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Anyone on Atkins?


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Ditto....I eat about 10 carbs a day.


I have lost 3 pounds a week on average.


Wow!! You are restrictive. I aim for 25 or so. If I get less... great. Maybe that is why nothing is happening in my world. I could exercise. That would be a plus. I must admit that I haven't done much exercise since my husband hurt his back. You would think all the running around waiting on him would count as exercise. But no.



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Strange as it may sound, I broke my Atkins (or any diet for that matter) last night for Easter Bunny Peeps. I bought them for the grand kids, but they didn't eat them like they were supposed to. In fact they really didn't like them. So, they sat in the cabinet for over a week (I don't like them when they are soft.. only when they have hardened.) Last night all the bunnies spoke to me, and I answered. Well, today is a new day. There are no more peeps in the house and I won't be bringing any in again. I'm not trustworthy.



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@ Nancy!! LOL!! I get you girl!! It happens!! haha! :p

So I've been MIA for awhile... I had to have surgery ...again...but this time they took my whole Thyroid out and so now I've branched off on that medical road now! Of course the take it easy for a month...slowed me down,. Well...I'm much better and feeling the need to get back onto a good schedule...so I'm going to the gym today to start riding the bike again! :) I've done good on watching my carbs...I just feel so much better! I'm up a few...but that's because I was on a quick trip to TX and we saw the Sweet 16 in San Antonio!! It's nice that spring has some days where it's feels good to be out in the yard too!

Hope you are all doing well.:confused:.....I know this thread sure slowed down a lot!!

All Current low (that's not NO) carbers that are still at it...raise your hand...now

put it on your keyboard and post something!!...:p It's an encouragement to keep in touch!

Have a great day!

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Hi all!


I'm doing fine, not losing anything at the moment, but not gaining, either. ;) We just have a million and one things happening right now.


Nancy ~ thankfully, I have no desire for Peeps. Cadbury Creme Eggs are a WHOLE different story! :p


Jean ~ we can always count on you to round everyone up. :) How awesome that you got to see the sweet 16! I expect our Tigers to be heading that way next year! You have such a great attitude about your thyroid. I know that you may be slowed down, but you will not be stopped! :)


Hi Pink! :)


BaileyandBella ~ wow, way to go!

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The sun is shinning here in Plano, and it all looks good. We had a little rain the other day, so things are really greening up. I'm working the plan and doing well since the notorious peep episode.

Jean - Hope all is going well for your recovery.



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  • 3 weeks later...

It's been a long time since I've been on these boards, but I see some familiar names. I am still struggling with my weight (imagine that :eek:) but have managed to lose about 20 pounds this year with off and on Atkins....I really need to get serious and hope to find some encouragement here...

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Hi y'all! I have been on and off of Atkins for a couple years. I lost 70 pounds but since I had surgery last June, I have struggled to get back on track with eating and exercise and 25 pounds :eek: has come back on. I need to get back on track but have many excuses :confused: as my life is insane right now. But excuses aside, I cruise in 1 month and need to get a grip or things are about to spiral even more out of control. I too hope to find some motivation and encouragement here with my cruisin' Atkins friends. :) Any words of wisdom to get me back on induction would be greatly appreciated!


Nancy D

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i have done it off and on also. The most recently was our last cruise in march. I lost 10 pounds before i went but i went on and was not to well as i ate what i wanted and drank. I gained back the 10 pounds and really screwed up my monthly which is not great. Very bloated also. I have another cruise in 3 weeks and have just decided to eat healthy no junk and watch the alcohol and exercise every day. Hoping that will help even if i lose a bit i will be happy.;)

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Ok! I need some serious help here. I am way the heck overweight and I have 2 big events I'm attending in November. I have almost exactly 6 months until they happen. I've done Atkins in the past and was very successful at it. However, that was about 8 years ago and I need someone or several someones to be my accountability. Anyone willing to help? I really appreciate it!

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With the weather getting better I thought I'd post and say hello.


Jean-- I hope you're feeling better post-op for your thyroid. HUGS!


Besides that DH and I went to the superstore a few weeks ago and stocked up on meats, cheese, and veggies (fresh and frozen). I have been slowly backing down on my carbs. I know if I could kick it into gear and do a strict 2 week induction I could probably lose 5-10 lbs in those 2 weeks. I stocked up on salmon as a seminar I recently went to (I'm in healthcare) advised getting more than a pound of salmon in your diet weekly to get the benefits of those omega 3s and 6s. With my sushi intake (as expensive as it is) I'm lucky to get 3-4 oz weekly so we purchased a big bag of that and plan to have 1 lb each week for each of us to try to be healthier (and provide some meatless meals without substituting rice and pasta like we would normally do for the chicken, pork, beef, etc).


Exercise is non-negotiable though. DH got me a bunch of yoga and pilates videos this past month. I took a class this spring about meditation and such so I'm in a good place to incorporate that with my aerobic exercise to have a healthier me ;)


We likely won't be cruising next year as DH wants to see China...takes away some of the motivation to lose much more weight as I'm comfortable where I'm at... I think to really have an effective loss you need to meld the environment (no sugary or starchy foods available) with motivation (the desire to lose), and then effort (Exercise being the big problem). Its effortless when you do those things but the sticking to it seems to be the biggest problem for atkineers in our low-fat, sugar-laden society.


Ah well... we're eating salmon, broccoli, chicken curry, and cheeseburgers (mine are of course bunless with mayo and mustard, no ketchup). What are you guys eating to kickoff summer?



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Hi Everyone,

I am a Dukan fan (similar to Atkins) so hope I can pull up a chair here and provide encouragement. I am currently in maintenance and generally vigilant re what passes these lips. I found Dukan's plan the most effective to date and give it a thumbs up.

As we do a big cruise once a year, I find they are good movitation to keep trim.

Hoping to chat away my wait time re next April's 35 day cruise with you.

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OK, I just got back last weekend from the Low Carb Cruise and it was absolutely FANTASTIC. Absolutely SO liberating (to be among other low carbers), and so much fun. The education was priceless, along with the chance to actually get to know some of the people who are movers and shakers in the low carb world (e.g. I am now on first-name basis with Jimmy Moore, Jackie Eberstein, Dr. Mary C. Vernon, Dr. Michael Fox, Tom Naughton, Fred Hahn, Dana Carpender, and the absolutely most gorgeous man in the world: Dr. Andreas Eenfeldt).


BUT! That's not all! Gary Taubes has confirmed that he will attend at least some of next year's cruise (at least the first couple days).


Exact dates are currently being worked out, but this much is known: it will be early May on the Carnival Magic, sailing from Galveston. Registration will open sometime in July. If you'd like, I'll post here when the final details are known.


Just in case anyone wonders: I am NOT involved in organizing this cruise, so it is not advertisement for me. I don't get a nickel out of it - I am just passing on the information for those who might be interested.

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GHarkness - Sounds like you had a great Cruise!! How fun!! I'll be on the Magic this September! :D I'm not sure who all the people are that you mentioned - but new friends on a ship are always fun!

Anna - If your in maintenance...then you hit your goal? Congrats!! That's always a terrific feeling! What do you do for exercise? It's starting to be your winter, right?

Pink - I'm doing much better. I noticed last week that there were some things that I thought would never get better - swallowing for one! :p - is better now, but it seems that time really does help heal! :) I just love that you go to some very wonderful places! - I actually got salmon last weekend for groceries too.... just because it sounded really good!!

Lidoguy - Go old school and get your Atkins book out...and re-read it!! It will motivate you and also tell you what to clean out of your house that got you back where you are today! And...what are you doing for exercise - something that you like to do that will give you a cardio jump start!!

For anyone that watches The Biggest Loser.... have you noticed that Bob and Jillian...the toughest trainers on earth (well, almost) the one thing...from the start is exercise...moving people....move, move, walk, walk, run! run!! Their teams are in the final!! So for everyone that comes and says...help me.... here it is!!... MOVE!! MOVE!!


*Last week....I got on the stair climber at my gym!! A Stair climber!! And I stayed on and kept going until my legs were burning and were getting wobbly!! Then I went to the Bike.... 5 miles! Then the Tred mil - walked another mile! Then I cooled down and that was my work out - because I needed to be able to come to work the next day!! :p

You have to do - more then what you can do..... each week! If you just exercise what you can do - you will not see the better effects - then if you push farther then what you have done. Workout = going farther then were you can already go!

And with that.... my legs are sore from the gym from yesterday!!

Have a good evening!!

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That's right Jean , winter is on it's way. We had a morning minimum of just 8C yesterday. For exercise I have a brisk 30 min beach walk each day with my dog and have just commenced Pilates, as I don't need to lose any more weight. Before that it was a Total gym 1000 (weight resistance) workout 3 times a week.

I'm very happy to be a Size 8 (Aus) in slacks and weigh 118.8lbs. This high protein regime really works ladies.:p

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I'm not sure who all the people are that you mentioned


If you are an Atkins person, you should know. But if you don't, that's okay! You should Google them. They aren't exactly big secrets :) Anyone who has a chance to see and hear these people and passes it up....really shouldn't!

Edited by GHarkness
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i find atkins works for me but in the long run i can not stay on it for long periods. I enjoy my red wine to much. I exercise probably more than the average person but once i go off atkins i gain even more than i did before.

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i find atkins works for me but in the long run i can not stay on it for long periods. I enjoy my red wine to much. I exercise probably more than the average person but once i go off atkins i gain even more than i did before.


You must not have read the book; in Atkins, red wine is completely allowed, except in Induction phase, which is meant to be temporary. Atkins is also not meant to "go off"; of course, if you go back to eating the foods that made you gain in the first place, they'll do the same thing again! The Maintenance phase is for life, and the variety of foods is almost endless!


If something else works for you, fantastic, go for it. :) Since you say Atkins works for you, it might be worth your time to read the book & see what it's really about. Most folks on this board have found that Atkins does work for us, long term. We may stray now and then, but we find our way back here.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey There Everyone!

So......where'd ya all go?

Have you seen all of the new diet threads? :eek: How many of you have jumped from one low carb diet to another low carb diet .....under another name?;) Ha! If you have...I hope you get the support and results that your looking for!! :)

Things have been changing for me lately ... but even a few steps back can sometimes spring a person forward a few more steps forward!!

Hope all is well with whoever comes by and is still low carbing!

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Hi Jean!


I haven't seen all the threads, but I can imagine. :)


Still truckin' along, mostly maintaining. But I have a 25th reunion coming up & of course I want to look my best. I'll keep you posted on any weight loss happening this summer!

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I sail on July 4th and put myself on a less than 500 Calorie diet 7 days ago. I know... too low a calorie intake, but I am also doing it as an experiment. I am blogging my results if you want to see here is the link.




I did put my husband on Adkins yesterday, and requested he give it at least two weeks. This is kinda tough for him, no beer for two weeks... lol

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I sail on July 4th and put myself on a less than 500 Calorie diet 7 days ago. I know... too low a calorie intake, but I am also doing it as an experiment. I am blogging my results if you want to see here is the link.




I did put my husband on Adkins yesterday, and requested he give it at least two weeks. This is kinda tough for him, no beer for two weeks... lol


I subscribed to your blog....want to see how it goes. I am a **little** concerned about your protein intake, but I think you are smart enough to figure that out. Just be careful, ya'hear? :)

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I subscribed to your blog....want to see how it goes. I am a **little** concerned about your protein intake, but I think you are smart enough to figure that out. Just be careful, ya'hear? :)



Thanks, I will be careful! I promise :D

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Hey there all!!:D


I have not been under a rock, but this season in the plant nursery business has been very busy, busy, busy! You'd think one would just walk, sweat, work off the lbs, but alas, I just maintain...no complaints, tho.:rolleyes:


I have a 'pear' shape that apparently can accommodate a few extra lbs, & no one is the wiser except me & my scales...(shhhh, that's just my secret!)


My favorite new snack lately is, believe it or not, sardines...yes, those fishy, smelly, stinky cans of sardines...I prefer the ones w/ green chilies or hot sauce or even mustard...oh the horrors!:p Any one else, or, am I alone in this....eh? Anyone?


Keep up the good work, & the good attitude!

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