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Anyone on Atkins?


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Jean...welcome home from what sounds like a totally awesome trip!!! So glad you had such a great time and not even a weight gain! How terrific is that!!!


As far as the oopsie rolls, they are an induction friendly food that take the place of bread or a roll and are sooooooo delicious and easy to make...eggs, cream of tartar, cream cheese and whatever you want to flavor them with......just google oopsie rolls and you'll get lots of info on them..I totally love them and they've really helped stay with the program...let me know how you like them.


I got on the scale today and lost 2 pounds which officially brings the total to 10

pounds....still a lot to go but not as many as before.:p


Have a great day everyone!

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I'm on a no carb diet like Atkins called Kimkins. Similiar except for the price. Kimkins is a lot cheaper for the same services. Lost 67 lbs. in 4 months and still going!



Hi Cruzin Dude! A big Congrats on your weight loss! Don't ya feel great!:D

I'm not sure what "a lot cheaper" is - I paid $5.00 for my book by Dr Atkins and I just go to the grocery store. Of course the grocery store isn't cheap LOL! But I know in order to live...I have to buy groceries - but I have the knowledge of what is low carb and what isn't. While I just went back to induction time yesterday after a 2 week vacation, I still have carbs...just not a lot. Once again the myth that Atkins is NO Carbs comes back around again. For lunch I had chicken and 4 small strawberries and about 1/2 cup of nuts.... about $3.00...that works for me!


Kim - 10 lbs! That's great! Are your pants feeling a little looser these days? ;) And I'm going to check out those oopsie rolls.... how have I missed those?! :p


Back to another stack on my desk.

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Good late Morning everyone!

So how's everyone doing?

I'm being a good girl - so far! - Dinner last night was good and for breakfast I had the other 1/2 of the steak that I didn't finish on Monday night...the two bites of green beans that were in the container with it was a little weird first thing this morning ...but I can live with it! :p One day at our B&B in Pitlochry I had smoked haddock and scrambled eggs for breakfast! I have to say...it was delish! Fish for breakfast sounds really weird - but I was glad for the protien for the upcoming morning when we hiked up the back trail through the forest to a distillery and instead of taking that same route back to town we went the other way and that was an extra mile! :eek: We should have stayed hiking in the forest! ahhh vacation memories! Ha!

I'm still waking up at 3 am in the morning - ugh - getting back on schedule is harder then I thought!

If your dropping in today...why not stop and say Hi! :rolleyes:

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Hey Jean!! Welcome back. I sure missed hearing from you. It sounds like you had a wonderful trip. I have been having a pretty good week and it sure is nice to not have to go in this weekend to catch up!! I hope Monday shows some more progress on the scales. I have 79 more pounds until my goal and I know it takes time. ;) I am wishing everyone a great weekend. Maybe I will be able to check in over the weekend since I get a weekend of relaxation.

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Cruzin Dude,


I'm gonna lay this out for you nice and easy.


Atkins is working here. It's free and when done correctly keeps you from being hungry. This is our service- our support service. Free.


If you have something relevant- such as low carb recipes or your exercise plan- please feel free to share.


But nobody here is likely to be swayed to the low down payment of $80 to join Kimkins so you can earn some extra money. Unless you have something relevant to share, find another place to recruit. Another repetitive post of "I'm on kimkins" will be reported for disrupting the flow by repeating the same information (which appears to be irrelevant to the topic of the board) and thereby VIOLATING the terms of service.

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Good Morning Losers! In the very warmest sweetest terms! ;)

CruzinDude - How about you starting a Kimkins thread that you can talk to others on Kimkins...won't make much money...but that's where you should be posting.

Pink - Your exactly correct!!!!!! And Well Said!!!


I have been thinking about my favorite day on our trip - and I have 8 to choose from - so let me think about it and I'll post one! I looked at my daughters pictures that she had on her computer last night and we laughed at our funny ones and ahhhed at our favorites - - It was really fun! I took 940 pictures (photo-holic) and I've told myself I cannot take them off my camera until I finish scrapbooking the last 4 pages of our Alaska trip from last year! :o

Ok, well, I just needed a little push to keep me on track for the weekend so I took a peek on the scales! If I stay a good girl all weekend then I will be reporting a loss next week. I'm on my 'summer ' schedule now from work which means I get Friday's off and just work a 4/8's. It is really my day to do those house projects that are 2-3 hours - with no interuptions - and today it's to get my windows all pretty and clean! We had a crazy storm through here yesterday and so I think that'll just about take care of the windy dirt that flies around here - so my windows will just be subject to the summer monsoon showers ... when they finally come! But first I'm going to enjoy a induction shake, take the pup for a walk and then get my bucket of suds going!

What's everyone doing this weekend? I know Sat & Sun are not 'weekend days' for some - but maybe something cool is happening at work?

Lisa - did you get moved? Are you still training? I'm headed to Nashville on June 27-30 for a family reunion in Spring City. Never been to Tennessee...so I'm really looking forward to this adventure!

Donna - Hey your doing really well!! Hang in there!

I'll be back later when I need my hands to dry out! lol!

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Good Morning All!


Jean....sounds like fun in Nashville for the reunion! Have you looked for the oopsie rolls yet? Be certain to remember to check them out when you have time.


This weekend DH and I are remulching the front hillside so with the 90 degree weather we've been having, I should sweat off an ounce or two...LOL...other than that, not much planned.


A big hello to everyone and keep up the good work!

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Just dropping in real quick...whew! I'm tired. Good walk with the dog, came back and pull a couple of weeds in the driveway and next thing I know I'm trimming the bushes that are in front of the bedroom windows ! Did I get distracted or what!? LOL! Well, I got my arm exercises for sure! Got the windows washed and it always amazes me that I don't realize how dusty they are:eek: - until they are crystal clear! :D A good all around WOE and WOEX ing day. Tomorrow morning I have a "Mugs & Muffins" breakfast with the ladies from church....he he - no muffins for me - I'll have an omelet before I go! I'll sure try to stay strong!

See! Back for one week, 5 days on induction and here's a day that I'd love to just munch with other gals! It doesn't matter in life for me - there are always those tempting days around! :o

OOOOooo I need to go to bed! I'm thinking way to hard about this! lol!

Kim - hope the mulching goes well....be sure to drink lots of water!

I'll catch all of you kiddos on Monday!

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One of the things I've wanted to do this weekend was my Trip Report for the Trip Advisor boards since so many of the Scotland experts helped me with our plans.

Pink, you asked for one day....no can do....but! Here's my trip report links if you want to check them out...they are in Part 1&2...and boy if you think I ramble on this thread...you better get you a BIG Glass of something to drink! LOL:p

When I get to my pics I'll get you a link for some of those too...

Catch you all in the Morning!




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Your day at Blair Castle sounds absolutely delightful! Great report Jean.


Skipping Heathrow seems like the safe option in any circumstance. It was our final destination the one time we ventured there!


This was my third week of 12 hr shifts at work. I'm starting to build stamina and feel more comfortable with them. I did end up having yogurts in the a.m. (20 carbs/yogurt) because there were extras in the fridge and I needed the boost. Only at Atkins can regular yogurts be considered a treat. 2 years ago I would have jumped for ice cream or candy. My goal is to pack enough food that's appetizing for the a.m. stress (can't wait till I find that magic bullet) that is less than 20 carbs.


Also new this week are my Mannys Low carb tortillas. Trying em for the first time.


Hope everyone has a great week!



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Yiippee - It's Wednesday, that means I made it through Mon & Tues! Ha!

Yesterday was my weigh in day - but really busy here at work now that I am off on Friday's through the summer - so I didn't get to post - but I'm down 2 real pounds! :D I'm just taking that 15 lbs goal off a little at a time - but that's ok!

Tomorrow I drive up to Colorado to see my sister's and my Mom, I was thinking back and it's been almost a year since I drove up there. I flew into Denver in Feb - but I'll just be driving up to Pueblo - 5 hrs. Then I'll drive home on Sunday.

I'm packing some traveling snacks, drinks and of course my lunch, there are some good rest stops along the way that'll make a good place to stretch and eat and then right back on the road. Plan ahead - right?- that's one of the best weapons in not having to eat junkie stuff!

Pink - Those 12 hr shifts are for you young ones! Gosh! I know I couldn't do it!:eek:

I'm taking some pumkin nuts to snack on while driving - do you like those? Or make some sweet pecan nuts like we did during the holidays? I think if a company could come up with a low carb yogurt - that tasted really good - it'd fly off the shelf! How about some sugar free jello's that you could put in the fridge at work? I have some here in the office just for those crazy sweet attacks that come along sometimes. In the evening I've been making the induction shake and split it with my DH - feels like were cheating, but not!

And the day at Blair Castle was fantastic - but the day in North Berwick also makes me smile when I think back!

Hey! Where is everyone? Jocelyn - are you back yet? How was your Cruise? Tell us!

Lisa, Donna, Kreeb, Kim.........helllloooo!?!!?

Catch ya's later!

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Thanks for the suggestions Jean.


Hit the bookstore today to get revitalized... found George Stella's books. WOW! Good stuff. Anyone at or near goal should take a look at those. Lots of baking recipes to try (from his wife the baker) which include berries, soy flour and splenda. But there are lots of chapters with tasty ideas for chicken, beef and eggs too. I'm really looking forward to sampling a few.


The 12 hr shifts are definitely tough stuff. The shakes aren't very tasty and I know they stall me. Plus at nearly $2/shake...well, not so good. This week I'm going to enjoy chef salad in my lunch so a large one is usually very filling. Toss an avocado in there and some cottage cheese and berries and I usually come home with food in my bag the next day!


My next mission is to include Mr. Pink in the dietary change. He's underweight and LOVES his white rice, white pasta and breads. He has substituted whole grain bread for wonder bread (yes, a great feat!). I think if I could get him to eat more low carb choices he wouldn't feel as hungry all the time. I know I can personally devour a pound of angel hair and alfredo sauce and still feel hungry just an hour or so later. He also doesn't love salads and vegetables and will only tolerate a can of vegetables if mixed in with his rice stir fry. IT's very frustrating that a chef salad is not a meal to him.


Hopefully incorporating some of George and his wife's meals into our regular menu planning will help unite us. We did find meals that can be easily reheated are best on those 12 hr days. NO COOKING. Just 30 sec in the microwave. So... if anyone has a microwaveable/reheatable meal that will last in the fridge for 4 days... PLEASE SHARE!


This weeks new recipe: ginger chicken


I'll share the recipe and results next week if it's not utterly awful ;)

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Well, I have to say that putting on a pair of shorts this morning that I haven't wore since last summer - and they felt better this morning then what I remembered, that was great! And then I tried on a pair of Capris - yep - same feeling! Yea!:D Just checking to make sure they fit, before I packed them for my trip today! So I'll be dropping in on Monday to see who's back!

Pink - Let me know about that ginger chicken - it sounds good! Maybe next week I'll have a chance to check out those cookbooks! I wanted to get a cookbook in Scotland, but time got away from me and I didn't... :( The shake is the kind that I blend myself, SugarFree Sheila recipe - all real food ingredients, low carb, and yet they make you stall? Hmmm I'll have to check that out! thanks!

So Keep in Where it is Cool everyone - and have a great weekend!

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where will i find info on kimmers?


i too have been on low carb. i have lost 20 pounds. it has taken a while, the first pounds came off slowly. i eat all the meat, eggs, cheese, salad and dressing i want. nothing "white" seems to be the rule (flour, sugar) or anything with white ingredients.


the cheese cake idea is great. i will try that since the only carbs in cheese cake is the sugar.

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Sugar Free's shakes don't make me stall... the atkins ones at the store do! They're almost $2/shake but I was enjoying them because they packed easily into my locker and held me over for the morning!


Sugar Free sheila's shakes are good (sans the eggbeaters for mine) but I did get a lot of cravings last time I had them.


As for cheesecake, there are lots of splenda recipes around. It's doable without sugar. Stella had a lot of great recipes subbing splenda for sugar because his wife is a professional baker.


Jean, have fun on your trip!

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Hey Gang,

I'm back!!!!!:D Just popped in for a quick hello and to say that I was able to do my WOEing and WOX in the cruise (with a few cheats:D ) and I only gained 2 and they are gone already:)


Hey Jean, I glad you're back I missed your posts, I didn't get to read the ones since you are back but I will try to catch up soon.


Talk to ya all later.

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Hello all!! I hope everyone will have a wonderful weekend. I have lost another two pounds and I sure hope I don't blow it tonight. We are going out for Japanese with some friends and I will try to eat smart. :) I am planning on doing some major cleaning this weekend. Since I don't have any classes this semester and I don't have to work, I will probably go get some books. It sure will be nice to read something besides a textbook!! :rolleyes:

Maybe when my boyfriend is down at the pond fishing I will join him with a book and work on my tan. Talk to you next week.

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Well, I am all caught up on the posts and I am glad to hear that everyone is losing and doing well. Now that I am back to pre-cruise weight I have to get going on losing on a steady basis.


Jean, I have to read your story on trip advisor, can't wait I know it is going to be good (getting lost in the forest...Priceless:D )! Have a great time in Nashville


Pink, how was the chicken? Always looking for new was to make chicken.


Kim, great job on the loss.


I have mid terms all this week and next, why I ever signed on for 17 credits during the summer is beyond me:rolleyes: Have to get back to studying now ugh. I think I will take the fall semester (too busy at work) off and decide if finishing right now is really worth it :confused:


Talk to ya all soon;) :)

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Good Morning,

Well, it's already Tuesday and it's a warm morning to start off with. This last weekend I got to spend 3 days in Colorado, with my sister that is getting to the end of her battle with cancer, and I have to confess that with all of that - I was stress eating! :( I packed snacks & food with me so when I was driving I had the 'good stuff', but I stayed with my older sister and we didn't really do meals as much as on the go kind of eating. So with all of that - I'm not losing, but not gaining and I think that's just about where I'll be until family situations settle down. It's kind of funny that I still take each meal at a time and try to stay with what I know is healthy and good for me - sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

We are taking the camper and the Sadie with us on Thursday after work and will head to the mountains for the weekend. I'm getting a list together for meals so we can be extra good campers while were up there! ;)

Pink - Bless you girl for being an RN - the Medical field is so not my calling!! I try when I need too....But I'm sooo thankful for those of you that are there for us!

Jocelyn - How was your trip girl? And wow...summer school!! What degree are you working towards?

Donna- Your doing great! I started a book on the plane to the UK - the book marker is still where I put it on that first night out! I love to read too...just finding the time! "Boyfriend down at the pond fishing".... I always think of the movie 'Funny Farm' where Chevy Chase is fishing and he catches a snake....lol!:D

Kim, Lisa, the other Donna, Kreeb.....How is everyone doing these days?

Ok, catch ya's later....

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Hey Jocelyn - Your a NY girl....

If I was to be looking at a New England Cruise this fall........

What is a good city to sail from?.....as in easy to fly into and then get to the ship and on our way? Instead of NY, should I think of a different port? Boston maybe?

Let me know what you'd suggest!


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Good luck on midterms. Hubby is struggling with 7 credits ( a lab science in there-- thank goodness I'm here to tutor but still!) this summer. 17??!!! wow crazy girl. Hang in there. It looks like you just got back from your first cruise on Royal Carib (Empress of the seas). When you finish your midterms link us to a trip report or at least let us know how it compares. My MIL didn't love R.Carib after trying NCL. We're hitting Princess (which of course you've cruised a lot of) this fall for the first time. Not sure whether to ever give Royal Carib a try now. Look forward to your review in particular!



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Hello everyone. I found this site a few days ago and have been slowly trying to read through all the posts. Sugar Free Shelia has been such an inspiration. I loved her website, so much information and the recipes are amazing. :)


I just started Atkins back on 28 May. I lost 7.5 lbs in 10 days. But since then I have only lost an additional 1 lb. I did have a bad day on the 12th of Jun so maybe that is what hindered the loss. :( I am still in Ketosis according to the strips. I am trying to be much stricter on what I eat now. I don't want a repeat of the last week.


I am taking a cruise in December, Carnival Legend sailing on 14 December 08. I am looking to lose about 30 more lbs by then. This is plenty of time as long as I stick to the Atkins plan.


Thanks for all the inspiring stories that you guys have posted. This thread is really going to keep me on the right track.

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