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Welcome tnybubblz! ( I had to look back 3 times to type that! LOL):D


Come on over a sit with us girls - not to many guys posting these days!

Your doing great! Sounds like you got the 'swoosh' ( when your body gets rid of a few pounds all at once) that first week! What are you doing for your exercise? You'll find that the extra pounds come off even faster if your working it off. You can post as often as you want to - questions, support, weigh in, want to ramble a bit...oh that's my favorite catagory! LOL! :D :p


Ok, back to work!

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As for cheesecake, there are lots of splenda recipes around. It's doable without sugar. Stella had a lot of great recipes subbing splenda for sugar because his wife is a professional baker.


Jean, have fun on your trip!



I saw that someone was looking for a cheesecake recipe that used splenda and I just tried this one last night. it is wonderful!!!



Mix till smooth with electric mixer-

4-8 ounce pkgs. cream cheese softened

¾ cup splenda- more or less to suit your taste-2/3 to 1 cup


1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1 teaspoon lemon juice

1/3 cup sour cream

When this is all mixed together add -

4 eggs slightly beaten

Do not over beat once the eggs are in, just til blended

Pour the mixture into springform pan that you have sprayed with vegetable spray and lined the bottom with parchment. Bake the cheesecake in a 300-degree preheated oven with a pan of water on the shelf under it for 1 hour and reduce heat to 200 degrees for 1 more hour. Turn oven off and leave cheesecake in until the oven is completely cool. The cheesecake can even be left overnight at this point. Cracks can occur when a cheesecake cools too quickly. Run a knife around the edge of the pan, separating it from the sides of the pan, and gently remove springform. Then transfer cheesecake to serving plate.


12 slices at less than 5 carbs each!


It was posted on this site much earlier and I just had to try it. I am glad that i did. I believe that she even said that it was induction friendly.:D


Hope that helps.

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Welcome tnybubblz! ( I had to look back 3 times to type that! LOL):D


Come on over a sit with us girls - not to many guys posting these days!

Your doing great! Sounds like you got the 'swoosh' ( when your body gets rid of a few pounds all at once) that first week! What are you doing for your exercise? You'll find that the extra pounds come off even faster if your working it off. You can post as often as you want to - questions, support, weigh in, want to ramble a bit...oh that's my favorite category! LOL! :D :p


Ok, back to work!


Thanks NMCruzzin! I guess the Atkins, low carb, craze has kind of dropped off these days. Thats a shame. It does work if you stick with it and give it the chance to work for you.


As far as exercise I just started walking/running on the treadmill the other day. I actually ran/walked for about 5.5 miles the other day, Monday. I had nothing better to do and felt really good so I just kept alternating walking for .25 miles and then running for .25 miles.


I felt really good but that probably will not happen very often, it took a while. Don't have that much time to commit everyday. I got back on for about 35 minutes of walking (4 mp) yesterday. I am going to try to do at least three days a week of walking/running, probably more walking then running. :rolleyes: I figured that was a good starting goal. I would like to try to incorporate some weight training in there too a few days. I don't know if I will be able to get that in though. I hope that the walking/running will help at least if nothing else.

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Thursday?!?!?! It's already Thursday!?!?:eek:

Well, only 2 more hours and we taking the trailer and the pup and heading to the mountains! And this is the first weekend in months that their talking we might get afternoon showers...but of course! LOL!

Tny - Hang in there girl....your walking sounds great! If you don't have an iPod...they can really help on those days you don't feel like getting your feet moving! Can't help with the finding the time - I'm trying to find time to walk with my dog...but only when it's not so stinking hot that she's burning the pads on her toes...so that's like 8:30 - 9:00 pm....which is close to my bed time!:p

Have a fantastic week everyone...I'll check in on ya's on Monday!

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Welcome TinyBubbles!


Just remember that weight loss isn't linear. You don't lose at the same rate every day (or every week when it gets near the end). Don't get discouraged if some days go by without weight loss. Sometimes you get 3 or 4 lbs all at once when you least expect it. :p


Again, welcome,



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Hi Gang,

I am trying to keep up and I will write a trip report when I can.


Pink, RCL is nice but I do LOVE Princess. That being said, I have only been on the older RCL ships, Sept we will be sailing on the Liberty, I will let you know how she is.:)


Jean, Have a great trip. Sorry to hear your sister is not doing well, she and your family are in my prayers. If you are thinking about Princess for Canada/NewEngland it is easy to fly into JFK ot LaGuardia to get to the port in Red Hook Brooklyn. The area is really not touristy (sp) but the terminal is new. Come to think of it, it is just as easy to grab a cab and go out of Manhattan and their is lots to see and do. I have never been to Boston (it's on my list) so I don't really know how close the airport is to the port. But I have been to Baltimore and it is one of my FAVORITE cities (after Manhattan of course):D As for school I am just finishing my Bachelors Degree, I am hoping the business classes that I am taking will help my business, so far it's ok, I just find that I have so much other stuff that I could be doing besides sitting in a classroom, but it is worth it to me to get my degree.


Talk to ya all soon.

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Hi all!


It has been a while since I have done induction. Can someone remind me what I can and cannot eat? I remember most of it, but I am afraid of eating something wrong.


No to deli type meats, milk products, anything with sugar or flour, starchy vegies, nuts, beans, pickles, bacon with nitrates (I never found any bacon that said it didn't have nitrates. Is there any? )....


YES to lean meat like chicken, turkey, eggs (all kinds right? deviled eggs?)

fish, .... Can I have sausage?


I remember lots of water. Is Splenda okay? How about iced tea with Splenda? No lemon or lime, right? Exercise...


What are the shakes some of you have been talking about? Where is Sugar Free Sheila's web site? I tried to read the posts, but there are just too many to read in one night. After induction is over, I will have to try some of the recipes on here.


Can you please help fill in the gaps of my memory of induction? I can't even remember the amount of carbs for induction? Help!


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Hey Patches!

Here is Sheila's website - and she is great about emailing if you need a little additional support or answers to specific questions!



Yes to deli meets, fish, chicken, sausages,eggs, Splenda is ok...just easy does it... The best thing would be for you to get out your Atkins book and re-read some of it. Knowledge of how this works, beside just a list of do's and don'ts.


Jocelyn: Yeah, checking on a future cruise. We'll see..... I haven't been on the east coast before so I don't have any idea on airports/terminals that make it easy (San Diego's Airport is almost across the street from the Terminal there....now that's easy! :0) ) so we'll see what we come up with! Hang in there and get your degree....do it while your young!:) Then you'll always have it! I do think it would be very hard to sit in a classroom during summer though!


Over the weekend we went camping and we had a great time! The second day a storm rolled in and brought pea sized hail with it! This cooled the temps down pretty low and really fast! I now have to re-think my camping clothes...brrr...I just took shorts & tank tops! We grilled steaks the first night, then made fajitas with the left over steak the next night. There was lots of walking and hiking - so I tried staying Atkins for the most part - but this morning my jeans are snug...:mad: so I guess what wasn't for the "most part" wasn't very helpful either!

We took DH's lap top, and if you can picture us at night in our lawn chairs, Sadie (50 lbs) curled up on DH's lap, lap top on the seat of the picnic table, stars are out, a nice fire next to us, blankets & jackets on, and we're watching season #2 of Pretender with Jiffy Pop and Hot Tea! It was the best!! :p I think even worth snug jeans this morning!


So have a Terrific Monday everyone! I need to get my desk cleaned up!

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Patches: The best way to know is to look at all of the labels. There are some deli meats that you can have that are very low in carbs! That and a slice of cheese....great low carb snack!:)

Did you check out Sheila's web site? I also got her cookbooks that I use from time to time.

Do you have a 2nd hand book store/ Goodwill....sometimes they have the Atkins book for just a couple of dollars! I've had to replace mine a time or two...too!:o

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Hey Gang!


Welcome Patches & tinybubbles, you can also check out Atkins dot com for some more info.


Hey Jean, glad you had a great time camping, it sounds like you had an awesome time, ahhh just love the outdoors. I still have to check out your trip report from Scotland. If you decide to take a cruise from NY, I will be more than happy to help you with restaurants, sites etc. BTW, the Brooklyn Pier is about 40 to 45 minutes from the airports and NY is about an hour or so barring any terrible traffic.;)


We have 2 cruises in the works next year on Princess, one is in May on the Caribbean Princess from San Juan to NY so only one flight (yeah!!!) and the other is Hawaii rt from LA. Anyone ever do the Hawaii trip? Just wondering if you all have any good insider tips.


Well just 3 more midterms this week. I am dizzy from studying so I decided to take a break. Meanwhile I am at work and I guess supposed to be working, but it helps to be the boss hehehe.


I am down this week and I just need three more lbs to make it to my 20lb loss yay! I will keep you all posted.

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Jocelyn: We were in Maui just a year .5 ago....loved it! Your going to be so glad that you get to stop in LA and take a break from flying before you head over the Pacific! If your ship docks in LaHaina - it's so fun! Lots of cool little shops and places to eat and you can grab some cool snorkel trips right there! We took the Pacific Foundation trip and LOVED it! The snorkeling at Molokini is great! There was some fun snorkeling just about a 20 min walk from LaHaina that is just off the beach! Would love to do a Cruise around there....you go first and tell me how it is! ;) I know you'll do great on your mid-terms - and your down a few pounds too - that's Fantastic!!!!!!!!!!

Lisa - do you still peek on here sometimes? I'm headed to Tenn on Thursday! Can't wait!

Donna - How ya doing girl?

Kreeb? the other Donna, gooselace are you still on?

Pink - How's those late shifts coming? Did you ever do that Ginger Chicken? Or were you just teasing us! lol:p

Swansonia - How ya doing?

Annie - you've been MIA for awhile now...but do you still peek in on us?


Ok,.... Need to crush up the macadamia nuts & Parma cheese to coat the fish for supper tonight & a salad...after this Monday...that's the best I can come up with!

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Hi Jean, Jocelyn & everyone,


Sorry I've been missing so long. Just way too much happening right now. I appreciate you asking about me!


Jean, I hope you have a great trip to TN. You are so delightful in the midst of a lot of things happening in your life!


WOE is not the best, but I'm confident it will get there. I do still read all the posts, and I love reading about your successes!


Take care everyone!

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Hello all!! I know it has been quite a while since I have been here. My boyfriend and I went down to the Outer Banks last weekend. We both took off early Friday and drove on up. We just love the North Carolina beaches!! I had a wonderful relaxing weekend of reading and looking at the water. His aunt owns a house on the sound side and the view is amazing. You sit in the front yard and look directly at Cape Lookout lighthouse. :) We are trying to arrange another trip over the fourth of July. Next time we will take both of the dogs and my daughter. I did gain a pound of two over the weekend but I am back on induction to get rid of it. I am still down about 16 pounds so I guess I can live with it. I knew I was going to gain some because I really blew it this weekend so I was pleasantly surprised that I did not gain more. I need to get serious though, I have a lot of weight to lose before our next cruise. I hope everyone is doing well and having a good week.

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Yeaaaaa It's Wednesday!

Donna : Wow...sounds like a great weekend! How fun to stay so close to the water!

Lisa: Good to hear from you!

Well, I head out of here tomorrow morning... Be Good Girls the best you can, sometime we just need to work with where we are. ;) But those of you that can feel a big dertmination rush coming on - Go!! Do it! :D

Catch ya all next week!

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Hey Gang! Just stopped in for a quick hello. We took a quick day trip to Montauk yesterday after school and it was just lovely. I did have a small cheat of ice cream but it was well worth it YUMMO, so we will see if it shows up on the scale! I have one more midterm on Thurs then that's it YEAH!!!! Then six more weeks and I am done with school for the summer.:)


We were thinking about going to Montauk for the fourth but it is really hard to find a place that will just do 2 or 3 days, they all want a 4 day min stay and the prices get a little ridiculous, but it is beautiful:) We will probably go to the beach by my house were we can take our truck onto the beach(its about 10 minutes away). We usually hang out all day and try to see a firework show at night.


Jean, have a great trip to TN. Thanks for the tips for Hawaii, I can't wait and the best part is that the ship leaves from LA. I def want to do a Luau and see the volcanoes. Ed wants to take a surf lesson in Waikiki.


Lisa, great to hear from you.


Donna, the beach house sounds wonderful! I always wanted to visit the Outer Banks. Have a great time on the 4th.



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Pink, RCL is nice but I do LOVE Princess. That being said, I have only been on the older RCL ships, Sept we will be sailing on the Liberty, I will let you know how she is.:)




I am a fan of the Atkins WOE and it has worked for me in the past and I hope to get into it again, especially for my upcoming cruise on the Liberty of the Seas on Sept 27, 2008. My sister is also anxious to try this plan as the countdown clock is ticking!


When I clicked on this thread, your post was at the top and I noticed that you mentioned going on the Liberty of the Seas, but your ticker says 9-26-08. Is your ticker suppose to be the 27th of September? We have fantastic group of people under the Royal Caribbean Meet & Mingle Roll Call. If your cruise is sailing on the 27th, please join us on this board. It is a lot of fun and I am sure there is more than 100 members on this roll call. They have also provided a great source of information - many people have saved $ due to some tips and "heads-up" regarding price reductions (our group of 10 saved over $1,000). You will definitely not be disappointed on the Liberty:D!



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Hey Patches!

Here is Sheila's website - and she is great about emailing if you need a little additional support or answers to specific questions!



Yes to deli meets, fish, chicken, sausages,eggs, Splenda is ok...just easy does it... The best thing would be for you to get out your Atkins book and re-read some of it. Knowledge of how this works, beside just a list of do's and don'ts.


Jocelyn: Yeah, checking on a future cruise. We'll see..... I haven't been on the east coast before so I don't have any idea on airports/terminals that make it easy (San Diego's Airport is almost across the street from the Terminal there....now that's easy! :0) ) so we'll see what we come up with! Hang in there and get your degree....do it while your young!:) Then you'll always have it! I do think it would be very hard to sit in a classroom during summer though!


Over the weekend we went camping and we had a great time! The second day a storm rolled in and brought pea sized hail with it! This cooled the temps down pretty low and really fast! I now have to re-think my camping clothes...brrr...I just took shorts & tank tops! We grilled steaks the first night, then made fajitas with the left over steak the next night. There was lots of walking and hiking - so I tried staying Atkins for the most part - but this morning my jeans are snug...:mad: so I guess what wasn't for the "most part" wasn't very helpful either!

We took DH's lap top, and if you can picture us at night in our lawn chairs, Sadie (50 lbs) curled up on DH's lap, lap top on the seat of the picnic table, stars are out, a nice fire next to us, blankets & jackets on, and we're watching season #2 of Pretender with Jiffy Pop and Hot Tea! It was the best!! :p I think even worth snug jeans this morning!


So have a Terrific Monday everyone! I need to get my desk cleaned up!


Thank you for posting this site. Last night I went to Walmart and a week before I bought Slim Fast from the groccery. But I did a comparison with the Atkins because it was right there by the Slim Fast. I am totally sold on Atkins! I was diagnosed with diabetes and the Atkins is so much better than the SLim Fast. Their shakes have like 18 g of sugar, where Atkins only has 1 g, not to mention being super high in protein. I bought the shakes and the bars. Kinda gotta get use to the bars. It makes me crave water. The peanut butter one is dry. I'm so glad I looked at Atkins. I'm really glad I stopped in on this thread.



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Hey Adkins gang..

I am Sailing on the Conquest 6/29 one day :D

When I get back starting on Mon 7/7 I am going to join you all..

I did adkins a few years ago. and lost 20 lbs. I now need to loss

30 lbs. Have been going from jenny to WW to Nutri system. Adkins

it the easiest and most livable plan.. I am so excited to start back. I

bought drinks and bars yesterday. I need help with breakfast. I dont like

eggs or cottage cheese and i dont eat beef. Would welcome any ideas and

suggestion you

ladies have.


Thank I will see you all on 7/7:p

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I am a fan of the Atkins WOE and it has worked for me in the past and I hope to get into it again, especially for my upcoming cruise on the Liberty of the Seas on Sept 27, 2008. My sister is also anxious to try this plan as the countdown clock is ticking!


When I clicked on this thread, your post was at the top and I noticed that you mentioned going on the Liberty of the Seas, but your ticker says 9-26-08. Is your ticker suppose to be the 27th of September? We have fantastic group of people under the Royal Caribbean Meet & Mingle Roll Call. If your cruise is sailing on the 27th, please join us on this board. It is a lot of fun and I am sure there is more than 100 members on this roll call. They have also provided a great source of information - many people have saved $ due to some tips and "heads-up" regarding price reductions (our group of 10 saved over $1,000). You will definitely not be disappointed on the Liberty:D!



Hi Liz,

Welcome! Yes I am sailing on the 27th with my DH, but we are flying into Miami on the 26th. Still looking for a hotel for one night. I will try to take a peek in on the roll call, thanks for the invite:)


BTW, I just took a cruise on the SOS and I have to tell you that I worked out everyday and stuck to my WOE for the most part but I did have wine in the evening and SF desserts and only gained 2 lbs in 7 days (we went to Fl early) RCCL had great SF desserts. So this WOE is very doable on a cruise.;) :)

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Welcome Easy Sailing and Lvroberts! Glad to have you all with us.


Easy Sailing, I also saw you on the "Biggest Loser by 7/24" board. I think that was such a great idea for motivation. I am going to post on that thread again on Monday, hopefully that will keep me on track this weekend;) :D


Lvroberts, have you tried SF Sheila's website? She posts lots of great recipes, it is sugarfreesheila dot com Look forward to chatting with you on 7/7.


Hey Jean, how was your trip?


Hey Pink, Lisa, Donna, Patches and anyone I missed:o What's new? Any great plans for the 4th?

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Has anyone else tried omega 3 fish oil to help you burn fat?

I was completely locked and couldn't lose any weight or get into ketosis even after doing induction again, so i tried the fish oil and bang i was burning fat again so i was wondering if anyone else has ever tried fish oil and what were their experiences

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Hi all! I found my book! I reread it again. I am doing everything right according to the book. I have been stuck for about 2 months and have lost no weight at all. Exercise, water, eating enough...everything I am supposed to do.


Does anyone have any advice? I have been doing Atkins for a long time. I started induction again, but haven't lost any more weight.


qosmo8, I will try the fish oil supplements since they worked for you. How much do you take per day? What times of the day?



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