REAL complaint is still the norm, then by all means, keep up this silly argument.

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The servers often encourage guests to sample more than one dish of each thing. I find it hard to believe that anyone would think this is rude. I find it arrogant, rude, and down right bossy to worry about what other people are eating at my table. I am on a cruise to have a good time, make friends, and yes sample the fare.

To each his own....



our servers actually brought one extra plate of each course and put it in the middle of the table. no one ever asked him to bring an extra.


our server seemed to enjoy seeing us sample the extras. we did have a table for 5 (family) so i guess that made it a bit easier to share.

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LOL. How funny. I read this entire thread and just now noticed that it was started in 2007. I was getting irritated with the argument over how many appetizers, entrees, etc that people order, so I gave my 2 cents. You can imagine how embarrassed :o I was when I realized that I went off on someone who was posting in this thread in 2007 :eek:.


Now, I'm laughing at myself :D. It is rather funny.

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We were on a Panama Canal cruise in 07 from SJ to San Francisco. First night we were at a table for 10 with only one other couple. All the man talked about was how many people he had killed in Vietnam and how he killed them and how many ear necklaces he had!! Well, let me tell you, this was the first night of a 15 day cruise and noway was I listening to this every night. My husband was military during that time with 2 brothers in VN and he in Korea. He was so upset when we left the MDR I was afraid he would have a heart attack. Early next morning he went to DR and got our table changed with wonderful people who we played mg with, went on excursions and still stay in contact. If you are not happy, please change. You also paid good money for your cruise!!!!

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We were on a Panama Canal cruise in 07 from SJ to San Francisco. First night we were at a table for 10 with only one other couple. All the man talked about was how many people he had killed in Vietnam and how he killed them and how many ear necklaces he had!! Well, let me tell you, this was the first night of a 15 day cruise and noway was I listening to this every night. My husband was military during that time with 2 brothers in VN and he in Korea. He was so upset when we left the MDR I was afraid he would have a heart attack. Early next morning he went to DR and got our table changed with wonderful people who we played mg with, went on excursions and still stay in contact. If you are not happy, please change. You also paid good money for your cruise!!!!


I agree. Since that person isn't paying for the cruise there's no reason to have to be subjected to that person's behavior. Last November on the first day of my cruise I encountered a man in one of the elevators who stunk both of b.o. and alcohol. Wouldn't you know, he shows up at my dinner table. He also turned out to be very loud. A real boorish fellow. Fortunately I hadn't ordered yet, so I said, "there's nothing on the menu to my liking" and excused myself. I went to the dining room on the level below and explained my problem. The maitre d' relocated me to another table on another level which turned out to be fantastic. I'm still in contact with one of the other diners. If I had stayed where I was originally seated I would have been miserable and also would have missed out on making a new friend.

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I agree. Since that person isn't paying for the cruise there's no reason to have to be subjected to that person's behavior. Last November on the first day of my cruise I encountered a man in one of the elevators who stunk both of b.o. and alcohol. Wouldn't you know, he shows up at my dinner table. He also turned out to be very loud. A real boorish fellow. Fortunately I hadn't ordered yet, so I said, "there's nothing on the menu to my liking" and excused myself. I went to the dining room on the level below and explained my problem. The maitre d' relocated me to another table on another level which turned out to be fantastic. I'm still in contact with one of the other diners. If I had stayed where I was originally seated I would have been miserable and also would have missed out on making a new friend.


You handled this situation very diplomatically, a class act!

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Ok, sorry, have to throw this one out! We were just on the Pride and had a table for eight--but there were just 3 couples. We had so much fun with all of them. HOWEVER, our table was so crowded with water glasses, wine glasses, etc----there would have been NO EXTRA room for someone's flowers! I can't even imagine why someone would send flowers to a table in the DR. Why not just to your cabin? Of course, if you were sitting at a table for two, that would have been perfect.


I have allergies, so the flowers would have done me in.

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I have been lucky and had good experiences in the dining room, uhm, HAD....I just got off the Freedom and I was sat at a table with a couple that looked like they were in their early 60's and two women who were in their 50's or close to 60. The other three people at our table were in there 50's as well (this I noted when the Maitre'd pulled the info up for our table). I am 30 going on 40. I do not mind sitting t a table with older people, but FRIENDLY older people would be nice. The married couple managed a hello and perhaps two mintues of light conversation (and it had to be draged out of them). The two women were a bit grumpy and were into chatting with each other as well, I think I got around 5 minutes of conversation out of them over at least a 60 minute time.


I went to change my table and and asked why me, someone who is under 40 was put at a table with people who so much older than me. I also asked why they don't put solo travellers together at tables instead of plopping us wherever. I got no reply. Their best option for me was the table behind the one I was at and it had one person under 50 and six over the age of 55 (and one couple in their 70's). As much as I wanted to have a nice lobster dinner, I passed on the dining room after the first night and opted for the Lido instead.


I am set to sail on the Splendor for September, so to avoid disappointment for that cruise, I will go to the restaurant and find out who is at the table I am at and see if I want to be there or not. I am not going to be chased away from the dining room because they can't find a table to seat me at with people closer to my age, single, or solo travellers. I am turning 40 on the Splendor and I want to enjoy my dining experience. If I have to I'll eat in the supper club most of the nights if the maitre'd can't get it right and put me at a decent table.


I totally agree with you, it would be incredibly easy for them to make sure solo travelers are at he same table or at least in similar age range. I appreciated the fact when we sailed two years ago, they matched my daughter and I, who brought a teen friend with, with a like family. It made the cruise that much more fun to have that commonality.

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We were on the Inspiration during the Winter Olympics Feb 2002. We were seated at a table for 8. One of the couples were friends of ours, there were 2 other couples we did not know but had enjoyed being seated with them. Bad part was one couple was from Russia (spoke perfect English) and the other couple was from Canada. Don't know if anyone remembers but there a big deal of the who won/deserved the Gold Medal in ice skating. That was one tense situation cause the Canadian couple was very outspoken about their skaters getting robbed of the Gold Medal. If I'm not mistaken I do believe it came to light later that there was some shenanighans going on with the judging. I watched the performance and had to agree (silently of course) the Canadians were robbed.

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