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Crown review - Feb. 10th-17th (will be long, be warned)


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Our plan for the day was to just take it easy and go see Orient Beach. We got up and put our sunscreen on (please use lots of sunscreen!) and disembarked the ship. As soon as you get out of the dock area there will be people asking you if you need a taxi and directing you to the taxi area where there will be signs so you will know what line to get into. There was a sign for Orient which I believe is one of the most popular areas to go. We quickly got loaded into a van with several others and were on our way. The more people in the van the less it cost. The costs are posted on the wall there and it seemed to me that they were posted as per how many people were in the taxi. We had to pay $12 for the two of us to Orient and we tipped $3 extra. The driver dropped us off at a Kon Tiki beach and that's where we stayed. It was not crowded at all when we arrived but in a few hours the area was packed. It is a pretty long beach with the nude resort way to your left when facing the water. Even though it was way down - we saw a few totally nude men walk on by. Well I tried not to look but you can't help it - there they are just a proud as can be...luckily I missed the front and only got a glimpse of the behind. This is not the beach to go to if you don't want to see non-attractive naked people. There were tons of topless as well. I tell you this as a warning if you would want to avoid this. Also I wouldn't suggest bringing your children to this beach but to each his own. There were some families there. This is the french side of the Island and on the Dutch side we only saw a few topless and no nudes (last time we were there) - that would be on the side the ship docks. Would I go back? Yes, absolutely and I'll tell you the one reason why. I loved the Kon Tiki restaurant!!! It was so cool with lovely views of the ocean and a live band playing. Our lunch was very enjoyable. I ordered the lobster salad which was around 22 euros I think. I don't know how that translates to dollars but it was delicious and worth it. We found out - after walking the beach that we were in the best part of the area. Our chairs were $7 apiece for the day and they served refreshments to you on the beach. The chairs were padded and the restrooms were clean. A note on the restrooms - they had two stalls with working toilets but no roof - no problem but when you went in or out you could see the mens urinals and if they are in use you will maybe see more then you want. I just saw the back of a guy but then I thought I was in the mens restroom area and got embarrassed - even though two ladies had just exited the stall I used before me. Later my DH and I did a little exploring and realized this was a uni-restroom area. Live and learn (and laugh!) We left the beach and went looking for a taxi around 2pm. We quickly found a taxi but he wanted more then us in his cab so he circled the area for a bit but could only find one other couple to go back with us. We paid a bit more going back - cant remember exactly how much.


We quickly went back to the ship and got cleaned up then jumped on the water taxi to do a bit of shopping. Jewelry shopping - my favorite kind of shopping. The first store we went browsing in my DH saw a ring with inlaid opal and emerald. I have one of these inlaid opal rings but have a tanzanite stone so the emerald was different. I tried the ring on and asked a price. The price was of course way too high so took it off. The guy put it back on me and gave me another price. Still too high so I just asked for his card and asked him to put the price down on it for me. He gave me an even lower price and took me outside to see the sparkle in the daylight. Once again, I asked for a card, he lowered his price still, once again I told him this was the first place we had been to and I wanted to shop a bit, please can I just have a card? He lowered it again and this time it was such a good price we couldn't resist. We purchased the ring. After that he showed us a matching bracelet and boy were we tempted - my DH wanted to buy it for me but I put my foot down and dragged him out of there - I wanted to look around some more. We looked some more but did not buy any more jewelry - we still had more Islands to visit ya know? We ended up buying my son a pair of Oakley sunglasses for $160. I think this is a decent price but not sure. My son is hard to buy for so we were a little desparate to think of something and keep the score between him and daughter on an even level of spending. After shopping we donned the water taxi ($5 round trip or use it all day) back to the ship and enjoyed our balcony once again for sailaway.


That night was our vow renewals and dinner at Sabatinis so we had a full night ahead of us. I made my DH dress up (he wasn't too thrilled) and wear a tie. There was only one other guy at the vow renewal wearing a tie so I felt a little bad. But I had on a bit of a fancy dress and wanted him to match so there you go. We had another photo taken that night which turned out decent. We went to the picky photographer who fixed all my jewelry straight before taking the photo. I actually appreciate this as I've gotten photos back with crooked necklaces and rings turned wrong etc and it bugs me. So after our photo was taken we stood on the spiral staircase waiting for the renewal of vows which took place at 7:30pm. We were a bit disapointed that the Captain did not preside over this ceremony but the cruise director, Tim did it. But anyways he had us all stand and face our significant other and look directly into their eyes and then recite the vows - very similar to wedding vows and it was very touching - and both of us got emotional and I think we were the only ones...which was a bit embarrassing and some guy called my husband a "crybaby" but it was said in fun and we didn't take offense - but I guess he shouldn't have said it anyways. Now don't think we were sobbing or anything - just a few tears down our cheeks ya know? We are still very much in love and this was special to us. Later during the week a certificate was delivered to our stateroom stating that we had renewed our vows on that date with our names printed on it. That is going in the scrapbook for sure. I thought it was really, really, cool that Princess commemerated Valentines day in this way and another plus for their side!


At 9:30 we went to Sabatinis for our dinner. Let me tell you - we thought the service was absolutely fantastic. They were just so friendly and really tried to please us. I wanted non-alcoholic wine which was not on their wine list and they went to get it for us at a different lounge - something they would not do at the Crown Grill later on in the week but I'll get to that experience later. The food, for the most part was delicious. They serve you a bit of all the appetizers and then you get a soup and a pasta before your main course. I ordered the vegetable soup and it wasn't very good so don't order that - get the seafood soup instead - which my DH enjoyed. The ravioli was very good and for main course I ordered scallops - which weren't all that special but could have been because I was already stuffed. DH ordered the veal chop and thought it was delicious. For dessert I ordered the white chocolate mousse and it was superb - even in my very full state I enjoyed it. DH could not get himself to order dessert, he was just past the point of no return. We tipped them $20 in cash, as if you add it to your surcharge on the bill they personally will not get that tip. They let you know this too - so take some money with you when you go there if you plan on tipping them - and you will want to if you have the kind of service we had. The surcharge is $20 per person and is added to your onboard account.


We had a very special Valentines day. One note on the ring I bought. On Sunday after we arrived home I was wearing it and looking at the emerald - it had somehow cracked!! Man, was I bummed. I contacted the customer service number on the back of my receipt today and talked to a nice lady who told me to send it to their New York address and she will replace the stone or the ring. I sure hope they will follow through and not give me a hard time. I sent it to them today and hopefully will hear back soon. The crack was not in it when I bought it and I really don't know what happened - I never dropped or hit the ring in anyway and it wasn't sized. It is so weird. The jewelry store is Milanos diamond gallery which I also saw in St. Thomas so being as they are a chain and I believe recommended by the cruise ship (our salesman told us that anyways) hopefully they will come through for me.


Stay tuned for our day in Antigua.

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Hi thanks for the great review! Makes me want to be back onboard.

You mentioned Tim as the cruise director, do you know his last name? ...he must be new..how was he?

We had Omar Lugo and didn't care too much for him at least he was easy enough to avoid.

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your trip sounds wonderful....we sail in July on the Crown for the first time!!

Your reports get me so anxious for this trip!! Thanks sooo much for taking the time and effort and rel-live you vacation.


I plan to do the same when we return!!:)

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Hi thanks for the great review! Makes me want to be back onboard.

You mentioned Tim as the cruise director, do you know his last name? ...he must be new..how was he?

We had Omar Lugo and didn't care too much for him at least he was easy enough to avoid.


His name was Tim Donovan - and he was great we thought. We really didn't have much interaction with him, but he was witty when speaking and also very friendly with us when we came face to face one time. His staff also did a great job. No complaints in that dept.

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We had booked the Xtreme with Eli and were told to meet them in front of a shop right off the dock area at 8:35. We got there a bit early and no one was around so we just sat down and waited a bit. Still no one came. I was getting a bit nervous because I noticed on my email correspondence with them that I should have emailed me before we left to verify our reservation. Well, I hadn't noticed that before so hadn't emailed them. But I did leave a deposit with them so I figured they would show up anyways. After a while another couple from our ship showed up for the same tour and this made us relax - sure enough a few minutes later the Xtreme speedboat arrived and picked us up right there. We got on and were told that the seats in front would be a bit bouncy and the seats in back would be smooth but you would get wet...so make your decision where you want to sit. The boat holds 18 and there were only 6 at that time so we had the choice. He also informed us if we had bad backs we should sit in the back. Well now, this made my decision a bit harder since I have a bit of a bad back but not chronic - but as you all know I don't like cold water...the front of the boat is where we sat and I think I regretted that decision later on - it got bouncy and one really bad bounce we experienced would've done my back in but I saw it coming and stood up - as you would on a horse (they told us to straddle the seat) to avoid the shock. No one else did and there were a few curse words I heard as we crashed back down. I'm thankful I had braced myself for that one. Well enough about that but I do think I would've enjoyed it more had I not been paranoid about my back the whole time - although if I sat in the back I might have been too cold...I could not win in this situation I guess.


We went to a few more hotels to pick up other passengers and they also pointed out points of interest here and there. Our first stop was to swim with the stingrays - which we have done twice already in grand Cayman but wanted to try the speedboat so here we were again. The water was cold (in my defense, others said so too) and there really weren't all that many stingrays there. They took photos of everyone holding a stingray and since my DH had his underwater camera we didn't have to buy one ($15 for 5/7) I was talking to one of the guides and he said that since Steve Irwin died they are really hurting for buisness at stingray city. Both DH and I thought that would happen after we heard that bad news about the crocodile hunter. The guide said that there are only 8 recorded deaths from stingrays and so it really is a safe thing to do. We really enjoyed it in Grand Cayman - probably one of the more fun things I've ever done. I enjoyed it more then swimming with the dolphins. But since the water was cold of course I didn't stay in long. There was also some decent snorkeling there as well.


As we were sitting on the dock there waiting for the snorkelers to get done a funny thing happened. The dock workers (there were 2) had a little boat there that they came in on and there was a rat in it. It was walking on this rope and so one of them threw the rope into the ocean - but it just stayed attached to the rope and started walking back to the boat so the guy picked it up by the tail and swung it out into the deep blue sea...it looked funny flying in the air like that but also I felt kind of sorry for the little (well not that little actually...) guy. Just glad it wasn't found on our boat!


After stingray city we continued our tour of Antigua. The neat thing about this tour is it goes all the way around the Island in one day. We stopped off at a an Island to have lunch and explored a bit before hand. This is where you will need some good shoes. There were stickers all over and if your feet weren't covered you would most likely get one. DH had teva sandals which worked well even though they didn't cover his whole feet - I had water shoes and they worked but were uncomfortable. The people with flip flops just tried to stay out of the brush and bushes. Some were successful, some weren't. There was a gorgeous area of beach on the other side where we all hung out until lunch was ready. Lunch was delicious barbeque chicken, salad, pasta salad, and plantains which they ran out of early on. For dessert very tasty banana bread with a glaze on top. There just wasn't a comfortable place to sit though which put a damper on it. After lunch we got back on board and continued on our way. They took us through Nelsons Dockyard which was very interesting - amazing yachts were being worked on - incredible in size - one had a helicopter on it. We really enjoyed this part of the excursion. Then they took us snorkeling - again I asked DH to tell me if it was worth the cold water - it wasn't. He said there wasn't much to see there. AFter that we stopped at rendezvue (spelling?) beach. This was a gorgeous beach and if you wanted to get off the boat you had to get wet because they could not get close to the shore...so off I jumped. There were cows on this beach which made it a funny experience. They served rum punch and another non-alcoholic drink and then we had to swim back to the boat. After that they took us back to the ship.


This was an all day affair - from around 8:45am-3:30am. The cost was $170 per person. Although I enjoyed most of it - I was uncomfortable for some of it because I was afraid my back was gonna get hurt (my own fault for not listening and sitting in the back). I thought it was too expensive - but it was all day and took you the whole way around the Island. The crew was very nice but not quite as accomadating as the Silvermoon - but really how could they be when we were on a speedboat ya know? Also no restroom aboard - so one would have to go in the water at least once or twice - come-on we all know we all do that. There was no other choice on this excursion. Also with 18 people onboard it was a bit crowded at times. I think for the most part most of the people that came enjoyed it and didn't regret spending the money. You can kind of tell by peoples reactions. I guess it just wasn't for me - although I'm glad I did it, just wouldn't do it again. DH said it was a good day but pricey but he thinks that it must take a lot of gas to power that thing all day which adds to the price. By the way - he really enjoyed his seat in the front.


After we docked we again did a bit of shopping at the pier stores. They had a lacoste shirt store (polo shirt for $82) so we bought my DS a shirt and I think that was all we bought there.


Once again we enjoyed a nice sailaway on our balcony and got ready for our second formal night. OH NO ladies - I forgot my shoes! None of my other ones matched well with my dress but what could I do? My blue flip flops matched since my dress was turquoise with dark blue sequins but I couldn't bring myself to wear them...so ended up wearing my black shoes which were way too casual and looked ugly. Oh well. We didn't get our photos taken as we had already worn these same duds on our last cruise and had great photos done then. So at least I didn't have to fear my ugly black shoes would be in a photo. Well, normally the black shoes are cute - just not with a formal dress. I know all you ladies will sympathize with me. DH did not. haha. You'll be happy to know I did survive the night with the black shoes and turquoise dress.


This was lobster night in the dining room. I really wanted lobster but also beef wellington and asked them to put a lobster on my plate - which they did. I enjoyed the lobster a lot more then the beef and wished I didn't order the beef but tried to make a good show of it by eating most of it. This was the best lobster ever on any cruise so be prepared to enjoy! The show was starting so we had to leave before dessert that night.


We went to change out of our formal wear after dinner due to the fact that I did not want to wear those mismatched shoes all night long and then went to the show MotorCity - I ENJOYED THIS SHOW VERY MUCH! If you are a Motown fan - as I am, you will be in heaven. The band music was live so that was great and the dancing great - the song choices wonderful. Just enjoyed the whole thing and they did get a standing ovation from most in the audience, so I wasn't the only one.


After the show we went to the champagne fountain. What a fun time it was there - but crowded! The band Voltz was playing and they were terrific. A few people finally danced. I was up watching from one of the upper balcony areas so couldn't dance (I'm sure that made DH sad, said in a very sarcastic tone). They gave everyone streamers to throw and then had a countdown as they would at new years eve. It was so festive! That's when they started pouring the champagne down the fountain. You can stand in line if you want to participate and get a photo taken - a lot of people did and I think they let everyone who wanted to have a turn pouring the champagne have a turn. They also handed out free glasses of the stuff which many enjoyed and then they had some dining room staff out on the dance floor dancing with their customers (passengers). What a fun idea! Since we didn't have any regular dining staff that week I didn't recognize anyone. This was done in the atrium/piazza area at 11:45pm.


After that we turned in for the night - with a bit of depression knowing that tomorrow in St. Thomas was our last day onboard.

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We had booked the Xtreme with Eli and were told to meet them in front of a shop right off the dock area at 8:35. We got there a bit early and no one was around so we just sat down and waited a bit. Still no one came. I was getting a bit nervous because I noticed on my email correspondence with them that I should have emailed me before we left to verify our reservation. Well, I hadn't noticed that before so hadn't emailed them. But I did leave a deposit with them so I figured they would show up anyways. After a while another couple from our ship showed up for the same tour and this made us relax - sure enough a few minutes later the Xtreme speedboat arrived and picked us up right there. We got on and were told that the seats in front would be a bit bouncy and the seats in back would be smooth but you would get wet...so make your decision where you want to sit. The boat holds 18 and there were only 6 at that time so we had the choice. He also informed us if we had bad backs we should sit in the back. Well now, this made my decision a bit harder since I have a bit of a bad back but not chronic - but as you all know I don't like cold water...the front of the boat is where we sat and I think I regretted that decision later on - it got bouncy and one really bad bounce we experienced would've done my back in but I saw it coming and stood up - as you would on a horse (they told us to straddle the seat) to avoid the shock. No one else did and there were a few curse words I heard as we crashed back down. I'm thankful I had braced myself for that one. Well enough about that but I do think I would've enjoyed it more had I not been paranoid about my back the whole time - although if I sat in the back I might have been too cold...I could not win in this situation I guess.


We went to a few more hotels to pick up other passengers and they also pointed out points of interest here and there. Our first stop was to swim with the stingrays - which we have done twice already in grand Cayman but wanted to try the speedboat so here we were again. The water was cold (in my defense, others said so too) and there really weren't all that many stingrays there. They took photos of everyone holding a stingray and since my DH had his underwater camera we didn't have to buy one ($15 for 5/7) I was talking to one of the guides and he said that since Steve Irwin died they are really hurting for buisness at stingray city. Both DH and I thought that would happen after we heard that bad news about the crocodile hunter. The guide said that there are only 8 recorded deaths from stingrays and so it really is a safe thing to do. We really enjoyed it in Grand Cayman - probably one of the more fun things I've ever done. I enjoyed it more then swimming with the dolphins. But since the water was cold of course I didn't stay in long. There was also some decent snorkeling there as well.


As we were sitting on the dock there waiting for the snorkelers to get done a funny thing happened. The dock workers (there were 2) had a little boat there that they came in on and there was a rat in it. It was walking on this rope and so one of them threw the rope into the ocean - but it just stayed attached to the rope and started walking back to the boat so the guy picked it up by the tail and swung it out into the deep blue sea...it looked funny flying in the air like that but also I felt kind of sorry for the little (well not that little actually...) guy. Just glad it wasn't found on our boat!


After stingray city we continued our tour of Antigua. The neat thing about this tour is it goes all the way around the Island in one day. We stopped off at a an Island to have lunch and explored a bit before hand. This is where you will need some good shoes. There were stickers all over and if your feet weren't covered you would most likely get one. DH had teva sandals which worked well even though they didn't cover his whole feet - I had water shoes and they worked but were uncomfortable. The people with flip flops just tried to stay out of the brush and bushes. Some were successful, some weren't. There was a gorgeous area of beach on the other side where we all hung out until lunch was ready. Lunch was delicious barbeque chicken, salad, pasta salad, and plantains which they ran out of early on. For dessert very tasty banana bread with a glaze on top. There just wasn't a comfortable place to sit though which put a damper on it. After lunch we got back on board and continued on our way. They took us through Nelsons Dockyard which was very interesting - amazing yachts were being worked on - incredible in size - one had a helicopter on it. We really enjoyed this part of the excursion. Then they took us snorkeling - again I asked DH to tell me if it was worth the cold water - it wasn't. He said there wasn't much to see there. AFter that we stopped at rendezvue (spelling?) beach. This was a gorgeous beach and if you wanted to get off the boat you had to get wet because they could not get close to the shore...so off I jumped. There were cows on this beach which made it a funny experience. They served rum punch and another non-alcoholic drink and then we had to swim back to the boat. After that they took us back to the ship.


This was an all day affair - from around 8:45am-3:30am. The cost was $170 per person. Although I enjoyed most of it - I was uncomfortable for some of it because I was afraid my back was gonna get hurt (my own fault for not listening and sitting in the back). I thought it was too expensive - but it was all day and took you the whole way around the Island. The crew was very nice but not quite as accomadating as the Silvermoon - but really how could they be when we were on a speedboat ya know? Also no restroom aboard - so one would have to go in the water at least once or twice - come-on we all know we all do that. There was no other choice on this excursion. Also with 18 people onboard it was a bit crowded at times. I think for the most part most of the people that came enjoyed it and didn't regret spending the money. You can kind of tell by peoples reactions. I guess it just wasn't for me - although I'm glad I did it, just wouldn't do it again. DH said it was a good day but pricey but he thinks that it must take a lot of gas to power that thing all day which adds to the price. By the way - he really enjoyed his seat in the front.


After we docked we again did a bit of shopping at the pier stores. They had a lacoste shirt store (polo shirt for $82) so we bought my DS a shirt and I think that was all we bought there.


Once again we enjoyed a nice sailaway on our balcony and got ready for our second formal night. OH NO ladies - I forgot my shoes! None of my other ones matched well with my dress but what could I do? My blue flip flops matched since my dress was turquoise with dark blue sequins but I couldn't bring myself to wear them...so ended up wearing my black shoes which were way too casual and looked ugly. Oh well. We didn't get our photos taken as we had already worn these same duds on our last cruise and had great photos done then. So at least I didn't have to fear my ugly black shoes would be in a photo. Well, normally the black shoes are cute - just not with a formal dress. I know all you ladies will sympathize with me. DH did not. haha. You'll be happy to know I did survive the night with the black shoes and turquoise dress.


This was lobster night in the dining room. I really wanted lobster but also beef wellington and asked them to put a lobster on my plate - which they did. I enjoyed the lobster a lot more then the beef and wished I didn't order the beef but tried to make a good show of it by eating most of it. This was the best lobster ever on any cruise so be prepared to enjoy! The show was starting so we had to leave before dessert that night.


We went to change out of our formal wear after dinner due to the fact that I did not want to wear those mismatched shoes all night long and then went to the show MotorCity - I ENJOYED THIS SHOW VERY MUCH! If you are a Motown fan - as I am, you will be in heaven. The band music was live so that was great and the dancing great - the song choices wonderful. Just enjoyed the whole thing and they did get a standing ovation from most in the audience, so I wasn't the only one.


After the show we went to the champagne fountain. What a fun time it was there - but crowded! The band Voltz was playing and they were terrific. A few people finally danced. I was up watching from one of the upper balcony areas so couldn't dance (I'm sure that made DH sad, said in a very sarcastic tone). They gave everyone streamers to throw and then had a countdown as they would at new years eve. It was so festive! That's when they started pouring the champagne down the fountain. You can stand in line if you want to participate and get a photo taken - a lot of people did and I think they let everyone who wanted to have a turn pouring the champagne have a turn. They also handed out free glasses of the stuff which many enjoyed and then they had some dining room staff out on the dance floor dancing with their customers (passengers). What a fun idea! Since we didn't have any regular dining staff that week I didn't recognize anyone. This was done in the atrium/piazza area at 11:45pm.


After that we turned in for the night - with a bit of depression knowing that tomorrow in St. Thomas was our last day onboard.

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We are going on the Crown in just 18 days :D My first.... I have a question... You said you took your passports on shore...did they tell you it was recommended? I know that copies aren't as good as originals (duh) but I am concerned about the snorkeling, water, etc. issue with carrying that document (or the loss of it) Did you carry it in a special thing or just in your purse/bag? We, too are going on the Silvermoon and can't wait. The other things we are doing are through Princess because I was a little skiddish about venturing out on our own the first time. I am sure once I see how it all works I will go independent the next time(s)


Thanks for your advice..




PS... My DH asked just "how cold" was the water??? Thanks

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Nikita - I also was wondering about taking the passports (for picture ID)- we never took them with us last year when we got off the boat. We were on the Golden and had photos taken when we embarked and all we needed was the little plastic card they give you to get on and off the ship. I'd be concerned about loosing the passport and what to do with it if you wanted to go to the beach, etc.,

Enjoying the great review of your trip - we leave three weeks from Saturday and I can hardly wait.

Thanks again

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Nikita -


The channel I am talking about is the one that shows the ships current position, speed, how far it has sailed, etc. It was not a music channel.


It is not really important. Just thought I would ask.


Great reviews!!! I can't wait til May.


Did you take any picture and if so are you going to post them??

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We are going on the Crown in just 18 days :D My first.... I have a question... You said you took your passports on shore...did they tell you it was recommended? I know that copies aren't as good as originals (duh) but I am concerned about the snorkeling, water, etc. issue with carrying that document (or the loss of it) Did you carry it in a special thing or just in your purse/bag? We, too are going on the Silvermoon and can't wait. The other things we are doing are through Princess because I was a little skiddish about venturing out on our own the first time. I am sure once I see how it all works I will go independent the next time(s)


Thanks for your advice..




PS... My DH asked just "how cold" was the water??? Thanks


They tell you to take your cruisecard - which when you punch it on the machine will show a photo of you (very unflattering photo due to the angle they shoot it - make sure and trim those nosehairs, but no one see it but the guy sitting there at the computer thingy) and they also say you should take a second form of Id and it should be a "government issued photo ID". The word "passport" was not used and we always just took our DL on previous cruises but since they said "government issued" it just sounded more like they meant a passport? I'm sure DL would be ok. My husband would put our ID's in his shorts pocket and then when he went swimming put his shorts in our bag we were carrying (don't worry - he was wearing a swimsuit underneath the shorts). On our excursions we didn't worry about our stuff being stolen or lost because our bag was always with us on the boats we were on. I have to admit I was a little paranoid when we were on the beaches though - and we never let the bag out of our sight. Unfortunately I have heard of bags being stolen on the beaches and we didn't want that to happen to us. I believe there are waterproof wallets/pouches you can buy but then I would be afraid of losing them while swimming. If anyone has a good solution please share! Just a note - we did not ever have to show our passports while returning to the ship - the cruisecard was all we needed - but they tell you to bring a second ID just in case - so we did. I would hate to be caught without it if they asked for it.


For your DH - one of our guildes said the water was around 75 - 80 degrees - it felt like around 78 to me - cold at first but it did warm up after you swam around in it, I just couldn't get myself to get in all the way too often - don't like that shock on my upper body parts. Usually when we cruise in the summer months or fall it is warmer so that was a little disappointing to me but I survived and enjoyed myself anyways.

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We are going on the Crown in just 18 days :D My first.... I have a question... You said you took your passports on shore...did they tell you it was recommended? I know that copies aren't as good as originals (duh) but I am concerned about the snorkeling, water, etc. issue with carrying that document (or the loss of it) Did you carry it in a special thing or just in your purse/bag? We, too are going on the Silvermoon and can't wait. The other things we are doing are through Princess because I was a little skiddish about venturing out on our own the first time. I am sure once I see how it all works I will go independent the next time(s)


Thanks for your advice..




PS... My DH asked just "how cold" was the water??? Thanks


They tell you to take your cruisecard - which when you punch it on the machine will show a photo of you (very unflattering photo due to the angle they shoot it - make sure and trim those nosehairs, but no one see it but the guy sitting there at the computer thingy) and they also say you should take a second form of Id and it should be a "government issued photo ID". The word "passport" was not used and we always just took our DL on previous cruises but since they said "government issued" it just sounded more like they meant a passport? I'm sure DL would be ok. My husband would put our ID's in his shorts pocket and then when he went swimming put his shorts in our bag we were carrying (don't worry - he was wearing a swimsuit underneath the shorts). On our excursions we didn't worry about our stuff being stolen or lost because our bag was always with us on the boats we were on. I have to admit I was a little paranoid when we were on the beaches though - and we never let the bag out of our sight. Unfortunately I have heard of bags being stolen on the beaches and we didn't want that to happen to us. I believe there are waterproof wallets/pouches you can buy but then I would be afraid of losing them while swimming. If anyone has a good solution please share! Just a note - we did not ever have to show our passports while returning to the ship - the cruisecard was all we needed - but they tell you to bring a second ID just in case - so we did. I would hate to be caught without it if they asked for it.


For your DH - one of our guildes said the water was around 75 - 80 degrees - it felt like around 78 to me - cold at first but it did warm up after you swam around in it, I just couldn't get myself to get in all the way too often - don't like that shock on my upper body parts. Usually when we cruise in the summer months or fall it is warmer so that was a little disappointing to me but I survived and enjoyed myself anyways.

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Nikita - I also was wondering about taking the passports (for picture ID)- we never took them with us last year when we got off the boat. We were on the Golden and had photos taken when we embarked and all we needed was the little plastic card they give you to get on and off the ship. I'd be concerned about loosing the passport and what to do with it if you wanted to go to the beach, etc.,

Enjoying the great review of your trip - we leave three weeks from Saturday and I can hardly wait.

Thanks again


See my comments to Newbie - have a wonderful cruise!!!

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Nikita -


The channel I am talking about is the one that shows the ships current position, speed, how far it has sailed, etc. It was not a music channel.


It is not really important. Just thought I would ask.


Great reviews!!! I can't wait til May.


Did you take any picture and if so are you going to post them??


Now that you explained it like that - I do remember that channel - it was a webcam on the bridge of the ship that showed where we were - don't think it showed speed etc. but maybe it did. And I do believe there was some caribbean music playing but can't remember for sure.

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As we were sitting on the dock there waiting for the snorkelers to get done a funny thing happened. The dock workers (there were 2) had a little boat there that they came in on and there was a rat in it. It was walking on this rope and so one of them threw the rope into the ocean - but it just stayed attached to the rope and started walking back to the boat so the guy picked it up by the tail and swung it out into the deep blue sea...it looked funny flying in the air like that but also I felt kind of sorry for the little (well not that little actually...) guy. Just glad it wasn't found on our boat!




Thats why you see those big metal circular discs on the ropes tying up the ship to the pier to stop those little rascals from climbing onboard. :eek:

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Nikita -


The channel I am talking about is the one that shows the ships current position, speed, how far it has sailed, etc. It was not a music channel.


It is not really important. Just thought I would ask.


Great reviews!!! I can't wait til May.


Did you take any picture and if so are you going to post them??


We took photos - but are clueless how to post them. Sorry! I have to have me 20 year old son help me download them onto the computer...it's sad.

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Nikita -


The channel I am talking about is the one that shows the ships current position, speed, how far it has sailed, etc. It was not a music channel.


It is not really important. Just thought I would ask.


Great reviews!!! I can't wait til May.


Did you take any picture and if so are you going to post them??


We took photos - but are clueless how to post them. Sorry! I have to have me 20 year old son help me download them onto the computer...it's sad.

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We didn't have an excursion planned - just wanted to go to a beach and relax. By reading the ports of call board for St. Thomas I decided Saphire beach would fit our needs the best. We decided to go to Charlotte Amalie and get our shopping done first. So we got in an open air taxi and were the last ones in so didn't have to wait for it to fill up. After they drive out of the port area they stop and collect the money - $4 apiece into town. Some were going on to Megans bay and I think they were charged $7?


So, my husband is on a mission to find that bracelet we left back in St. Martin that matched my ring. We had a bet - I bet he would not find it - and he thought he could and at a cheaper price. So we are looking in the jewelry stores and I'm also looking for DD some pink sapphires to match a ring we had bought her a few years back. I found earrings and a necklace and got them down as much as possible and collected the ladies card with the price and she actually let me walk out so I knew it was the lowest price available. We went to the next shop and my husband found rings with a stone called alexandrite. I had tried on a ring in St. Martin but the price was too much but he thought the stone and ring style was really pretty so we found the same collection in this store and I tried on the same ring but with smaller stone so less expensive. The salesman didn't go down too far on this ring but I'm pretty sure as far as he would go...so then I asked him if he had any pink sapphires and he he showed me the cutest butterfly necklace which was the same price as the combined price of earrings and necklace at the other place. But, it was so cute so I just got the necklace and DD didn't get earrings - but she'll never know and besides - she loved the necklace. I am a ring freak if you didn't realize by now. It seems to be a tradition on our vacations that I get at least one ring - well lucky me, this time I got two. The alexandrite is a cool stone that changes colors and is very unusual - and according to the salespeople "the rarest stone in the world". Not sure if I believe the hype but we did love this ring. They sized it for me within 30 minutes so I was happy.


After that we found a taxi to Sapphire. This wasn't as easy as it sounds. We had to jump in a van with others going to Megans - the taxi drivers do not like to take just two in a van and also don't like to drive that far. Sapphire is farther then Megans. When we got to Megans I looked at the beach. It did not seem like one of the top 10 beaches in the world as the Travel Channel has said...and besides it was so packed. The sand area is really small so not a lot of room - and the chairs weren't all that great. I was glad we weren't staying there. Another couple in the van decided to go on to Sapphire as well.


It is a mountainous drive to Sapphire and a little scary going around those curves but we made it there fine. I believe the cost was $12 each. Unfortunately I was not that impressed with Sapphire either. Skinny sand area there as well, no restaurant, but not as crowded as Megans at that time so that was good. They do have a gift shop where we bought expensive, but tasty pre-made sandwiches. They sell snacks, soda, and beer also and they have a little bar right outside the store as well. Also the restrooms, which are part of the hotel were available for use - and decent at the time we used them. The water area was beautiful - but the beach area just not that impressive. I think it cost $7 a chair (not fancy but doable). The people that worked in the store/sports shack were extremely friendly and nice though so that was a plus. There is supposed to be decent snorkeling here - my DH said it was just ok - but I heard one lady say it was the best she had ever seen - so it is all relative to what you have already seen in other places I guess. Next time we go to St. Thomas we will try to take the ferry to St. John. I'm just not that impressed with the beaches I've seen there which are: Morningstar, Megans, and Sapphire.


At around 3pm we went looking for a cab. We were told to get into this one Van and the driver went in looking for other customers. He left us there for around 15 minutes and my husband got upset. So we got out and got into another Van - the driver and the taxi assistant were yelling at each other. The taxi assistant wanted us to wait for the other driver to come back but the driver who said he would take us said we didn't have to and that he would just take us. It was interesting...So he did take us but told us he was not going to make any money because the fee was just going to pay for his gas to take us...but he was very friendly but we did feel guilty. The traffic was pretty bad at that time and it took us a good 45 minutes to get back to our dock. Part of the problem is the drivers don't like to go to Crown bay which is a longer distance then Havensite. This was obvious from the get go. Well, we tipped him $8 to make it worth his time and effort ($30 in all) and he seemed very happy with that tip.


Another wonderful sailaway on our balcony - but sad since it would be the last one.


We noticed that the comedian that everyone raves about on these boards "Sarge" was performing at 9:15pm and didn't want to miss him. We had reservations at the Crown Grill at 8:30PM, so earlier in the morning we had tried to change our reservations to some time before that but all they could give us was 10Pm. This was late but we accepted. This gave us time to pack (yuck!) They wanted your suitcases out before you went to dinner but would not specify what the time limit was...maybe there wasn't one? We got ours out before the show.


Honestly, we didn't feel like Sarge was all that fantastic. He was funny enough but I think with all the hype we expected more. I guess that happens sometimes. I think we could have missed the show but I guess I'm glad we went except we would've enjoyed our Crown grill experience much more if we would've kept our 8:30pm reservations. Here's what happened.


When we walked into the Crown Grill at 10pm we were the last ones to be seated. There were only 2 other parties in there and they were on dessert. We felt dumb - and we could tell the waiters were not happy we showed up so late. When we tried to order some non-alcoholic beer for me - which I had been drinking all week, we were told they didn't have it. When we tried to order non-alcoholic wine which we had had at Sabatinis - again they would not go out of their way to get it. We are not complainers but we were disappointed in their attitudes. All they had to do was to go down to Vines and I'm sure they could have accomadated us. So, we just went on to order our dinners. My DH ordered one appetizer and a main course, and one side of veggies (he had eaten a burger earlier in the afternoon). I didn't realize this and ordered an appetizer, salad, soup and maincourse with two side dishes of veggies. I was so embarrassed and mad at him for not ordering at least a soup or salad. It really made me look like a pig didn't it? Oh well. I guess I was just being silly. I was hungry since all I ate was that sandwich around noon. The waitor was pretty good with the service and besides the non-alcohlic drink episodes - the service was pretty good - although our water glasses were empty a few times. I enjoyed everything I ordered but especially the rack of lamb I ordered for the entree. It was delicious and I highly recommend it. My DH got the porterhouse and although large in size and impressive to look at - he said it had a bit of too much fat on it and was a little tough - well we are used to filets and so I think this has something to do with it. The creamed spinach and scallopped potatoes were also good. I ordered the sampler dessert and enjoyed the lemon merangue (spelling again?) the best. DH ordered the cobbler and ice cream and said he wished it came with more ice cream because the cobbler was so hot it melted really fast. We tipped $20 again and I wish we hadn't as our service wasn't as good there as Sabatinis but I guess we felt guilty for being there so late. So that was our Crown Grill experience - which I think would've been better if we weren't there so late, but who knows for sure. And really, when you think about it - they were the ones that offered us our 10pm reservation so I feel like the service should have been just as good, but wasn't. By the way it was $25 each to eat there (plus the tip if you so desire).


Afterwards off to bed to sleep in our mini-suite one more night.


Stay tuned for disembarkation and our day in San Juan.

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Thanks so much!! I know that it was a silly question but that music just made the cruise for me. I was suprised that Carnival didn't have it.


I sounds like the Crown Steakhouse is similiar to the Sterling Steakhouse on the CB. That was a GREAT meal - well worth the price.


Thanks again - :)

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